
Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#1 of NSFW

Scar meets a new friend at a local bar and things quickly become hot and heavy.

It was a warm, dreary evening. Rain was pouring down onto the scolding hot cement, causing a thick layer of steam to rise. This cast a blurry film across the area.

Scar walked calmly down the steamy, rain drenched streets. The exposed fur on his on his head was and arms became damp, sticking to his body. He wore an open black leather jacket with a black Metallica t-shirt underneath it. A silver, chain necklace with a metal hollow mask from Bleach dangled around his neck. Below he wore a pair of black jeans and an old pair of black steel toed boots. After 5 minutes of walking he finally turned into his favorite dive bar, The Broken Record. He quickly pulled open the black metal and glass door and stepped inside.

The dimly lit bar was nearly empty. The dark red leather booths that lined the walls where deserted as was the black wood top bar. He walked across the polished yet heavily scratched wooden floors, his heavy black boots making a thunderous echo. He sat down in the middle of the bar, right in front of the bartender, who was busy cleaning out the a few pint glasses.

She looked up at him an gave a wide grin. "Well well. Would ya look who it is. How've ya been Scar?"

Scar's ears perked up, instantly recognizing the voice. "Jenny? I've been doing pretty well. But holy shit, I haven't seen you behind the bar in years." He said looking up. Jenny was a crimson colored fox with a thick black band of fur on her left arm and on the tip of her tail. He has known the energetic and attractive fox for nearly ten years. She wore a low cut, black tank top with "The Broken Record" written on it in white and a pair of pure black pants. She had small B cup breasts, which where hidden by the black shirt and a nicely shaped ass.

"Ok smart ass, its only been a few months," She chuckled as she continued to wipe the inside of a pint glass with a white rag. "Second, I've been stuck in that damn office recently due to that damn waitress who decided to steal from me. I've been watching the others like a hawk ever since."

"Damn, being the owner and only manager sounds like it sucks." He said. "Is that why you're behind the bar tonight? I thought you hired that asshole pit bull. What was his name? Bruce I think."

She gave an annoyed growl as she rolled her eyes. "You mean Butch. I had to fire him because he pulled a no call, no show on me three days in the same week. If you're going to get a job, then make sure ya fucking show up." She had always had the mouth of a sailor and had enough sarcastic comebacks to become a professional comedian.

He gave her a confused look. "You fired him after missing three shifts? Damn you must be getting soft in your old age. You used to fire them if they where late by 15 minutes." He chuckled.

"Old age? What the fuck are you talking about. I know you'd still love to fuck me." She turned around and gave her ass a firm smack, making it jiggle. A few years ago they dated but they both decided that neither of them wanted to be tied down. So they broke up and became friends with benefits. Sadly, that all ended when he got into a relationship with his most recent ex about 10 months ago.

"Huh, is that an option? You where a hell of a lot better in bed than that polar bear bitch. Not to mention tighter." He chuckled. He couldn't lie, he did miss the time he spent with the energetic little fox.

"Play your cards right and I might let you fuck me." She said with a wink and a quick shake of her chest. Her tail began to subtly wag behind her. "By the way, that polar bear you mentioned. Was that the same one that smashed a beer bottle over your head when you broke up?"

A shiver ran down his spine. "Yes. That would be her. I also remember that you where laughing your ass off at me when it happened." He said giving her a playful glare.

"Oh shut up. At least I called an ambulance." She said placing the pint down and putting a hand on her hip.

"Oh? So you called them? Yeah that isn't what happened. I just happened to pick the night when a bunch of off duty paramedics where in here. And all but one of them was drunk." He corrected. He loved messing with her. She always had the best reactions.

"Oh right. That's what happened. Whoops. By the way, why do you look like a drowned rat and where are the leopards?"

He lowered his head a bit before looking back at her. "My car is in the shop, YET AGAIN. This time it's because the entire power steering system decided to shit out. Pumps. Lines. All of it gone. As for the leopards, they're back at home having yet another prank war."

"Damn. Sounds like you need a drink after all that. What do ya want? Scotch? Wine? Oh I know, how about a nice margarita! Does that sound good?" She asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Nah. I'll just have my regular vodka and lemonade." He said.

"Fuck! One of these days I will get you to try one of my drinks." She cursed. She quickly turned around and grabbed a bottle of vodka off of the top shelf. She made the drink and slid it in front of him.

The two talked for next for the next hour about everything and anything. Scar had had two more drinks by then. That was when a young doe approached and slid a glass of bourbon and coke in front of him. He and Jenny gave her a strange look.

"Um... Cara I think your giving that to the wrong fur." Jenny said with a confused look. "I've been talking to this one all night."

"Oh no. He's not the one who ordered it. She did." She said pointing to a booth at the far end of the wall. There sat an attractive vampire bat who was ushering to come over. "I think she might want to talk to you." She gave him wink before walking away.

He looked at Jenny for a brief moment giving her a confuse look. "Think I should go over? I mean hell, she is kind of hot."

She briefly looked back at the woman in the booth. "Scar. My god. She just bought you a damn drink and she's fucking hot. Go talk to her before I get the soda gun and spray you. Besides, I'll still be here when she figures out you're a loser." She chuckled.

"Oh haha. Very funny." He hopped off of the bar stool and began to walk confidently over to the booth.

She looked at him as he approached with a seductive grin on her face. She looked him over and clearly liked what she saw.

"Is the 'Little kitty' enjoying his drink?" She giggled.

He couldn't help but laugh. "Hell yeah! How could I not? I have a great drink and a gorgeous bat to talk to. The only thing that you could make this better is if you threw in catnip." He replied playfully. "Mind if I join you?"

She was absolutely gorgeous. Her fur was pitch black with a patch of dark green fur over her perky D cup breasts. She wore an elegant black dress that hugged her curves beautifully. The collar hung down low, which showed off her ample cleavage. Her eyes where the same shade of green as the fur on her breasts. She had had a tall set of ears on the top of her head.

"Go ahead. I don't bite... much." She cooed. The sound of her voice was strangely captivating to the feline. Yet at the same time, something felt... off about the young vampire bat. "By the way, my name is Bridgett."

Scar set his drink down on the table in front of her and slid in across from her. His tail rested lazily in his lap. "Scar. It's a pleasure to meet you." He took a sip of his drink before continuing. "So are you new around here? I don't think I've ever seen you around here before."

"Kind of. I moved here about two months ago but I haven't really had a chance to get out there and explore the area. Hell the only places that I really go are work, home and the grocery store." She sighed as her tall ears drooped down a bit. "I know that must sound pathetic but I just haven't had anyone to go with. Plus I hate being alone." She put her hands together on the table with her fingers interlocked.

"Honestly I don't think it sounds sad at all." He put his hand over hers. "Trust me, if I was new to an area I'd want someone to explore with too. I think anyone would honestly. I mean... I'd be happy to show you around."

She looked at him with a slightly perplexed look yet happy look. "You would do that? Especially for some weird bat girl that you've only just met?"

"Weird?" He couldn't help but laugh at that. "Trust me Bridgett. I hang out with goths, cosplayers and gamers. Compared to them you're completely normal." He said with a reassuring smile. "Besides, you seem like an awesome person and I'd love to get to know you."

She looked down again with a slightly embarrassed look. Scar could tell something was off but he couldn't put his finger on it. Naturally, his mind immediately switched to the thought that he had somehow offended her. "Are you ok? I didn't say anything to offend you, did I?"

"Oh no no no! You've been nothing but kind to me. I just know that..." She paused for about ten seconds and gave no sign that she was going to continue her thought.

"Bridgett. I can assure you, there is nothing that you could say that would shock me or make me want to avoid you. Well, short of saying that you're a serial killer." He chuckled. Even though he knew the joke was bad, he was still trying to break the ice and get her more comfortable.

She gave him a nervous laugh. "Oh no. Its nothing like that. It's just... whenever I tell people... they tend to look down on me or treat me like I'm just a slab of meat. It's not that I think you would do something like that... but I just don't want to take that chance."

Scar wrapped his hands a bit tighter around hers and looked her dead in the eyes with the most calming look he could muster. "Listen. I despise people who look down on others. In my life, I've been beaten up, looked at like garbage and bullied in ways that most people would consider torture. I would never look down upon anyone." His voice was calming to the young bat, as he spoke in a soft whisper. "I'm the type of person who can keep a secret and never repeat it."

"Ok... I'll tell you. But only on these simple conditions. Ok?"

"Ok. What are the conditions?"

"One, you can never repeat what I'm about to say to anyone. Two, you have to promise that you won't look at me like I'm some whore. And three..." Her voice trailed off.

"I can easily do the first two. You won't have to worry about that. But what's the third condition?" He was now starting to question what this girl was really after.

"The third condition is.... That you will be... my friend with benefits."

His eyes shot open and his ears and tail stiffened a bit. Did this gorgeous bat just say that she wanted to be friends with benefits? In other words, she had just said that she wanted to not only be friends but she wanted to fuck as well. He felt his member began to stiffen in his pants. He had to make sure. "What do you mean by friends with benefits?"

"I mean that I want to... I..."

"Do you mean you just want someone who you can hang out with like a best friend but occasionally fuck?" He whispered bluntly. He then realized what he had just said and began mentally kicking himself.

She gave a slight nod with a nervous smile on her face. "You see, I hate being tied down and constricted. But at the same time, I just want to have fun with a guy but not get attached emotionally. Does that make sense?"

"After my last ex broke a beer bottle over my head when I tried to break up with her. Oh yeah, sounds great." He whispered.

"Really? You actually want to? And you don't think I'm some slut?" She questioned. Her ears where no standing straight up.

"Why would I think you're a slut for wanting to have sex? Almost everyone loves sex. It doesn't matter how much you have or with how many people as long as it makes you feel good." He said.

A smile appeared on her face as her gaze quickly shifted to Jenny, who had her back turned to them. Bridgett quickly slid out of her side of the booth, the wings attached to her arms unfolding a bit as they stopped mid way down her torso. She then slid into the booth next to Scar. He scooted in to give her a bit more room but was soon stopped when she grabbed him and pulled herself closer.

"I'm glad you agree." He breasts pushed against his chest, giving him a clear view down her shirt as she inched closer. She grabbed his face and began to kiss him, her soft lips meeting his. Her long tongue acted like an unyielding viper as it quickly began pushing against his lips. He didn't offer any resistance as his maw opened and their tongues began to twirl together in a lustful dance. Time seemed to slow for the feline as he began to lose himself in the moment.

After a few seconds, Bridgett broke the kiss and pulled away. She playfully licked her lips and gave a soft giggle as she spoke. "Well I hope you liked that as much as I did, little kitty. Plus I'm surprised that you didn't taste like tuna."

"I'm sorry to disappoint with the taste of my mouth. But my god that was amazing." He chuckled, "By the way, was you skillful tongue one of the secrets that you where talking about?"

"Nope. But you'll know what the first one is in a second." She cooed as she grabbed his hand. She placed it on her lower thigh and slowly moved it up, making sure that the pads of his hands felt every inch of fur as she went. She grabbed the hem of her skirt and dragged his hand up until he felt the warmth of her exposed sex. She gently pressed his hand against her damp fur.

He then decided to try his luck to find out how far he could get this to go. He straighten two of his fingers and began to slowly rub them up and down her glistening folds. A soft moan escaped her lips as she released his hand. He then continued to push his long fingers into her until they where completely buried within her.

"Ok... secret one, I never wear underwear. It feels so good to just feel the freedom of not having a bra or panties on." She panted as he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out. "Secret two. I love being naughty in public. The threat of getting caught while exposing myself or getting fucked makes it feel incredible." She reached up and pulled the straps of her dress off of her shoulders, letting the fabric drop to expose her elegantly pierced nipples.

He kept pumping his digits into her, quickly increasing his speed. She struggled to hold back her moans. She quickly moved the collar of his shirt and jacket to reveal a bit of bare fur. She quickly bit into his shoulder with her sharp long fangs, enough so that she might have drawn a bit of blood. This caused him to jerk his hand roughly into her as he gave a quiet moan of his own.

After two minutes of this, he felt her begin to tighten and the breathing he felt on his neck began quicken more and more. She was close to coming and he knew it. He continued to increase his speed until she couldn't hold out any longer. She began to buck a bit as she came. The force of her bite increased in force as she came.

After a few moments, she released hold on his neck after her orgasm subsided. She grabbed his arm and slowly pulled his fingers out. She brought them to his lips and began to suck on the juices. Her tongue coiled around them to lick up every last drop. Finally she let go and gave him a pleased grin. "Oh, How rude of me. Did you want a taste?" She put her hand to her now extremely sensitive lower lips and quickly dipped two of her slender fingers in. A small gasp escaped her as she took them out and presented them to him. "Open wide."

He did as he was instructed, opening his lips slightly. Her arousal covered fingers made contact with his tongue. She tasted extraordinarily sweet.

"Enjoying my taste?" She whispered. The same seductive smile remained on her face.

He gave a brief nod. Her taste was extravagant, and her would likely become addicted to it.

She slid her fingers out of his maw. "Good. I'll be sure to give you plenty of opportunities to taste me again. No be a good kitty and hand me your phone."

He did as instructed and placed his unlocked iPhone into her waiting hand. She quickly typed in her number and was just about to hand it back to him. "Wait! You still need a contact picture and I know the perfect one." She turned around in the booth with her back against him and leaned back. She put the camera into selfie mode and angled it to where it was looking up her hiked up skirt and elegant torso and breasts. She took the picture and set it. She placed the phone down on the table face down before turning around to face him. She pulled him in for one last passionate kiss before she fixed her dress. She placed the straps back on her shoulders and lowered her skirt back down. "Text me tonight. I'll be waiting." She gave him a wink before picking up her purse and walking out the door.

Scar picked up his phone and stared at the screen. It was her actual number. He looked to Jenny who's face was bright red with lust.

"Holy shit! I could smell her crotch from over here." She chuckled. "Lucky little fuck. I almost gave in and joined you."

"I know right. You still have a camera in the corner?" He asked. "If so, you'll have to make me a copy of the footage."

"Yeah. I think I'll need one too."

Sibling Rivalries 3: Rest, Relaxation and Revenge

It was now 11 o'clock in the morning. The sun was high in the sky and there was not a cloud to be seen. It was the perfect day for our trio of troublesome felines as they made their way to the beach. That is, if they could survive the horrors of Sal's...

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Sibling Rivalries 2: The wake up call

**Welcome to the second chapter of Sibling Rivalries. In this segment, Sal decides to drag his roommates to the beach for an impromptu day of fun in the sun. The only problem is waking them up. How does this mischievous leopard plan to wake them? Find...

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Sibling Rivalries

This story is about a house a house divided in two by a prank war that has been waged for months. Two black leopard siblings have been battling for supremacy. On one side you have Ava, a feisty, independent and devious 21 year old. If you are fortunate...

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