Four's a Pool Party

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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There was a circus on the edge of my small town for a single day and night; almost everyone in the entire town

had gone there for the short time it was set up. I say almost everyone because I was one of a handful of people

who didn't go. I'm sure there were others who stayed at home, but I doubt there were many.

At the time, I was living in a small apartment block; there were about 40 apartments, one of which was occupied

by the land lord. The building was shaped like a U, and there was a small round pool in the court yard for

tenants to swim in.

It was a hot day and I'd always wanted to go for a swim naked, so while the few people who lived there were

away, the land lord included, I took the opportunity to swim in the pool without my trunks. Swimming wasn't

allowed at night and nobody dared test their luck to see if they got in trouble for stripping in the pool.

As far as I knew I was the only one there, so I left my apartment with only a towel around my waist. Leaving the

white rectangle on a deck chair, I stepped down the steps on one side of the pool and into the water that was a

nice warm temperature. The sensation of the water flowing around my genitals unrestricted was amazing and I

moved about to make it flow between my legs for several minutes before November emerged from her apartment.

In a sudden fit of embarrassment I dropped down, squatting low in the water so my chin skimmed across the

surface. Gradually I made my way to the edge of the pool, hoping she was on her way to the circus late. I was


The husky was in a bright yellow bikini that looked a size too small for her. She half walked half skipped to the

pool's edge before she even noticed I was in it.

"Hi Cobey, mind if I join you?"

Too embarrassed to speak, I just shook my head making the water splash up onto my face. With out the slightest

bit of hesitation she peeled off her bikini and continued her prance down the pool's steps, her sizable breasts

bouncing with each step she took. I pressed my back against the wall of the pool as my body reacted to hers. As

I felt myself harden, I knew I was stuck in the pool, unable to escape back to my own apartment without being


November swam about for several minutes, ignoring the fact that I was unable to take my eyes off her body

which she made no attempt to hide. She had a trim figure that looked more like it belonged to a sheltered rich girl

than a husky that daily worked on motorcycles. My erection pulsed as it protruded from my lap under the water

and I prayed that this hot, naked, care free babe stayed away from me. Both of us looked towards the gate as it

squeaked open and November's friends entered the fenced off court yard.

"Come on in girls, land lord's out and the water's great." The husky called out.

Vanessa was a lioness with a figure a bit more average, but still quite shapely. The tigress was a mammoth of a

woman; tall and muscular, not like a body builder, but more like those Amazon women in the cartoons. Sunny

towered over her two friends by several inches and made them look like twigs when they stood next to her.

Vanessa wore a light blue one-piece swim suit with no back and Sunny had on a large, loose white T-shirt that

hung down over her wide hips.

‘Oh fuck!' I thought as I stared at the two newcomers. It wasn't like I was unattractive, I exercised to keep fit, but I

was a bit shy, and having three gorgeous woman around me like this made me feel like I was guilty of some

heinous crime and the world was waiting to pass judgment. Under the water's surface, my body ached and pined,

longing to feel the warmth inside each of the three girls. As much as I craved the bodies around me, I wanted to

melt into the cement wall of the pool.

Like some sleazy voyeur, I watched with lustful eyes as Vanessa pushed her swimsuit down her body, pushing

it off one shoulder, then the other and finally down her legs, her tail waving in the air. Her light brown fur shone

golden under the bright sunlight, and as she stood up, stepping out of her swimsuit, my heart pounded in my

chest like it was trying to escape.

Sunny and Vanessa came round to the steps and pranced into the pool to join their friend. Whoever said cats

hated water had not met these two females. November waded over to greet the felines, hugging each warmly. My

erection twitched at the sight of their breasts pressing together amongst the splashing water.

"Hey November, this is great." Vanessa said as she stepped back from her friend. As the husky hugged the

tigress, the lioness dived into the water and swam towards the middle of the pool. She stood up again and ran

her hands through her short, honey-blond hair and looked at me then waved.

I lifted my hand just out of the water and waved shyly, hoping she stayed away from my body.My left hand now

found it's way to my five and a half inch erection and began stroking it gently. Vanessa smiled at me then swam

back to her friends and I realized what I was doing in the virtually clear water.

‘ Shit! What the fuck am I doing? Oh god I hope she didn't see that.' Quickly, I pulled my hand away from

my penis and felt tortured as it pulsed with desire. Sunny waded forward in the water with November, her white

shirt now clear and clinging to her sculpted body with her long black hair trailing along the water's surface behind.

I was near tears now, I felt as though my dick would fall off if I didn't relieve the pressure and want inside it. The

agony only continued as I watched, the three girls swim around, basically ignoring my presence. They splashed

and pushed each other, sending showers of water into the air. At one stage, November dived under the water and

lifted the lioness onto her shoulders before falling backwards.

The water level settled nicely around the breasts of the husky and lioness, but Sunny's height made her bust sit

clear above the water's surface, totally exposed by the clear fabric of her shirt. Suddenly an idea came to me, if I

couldn't see them, I couldn't be aroused by them.

I closed my eyes and tried to flush the images of the three shapely females from my mind. Hearing them laugh

and giggle didn't help, but gradually I could feel the aching desire in my shaft lessen.

"Sunny! AH!" I heard November cry out. Opening my eyes, my want instantly returned as the vision of a tall, large

breasted tigress groping an equally large breasted husky from behind filled my sight. It was no good, I couldn't

stop looking, and as I looked on, I started to wonder if it was actually real.

Vanessa dived down in front of her husky friend; through the clear water I could see her light brown body directly

in front of November's lap. The event was blurred but I believe I can safely assume the lioness licked her friend's

pussy because she gasped deeply before crying out loud then laughed wildly.

It only took a few seconds but the image was burned into my mind and no amount of closing my eyes would

erase it. Vanessa rose once again and with Sunny still holding November's bust, the three waded to the edge of

the pool directly opposite me. To this day I still don't know if they had either forgotten I was there or if it was all

for my benefit.

The tigress released the husky and nipped at one of her ears. November put her hands on the edge of the pool

and lifted herself out of the water before twisting around to sit with her feet still in the water. As she spread her

legs, Sunny lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it out of the pool. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I had

a front row seat to the gorgeous husky's pussy and it was only the beginning.

November opened her legs as wide as she could and ran her hand up and down the inside of her thighs. She sat

on the edge of the pool, her luscious folds suspended above only air and water. My hand flexed near my penis

as I struggled against an intense desire to masturbate furiously. I desperately wanted to be part of the fun, but I

was too shy and embarrassed to even consider approaching the trio.

Vanessa started, she didn't even hesitate in her actions, going straight forward between November's legs. The

lioness pressed her tongue against the body of her friend and slowly pushed it upwards, pressing firmly. Sunny

just stood and watched, roaming her hands over her large breasts. Soon she joined Vanessa between the legs of

the husky, both their rough tongues tantalizing the body of their friend.

November's hands raced over the front of her body, stroking her lap, squeezing her breasts and moaning as her

two friends feasted on her pussy. Each of the felines put a hand on the husky's thighs and parted her folds with

the other. Juices flowed like a river into the pool and both Vanessa and Sunny lapped them up hungrily.

I couldn't hold back anymore; as I stared at the pink flesh of the shapely canine, my hand wrapped around my

erection and began stroking it with much satisfaction. November lay back and began to squirm, her legs lifting up

and down as she neared her peak. She was crying out in ecstasy now and her noises only served to further

arouse me. The rough tongues of the two felines often touched as they licked the exposed skin of their friend,

occasionally, they kissed and openly twirled their tongues together while pushing fingers in and out of the

husky's body.

My right hand pulled on my penis furiously as my left fumbled with my testicles; I was too far gone now, even if

my mother walked up behind me, I couldn't have stopped or torn my eyes off the sight of the three girls. Sunny

pushed a finger deep inside her friend's pussy and with her other hand, gave the husky's clit a firm squeeze

while Vanessa stepped back. The tigress also withdrew, making room for her friend's explosive orgasm.

The stream was long and high. As November screamed at the top of her lungs, her back arched off the concrete

and she squirted past her two friends, reaching to the middle of the pool. With the sound of liquid pouring onto

liquid filling my ears and the erotic sight before my eyes, my body and mind found their own limits making me

unload into the pool myself.

After my body relaxed and I started breathing again, I sank further into the water, my nostrils skimming the

surface. There I was, a wet, embarrassed hare, wishing I could vanish but unable to escape from sight.

Nervously, I fumbled with the end of my right ear under the water, trying not to look directly at the three girls.

Sunny lifted herself out of the pool and offered a hand to her friend who lay on the pool's border breathing


Vanessa trailed her fingers up and down the inside of November's right thigh as the husky sat up and looked at

her. They both kissed as the tigress whispered in the canine's ear before turning and walking around the pool. I

froze, stricken with the sudden fear that they'd notice I was still there. Hoping my presence would go unnoticed,

I closed my eyes again and listened as the distant splashing stopped when the lioness got out of the pool.

Gradually, I opened one eye then the other. None of the females were directly in front of me so I breathed a small

sigh of relief.

"Hi." Sunny's voice chimed in my ear. Instinctively I sank below the surface of the water, only my long ears and

medium length, dark brown hair floated on top of the water. I stayed below the water for as long as I could and

then surfaced in the same spot when I could no longer hold my breath. Realizing I was in the spotlight, I turned

around to look up at the tigress, both ready and terrified to find out what happened next.

For lack of a better description, the sight was heavenly. The sun was behind Sunny, giving the tigress a shining

glow of light along her orange and black outline. Her white front was dark in the shadow of her body. All I could

look at was her pussy; squatting on the edge of the pool with her legs spread wide, it was just there, as if

screaming at me to stare at it.

"I-I-um-I-uh..." If my brain was a construction of cogs, it had just fallen apart and was scattered all over the

ground. The gorgeous feline just smiled at me and held out her hand. Not really sure what else I should do, I

nervously took it and she walked along the pool's edge, leading me to the steps. All of a sudden, Sunny's body

was so attractive to me, I felt a new feeling about her that I'd never felt before. I just wanted to touch her, to hold

her, look at her, smell her. In that instant, I had fallen deeply in love with the tall, muscular, full figured and well

curved tigress. I didn't even notice that my erection was sticking out in front of me as I followed her to the deck


November was sitting on one and Sunny guided me to another where Vanessa was waiting. Obediently, I sat

down then the lioness pushed my chest, directing me to lie on the long white seat. The husky watched intently,

her legs together but with her right hand between them; her chin rested in her left hand, her elbow on her knee.

The tigress put her hands on my face and turned my head to look at her. She smiled at me, a mischievous face

with a hint of love beneath the surface. That's when my dick was swallowed. Vanessa stuffed it in her mouth like

it was a cure for a fatal disease and it startled me so much that I sat up and tried to pull away from her. Sunny

pushed me back down so her friend could continue running her tongue around my shaft. Her rough, feline tongue

felt like soft sandpaper and sent peculiar but enjoyable sensations through me as it ran over the tip of my dick.

While the lioness worked her magic down there, Sunny lifted a leg and proceeded to stand over my face. As I

looked up, all I could see was her pussy between her legs and her ample bust. She looked down at me and then

squatted. The deck chair was flat and with the tigress being so tall, her squatting over me left her pussy only a

couple of centimeters away from my maw. Vanessa swallowed my manhood whole and started rubbing her

tongue on the base of my shaft; I could feel the back of her throat against my end.

Sunny started to finger herself above my face, her juices dripping into my open maw. Vigorously rubbing her

body, inside and out, her legs began to twitch as she squatted, all her weight supported on her tip toes. I lifted

my head to lick her folds and she pushed me back down. It's beyond me just exactly when my embarrassment

and shyness left during that encounter, but it did leave, and it never returned.

The tigress soon found it hard to continue holding her pose and lifted her legs so she was kneeling on the edges

of the deck chair, a leg on either side of my head. My focus was suddenly torn away from the feline above my

face as Vanessa released my penis and rubbed it a couple more times on the base, this time with her thumb.

That was all I could take from her; like a geyser I shot a white stream into the air. Don't ask me where it landed,

because I have no idea.

As a matter of fact, I have no idea what happened at all after that moment. All I remember is a faint blur of Sunny's

thighs as I fell asleep. It was late afternoon when I woke up. I was in my apartment and for a couple hours I

actually believed I'd dreamed the entire thing. It wasn't until I noticed a small piece of paper under a magnet on my

fridge that I realized it wasn't a dream.

Two things were written on that paper. A phone number and a name, Sunrica.




Sunny - "He's asleep!"

November - "What? You're joking... HA HA!"

Sunny - "Vanessa, what'd you do to him?"

Vanessa - "Don't look at me, it's not my fault he can't handle two orgasms in a row. How was I supposed to


Sunny - "Well, we can't just leave him here. I'll take him inside, which is his apartment?"

November - "Number 15. Need a hand?"

Vanessa " "Yeah, like she can't lift him herself. Don't look at me like that, miss built like a truck. And don't poke

your tongue out at me either."

November - "HA! You two are nuts."

Sunny - "So are you."

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