World Divided: Chapter 5 - Negative Forces

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#5 of World Divided

Ilek stood before a large mirror with an intricate golden frame seven meters wide and five meters tall. It hung on one of the side walls of her bedchamber giving the effect of having a second room beyond the golden frame. She held out her right hand towards her reflection, inspecting her naked body curiously. Unlike her previous body, this one was quite accommodating to her essence and accepted her with little resistance. She looked down at herself and ran her hand through her soft white, violet tinged fur; it felt like a cloud against the padding of her fingers and palm. It was almost comforting, standing naked and exploring her new body.

"It's curious." Ilek spoke to herself. "I've never seen a body such as this; so strong. It was born and grew like any other and yet it is unnatural. For a mortal body to so comfortably house my essence it must have been created by a god or other deity of similar power. I wonder why it was made."

"My Queen, a decision appears to have been made." A tall slender figure stood in the doorway of Ilek's bedchamber, bowing to her humbly. He wore a dark cloak that concealed all but his pale white hands with their long slender fingers, almost like a skeleton's hand.

"Thank you Ashitor, you may go." Ilek turned around and walked over to her large bed behind her. Covered by red silk sheets with gold trimming and matching cushions, it could easily fit about six grown adults in it with room to move. The violet rabbit picked up a light pink sheet of fabric which she draped over her shoulders like a cloak. She cared little for covering her body so most of her breasts and everything below her hips was left uncovered. The fabric was fine woven cotton and hung over her shoulders like flowing water; it hung down her back and draped over the full length of her long, wolf-like tail which drifted behind as if floating along on a river.

Ilek walked into the main temple hall and stood in front of her throne. About seventy human looking people with blue patterns over their skin stood gathered before her and looked angry, distraught or just plain upset. As Ilek took her position at the front of the group, a middle aged man in a rough, brown leather jacket and woolen brown pants stepped forward.

"It has been discussed at length and a decision has been made. For better or worse, we do not accept you as our queen. We have our freedom and it is our right to keep it. We may not be a highly advanced people but we are proud and have no wish to be ruled over by someone who has in no way proven that they deserve to lead us. Do as you wish, but our world will not bow to you." The man spoke with a shaky voice, but there was resolve in his words.

"Very well. If that is your decision, then your world has no place in my realm." Ilek waved her left hand over the gathered people and they vanished, returned to their own world. A moment later, the rabbit walked forward, following them. In the middle of an empty town square, the very air seemed to ripple as a void opened and the powerful rabbit stepped through. She looked around at the buildings; most were built of wood, some brick.

"Estere mennoota ahl-fenn deshnikull." The words Ilek spoke seemed to echo across the entire planet and after a brief second of dead silence thunder could be heard as dark clouds gathered above the large farming town. Ilek flung out her arm, pointing to the largest and most prominent building, a large brick structure with stained glass windows. Lightning struck the building and it erupted from the inside. Wood, brick and glass showered over the surrounding area as flame exploded forth from the now shattered frame of the once very sturdy town hall. In the blink of an eye, the building was reduced to less than rubble, and that was only the beginning. The aggressing bunny turned from the blackened remains and headed down the main street of the town. As she walked casually along the hard dirt road, lightning devastated building after building around her, seeming to follow beside her.

The flames that sprang forth from the lightning strikes seemed to take on their own life. They spread across everything, consuming and burning all they could find. A small smile crossed Ilek's face as she was soon accompanied occupants on the town, running out into the street as their flesh burned. Screams of agony and terror filled the air as many people fell to the ground, their bodies being eaten by fire. No amount of countermeasure could stop the grand inferno that started in the town; once the flames began to feed, they spread out and grew. Nothing was safe and in half an hour, the entire surface of the planet was reduced to blackened remains. If there was an element that would not bow to Ilek's presence, then it had no purpose existing as far as she was concerned.

With the rest of her kind still trapped in the prison she was once held in, there was no one to stop her from achieving her goal. Out of fear, respect or both, Ilek's name would be known to all as ruler; none would challenge her and all would bow. And yet, something still nagged at the back of her mind, she could not shake the panther with the rabbit ears from her thoughts.


Felister sat at the back of the large hall; it was dark and filled to capacity with anthros. Most of the building's occupants were Knights, the soldiers of the anthropomorph army. Along the side walls stood several officers and at the front stood a High Commander, the highest military rank of the anthro army. He was a black bear that stood just over six feet and looked like he could tear down a castle on his own. Darkness surrounded the gathered military personnel, the only light coming from the large blue projection on the front wall behind the black bear

"This battle is going to be one of the largest, head-on assaults the anthropomorph army has launched since the beginning of this war." High Commander Jericho began as he looked over the amassed troops. "Intelligence has revealed the council in charge of the human army is meeting to assess the current state of this war and makes future plans. We are going to crash that party." The bear took a deep breath before continuing.

"The down side to this assault however is that it will be a large scale, open field assault. Though there is some rubble from the ruined city in the area, it is nowhere near enough to provide significant coverage. You are going to be exposed to enemy fire and lots of it most of the time. That means you will have to be on your toes and keep moving as much as you can." The image being projected on the screen changed a couples of times before settling on a strategic, bird's eye view grid layout of the battle field with indications of troop deployment.

"There will be three main attacking forces." Jericho pointed out the locations where the Knights would be deployed. "From these points you will be subjected to a gauntlet run of approximately one-hundred and twenty meters until you reach the front line of the human forces. There you will encounter trenches, bunkers, tanks and small mobile infantry units. Intelligence reports there will be approximately three-hundred and seventy-five human troops in the open field with another one-hundred and fifty fortified in bunkers and tanks spread across the battle field." The bear pointed out several locations behind enemy lines where bunkers were known to be located.

"With one-hundred and ninety Knights going into battle, it should be at least an equal fight. Though it is encouraged that you deal as much damage to the human forces as possible, that is not the primary objective of this mission." A confused silence fell over the hall. The projector changed images once again, this time showing the face of a young human who was known to be a council member. "We maintain a superior intelligence because the humans are still unaware of many of our abilities. This man is a shape shifter. For twenty years now he has been on the human council feeding us intelligence. His position allows him access to all but the most secret of their actions but keeps him from having to actively lend aid against his own side. Recovery of this man is our primary objective. Already in place is another shape shifter, waiting to take the place of the council member about to be killed in the assault." Jericho paused for a moment as the projector was turned off and the hall lights on.

"It is my pleasure to inform you that we have at the head of this assault, Felrigard Denning. Unparalleled in melee combat and even more deadly with his pyrokinesis, Commander Felister will be heading the second assault force. In light of recent events, I strongly recommend giving him a wide berth; I'd hate to be any of the humans that have to face him." Jericho looked over the crowd and caught the panther's scowl. "Good luck Knights. Move fast, strike hard. Dismissed."


As the large truck rumbled along the torn up road, Felister's thoughts drifted to the white rabbit he loved so dearly. He pictured her once more, as he often did now, when she was happy, playful, even angry. The panther was making it a point to remember as much as he could about her whenever he could, so he would remember why he was fighting. He sat at the far end of the truck, the open back to his right; the air outside was cool and as the truck continued forward, a gentle breeze was created that sent fresh air rushing into the panther's nose, calming his mood. There were several trucks, all filled with anthros on their way to launch the attack, ready to de as much damage to the humans as they could.

The brakes on the truck squeaked as it turned around and stopped. Felister stepped out almost calmly; he looked over the area which was mostly flat ground with the occasional concrete piece jutting up. In the distance was the enemy, he could see their figures moving about, their heads poking up out of the trenches to see their death coming. Around him the other anthros scrambled out of the trucks, keeping low to the ground, waiting for the signal to start the charge. A ways to the left a small fireball rose into the air, another flamer in the ranks. On the right, a bright white glow soon followed. The other groups were ready so it fell on the panther to signal the beginning of the battle.

As the trucks quickly retreated behind him, Felister conjured a small ball of flame and sent it high above; once there it exploded with just enough force to make most of the humans cower in their bunkers. Felister roared then charged forward, followed by the rest of the anthros behind him. They ran towards their enemy, running in jagged lines, never moving in the same direction for more than a couple of seconds. As they closed the distance, bullets began to hit the ground around them and some lucky shots even managed to graze an arm or leg of an approaching foe. The gap closed quickly and before the humans knew it, the anthros were on them. They moved from one target to the next, cutting down the humans with relative ease. Confined in the small space of the trenches or exposed in the open field, it didn't take long for the first anthro to fall to the vast number of human soldiers. Moving fast, well ahead of his own company, Felister waved his hand through the air, flames seeming to trail from his finger tips. With a single sweeping motion from left to right, he sent a mighty wave of fire rushing through the trench that lay in front of him. Screams were heard from the trench as those inside were set alight easily.

As the High Commander had recommended at the briefing, the anthros in Felister's company gave him plenty of room, following behind at a distance. It quickly became clear why this was wise. His calm mood had dissolved over the charge, replaced by rage that coursed through his body, fueling the flames that sprang from his hands. He lept over the trenches and continued on his own way, cutting down enemies as he passed by them with his katana, sending walls of fire racing across the ground to burn those at a distance. Leaving the rest of the anthros behind him to clean up those that managed to survive his fiery attacks, Felister covered a large amount of ground quickly. The trenches wove through the ground like a maze and the panther filled them with fire as he ran, like a dam had broken and water now flooded through them. By the time he stopped running, he was well behind enemy lines; all he cared about now was burning and cutting down any human that he saw.

Most of the trenches lay behind him now, burning and filled with screams of agony. Ahead lay the bunkers and tanks that were the secondary line of defense. The black feline moved forward more slowly now, walking somewhere between a fast pace and a casual pace. He climbed over a particularly large slab of concrete to find a bunker with several humans inside. When they saw him, they scrambled about, pointing their rifles towards the anthro. In a heartbeat, Felister flicked his hand out and flame sprang forth, coursing it's way through the air and into the bunker. The dark orange flames ripped through the air more light lightning rather than flame. As the panther pushed forward, is rage grew and power that dwelt deep inside rose to the surface. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, leaving his finger tips as he sent sparks of flame towards his enemies.

The bunker exploded with enough force to tear the solid structure apart with ease. Virtually nothing was left of the humans, charred remains that barely resembled burnt sticks than human bodies. All flesh had been stripped away leaving blackened skeletons sprawled out across the remains of the bunker and immediate area. Without a second thought, Felister turned and moved towards the next one. An aura of heat surrounded him making the air seem to shimmer as if it was rippling from his very motion through it. As he walked towards the next bunker, it's occupants saw him coming and readied themselves to attack. Before they could blink, a surge of energy leapt across the thirty or so meters and decimated the bunker. A tank appeared from behind some rubble and as the barrel turned to take aim, the entire vehicle lifted of the ground as an enormous pillar of flame rose from the ground beneath warping and melting the metal.

Fire and fire-lightning reached out from the panther as he made his way to the main base. Around him his foes were helpless, they fell prey to his destruction before they had a chance to ready themselves. Before long, the humans started to retreat but they survived no longer. Felister actively hunted all the humans around him, and if he could not find where they hid, he simply incinerated the area around him and them with it. His mind had descended into the depths of darkness now, consumed by rage and hatred. All he knew, all he desired was the extermination of the human race.

"What the hell is going on out there?" a middle aged man asked as yet another soldier ran into the meeting room and whispered into the guard's ear.

"I'm sorry Sirs but we have to go." The guard said after being informed of the situation.

"Go? Why? This place is heavily guarded, surely the anthros haven't gotten this far in only twenty minutes." Another, younger man said, standing up from the round table.

"I'm afraid it's worse than we expected. A single panther with rabbit ears is tearing our troops apart." The guard informed the council.

"What!? Impossible." The balding man said.

"It's true, I saw it myself. He's throwing around massive amounts of power like I've never seen before. He has to be the most powerful anthro in centuries for sure. And he's almost inside the base's perimeter." The out of breath soldier said.

"Jesus H Christ! We have to get out of here!" a third, fatter man said, also rising from the table. In a moment, the meeting was over and the occupants of the room filed out of the door. With a threat like this baring down on them, they had no choice but to postpone the meeting and reschedule for another time.

With the defending forces in ruins behind him, Felister walked over the paved area where the human's base had been built; it was only a small base with a couple of buildings and some airplane hangers. The panther walked up to a light green door in the side of the largest, pale grey building and turned the handle. It was locked. Holding the handle in his hand, Felister channeled his anger into the door and the metal it was made from quickly turned white before melting to the ground slowly, leaving the doorway unhindered. Inside it was mostly dark, with the occasional red light at regular intervals. The building was deserted and only after wondering around almost aimlessly for several minutes, Felister saw a group of men making their way down a corridor. Deep in the center of the base, the council retreated from the advancing anthro, the single guard leading them towards an exit. As they neared a large door, a young man with black hair and pale blue eyes stopped and bashed against a large red box on the wall.

"Quick, get through." He yelled to his fellow council members. As they rushed towards the exit, a large blast door slid down to block the panther's path. When the last member of the council was past the falling hindrance, the young man turned and tripped, falling backwards. Before he could stand and join his fellow humans, the blast door closed and he was left alone with the powerful feline.

Felister loomed over the man as he stood up from the floor casually and dusted himself off. Though he was human, he looked familiar and something in the back of his mind told Felister this man was not to be harmed.

"Well you worked them up into a frenzy. What's your name flamer?" As the man spoke his physical form began to change. Long pointy ears sprouted from his head and fur quickly covered his skin beneath his clothes. The shape shifter that had infiltrated the council was a lynx and seemed rather impressed with the other feline that now stood before him. Felister's mind didn't even register the words and Jackson frowned when he just turned around before walking back the way he'd come.

The lynx followed close behind as the panther made his way back to the entrance he'd made himself. As most of the soldiers were outside fighting the attacking anthros, the base was almost deserted. On their way out, a single human soldier turned the corner abruptly and almost ran into Felister. Before the young human with short brown hair could raise his gun, the panther held his hand in front of his face.

" Kneel." Though Felister said nothing, the word seemed to echo in the human's mind. Deep, dark and menacing, the single word seemed to overwhelm the human and he found himself compelled to drop to his knees. Jackson watched in astonishment as the human dropped to his knees obediently, almost as if he was in a trance. The human soldier looked up at the panther, his eyes filled with fear and seeming to beg the panther for mercy. A moment of dead silence passed and he erupted into flames. The screams echoed through the base as Felister stood watching the inferno consume the figure kneeling before him.

"Command?" Jackson said to himself. He took hold of Felister's arm and turned the panther around to look directly in his eyes. "What the hell are you doing on the front lines with a power like command? Why aren't you in intelligence!?"

Felister just looked at the lynx with a blank gaze that was as empty as the panther's mind. All Jackson saw in those eyes was rage, hatred and sadness. He sighed, realizing there was no getting a sensible conversation from this feline right now; his mind was too far gone. Felister turned around once more and continued on his way. They met no other humans on their trek back to the drop off site and once there, before the remaining gathered anthros, the panther with rabbit ears collapsed on the ground as if his body had just stopped working altogether.

"Shit, what happened? Is he injured?" A tiger walked up to the two felines that had just arrived.

"I don't think so." Jackson said. "Just exhausted. From what I understand he was throwing around power that no anthro has wielded in centuries."


"Command? Are you sure?" Jericho asked.

"Positive." Jackson replied.

"That can't be, Felrigard is a flamer. No anthro has command these days; the last known manifestation of command was Dorian Kenedine."

"Don't know your soldiers very well do you Jericho." A voice said.

"Shilt." The black bear greeted the brown with open arms. "Congratulations on the promotion."

"Thank you." Shilt said.

"What do you mean High Commander?" the lynx asked the newcomer.

"It may not be common knowledge, but it's hardly hidden if you pay attention to your history. Felister here, is the son of Senthius Kenedine, Grandson of Dorian." Shilt explained.

"Well stuff me." Jericho said. "We need to get this guy into intelligence."

"I don't know if that would work too well Sir." Jackson said. "He was quite far gone at the time and I dare say it was only because of his current state of mind, or lack there of, that allowed him to tap into the massive amounts of power he was hurling about." The black bear frowned at Jackson's words then looked over at Felister as he began to sit up in his hospital bed.

"He's awake." Jericho said as he walked over to Felister.

"Commander Felister, are you alright?" Shilt walked to the bed side and spoke to the panther first. Felister just glanced over the gathered officers. "What's the last thing you remember?"

The black feline rubbed his forehead then replied "Beginning the charge, nothing after. Was the attack successful?"

"You don't remember? You decimated the human forces single handedly." Jericho spoke up.

Felister half coughed and half laughed. "Funny, very funny."

"How are you feeling?" Jackson inquired.

"Hungry. I'll be fine after I eat something." Felister replied. He felt oddly at peace now; all the rage and anger that had been dwelling inside him since the incident with Tilly at the ruins seemed to have been washed away. All that was left now was a curious satisfaction and contentedness, calming and peaceful.


Victoria sat at the end of the bar with a wine glass half filled with red wine. Since hearing that Tilly had been lost, she'd slipped into a minor state of depression. Once more a dear friend had left her behind, cursed to walk the ages alone. For the first time in her life, the white panther found herself considering suicide.

‘Why not?' She thought to herself. ‘What is there here for me? Anyone I get close to will only leave me again, in one way or another. The only one that can share my path is my dam nephew. I have nothing and no one so what is the point in sticking around?' A single tear rolled down her cheek and dripped into her wine before she lifted it to her maw and sculled it all. Victoria coughed and put the glass back on the bar and looked at it, a few remaining drops trailing down the inside from the rim.

"What's a beautiful thing like you doing sitting alone?" A friendly male voice said into the albino panther's ear. She turned her head to see a young raccoon standing beside her.

"Drinking away her sadness." Victoria replied bleakly.

"Oh dear. Now that is not right. One so beautiful should not have to drink away any sadness as she should have nothing to be sad about." The raccoon's words were friendly but Victoria sensed a specific purpose to them. He was trying to cheer her up in the hopes that she would feel a need to thank him, so that he could then prey on her vulnerability

"Your words are wasted on me young one." Victoria returned her gaze to the glass in her hand. The raccoon was stumped, he didn't know how but it seemed she'd read his motivation right away. He leaned against the bar defeated, his mind raced but he could think of nothing to say that would get him back on his path. Victoria however knew exactly what he wanted and would only give it if he had the balls to be honest, perhaps a romp with this random anthro would take her mind off Tilly, if only for a few moments.

"Be truthful with your words or get lost." Victoria said harshly, still staring at the wine glass. The raccoon looked at her a little intimidated. He hesitated for a minute then stood upright and spoke to her clearly.

"I want to press you against a wall and fuck you until you scream my name."

Victoria looked at the raccoon with a blank face for a minute as he maintained his posture. When she made no other movements, the raccoon slumped and thought his efforts wasted once more.

"Well then, let's just see if you have what it takes. But I can't very well scream your name if I don't know what it is." Victoria said before the raccoon could walk off.

"Shawn." The raccoon said.

"Well then Shawn, was there any particular wall you had in mind?" Victoria stood up and waited for her new acquaintance to take the lead. His desires renewed, Shawn took Victoria's hand in his own and began to lead her through the thin crowd in the middle of the club, the music thumping in the air with a dull pounding as if the room was submerged in water. The white panther paid little attention to her surroundings as she allowed herself to be taken towards the back of the club by the raccoon who looked to be in his mid twenties.

‘I wonder if he'd be so willing if he knew my age.' Victoria almost made herself smile at that thought, and it seemed to have lightened her mood just a little as well.

Before long, the raccoon was leading her down a small corridor at the back of the club towards the back door. With Victoria's hand still in his, he opened the door and stepped out into the warm night. Outside the sky was clear and filled with stars, but the back of the club was drenched in darkness and when the door closed behind them, almost all the light was gone. Their eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness in the shadow of the large building and the raccoon let Victoria's hand go in order to remove his shirt. Beneath his clothes, Shawn had a slim but well muscled body that actually began to arouse the panther. She could just make out the outlines of his abs as she reached out to touch them.

Shawn discarded his top on a nearby box and let Victoria run her hands over his chest. She didn't even notice that her mind was beginning to forget the state of depression it had been in for the last week. The raccoon slowly ran his hands up the length of the albino panther's arms, she stood a good four inches taller then he. Her fur was soft and her skin warm underneath. As his hands reached the top of her arms, he reached up and around the back of her neck to untie the halter style dress she wore. The backless, dark blue dress fell to the ground easily and the panther seemed to pay it's sudden absence no mind at all.

Victoria let herself go, she felt the need to be held, she wanted to be wanted, even if it was pure physical desire and only for a few brief moments. Shawn's hands gradually found their way down over her chest to grope her breasts. He cupped them together, squeezed them and fumbled with the nipples as Victoria traced her fingers over his muscles, working their way down to his lap. Inside his pants, the raccoon's erection was beginning to push against the fabric, begging to be let loose.

Victoria undid Shawn's pants and removed the hard member inside. It pulsed with excitement in her hand as she held it. The raccoon continued to massage her breasts as she gave his penis a few gentle strokes. Finding it hard to contain his excitement, Shawn released the panther's bust and moved his hands down her stomach. He took hold of the waistband of Victoria's light pink panties and pulled them down. She placed her hands on his head as he knelt down to remove her underwear completely. Still kneeling before her, the raccoon looked up and leaned forward, pushing his muzzle between her legs.

Victoria gave a small gasp as his tongue reached out and touched her skin. A wave of electricity seemed to pass through her as he rested his hands on her thighs and began to hungrily lick at her pussy. The panther leaned back against the wall behind her and spread her legs a little to allow better access. Shawn pushed his muzzle between her legs as far as it would go and pushed his tongue deep into her body, pressing against her walls eagerly. Juices began to flow and the panther moaned a soft moan as her body began to arch off the wall.

Withdrawing from her legs, Shawn stood and pushed his pants down. He stood in front of the white panther, placed his hand on the back of her thighs and as he drove his six and a half inch shaft into her body, he lifted her off the ground. Sandwiched between the raccoon and the wall, Victoria wrapped her arms around the back of his head and held him close to her body. He wasted no time in beginning his motions, thrusting himself into her like his life depended on it. Each thrust was felt through the panther's entire body as he moved against her insides with ease causing gentle ripples of pleasure to pass through her, slowly building into a greater force.

In the darkness, panther and raccoon held each other tightly. They both felt the warmth of the other as well as the warmth of their own bodies. Pushing hard into Victoria's body, Shawn's panting caused her fur to part on her chest as her breasts bounced before him. Each motion of the raccoon's added to the dam of bliss inside her and as his own peak drew near his movements began to grow sharp and abrupt.

Victoria's back arched as she held Shawn's head against her body. She moaned aloud as her orgasm began and it rolled away into the night. Soon the raccoon shuddered signally his own orgasm and they held each other tightly, the night continuing on around them as euphoria washed over both their bodies. As Victoria felt the raccoon's heat spill into her depths, her own orgasm subsided and she relaxed her grip on Shawn's head. Relaxing himself, Shawn lowered the albino panther back to the ground and stepped back from her.

"Thank you." Victoria said as she reached down to pick up her underwear. The raccoon wasn't sure what to say so he just stood and looked a little confused as Victoria re-dressed and walked around the side of the building. The short romp in the darkness had done a world of good for Victoria; though she wasn't totally out of her slump, she was now far from considering suicide.


Felister sat at his kitchen table trying to remember the battle. With his eyes closed he ran over the scenes in his mind again and again, trying to push them further. He clearly remembered getting out of the truck, launching the signal to start the charge, and starting the charge, but everything after that was either an indecipherable blur or a blank. As he'd charged forward his mind had slipped into the depths of rage and blocked out all but the desire to slaughter the human race. Opening his eyes once more, he felt a presence behind him and turned around. In the kitchen doorway stood Ilek, almost looking as though she wasn't sure if she should be there.

"I though I told you to leave me alone. What do you want?" Felister said, turning back around in his seat. Ilek remained standing in the doorway as she spoke; her voice frustrated but hinting a tone of confusion and distress.

"You are stuck in my mind. Like an insect that refuses to die, I can't be rid of you. I manage to keep this body's hunger at bay but no matter what I do you always creep into my thoughts and I have no idea why. I want you gone from my head." Ilek stepped into the kitchen.

"And just what the fuck do you expect me to do about it?" Felister said harshly, keeping his back to the violet rabbit. A moment of silence followed as Ilek stood inside the kitchen doorway, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know." She said after a minute "I guess I thought coming here would give me an answer... but it hasn't." Ilek glanced around the kitchen as she pulled the fabric draped over her shoulders together across her bust. ‘Why am I here? Why does he plague my thoughts?' Ilek thought to herself. ‘I am so much more powerful than he and yet... Why does he hold this presence over me? Why am I nervous in his presence? Do I seek his approval? What is this feeling I feel in his presence? I don't know this feeling yet it seems to fill some hole inside me that I have never noticed before. I don't understand any of this, perhaps if I stay a little longer...' The rabbit took another step forward and then backed away suddenly as the panther stood unexpectedly. As he walked over to the sink and placed an empty bowl in it, he spoke to Ilek, his back still facing her.

"If you must hand around, sit down; you're making the place look untidy." Felister turned around and briskly walked passed his guest, making a point of not looking at her. Ilek stood for a moment, then walked to the table and sat down.

‘Why am I here?' She thought to herself once more.

World Divided: Chapter 6 - The Recon Mission

As the months gradually rolled by, Felister mostly ignored his guest. Ilek spent most of her time sitting at the kitchen table wearing a loose white gown that was more of a simple piece...

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