Innocent Turquoise - Weekend (Part 1)

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#7 of Innocent Turquoise

A knife fell into the kitchen sink with a loud clatter that seemed almost deafening at the early morning hour. Turquoise rolled over in her bed and sleepily pulled her bed covers up over her large wolf ears. Under the covers, her nose was flooded with her own scent and she was forced to return her head to the open air of her bedroom. A dull thud and a poorly muffled ‘Fuck!' soon roused the half-breed's curiosity and she crawled out of the warm confines of her bedcovers. Still more than half asleep, Turquoise reached for a loose, light blue tank top and white pajama pants that had fallen off the end of her bed. Before exiting her room, she pulled the clothes on and then headed downstairs to see what was going on. Her pants sat low on her hips and the hems of the legs dragged under her feet; with her right hand stuffed under her top, fumbling with her breasts absently, she could not have looked anymore attractive if she'd tried. Her large ears lay back and her tail dragged along the floor behind her, a look that could almost have passed her off as the, very attractive, living dead.

The sixteen year old girl removed her hand from under her shirt as she turned into the kitchen and saw her father fumbling with his briefcase.

"Dad? What are you doing? It's 6:44 in the morning, and Saturday." Turquoise's eyes struggled to open as they adjusted to the kitchen's light.

"I have a dinner meeting with an important client in the city tonight." Her father said. He walked over to his daughter and casually stuffed his hand under her shirt to grope her left breast, drawing a small giggle from the girl. "Don't worry though, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." With that, the 5'4" man kissed his daughter on the forehead and stepped back to pick up his case. About a year ago, Oliver had accidentally ended up with his hands squarely on his daughter's breasts, when she didn't appear to mind, he dared to grope her on purpose and drew a sly smile from her. Though he dared not take it any further than a mere handful of body, Turquoise's father groped her often when no one was looking; it didn't bother the girl in the least, she barely gave the physical contact any thought at all.

The human male was only a little overweight with short black hair and a thin beard. That morning he wore his usual work clothes, a casual grass green suit with a black tie and seemed in a hurry to leave. Turquoise watched her father exit the kitchen, turning off the light as he went, and then headed back upstairs to finish sleeping herself.

‘Tomorrow afternoon hey?' The girl thought to herself. ‘Looks like it's going to be a fun weekend.'


Turquoise woke once again to find her room filled with sunlight washing through her thick, white curtains. She sat up, full with energy, and wasted no time getting ready for the day. After throwing her bed covers aside, she went to her small desk and sat on the chair with her legs spread open, facing the openness of her room, bathing her lower body in light. The half-wolf grabbed a small, soft bristled comb and began brushing the tuft of long, turquoise colored hair that grew above her pussy. She favored that patch of hair greatly and it was always first to be groomed. After several minutes of brushing her small bush of long hair, she ran her fingers through it's softness and then turned her attention to her tail. Turquoise draped the long bushy extension over her lap and ran her comb through it's fur with loving care, the tip wagging excitedly at the thought of the day's freedom. Having finished with the lower half of her body, she started combing the long hair on her head and eventually put it up in dual pony tails.

With her twin tails of hair hanging over her shoulders and draping over her full breasts, Turquoise walked down stairs, not even bothering to dress. It was a rare treat for her to be able to walk around the house naked; she thoroughly enjoyed the air on her bare skin and savored every moment of the exposure. Almost like a refined lady, the nude sixteen year old girl turned into the kitchen and stood with her back to the table the table. Her brother stood in front of the bench in just a pair of black trousers, waiting for the toaster to spit out his toast. As he turned to see his naked sister lift herself onto the table, he raised an eyebrow and inquired about her lack of clothing.

"Why are you naked?" Dennis leaned on the bench.

"Dad's gone till tomorrow afternoon." Turquoise said slyly. As she spoke, she ran her hands down her thighs and when they reached her knees, she slowly spread her legs provocatively, pushing her chest forward just a little. Forgetting his toast, the panther sauntered over to his sister and stood between her open legs, his chest fur just touching the nipples of his sister's breasts.

"Is that so?"

Turquoise just smiled at her brother. With a smile of his own growing on his face, Dennis unbuttoned his trousers and let them fall to the kitchen floor. He gently cupped his sister's breasts, squeezing them together and thumbing the small pink, sensitive nubs on them. Turquoise giggled as she let her brother touch her body, her tail draped across the table behind her, wagging from side to side.

The panther took hold of his sister's arms and gently lowered her down onto the top of the table. She splayed her body out, her arms to her sides and her tail thumping gently on the table to her left. Her brother trailed a singled finger down his sister's bare chest, between her breasts, over her stomach and down the inside of her left thigh. Turquoise giggled again as her brother's touch tickled her body. With their frequent sexual contact, Dennis had grown quite used to seeing his sister naked and acting provocatively so it was no surprise that his dick was not fully erect.

He placed his rubber-like shaft against the lips between his sister's legs and began rubbing himself slowly. It didn't take too long for his body to react the way he wanted it to, hardening as it was ground against Turquoise's now wet pussy. As soon as it was sufficiently engorged, he pressed the tip against his sister's waiting folds and pushed his way into her body. He slid into her slowly as he looked down at her with a wicked grin on his face and lust in his eyes.

The naked girl touched a finger to her lower body and then trailed it upwards slowly. Dennis moved in and out of his sister with a methodic rhythm that made her breasts rock up and down gently like a boat on a calm ocean. Her legs lifted as her head leaned back, a giggle and a moan escaping into the morning air. The panther placed his hands on her hips and ran them down to her thighs then back up again as he pushed himself as deep as he could go.

Turquoise touched her fingers to her nipples and traced circles around them as her ample breasts shifted underneath like large round jelly molds. She looked up her brother, took his hands and then placed them on her breasts before taking hold of his hips with her own hands. She helped him glide in and out of her as he leaned down to lick her nipples while massaging them with his thumbs. Dennis' sister loved his gentle touch, it made her feel special; it was uncommon that they had enough time to be so tender.

"Good morning you two." Abigail said casually as she walked into the kitchen, ignoring the fact that her twins were screwing openly.

"Morning Mum." Turquoise replied with a giggle. Dennis was too interested in running his feline tongue over his sister's body to reply.

"Remember to wash the table when you're done," Their mother said as she poured a glass of milk. "we do eat off it each night." As the older panther walked past the pair again, Turquoise noticed she also wore nothing. The half-breed had never seen her mother naked before and she found herself quite attracted to the older panther sexually for the first time. It was an intriguing feeling that Turquoise couldn't shake as she watched the shapely figure of her own mother walk out of the kitchen.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Dennis asked his sister.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I got distracted." Turquoise replied.

"What could have distracted you from your brother's dick buried deep between your legs?" Dennis had stopped moving and even looked just a little annoyed; Turquoise's mind had gone wondering for longer than she thought it had.

"Nothing, nevermind. Don't stop." Turquoise gave her hips a jolt to encourage her brother to continue his previous thrusting. Shaking his sister's distraction from his mind, Dennis happily obliged.

The sixteen year old panther growled as he pushed his body into that of his sister. His member began pulsing again as he quickly resumed his pace and Turquoise gave a little whimper at the rapidly growing pleasure deep inside her body. She wrapped her legs around her his waist and pulled him against her as she ran her hands through the black fur of his chest. Dennis continued to massage and lick his twin's breasts, slowly running his feline tongue over them in long sensual motions.

On the bench, Dennis' toast sat cooling in the toaster as the two siblings reached their peak together. Turquoise laughed aloud as her back bent and her brother filled her insides with his heat. After their bodies relaxed, he gave his sister a kiss on the lips and pulled out of her. Feeling content and happy, the half-wolf sat up, just a little dazed and watched as her naked brother returned to his breakfast. Looking down, Turquoise saw his cum slowly oozing out of her cunt and dabbed her finger in it casually. With a mixture of her brother's and her own fluids on the end of her finger, Turquoise put it in her mouth and began sucking on it as she sat watching the panther.

Dennis turned and took a seat at the table. As he put the plate with his cold toast down, Turquoise shifted further onto the table and lay over it on her stomach, so her breasts were squashed against the table top just a few inches away from her brother's food.

"You're going to be frisky all day aren't you." Dennis looked at her, his sight casually shifting from her face to her chest.

"You know I'm always horny. And we haven't had this much time to fuck around in over a year." Turquoise absently rolled over on her back and ran a single finger up and down between her breasts.

"You're a bloody nymph do you know that?"

"Not my fault."

"What do you mean it's not your fault? You're the one who's always horny."

"You're the one who started this. You're the one who made me feel this good when we were eleven. It was you who introduced me to this pleasure and got me addicted to it."

"I suppose you got me there." Dennis sighed and took a bite of his toast as he admired his sister's body lying casually draped over the table like a feast. She closed her eyes and let her finger trail it's way over her fully naked body. It worked it's way down to her folds again and dapped once more at the mixture of fluids still there. Turquoise then returned that finger to her mouth and sucked it once again; she felt so happy and content in this state and wished she could enjoy it's feeling more often.

Dennis ate his toast then stood up to put the plate on the sink. He pulled a small towel for drying dishes out of the cupboard and ran it under the tap until it was soaked through. After ringing it out so it was just damp, the panther walked over to the table and wiped the remains of their morning screw off it and floor. Standing up, he folded the towel and wiped his sister's body down between her thighs then kissed her gently in the middle of her chest then between her breasts.

"Going to lie there all day are you?"

"Mmmmm. Feels nice." Turquoise muttered, her eyes still closed and her finger trailing over her body idly.

"Well, I'll be upstairs if... when you want me." Dennis picked up his trousers that were still on the floor where he'd let them fall and left the room. The day was a nice day, not too hot and not too cold. The air in the kitchen was a gentle cool that made Turquoise feel like she was lying on a hilltop, bare, exposed and natural.

A soft, three-note chime sounded and brought Turquoise out of her sleep. She sat up on the kitchen table and looked at the clock. 12:02pm. She'd actually been comfortable enough to fall asleep where she lay. The hours had ticked by and Turquoise felt more well rested than she'd felt in a long time. Getting off the table and walking into the lounge room, the half-breed also noticed there wasn't the slightest trace of the familiar desire between her legs. Could it have been the exceedingly satisfying sleep on the kitchen table in her dreamy, contented state or was some other factor to blame? Turquoise hadn't felt this calm and at ease since she was thirteen; even after sex, wild and primal sex, she still felt that burning desire to fuck but now it was gone.


In the lounge room, against the wall behind the couch, was the family computer. Dennis had his own because he needed it, at least that's what he'd conned his father into believing. Turquoise was not so lucky. She sat cross-legged on the chair in front of the computer and clicked the small flashing box that indicated she had received a message from a friend.

"Hi." The message read; it was from Millie. Turquoise turned on the small microphone and then the webcam that sat above the screen. The sight she saw stunned her.

"Millie! You're naked! And masturbating?" Instantly, the familiar desire that had been left behind in the kitchen returned. Seeing her friend in that state was really turning Turquoise on something bad.

"Oh, yeah." Millie was sitting on her chair with her right leg to the side so she had easy access to her folds, her right hand rubbing up and down firmly. "It's kinda grown to be a bit of a habit, I didn't even realize I was doing it." Millie blushed just a little under her red fur but didn't stop rubbing her body.

"This is really different for you. You look so hot like that. What happened over the last couple of weeks?" Turquoise couldn't help but start touching her own body. With a sly grin, she adjusted her webcam so it got a complete view of her full figured body and followed her friend's lead. She groped her right breast with her right hand and toyed with the nipple as well; with her left hand, she started rubbing her own pussy slowly.

"I took your advice." Millie answered her friend's question.

"You took my advice?" Turquoise was confused for a moment then remembered. "Wait, you actually did it? I never thought you'd actually find the nerve to do that." The half-breed said, stunned.

"Yeah. I figured it was all I had left. So I pushed myself on her, forced her to confront the matter and when she got it clear that I wasn't bothered, she was so happy. And I never thought I'd be so into screwing my own mother. We've been fooling around non-stop for the last couple of weeks, that's why I haven't spoken to you." Millie giggled as she told her friend what had transpired since they spoke on the phone almost three whole weeks ago.

"I think I've been a bad influence on you." Turquoise smiled.

"No way. I really have to thank you Turquoise, you've brought Mum and I closer together than I ever thought we'd get." Millie shifted in her seat as a wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

"I'm happy the two of you got things sorted out. I'll have to come round some time and we can have a threesome." Turquoise was not expecting the answer she got from that suggestion.

"That'd be a great idea. Bring Dennis, we can make a foursome." Millie looked at her friend whose eyes were wide with surprise. The half-breed had not only been shocked by the unexpected reply, but by the eagerness and excitement it dripped with. Millie had changed completely.

"I've created a monster." Turquoise said mischievously.

"Speaking of Dennis..." Millie paused for a moment then continued, just a little nervous. "Do you think I can um... watch you two... you know."

"Millie! I am continually surprised by you today." Turquoise said with a sly grin. "I'll go ask him." With that, Turquoise stood up and headed upstairs to find her brother. She bounded up the stairs, her breasts bouncing gently and her twin pony tails dangling behind. Dennis was reading in his room and when his sister exploded into his room, he jumped with a start.

"Jesus Turquoise, what are you trying to do to me?" Dennis gasped for air as he held his hand to his thumping heart.

"Sorry." Turquoise smiled and walked over to him provocatively.

"So you woke up huh? I came downstairs earlier and you looked so peaceful asleep on the table. Mum said you looked cute." The panther's breathing eased quickly as he recovered from the fright his twin had given him.

"Millie wants to know if she can watch us fuck." Turquoise said as she sat on her brother's bed. Dennis looked her over and thought for a moment before answering.

"What, now?"

"Yeah, she's on the webcam."

Dennis thought for a moment more. "Yeah alright." He said before getting up. He followed his sister down stairs, still naked himself. The nude twins proceeded into the lounge room where Millie was waiting patiently on the webcam at her own house.

"Hi Millie." Dennis waved casually at his twin's friend. "You look hot."

"Hi Dennis." Millie shifted again on her seat, still rubbing her fingers between her folds.

The panther pulled the chair back a little then sat down. As his twin sister sat on his lap with her legs spread wide open, Dennis put his hands on her hips and began to glide them up and down her sides. Millie watched closely, her eyes fixed on the screen with a perfect view of the scene. As soon as her friend's brother walked into view, she'd clicked a couple of buttons and started recording the event for her personal viewing later on.

Turquoise giggled a bit as she reached between her legs and took hold of her brother's shaft, gently stroking it to encourage it's growth. Millie watched it swell in her friend's hands with great interest. Though she trusted Turquoise and didn't doubt her when she said her and her brother screwed often, the red-fox found it hard to believe until she'd witnessed their incestuous deed herself. She needed to see it to truly believe it, partially to put the matter out of her mind and partially because the thought of seeing her friend screw her own brother aroused her to no end.

Dennis wrapped his arms around his sister's body and groped her breasts firmly. He looked over her shoulder and smiled wickedly at Millie before licking his twin's left shoulder. The fox continued to rub herself firmly and started to shift about on the chair more often as her body heated up and pleasure coursed through her like blood flowing through her veins. Her gaze was fixed on her computer screen where Turquoise lifted up a little and then slowly lowered herself down onto her brother's 6inch shaft. As she slid down, juices flowed from her body and she closed her eyes with a gentle moan. Dennis' body pulsed inside his twin as she began to lift herself up and down.

The panther massaged his sister's ample breasts and fumbled with her nipples constantly, flicking his fingers over them, teasing them as he loved to do. Turquoise almost forgot that they had an audience, not that it bothered her in the first place. She paced her movements, gliding up and down the panther's member with long slow motions. She kept her breathing steady and ran her hands up and down the inside of her thighs. Dennis licked the back of her neck and breathed in her scent as he moved his hands to her hips.

Millie grew more and more restless and soon she no longer watched the screen. Her head leaned back over her chair and both her hands works vigorously between her legs. Moaning loudly, the fox started to twitch and writhe about as an orgasm rippled through her body. Turquoise watched her friend grit her teeth as her entire body finally tensed. The half-breed contained a small laugh as Millie's body straightened and the chair fell backwards. Unaffected by the fall, the fox continued to endure her orgasm, one of her legs sticking up in the air, her toes curled and her foot giving the occasional kick before relaxing completely.

Turquoise frowned just a little at her friend's sudden finish but continued bouncing on her brother's cock. She quickened her pace and Dennis helped her movements, his hands on her wide hips. Soon, she forgot about Millie and let her mind wrap itself up in the pleasure that was coursing through her own body. Dennis plunged deep inside her and soon Turquoise began to moan herself. She squeezed her breasts firmly and as her brother growled softly behind her, she felt her own orgasm begin. It wasn't one of her most powerful, but it was still satisfying. Still holding her left breast, the half-breed reached down with her right hand and rubbed the base of her brother's shaft to encourage him along. It only took a moment of the firm rubbing on the base of his cock to make him lift off the chair trying to drive himself further into his sister. His seed oozed out from between his sister's exposed folds like vanilla ice-cream being squeezed in one hand. The twins tensed for a moment themselves then relaxed.

Looking at the screen again, Turquoise saw that Millie had stood up and was picking up her chair. Still impaled on her brother's body, the half-breed breathed deeply and let herself, her brother and her friend recover.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Turquoise asked once Millie had sat back down.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Sure thing." Dennis smiled at the red-fox over his sister's shoulder, his arms wrapped around her middle in a hug. Though Turquoise hadn't picked up on it yet, Dennis' feelings for his sister were starting to grow beyond casual sex.

"So where are your parents?" Millie inquired after a few minutes of silence.

"Dad's gone till tomorrow and Mum is upstairs." Dennis said. He rested his chin on Turquoise's shoulder and held her lovingly. Between his sister's legs, his dick was still buried deep within her pussy, his cum slowly escaping. Millie took the sight in eagerly, a brother's shaft casually stuffed between a sister's folds and releasing a full load of seed.

"Your mum's upstairs? Aren't you guys afraid of being caught?" Millie stared at her friend in amazement.

"Oh Mum busted us on our birthday. She doesn't mind that we're screwing." Turquoise said. Millie seemed to relax a little then asked another question.

"So when are you going to come round for our... you know." The red-fox winked at Turquoise.

"Oh um... Hey Dennis," The panther's twin turned her head to face him. "I'm going to Millie's for a threesome with her mum, wanna come along and make it a foursome?"

"Seriously?" Dennis grew excited at the idea. "Sure. You're mum is hot Mills, I'd love to fuck her."

"How about tomorrow?" Turquoise asked her friend.

"Sure. Mum will love it." Millie said.

"I'll love what?" Sandy asked as she entered her daughter's room. "Turquoise? Dennis? You naughty naughty twins." The mature red-fox shook her finger at the computer screen with a wicked grin on her face. Like her daughter, she too was stark naked. The panther eyed her hungrily; 5'9", trim figure, C-cup breasts and soft curves.

"We were just planning a foursome for tomorrow; me, Turquoise, Dennis and you." Millie said.

"Oh wow. I've always wanted a foursome. Mills, you're wonderful." Sandy hugged her daughter from behind, squashing her breasts against the back of her head. Dennis' eyes were almost popping out of his head at the sight and his body was begging for Sunday to hurry up and arrive.

"Clean up and get dressed Millie," Sandy said to her daughter after a moment. "we're going to have some visitors for the afternoon. Bye bye you two, see you tomorrow." After that, Sandy turned and left.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." Millie waved at the screen as she reached to turn off the webcam.

"Bye Millie." Turquoise said. She reached forward and turned her own webcam and microphone off then leaned back against her twin brother. His fur felt soft on her back; it was a comforting feeling and with his shaft still deep within her body, the ever horny girl felt content. With her head leaning back and her eyes closed, she breathed steadily as her brother began to trail his fingers up and down her front.

"We haven't been swimming for a while." Dennis said softly. Turquoise gave a small moan as her approval to the idea then slowly rose off her brother's lap and made her way upstairs to find some clothes.

Innocent Turquoise - Weekend (Part 2)

Turquoise almost bounded down the stairs, her twin ponytails bouncing erratically over her bust. She wore her favorite red shorts that barely stayed on her hips and a two piece turquoise bikini that showed more than it hid. The half wolf girl...

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