Sibling Rivalries 5: Love Struck Feline

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#7 of Sibling Rivalries

In this addition of Sibling Rivalries, Scar is attempting to ask Ava to date him but can't gather the nerves to do it. Tune in to find out what happens.

This story is dedicated to my lovely mate, @Fluffy_Leopard. I love you gorgeous

It was 2:30 in the afternoon on Monday February 13th. Ava strolled through the house in a pair of green and black pajamas and a plain black tank top. With music in her ear, her tail began to sway happily back and forth as she continued to walk towards the stairs to go up to her room. She reached the top and was just about to enter her room when the sound of a loud crash pierced through her blaring music. It came from Scar's room. She quickly took her headphones off to listen closer.

"God damn it! WHY IN SAM HELL IS THIS SO FUCKING HARD!" he yelled to no one but himself. She heard the sounds of him grumbling and a single book hitting the ground. He opened the door and walked out. By this time, Ava was hiding in her door way. Scar walked down the stairs and out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

Curiosity overtook her. She slipped into Scars room to see several pieces of balled up paper littering the floor and a green and black spiral notebook throw to the side.

"What the hell was he working on that got him so pissed off?" She bent down and unraveled one of the balled up pieces of paper.

It read:

Dear Ava,

From the day that I met you, you have had a firm grip on my heart. Unfortunately I have not had the courage to ask you out in person. Every time I have tried I have gotten cold feet. This is the only way that I know when it comes to expressing my feelings. So here it goes.

From the first moment that I saw you, I immediately fell in love. Your beauty is simply intoxicating. Every time I see you my day gets brighter. But your beauty is not the only thing that has caught my attention. Your personality is amazing. You always are calm and collected even when things go horribly wrong. You're generous and caring....

Ava looked up and whipped a tear from her eye. The skin under her fur had heated up as she blushed. "Wow.... He really thinks that about me?" she whispered to herself. She figured that he had a thing for her but she didn't think that it was like this. She stood up and looked around. "I guess I'm the one that has to make the first move. Lets face it, the guy is beating himself up over this."

She sat on his bed and thought for a few moments. "I could... no that wouldn't work.... Or... no that wouldn't work either. FUCK!" She set her elbow to her knee and rested her chin into her hand. "I have to think of something!" She got up and looked around the room. She felt well and truly lost. Suddenly she heard the front door open and slam shut moments later. He grumbled to himself as he walked up the stairs.

She huffed and grabbed the note before returning to her seat on his bed. "Guess I'll have to improvise then." She whispered to herself. She waited for a few seconds before the door flung open. Scar threw his bag to the side of the room, grumbling as he did so. After a few seconds he looked up and saw her sitting there with the note. Even with the light against his back she could still see the shock on his face. His eyes darted from the paper in her hands to her face.

"Hey... A..Ava. I didn't see you there. What's up?" He said nervously. The black house cat rubbed the back of his head and gave her a weak smile.

"Oh nothing. I was coming out of my room earlier and heard you get pissed off. So I came in to investigate." She gave him a sympathetic yet telling look. She knew what was going on and was fairly certain that she knew what he was thinking. Either he was tying to figure a way out of the conversation or he was about to break and tell her. But knowing him and his stubbornness, her money was on the first guess. She decided to go for the jugular, metaphorically.

She crossed one leg over the other and looked at him with a smile. "So Scar. Is there anything that you'd like to tell me? Anything important?" Her voice had a hint of sympathy laced throughout it.

The cat's tail fluffed out at the end and stiffened. Sweat formed at the top of his head and made the fur on his forehead stick to his head. "Um... I mean yes. Wait no." He stuttered

The leopard rolled her eyes at him. She stood up and walked slowly towards him. "Really? There's nothing that you want to say? Nothing that you want to get off your chest?"

"No nothing that I can think of."

She rolled her eyes and stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him. She pressed herself against his body and whispered into his ear. "I read the letter."

Scar gulped. "You did?"

"Yep. It was very sweet and thoughtful."

He blushed so much that it actually was visible through his black fur. "I'm glad you liked it." He stammered.

But she wasn't done. "I really did and I have a secret to tell you."

"You do?"

"Yep." She giggled happily.

"What is the secret?"

She moved her head in front of his and gave him a cheerful smile. "I feel the same way about you." Without a second thought, she pressed her lips against his, sealing them together for a passionate kiss. His eyes bulged in surprise. After a few seconds she pulled away purred. "You really mean that?" He asked. His voice was shacking heavily as adrenaline coursed threw him.

"I meant every word."

He gently wrapped his arms around her in return, placing one hand on the back of her head. "I love you."

"Trust me. I know." She brought their lips together for another passionate kiss.

Sibling Rivalries Side Story: Morning Warm Up

Art created by [![avatar?user=445974&character=0&clevel=2]( Fluffy\_Leopard]( "Fluffy\_Leopard") * * * It was 6:30 in the morning when...

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The Final Straw Part 1

This is a the first of a multipart series involving my character Scar, and my Editor [![avatar?user=431562&character=0&clevel=2](

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Chapter 3: Burning Vengeance

Ava stood there in stunned disbelief as she looked around. Her families hard work, her belongings and her home where in ruins. It truly looked like a version of hell. The crops in the field were ablaze, orange flames and jet-black smoke pointing...

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