Sibling Rivalries 3: Rest, Relaxation and Revenge

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#3 of Sibling Rivalries

Our trio of felines finally make it to the beach.

It was now 11 o'clock in the morning. The sun was high in the sky and there was not a cloud to be seen. It was the perfect day for our trio of troublesome felines as they made their way to the beach. That is, if they could survive the horrors of Sal's driving.

The male leopard sped down the bumpy dirt road in his black four door pick up truck. A tarp covered the back of the truck that was held down by bungee cords, preventing any of their supplies from flying out due to a large bump or pothole.

Inside the truck cab of the truck was a different story. Sal was at the wheel shirtless wearing only a plain blue bathing suit and a pair of black sandals. A wide smile was painted on his face and seemed to increase with every bump. He was a speed demon that loved to push the envelope, especially on dirt roads. He was hooting and hollering the entire time.

"Shit Sal, slow down! You're going to get us all killed!" Ava hissed, who had a death grip on the handle that was bolted into the ceiling. She wore a simple dark green bikini that tied on the sides of her bottoms and at the back of the top. She was forced to look over her classic aviator sunglasses, her eyes where wide with fear.

"Oh quit complaining" he chuckled looking a Scar through the rearview mirror. "See! Scar looks like he's enjoying himself. Aren't ya buddy?"

Scar shot him a menacing glare as he clung to the light grey leather of the back seats, his claws threatened to rip right through them. "Shut the hell up you crazed bastard. If you don't slow down, I'm going to chop you up and use you a bait!" He snarled as he delivered a swift kick to the back of Sal's seat.

"Alright, alright. I'll slow down you bunch of babies. Besides, we're here anyways." He chuckled as he slammed on the breaks. Scar and Ava where thrown forward, only being stopped by their seatbelts.

Sal quickly turned off the truck and hopped happily out of the truck. His flip-flops hit the soft white sand, producing a soft thud. He looked towards the cloudy salt water filled ocean and took in a deep breath. Sal's long black tail swayed happily over the ground as the male leopard turned back around to face the truck. "Come on guys. Relax and have fun. I've brought plenty of fresh, live bait this morning."

Scar climbed out of the truck and looked at Sal with a slightly amused look. "I assume that there is a cooler filled with beer in the back of the truck?" he chuckled. Sal had often said that the only things that he ever drank, was water and beer. Based on what Scar saw on a daily basis, that was true.

Sal just shock his head slightly and gave the feline an amused look. "There is for Ava and I. For you, it's a very expensive bottle of vodka."

Scar's ears perked up as he gave him a questioning look. "Expensive? What the hell brand did you get?"

"Grey Goose." He replied. "That's your favorite right? If you don't believe me, look for yourself." A cocky smirk appeared on his face.

Scar wasn't an alcoholic by any stretch of the word. However, vodka was something that he couldn't refuse, especially if it was a brand like Gray Goose. He quickly ran to the back of the truck and opened the tailgate. Inside was a large white cooler. He grabbed it and set it on the ground, nearly ripping the top off. Inside was not one but two large bottles of the expensive vodka. "Holy shit! Two bottles. Yeah Sal your driving home now for sure." He picked up one of the bottles and unscrewed the top taking a quick drink. "I think I'm in heaven. Thanks Sal!" he paused for a second before looking straight at the leopard. "What's the catch?"

"I have no idea what your talking about." He said trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Bullshit! You're never this charitable unless you've done something. What is it?"

Sal sighed. "Just think of it as an apology for that dick pic that I accidently sent you last week." He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "So do ya forgive me now?"

A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered that horrid picture. He looked at the bottle and then looked back to him. "Saying you're sorry by giving me two bottles of my favorite vodka? Yeah you're good. Just don't expect me to be the designated driver tonight." He chuckled.

"I had a feeling you'd say that." He sighed. He looked to Ava who was now next to Scar digging through the cooler. "Hey Ava, mind driving us home?"

She looked him dead in the eyes as she grabbed a beer and popped opened the cap with a single flick of her claw. "You want me to drive your drunk ass home? I think you forgot that you woke me up this morning by THROWING Scar on top of me. Yeah no. You are driving."

"Damn it." He mumbled, his ears drooped a bit against his head in disappointment. "I guess that means that I can't .... FUCKING HELL!" He shouted as he felt a sudden sharp pain at the end of his tail. He looked down to find a large crab with its large claw clamped around his tail. The leopard panicked and started violently thrashing his tail, trying desperately to remove the creature. He ran to a near by rock and started to hit the crab against it. This only made the creature tighten its already painful grip.

Scar and Ava where rolling in the sand laughing. Both felines struggled to breath as their fits of laughter continued. "What's wrong Sal? Don't like your new friend?" Ava mocked.

Sal ran back to the truck. "Oh haha. Very funny now help me get this thing off!" He pleaded.

The two stopped laughing and looked at each other for a moment before shouting, "NOPE!" in unison. Then began another fit of howling laughter.

"Fuck it!" Sal hissed. He dashed over to the drivers side door of the truck and flung it open. He reached into the door and pulled out a .45 caliber glock and fired a single shot at the crab. The bullet tore a hole straight through the harden shell of the crab, which had fallen onto the sand. He put the weapon back where he found it and shut the door. "Thanks for the help guys."

"You're welcome." Scar chuckled as he picked himself off of the ground. "I think your little friend was trying to say that you're a pain in the ass."

"Literally!" Ava added.

Sal gave them an annoyed glare. "Oh shut up and help me unload the truck."

They each grabbed a few items from the truck and set up shop at the end of a wooden dock. Within 15 minutes the trio were sitting at the edge of the dock with fishing lines in the water and drinks in their hands.

Two hours later, the three had managed to catch only seven fish between them. Each one was put into a whit bucket filled with sea water behind them.

Ava grabbed the a beer bottle next to her and brought it to her lips, only to discover that it was bone dry. "Crap. Out already." She mumbled to herself. She looked to Scar who had been sipping vodka straight from the bottle. "Hey Scar, need anything from the cooler?" She asked.

Scar lifted the half empty bottle to his lips and took another sip before answering. "Um... nope I'm good." He said slightly slurring his words. He leaned forward looking past Ava to Sal. "Yo DD. Need anything from the cooler?"

"Yeah. I could use a beer." He replied.

"Oh no you don't. Your ass is limited to water only." Ava growled looking him directly in the eyes.

"Jeez. Calm down. I was only joking." He giggled. "Just get me a water."

"Uh huh. Sure you were." She said as she got up and walked towards the cooler. She opened it up and bent over to dig through the ice.

Scar couldn't help but steal a look at her as she did. Maybe it was the alcohol that was starting to get to him, but a wicked idea had suddenly popped into his mind. He set the bottle of vodka down and got to his feet. He reached into the bucket of live minnows that they had been using as bait, grabbing a handful of the tiny fish.

Sal looked at him with a questioning look. "What are you doing?" he whispered.

Scar simply put a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. He quietly crept up behind the unsuspecting leopard before yelling, "Surprise Ava!" He grabbed the waistband of her bikini bottom and dropped the tiny fish in and let go of her bottoms, letting it snap back into place.

"What the hell!?" She gasped. She felt the cold and wet creatures as they wiggled around in the crack of her ass and against her bare sex. She stumbled involuntarily towards the edge of the dock, barely able to stop herself from falling in. Scar lunged forward to try and help her but ended up accidently tripped on her tail. As he fell, he reached out his hand trying to steady himself. Unfortunately for her, his hand hit her back with enough force to not only knock her in but also snagged the top of her bikini. His hand continued to travel down her back and pulled off her bottoms as well, untying the knots on the side.

She fell into the water, naked, with a large splash and stayed underwater for a brief moment before returning to the surface. Her purple eyes burned with anger as she glared menacingly at him. "Scar you drunken idiot! Give me back my damn bikini before I rip your head off!" she growled.

Scar looked at his claws to see her bikini wrapped around his claws. "Oh shit! Ava I'm so sorry..." his voice trailed off as he remembered the events of the morning, when she had tricked him and kicked him in the balls. "Actually, strike that, I'm not sorry." He got up with her bikini still in hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Do you remember what you did this morning when we were trying to get ready?" There was an unsettling quality in the tone of his voice. "You wanted to get in the bathroom first so you made a deal with me, where I would get a kiss and you would show me your lovely tits. Instead you gave me a kiss and a solid kick to the nuts."

She narrowed her eyes at him. She knew she was in trouble by that point. "Yes I remember. Give me back my bikini and I'll fulfill that promise." She said trying to reason with him, holding out her hand.

He laughed at her. "Oh I don't think so. I will get that flash but it won't just be your tits this time." A mischievous grin had no overtaken his face as he held the bikini high above his head. "If you want to get this back, you'll have to come and get them."

Ava's jaw dropped in shock. "What the hell has gotten into you? How fucking drunk are you? Just give me back my bikini and we'll forget this ever happened."

"I'm pretty drunk but that's not the problem here." He walked to the end of the dock and held her bikini over the edge. "If you want your bikini back. Then come and get it. But there is a catch. You have to keep your arms at your sides and walk straight. Try to cover up and you'll be going home naked."

Ava thought it over for a moment. She let out a long sigh. "Fine. I'll do it." She swam to a nearby ladder, quickly climbing to the top. Water dripped off of her wet fur as she walked slowly forward with her arms to her sides as he instructed. Her breasts bounced and swayed freely as she walked slowly towards him.

His eyes where glued to her body, exploring every inch of her body. He was in heaven and could see everything. Her tail swayed angrily as she approached but he was too entranced at the sight of her naked body to care. Sadly, it soon came to an end as she stood in front of him with her hand out. "Satisfied?" She asked.

"Completely." He said as he placed the bikini in her hand. "Thanks for the show."

"Oh fuck off." She said as she punched him dead in the face. He stumbled back and fell head first into the water.

Meanwhile, Sal was dying of laughter. He laid on his stomach and beat his fist into the wood of the dock. "That has got to be one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen!"

She glared at him as she slipped back into her clothes. "Asshole!"

Scar returned to the surface with a hand over his eye and a smile. "Worth it!" He shouted.

"We're even now fucker!" She said as she tied her top back on.

Sibling Rivalries 4: Tails in Turmoil

_Ava and Scar are in a hurry to get to a concert when they both have a mishap with their tails. This was an idea given to me by my lovely mate @Fluffy\_Leopard. Enjoy our characters pain and...

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Sibling Rivalries 2: The wake up call

**Welcome to the second chapter of Sibling Rivalries. In this segment, Sal decides to drag his roommates to the beach for an impromptu day of fun in the sun. The only problem is waking them up. How does this mischievous leopard plan to wake them? Find...

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Sibling Rivalries

This story is about a house a house divided in two by a prank war that has been waged for months. Two black leopard siblings have been battling for supremacy. On one side you have Ava, a feisty, independent and devious 21 year old. If you are fortunate...

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