World Divided: Chapter 4 - Coping

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#4 of World Divided

The massive chamber distorted as the violet rabbit walked from one dimension and into another. Like she was strolling down the street, Ilek crossed from one plain to the next in mere seconds, passing through the barriers between them as if they weren't even there. Each realm was like a room of a large house; she entered it, passed through it and left moments later. Mighty mountains appeared then disappeared again in the blink of an eye, oceans, forests, deserts and even rolling valleys of pink grass. Nothing caught her attention, nothing mattered to her except her destination. Over the thousands of years she had been imprisoned, the very fabrics of existence had shifted and displaced the realm she sought. Ilek reached out with her very essence, searching for that familiar link to her own realm. It was unclear what she should expect, but it was unlikely that there'd be any kind of reception.

After several hours wondering, mostly aimlessly, through now unfamiliar vastnesses, Ilek spotted a familiar landmark in the form of a lonely binary system; a small blue star orbiting a larger white one. Reaching out once more, she found the faint but familiar pull of energy that indicated her own universe was near by. Finally, she was getting close to her throne. Only another couple of hours of searching saw Ilek standing in her old temple. The hall was a long rectangular shape built from black marble. Pillars lined the walls and red velvet covered the large black throne. There was no source of light in the room but it was perfectly illuminated. Long ago she'd enchanted the marble itself to emanate a dark light. A kind of light that required no actual chemical reaction to generate, and could light the darkest of areas with no glare and no shadows.

The violet rabbit stood on the golden strip that ran from the base of her throne to the huge double doors that were made of red marble. She looked at her throne for several minutes before turning and leaving. Now that she'd located her temple, it was time to see if any of the worlds that fell under her short reign remembered her let alone still followed her. She knew they would not recognize her in this new form and that suited her, it would allow her to see just what they thought of her without their knowing, assuming they were thinking anything of her at all.

For several days she wondered through countless worlds, listening and watching. Most of the worlds she had reigned over had long forgotten her kind's existence altogether and those that did remember, did so in myth and legend. Ilek returned to her throne once more and sat on it idly to decide where she would start. She wanted to rebuild her empire, to complete her dream of reigning over all and this time no one was there to stand in her way. But something in her body was stirring, nagging at her mind and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


"I understand that you have suffered a loss but you are a Commander of this army and you are both needed and required to do your duty at this time." The tiger said sternly.

"I don't care about my duties anymore, what have I got to fight for?" Felister threw a shirt down on the bed that he'd been attempting to fold for the least five minutes. It had been a couple of days now since returning from the ruins without Tilly. The first thing he'd done was contact his aunt to inform her of the rabbit's fate; though he spared Victoria of the details, he'd told her that Tilly had been ‘lost'. It was a vague truth really, Felister had no idea how else to explain it; he didn't know if she was dead or not and had only the word of a single traitorous human that she was beyond recovery.

"You may not care about your duties anymore but you are required to fulfill them or you will be imprisoned for abandonment." Jerry walked over to the panther's bed and closed the suitcase slowly. "I'm your friend Felister; I don't want to see you locked up over something this stupid." The rabbit eared panther just looked down at the shirt and sniffed.

"I don't think I can do it Jerry."

"Look, you're one of the best fighters around, your skills in hand to hand are almost unparalleled and that's nothing compared to your technique with fire." The tiger sighed then continued. "I came by to tell you that the humans are gathering near Westing; they're having some kind of meeting to evaluate the current state of affairs in this war. We have an opportunity to strike a critical blow that could tip this war in our favor, finally. Come with us, take your anger out on them. It won't bring her back, but it might just make you feel a little better." With what he wanted to say said, Felister's friend left the room, closing the door behind him softly.

The panther sat on the edge of his bed and picked up a small, silver framed photo of himself and Tilly. He was in a casual, dark blue suit and she wore a light blue sweater with a light pink skirt; behind them was his family's house. The picture had been taken only a couple of weeks after the pair had first met; that day was one of their happiest because although their time together was short, they'd had a wonderful time on a picnic before the panther had been recalled from leave due to an emergency. A tear fell on the glass that protected the image and the panther put it on top of the closed suitcase before standing and leaving the room.

He walked down the hallway of the reasonably sized house that he'd been given access to for the duration he was stationed at Dennire. It seemed empty and hollow now without his rabbit there. She was always in a happy mood and gave the entire house a warm and cozy feeling, even if she wasn't in the room. Their time there had been insanely short but the memories of her running through the house while he chased her in play were numerous and heart wrenching. He felt as though half of his soul had been torn from him as he fumbled with a small golden ring he'd been planning to give Tilly in only a few more days. When he reached the kitchen door and looked in, a flash of their first passionate moment in the house entered his mind and he collapsed to the floor crying.

The small golden ring rolled across the smooth lino floor and knocked against the bench at the far side of the room. Felister watched it through teary eyes before closing them to better picture Tilly's beautiful white form. It was several hours before he woke and stood up once more. He walked over to the ring, picked it up and slid it onto his right pinky finger then turned around and left the kitchen with a renewed determination in his step. As he'd slept in the doorway, he'd dreamed of Tilly vividly and listened to her soft sweet voice. The images reminded him of what she was like, her playfulness, her kindness, her independence. She was a strong rabbit and never stood for anyone's foul behavior towards or even around her, she would have been furious at Felister for acting this way and he did not want to displease her. The memory of his fiancé's fierce personality gave him new meaning and reason to fight on; though she was gone physically, she was still alive in his memories and that was enough to continue.


Ilek stormed aimlessly around her temple. It was deserted but that didn't bother her, few things did bother her, but this was starting to really agitate her. She was growing restless, uncomfortable, and she had no idea why. The discomfort was growing rapidly and it was unclear to her how to make it go away. The violet rabbit found it difficult to concentrate on even the smallest thing now and it was making her furious. Her kind possessed vast amounts of power and lived for eons at a time; because of this they'd grown to be indifferent towards many things they encountered throughout their lifespan. Though Ilek desired many things, she did not experience greed as most mortal beings did. Centuries passed like days for her; she had time enough on her hands to acquire what she wanted and patience enough to wait until she had it. In a sudden outburst of rage, Ilek screamed at one of the pillars in her throne room and it shattered as if it were glass. A fine cloud of dust rose up from the remains of the marble pillar and drifted towards the door where a breeze wafted in. What was it that was making her so restless?

Ilek had discarded the loose dress Tilly had been wearing and now wore her own body armor. It was black and made of an unknown material that was literally generated from her own energies. Though it looked tight and uncomfortable, it hugged the body loosely and felt more like a second skin rather than any kind of armor. It's surface was smooth and tough but was as thin and pliable as silk. The outfit served no actual purpose other than to be admired and held it's shape like it was solid steel. Her shoulders and upper chest were completely exposed and her breasts sat cradled in the top of the black, figure hugging outfit, her pink nipples barely concealed. In the middle of the top of the outfit was a small V shaped gap that further flaunted the already ample amount of cleavage on display. From cradling the breasts, the armor ran down the front of Ilek's new body and between her legs, leaving them exposed. Her butt was only half covered and there was no back to speak of; splitting off from under the base of the tail, the armor connected front to rear coverage by only the small portion that spread over her hips. On her belly was a diamond shaped cutout that put her violet tinged fur on show. Aside from the single piece of ‘armor', Ilek wore only a pair of large black cuffs that hugged her wrists and covered most of her forearm. The cuffs were made of a unique marble that hugged the body like silk but was as strong as steel; the unique properties of the marble made them look as though one was gazing into a vast black expanse under a thin plate of glass.

Sitting on her throne in a huff, Ilek closed her eyes and attempted to calm herself. Absently, her right hand trailed over the smooth surface of her body armor and soon found it's way to her right breast. She'd yet to fully explore this new and intriguing body so her mind was easily distracted by the soft fur on her chest. Her finger trailed over her bust like it had a mind of it's own and eventually pushed down into her cleavage where it ran around the front of her breast under her outfit. The feeling of her own nipple against her finger snapped the violet rabbit back to her senses and she sat up sharply, her mind suddenly piecing things together. Tilly had a voracious appetite for sex and was treated daily to intense passionate experiences by Felister. Though her mind and soul had been distorted endlessly to house Ilek's essence, her body had remained mostly the same and in turn retained it's own memories of those physical encounters. The body's new resident began to realize what the growing frustration was; she'd inadvertently cut off the body's supply of sexual pleasure and now it's thirst was growing to dangerous levels after being starved for several days. Now at the mercy of her own physical form, Ilek made her way back to the panther with the rabbit ears. It wasn't just any sexual pleasure this body desired, it's needs were specific and would settle for nothing less than it's old diet.


Felister packed his bag quickly. He'd requested a transfer to the front lines where he could do some damage and with his coveted fighting abilities, the transfer was pushed through almost immediately. Another ranking officer was due to arrive at Dennire in a couple of days but the panther wanted out of that area as soon as possible. A transport was scheduled to arrive in a few short minutes to take him to North Vecoon, the closest anthro controlled territory to Westing. As with any member of the military, Felister had only a few things and so needed only a medium sized suitcase; clothing, health products and a few personal items were comfortably packaged into it. With Tilly's golden ring on his right pinky finger, the black panther pulled the suitcase off the bed and walked briskly down the hallway to leave the barren house.

As he passed the kitchen doorway, only a few feet from the front door, Ilek stepped out in front of him and blocked his path. Sadness and anger rushed back to Felister as he was confronted by his love's fate. He stopped and struggled with his body to continue forward.

"Get away from me." Felister said sternly after staring at the violet rabbit with teary eyes. He stormed passed her, pushing the thoughts of what he'd seen in the chamber out of his mind. It was all he could do to not breakdown on the spot as this being stood before him in the corrupted body of the one he'd intended to marry.

"I am in need of your assistance." Ilek said. Her tone was devoid of any emotion as if seeking help was below her. "This body desires your touch." Felister stopped, his hand on the doorknob. Tears rolled down his cheeks at the sound of the words and his body felt weak. After a moment, he turned to Ilek.

"How dare you. You slaughter my fiancé, steal her body and then have the nerve to stand there and ask me..." Felister's mind stumbled over itself at the very idea. "You're evil, beyond evil. Get away from me, whatever you are." Felister opened the door and as he stepped out, Ilek spoke to him once again.

"There is nothing I can do to sate this hunger, this body desires only yours."

"Fuck yourself." Felister said angrily before slamming the door shut behind him. The very thought of what this Ilek was asking of him made his stomach churn.

The violet rabbit stood in the empty hallway of the house, unsure of what to do. What had she really expected of him? She could take him against his will, but it would do little to sate the hunger inside her body. It seemed her only option was to satisfy herself; the passionate touch her body desired above all else could only be given freely.

Yielding to the fact, the white rabbit with the violet tinged fur leaned against the wall in the hallway of the now deserted house. The black armor that she wore seemed to dissipate into nothingness as she slowly slid to the floor. With her outfit no longer hindering her fingers, Ilek allowed them, and her mind, to wonder freely about. Though her mind strayed no further than it's usual confines, her hands and fingers seemed to act of their own accord, seeming to know exactly what the rest of the body want. ‘Why do I feel this longing? This body's desires are so strong; I've never even conceived that such powerful feelings could exist. What is this desire inside me that yearns for his gentle touch?'

Before her imprisonment, Ilek stood above all mortal beings as a power to be feared, respected, or both. She knew only indifference towards the feelings of those she ruled over and as such, never experienced such powerful emotions herself. This experience was alien to her, confusing, frustrating and even a little scary. A tear rolled down the cheek of the now humbled deity as her mind began to drift and lose itself in the touch of her own fingers to her own body.

Slowly, delicately even, her right hand trailed over her bare chest, the tips of her fingers filtering through the soft fur. Her left hand pushed firmly against her lower self, moving gradually towards her lap, her body beginning to react to the action in a way that made Ilek feel yet another feeling she'd never known. Between her legs, she felt want grow, it was like an uncontrollable desire, an unchallengeable urge; somewhere deep inside of her, something now begged for what Ilek did not yet know of.

Sitting against the wall with her knees up and her legs spread, she groped her right breast firmly making her body feel as though it had been set free of some cramped cage. The palm of her hand touching against her pink nipple seemed most enjoyable so she touched her finger to it gently. Her hips bucked slightly at the touch and she was compelled to do it again. This time she touched both her nipples; a finger from each hand gliding over them, then around them and finally she squeezed them. A sudden surge of pleasure shot through Ilek's body making her back arch off the wall. She cried out in ecstasy as her body tensed. Another feeling was there as well, but it was so faint it was barely noticeable. Pain; yet another new experience, but this one was smothered by sheer bliss.

The rabbit's body heaved rapidly now; gasping for air, Ilek's mind began to recover from the intense flood of emotion it had suddenly been subjected to. As the feeling washed away, she found herself wanting more. ‘Is this what it's like to truly want something? Is this what greed feels like?' Ilek asked herself as she gave her nipples another squeeze. As the blast of pleasure buffeted her body, she continued to squeeze her nipples until something happened that she could never have imagined. Her mind seemed to swell and spin in a daze as her body seemed to lift with euphoria. Every muscle within her tensed and shuddered for a few seconds as Ilek felt as though she were drowning under an ocean of bliss.

Once the experience subsided, her hands fell to the floor beside her. She felt weakened, drained of all energy. Her chest rose and fell steadily as she panted. Looking down, she saw a puddle of clear fluids covering the polished wooden floor between her legs. Leading away from herself and the puddle was a stream of fluid that reached as far as the opposite wall and even up it several inches. As she felt her energy return, Ilek felt the familiar desire return as well; her body was not satisfied, it desired still more. Curiously, Ilek touched the soaking wet folds between her legs and was suddenly overwhelmed by that previous urge from within her body. Instinctively, her hips bucked forward and her fingers plunged between the sensitive lips with a rather noisy squelch. The pleasure returned, not the energy draining pleasure, but the one that preceded it.

Even if she'd wanted to, she could not have fought off the compulsion to press her fingers against her insides and move them around. Her back arching off the wall yet again, Ilek thrashed her head from side to side and cried out in bliss as if she were being tortured. It took only moments for her to find the most reactive spot inside her body, and she wasted no time in applying all four fingers of her hand to massaging it firmly. The violet rabbit whimpered loudly as she neared that unimaginable peak that had sapped her just moments ago. Once again, acting of it's own accord, Ilek's left hand moved straight for her clit and began massaging it in order to send the rabbit's mind over the edge. Once again, her body writhed about as another orgasm tore through it. But her hands refused to stop there. Her right hand continued to massaged her inner walls and her left hand squeezed her clit between it's fingers, plowing the very bothered, now very scruffy, violet pile of fur from one orgasm onto the next without a moment's rest. The entire house shook as Ilek screamed for several seconds, her body jarring back and forth as yet another orgasm took hold of her. The puddle on the floor grew and grew and soon Ilek collapsed to one side, unable to move, barely even able to breath. The experience had satisfied a portion off her body's hunger, but did not completely quell it. For now, this would have to do.

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