Innocent Turquoise - Birthday Joys

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#5 of Innocent Turquoise

Dennis trudged down the stairs and walked straight ahead into the large lounge room. On his right was the wall

that separated the lounge from the kitchen; it ran all the way to the front door and half way there, was the doorway

that led to the long room where they cooked and ate.

In the middle of the lounge room was a four seat couch that faced towards the front of the house, looking at a

medium sized television. On the couch lay the panther's father, snoring heavily. As Dennis reached the doorway,

he turned right and found his sister leaning over the kitchen sink that was filled with soapy water; in one hand

she held a plate and in the other, a wash cloth.

"Where's Mum?" Dennis inquired.

"Out back, hanging the washing." Turquoise dipped the plate in the water and started wiping it down. Behind the

half-breed, her brother stood close by and admired her figure. She wore a light blue T-shirt and a dark blue skirt

that, in her current stance, hid nothing. Dennis' eyes moved up Turquoise's legs, making his penis grow hard in

his pants as he admired her round, bare rear.

The panther moved behind his twin and set her tail to one side, revealing the full lips between her thick thighs.

With his right thumb, he pushed down over her groove and then back up. Turquoise closed her eyes and let out a

gentle moan, still holding the plate and washcloth. A small trickle of juices ran down the girl's legs and a moment

later she felt the familiar feeling of her brother's erection pressing against her pussy.

"Dennis, are you nuts?" She asked.

"Nuts about your body." Dennis replied.

"I'm serious, screwing upstairs is one thing, but we're going to get busted for sure here."

Dennis paused. "But... Dad's asleep and Mum's outside."

Turquoise put the plate on the sink then turned around. "No. And if you try playing the birthday card, you can

forget about fucking me until we're seventeen."

Dennis frowned.

"Oh don't frown at me like that." Turquoise sighed and then turned back to lean over the sink. Her brother smiled

at his easy victory and slowly pushed his thick erection deep inside her body. Hip deep in his sister's body,

Dennis remained still and delicately placed his hands on her hips. As if feeling silk for the first time, he glided

his palms and spread fingers gently up under Turquoise's shirt. Gradually moving up her waist and further up to

her breasts, the panther leaned closer to the body of his sister and held her tightly.

Turquoise moaned softly as her brother lifted her shirt, letting her bust fall out over the sink before he grasped

them, thumbing her nipples. Dennis ran his rough feline tongue up the middle of Turquoise's back as he gave

her bust a firm squeeze. Much to the panther's disappointment, before he got too far into his foreplay the phone


"Oh hell." Dennis grumbled as he stepped back.

"Go upstairs and wait for me." Turquoise said with a smile as she straightened up. Still hard and desiring his

sister's body, the black feline stuffed himself back into his pants and went to his room. There, he waited for a

minute while his twin answered the phone. Shortly afterwards, she walked into his room with the cordless phone

held next to her ear. After closing the door, she walked to her brother who was sitting on his bed.

"Who is it?" The panther asked curiously as he pushed down his pants and lay back on his bed.

"Millie." Turquoise answered. "Talking to Dennis." She then said into the phone. Still holding it to the large wolf

ear on the side of her head, Turquoise crawled onto her brother's bed and slowly impaled herself on his erection.

Her brother lifted her shirt up to once again reveal her large round breasts and gave them a firm squeeze.

Turquoise began to slowly grind her hips back and forth, her brother's limb moving against her walls. Dennis

moved his hand down her body, he placed them on her thighs and slid them up, pressing his thumbs against the

inside of her legs firmly. Beneath her skirt, his thumbs found the soft tuft of turquoise hair that his sister kept

well maintained above her pussy.

"What are you doing?" Millie asked as the occasional soft moan traveled down the phone to her ear.

"Oh uh, Dennis wanted a screw so I'm giving him one."

Millie was stunned, she sat on her bed in silence, not really sure what to say.

"You're screwing your brother while talking on the phone to me... do you have any sense of modesty?"

Turquoise thought for a minute as she continued to rock her hips back and forth. "Nope."

Dennis growled as he continued to move his hands over the smooth skin of his sister. She moved her body back

and forth in a hypnotic rhythm with practiced expertise.

"What am I supposed to do Turquoise?" Millie asked, returning their conversation to the previous topic. "Mum

won't even look at me now. She completely avoids me like I'm some kind of hideous monster. I don't know what

to do."

"Well, she's embarrassed, probably even ashamed. You did catch her getting of to you." Turquoise said.

"And you knew she was there, you put me on display for her." Millie sighed and lay back on her bed, her spare

hand finding it's way up under her shirt. "It's not like I'm angry. I kind of enjoy the idea that Mum finds me

attractive, but I hate how she's acting now. I feel like I've done some terrible thing to hurt her feelings beyond


"You could always give it to her." Turquoise suggested before letting out a strong moan.

"You mean have sex with her?"

"Yeah. She's hot for you. Put the moves on her, make the first move and let her know you don't mind. It sounds

like she probably doesn't know, I bet she thinks you think she's some kind of sick, perverted freak. You need to

let her know that you don't think ill of her, let her know it's OK for her to have the hots for you."

Millie absently fumbled with her breasts under her pink T-shirt as she listened to her friend's words. The thought

of fooling around with her mother wondered around in her head. She thought it odd that it didn't appear to put her

off, in fact, it was just a little appealing. Her mother was very attractive and definitely wasn't shy about showing

off her body considering what little she usually wore around the house.

Moans wafted down the phone to Millie's ear once again and she realized she was growing rather aroused at

listening to her friend's naughty actions on the other end of the phone. Holding the handset to her ear with her

left hand, the fox pushed her pants and panties down to her knees with her right hand.

By now, Turquoise had dropped the phone and was completely immersed in the feeling of her brother's body

moving inside her own. Her moans were regular now and traveled freely down the phone to her friend. Millie

listened to the noises intently and pictured her friend kneeling over her body as she had been the other day. She

pushed her fingers between her folds, massaging her walls, making juices flow out like a river. Occasionally she

gave her clit a firm squeeze that made her body shudder with intense pleasure.

Dennis growled as he kneaded his sister's breasts, his rough finger-pads teasing her skin and nipples. The

twins' noised coursed down the phone line making it easy for Millie to picture her friend behind closed eyelids.

Gritting her teeth, she found her peak and whimpered as she let go of the phone. With fingers from her left hand

pressing against her insides and fingers from her right hand squeezing her clit firmly, the fox's body writhed as

she endured a powerful and exhausting orgasm.

"Aah... Hnnnn-uh..."

Light headed and drained, Millie relaxed her body after a few moments and lay still, her hands still resting

between her legs. As she gently toyed with her clit once again, she lifted her left hand to her maw and licked the

juices that dripped off her fingers.

"Mmm, I taste nice." She muttered to herself.

Back in Dennis' room, Turquoise was nearing her own climax and her brother was not far behind. As they both

approached nirvana, a familiar voice pulled them back to reality.

"Treasure..." The twins' mother called to her daughter as she approached her son's room. The siblings looked at

the bedroom door; they had only seconds to suppress their sexual wants and redress before their mother came

into the room. With a thump, Turquoise half fell off the bed while Dennis pulled his pants up from his ankles. His

sister only needed to pull down her top and straighten her skirt, but the panther's erection refused to die as it

begged desperately for the satisfaction it had just been denied.

A knock came on his door and a moment later it opened. Turquoise threw herself at her brother's chair in front of

his computer and sat down. Dennis sat up in a crossed legged position and put a pillow over his lap. With one

twin sitting in front of the computer and the other sitting on the bed hiding his erection with a pillow, they both

looked at the door as their mother walked in. She paused and looked around, first at her son, then her daughter.

"Treasure, can you give me a hand making dinner?"

"Sure." Turquoise said as she stood up. Dennis silently pined as his sister left the room. Having come so close

to ecstasy only to be denied was going to be torture on his entire body until he could be relieved.


"God, I can't wait anymore." Dennis said to his sister as he lunged at her in the dark. She laughed as her brother

threw himself on top of her. It was near midnight and their parents had finally gone to bed, leaving the twins

alone. The room was filled with darkness, the only light coming from the TV.

Eager to finish what they started a few hours earlier, the two siblings wasted no time in stripping out of all their

clothing. Dumping their stuff on the floor, Turquoise lay back on the couch and let Dennis do as he pleased. He

held himself up with his left hand and ran his right hand up the inside of his sister's right thigh. She squirmed a

little as her brother ran his fingers between her plump folds and on up to her chest. In the light of the TV, the

panther lay himself on the well curved body of his sister, pushing his aching member deep between her legs as

he did so.

Dennis licked up between Turquoise's D-cup breasts, over her chest, up her neck and over her chin to finally

kiss her with lustful voraciousness. The half-breed wrapped her arms around her brother, holding him close to

her hot body; she was as desperate to have him inside her as he was to be there.

"Don't make me wait, I want it as much as you do." Turquoise whispered into the panther's ear. He eagerly

obliged to his sister's request and started grinding himself against her, pushing his shaft inside her body slowly

at first and picking up speed quickly. They'd both been denied their satisfaction earlier so neither cared much

about getting straight to business.

Turquoise threw her head back and let out a moan as body arched beneath her brother's. Dennis in turn grunted

then growled as he continued to pump his hips. Their combined body heat was intense, both felt like they were in

the middle of a furnace. In all their years screwing, the twins had never wanted each other this badly. As though

their lives depended on it, Dennis plunged himself into his sister's body and she held him tightly against herself,

her fists full of his black fur.

Whimpers started to come from Turquoise as she attempted to quell the moans and screams her body wanted to

throw out. Her brother closed his eyes and started pumping into her with hard, abrupt thrusts. All he could feel

was the intense well of good that was sourced in his lap, he was barely aware of her nipples rubbing against the

skin of his chest. His tail found Turquoise's between their legs and wrapped around it, like the individual strands

that make a rope.

Nearing her climax, Dennis' twin lifted her legs and wrapped them around each of his. She used her legs to help

hold him against her and lift him horizontally, pushing his thick manhood as far into her depths as it would go.

With each thrust, the siblings pushed themselves and each other closer to their previously denied explosion of

ecstasy. Turquoise could feel it inside her body, the barrier between sheer pleasure and orgasmic bliss.

The girl's chest heaved as she gasped, the muscles in her body tightening. She felt her heart pound in her chest

as her lungs pleaded for her to start breathing again. Like a mighty tsunami crashing down on a small town,

ecstasy rushed through Turquoise's body, drowning her mind in a numbing high. Dennis plunged into the sea of

rapture after his sister, his body shuddering with his last couple of thrusts. A flood of heat spewed forth from his

hard member, filling his twin in moments before spurting out onto the couch's cushions.

As their minds cleared and their bodies relaxed, the twins began breathing deeply. Exhausted, they lay slumped

on the furniture in the aftermath of what could only be described as an earth shattering eruption of joy.

Completely drained of energy, the two fell asleep in moments, Dennis still lying on top of his sister, his shaft still

buried between her legs.

Turquoise woke about half an hour later. Her brother was still asleep, lying on top of her. Comfortable with the

current position, the only part of her body she moved was her head, turning it to her left to see the TV. On the

screen was an infomercial about wall hooks. Not really paying attention, Turquoise watched the moving images

and just enjoyed the feeling of her brother's warm body lying between her legs.

Dennis opened his eyes only a couple of minutes after his sister woke up. With a contented smile, he looked at

her and rested his muzzle on her chest. She looked at him and reached up with her right hand to scratch behind

his left ear.

"That felt so good." The panther said softly.

"Indeed it did." His twin replied.

"Happy Birthday."

"Mmm, sixteen. Isn't it about this age most other people start having sex?"

"I think so. Fifteen to seventeen." Dennis lifted himself off his twin and looked down at her body.

"What is it?" Turquoise asked.

"You just seem a lot hotter all of a sudden, not sure why." Dennis ran his rough feline tongue over his sister's

large, supple breasts.

"I'v been sixteen for..." The half-breed looked at the time on the VCR "twelve minutes. How am I any hotter than I

was a quarter of an hour ago?"

"I don't know, you just are." The panther licked his twin's body once again before finally getting off her.

"Don't go too far, I'm horny again." Turquoise said, still lying on her back. She ran her fingers up between her

breasts and down to her lap provocatively.

"You're always horny." Dennis noted.

"And you love it." The naked girl said as she lifted her body slightly, flaunting her hips, belly and chest.

After getting a drink of water, Dennis returned and took his sister's position on the couch. Turquoise let her

brother lay down and then straddled his body, getting ready to fuck him again. As her twin smoothly glided his

hands up her body to her breasts, she held his shaft in one hand and guided it once more inside her body.

While Dennis cupped and kneaded his sister's large bust, she started slowly raising and lowering herself,

flexing her muscles around his thick shaft. The panther grinned as he thumbed Turquoise's nipples. She ran her

hands down his furry arms and then back up as she casually bounced on his cock.

"Treasure, honey, what are you doing?" The twins froze instantly at the sound of their mother's soft voice. After a

moment, Turquoise twisted around to look at her standing just in front of the kitchen doorway.

"Fucking Dennis." She said simply and casually. What was she supposed to say? It was clear they were busted,

what point was there in denying their sinful actions?

"I trust you're taking precautions." The mature panther said calmly.

"Yes." Her daughter replied.

"Good girl." Abigail said as she walked into the kitchen. The twins just looked at each other, a little confused.

"Don't let your father catch you two." Their mother said as she passed through the lounge room again, a glass of

water in her hand. As she left the room and headed up the stairs, Dennis and Turquoise giggled and resumed

their perverted playfulness.

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