Breaking the News

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#4 of The Bond of Sisters

Adonis felt the mattress beneath her move as Avarice climbed back into bed.

"Who was that?" she asked, still light headed and half unconscious.

"Dad. They're coming to visit this afternoon." Avarice replied, herself barely awake. It was a little after ten in the

morning, still early for the feline couple. Her sister's words slowly sank in and when Adonis finally realized what

had been said she sat up abruptly.

"What?" Now very much awake, Adonis straddled her sister who was lying on her back dozing. "Wake up Avarice,

what the hell are we going to tell them?"

"The truth?" Avarice replied, still sleepy.

"The truth..."

"Well what else can we tell them? It's not like we're going to be able to hide it from them."

Adonis sighed, her sister was right. They had been together now for just under two years and with their

substantially adult lifestyle, it would take nothing short of completely sterilizing the entire house to remove the

strong scent of the twins that permeated it's very foundations. To any other it would be a smell like spraying too

much perfume, to the twins it was a constant reminder of how much they loved each other, giving them a

constant contented and blissful feeling.

"Adonis, you love me right? You're happy with me aren't you?"

"You know I am."

"Then all we have to do is explain to Mum and Dad that we are truly in love, it's not some incestuous fetish. We

just have to tell them that we are happy, in the end that's all that really matters. If they can't understand that


"I guess you're right. And no, we can't hide it; our smell is too strong, the only place he haven't screwed is on the

ceiling." Adonis moved down her sister's body then lay on top of her.

"Hmm, I'm still trying to think of a way around that." Avarice joked. Adonis frowned at her sister.

"This is no time for jokes, this is serious. Mum is going to go ballistic, Dad... that's anyone's guess." Adonis lay

her head on her sister's shoulder and closed her eyes, her tail flicking back and forth under the sheet.

"We should buy some air freshener and move any valuable items away from easy reach before they arrive."

Avarice was more awake now.

Adonis kissed her love and got out of bed before heading towards the kitchen to make breakfast. Avarice lay in

bed for a few more minutes before following her sister. In the kitchen, she stood behind Adonis, wrapping her

arms around her sister and breathing in her scent from the back of her neck through her long white hair. Morning

light filled into the kitchen as one sister held the other close.

"Are you going to hold me all morning?" Adonis asked.

"Yep." Avarice replied. For a short time, she held her sister warmly then sat down and quietly watched her move

about the kitchen. After eating, Adonis starting wondering around the house, moving small ornamental items that

could potentially become airborne and dangerous. They were not an untidy couple so there was little cleaning to

be done and the younger sister soon found herself with nothing else to do. Meanwhile, Avarice fished out some

clothes to wear and walked to the small store nearby. She bought three cans of wild flower scented air freshener,

hoping it would at least dull their smell in the house.

"You think that'll help?" Adonis asked as her sister emptied the last can.

"I hope so. For us, the strong smell is ok, but we're used to it. For anyone else it would be very overpowering."

Avarice put the can down and breathed deeply through her nose then sighed.

"We should have a shower before they get here." Adonis said as she took her sister's hand and pulled her along


While her twin turned on the water, Avarice removed the little clothing she'd worn to the store; loose blue pants

and a loose white tank top. Naked once again, she ran her hand over the front of her body and gently cupped one

of her breasts.

"Hey, don't start without me." Adonis frowned before stepping into the large shower cubicle. Her sister soon

followed and under the falling water, they placed their hands on each other's bust and kissed passionately. It

was something of a special sign of affection between the two, each sister holding the full bodied breasts of the

other while they kissed. As the water fell over them, their tongues entwined and explored the mouth of the other

twin. Pretty soon, they began to gently caress the breasts they held, moving their hands over them, pressing and

fumbling the nipples.

Each sister's hands moved around behind the body of the other and held the two cats together tightly, their

large chests pressing together. Along side the water, their hands moved down their backs then back up again.

Avarice reached down and squeezed Adonis' round rear making her lift and press against her sister tighter,

gasping and gripping Avarice's back.

The elder sister relaxed her grip and as she knelt down, Adonis spreads her legs and rested her hands on top of

her sister's head. Avarice ran her hands up and down the inside of her younger sister's legs and gently kissed

her groove while pushing a thumb inside. Slowly she rubbed the inside walls of her sister making her moan and

stagger just a little as the pleasure washed over her body. Avarice licked Adonis' folds firmly and exchanged her

thumb for a couple of fingers which she used to firmly massage her sister's body from the inside.

The hot water poured down on the pair of felines like a waterfall, covering them completely, their medium length

fur clinging to their body like a wet rag. Avarice pushed her fingers deeper inside her sister and licked her once

again, her rough tongue sending a shiver of ecstasy through her body as it moved over her clit. Adonis moaned

loudly then coughed as water ran down her throat. Both females laughed for a minute before continuing.

Adonis stepped backwards and leaned against the white tiled wall as Avarice forced her towards the edge of

euphoria, her juices mingling with the water from the shower. The elder of the twins gently nibbled her younger

sister's clit making her legs finally buckle. She fell to the floor of the shower and Avarice kneeled in front of her

leaning down between her legs. Wave after wave of bliss fell over Adonis' body as she twitched from her sister's

continued antics. Avarice pushed her sister through one powerful orgasm and into another making her squirt

juices into the waiting maw of her twin.

Adonis lay against the corner of the shower cubicle panting heavily as Avarice stood up. While her sister

recovered, the elder picked up a bottle of shampoo and secreted some over the front of her body and onto her

sister's heaving chest. Next she held out her hand and pulled Adonis to her feet before squashing up against her.

Both cats smiled and started rubbing the body of the other, massaging the liquid soap into their fur and generally

feeling each other up. Their hands roamed all over each other and occasionally themselves; over bust and belly,

thigh and hip, butt and tail.

Avarice turned around and Adonis pressed herself against her back. She reached down and plunged her hands

between her sister's legs. Pushing her right middle finger between her twin's folds, Adonis also toyed with

Avarice's clit using her left hand. Gently squeezing the small nub and plunging her finger in and out of her

sister's body at an unsteady pace quickly rose her to a state of pre-orgasmic bliss.

"AAAH!" Avarice cried out as she fell forward and leaned against the glass wall of the shower.

"Never did take you long, did it?" Adonis teased.

"You just... know what... buttons to push." Avarice breathed. She fell to her knees, still leaning against the glass

and Adonis knelt with her, still toying with her nub and exploring her hot insides. With a wicked grin, Adonis gave

her sister's clit a firm squeeze and made her cry out loudly as a surge of intense pleasure raced through her.

Her eyes closed and Adonis still squeezing her clit, Avarice beat on the thick glass wall with her fist as she was

forced to endure one of her more powerful orgasms.

Finally, Adonis released her sister and let her slump on the floor of the shower. While the elder sister lay panting

on the floor, the younger rinsed the shampoo from her fur then leaned down and taking her sister's hand, dragged

her up to stand on her feet.

"Let's get you rinsed ay?" Adonis helped her exhausted sister stand under the water to rinse the soap out then

after turning the water off, walked her out of the shower like a mother helping a child. When Avarice had finally

recovered enough strength to stand on her own, Adonis took a towel and began drying her, thoroughly rubbing

her body and making her white fur fluff out. Avarice picked up the hair drier, turned it on and pointed it toward

herself. The heat from the small electrical device was calming and made her feel like falling asleep, though half

of that feeling was still exhaustion from the orgasm her sister had induced.

"Give me that thing. Here, take this." Adonis took the hair drier from her sister and gave her a dry towel. Avarice

began to dry her twin the same way she had been dried and Adonis used the hair drier to finish what she had

started with the towel.

Finally clean, dry and satisfied, the twin felines left the bathroom to find some clothes. Adonis put on a long black

skirt with a pink button-up shirt while Avarice wore a pair of white shorts with a light blue button-up. Now clothed,

the pair had little do to but wait for the imminent confrontation with their parents. Though they kept in touch, this

was the first time they had seen their parents in four years and both cats were starting to get nervous as the

early afternoon ticked by.

Time seemed to pass slowly as the twins waited on the couch in the lounge room. Avarice sat at one end and

Adonis lay on the rest, her head resting in her sister's lap. A small red light blinked on the end of the TV remote

as the eldest sister surfed through the TV's channels searching for something to watch. Eventually settling on an

old black and white movie, the sisters almost forgot about their approaching visitors.

The expected knock came at the front door a little sooner than expected and Avarice stood up. Adonis waited,

standing in front of the couch, as her sister answered the door. Taking a deep breath, both felines readied

themselves for any number of possible reactions from their parents.

Delight was the sole source of her twin daughter's appearances, medium length, soft white fur and although she

had a slightly larger frame than her daughters, she was well curved and outright gorgeous. A bit of an old

fashioned cat, she wore a long flowing white dress with light purple, frilly trimmings. Her husband, Nicolas, was

an ash black cat with short fur who wore a simple casual blue suit by insistence of his wife.

"Avarice, you look great." Delight said as she held out her arms to hug her daughter.

"Hi Mum, Dad." Avarice said as she embraced her mother. She stepped back and let her parents enter the house

where Adonis promptly hugged them next. After greeting their parents, the twins retreated a little and stood

together as their mother sniffed the air. Nicolas remained silent as his wife breathed deeply through her nose,

taking in the mixture of scents before looking at her daughter's sternly.

"Avarice, Adonis..." Only the elder sister looked at her mother as she spoke to the two girls. "Tell me this smell

is not what I think it is. Tell me my nose is wrong and my daughters have not been rolling in sinful acts of incest."

Delight's sapphire eyes darted from twin to twin searching for a response. Avarice stepped forward with Adonis

clinging to her arm like a little child.

"I'm sorry mother, we can't tell you that."

Delight turned her head to one side as her eldest daughter spoke.

"Mum, Dad, Adonis and I... we're together. We have been for two years now. And before you start scolding us

with a lecture on morality we don't care that we are sisters. It's not some twisted fetish, we truly, honestly love

each other and are happy together... and as far as we are concerned that is all that matters. I'm sorry to say it but

that's just how it is, if you don't like it... I'm sorry but it's just not our problem." Delight was stunned at her

daughter's bold stance. Speechless, she looked her daughters up and down before turning to her husband

looking for support.

"No, don't look at me like that, I'm staying out of this one." Nicolas said as he took a step back.

Delight turned back to the twins and then leaned forward, reaching for the arm of the couch. As if weakened by

their words, she slowly sat down and without looking at the girls, politely requested her privacy.

"Please... let me just sit for a bit." As Avarice and Adonis moved into the kitchen, their father sat down next to his

wife and offered his comfort. In the kitchen, Avarice leaned against the bench while her sister paced back and

forth in front of her.

"Will you stop that." Avarice whispered firmly. Adonis stopped for a moment and looked at her twin before

continuing her pacing; Avarice sighed. The atmosphere was tense, like waiting to learn the condition of a critically

injured loved one. Both twins listened intently for any kind of noise from the lounge room, but silence was all

they heard. Finally, their father appeared in the wide gap in the wall that led from the lounge room to the kitchen.

"Your mother wants to go." Nicolas said solemnly. He paused for a moment as if there was something else he

wanted to say but then he turned and left. The twins stood in silence as they listened to the front door close

behind their parents. Without a word, they returned to the lounge room and sat on the couch, not really knowing

what to do, both hoping that would not turn out to be the last time they would see or hear of their mother and


One week later.

"Hello?" Avarice said, answering the phone.

"Hello, who am I talking to?" Nicolas inquired.


"Is Adonis there?"

"Yes, she's here."

"Good, put me on speaker phone will you?"

"Ok," Avarice pressed a button on the phone and put down the handset as Adonis stood up. "Go ahead."

"Your mother wanted me to give the two of you a ring and let you know she's made a decision. Although she

doesn't approve of your choice in life partners, she does understand that you are both happy and accepts that.

Your mother also said that she will not interfere in your relationship on one condition."

"And that is?" Avarice asked as Adonis stood beside her.

"You're never to use wild flower scented air freshener again, your mother hates the smell of wild flowers."

Truth or Dare; Into the Night

NOTE: This picks up pretty much where Truth or Dare left off. Beverly lifted herself off Tessa, her friend's hot, white fluids dripping down. Alice stared at the large penis, still not sure if it was really real. The black shaft was still...

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Four's a Pool Party

There was a circus on the edge of my small town for a single day and night; almost everyone in the entire town had gone there for the short time it was set up. I say almost everyone because I was one of a handful of people who didn't go. I'm sure...

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Beast Within

Flames tore across the thatched roofs, screams filled the streets as people ran about in a frantic panic. The town of Bevnion was burning and in the fading twilight it's residents had no one to turn to as their possessions exploded into flames. ...

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