The Teacher, The Student and The Desktop

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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Math, Tobias hated math. He used to love it when it was still just basic adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. But then he found out about algebra and things become complicated. ‘Letters should stay in the alphabet where they belong' he'd mutter to himself from time to time. Though he hated the class, it was one of his best subjects; his mind handled the complex formulas as if they were still just 1 + 1. He did however enjoy one part of his classes; the teacher was one hell of a hotty. The twenty-six year old hyena was new to the school and a lot more relaxed than the rest of the teachers. She always wore a dark blue blazer, a short black skirt and thigh high, semi-transparent black stockings with basic black high heels. The Blazer was buttoned up by only a single button below her ample DD bust, her black nipples barely covered leaving everything between them exposed. With the amount of cleavage she had on display, it was a well known fact that Miss Wasson wore nothing under her blazer.

The bell rang and the class room quickly emptied as the students filed out in a hurry to get home. The Dalmatian stood up from his seat as the last of his classmates left the room. As he walked down the middle of the classroom he stared at his teacher who leaned against the front of her desk. His gaze was drawn instantly to the large amount of bare chest she was flaunting and in his pants a small bulge began to form.

"Toby, can I talk to you before you go?" Zeena asked as her student approached.

"Sure." Tobias said. He stood in front of his teacher and set his books on a desk behind him. Trying hard to look her in the eyes and not the breasts, the Dalmatian shifted from one foot to the other as he grew more and more aroused by the very curvy hyena.

"I understand your parents are split. There's a Parent Teacher meeting later this month and I wanted to ask which of your parents will be coming, if not both of them." Zeena crossed her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them up and making her blazer shift so it only just revealed her nipples. Tobias coughed at the sudden sight of his teacher's black nipples and the small bulge in his pants grew larger.

"I uh... I'm not... uh." The white and black spotted canine stammered as his eyes glued themselves to Miss Wasson's exposed chest. Zeena leaned forward and lifted the Dalmatian's chin up with a single finger.

"Up here doggy." She looked at him with playful eyes. The hyena enjoyed having her student hypnotized by her body and it was starting to turn her on. Though his chin was lifted, his eyes looked down at her chest. No matter what he did, Tobias couldn't stop staring at those large breasts and the small black nipples on them as long as they were in front of him. Realizing she wasn't going to get an answer from him, Zeena sighed and stood up. She turned around and leaned over her desk to pull something out of her draw, giving her student a rather luscious show.

As the voluptuous hyena leaned over her desk, her short skirt lifted up to expose her very large mound. She wore a pair of G-string style, semi-see through, lace panties that only half covered her pussy. At that moment, Tobias was overcome with sexual desire and couldn't stop himself from pressing his right middle finger on the fabric of his teacher's lingerie and pushing it forward down between her legs. Suddenly finding her most private area being caressed by one of her students, Zeena gasped and gripped the edge of her wooden desk. His touch was firm but gentle and sent her mind into a spin. Her body reacted instantly to the feeling and her underwear quickly grew damp.

After a moment's pause, his finger still pressed against his teacher's full bodied cunt, Tobias very slowly dragged his finger back over the protruding mound up towards her ass. Miss Wasson closed her eyes and moaned just a little as the Dalmatian teased her body. Her left leg began to quiver as Tobias started coming to his senses, realizing just what he was doing, and that she was loving every moment of it. Ignoring the fact that they were in a public place with hundreds of people still in the hallways just outside the door, he ran his hand up the inside of Zeena's left thigh. He trailed his finger delicately over the exposed brown fur of her folds and gently pushed his finger under the erotic pair of panties. A scent wafted up to his nose as she shifted on the desktop; it came from between her legs and told the Dalmatian that his teacher was begging for it. She wanted it, desired it, craved it, needed it.

Carefully Tobias pushed his teacher's panties to the side and intruded her hole, gently pushing his finger in as far as it would go. Miss Wasson stiffened, her legs straightening and her back arching so her butt and head lifted into the air. This made her mound protrude from between her legs even more. A wave of heat and pleasure washed over the hyena as she felt her student's finger move around inside her. He pushed in and out slowly while massaging her walls, drawing soft moans out of her as she gripped the edge of her desk, her claws digging into the wood while her juices ran down her legs and dripped on the floor.

After a couple of minutes, Tobias removed his finger and put both his hands on her round rump. With his digits spread wide, he slid his hands up under her skirt to find the waist band of her panties. Sensually, he pulled them down and as he knelt behind her, he lowered her them to her ankles, taking in a deep breath of her body's scent as he did so. She spread her stance as wide as her panties would allow and Tobias pushed his muzzle up between her legs. As if applying a long stroke of paint to a wall, he pressed his tongue against her folds and licked upwards, making her left leg shudder uncontrollably. The pleasure running through Zeena's body was starting to take it's toll on her mind. She felt as though nothing else around her existed, a veil of haze had fallen over her like a cloud of bliss. As his long canine tongue moved over her groove, she whimpered just a little.

Tobias stood up and undid his trousers. Without even the slightest thought to just what it was he was doing, he pulled out his now very hard, seventeen year old penis. At seven inches long, he gently pushed his way inside the hyena's body making her gasp in amazement at how deep inside her he was going. Her eyes wide and her grip on the desk tightening even more, Zeena felt the dog's body press against her rear. She could barely believe what she felt, he was so deep inside her; she never imaged she'd feel what it was like to have such a beast of a dick between her legs. The hyena could feel it pulsing with pleasure so deep within her body, it was like he was all the way in her chest. Then he pulled out. Slowly, she felt it moving against her walls; as long as he was, he was thick to boot, at least an inch and a half wide she guessed. Her eyes fluttered as the sensation coursed through her body and mind, then she gasped again as he plunged back in.

With ferocious force, Tobias plunged his manhood into his teacher's body. He put his own hips to work, taking every ounce of thrusting force he could muster and channeling it into driving his erection deep into Miss Wasson's depths. In an instant he hilted once again, sending a ripple through his teacher, her breasts jiggling underneath her. After a moment's pause, he slowly withdrew again then drove himself forward once more.

" UAGH!" The math teacher cried out as her student drove his body deep inside her again. Pleasure seemed to seep into her from everywhere. She closed her eyes and gasped for air as the intense waves of ecstasy crashed onto her. It only took a handful of thrusts before she reached her peak and as she screamed with delight, she waited for the telltale signs that they'd been busted. Those signs never came. It was Friday and the school halls had emptied fast. There was no one around to hear her screams except for the janitor and a couple of other teachers with a small music class, and they were all on the other side of the grounds.

Tobias pulled his teacher towards him as he pushed his hips forward. The combined motions were enough to drive Zeena into a second orgasm atop her desk. She cried out numerous times amongst her various whimpers and moans. Each time he thrust himself into her body, the Dalmatian moved harder and faster. Before too long, he'd reached a steady pace, one that saw his teacher hit yet another body numbing orgasm. Tobias knew what he'd done to her because each time her leg shook like she was trying to shake some creature off it. There was a nice puddle of the hyena's juices on the floor now, she could only wonder what the janitor would think when he came to clean it up.

Tobias felt himself drawing close to his own climax, but he didn't want to finish just yet. In a single swift motion, the canine removed his shaft from his teacher's body, flipped her over on the desk and plunged himself back into her. As his member reentered the hyena's body, her back arched off the desk and her head hung off the edge as she screamed at the top of her lungs, a 4th orgasm tearing it's way through her body. Miss Wasson was amazed at her student's abilities; his size, stamina and skill that was sending her over the edge and beyond.

The spotty dog leaned over his math teacher and pulled her blazer open. Still driving his hips back and forth, he grabbed her ample breasts firmly and began kneading them as he ran his canine tongue up between them time and again. Tears streamed from Zeena's eyes as she found her body almost unable to handle the current level of bliss. Her mind screamed for more but her body was starting to wear down.

Turning into the final stretch of his own pleasure, Tobias abandoned the hyena's upper body and lifted her thighs up around his waist. Her underwear had fallen off now so her feet dangled behind his back, one leg hanging limp, the other out stretched and twitching frequently. The dog growled as he slammed himself into his teacher a few last times. A 5th and final orgasm rippled through her body and mere moments later, her insides were filled to the brim with her student's seed. Her body felt as though it was on fire, but she could easily feel whose heat was whose inside her. They both slumped onto the desk, Tobias lying on top of the hyena, still buried deep between her legs.

After catching his breath, the Dalmatian stepped back and his eyes took in the sight before him. Miss Wasson was beyond exhausted, her chest heaved as she gasped for air like a fish out of water. Between her legs, his own volume still spilled out from between her folds and onto the floor. Blushing, Tobias pulled his pants up, grabbed his book and fled from the scene.


"As much as I like the view, I don't think you should just lie around like that." Miss Wasson woke with a start at the janitor's voice. She almost fell of her desk as she sat up, her head spinning. As the elderly dingo began washing one of the classroom's windows, Zeena slowly lowered herself off her desk feeling very light headed and weak. The hyena half stumbled as she stood so she put her hand on her desk to steady herself and then realized her blazer was still wide open. Frank smiled as he watched the hyena adjust her bust and button her blazer before straightening her skirt. Looking around, she spied her panties and putting one hand on her desk to steady herself again, she leaned down to pick them up. A small bulge grew in the janitor's pants as he stared at the full bodied, naked pussy poking out between the math teacher's legs.

"You wanna be careful who you show that to ma'am, it'll get you in deep shit if you flash the wrong person." Frank said slyly. Zeena stood up with a start, then as her head spun and the floor beneath her moved of it's own accord. In a heartbeat, Zeena found herself looking across it as it lay against the side of her face. Standing up again, very slowly, Miss Wasson scolded the dingo.

"Fucking hell Frank, give me a heart attack next time." Though she'd woken to his voice, it never registered that he was there and she never noticed his presence until he spoke the second time. "Enjoy the show?" She said to him a little angrily. She wasn't mad that he'd seen her that way, just mad he'd frightened the living daylights out of her.

"Seems to me I missed the main event." Frank said with a smile. "Would you like a lift home? I dare say you shouldn't be driving yourself in that condition." Frank was a good man, he kept to himself mostly and never butted his nose in where it didn't belong. Zeena knew he wasn't going to tell anyone what he'd seen and decided his words had some merit so she accepted his offer and curled up on her desk once more to snooze while he finished his shift.


"Tobias, there's a... parcel here for you." The teen's mother called to him. It was early Sunday morning and he'd locked himself away in his room as soon as he'd gotten home from school. He'd stayed there all Saturday trying to figure out just what the hell he was going to say when his actions became known. Expecting the worst, he entered the kitchen where his mother sat at the table. She pushed a small box in his direction, it was several inches long and a couple wide with a black ribbon tied around it. Tobias cocked his head to the side as he picked the box up, curious about what was inside.

He read the card with his name on it then removed the ribbon; next he lifted the lid a little before slamming it shut again and running out of the kitchen, blushing hard. In the solitude of his room, he took off the lid of the box and lifted out the familiar pair of black panties; they still smelled strong of her Zeena's scent and as he sniffed them, he spied two more things in the box, a photo and a small note-card. The photo was of his teacher, the time on the bottom was dated the Saturday he'd just spent in his room; in it, she was naked and kneeling on a large bed with white silk sheets. Her legs were spread and her left hand was buried between them, her right had was running up under her chin as her head leaned backwards. It was clear this was no ordinary pose; evidence pointed out that she had been masturbating while the photo was taken, evidence in the form of a large damp patch on the bed sheet beneath her. As his shaft bulged in his pants at the photo, he picked up the card and read it in his mind.

I've never been taken like that before.

It was wild and primal.

I want it again Tobias, I need it.

My body is now yours to do with as you please.

Take me Tobias, take me any time you desire.

Forever yours:

Zeena Hellsinth Wasson.

Tobias turned over the photo and saw an address on the back. Excitement coursed through his body as he packed the few things back into the box and with it still in hand, ran from his room. Forgetting all about his raging erection, he ran to his mother, kissed her goodbye, and then left the house completely. There was no way in hell he was waiting another whole day to see his math teacher again.

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