Innocent Turquoise - Millie's Mother

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#6 of Innocent Turquoise

‘She's hot for you. Put the moves on her, make the first move and let her know you don't mind. It sounds like she probably doesn't know, I bet she thinks you think she's some kind of sick, perverted freak. You need to let her know that you don't think ill of her, let her know it's OK for her to have the hots for you.' The words rolled around in Millie's mind for a couple of days. It had been almost two and a half months now since she had caught her mother masturbating to her. At first she was surprised, then shocked and finally curious about her mother's thoughts and feelings. The more she thought about it, the more the concept actually grew on Millie. She didn't know what it was, but Turquoise had woken something in her and it was intriguing.

Sandy stood just outside the doorway, her eyes connecting with her daughter's for a brief couple of seconds before she ran down the hallway and slammed her bedroom door shut, both embarrassed and ashamed by her actions. Millie's mother locked herself in her room for four whole days before she finally emerged. She ignored all attempts at contact from her daughter and only left the room in order to go to the toilet and gather the tray Millie left outside her door with a meal on it. The young fox had no idea what to think; with her mother locked away, avoiding her completely, she began to feel as though she had done something wrong herself.

Once Sandy left her room, the interaction between her and her daughter didn't improve much. She did her best to avoid looking directly at her and whenever Millie approached her, she turned away. Millie had hoped that with time, her mother would get over that day and things would return to normal so she gave her mother space. This wound however, was not one time could heal. Finally, after many more attempts to get her mother to at least look at her, Millie called Turquoise for advice. Her friend's words were something she did not expect. However, after giving them much thought, they did seem to make some kind of twisted sense. It was a bold course of action, but the brown haired fox thought it might just work.

For days on end, Sandy scolded herself mentally. She fought hard to hide the tears that were constantly threatening to fall. Each and every time Millie looked at her, flashes of that moment came rushing back and the shame and embarrassment came with them. Silently, she cried herself to sleep at night, wondering what kind of thoughts were running through her daughter's mind. After she left her bedroom, she noticed out of the corner of her eye Millie peeking in her direction frequently. If she'd looked at her directly, Sandy would have seen that there was usually a look of despair on her daughter's face. She would have seen that her daughter was concerned not about the fact that her mother was fingering herself to her, but about how badly she must be feeling and how she could make things right between them once again.

Millie stood in the doorway to the lounge room and watched her mother snoozing on the couch. It seemed the only time she was at peace lately. She lay on her back, her chest rising and falling rhythmically; the sight was calming and even a little arousing. Thoughts of her mother's body trailed into Millie's mind as her friend's words once again echoed in her head. It was the first time she'd looked at her mother that way, she noticed details about her that she actually found quite interesting. The 33 year old red-fox was 5'9" and had a very curvy body. Her breasts were a nice C size though she'd admitted a couple of times in the past that she'd like to have D's instead. Millie's gaze moved over her mother's sleeping body, noting the soft red fur on her tummy between her shirt and her jeans. Atop her breasts, beneath her shirt, her nipples poked up and Millie couldn't help but admire them; small lumps on top of large round mountains. Usually, her mother wore very little, but since the incident, she'd taken to covering herself more thoroughly. ‘It's now or never.' Millie thought to herself and walked over to the couch where her mother lay.

Sandy's eyes snapped open suddenly when she felt someone straddle her torso. Her eyes focused on the young red-fox kneeling over her in a moment and she looked at her daughter in terror. Blood rushed to her cheeks making her entire face heat up as shame and embarrassment flooded over her. She turned her head from side to side, trying to look away. Closing her eyes tightly, Sandy tried to rise but she was pinned by her daughter.

"What are you doing? Get off me, get off now." Sandy's tone wasn't angry, it was sad and scared. The tears she'd been fighting off for so long were finally set free and as she feebly struggled to avoid the confrontation she wept tears of shame. Millie leaned forward and hugged her mother, pressing her body against the mature fox beneath her.

"It's ok." The young fox whispered into her mother's ear. Like a mother comforting her child after a traumatic experience, Millie hugged her own and repeated the short sentence over and over. Before long, Sandy's struggles lessened and she finally stopped but she stilled refused to look her daughter in the eyes. Millie lifted her body up into an upright position again and put her hand to her mother's face to gently turn it so she could look into her mother's eyes. But Sandy refused to budge so her daughter tried something else. With a smile on her face, Millie pushed her mother's T-shirt up to reveal her breasts and caressed them firmly. This got a reaction. Sandy looked up at her daughter in surprised and shock just in time to receive a kiss from her square on the lips. A soft thumping could be heard as Sandy's tail batted the couch between her legs. The tips of her fingers were shaking and her mind blank. The kiss lasted nearly a minute before Millie rose once again. She smiled down at her mother and started talking.

"I know you want me Mum, and I don't mind. You don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed that you find me attractive. The truth is, I kind of like the idea." Millie's words were sweet and soft. To emphasize her words, the young girl licked up between her mother's exposed bust and kissed her gently on the nose before hovering her face over that of the fox under her, staring into her faded green eyes. Sandy looked deep into the strong green of her daughter's eyes and found she couldn't turn away. Was she dreaming? Was it a trick?

"I..." Sandy didn't know how to respond. She wanted so desperately to be with her daughter in this way and this position was pushing her emotions past shame and embarrassment and on to lust where they once frolicked before.

"You... you don't hate me for this?" Sandy finally managed to ask.

"No. You're my mother and I love you dearly. I always have and I always will." Millie said with a smile. She sat up once again and this time lifted her own shirt over her head. After discarding the light blue garment to the floor, Millie took up her mother's hand to put it on one of her daughter's breasts. Sandy pulled away before any physical contact was made and looked at her daughter's upper body with both desire and concern. Gingerly, she moved her hand closer then stopped just millimeters away, her hand shaking with fear and excitement.

"Are you sure you want this?" Sandy asked her daughter. Millie responded with a simple nod and a smile, giving her mother the all clear. Sandy cupped her daughter's breasts in both her hands now, gently squeezing them. The 15 year old red-fox let out a gently moan as she allowed her mother to finally feel her up, just like the older vixen had been wanting to do for years now. Her touch was tender and loving like a mother's touch ought to be and it gave Millie a strangely comforting feeling. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back as she put her own hands on her mother's breasts once again. Sandy's daughter caressed her mother's breasts, thumbing her nipples from time to time, making the 33 year old red-fox slightly arch her back off the couch. Sandy lifted herself up and firmly ran her tongue over her daughter's breasts, first one, and then the other. She wrapped her arms around the young fox and buried her face in her chest before looking up into her eyes.

"I didn't think you'd be into this." Sandy said, her tears of shame now tears of happiness.

"I didn't think I would be either. You can thank Turquoise for all of this." Millie smiled and gave her mother a kiss on the nose before sliding backwards, still straddling her mother's body. Sandy lay back again and trailed the tips of her fingers through the fur on her stomach as her daughter fiddled with the button and zipper on her jeans. As Millie pulled her mother's jeans down, Sandy pulled her shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. She watched coyly as her daughter lowered her face down to her mother's lap and gently pulled down her damp panties before casually kissing her now exposed folds. At the touch of her daughter's lips to her most private area, Sandy's mind began racing along side her heart. She gasped and whimpered a little as she bucked her hips upwards. With a wicked smile, Millie pushed her muzzle between her mother's legs and gave her groove a firm lick. At that, Sandy moaned loudly, clamped her hands on her breasts and arched her back sharply.

Millie sat up once again and moved backwards all the way to her mother's feet, pulling both her jeans and her panties with her. Sandy's heart pounded in her chest like a drum, her breathing was quick and her mind floating. As her daughter finished removing the rest of her mother's clothing, Sandy squeezed her own breasts and wondered behind closed eyes if this was truly real or just a torturous dream. Millie leaned down once more and buried her face between her mother's legs. She pushed her muzzle forward to the dripping pink folds of skin and tenderly pushed her tongue between them. Sandy cried out in pleasure as her back arched once more, her left hand gripping the edge of the couch, her right hand gripping the top of it's backing. The mature fox cried out again and forced her daughter to hold her thighs in place lest they squeeze her head like a melon. Millie lapped at her mother's body, occasionally giving her clit a gently flick with the tip of her tongue. Sandy's cries turned to whimpers as she moved from one orgasm to another, her mind swimming in a daze.

The cushions of the couch were drenched from the juices flowing from the adult fox. She bucked her hips up and down as her hands raced about, grabbing her breasts, running through her daughter's short brown hair, grasping fist fulls of couch and moving up and down her thighs as her head leaned back and her lungs begged for air. Millie made one final move; she gave her mother's clit a gentle squeeze and soon found herself clamped by round legs as her entire body tightened from the intense bliss. Sandy had been wanting this for a long time, letting it build into a dam and now that dam had burst.

She slumped on the couch once again, her body exhausted and gasping for air. Millie removed her face from between her mother's legs and straddled her stomach once again. The teen vixen looked down at her mother and gave her a gentle kiss on the nose when she realized the beautiful woman was asleep. Millie decided to strip off her short white skirt and panties as well before joining her mother in comfort. Though she didn't sleep, she lay against her, two naked, red furred bodies, and closed her eyes to rest. Millie lay on top of her mother, her head resting against her right breast, and absently trailed her right index finger through the soft red fur they both shared. It was about an hour before Sandy woke and when she did, she immediately hugged her daughter warmly.

"I'm so happy you don't hate me for this." Sandy said, holding her daughter tightly.

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