World Divided: Chapter 2 - Deus Ex Machina

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#2 of World Divided

Tactics of War

Though the power given to the anthropomorphs by the gods had dwindled to a fraction of it's former glory, it was

still formidable on a lower scale; however it was no longer their primary strength. Anthros had a natural ability

that came from their roots as beasts. Agility. Faster and stronger than humans, the anthros had an advantage

over them that equaled the odds on the battle field.

Humans were greater in number and preferred their ballistic weapons, however the anthros often over powered

them with their tactics, closing the distance fast and striking hard. Their movements were erratic making them

difficult to hit and with their expertly crafted, close quarters weaponry, it rarely took more than one strike to put

their foe down for good. In small scale skirmishes, the anthropomorphs dominated.

However the humans had their own advantages. Preferring to use long range bombing and large ballistic

missiles, they maintained superiority on the large scale front. Unfortunately for the humans, the anthros had

substantially efficient intelligence which saw to it that these attacks were little more than an inconvenience than

anything else, resulting in the area being vacated prior to the main assault arriving.

This tactic of the humans did have a use though, scattering the forces of the anthros resulted in preventing them

from establishing major footholds and kept their territories of control in constant flux.

With each side having a counter for the other, the war dragged on with no decisive end in sight. Humans kept

their enemy from gathering it's forces long enough to gain the upper hand and the anthros kept their enemy from

dealing critical damage. In the end, it was a battle to see who could outlast the other that was going to wage for

centuries to come.




Deus Ex Machina

"Knights, as I have not had the time to view your combat profiles, I have selected the top five of you for this

sudden and urgent encounter. Would the following please step forward: Jonas, Arthur, Donyiak, Seth and

Markuss. The rest of you may go, I apologize for summoning all of you like this but it was the fastest way."

Felister spoke to the gathered military soldiers and after calling his list of names, a tiger, two wolves, an otter a

lioness stepped forward. The remaining troops disbanded.

Each anthro wore a blue uniform that looked more like formal wear than something worn into battle. Above their

left breast were various colored, small rectangles that represented medals and commendations they had

received during their time of service. Above the multicolored collection on the otter's shirt was a long red stripe.

Felister approached the ‘Knight' and spoke to him.

"A red sash, what's your ability Knight?" Felister spoke in a firm but non-intimidating tone.

"I'm an imager, Sir. Capable of projecting an image of myself. Misdirection at it's finest." The otter spoke up.

"Sir, if I may ask..." The tiger left his sentence unfinished.

"Pyrokinesis, I'm a flamer." Felister turned around and returned to his previous spot a few feet in front of the short


"Ooo, a flamer for a Commander. Better not piss this one off Donny, he might do more than just knock you on

your ass." One of the wolves said before the group laughed at the tiger.

"Enough chit chat. Semming Base is under attack by an extended range artillery camp that's set up outside

Dennire's border. They can't get this far out before they loose their shield so it's fallen on our shoulders to deal

with the problem. We have approximately twenty minutes before the shield fails. It's only a small camp, so

unless we fuck ass around, it should be easy pickings. Move out Knights." Felister turned and walked briskly

towards a small hanger and the soldiers followed.

"Let's hack us some humans tonight boys." The lioness piped up as she led the group behind their Commander.

Dusk was settling over the area as the group entered the hanger and piled into a medium, natural gas powered

4x4 with an open top. The vehicle was one of the latest breakthroughs in human technology, eliminating a large

portion of the pollution regular cars emitted. However, they were deemed unsuited for the planet due to man's

continued reckless use of them and added to the archive. Now they were employed by both sides for short, cross

country transportation.

The landscape around the Dennire base was mostly flat; wide open dirt-land with small to medium patches of low

growing shrubbery. Once out the gate of the base's fencing, the vehicle with the six soldiers turned south

towards the border of their controlled territory that was about a fifteen minute drive at top speed.

"YIHAA!" Donyiak cried out as they drove over a small hill and flew for several feet before touch ground once

again. Though his company were relaxed and a little excited to see some action, Felister maintained a serious

face as the vehicle bumped and rattled dangerously over the terrain in an attempt to reach it's destination on

time. Landing heavily from another brief moment of flight, a loud crunch was heard from the front of the car.

"Careful Donyiak, we need this thing to get there in time, how fast can you run?" Felister said to the driver.

"Sorry Sir."

As they neared the coordinates, the car's headlights were switched off and it's speed dropped. A more serious

state of mind fell over the vehicle's occupants and soon they approached a ledge that looked down over the

small gathering of humans.

"Alright, let's take a look." Felister said as he got out of the car.

At the bottom of the ledge was a clearing surrounded by trees. Seven large artillery vehicles were gathered,

firing off rounds every few seconds. The sound was intense and took a moment to get used to. Three large flood

lights bathed the clearing with light. Across from the artillery was a small mobile command tent and a few smaller

tents; this had not been set up on any whim, it had been planned and constructed months ago.

"I estimate about twenty humans." Markuss, the grey wolf said.

"We don't have much time. Pick your targets and get to work." Felister said. The group quickly looked over the

area and selected their targets before breaking off into various directions.

"Sir, initial report's in. They erected a shield but as we're further out than usual it's likely they haven't been able

to locate us with their usual scouting tactics." A young man reported to another, bald one.

"Good, keep up the work, their shield won't last forever."

"ARGH!" A cry came from amongst the tents followed by silence.

"What the...?" The man with the shaved head turned in the direction of the noise. A blur of white moved between

the green tents then a moment later a splash of red spewed forth from the human in charge as he was struck


" ANTHROS! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Another voice yelled.

Like vicious snakes, the anthros moved fast and struck hard, all but one wielding a masterfully crafted katana or

long-sword. The lioness raced between the artillery vehicles and cut down her foes before they had time to react,

her large halberd gliding through their bodies with ease. A soldier got the otter in his sight as the anthro ran

straight at him; firing at the anrtho, the human didn't even notice how uncommon and reckless the otter's

approach was. Unaffected by the hail of bullets being fired at him, the otter leaped at the human as he stepped

backwards, firing wildly in front of him. With his attention on the otter before him, the man didn't notice the other

one come up from behind and slit his throat.

The camp was quickly turned into a massacre as anthros felled humans with ease. Felister stood on the ledge

and watched, evaluating his company's fighting for the first time. With the final human lying dead on the ground,

the anthros gathered in the open area in the middle of the clearing, each taking a cloth from a small satchel on

their belt to clean their weapons.

"Well done everyone, let's head back." Felister said. The small group casually walked back to their vehicle and

before getting in it, stood behind their commander who still looked down over the clearing. The panther with

rabbit ears held out his right hand. Heat rushed around him and channeled towards a small ball of fire that now

burned brightly in the middle of the human's camp.

"Start the car Donyiak." Felister said. The tiger obeyed and the group piled into the vehicle. The panther moved

his hand in a broad circle before turning and getting in the car himself. As the 4x4 pulled away from the ledge

and headed back to the Dennire base, a mighty explosion was heard and felt from behind. The human camp had

been destroyed.


"Commander, there's someone here to see you." A voice came out of the small speaker sitting on Felister's


"Send them in." Felister replied. A moment later, Tilly entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Tilly!" The panther pressed the button on the speaker, "Archer, I'll be indisposed for a short while, no

interruptions unless it's urgent."

"Yes Sir."

"This place is pretty big." The white rabbit said.

"How's the house?" Felister walked over to her and hugged her warmly.

"Great, a little empty with you here most of the day, but that's why I came to visit." Tilly wasted no time in

conveying her intentions, immediately she began unbuttoning her fiancé's shirt. A simple, loose dress hung on

the rabbit's shoulder by a pair of thin straps. Beneath the dress she wore nothing, this was obvious to anyone

who took more than a glance at her lower half; the dress cut off just below her hips leaving her legs completely

exposed and the slightest breeze lifted the light fabric to reveal a full pair of white fur covered folds.

With Felister's shirt now open, Tilly proceeded to push it off his torso while he leaned forward and grabbed her

from behind. With little effort, the panther lifted the rabbit up, holding her butt firmly in his large hands. Her legs

spread and wrapped around his lower waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him

passionately. Slowly, Felister stepped back, turned around then walked forward a few more steps to his desk.

Tilly pushed his shirt down his back as he set her down on the bare wooden top of the desk.

Kissing again, Felister removing his shirt and let it fall to the floor behind him as Tilly began on his pants. His

shaft was growing hard and beginning to ache for her warmth. The rabbit was already wet and her scent wafted

up from her open legs to the panther's nose, sending his mind into a frenzy. Desperately Felister tried to control

the overwhelming urge to plunge himself into his love like a savage animal. He lifted her dress over her head

as she unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing manhood.

Finally, Felister lay Tilly back on his desk and began to lick up between her breasts as he gently caressed them.

His long black rabbit ears fell down over his shoulders and the white rabbit picked up the end of one then started

nibbling it softly. With her legs wrapped around his waist, Tilly let her love's ear fall away and moaned softly as

he squeezed her nipples and licked them, his rough feline tongue sending shivers through her body.

A small crowd gathered just outside the office door and grinned as they quietly listened to the soft moans that

came from the other side. Felister gave Tilly's nipple a firm twist, making her cry out loudly before biting her lip

and blushing. With a wicked smile, the panther unhooked his love's legs and knelt between them. Still lying on

the top of the desk, Tilly rolled her head from side to side as her body craved the panther's thick member.

Juices dripped from the desk to the floor as Tilly ran her hands up and down the front of her body. Felister glided

his hands up the inside of her thighs and gently nipped at her folds. The white bunny moaned once again when

the panther pushed a finger inside her body and pressed it against her walls. Her moans grow louder as Felister

moved his finger slowly in and out and ran his rough tongue over her clit, making her body arch and prickle with


Another loud moan made the small group outside the door grow. Tilly began to squirm and finally Felister stood

up to give his love what she desired. Slowly he pushed his erection into the depths of her body, her heat

enveloping his body as though he stood in the middle of a raging blaze. She whimpered as her body twitched

from the satisfaction it now received. His thick piece moved inside her as though it was made to be there, fitting

perfectly, it slid inside smoothly.

Tilly gripped her breasts as the pleasure surged through her body. Felister slowly withdrew himself before

pushing forward once again. A tear rolled from the white's eye as she fought desperately to not cry out. Her

breathing grew fast and shallow as the intense bliss made her head begin to float. Growling softly, the rabbit

eared panther paced his motions, his own ecstasy coursing through his body. His limb pulsed as though it were

growing with energy, storing up for a mighty eruption. In and out of his love he moved, gradually picking up pace.

Tilly's moans grew louder. Felister's thrusts grew faster. Soon the wooden desk creaked as the couple rocked it

back and forth. The rabbit couldn't hold back any more and started crying out as an orgasm hit her. Her love

growled louder as he plunged himself into her body. Each thrust sent wave after wave of ecstasy through Tilly's

body, pushing her through the intense orgasm.

As Felister gave his final pushes, the white rabbit threw her head back and cried out loudly. The black

cross-breed rocked to a halt as he unloaded his heat, filling Tilly's body before it spurted out onto the floor.

Growling strongly through his own orgasm, Felister's body stiffened for a moment before relaxing.

"Mmmm, that was so good." Tilly said in a dreamy voice. Her panther leaned over her and kissed her gently,

first on her chest, then her neck and finally her nose.

"Commander?" The couple nearly fell off the desk when the voice came through the small speaker and startled

them. Sighing, Felister reached over and pressed the button before responding.


"Your presence is needed in the assembly yard."

"I'll be right there."

Tilly followed close behind her beloved as he left the main building and approached a small group of anthro

soldiers who were closely watching a single figure. Surrounded by four pandas, each with a katana held at the

ready, stood a human male in his mid thirties with short blond hair and strong blue eyes.

"What the hell is this?" Felister demanded.

"He walked across our border and straight towards the base holding this over his head." A Donyiak held out a

crude white flag. The commander of the base looked the human over and approached him.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slash your throat where you stand."

"Because I can offer you a way to dominate this war as though you still had the powers you once possessed."

World Divided: Chapter 3 - Corruption

Felister looked at the man sternly. "Explain yourself." "Not all humans have turned against the anthros." The intruder started. "There are still a few who support your rule, I am one of them." As the panther watched him closely, the blond...

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Adonis felt the mattress beneath her move as Avarice climbed back into bed. "Who was that?" she asked, still light headed and half unconscious. "Dad. They're coming to visit this afternoon." Avarice replied, herself barely awake. It was a...

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