World Divided: Chapter 3 - Corruption

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#3 of World Divided

Felister looked at the man sternly.

"Explain yourself."

"Not all humans have turned against the anthros." The intruder started. "There are still a few who support your rule, I am one of them." As the panther watched him closely, the blond haired man spoke.

"I used to serve on the council of HOPE although I never fully supported their views. My presence there was for gathering intelligence in the hopes of forming a resistance from the inside. While looking through the forgotten archive I stumbled across an old book, and I mean really old; I was surprised it was still in one piece let alone legible. In it was information about a source of power that was stored in some ruins not far from this very base."

"I know those ruins, I went there just yesterday." Tilly added from behind Felister.

"Yes, you need only go there and tap into that source. Then you will have all the power needed to end this war swiftly and cleanly."

The panther looked at the human suspiciously as he thought about his words.

"Oh come on. What do you have to lose? I'm one human, and if it was a trap you'd likely already know about it."

"He has a point there Sir." One of the guards said.

"And I suppose all we have to go on is your word right?" The base's commander stared into the man's blue eyes as if trying to peer into his mind.

"I'm afraid so. I was ratted out and barely escaped human controlled territory with my life intact; I never had a chance to gather any kind of materials to support what I am saying."

Felister turned around and mulled over what he'd just heard. The human was right, it was less than likely to be a trap and no single human stood a chance against even a single anthro. There didn't appear to be any danger; if anything it could prove to be a dead end and a waste of time, not that there was anything of major importance to do right then.

"Alright, take us to the ruins and I'll have a look. But you'll be going under guard; as soon as I see you make any kind of move that I don't like, you're dead." Felister's voice was gruff and intimidating but the human seemed not to waver at all.

"I want to come." Tilly said as the soldiers took the human away. Her panther just furrowed his brow as he looked at her and thought for a minute. She looked at him with pleading eyes like a poor, hungry child begging for food.

"OK, you can come. I don't expect this to be any kind of dangerous. But regardless of how safe it seems, I want you to stay behind me."


The ruins were large and empty but still mostly intact. Inside, the interior was dark and the stone walls had intricate carvings all over them that nobody recognized. With the human leading the way, the small group entered the ominous structure and wondered through various hallways for a couple of hours. At first, the corridors were well lit by natural sunlight reflecting off mirrored surfaces placed at strategic locations on the walls. The deeper they moved into the ruins, that light began to fade. Before too long, they stopped for a moment so a brown fox with a pack of supplies could pull out four torches. Keeping one for himself, the fox gave one of the three remaining torches to Tilly, a polar bear and the human. Felister cupped his hand over the end of the torches and when he removed it, a flame burned brightly in it's place. Now with light once again, the group continued onward until finally reaching a large hall.

"This place is huge." Tilly exclaimed.

"Didn't you say you'd already been here?" Felister inquired.

"Not this deep."

As the group walked into the massive chamber, the man wondered off to one side, his four panda guards following closely. Felister watched as he walked along the extensive walls lighting large braziers every ten meters or so. There were nineteen braziers in all, two on both sides of the door and five lining each of the other three walls. As the room filled with light it soon became apparent that this room was a main chamber of some kind. There were no other entrances and the walls, unlike the rest of the ruins, had no markings at all on them. In fact, the only markings in the entire chamber were on the floor. A massive circular design was carved into the stone floor which seemed to be one giant slab of stone. The design was very intricate; several tracks lined the inner edge of the carving, each with it's own set of runes and curling designs. At the center of the carving could be seen what appeared to be pictographs depicting several people confining a mass of some indistinguishable form between them.

The blond haired human finished lighting all the braziers then walked over to the far side of the room. By now, the group had ventured further into the chamber; Felister remained close to the edge of the room and watched the man cautiously. The four pandas followed him around but gave him room to move unrestricted, their blades always ready to strike if they were given the order to. The fox and polar bear together wondered around the edge of the circular design, inspecting and speculating on it's intricacies. Tilly was drawn to the center were she looked down at the image and attempted to define some kind of shape out of the shapeless form in the very center of the chamber.

"What are you doing?" Felister inquired as the human knelt at the edge of the circle and put his hands on the outer line. He ignored the panther's words.

"I said-"

"Ick Ahn Eth Mit Ten Shull Nuh!" As the human spoke the unfamiliar words, a red glow raced around the edge of the circle and seemed to slice through the his hands. The fox and polar bear jumped to the away from the carving as the light raced under them, and Tilly looked around a little confused.

"Stand up." Felister ordered as the pandas quickly surrounded the man, setting their blades in a square form around his throat. The man just looked up and stared forward. The panther stormed forward and stood in front of the man to command him to stand once more but before the words left his maw, a voice behind him sent chills down his spine.

"Felister?" Tilly's voice was filled with terror making the panther to wheel around suddenly.

" Tilly!" The white rabbit was slowly lifting off the floor by unseen forces. Her eyes were trembling and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What's happening? I'm scared Felly."

" What have you done!?" Felister demanded as he turned back to the human. He waved his hands at the pandas and they stepped back. The angry panther wrapped his right hand around the human's neck and lifted him off the floor with ease. " Answer me!" He commanded.

"Felister... Help." Tilly's voice was like a little child's, terrified and full of distress. As the son of Senthius turned around once more, he dropped the human and approached his beloved rabbit. As he slowly stepped forward, small ribbons of black energy, like wisps of smoke, rose up from the floor, seeming to come from the large circular design itself. They snaked their way through the air, circling around the suspended rabbit like birds circling prey. Felister drew his own blade and tried to slice one in half but only succeeded in receiving an intense surge of power that threw him back against the far wall. Everyone watched helplessly, the guards not daring to strike the man down lest it cost Tilly her life some how, and Felister winded by being knocked back into the wall heavily.

The sight the panther saw next, nothing could have prepared him for. Horror ripped into him, paralyzing him with shock as the circling energy ribbons suddenly converged on the floating rabbit making her scream in fear. The scream quickly subsided as yet more unexpected things happened. Tilly's short white hair grew long rapidly, reaching down to her waist and turning violet. Her tail seemed to explode as it grew out behind her, also violet; it looked more like a wolf's tail now. The rest of her fur received only a light tinge of violet and after a few moments, the transformation was complete.

As the group of anthros watched, stunned, the rabbit lowered back down to the floor and opened her eyes. They were pitch black now, like the empty darkness itself with golden pupils. She raised her arms and looked at it curiously.

"Dansett mehk-oon. Kana-toos zek ishall tiff neclor-mior." She seemed to speak to herself, either unaware or uncaring that she had an audience.

{How curious. This body is not of natural creation.}

"Guttettoo Ilek seff-Pellniassetoll, ginass vek sii-doos utoo ques etor shivnuk. Shentorell hij-halla yuta suna sef vek nilos estirus esteros yunsoonu gisnulass debbessii ushletoo vek nem-niklun nem-nekool." The man appeared to speak the language fluently as he walked forward, unafraid, almost joyous.

{Ilek, Queen of Pellniassetoll, I am your humble servant. I have filled my mind with knowledge of this world and I offer it to you willingly that you may better understand it and conquer it faster.}

"What the hell have you done to her?" Felister asked as he staggered to his feet. His question went ignored once again as the man stood before the now violet tinged, white rabbit. She rested her hand on his head and ribbons of red energy streamed from the top of his head, up her arm and into her eyes. After a moment passed, the human collapsed into a heap on the now blackened design carved into the floor. Without a second thought, the rabbit turned to leave but was stopped by a single voice.

" TILLY!" Felister cried out as he took several steps forward. The rabbit turned and looked at the panther with rabbit ears and spoke.

"Is that what the name is this body was? Now the name is Ilek; you will do well to both fear and respect it." With her confident words bringing tears to Felister's eyes, she turned and faded from sight as if consumed by the light of the braziers.

The four panda guards fell in behind their commander while the fox and the polar bear slowly walked around the edge of the room to join the group, keeping careful to avoid the now black lines of the large design on the floor. For a couple of minutes, the panther stood unmoving, his mind blank; what he'd just seen was almost too much to absorb. As the two stray anthros joined the rest, the human lying in the center of the room began to stir. Gradually he stood up; seeing his movement, Felister stormed forward and once again lifted him off his feet by a single hand wrapped around his neck.

" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Felister bellowed. His voice was strong and deep, dust fell from the ceiling and the flames around the room flickered fiercely at his words. The man just laughed. Felister tightened his grip around the man's throat and lowered him down to look directly in his blue eyes. Speaking once again, his voice as menacing and deep as never before, almost demonic; the room itself appeared to shake.

" Return Tilly to the way she was NOW."

"You stupid panther." The man said after he stopped laughing. "Your rabbit is no more. Ilek has consumed her body, mind and soul, twisting it, warping it, changing it until it became her new form. There is no coming back, she is gone, everything that she ever was is gone." With a wicked grin he laughed again. Rage boiled in Felister's blood, tears rolled from his cheeks and his fingers flexed around the man's throat, struggling to decide what they should do. Finally overcome with grief, he roared for several seconds in the man's face and then crushed his neck in his hand before hurling his limp body at the wall.

Behind him, the four panda guards, the fox and the polar bear watched as the human's body slammed against the wall with a splatter of blood, leaving a large red stain where it hit. In the middle of the room, Felister fell to his knees and roared once again before burying his face in his hands to cry.

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