The New Pet 3

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God guys, three years! I am so sorry about this. I have had a few things that really screwed my life around and I want to apologize. Lots of moving and being homeless at one point.

I can finally get back to this though. Hopefully I can still keep people interested now that I'm stable.

I do want to thank everyone who left comments. I read them and I was a little teary to be reminded people actually liked this so thank you again. I hope you follow Skylar threw what happens next....

Skylar could feel his tail begin to droop as he tried to tuck it under his tail to hide his shame. Never aloud, but that was kind of an interesting situation. He couldn't help but wonder what the wolf saw, nor could he help from staring.

The wolf was gorgeous. He stood before the old counter dressed in a crisp white dress shirt, a thin black tie falling just short of his waist line. Black dress slacks adorned the man. His muscles defined through the shirt but not overly so. His fur a dusty gray every where Sky could see, including on his tail which tipped in white. It was bristled though. The scowl on his face and the low growl was very intimidating. If never before Skylar defiantly wanted to fade away just to hide.

The wolf stared at the skunk as walked closer to the edge of the counter, avoiding the splintered corner he leant forward, sniffing, to confirm his suspicions of what just happened. He snarled as he could smell the remnants of the skunk cum on the floor. The imposing predator back away from the skunk and turned to the boy just around the corner.

Softening his gaze his assessed him. "Come on, we're leaving. 'He turned back to the skunk and pulled out his wallet. Dropping a twenty on the counter for the phone charger as he made his way to the door. He stopped and turned in place, extending his hand in a gesture normally shown in a leap of faith.

Skylar hesitated. On one hand he could stay and eat whatever the skunk gave him, if he even still gave him something. Or he could take a chance and go with this new stranger.

'Everyone's a stranger now' Skylar thought as he took a step forward.

'Wolf or skunk, what about the other wolf....' That was all it took before he hauled his bag on his shoulder and ran to the wolf. The wolf looked down and smiled, opening the door for the little fox. The damp air greeted them as they walked back out of the corner store. Skylar couldn't help but wonder if he made the right choice. Fearful of what was to come.

The wolf led them to a very nice black sedan. Skylar even paused when the wolf opened the front passenger door for him.

"Are you coming?" the wolf asked as he waited with the car door open.

Still with his tail between his legs, his ears folded back in submission; Skylar accepted the open offer and got inside. As he sat he could feel the warm leather under him. The sleek black interior showed this wolf, this stranger had money.

'So why help me? - He wondered. He watched as the wolf walked to the other side of the car and sat down. Depressing one of the pedals and pushing a button Sky could feel the car come to life.

The wolf leaned over and buckled the young kit in. Reached towards the middle and pressed one of the many button and Skylar could feel the heat begin to fill the confined space of the car.

"That should warm you up. You should have a coat or something on though. Where are your parents kid?" The wolf asked as he opened the cheap car charger and plugged his phone in to the charger and the charger into the car. Immediately his phone chirped and began to turn on.

"I'm Brandon, what's your name?" he asked when the fox made no mention of where his parents were.

"Sk..." he coughed and cleared his throat. That awful taste still in his mouth. "Skylar, and I'm from...." He froze as he tried to figure out what to tell him. And than he remembered. It was like someone had flashed a light on him and gave him an answer from above. He remembered what the license plate of his car said....

"I'm from New York, but I lost my bus ticket...." Please work please work he thought. The wolf had a car from NY maybe he could get him away from here. He could feel the warmth from the car warm him now. A very relaxing feeling if he had to be honest.

"We'll aren't you in luck. I'm on my way home." Brandon reached around, behind his seat and dug around. Producing a soda he handed it towards the fox. " Here, this should help get the taste out of your mouth. We can stop and grab food on the road." The wolf paused and looked questioning for a moment.

"Are you parents going to freak out if I drive you home?" Brandon wasn't stupid. He was a young kid and just forced into a sexual situation. He was only twenty-six; he didn't need that kind of problems.

"Yeah they won't mind." Skylar could hear the tremendous in his voice but he hoped the wolf wouldn't question it. Taking the soda he popped the tab and eagerly began to chug the liquid. Vs the 'drink' he had earlier, this was like heaven.

The wolf did look like he wanted to say something but he dropped it. Turning the radio on he picked up his phone and began setting his GPS up again. Once that was complete the monotone voice came over the GPS and he pulled away from the curb, heading for food real quick.

The drive was quiet except for the short question of what he would like. Timidly Skylar asked if he could have a burger with fries. The wolf smiled at him and nodded, telling the intercom what they wanted and pulled on through.

Skylar started rummaging through his bad, to see what he still had. He gasped when he saw what was at the bottom. He may have actually missed the food when the other wolf emptied his bag, but his money was sitting right there at the bottom!!! The car moved again and Brandon handed them his plastic card. They smiled threw the window and than ked each other. The food ending up on Sky's lap.

He couldn't think though, he still had his money. He could leave on his own.

"You gonna eat before it gets cold buddy?" He heard the wolf ask, effectively shaking him from his thoughts. At the prospect of food his tummy rumbled so loud he thought the people inside the building could hear it as they left.

Brandon smiled and laughed softly, reaching in a pulling his own food out. He extended his hand to the passenger.

"Mind opening this for me? It's kinda hard with one hand." Skylar nodded and than quickly realized Brandon couldn't see that because the car was moving. "Sure" he rushed out. Grabbing the sandwich he felt the soft fur of the wolf. Sky blushed as he took the paper off of the burger and handed it back to the older wolf. Purposefully making contact with the wolf again just to feel his fur.

"Thanks kid." Brandon said as he dug into the food.

Skylar pulled his own food out and quickly began eating, trying as hard as he could not to make a mess. Soon enough the food was gone and their bellies full. Skylar could feel his eyes starting to get heavy. The seat was much more comfortable than the box in the alley.

"You can sleep, it's ok. I know your young but is it OK if I smoke with the window open?" The wolf knew he was just a kid but he couldn't g four hours from Baltimore to New York without a couple.

"I don't care, my dad smokes a lot" Skylar whispered out, quickly succumbing to the darkness of sleep. He vaguely heard someone say "Goodnight pup" and he felt the warmth of something lay on top of him but it didn't matter. He was lost to the world where he was safe.

Brandon sighed as he exhaled the drug from his lungs. Worried about this random minor he picked up and what to do. He knew he was a kind soul. Do anything for anyone and what not but this was crossing some lines. Plus the kid was adorable. Being gay and not getting laid in eight months kinda leaves a few bubbling issues.

'No, he's just a kid' he reminded himself. Glancing at the clock told him just under the four hour Mark and he would be home. Than he could call the kids parents and have them come get him, done, no issues what-so-ever.

And the rest of the drive was peaceful. Skylar slept with a full stomach, a warm jacket over him, and a comfortable 'bedding'. Cars passed by as they stopped for gas, never once did Skylar wake. Not even at three in the afternoon as Brandon carried him inside his semi-detached.

"Okay Google, turn the lights on." Brandon spoke. He tried to be quiet but had to be loud enough for the machine to hear him. He say the lights turn on and he heard "ok" reply from the tower and headed inside. In the hallway he pulled the shoes from the kits paws and placed them on the ground, toeing his off next to them. He walked towards the living room, placing the kit down as gently as he could on the couch and put of the pillows under his head and covered him with the throw blanket he kept along the back of it.

It seemed nothing would wake the little thing. So Brandon went about his way. Heading back out of the living room he crossed through the main hallway again and headed up the stairs off to the right. He passed by pictures of him, his family, and a few friends before reaching the top. Making his way down the same Hall he turned left to enter into his room. The bed still made from when he left a few dirty pieces of clothes on the floor. Brandon went about tidying up. Throwing the dirty clothes in the white mesh hamper. Adding the clothes from the trip. Walking towards his dresser he pulled the rich wooden Handel open, pulling lounge wear from within and closing the black drawer once more.

The tie was the first to go, thrown across the bed as he undid the buttons of the white dress shirt. Throwing that towards the hamper as well. Soon followed by the black slacks, leaving him standing in nothing but his small clothes.

He pulled them down as well, the soft black boxers making there way across the room. Brandon made his way over to the mirror on his closet door. The full length mirror showed him himself. He checked over his body, trying to make sure he still looked good. Not like he wouldn't our one weekend. Brandon knew he was a little vain but he was always a fat kid. Now he tried to maintain some muscle but nothing to overwhelming. He ran his hands down his chest and torso, coming shirt just about his plump sheath. He gray fur darkened down here. Normally a lite dusty color, but here it was a dark gray. Like a storm rolling in.

Brandon chewed on his bottom lip as his tip pushed forward in anticipation of what was to come. He couldn't d anything since he shared his hotel room with one of his co-workers over the past week. Reaching down he lifted his balls and felt how full they were. Just begging him to find the release he has denied himself.

Lying down on his bed Brandon began to pull at his sheath, inserting a claw just inside, to invite the remainder of his cock free from its slumber. Quick enough the red member began to show itself from where it hid. Brandon grasped the sex, fit paw pads wet from the shaft. Eagerly the wolf began to the process of stroking himself. As the pre began t bead itself at his tip he used his right hand to gather it from his tip and brought it to his mouth. Cleaning his fingers off of his own pre. Groaning at the tease of it and the feel of his hand working himself steadily.

As his knot began to form Brandon could also feel the fire begin to burn brighter as his pace quickened. Rather than clean his fingers of the pre-cut he gathered what he could on his first two digits, smearing it with his thumb as his hand traveled down, past his aching cock to his needy hole. He took the first digit and began to swirl the fluid around his entrance. His first digit easily slipped in, the sensation slow but worth it. He pushed until he hit his knuckle on the descent. Easing out he started to maneuver the second digit through his opening. Gasping at the sensation of being stretched even by two fingers help spur on his strokes, humping eagerly in his hand. The smell of his own fluids encompassing his bedroom now. His mounds and breathy groans floating through the air. He quickened his pace on his own shafts, urging his fingers t find that spot. He tilted his hand slightly and curled his fingers. Instantly his vision waned as he found that bundle of nerves inside. Wanting something special he kept thrusting his right hand, pistoning his fingers as fast as he could but he removed his left hand. Instead curling down, reaching his tongue out and pulling his shafts into his own mouth.

Brandon couldn't help but moan as he pictured Skylar doing this to him. It was wrong but the thought of his young hands, soft, simply gliding along his erection. His tongue, small but clever, linking around his head, over it and dipping down into his urethra.

Brandon gasped as he felt himself go. It was overwhelming between the sensations, the time it's been since he last got off, and the thoughts of young Skylar sleeping downstairs. Brandon swallowed his orgasm, savoring the distinct taste of himself. Laying back down he removed his right hand, just relaxing in the afterglow.

His head swiveled as he looked towards the door. He could have sworn he heard something. .looking around he quickly threw on his silk pajama pants and black t-shirt, heading to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Brandon yawned as he dried his hands off on the purple towel off to the side of the sink. Closing the door behind him he made his way down the stairs and back towards the loving room.

There, sleeping as he left him was Skylar. His breathing was still shallow, but upon further inspection he noticed his little friend was hard. Straining again boxers he wore.

'He must have taken his pants off at some point' Brushing that aside Brandon made for his lavish kitchen. Granite counter tops, stainless steel everything. He loved it.

Tonight wouldn't be anything special. He opened the bottom cabinets and pulled out a box of pasta and a jar sauce. Setting them on the counter he walking bare pawed over to the island, opening the bottom doors and pulling out a large pot for the pasta and a smaller one for the sauce.

Quickly filling the pot with water Brandon set that to boil and setting the sauce in the smaller pot on the stove. Ready to heat when the pasta was almost done. Moving around the linoleum floor he walked past the sink, over his coffee pot and started a small pot for the evening. Even if you're not moving around, driving can take it out of you. Above the coffee pot he pulled two bowls free from the cabinet and set them on the island, placing two spoons and knives beside them.

Searching around for napkins Brandon cursed under breath when he realized he was out. Moving over to the sink he simply grabbed two paper towels and folded them in half, setting the silverware on top. Trying to make it a little fancy.

His ears twitched as he heard the water begin to boil. Shifting from the island he moved back to the electric stove top, opening the box of pasta and pouring it in. Grabbing a glass bottle from the side of the stove he opened it, pouring a small amount of olive oil in the water.

Deciding it was safe to walk away since there was no actual flame Brandon walked back out of the archway into the hallway, looking into the living room he saw Skylar sitting up, staring down at his hands.

"Hey Skylar, I'm making dinner now. I'm also gonna go grab you a change of clothes from upstairs. I'll be right back ok?"

Skylar just nodded, keeping his head down. Brandon sighed, wondering what was wrong with him. Pushing the train of thought to the side he made a dash upstairs into his room. Looking through his clothes it was obvious his clothes wouldn't fix him. Grabbing the smallest shirt he could find and a pair of his boxers he turned to head back downstairs.

Skylar was still sitting in the same position. It was weird.

Brandon handed Skylar the clothes and knelt down to eye level with the young kit. "Are you ok buddy? You seem kinda sad." As soon as Brandon finished he felt twinge in his pallet. He sniffed a little deeper and then realized what happened.

Skylar burst out into tears, spouting apology after apology.

"Hey hey, it's ok. It happens. But why didn't you go to the bathroom? Or ask me?" Brandon wasn't mad, things happen. He just really didn't understand why he waited till he wet himself.

"You were busy and I didn't want to bother you." Skylar spoke as he wiped his face with the back of his paw.

Picking the kit up he realized just how bad he had to go. Setting him down in the hallway he rubbed his pay on his head.

"Stay here for a second bud." Skylar sniffled again and nodded. Watching as Brandon walked into the kitchen, coming back shortly after with a few towels and began to clean up the urine.

Brandon felt the tell tale twitch in his pants. Brandon sighed at his libido. He couldn't believe this thought was turning him on, even after he just came!

Brandon finished cleaning up the scented mess from the leather sofa, deciding to treat it later with leather cleaner.

"Come on little guy, lets get you changed and cleaned up." Brandon walked back to Skylar and grabbed his hand, leading him to the bathroom upstairs. It was the only bathroom in the place but it was wonderful. He just had it remodeled.

For whatever reason he had 'his and her' sinks and mirrors put in. A marble counter, a stand in shower, and a Jacuzzi tub, because who doesn't like to relax.

"Here bud, lift up." Brandon said as he grabbed the edge of the shirt. He lifted it slowly so it didn't hurt the fox. The shirt came off and he set it aside and went to grab his underwear to remove them as well. He could feel his cock begin to stir in pants.

Trying to ignore it, he removed his stained underwear and placed them with the shirt and just stopped. Right in front was the boys sheath and balls.

'Oh my stop this, I can't....' Brandon fought with himself mentally as he forced himself to step away from the cub. Backing towards the tub and filling it with water.

"Stay..."He started but had to clear his throat. "Stay right here, I have to take the food off the stove before it burns."

Brandon almost ran from the room as he headed back down stairs and turned the stove off. He was already t half mast just from looking at him.

'And cleaning the mess up' he thought. Brandon mentally cursed at himself again as he made his way back into the bathroom.

Skylar was standing right where he left him. Quickly turning the water off before it filled to high he turned back to Skylar. Digging a towel out of the closet by the door he set it on the counter.

"Do you need help washing up, or can you manage?"

"Uh, I uh, I guess...ummm" He stopped, feeling his voice quiver.

Brandon couldn't believe he was gonna do this. He started taking off his shirt and the pajama pants. Slowly removing his own boxers and walked towards Skylar.

"Come on, I'll go with you. " Brandon tried to hide his dick as soon as he saw Skylar zero in on it. He couldn't do it. Skylar staring at it was turning him on. He quickly grabbed Skylar, lifting him up and took them to the tub, placing Skylar in and got in himself, hiding himself under the water at least.

Skylar sat in the water, hands in his lap as Brandon gathered soap in his hands and turned to the little kit. "Can I wash you?" He couldn't help himself. The little fox was just too cute.

Skylar just nodded and kept his head down. Brandon scooted closer and began to lather the fox in suds along his back. He could feel the small muscles twitch as his fingers glided across his soft fur. The it leaned forward and Brandon couldn't believe it when he heard the kit let out a soft moan. Brandon froze; he didn't know what to do.

"Don't stop..." Skylar whispered. Brandon almost couldn't hear him. But he chose to let go and do as the kit said. Gathering more soap he lifted the kit on the side of the tub as the foxes arms darted to cover himself. Lathering his chest he moved lower, making sure the fox was at least clean.

And then he heard it again, the kit MOANED! Skylars arms shifted and there it was, five inches of his cock, hard and begging for attention. Brandon could feel himself begin to pre without even touching himself, just as hard as the kit in front of him.

Sticking to what the kit said he kept cleaning him. Washing his arms, which moved them out of the way, leaving a clear view of the cock he just wanted to grab onto. The temptation was so hard to resist. Moving down to his legs he began to clean them, all the while staring at the cock in front of him.

Before he knew it he was leaning in and sniffing the foxes cock. Skylar turned his head to the side, blush clearly evident on his face. Brandon couldn't stop now. He leaned forward and gave a tenitive lick to the smaller cock.

Skylar gasped as he felt the wolfs tongue on his member. That was all it took for Brandon to take the cock in his mouth and start bobbing his head.

'This is so wrong' Brandon thought. He swirled his tongue over the head and felt the fox quiver as he kept his ministrations. Skylar leaned forward and grabbed a hold of the wolfs head, using it an anchor from the sensations he felt. Skylar thrust up, trying to burying his cock in the warm cavern surrounding it. Instincts kicking in he kept thrusting up.

It was long before he felt Skylar shudder above him. He could also taste a small amount of the cum shoot from his cock in his mouth. It wasn't much but he was young. This must be new.

Brandon slowly removed himself and tried to figure out how he was gonna get around this. Skylar just sat there, confused and relaxed.

"Umm, here lets dry off and go eat." Brandon practically leapt out of the tub to wrap a towel over his straining erection. Skylar stood and took the offered towel and dried himself. Once he was dry enough he put the over sized shirt over his head and looked for the boxers he had been given. When he looked up he could see the outline of the wolfs bulge.

Hesitantly he lifted his hand up to grab the wolfs hard cock through the towel as Brandon was putting a shirt on. Brandon inhaled sharply as Skylar touched him. The towel loosening as Skylar continued to try and stroke the hidden treasure.

Questioning his own bravery, and wondering why in the world he is doing this, Skylar grabbed the lip of the towel and pulled it free, revealing the large red organ. While intimidating Skylar was curious. He raised his small paw and grab the standing erection and pulled it towards himself. Leaning towards it he cautiously sniffed, like Brandon. The smell wasn't the same as the skunks.

More curious now that the scent was different, heavier even, he stuck his tongue out to touch the top. The taste was...not horrible. Salty and musky, but not unpleasant. Filled with the knowledge this wasn't terrible Sky licked again, longer this time.

Sky dipped his head down to try and do what Brandon did, and took the fleshy tip in his young muzzle. Not really knowing what he was doing he tried to go down, like Brandon. He got a couple of inches before he felt himself start to choke. Above him he could hear Brandon moan, and not quiet either. The sound turning him on. Combined with the smell of the much from his sheath, Sky was sold. He wanted to do this. Trying again he brought his head to the tapered tip of the wolf and slowly took it inside his mouth. Dipping his head he tried to recreate what the older wolf did for him.

He could hear the short pants from the wolf above. Like verbal courage he pushed on, grabbing the base of the shaft with his paw to try and pay attention to what he couldn't take in his mouth. The taste was clouding his mind now. The heavy aroma of the shaft was overwhelming his senses.

Brandon braced himself against the sink before his knees gave out. This was more intense that he could have imagined. Skylar was sucking on his cock!!! So wrong but so right. Skylar could feel himself start drooling but he didn't care. This was not what he expected. He thought it would taste awful and smell horrible like the skunk did but this was actually enjoyable in a sense.

"Grab...grab the base, under my knot" Brandon breathed out. It was such a breathy comment he wasn't sure if he even said it. Skylar did as he was told though. Wrapping his paw as far as he could around the wolfs shaft, under that oppressive knot. He knew from his own that playing with it felt the best. Bopping his head up and down on the shaft he tried to play with the knot, squeezing underneath as he was told and squeezing the knot itself.

He could hear Brandon gasp and let out moan ad he laid his paw on Skylars head, pushing him deeper as he thrust forward. Brandon groaned as he came for a second time that day. His shaft pulsing in the young kits mouth. Rope after rope of his heavy essence shot forward into the muzzle of the fox.

Skylar gagged as he was forced down. When the first rope hit the back of his throat he yanked his head back, off of the shaft as it exploded over his cute muzzle. Painting his face with the white stickiness that came from the cock in his hand.

He was young but not stupid. He waited until the wolf stopped covering him and sat down on the floor, licking his hand clean of what had spilled there. Looking up he could see the content and spent look on the older wolf. Waiting to see what he would say.

He wasn't angry, which kind of surprised Sky, but not as much as the fact that he gets to have dinner WITH Brandon, instead of after.

"Ummm, why don't you wash you face, and uhh, I'll meet you at dinner...." Brandon was at a loss for what to do. The kit just gave him a blow job. Ignoring his instincts he just grabbed his clothes and walked out of the bathroom to set the table and heat the food back up....

So this is soooooo much longer than what I thought it was gonna be. Count it as an apology lol. Again this is me coming back from a three year break. Be nice but let me know what you think and if you like it or not. If I should change anything. Anything helps. Flames will be used to make smores!

The new dog

Temptation Ok so I'm back (for those who care lol) For anyone who has read The New Pet, Skylar is my fursona and I like using him a lot. So Yes they do both share the name, however they are different. And not related at all. I apologize for any...

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The New Pet 2

So I would like to thank Articf0x, teufelhound, and Ssman for their comments!!!! And on that note, this isn't really where everything starts. At least I hope not cause then it would feel to rushed to me. And I'm not to big into violence so when it does...

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The New Pet

Hello everyone. So this is my first time on posting anything on here, and it's my first story of this sort. I am new to this life as well, so please be gentle with me... ...

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