The New Pet 2

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So I would like to thank Articf0x, teufelhound, and Ssman for their comments!!!! And on that note, this isn't really where everything starts. At least I hope not cause then it would feel to rushed to me. And I'm not to big into violence so when it does happen, forgive me, I doubt it's gonna come out very well. I will try anyway though. So here we go, hope this chapter is longer and better!!!!!



Skylar panicked. He hadn't meant for anything bad to least not this early. On instinct he whimpered and his ears fell flat on his head.

The taller wolf kept his hold tight on the black jacket as he lifted the little child higher on the wall. "Are you really gonna wimp out? I haven't even done anything yet you little shit. How can you expect to be out on these streets like you are?" The dark of the night distorted the coloring of the wolf himself, his fur normally a dark blue turned a pitch black under the moon. His eyes grew menacing in the dark. One thing that Skylar did notice was the distinct odor of alchemy on his breath...'Great, the first person I run into, literally, is a drunk....'Skylar put a stop on his inner monologue and decided the quicker he got through this than the quicker he could be on his least hoped...

The wolf looked at the young foxes eyes and realized he was about to cry...he needed more to drink if a kid was gonna cry. He dropped the kit roughly on the ground and pulled the back pack off of him and opened it up. With a quick look through nothing really popped out that he could use, just some food. Deciding he had wasted enough time on the brat he just dumped the contents of the bad out on the ground and turned to walk away. Not before muttering that he wasn't worth his time so the brat could hear him and he left.

Skylar scrambled to grab everything that was dropped on the ground and threw it back into his bag and gripped it to his chest, willing himself not to cry. He knew this would not be the last time that something like this happened and he needed to be ok with that. This was how his new 'life' was going to be. When his whimpering stopped and his breathing settled, Sky pulled himself from the ground and decided that it was time he found somewhere to sleep for the night. This he didn't plan for. Without ever really being allowed outside he wasn't familiar with the area or where he could go. 'Guess I should have planned a little better' he thought. This was going to be a little worse than he expected. Sighing he made his way down the street and just kept looking around to find a hotel or something. All the neon lights and signs looked so much brighter in the dark with there florescent bulbs. It was disorienting at first but as he kept going he noticed that his eyes adjusted to the new sights.

Wasn't long till Sky noticed a small run down motel coming up on his right. However the little sign on the window saying it was almost a hundred a night. He couldn't afford that for more than a night at most. Well this wasn't his night, at all. So plan B, he just had to figure it out first. Skylar walked pasted the motel and continued down the sidewalk trying to make up his mind. Where does a twelve year old fox sleep on the streets. "Duh!" Sky couldn't believe he didn't think about it earlier. He's watched enough movies to find something he could sleep it. Rubbing his arms to warm himself up he noticed the ally to his side and decided it was worth a try. As he turned down the way he was immediately bombarded by the horrible stench. Skylar took a few steps and realized that he was alone, he also saw his best chance at shelter. 'A box, am I really going to spend my first night in a box...'running his fingers through his hair he told himself he couldn't do it. He could find something better. To his misfortune the black clouds began to rumble and started to release a steadily increasing rainfall.

'Guess that changes my answer.' he thought to himself.

He moved himself quickly into the cardboard hoping against hope that it would be enough to keep him somewhat dry. His mind spun as it hit him, yes he was out, away from the tyrannical rule of his parents, now he just had to survive out here. He thought back onto what happened earlier and couldn't believe how close he was to getting beat. Day one and he could have lost it all. Unable to hold it back anymore the dam broke and the tears fell down Sky's beautiful light fur. The first of many ways he would get wet tonight....

=^-^= Morning!!!=^-^=

The sun rose high in the clouds shining rays of warmth to all those below. Skylar stirred as the heat began to dry his still damp fur from the previous night. Rolling onto his side, he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. At first glance he panicked, unaware of where he was or what had happened. Taking just a moment thankfully he remembered, well not really thankfully. After a second or two he would have been happier not remembering anything at all. No changing, no brushing his teeth, no breakfast....'Maybe it wasn't so bad at home...No, they were cruel, I can get through this no problem. Just keep moving forward.' With new found confidence, wherever that may have come from, he pulled himself together, and quickly went to work on getting his new life in order. First breakfast, than, well anything he wanted. That was a good thing right? Of course. So smile on his face, Skylar picked his bag up and walked out of the ally, covering his eyes for a brief moment to avoid the direct sunlight. Adjusting to the light Sky walked forward, he was gonna make the best of his situation, he wanted this. He was a smart kid, he would figure out each problem as they came.

Realizing how hungry he was, he quickly found a small rest stop and decided it was food, that was all that mattered. Walking in he grabbed everything he could see. It all looked so good. With no dinner or snack he was hungrier than he ever was. When he couldn't carry another thing he brought everything up to the register. The cashier looked at him like he was insane but proceed to ring him out none the less.

"Thirty-two forty-eight please."The cashier was a short skunk, black fur with the normal white strip down his back like you would imagine, but while his looks were nothing short of boring, his voice was heavenly. Easily caught Sky off-guard. After starring at the young man Sky pulled his bag around to the front and un-zipped the front pocket to pull what money he had out. When it wasn't where he left is he began to panic. He didn't lose it, it couldn't have fallen out.

"Stolen..."Sky hiccuped and realized he was about to cry, he wanted to stop but he didn't know what else to do. He took a breath and tried to calm down. Sky looked up at the man behind the counter and pleaded with his eyes. "Yea stolen I'm sure, look kid, if you cant afford it than get out." The skunk had no issue turning people down,with his job in the poor part of the town, it happened all the time. Plus just getting broken up with left him a little bitter. And who better to take it out on than strangers? Not like his boss would ever fire him anyway. No body else would take this job. To much crime, not enough stupid people.

"Please sir, its true, someone must of taken my money, I swear I had money. I even had food but that gone to. Please?"Sky felt the tears starting to fall. That was as long as he could hold back.

The skunk sighed, how could he really say no to a crying kid, he was like ten years old or something. That didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun though. After all, he was a horny teenager who was now single. Why not get it when you can? The skunk looked at the fox in front of him and grinned."How bad do you want this food?" The skunk boy leaned on the counter waiting for his reply, hoping for a certain answer.

"Anything! Please sir, I don't have anything else." Skylar looked at him in the eyes, his filled with tears, and hope. The man in front of him seemed like he would be willing to let him just leave with something. Anything would be better than walking out empty handed, just a little bit would get him through till he could figure out the next step.

"Than come over here, go to the door and come back here." The cashier pointed towards the door on his right that lead behind the counter to where he was. As the kit in front of him thought it over and began to walk towards the door he unzipped the fly on his black slacks and pulled his semi hard member free from its confines. When he heard the door opening he quickly stood up against the counter to hide himself from the young ones eyes, at least for the moment. The counter itself was hollow. Everything under the top part he was leaning on was hollow, which was perfect for what he was planning. This was even if someone came in than no one would know the difference.

"Well, if your ready, come here and get down on your knees." This was working out perfectly. The only question he had was if the little furry fox had any talent at this. Skylar sigh and nodded his head and did as he was told. Walking next to the skunk he got down on his knees and looked up to see what he was doing.

"Your lucky, looks like with you on your knees you will fit perfectly under here. So go on, under the counter you go. Make sure to face me so you can do your job." He grinned and grabbed a hold of his member with his left hand and guided Skylar down below with his right. When Sky got down there and turned around to face the older boy he gasped at what was in his face. He didn't know what to do, he's never seen someone else's

"Go on, you want the food, than you have to work for it. And this is your job. Your gonna get me off with your mouth." He wiggled himself around to try to enforce his point and encourage the fox to get started. He really wanted this now that he thought about it, but he didn't want to get caught.

Sky inched forward and took a whiff of the larger member in front of his face. It didn't smell to bad he thought. Tentatively he stuck his tongue out and grazed the tip of the pink flesh. He heard the skunk sigh slightly and figured that was a good thing. With a small amount of confidence and the desire to eat he licked it again and again, watching as it slowly became harder and grew to a full seven inches. Bigger than he was thats all he knew. A few minuets passed and the skunk, while enjoying the licking he was getting, was getting frustrated, he just wanted to cum. So he told the kit to open his mouth and without thinking twice about it, thrust himself forward. He knew he hit his mark when he felt the warm and wet caveren of the fox below him. That and he knew because he heard the young kit choke a little.

Sky tried to back up off the large intrusion but his head was held in place by the large black paw. He got used to it quickly, which shocked him. He felt the paw begin to pull his head off of his dick and slowly pushed it back on. Sky figured that's what he wanted to do. He didn't like this, and he felt humiliated to be doing this at all. With little effort he started moving on his own, and he noticed the difference in the older boys breaths. He could hear him panting, or at least trying to hold them in. He couldn't figure out why he wasn't just letting them come out. Then he heard the cash register begin beeping as he was ringing out a customer. It meant nothing to him. He just had to finish. Then he could leave and eat, and never come back here again.

Increasing his speed he began to drool. It was kinda gross. The skunks panting was coming quicker and louder. "Swallow" The skunk breathed out and quickly thrust as deep as he could go. Grunting loudly the skunk unloaded his ball sac into the waiting foxes mouth. Skylar gagged, it tasted horrible and it just didn't stop. He couldn't hold it all in and he didn't want to swallow it. Relieved when the orgasm stopped the little fox quickly shot out from under the counter and spit out everything he had in his mouth. Skylar looked up and froze, he heard growling. Last time he heard growling it ended bad for him...Across the counter was a wolf. 'Another wolf, wonderful' Sky thought. However much he wanted to just hate him he couldn't. He was attractive. He had amazing blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. His body build was perfect, he wasn't to fit but strong enough that he could easily lift the fox without effort.

"What the hell is going on?"


So what do you think? I had a hard time trying to figure out what I'm doing cause I don't want it to be like all the other ones out there. Well till later I guess.


The New Pet 3

God guys, three years! I am so sorry about this. I have had a few things that really screwed my life around and I want to apologize. Lots of moving and being homeless at one point. I can finally get back to this though. Hopefully I can still keep...

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The New Pet

Hello everyone. So this is my first time on posting anything on here, and it's my first story of this sort. I am new to this life as well, so please be gentle with me... ...

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