Chapter 2

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#2 of Fight Like Hell

Ava has to make sure that Scar isn't a part of the Night Stalkers.

Scar awoke when he felt the sack over his head being removed. The sudden rush of light into his eyes momentarily blinded, causing him to turn his head. After a few seconds he was able to see Ava standing in front of him, looking down at him as he sat there. The tip of the sword was buried in the ground as she leaned in front of him, resting on the handle with her arms crossed.

He growled at her. "I'm starting to think that you enjoy knocking me out. Even thought the sack over my head would have been MORE than enough."

She smiled wider than before and gave a brief laugh. "But hitting you is so much fun. Your head makes sure a nice sound."

He rolled his eyes at her and huffed. He tried to move his hands from behind his back, but they where still bound by an old nylon rope. He sighed and looked up at her again. "Ok back to the matter at hand. What the hell did you want me to do?"

She snickered and looked at him with a devilish grin. "If you want me to believe you, then strip."

"Wait.... You want me to do what?" He asked. He hoped that he had simply misheard her.

"You heard me fucker. If you don't do it, I'll cut your head off right here and now and leave you for the buzzards to pick at." She said in a stern tone. To further prove her point, she removed the sword tip from the ground and pointed it to his neck. "Those are your ONLY options."

His jaw dropped to the floor as he paused to process what she wanted him to do. This abusive leopard in front of him wanted him to strip down. "Ok so you want me to just take my clothes off until I'm down to my underwear?"

"Oh no. Those are coming off too." She relied.

His eyes widened. "WHAT!? Why the fuck do they need to come off? Do you think I have something tattooed on my cock?" His voice accidently cracked as he spoke. "Come on. You really don't need me to take those off." He felt the skin beneath his fur heat up.

The leopard rolled her eyes and gave a growl of annoyance. She grabbed the hair on top of his head and forced him to look at her as she put the blade to his neck. She leaned in closer until she was less than an inch away from his face. "What are you, a little virgin bitch? Quit talking and start striping." She walked around and cut the rope binding his hands with her claws. She gave him a firm slap to the back of the head. "Now get to it."

He pushed himself up with his newly freed hands and hesitated for a moment before slowly rising to his feet. He slipped off his jacket and let it fall into a pile on the ground. He looked down to see that his weapons and their holsters had been taken. He rolled his eyes and removed his tank top and dropped it to the ground. He paused when he was taking off his pants. The pitch black fur was normally enough to hide his blush, this is one of the few times when it didn't. He could physically feel his blush phasing through his fur. After a few seconds he started unbuckling his belt, then went to his pants. Soon they where around his ankles, leaving him standing there in his underwear. He tried to hide his modesty by covering himself with his hands. His ears folded against his head as she looked at him with an annoyed scowl on her face.

"You're not done ya overgrown furball. I told you that it ALL will come off." She growled. She grabbed his ears and yanked him forward until his muzzle was a mere inch away from hers. He tried to look away only to have her grab his chin and force him to look her in the eyes. "Do we have a problem here? I thought a guy like you would be happy to have a woman force you to strip in front of her." She snickered before her eyes widened. "Wait a minute, are you still a virgin?"

He tried again to look away but to no avail. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get away from the question. After a few seconds he unwillingly answered. "Yes..." he mumbled.

"Do what? I couldn't hear you. Speak up."

His embarrassment now mixed with annoyance and rage as he gave her a menacing glare. "Yes I am a VIRGIN." He hissed. He felt for sure that she was trying to mock and degrade him.

She gave him a look of pure confusion. "Wait... you are?" She released her grip on him and look a few steps back. She looked at him more closely than she had before. She noticed an abundance of scars that covered his semi muscular torso, arms and legs. Several sets of claw marks where scattered all over him. She walked around him in a circle checking him out further. He stood still, his body still locked in a web of embarrassment and slight fear. She finally stepped in front of him again. "I have to say, I'm a little shocked at that." She felt a twinge of remorse and slight regret as she looked at his face. She sighed and returned the tip of her sword back into the ground. She stood in front of him contemplating what she should do.

He let out a sigh and began moving his hands towards his last remaining article of clothing. "Wait." She said. "I believe you. I've already put you through enough trauma for one day." She walked up to him and removed his hands. She blushed a bit as she looked at him. She seemed to hesitate for a second, freezing in thought. "Fuck it." She whispered to herself.

"I'm sorr.." he was about to ask what she had just said when he was silenced by her lips meeting his. His eyes widened and his ears stood tall in shock. His mind went blank and his arms fell to his sides. After a few seconds, she pulled away and broke the kiss. His mind was swimming as he tried to realize what had happened.

She took a small step back and smiled. "Consider that an apology for forcing you to strip." She looked down and her smile became wider. "Judging by the tent in your underwear, I'd say apology accepted."

He looked down and instantly covered himself with his hands. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry, I just just got caught up in the moment." He stuttered.

She giggled at him. "You're fine. Now get dressed. I'll take you back to get your weapons and let you go."

"Su... Sure. Sounds good." He scrambled to pick up his clothes and put them on, eager to rid his mind of this embarrassing situation. Within moments he was dressed and they began walking back.

After about fifteen minutes of silently walking, Ava began to get curious about the young feline. "So your name is Scar right?"

He looked up and nodded. "Yeah. Well that's the nickname I was given."

She stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Your nickname huh? Ok... then what is your real name?"

The male's eyes drifted towards the sky as he tried to remember. He finally looked backed to her and shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly have no idea. I haven't remembered it for about 6 or 7 years."

Ava turned completely towards him and tilted her head to the side. "You don't remember your own name? What did you forget it or something?"

"Well... yes actually. After the missiles struck New York, I was forced to wander through the ruined streets and ended up getting beaten by looters who tried to rob me. They gave me a brief case of amnesia. After a month most of my memories had returned. But the memory of my own name never did."

"Wait, why the hell where you wandering the streets alone? Where you orphaned or something before the blast?"

That sentence had just thrown salt in a very old wound. His eyes dropped and he forced himself to hold back a river of tears as repressed memories flowed forth into the front of his mind. "No I had a mother before the blast." His voiced hitched as he spoke.

"What do you mean before? Where you two separated?" She didn't want to did too deep but at the same time, the story that he was giving her didn't add up. She couldn't wrap her head around how a mother could leave her child alone after such a devastating event. "Or did she abandon you?"

Her last question echoed painfully in his ears. "She was killed when a bomb exploded when it hit a building across the street from us." He paused for a moment in an attempt to steady his quaking voice. "A steel rod flew through the air and pinned her to the building, piercing her abdomen. It was the most traumatizing thing I have ever experienced." Tears started flowing down his cheeks. "Oh god. I can still smell her burning flesh and hair. The image of her bleeding, her life fading away as I held her. Even then she remained calm, comforting me as she passed away."

Ava stood there in complete silence as she absorbed what he had just told her. Her heart sank a bit. She put her sword down and stepped closer to him. She wrapped her arms comfortingly around him and brought him close, his head rested against her shoulder as he continued to weep. "Oh god. That must have been horrible. I thought it was bad when the power grid failed and the food supplies went to shit. But you... you literally lost everything. Did you ever try and get back home?"

"I did once. But it was several months after and by the time I did, everything had either been looted or burned to the ground." He wiped the tears that he had shed from his cheek. He pushed her gently away and looked at her. "I'd prefer not to bring up anymore memories of the past if it's all the same to you."

She nodded and backed away. "Sorry for bringing it up."

He sighed, "So am I. Now lets get back so I can get my weapons and leave" He was done with the whole situation and didn't really care if he upset her at this point. She had already striped him down to his underwear and knocked him out twice.

She understood his frustration and nodded. He had every right to be angry with her. In the past 24 hours, she had done more than enough to piss him off at this point. The more she thought about it the more guilty she felt. But then again that was the world in which they lived. If you let your guard down or didn't pay attention, you were as good as dead. She wanted to continue getting to know him but decided against it, feeling it was getting extremely awkward.

On the other hand, Scar was having mixed feelings about her. He knew that she was only doing what she thought was necessary for survival. He was truly confused, he didn't know whether to forgive her or hate her.

Both of them where brought back to reality as the overwhelming stench of smoke filled the air. Ava's eyes widened in horror. "Oh shit!" she whispers under her breath. "That's not good." There was a billowing tower of smoke coming from her home, much bigger than any campfire could produce. Seeing this, she suddenly broke into a full sprint.

"Ava wait!" He yelled as he ran after her. "For all we know, it could be an attack. We can't just go barging in. Hell, we hardly have anything to fight with besides that damn sword of yours." The last thing he needed to do run in to an uncertain situation and get killed due to the leopard's recklessness.

"Fuck you. Something is wrong and my family needs me. I don't give a damn if all I have is a twig. That won't stop me from helping them." She yelled back. She was determined and would be damned if she was going to wait around for him. Her mind was already racing at the thought of what had happened during the short time that they had been gone.

"Damn it." He cursed as he tried to keep up with her. He was more than a little annoyed. Just as he was about to get his shit and go, something happened. Just his luck. By this time she had disappeared through a wall of vegetation. He quickly got through it and was met with a horrific site, one that would be seared into her mind for the rest of her days.

Chapter 3: Burning Vengeance

Ava stood there in stunned disbelief as she looked around. Her families hard work, her belongings and her home where in ruins. It truly looked like a version of hell. The crops in the field were ablaze, orange flames and jet-black smoke pointing...

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Chance encounters

It was mid-day as the 17 year old feline walked through the thick woods of what was once West Virginia. The warm summer air blew by in gentle gusts, making his exposed fur sway in waves. He wore a tattered tank top that had holes around the hem. Over...

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It was a warm, dreary evening. Rain was pouring down onto the scolding hot cement, causing a thick layer of steam to rise. This cast a blurry film across the area. Scar walked calmly down the steamy, rain drenched streets. The exposed fur on his on...

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