Indifference - New Sensation

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#1 of Indifference

Jacqueline opened her eyes and lay on her back, looking absently up at the ceiling through the darkness in her room. It was late at night and she still felt tired; her body still needed more sleep. Closing her eyes, the black and white fox let her mind begin to drift back to the depths of slumber but a moaning sound brought it back. Jacky wondered what the noise was and lay still, listening carefully for another. Another came. Feeling no fear of what the mysterious moaning could mean, Jacqueline sat up and pushed her bed covers back. Before getting off her bed, she took hold of the corner of her favorite blue pillow and dragged it with her.

Still a little tired, the seven year old fox-girl walked out of her room and into the hallway of her house. There were no lights on except for a couple of low watt lamps in the hall for anyone on a night time trip to the toilet. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her right hand and pulling her pillow behind with her left, Jacky casually walked down the passageway towards the moaning. Amongst the moans, she also heard the occasional whimper and before too long, she stood in front of the slightly ajar doorway of her parent's bedroom.

Peeking through the crack in the door, the young girl saw a sight that, like all else in her life, had next to no effect on her mind. You see, Jacky was born with a mental condition that prevented her from properly processing emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger they all felt the same to her, bland. They were like colored lights to someone who was color blind. She learned at a young age that she was different from everyone else; she didn't quite understand how and it really didn't bother her.

Standing at the doorway, the young fox saw her mother's full body in the throes of ecstasy. She was a well curved and shapely skunk with full breasts, wide hips and thick thighs to match. The bed covers were on the floor and her father lay on his back, her mother straddling his lower body and moving her hips in a circular motion, up and down, back and forth. Jacqueline watched with casual fascination at the clockwise movements of her mother's lower body. She watched as her father ran his hands up her thighs and groped her breasts, squeezing them firmly, making the sexy skunk on top of him moan once again. Jacky's father sat up and wrapped his arms around his wife's back, holding her against his chest tightly as she threw her head back and moaned some more.

The young cross-breed didn't even know when it had happened but at some point in the last couple of minutes, her right hand had slipped into her panties and now gently stroked the virgin lips between her legs. She continued to watch as her parents fucked, unaware that their seven year old daughter was watching them with great interest. Her eyes were drawn particularly to her mother's body; the curves of her waist, her thighs and her breasts all seemed to scream for attention.

Between her legs, Jacky felt an interesting sensation she'd never experienced before. Her body was reacting to being touched and as she kept watching her parents, she realized she wanted to keep touching it. Beyond the door, her mother leaned backwards and her father began to lick the pink nipples atop her breasts. Her hips kept moving, even beginning to pick up speed as the rust colored fox twisted his legs around so that he was kneeling. The skunk let herself be lowered down onto the soft mattress, her legs lifting up behind the back of her husband as he took hold of her hips and began thrusting back and forth between her thighs. The middle finger of Jacky's right hand delicately touched the groove of her innocent pussy, slowly gliding back and forth as it began to grow wet. Jacqueline ignored the wetness and kept rubbing her body, occasionally even pushing her finger between her lips just a little.

Her mother gritted her teeth and whimpered as her back arched off the bed, her arms stretched out to her sides, gripping the fitted sheet. The fox between her legs growled a little as he suddenly started pumping with incredible speed, making the skunk moan louder as her entire body bowed and twitched. Jacky's father growled again and then stopped moving altogether, holding his hips firmly between his wife's legs for several seconds before both figures relaxed. They both lay on the bed, breathing heavily, the fox lying on top of the skunk's body. He traced his right index finger through the fur on her chest and kissed her right breast tenderly before making his way down to her lap. Lifting her thighs up, he lay between her legs and buried his face between her thighs and licked her body with long slow motions.

"Oh, god! Frederic, no..." Jacky's mother laughed as she feebly protested to her husband's advances. The fox's licking quickly put an end to the skunk's protests however as her body once again arched sharply off the bed. A tear rolled down the black cheek of the skunk as she closed her eyes and screamed with euphoria. "FREDERIC!"

As Jacqueline stood just behind the door, her body began to sway a little as that good feeling between her legs began to flow over her entire body. Her mind began to drift from conscious thought and her eyes started to lose focus as well, reminding the young cross-breed that she was still tired. Removing her hand from her panties, she turned and slowly walked back to her room while she could still stand. On the way down the hall, a smell caught her nose; it came from her finger and she lifted her hand to her face. The sweet scent was almost intoxicating and Jacky couldn't resist the urge to lick the dampness on her finger. It was as sweet tasting as it smelt and the black and white fox quickly stuffed her whole finger into her mouth to suck on it.

Returning to her room, she stood before her bed and lifted up her small night dress. It was pale pink and hung loosely over her shoulders on thin straps, cutting off just below the hips. Jacky pushed her panties to the floor and touched her finger to her folds once more, thinking for a moment before removing the rest of her clothing. Now completely naked, the seven year old girl crawled back into bed, dragging her pillow with her, and lay under the covers to let her mind return to the peaceful expanse of sleep. It took only a few moments for Jacqueline to fall asleep again, and as she did, her finger returned once again to her lower body and continued rubbing her innocent pussy.


Morning came and Jacqueline opened her eyes slowly. She felt rejuvenated and fully awake but didn't want to get out of bed. She'd never slept naked before and the bed covers felt soft and pleasant on her bare body. As she looked around her room, Jacky wrapped the covers tightly around her body and let herself swim in the pleasing feeling. Her room was small and rectangular with a single window at one end. The head of her bed sat against the opposite wall while the bed itself sat parallel with the length of the room. Across from the head of the bed was the door and next to that was a small, light blue cupboard with draws at the bottom.

Finally figuring that she couldn't stay in bed all morning, Jacqueline pushed off her bed covers with a small pout then pulled them back quickly as the open air touched her nudeness; her door was wide open and she didn't want to be caught naked. Lying under the covers, Jacky listened carefully to the sounds of the house. There was a soft scraping coming from the kitchen and faint but heavy breathing from the room at the other end of the hallway. With one parent making toast and the other still sleeping, Jacky felt confident that her nakedness would remain unknown to the rest of the household.

The young girl got out of bed and softly closed her door for privacy before rummaging through her draws for clothes to wear during the day. She pulled out a small, pink tank top with a large yellow flower on the front and a blue skirt that reached half way down her thighs. Reaching for a fresh pair of panties, Jacky paused and thought for a moment. She took out the small garment but left it until last. After dressing fully, the black and white fox looked at the panties sitting on her bed as she shifted on her feet. Beneath her skirt she felt the air between her thighs and especially on her naked pussy. It was a curious feeling, she felt exposed and she liked it. Jacky took the fresh pair of panties and put them back in the draw then turned to pick up her nightdress and underwear that still lay on the floor where she's carelessly left them the night before. She stuffed the nightdress under her pillow then took the panties to the laundry before going to the kitchen.

"Morning, Black." Jacky's father said as the young girl walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, Dad." She replied as she walked to the shelves where the cereal was kept. The seven year old fox pulled out her favorite selection and then continued her way around the kitchen, gathering a bowl, a spoon and finally the milk. Sitting at the table, she poured the cereal into the bowl followed by the milk. As she stuffed the first spoon full of breakfast into her mouth, her mother walked into the kitchen. She wore one of her husband's large white button-up shirts; it had only a couple of buttons done up but covered her otherwise naked body relatively well. Jacqueline once again found her gaze pulled towards her mother's curvy figure as she ate her breakfast. Absently, she wondered why all of a sudden she was interested in her mother's body.

The adult skunk stood approximately 5'5". Her body was well curved and Jacky's gaze glided up and down those curves with unexplainable interest. She found herself admiring her mother's round thighs and as she ate another spoonful of cereal, a flash of the night before came to mind, a vision of the skunk's body arching in ecstasy.

"Black, are you ok?" The male voice pulled Jacky out of her daydream and back to reality. She shook her head briskly before looking at her father.

"Good morning, Jacky." Donna repeated once her daughter was out of her daze, her voice soft and harmonious.

"Oh, morning, Mum." Jacqueline replied.

Donna sat down beside her husband at the table, across from her daughter. Jacky's eyes trailed down from her mother's face to the cleavage of her perky C-cups and noticed almost immediately the small protrusions on the front of the white shirt where the skunk's nipples were underneath. She put another spoonful of cereal in her mouth and ate it casually as she looked at the bare upper chest of her mother. As the minutes passed by, the young cross-breed noticed a familiar feeling between her legs. It was beginning to feel like an urge now, a compelling desire to be touched. The young girl squashed her thighs together in an attempt to quell the feeling but it did nothing. Though the feeling was faint, it was new which made it very appealing.

Jacky looked down at the bowl in front of her and saw that it had become empty. Quickly forgetting her distractions, she stood up and took the bowl to the sink where she ran water into it and left it to soak. It was Sunday morning and in a few minutes, the regular kids' shows would be starting so she made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth before sitting in front of the TV for the next handful of hours.


The black fox sat on the floor in a cross-legged position, her hands resting on her skirt which she'd pulled forward towards her knees in an attempt to conceal her lack of panties. She sat watching the images on the screen for a short time, fully immersed in her own little world. Though she did not appear happy or excited as any other child would, she watched the programs with interest, feeling content with her surroundings. A psychiatrist had once asked her to describe how it felt to be happy; Jacqueline had said it felt the same as feeling sad. The girl had never known anything but her own constant bland feeling and so had no comparisons to distinguish one emotion from another; to her, they were all the same.

Though she had pulled her skirt forward to cover her lap, her virgin folds were fully exposed to the open air and as she sat watching her usual shows, the familiar urge returned to her lower body and her mind began to wonder of its own accord. Jacqueline wasn't at all surprised this time to find memories of the night's voyeuristic activities passing through her mind so she adjusted her ears and listened to determine where her parents were.

Her mother was in her brother's room feeding the infant fox and her father was not in the house at all. With the lounge room to herself, Jacky casually slid her right hand under her skirt and delicately touched her index finger to her lower lips once more. Instantly, a surge that felt like a spark of electricity passed through the girl's body. It sent shivers up her spine that made her body feel pleasant, like a wave of warmth flowing over her. Once the sensation subsided, Jacqueline ran her finger up her groove quickly, sending another, slightly more powerful surge coursing through her body. Closing her eyes to better view the memories running through her mind, she repeated the process of touching herself several times. Each touch brought a physically exciting wave crashing upon her and each time she waited for it to subside before doing it again. Pretty soon she began to find it hard to wait between touches and was forced to focus her mind, forgetting the images in her head in order to keep from plunging into the obvious fit of self pleasuring that would surely bring all manner of trouble from her parents.

"Jacky, can you give me a hand please?" Donna called from Walter's room. Jacqueline jumped at the sudden sound of her mother's voice and looked around quickly, expecting to find her mother standing behind her. Seeing that she was still alone in the room, Jacqueline sighed a little as she stood up and headed in the direction of her younger brother's bedroom. As she walked down the hall, she suckled her finger, tasting the delicious juices that had begun to flow from between her legs again.

Walter was two years old; Jacqueline's baby brother. Like his sister, his appearance was fox, and like his father, he was a strong rust color. He had a black muzzle with a black stripe running vertically up between his eyes to his hair which was also black. The tips of his ears were black as well and so too was the tip of his tail. Jacky walked into her brother's room to find her mother standing next to a change-table, changing the child that was squirming about on top of it. Jacky stood and watched for a moment, admiring her mother's legs from behind before announcing her presence. The skunk still wore only her husband's shirt and as her tail gently flicked about, Jacky got a clear view of her mother's shapely thighs.

"I'm here." The young fox said, dragging her eyes away from her mother's legs.

"I need another container of wipes, this one is empty. Can you get a new one from over there please?" Donna pointed to the small shelving with various baby supplies on it, her eyes remaining on the task at hand as she spoke to her daughter. Jacky turned around and went to collect the new wipes container before returning to her mother's side. She placed the container down next to her younger brother who was wiggling about with a smile on his face. When he saw his sister, he gurgled his usual baby gurgle and reached out to her with his small right hand. Jacky took her younger brother's hand in her own and smiled at him before turning her attention back to her mother.

"Anything else?"

"No, that's all. Thanks."

Jacky waved to her brother and then left the room, making her way back to the lounge. On her way, a knock at the front door altered her direction. She made her way to the door and when she got there, turned the knob and pulled it open to reveal her friend on the other side. Cassandra was a young otter that lived four houses down from Jacqueline; the two friends had known each other for next to all their life and frequently spent time together.

"Hi Cassy." Jacky said in her usual bleak, seemingly uninterested voice. She stepped back and her light tan friend entered the house with a wave and a smile. It was almost routine; every Sunday Cassandra visited Jacqueline in the late morning and after lunch they both retreated to the otter's house for the afternoon.


"Oh man. I can't believe you actually pulled that off." Cassy said in amazement as she walked beside her friend.

"You got sloppy, that's all." Jacky said simply.

"But come on, you had like three hit points left and I had almost a hundred. One punch from me and you were gone."

"You need to learn to block."

Cassandra frowned at her friend's words and quieted down. "Yeah I suppose. Anyway, I'm going to woop you at my place." The otter poked her friend gently in confidence.

"You usually do." Jacqueline said.

The two friends entered the otter's home and quickly made their way to her room. They set up the video game and began playing as they usually did. A couple of hours passed and by mid afternoon, Cassandra got up to forage for food.

"Want something to eat?" she asked the black fox.

"Yeah, sure." Jacky said in response. Cassy got up and left her friend; she went into the kitchen and found her father there, home early from work.

"Daddy!" Cassandra cried out as she ran to her father. The large otter leaned down and picked up his daughter as she ran to him, her arms wide open.

"Hey, babe." He said. With his daughter in his arms, he kissed her lightly on the forehead and hugged her tightly. "Where's your mother?"

"She's next door, something about a bridge." The adult otter looked at his daughter curiously then dismissed the confusion.

"Want to play?" Cassy's father whispered in his daughter's ear mischievously. A grin crossed the seven year old otter's face before she responded with a question of her own.

"Jacky's here, can she play too?"

"That depends; can she keep a secret?" James put his daughter down and followed slowly as she ran back to her room.

"Jacky!" Cassy called out before standing in the doorway. The fox turned around to look at her friend just as the large otter appeared behind her with a gentle smile on his face. "Daddy and I are going to play a game; do you want to play too?"

"Sure." Jacqueline said, unexcitedly.

"Ok, but you have to promise to keep it a secret."

"Um..." Jacky paused at that statement.

"Oh come on, it's really really fun and makes you feel really good. I guarantee you'll love it." The otter seemed disappointed at her friend's hesitation. Jacqueline thought for a moment before responding. "Please? I really want to share this with you, it's so amazing." Cassandra urged.

"Ok." Jacky stood up and walked to her friend, a little unsure about the whole deal. The trio left the doorway and headed towards Cassandra's parents' room. Once inside, James closed the door softly and sat on the bed while Jacky watched her otter friend almost tear off her clothing.

"What are..." she started.

"It's ok, I promise." Cassandra seemed perfectly fine with the current scene, even eager; this helped ease Jacky's unsettled mind but she was still apprehensive. "I'll go first and show you how much fun it is."

James had pulled off his shirt and pushed down his pants. In his lap, a small extension poked upwards, the likes of which Jacky had never seen but for some reason, demanded her attention. It was about half an inch wide and around four long; the adult otter stroked it a couple of times before his daughter crawled onto his lap and sat on it.

Jacqueline watched wide eyed as her otter friend lowered herself onto her father's body. The extension slid into the groove between the girl's legs with ease and she breathed deeply as her body completely engulfed the piece of flesh and muscle. Cassandra faced her friend, her back against her father's chest. He reached around and groped her upper body, occasionally toying with the small pink nubs. As Jacky watched, Cassy began to rise up and then fall back down repeatedly in a slow, pumping motion, her father's body sliding in and out of her.

"Oh it feels so good." Cassy said. Her eyes were closed and she held onto her father's upper legs, pushing herself up before lowering herself down again. She whimpered a little between deep breaths, her body beginning to arc as pleasure washed over her like a flood. A couple of minutes passed as Jacky watched the sight, more intrigued now rather than hesitant. Her friend seemed to be having such an amazing time and the fox found herself wanting to try it as well. Their motions grew faster and in a moment they both tensed up. Cassy seemed to be pushing her body down as hard as she could while she gritted her teeth, a tear trickling down her face. Her father gave a grunt as he held her tightly then relaxed. Jacqueline suddenly realized that familiar feeling between her legs had returned and she lifted her right hand up under the front of her skirt to touch herself as she watched her otter friend breathe deeply once more.

"Mmmm, so warm." Cassandra got off her father and walked over to Jacky, a little unsteady in her steps and a small amount of white dripping from her folds. "It feels so amazing it makes you want to scream. But Daddy says I have to keep quiet; if anyone finds out then we won't be allowed to play anymore."

James looked at Jacky and beckoned to her with a single finger. "Your turn, little fox."

Jacky pushed down her skirt and then pulled off her top before taking up the same position as her friend over the otter's lap. All hesitation had washed away now and she was eager to try this new game.

"Take it slowly; it's going to hurt a bit at first." James said softly into Jacqueline's ear. The fox hesitated then her friend spoke up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. It hurt me the first time too, but not for long and only once."

Jacky seemed a bit relieved with this piece of information. Knowing what lay ahead, whether good or bad, was always better than not knowing at all. She slid her body down slowly and stopped when she felt pressure inside her depths. She could feel James' body inside her and it felt strangely good, she wanted more. Closing her eyes and bracing herself for pain, she pushed herself down and winced as her virginity was stripped away. James wrapped his arms around her, groping her upper body like he did his daughter, but he made no attempt to push her onwards; the adult otter let the young fox adjust to the new and amazing sensation on her own. She sat for a moment on his lap, then, as her body grew accustomed to the minor pain, she began to do as she'd seen her friend do.

The pain quickly dulled as the feeling of the erection inside her numbed her mind. Her body grew hot and pleasure seemed to surge up from her insides, washing over her like a giant wave crashing down. She lifted herself up and lowered herself down, each motion sending more waves of pleasure coursing through her. Her mind began to swim as she pushed onward, rising and falling time and again. James teased her undeveloped breasts in the same way he did his own daughter's and that only added to the indescribable sensation Jacky was experiencing. Jacqueline had never felt anything like it before and wanted nothing more than to go on experiencing it. It felt as though she were back in her bed, wrapped up tightly in her bed covers, warm, snug and content.

As her pace began to pick up, her thoughts began to wonder back to the sight she'd seen the night before. Was this what her parents were doing? Did it feel this good to them as well? She dismissed the questions and just enjoyed the feeling. The pleasing sensation grew in intensity rapidly and after what seemed like only a few moments to the fox, there was an explosion. Jacky gasped, catching her breath before a scream of pleasure escaped. The feeling was like nothing she could ever have imagined and lasted for only a couple of seconds before dying like a candle burning fiercely before going out. Warmth filled the inside of Jacky's body, a different warmth. This warmth came from the otter inside her but it still felt nice.

"Well? Didn't I say you'd love it?" Cassy smiled up at her friend.

"Yeah, it felt nice." Aside from a little heavy breathing, Jacky seemed unaffected by the experience though she had enjoyed it quite a bit.

"Nice?" James looked down at Jacky as she got off him. Then he remembered her mental condition and smiled at her and his daughter.

Jacqueline and Cassandra continued their 'playing' with James quite regularly for three and a half years before Cassy's mother caught them. James was taken to jail, Jacky was sent to see a psychologist and Cassy and her mother moved away. But like everything else in her life, Jacky moved on, feeling the same as she always did, indifferent.

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