Chance encounters
#1 of Fight Like Hell
Scar has a run in with a trio of leopards that ends up capturing him.
It was mid-day as the 17 year old feline walked through the thick woods of what was once West Virginia. The warm summer air blew by in gentle gusts, making his exposed fur sway in waves. He wore a tattered tank top that had holes around the hem. Over top of this he wore a black duster that nearly touched the ground. His black cargo pants slightly clung to his sweat soaked fur. For every step he took, he felt the weight of one of his M1911 handguns bouncing repeatedly off of his right thigh. "Damn fucking strap", he growled to himself. "I have got to find some damn tape before I break this fucking thing trying to do quick draw." He had scavenged the holster off of a rotting corpse that he came across in the ruins of D.C. It had served him well, but was now on its last leg, but it would have to do for the time being.
He tied it together and kept on walking. After a few more miles he came across a vehicle graveyard in the middle of the road, which wasn't really an odd site. After the blast had destroyed the supply routes to the major cities, gas ran out quickly and cars became practically useless. But they still had potential to hold some loot. He silently drew his weapon and walked causally, trying to deter anyone from getting to close. He scanned the area and found an old military canvas truck that has collided with a bus. His ears perked up as he approached. "Lets see if there's anything left. I doubt it but it's worth a shot." He muttered to himself.
He walked up and grabbed the canvas tarp that hung over the entrance while pointing his handgun forward. He peeled it back quickly and panned the weapon around. Nothing moved. He put his gun down and climbed inside. His eyes widened as he realized what he had found. There where weapons crates stacked high. "Holy shit. Please tell me there is something left in these." He looked around and spotted a crow bar to his left. He quickly grabbed it and pried off the top of the olive green box. However, what he found was certainly a surprise.
Inside was nothing but a folded piece of paper. He grabbed it and opened to find it was written on. "Why the hell is there a note in here?" he said with a confused tilt of the head. All it said was, "I see you."
"Oh fuck!" he yipped. But by then it was too late. A dart flew through the air and embedded itself into his neck. He stumbled and felt his vision immediately become blurry. He pulled it out of his neck and threw it aside. The only thing that went through his mind was 'Escape!'
He stumbled forward and tried to maneuver the drop but ended up falling on his face. After a moment he tried to crawl away, only to meet a pair of black combat boots. He looked up to see not one but three leopards standing over him, their faces being hidden by the light of the sun behind them. One figure knelt down, a female, and spoke. "Well well, looks like the kitty thought he had hit the jackpot. Too bad for you that jackpot turned out to be one hell of a nightmare." She said in a snarky tone. She stood up. He held out his hand trying to grab her leg with what was left of his strength. She shook him off easily and laughed. "Sorry furball. Time for lights out." She rose her foot and delivered a powerful stomp to his face. The world went black as his head fell limp.
After a while he regained consciousness. His head and face where sore and swollen. Time seemed to move as though it where passing through cold molasses as he tried to look around. That's when a male black leopard approached him. He knelt down and picked his head up and forced Scar to look him in the eyes. He looked to be in his mid to late 50's. The fur on the edge of his chin and the top of his head where well into turning gray. His body was burly yet muscular, standing around 5'10". He wore a pair of faded blue jeans that where tattered in the bottom legs and a black t-shirt with sleeves that looked to have been cut off with an axe.
"Well look who's finally awake." He said barring his sharp fangs.
Scar was still experiencing the effects of whatever drug they had injected into him and his head attempted to fall. The male removed his hand from his jaw and growled. Scar attempted to look up but ended up just resting his head on the back of the rotted wooden chair he was tied to. The male leopard knelt down in front of him and looked closely at him, but didn't say a word. He scratched the whitish-grey fur on his chin with his free hand. After a few seconds of examination, he stood up and walked out of the darkened room.
Scar's head gradually came back into focus, though not completely. "Who the hell are you?"
Another male entered the room and brushed past the older leopard. His hair was extremely long, running down to the bottom of his ass in a single braid. He had a shit-eating grin on his face that made Scar want to cringe. "Who are we? I think we should be asking you that. Besides I don't really think you're in the position to ask questions." He chuckled in a cocky tone. The male was shirtless and wearing a pair of black jeans. He also wore a blight blue baseball cap that was turned backwards with the bill pointing down his back.
Scar suppressed the urge to hiss at the arrogant leopard's words. But unfortunately he had a point. He let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine. Then I guess I have no choice in cooperating."
This only seemed to amuse the male. "You got that right. Now why don't you start by telling me who you are."
Scar took a moment before answering. "My name is Scar." He muttered.
"Wait wait wait. Back the fuck up." He said with a broad grin. "Did you just fucking say that your name was SCAR? What in the hell kind of lame ass name is that?"
Scar kept silent and rolled his eyes as the leopard continued to laugh. This happens every time he told people his real name.
"I've heard some piss poor code names but holy shit. You take the damn prize." He said. He turned his head to look behind him to the door. "Ava! Get in here. You have to hear this."
"Fuck off Sal. Stop messing with the overgrown furball. I'm sure he feels bad enough being captured. He doesn't need to be tortured by looking at your ugly fucking mug." A female voice rang from the other room.
"Oh fuck you. Now quit being a bitch and get in here." He growled. His tail swished back and forth rapidly. The front part of Sal's boots hammered the ground impatiently. After 30 seconds he yelled, "Hurry the hell up."
A moment later the female leopard that had knocked him out earlier stomped in. "Bite me shithead. Now what the hell do you want." She wore a black tank top and a pair of black jeans with holes torn into the legs. She looked at Scar with a toothy grin. "Morning furball. Sleep well?"
Scar growled a bit while giving her a hate filled grin. She simply smiled and walked over to him. She bent over at the waist and looked him in the eyes. Upon closer inspection, the female, who he guessed was Ava, was extremely attractive. She stood at 5'8 and had a gorgeous body, a nicely toned ass and a pair of D cup breasts.
He mimicked her grin and tilted his head to the side. "Oh yes I did. That lovely dart to the neck combined with the GLORIOUS feeling of a muddy boot to the head will leave you feeling like a million bucks."
She started laughing, clearly amused by his smartass remark. She walked up to him and bent over at the waist to look him in the eyes. His eyes where automatically forced to look down her shirt. This caused him to blush underneath his pitch black fur. She huffed in mock annoyance grabbed his jaw, making sure to dig her black painted claws into his skin. She forced him to look her in the eyes. "Well I'm glad to have been of service. Act up and I'll gladly do it again. And on a side note, don't look down my fucking shirt."
Scar rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry. I wasn't exactly trying to, but I will say that they are nice." I snickered. She just glared at him.
` By this time, Sal and the older leopard had gotten bored and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.
"I'm glad you enjoyed them. Now why don't we focus on what the fuck you where doing, poking around in our territory?" She growled. Her grip on his jaw tightens, threatening to draw blood from his face.
He looked her in the eyes with a look of pure confusion. "I had no earthly idea that I was trespassing in _YOUR_territory. I'm just a lowly drifter that WAS passing through. I swear that's the....." He tried to be as sincere as he could until she suddenly cut him off.
"Oh bullshit." She growled, her dark purple eyes grew darker with anger and disgust. "You're expecting me to believe that your not working with those fucking cultist fucks in the Night Stalkers? Don't even try to." This time it was Scar's turn to cut her off.
"Oh shut the fuck up. DO I LOOK LIKE IM IN A FUCKING CULT?! Do you see a pentagram on my head or weird demonic bullshit tattooed on me?" He hissed. He was enraged at the accusation. "I just told you that I was passing through the area and the large military truck caught my attention. You know, curiosity killed the fucking cat."
An audible growl could be heard emanating from her. "You're wearing a duster. I have no idea if you have symbols on you or not. Besides, how do I know that you're not blowing smoke up my ass?"
He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he let out and annoyed growl. "Oh for fuck sakes. What the hell do I have to do to get you to believe me?"
She released his jaw and backed off. "You really want me to believe you?"
"Will it get me out of this god damn chair?" He asked with a slightly less annoyed tone.
"It might. Or if you piss me off, it will end with you dead on the floor with your head rolling in a puddle of your own blood." She walked over to a corner of the darkened room and grabbed a large broad sword. She then walked back and rested the blade against his shoulder. "Deal?"
"It depends on what you want me to do." He was slightly concerned at what the female wanted from him.
"Oh I'll tell you but not here. I'm going to take you somewhere else. That way I can put you down and let the buzzards deal with the clean-up. But that's only if I need to." She said with a playful wink that made a chill run down the bound feline's spine.
"Well that doesn't sound threatening at all." He said in a sarcastic tone. "Just untie me and we'll go."
"Yeah no. I'm not about to give you an opportunity to escape. Even if you're telling the truth, I'm not going to take any chances."
He gave her another confused look. "Ok. Then how are we going to get there. I don't think you have a teleporter around her or can teleport yourself." He watched her as she walked around the chair until she disappeared out of his field of vision. "What the hell are you up to." He heard rustling and then his vision went black as she placed a berlap sack over his head. "Hey!" He tried to shake it off.
"Nighty night." A second later he felt slender object impact the back of his head before he lost consciousness.