The new dog

Story by Kitsune1317 on SoFurry

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The new dog knows a few tricks.


Ok so I'm back (for those who care lol)

For anyone who has read The New Pet, Skylar is my fursona and I like using him a lot. So Yes they do both share the name, however they are different. And not related at all. I apologize for any confusion. All new stories (not including this) will have different characters.

I know it's been three years since I updated anything but I finally found myself in a place where I can write again.

If anyone is interested I am finally working on The New Pet, I just need to finish this next chapter. I am almost done and once I am, hopfully tonight, I will upload the next chapter for that as well. I am not sure if I want to turn this into a full story. You tell me.

Enjoy!!! (Oh and be nice, i dont have a beta or anything and my word is acting up so there isn't the best editing done with this.)

Skylar yawned as he rolled out of bed, stretching as his night shirt rolled up, exposing the white fur of his stomach. Skylar glanced at the clock on his desk. Realizing he had ten minutes before his mother showed up, so tore the over sized black band tee of his head and through it across the room, dashing to his dresser to pull out a plan pink tee and a pair of gym shorts, yelping as he caught his tail in the button on the back. Brushing his tail to help the pain sooth he perked his ears as he heard a car pull up out front.

Rushing downstairs he waited for her to ring the doorbell before opening the door. She stood there in a business suit, disgusted look on her face as always. She thrust a blue bag in his hands and a leash in the other as if they burned just to touch them.

"HI mom, do you want to come in? I can put a pot of tea or coffee on. " Skylar asked as he looked at the husky attached to the lease. Scratching the back of his head he looked down noting the dog was beautiful.

'if he wasn't a feral....' Sky thought to himself. The dog stared back, showing the icy blue eyes. Tongue hanging out as his tail started going a mile a minute.

"No, I'd rather leave you two here, considering I have a job to get to." She scoffed as she turned and walked back to her car. The artic fox never turning around to look at her son. As she drove off Sky brought the dog in an unhooked the leash. He noticed there were no tags on the collar. Not that he expected more from his mother though.

"Guess we need to find a name for you don't we? Hmmm" Sky pondered as his phone buzzed, signaling he had a new message. Picking up the galaxy he noticed his boyfriend texted him.

From: Chris <3

Hey babe, I'm gonna be late getting off work. I should be around for dinner around 8, you ok waiting for dinner till than?

Love you.

Sky smiled, he couldn't remember the last time that wolf didn't say I love you at the end of every text.

To: Chris <3

That's fine babe, tonight's gonna be special no matter what time you come home.

Skylar checked the time, seeing it was only 5pm he set the bag of dog things down finally. Searching through he saw his food bowl, water bowl, toys. No bed, no food. Ok than. Well he wanted to go for a run anyway considering he spent most of his day in bed. Plus there was a pet store about a mile down the road.

Skylar looked down at the husky who just sat there, tail wagging in excitement.

" What do you think, wanna go for a run?" His reaction was immediate. He grabbed his leash from the couch and dropped it in Sky's paws. He jumped up linking the fox's muzzle waiting to be hooked up.

Skylar laughed at the dog. He will admit he's wanted one for a while but never got around to it. This one his mother didn't want anymore so he said sure. She only had him for like a week anyway.

As the husky kept locking his muzzle Sky noticed it was like he was trying to get inside, and that the attention was starting to feel good, as his slowly tenting shorts could attest to.

Feeling embarrassed he quickly hooked the leash to the blue shade collar and pushed him down. Although the husky merely leant down to sniff the fox's shorts. Sky eeppped as he back up quickly, standing to go for a run.

Adjusting himself he got the dog off the sofa and they departed after grabbing keys, phone and his wallet. Running seemed like the perfect idea, and the husky seemed to love it. They stoped for a short break and the dog just sat at his feet. The perfect dog really. Smiling down at him and ruffling his fur Sky got another face full of links, which was less awkward than the first time. However he got an idea looking at his eyes again.

"Down boy, why don't we call you Blue? How do you like that?" Skylar smiled as the dog barked and turned around, wagging his tail in delight.

"Than its settled. Come on, we're close." The fox stood up and they continued on to pet store. Inside everyone wanted to pet him. He never barked at any other dogs or animals. He was perfect. Sadly Skylar was disappointed he didn't bring his car. There was a lot he wanted to get. But from now he settled for just a bag of food.

The trip back took longer only because they had to walk. Once inside he put the food away and decided he deff needed a shower. He put the rest of the dogs items away and sat on the shower to relax. He felt the sofa shift as the dog climbed up. Blue plopped his head in Sky's lap and relaxed. Skylar could feel the warmth of the dog oh him and it was oh so very relaxing. Closing his eyes he knew he was gonna take a nap, it was only 630 so he had a little time. And so he let himself drift off.

When Blue noticed the fox asleep he began to sniff in earnest around his sheath. Even through the shorts he could smell the musk he had built up from the day. Hopping off the sofa he sat in front of the fox and began to sniff again. Finding the opening in the shorts he found the scent stronger and began moving his muzzle up the hole. The warmth inside was wonderful for blue. Pulling his head back he looked down at himself and locked at his own sheath. Encouraging his friend to come out. It didn't take long for the glistening red tip to expose itself and he continued to bath himself with his tongue.

Satisfied when his knot expanded and exposed itself to the cool air ofbthe apartment he went back to that delightful scent. His muzzle traveling back into the shorts of his new owner. Traveling up he found the scent stronger as he found the source. Forcing his head as far as he could, Blue began to lap at the tantalizing scent. Pulling the musk from the sleeping vulpines sheath and balls. Trying to clean it off.

Skylar let out a soft moan as he felt the warmth surround his neither regions. In his sleep induced state he could feel his member began to free itself from its confines of his supple sheath. He knew he wasn't the largest by far but he knew his boyfriend appreciated his seven inches. In his mind, Chris was worshiping his cock. As weird as this was, not that it didn't happen, he couldn't bring himself to stop. It was rare enough that when Chris was like this he was in heaven. He curled his toes as he felt a Peticularly rough swipe of his tongue. He could feel the beginning of the pleasure spiking in his groin, begging for more. Skylar whined as the confines of his loose gym shorts became to much. Reaching down he grabbed the waistband with his paw and freed the red tool locked inside.

Exposed to the air he shivered slightly, desperately clawing for that warmth back. Blue had no intentions of denying his desire either. His eyes sparkled as he saw the freed member, eagerly reaching forward to lap at the moist red erection.

Skylar whined again as the torture returned. He couldn't understand why Chris wouldn't just take him in his mouth, swallow as he does as end this.

"Please.....oh god...." Skylar could feel the bubble inside building as the heat increased more, devouring his very body as it called forth his very essence.

A particularly loud moan escaped his muzzle as Blue caught sensitive sack below, hiding the sound of the door closing behind the apartments new occupant

Chris frowned as he heard his boyfriend of almost three years whimper and moan in delight. Chris could feel the tremor in his heart at what he would find. For a moment the dark wolf just considered turning around and leaving, forgetting this altogether.

"oh god, Chris...mmmm...I'm close, don't stop" Chris heard that. That caused pause in his haste to flee. Silently he pulled his phone out and opened the Camara app on his smartphone, turning on the flash for the light source.

As he turned the corner of the small apartment he found found Skylar head thrown back over the couch, the rainbow bangs he was so proud of falling down , away from his eyes, which were still closed. He could see the top of his chest, the rise and fall from his panting.

Chris sniffed and he could smell the sex in the air. More curious than upset since he did call out his name, he crept to the front of the couch, turning on the video recorder as he did. Hopping to catch his boyfriend pawing off to him. Skylar wasn't a prude by far but he did get embarrassed rather easily

When the wolf rounded on the front of the sofa, camara recording catching the sounds of the wet licks, and the increased panting of his boyfriend, he froze as he saw the scene before him.

Sky had a dog, most likely the dog Sky's mother brought over, leaning over his disheveled body. Lapping from knot to tapered tip of his cock. His red shorts down past his knees. One hand over the back of the couch, grasping onto the fabric to secure himself, afraid he might float away. And the other paw, simulating a tie beneath the well swollen knot.

To shocked to say anything Chris stood there, camara catching everything as he boyfriend was getting off by a feral dog. The black wolf lowered his own paw, without realizing it, and began to rub himself threw the dress slacks he wore. While it was morally wrong and technically against the law to engage in sexual ly elicit activity with a feral, he couldn't deny how amazing his love looked. Sprawled out, on the edge and ready to explode on himself.

Chris quickly came to stand at full mast with the show in front of him. Quickly opening the fabric hiding his cock. As soon as he was freed he grabbed ahold and began to slowly stroke himself. His pre pooling at his tip before falling to his hand, adding to the lubrication of his rigid cock.

The wet lapping noises continued as Skylar curled his toes. The pleasure built to a a point of no return. He gasped as he felt his balls tighten as his cock released the first string of his orgasm. The first shot reaching to his muzzle, painting itself across his sensitive nose and down his open mouth.

Closing his mouth Skylar enjoyed the salt ly but sweet taste of his own cum in his mouth. Frowning as he swallowed while his climax continued. Rope after rope of orgasmic bliss streaking across his torso, soaking into the white fur of his chest and stomach. He could feel the tongue lapping at his tip now, trying to catch what they could of his cum in their own mouth.

As his bliss began to fade he unfurled his toes, released the sofa from his death grip and just lay in the post orgasmic glow. He could feel Chris lapping at the cum on his stomach, pulling the sticky fluid off as he made his way up his body. His muzzle smiling as he felt his love reach his nose. His smile dropped a little as he felt the rough tongue on his nose. He taste the hot breath against his fur. Slowly, Skylar ran a hand threw he hair as he opened his eyes. Eyes that were greeted with the sight of his new dog.

"Blue?" Skylar lay confused, and than reality began to set in as he noticed a small streak of his own cum on the dogs face. He could feel the heat rise as his fur darkened. He quickly tried to pull his shorts up, but with the dog on top of him now that was a wasted effort.


When he heard his name his heart stopped at it left in his throat. Standing to the side, phone in one hand and a spent cock in the other, stood his boyfriend......

So this is my first story in almost 3 years. Tell me what you think.

I had to write this, once this idea got into my head I knew this had to be put on paper.

Now granted I also pawed off like 3 or 4 times while writing this. Thanks for reading!!!!

The New Pet 2

So I would like to thank Articf0x, teufelhound, and Ssman for their comments!!!! And on that note, this isn't really where everything starts. At least I hope not cause then it would feel to rushed to me. And I'm not to big into violence so when it does...

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The New Pet

Hello everyone. So this is my first time on posting anything on here, and it's my first story of this sort. I am new to this life as well, so please be gentle with me... ...

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