Window Shopping

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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"Malice, babe, you don't need any more clothes." Derrick followed the voluptuous hyena into the large clothing


"Derrick, I'm just looking. I have no intention to buy anything."

The store was large but also very cramped with multiple circular racks scattered about the store's floor. Various

shirts and dresses hung on the rack in many different colors and sizes. As Derrick followed Malice into the store,

he soon lost sight of her in the forest of multicolored garments.

"Malice, where'd you go?" Derrick stood on his toes to look over the top of the taller stands that had long flowing

dressing hanging on them.

"Back here babe." Malice waved her hand in the air and the following male hyena used it as a guide to find her.

"Look at these beautiful dresses. So elegant."

Derrick admired the fine design of the expensive gown. It was a silvery white silk that hugged the upper body

around the bust. Elastic was woven into the middle to embrace the waist before flowing out into a bell shape that

draped down to the floor.

"It does look nice."

"Then that settles it. I'm trying it on." Malice turned sharply and strode towards the changing rooms at the back of

the store.

"What? No, Malice." Derrick called after her in an attempt to stop her, knowing she was now more likely to end up

buying the thing. Though money was no real matter for the couple thanks to Malice's more than wealthy parents,

the hyena was prone to impulsive buying and without someone to restrain her, she often ended up buying stuff

she had no real usage for.

Derrick trailed after her and reluctantly sat on one of the single seats outside the changing room. He was a

patient man, with Malice he had to be. She was a rather free spirited and outgoing hyena, but then so was Derrick.

As he waited outside the change rooms, he heard a gentle humming flow out from the small back room area.

‘She's humming, usually means she's horny. This should be interesting.' Derrick thought as he glanced around

to see who was near by. At the back of the store, the change rooms were mostly cordoned off by the tall racks of

dresses; only a small gap between a couple of the stands allowed for a direct line of sight to the seating area.

Though the shop was located in a high traffic area of the shopping mall, it was 1:13pm and few people were about.

Inside the store, there was only an assistant behind the counter; a young male raccoon that seemed more

interested in the PlayBunny magazine he was reading than watching the store. After a short wait, Malice returned

from the changing room, her figure flaunted by the gown she now wore. She stepped elegantly towards Derrick,

her bust bouncing gracefully with each step, the silky white fabric contrasting against her light and dark brown fur.

"What do you think?" She said as she displayed herself from different angles. Her movements flowed like water,

her poses provocative, the atmosphere she emanated was literally screaming I'm horny, fuck me , even

if she wasn't aware of it. Derrick recognized the mood instantly, Malice was not a hard female to read, especially

when it came to sex; she was wild and forward about her wants and desires and that was exactly what Derrick

loved about her; even the proper upbringing the girl had been given wasn't enough to suppress the wild

beast inside her.

"You're not wearing anything under that are you." Derrick said with a sly grin.

"No I'm not." Malice replied after she thought for a moment. She hadn't even noticed that while she was humming

and changing, her silk panties had found their way onto the changing room floor and remained there. She started

to dance provocatively for Derrick, tracing her hands up and down her figure. He watched intently as Malice

swung her hips beneath the large dress. With a rapidly growing erection, Derrick sat back in the chair and held

out his arms. Not even considering her surroundings, Malice lifted the dress and straddled the sitting hyena. The

dress covered both their lower halves on the chair, though anyone with half a brain could figure out in their mind

what the scene might look like beneath the expensive fabric.

Derrick slowly moved his hands up Malice's side; he could feel her fur beneath the dress. She pressed her bust

against his chest and kissed him as his hands reached around behind and held her close. For a moment they

embraced as such, absorbing the tenderness of the situation like the first taste of a rich desert.

"Why don't you pull that beast out, I can feel it in your pants." Malice whispered in Derrick's ear.

"So soon? Don't you want to play a bit first?" Derrick enjoyed watching Malice have her way with other people,

he let her indulge in the wild beast inside her and that's what kept her by his side.

"Play? With who?"

"I bet that store-hand thought it was just going to be another boring day when he came to work this morning."

Derrick looked in the direction of the store's transaction-counter. Malice stood up and looked over the top of the

clothing racks.

"Ooo, he looks like fun." She grinned maliciously then waved to get the young raccoon's attention. "Excuse me,

can you help me back here, please?"

"Uh, sure thing." Came the reply. Before he left the counter, the raccoon quickly stuffed his magazine in a small

cardboard box and attempted to push down the tent in his trousers.

"And your name is?" Malice asked softly as the boy entered the isolated area of the store.

"T-Todd..." The raccoon answered. ‘Holy Hyena.' He thought to himself as he stared at the deadly curves of the

store's customer.

"Well Todd, could you help me with a little something?" Malice bent forward. The store-hand was only as tall as

her bust and the dress crossed the middle of her breasts, leaving a large portion of them visible on top, like small

brown hills. Her cleavage left the raccoon speechless as she leaned forward and stared down at his pants.

"Uuuuhhh..." Was all Todd could say in response.

"Hello?" Malice waved a hand in front of his face, drawing his attention back from the abyss of lust it had sunk

into; a dumb, drooling doll was no good to her.

"Oh, yes, of course. Uh, how may I help?" The raccoon shook his head rigorously, shaking his lustful thoughts

from his mind and trying to act more like a civilized person and less like a lust crazed beast. Todd deliberately

stared into Malice's eyes in an attempt to keep from seeing the rest of her and become distracted once again.

There was mischief in those brown eyes, and it threw a rope around the raccoon, tying him down.

"I need you to do something for me." Malice stood up once again, cocked her head to one side, lifted her shoulder

provocatively and placed her hands on her hips.

"Anything you want." Todd said, almost in a trance. At this point, Malice could have asked him to do the

impossible and he would have done it. She placed her hands on the top of the dress and pushed it downward;

being mostly elastic around the center, there was no zipper and the dress expanded to fit over the full figured

hyena's hips with ease. In one motion she pushed the gown to the floor and finally stood fully naked before the

dumbfounded raccoon who's pants now stretched with one almighty erection inside.

"Kneel." Malice commanded. Without hesitation, Todd fell to his knees, his eyes fixed on the luscious body in

front of him. The raccoon was nineteen, but Malice was making him feel like he was twelve, her dominant

presence and overwhelming appearance were enough to break the gayest of men. She stepped forward and

stood just in front of the raccoon, his face level with her lap.

Standing over the boy, Malice traced her hands down the sides of his face and gently guided it forward. The teen

didn't seem to need much more instruction as he placed his hands on Malice's thigh and buried his face between

her legs.

"Oooo." Malice bucked just a little as Todd plunged his tongue into her body. Now that he'd been given clearance

to enter, the raccoon had stripped away his shyness and liberally gorged himself on the hyena's ample pussy. It

was hardly the most stimulating experience Malice had had, but she didn't want it to be, she drew enough

pleasure from giving this young raccoon one of the most pleasurable experiences he was likely to have for

several years. Malice was saving herself for Derrick, he was an exhausting and powerful lover and she didn't

want to waste too much energy on appetizers.

Todd's mind was barely working, he was acting on impulse mostly, just letting his body go, licking and tasting,

drinking the juices that flowed from this horny creature standing over him. Malice put her hand on the back of

Todd's head and pushed his face into her lap a little more, encouraging him to go deeper, he obeyed. The

raccoon pushed his tongue into her depths as far as it would go, her juices flowed down his throat like a small

waterfall of sweet nectar. He roamed his tongue over her pussy, inside and out, pushing against her body firmly

as she looked down and smiled at him.

Malice moved her left hand to one of her ample breasts and her right hand to the top of Todd's head before

roughly pushing him away. He fell onto his back and looked at her just a little confused. His confusion soon left

though as the hyena knelt and pulled down the raccoon's pants.

‘Holy shit! She's really going to fuck me! Oh god, I've got to be dreaming, this is insane!' Todd's mind started

going into overdrive as he started to realize this amazingly gorgeous creature was about to fuck him for

practically no reason at all. He let her take control, and just watched as this barely believable event took place

before his eyes. ‘Nobody is ever going to believe this, fuck!'

Todd had a light frame, but his penis was larger than most would expect when looking at him. Malice pulled his

pants down and took hold of his hardened limb with one hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Not too shabby." The hyena said as she positioned herself over the raccoon's dick. Derrick was casually

watching the show, enjoying seeing the teen struggle to determine if this was real or a dream. He unzipped his

own pants and pulled out his penis to let it fester in the open air, unrestrained. Seven inches of black meat stuck

out from his lap like a burnt tree trunk, he deliberately kept his hands away from it, letting the desire inside it

ache. Derrick had found that he enjoyed the aching want more than actually getting the pussy of his favorite

hyena and so he let her have her fun while he watched, highly aroused and aching for her body.

Todd's penis vanished between Malice's legs almost like magic, swallowed by her black folds and brown fur. His

mind ground to a halt and screamed at him ‘If this isn't a dream, you've died and gone to heaven by mistake.'

The raccoon could feel his limb being squeezed as the muscles inside the hyena flexed. She moved her hips

back and forth, grinding against Todd's body like she was carving away slivers of it with a blade.

As Malice moved forward again, causing the piece of meat inside her to pulse with pleasure, the raccoon put his

hands on her thighs and arched his back off the floor as if his life depended on it. The hyena tightened her

position and Todd felt as though a belt had just been tied around his cock, the tightness made him want to cum

even more, but it also prevented the release. With his eyes wide and his hands gripping Malice's thighs, Todd

let out a cry of ecstasy that caused several shoppers to walk away from the entrance of the store.

The hyena held her position, maintaining her grip on the penis inside her. While Todd's mind blazed with heat,

his lower body slowly began to cool. Once the orgasmic explosion had been quelled, Malice slowly lifted herself

off the raccoon and left him lying on the floor. Derrick stood up and lowered his pants to the floor before

unbuttoning his shirt and sitting back on the chair, he knew she was coming to him next.

The two hyenas met in a passionate embrace, Malice slowly swallowing Derrick's large member with her body as

she sat on his lap. They kissed and ran their hand over each other as Todd sat up, recovering from his

near-orgasm experience. As the raccoon watched on, the scene of passion played out in front of him. Malice

lifted herself off Derrick's lap and then fell again, driving her body down hard around her lover's shaft. She

bounced expertly, lifting slow and dropping fast, her large breasts bouncing and rubbing against Derrick's chest.

Todd couldn't tear his eyes from the pair and suddenly remembered where they were. Glancing around, he stood

up and tried to see over the clothing racks in order to determine if anyone else was in the store. Everything

seemed clear so the raccoon turned back to the show.

Derrick held Malice close to him as she rhythmically bounded up and down on his lap. She looked at Todd and

smiled slyly before beckoning him over. The raccoon approached obediently and stood next to the couple; before

he knew what was happening Malice grabbed his penis and began stroking it while she continued to fuck Derrick.

Her grip was firm and she pushed her thumb up the underbelly of Todd's dick from base to tip. The massive

stimulation from before suddenly returned and the raccoon's legs shook wildly as he struggled to remain

standing. He put each of his hands on one of the shoulders of the two hyenas in order to hold himself up. His

legs felt like jelly from the intense feeling and Malice aimed his penis upwards and as he felt the floor move

under his feet. Todd unloaded, firing through the air and into Malice's waiting maw. She eagerly swallowed what

didn't cover her face and the wall next to them as the raccoon fell down, exhausted and unable to stand.

Derrick kissed Malice and with her still perched on his dick, stood and made his way to the other wall behind his

love, holding her thighs while she clung onto him with her arms wrapped around his neck. Pushing Malice

against the wall, Derrick drove his body inside hers hard, it was time for the main event. He moved inside her

with ferocious force, starting out slow and picking up speed. His thrusts were hard and sharp, each push

sending waves of pleasure through Malice's body.

Derrick growled as he rammed himself into her depths, not caring how rough he was with her. She moaned loudly

as her body was plowed into. Not only did Derrick push his dick deep inside her, he pressed his entire body

against her, sandwiching her between himself and the wall. In a daze, Todd looked up at them from the floor and

watched as Malice began to cry out with pleasure.

‘Shit,' he thought ‘someone is going to hear the noise and come in at any minute.'

Outside the store, many people walked passed the entrance, not wanting to know what the noises were but still

having a rather good idea. In the security room, several male anthros and even a female stood around the small

screen and masturbated furiously to the scene. Derrick continued his savage thrusting and pushed Malice even

further. Her orgasm hit and her screams rang out like mighty church bells.

" OH GOD!" Malice cried out as the orgasm drove it's way through her body. Derrick also felt his peak

near, the pressure in his body was breaking the dam and about to explode. With a final mighty thrust, he plunged

his erection into Malice's depths and flooded her insides with a torrent of heat that spurted out, covering the floor

and wall in a sticky white shower.

One hyena withdrew from the other and lowered her, letting her stand on her own two feet. Malice knelt before

Derrick and licked the remains of his eruption before standing once again. By now Todd was staggering to his

feet; he picked up his clothes and weakly pulled them on as Derrick redressed and Malice picked up the dress

before returning to the change room.

"Wait..." Todd said "Please, I want to see you in that dress again."

Derrick sighed as he made his way to the counter. Malice provocatively pulled on the dress for Todd's benefit as

he finished dressing, slowly regaining his strength. The raccoon took one last look at the full figured hyena in the

contrasting silver-white silk dress before finally thanking her and returning to the counter where Derrick was

waiting with his wallet open.

Finally, Malice joined them, her own clothes in her hands, the dress still on her body.

"I knew you were going to want that thing now." Derrick said as he pulled out a credit card.

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