Hossbutt Farms: The Tour

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#5 of Smut

Hossbutt Stables: An Idyllic stable, full of the biggest stallions around and there for your pleasure! They serve all types, and we know you know about them; the stables and their workers have been featured in a huge amount of popular pornography! Whether it's the top-of-the-line playrooms or all of our wonderfully well-endowed workers, you'll know you'll be taken care of at the stables!

Akeroh has found himself in a rather fun position--The inspector of the various stables around the country. He's gotten a work order for Hossbutt Stables, one of the most esteemed playstables in his region. As such, he does have a bit of work to do...but considering the fact that part of that work is lining up all the stallions, taking their measurements, and making sure that their performance is up to standards, it tends to be a very enjoyable job.

So, this one is already written out, but only on paper. It turned out to be about 160 pages in my little notebook, and it wasn't even finished; so I just have to transpose most of it and write some of the third part. However, while doing so just this bit ended up being 12k words. So, I'm gonna split it into three parts that should come out rather rapidly, which is good since this is the busiest month of the year at work. I gave this one some editing, but I am probably going to give it a more in-depth pass before I post the second part.

The life of a stable auditor is a hard job. Well, a more accurate description would be a 'stiff' job. Akeroh's rump certainly didn't thank him for all the long, pantsless work he put in for a living, but the slutty dragon's libido surely didn't complain. His boots grated against the gravel driveway as he stepped out of his truck in front of the idyllic farmhouse. The large, welded iron sign proudly proclaimed "Hossbutt Stables".

Akeroh licked his lips, his tail swaying slowly above his bare ass. the movement jostled the tail of his official suitcoat. The tight, formal garment was rather constricting on this hot summer day. Akeroh noticed there were quite a few cars in the rough gravel parking lot as well. It was a good sign that this place was popular on a slow Tuesday.

Akeroh pulled his clipboard from the passenger's seat, flipping quickly through the various checklists. Of course, there were the full health and sanitation ones, as well as various management checks, before he got to the fun stuff--hoss exams and sizing logs. Akeroh couldn't help but fantasize as he looked over what were affectionately known as the 'fun lists' with their entries: Cock size, cum productivity, body measurements, and a whole list of short boxes simply labeled 'Taste'.

Truth be told, Akeroh had been looking forward to this stable since he'd seen it pop up on his schedule. there was a reason that hossbutt farms (as it was known to the locals) was one of the most highly rated stables in the country. Due to a combination of their personable staff, expansive and themed playhouses over a large plot of land, and their common interviews and videos the stable had formed a perfect storm of fame. Of course, due to the sets as well, the farm had been the backdrop to a frankly irresponsible amount of popular pornography. Akeroh had seen many less-than-impressive stables before, but this one promised to be an immensely enjoyable workday.

After collecting his clipboard and his ever-important measuring tape, Akeroh headed up towards the entrance. The rustic farmhouse's well-worn stairs creaked slightly as he walked up to them, the drake pushing open the fading red door. The jingle from a bell attached to the heavy wooden door announced his arrival.

The inside was just as stereotypical as it could be. A dusty, worn wooden floor held up a well-used welcome mat, giving entrance to the naturally lit waiting room. Large ranch house windows let the morning sun in to help fade the color on the large, comfy couches set up into several social seating arrangements. A fire crackled in the fireplace, though it was kept rather low as the day was already hot.

The greeter, a tall palomino, sat behind a short desk. Her stiff horsecock nestled itself up between her barely constrained cleavage, leaking pre over the underside of her well-blessed chest. She glanced up from her typing to greet the entering dragon with a broad smile. "Ah, hello there. You must be Akeroh?" She greeted him.

The dragon nodded. "Right on the money."

"Well, my name's Natascha, honey. Go ahead and take your coat off, if you like. Care for water, coffee, a blowjob?" She asked.

Akeroh chuckled, setting his clipboard aside to take off his coat. His shafts were already throbbing in front of him--the dragon pointedly licking his lips. "Now you're just trying to butter me up." He teased.

Natascha laughed, shaking her head. "No, sir, my slutty lips are a complimentary service for all our customers. A dragon fetish certainly helps, though, honey." She said, with a wink, "I'll page Rolin for you."

Akeroh smirked, his tail wagging as he moved to take a seat at one of the large leather armchairs. The hoss turned to her phone, announcing Akeroh's presence to the manager. "Well, he'll be down in just a few moments. You wouldn't mind if I had a taste, though?" Natascha asked, hopefully.

Akeroh smirked, the dragon spreading his legs. "Well, I guess I can't say no when you ask so nicely."

Natascha beamed, quickly standing up from her desk. The large picture of a forest scene behind her reflected what was playing on her screen--obviously some rather graphic pornography. The horse pushed in her chair and stepped around the desk, her hips swaying while she moved.

The mare was tall and rather muscular. She was not petite by any means, and it was obvious that the palomino topped out over seven feet high with long legs and a well-toned body. Her muscled runner's legs were clad only in a pair of riding-worn cowgirl boots, leaving the rest of her legs on display. A generous thigh gap was cloaked by the herm's large sac, the hoss's ample coin purse hanging loosely under the pulled back sheath that housed her equally endowed cock. That flared tip bounced in front of her as she walked, each step habitually made to jiggle as much of her ample assets as she could. Her breasts wore the rest of her clothing, in the form of a single tan belt. The thick leather did nothing to hide her huge breasts, her large areola peeking from the top and bottom of the belt. This left the garment with only a few obvious uses: a place to tuck her erection up between her tits to hold them back with the large brass buckle, to visibly lift her huge tits up, and to squish them back against her chest to really show off her ample rack.

Natascha couldn't help but raise her hands above her head to stretch as she walked, showing off her strong arms, defined collarbone, and the broad tongue licking her muzzle.

Akeroh let out a soft rur at the display. He certainly had to say that the hoss was very desirable, but as much as he'd love to spend the day in the entryway with her, he still had quite a bit of work to get through. But, he could certainly spare a few minutes, at least.

That thought was only reinforced as Natascha rubbed along his legs, dropping down with a smooth, practiced motion onto her knees. "Now honey, how has your day been going?"

Akeroh waited a moment to reply, suppressing a shiver as the horse's warm hands stroked along the inside of his thighs while she pressed her warm, soft lips against the tip of the dragon's upper cock. The drake sighed warmly, licking his own lips while the horse's fingers moved down to warmly rub and coddle his large sac. The dragon made small sounds of appreciation as the hoss warmly took care of him.

Slow movements gave the horse's actions a luxurious feel. Each soft press of Natascha's lips against his stiff tips made the drake squirm lightly in pleasure. Natascha was obviously experienced, of course, but it was also apparent that she was enjoying herself by the way her thick shaft bounced against her chest. The mare's broad, soft tongue worked against the dragon's tips every so often, swiping the tasty precum that was already drooling from those pointed cockheads.

Akeroh panted softly, letting his head flop back against the cushy armchair as he enjoyed the relaxing treatment. However, the gentle kisses and touches didn't last too long before the horse decided to really go at it. Natascha hadn't lied, the dragon's pair of exotic shafts were high up on the list of things that got her hot and those pointed tips only made her hungrier for the ridges further down. She couldn't wait to feel those lateral ridges against her tongue, but, with her head between the dragon's legs, she didn't have to.

Her tight, hot throat drew out a pleasured moan from the dragon as he blunt muzzle slid forward. She gulped along the sudden bulge in her throat--the drake's lower shaft showing its depth in the talented horse's throat. Akeroh couldn't help but let out a hot huff as his cock throbbed in the horses' throat. His second cock rested against her softly furred muzzle, drooling precum onto the bridge of Natascha's snout.

The hoss swallowed slowly over the dragon's dick, letting him hear her audible gulps while she kept his shaft deep in her throat. She reached up to brush a stray hair from her mane back behind one of her ears before his hand returned to the inside of the drake's thigh. She moaned, quietly, before pulling back, starting to smoothly and luxuriously bob her head all the way along the dragon's length. Her strokes were smooth and practiced, the horse's gag reflex entirely nonexistent.

Akeroh was interrupted by a large, muscular tiger stepping around the corner. The feline was in nothing more than a bulging blue jockstrap and a matching bow tie. His muscular chest was on full display, and the tight fabric of his jock made very little attempt to hide the form of his huge shaft and his large pouch from view. He grinned as he walked in on the pair, holding out his large hand to shake over the bobbing horse. "Akeroh. I'm Rolin, the manager of Hossbutt stables."

Akeroh reached over NAtscha's head to warmly shake the tiger's hand. The herm didn't even break stride, eagerly deepthroating the throbbing dragon while the pair introduced themselves. "Pleasure's all mine, Rolin."

"I trust you're enjoying the accommodations so far?" He asked.

Akeroh chuckled, reaching down to rub Natascha's erect ears. "I certainly am. It took a bit of doing, but Natascha managed to talk me into the deepthroat."

Rolin laughed as a particularly deep push pulled a moan fro the dragon. "It's quite hard to talk Natascha here out of a blowjob. Damn that chance if you're a dragon...Or fox, tiger, bear, dragon, horse, reptile...Well, she is quite the fetishist."

Akeroh grinned, huffing softly as the horse bobbed on his shaft. She gave some muffled noise that was obviously protesting, but the proof was throbbing in her mouth and throat. "I can tell." Akeroh replied.

Rolin nodded, smiling. "Well, I do have some bad news. I'm just now in a conference with a few of the other regional managers, so I won't be able to personally accompany you for at least an hour. You're welcome to wait, or, I'm sure that Natascha could show you around." He offered.

Akeroh licked his lips, giving a slow thrust forward to press his knot between Natascha's lips. He held there for a minute, sighing softly while he felt the herm's broad, soft tongue pressing and working along his shaft. Natascha made small noises of pleasure when she could, enjoying the feel of his cock reaching almost all the way down to her collarbone almost as much as Akeroh enjoyed the stimulation. "Mnh, you know, I don't think I would mind that. I'll wait around to give you the run down afterward, of course." He replied.

A grin spread across the tiger's face as he nodded. "Good. I hope you don't mind my drake fetish, as well."

Akeroh winked to the tiger, slowly drawing himself back out of Natascha's mouth. The horse panted hotly, pushing against his hand to give one last kiss to the dragon's retreating cockspade. "Mn, now, time for its brother's turn?" She asked with a wink.

Akeroh chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll give it to you today. I'm still technically on the clock."

"So am I! Isn't it great?" Natascha smirked, stealing another kiss to Akeroh's dripping tip.

Akeroh nodded, smiling as he stood up. Natascha made a show of licking her lips as she did the same, reaching down to stroke along her flared shaft a few times. "The front desk, though, sir?" She asked.

Rolin licked his lips, admiring the palomino for a few moments. "I'll call one of the other girls down. You're free to play with your new friend." He grinned.

Akeroh chuckled, moving to pick up his clipboard. His shafts were still very stiff in front of him, beads of glistening precum adorning his arrowhead tips. Natascha grinned wide, obviously eye fucking the dragon, as she stroked slowly along her long shaft before tucking it up between her breasts. "Perfect, sir.Have a good time in your meeting." She called to the tiger. Rolin chuckled and waved them off, heading back around the corner. "Take good care of our guest, though, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that."

Natascha grinned wide, waving at the tiger as he retreated. No sooner was her boss around the corner before she turned back to the dragon, warm fingers wrapping around one of his shafts. "Put it in me?" She asked, her large, bright green eyes staring pleadingly at the dragon.

Akeroh replied with a sharp swat to the horse's rump, making her long, braided tail flick up. The horse eeped, jumping up a bit as the stinging slap left a nice red handprint on her ass. "Greedy horsie. Don't worry, I'll ride you in a bit."

Natascha huffed, reaching back to rub her ass in a manner that was obviously less to comfort her stinging cheek and more to bend over and spread her cheeks out for the dragon's lecherous eyes. Akeroh grinned, stepping ahead of the bent hoss with a chuckle. "I can't fault your enthusiasm, honey, but I still have a checklist to get through."

Natascha nodded, stretching up to press her chest forward as she tossed her long mane with her fingers, making it a point to show all the precum dripping onto her bust from her throbbing horsecock. Akeroh couldn't help but lick his lips as the watched. "Fine, then. I won't let you forget that promise, cutie. I'll assume you want a run-through of the facilities, first?" she asked.

"That would be perfect. I prefer to get the dull OSHA stuff out of the way first so I can spend the rest of the day on the more," Akeroh pointedly looked over the horse's front, "entertaining inspections."

Natacha posed for his lecherous examination before nodding, leading the way for the dragon.

Those health and safety inspections went by rather quickly. The kitchens are restrooms were in order and spotless. All the unoccupied playrooms were well-cleaned too, though they did get dinged for a few empty condom boxes in some of the less used rooms. Toy chests were exceedingly well-stocked, though some of the toys Akeroh pulled out were more akin to baseball bats than dildos. When questioned, Natascha claimed they were more for use as gags and props, though there were a few clients, mostly large feral dragons, that got some practical use out of them.

The duller inspected itself in each of the farm's complexes, and they all came out with high marks. He made a mental not to compliment Rolin on running such a tight ship--licking his muzzle as he tried to dream up the right innuendo to feed the compliment to the muscular tiger.

Finally, most of the dull work was behind them. As much as the pair had teased each other through the clinical inspection, they'd both lost their erections through the dull work. Akeroh's shafts were left draped over his heavy sac, the vertically stacked dicks relaxed against each other, bouncing as he walked. Natascha's large horsedick was resting in the same manner, pulled back mostly into her sheath. Her thick sheath left only an inch or two of spotted black horsedick and her flat tip resting on top of her loose sac.

Natascha stretched again as they stepped out of the last kitchen in the small old-west themed play strip. Akeroh took a moment to watch her, taking care to admire the strong muscles of the horse's back and the way the sides of her large bust were visible under her upraised arms. Natascha glanced back with a smirk as she noticed the dragon's attentions, lifting her tail a bit. Akeroh chuckled softly, stepping forward to press up against the horse's back, pressing his package right up against the horse's toned ass. His hands drifted around, fingers curling around the horse's flaccid package to firmly grope that big, soft cock and her loose balls. Natascha licked her muzzle, looping her raised arms back to awkwardly hug the dragon to her back. "Well, hello. I take it that we're finished with that part of the inspection, hmm?"

Akeroh nodded against the tall horse's back. His fingers slowly fondled along the mare's stiffening tool, enjoying the feel of the large dick pulsing out into his hand as it thickened. "Mn, correct. There are still some inspections left, but you'll find them to be much more fun."

Natascha gave a soft moan as the dragon ground against her rump in the middle of the street. "Is this part of the inspection, stud?" She asked.

"I figure it's about time for a quick break, don't you?" Akeroh growled into the horse's ear, his shafts stiffening up between her cheeks.

Natascha nodded eagerly, her hands returning forward to grope her rack as the dragon massaged her rapidly stiffening cock. "So, I have had my eye on the stocks and bits outside of the livery over there..." Akeroh rumbled.

Natascha couldn't keep the grin off her face. Her dick throbbed eagerly against the drake's fondling fingers, and she couldn't help herself from needily stomping a hoof on the dusty road. "I'm chomping at the bit for those dicks already." She replied.

Another sharp spank separated them, letting the hoss dance insolently forward in the road as her cheek grew red again. "Akeroh! I am gonna have to start paying you back for those!" She yelped.

"My ass is yours if you manage to get it." He grinned back toothily.

Natascha made a show of rubbing her sore ass, sticking her tongue back out at the drake. "You'll regret that when my dick is stretching you out and I'm tanning that undertail so bad that you won't sit comfortably for a week." She huffed.

"Oh no." Akeroh answered dryly, with an insolent grin splitting his cheeks, "But for now, let's get you in a stock and properly ridden..."

The hoss crossed her arms with a huff in reply to the dragon's sarcasm in a manner designed to heft her bust up. Akeroh chuckled again, reaching down to wrap his fingers around the mare's thick, flared cock, leading her towards the livery building.

Her pout disappeared as that fat dick pulsed in the dragon's hand and she found herself very easily led to the line of stocks in front of the livery's porch. Akeroh smirked as he looked over the lineup. "Good choice, Akeroh. This part is rather popular in all the old-west gunslinger porn they film here," Natascha grinned, "You should see it with all then mares lined up there. It's really quite the sight."

"You're going to be quite the sight when you're bent into one yourself, honey. I can't wait to see that ass ready and waiting."

Natascha shivered, adding an extra spring to her step as she was led to the stocks, reaching up herself to lift the wooden top. Akeroh gave her rump a warm knead as she bent down, setting her neck and wrists into the stock. Akeroh clicked the top down, licking his lips. "There we go. Akeroh said, patting the doubled-over horse's rump, "Now, before you get the bridle in, which hole do you want?" He asked.

The mare blushed slightly, trying to glance back up at the dragon. Her legs were spread wide and she couldn't deny her need--not with the precum stringing off her cocktip or the honey drooling down her balls. "Well, you do have two..." She managed, trailing off.

Akeroh licked his lips, nodding to himself as she trailed a finger along the mare's slit, causing her legs to flex slightly towards each other. He took his time examing the bound mare, licking his lips slowly as he slowly looked and groped her.

His hand traced back up that ass, making the tail lift as he teased another spank that never came, tracing his fingers all the way up to the horse's belt. "You know, these poor tits have been bound all day. That big of breasts ought to be on display." He teased, his hands stroking down to fondle those breasts and tease the buckle of the belt wrapped around them.

Natascha nickered quietly as she tried to press her chest into those attentions. She squirmed in the stocks, unable to turn her head enough to watch the dragon's exploring hands. Akeroh took his time playing with that buckle, groping and rubbing the hoss's constrained tits before he finally popped that buckle.

The metal jingled as it released its hold on Natascha's breasts. The belt eagerly released its tension, leaving itself loosely wrapped around the horse's belly as her generous bust hung down below her. Her large nipples stood erect on the tips of those hanging udders, sending electric tingles of pleasure through her as the laviscious dragon ran his fingers along her large breasts. Akeroh took hi time groping and fondling those freed boobs, working them with his fingers and palms until the mare was gasping with quivering knees.

He let go, suddenly, standing up. Natascha's sides rose and fell as she panted. The mare gave a soft whicker as she heard Akeroh step around in front of her. She turned her head, bumping her muzzle right up against Akeroh's cocks. He pressed his tips up against her lips and she didn't even need to be asked to part her muzzle and suck warmly along the side of one of Akeroh's thick cocks, panting a bit around them while he picked out a bridle and lead from the pile draped over the rail of the livery's porch. Akeroh took an extra few moments selecting one from the pile, enjoying the feel of Natascha's hot breath and broad, soft tongue working along his shafts. The mare certainly didn't seem to mind the delay, happily moving her head as much as she could to slurp along as much of the dragon's cocks as she could reach.

Akeroh pulled back just a little to pull one of the bridles off the rail, giving the hungry mare just enough space to strain her head to the side and let the drake's pre-dripping tips slip into her muzzle. Akeroh let out a soft pant as she slurped the tasty liquid off his tips with a quick swipe of her tongue before quickly leaning forward to sink as much of the dragon's dicks down her throat as she could.

Akeroh let out a hiss, turning to let the horse at his shafts. She had no trouble sliding the entire length of his shafts down her gulping throat. Akeroh was quite impressed, but he quickly realized that Natascha was used to hosses. Akeroh was still generously endowed, but he knew he couldn't compare to some of those studs.

As much as both of them enjoyed the blowjob, Akeroh had different plans for the moment. He indulged the mare for a few more moment before slowly pulling back. Natascha whinnied as those shafts pulled free, glistening with saliva as the dragon squatted down to press his lips warmly against the mares.

Natascha blushed, closing her eyes as her warm lips pressed against the dragon's own. He slowly turned his head with a slight grunt of pleasure, his tongue pressing warmly into the kiss.

Natascha happily opened her lips to reply with her own tongue as the kiss deepened, pressing her broad tongue against the thinner, prehensile dragon tongue. Akeroh easily slid his tongue along hers, raising a hand to rub along the mare's cheek before slowly pulling his tongue back.

Natascha replied obediently, starting to slowly draw back from the kiss. Her tongue withdrew, leaving only her lips pressed back against the dragons before she felt the cold metal of the bridle's bit press up to separate them.

The mare let out a soft chuff as their lips parted fully, leaving her lips open to let that bit slide into her mouth. Akeroh let out an appreciative purr as he slid it in, tossing the reigns over the tip of the stocks. He licked his lips, reaching down to warmly rub over the horse's mane and ears before padding back around her. "There we go. All ready for riding. I've been waiting all day for this."

Natascha's reply of, "Me, too." was muffled very effectively by the bit in her mouth, forcing her to settle for a hot chuff. Akeroh quickly made his way behind the herm, stroking over the bent and bound horse's back as he did. She'd been even more aroused than before--her slit was soaked in hot juices and there was a more than a modest puddle of precum pooling between her hooves. The dragon grinned wide, quickly positioning himself behind her. He tossed her tail up over her back, pressing his tips needily against both her holes, gently pressing in and pulling back to tease her for just a moment without penetrating her. She ground back as much as she could, her wet slit winking needily, as the dragon teased out a hot moan from the mare. His hand came down again, interrupting that noise with another sharp smack to her ass.

Mercifully, the dragon gripped both sides of her hips to finally give them both what they'd wanted all day. The pair gasped hotly in unison as Akeroh forced himself into the mare, his pointed tips the only mercy he gave her before the dragon's twin shafts strained both of Natascha's tight holes. Horses may be longer, but between the drake's girth and the various lateral ridges, even that first thrust stretched the mare's holes out.

Natascha gave a satisfied whinny as the dragon's twin cocks spread her holes out. Akeroh sunk in until his knots pressed warmly against those entrances, the dragon panting softly as he took a moment to enjoy the tunnels wrapped around his dicks.

He was surprised, to a degree, by how different those two tunnels felt. Considering the dragon's relative inexperience with the more feminine cut, he should have expected it. Either way, Natascha's pussy was tight and slick around his cock, the muscular tunnel squeezing hard around his shaft. She was incredible wet--her clear honey was already dripping from her slick cut as he thrust in, coating both of their loose sacs in a glistening coat of hot femjuice. Her other hole was even tighter around the dragon's shaft. It lacked the horse's natural lubrication, but Natascha had been prepared with lubricant. Even if she had not been, the productive dragon's shafts shot plenty of his precum to lube the way.

Akeroh let out a few more moans as he relaxed, letting those clenching holes relax and slowly adjust around his throbbing cocks. That didn't stop the mare from whinnying needily, bucking her hips back as much as she could in the stocks. Akeroh panted, squirming as he held onto the muscular horse's hips as she did, working her massaging tunnels back along his shafts. She shifted the bit in her mouth, crying out, "Akeroh, come on! Fuck me already, please!"

The drake huffed loudly before he took a breath. His fingers tightened around the palomino's hips and he finally relented, starting to pull back until his tips held just at the tight entrances to those holes, letting her plead and squirm with her body needily before he suddenly slammed himself forward. They both moaned out in unison as each thrust pulled him almost all the way back before he sunk all the way back in to grind his knots against those entrances. He barely slowed down to pop his ridges in.

Natascha panted and moaned loudly, the are very vocal about her pleasure. Her entrances clenched down every time one of those ridges forced its way past them.

Akeroh pounded eagerly into the mare, holding onto her hips as his shafts slammed all the way into his knots. They were both lost in the repetitive motion for minutes, with Akeroh slapping his sac against the horse's own. Natascha's tunnels clenched as tightly as they could around the thrusting shafts and it wasn't too long before they were both closing on their respective climaxes.

Natascha's shaft spurted thick precum onto the ground below her while Akeroh's shafts splashed his own pre into the needy mare. His cocks slammed against her entrances, working his knots hard against them. They finally began to yield, the dragon managing to force half his knot into the mare's slick slit before her rump had begun to accept his other. Finally, after a few more eager thrusts, she managed to relax enough.

The both roared out in pleasure as Akeroh tied her. His knots popped into both of the mare's holes, the dragon gripping her tightly as he exploded. His shafts poured thick, hot shots of seed deep into the mare, the drake's whole body tending with each orgasmic pulse.

Natascha hit her climax at the same moment; the feeling of the dragon knotting her was just too much to take. Her vagina squeezed hard around that cock, her clear juice splashing back between their hips and down their balls as her slit winked around his knot. Her shaft, suddenly peaking and the dragon's other cock pressured her prostate, spilled a large load over the ground underneath her, flexing in the air as she came.

The pair rode out their long-teased orgasms rather quickly, leaving them panting as they finished. Akeroh took a few breaths, rubbing over the mare's ass as he recovered, before attempting to pull out. Natascha's tunnels clenched around the drake's cocks, sending electric shivers of pleasure through the dragon as she worked along his oversensitive shafts. "Mnf, wow..." He managed.

She grinned wide, her expression cloaked by the stocks. The feel of her hips swaying just a little bit was enough to make the dragon's knees quiver. Akeroh huffed, slowly pulling himself back, working his own hips side to side until his knots popped free. His shafts slid out in the same motion, those knotted holes unable to hold onto the slick dicks, as cum poured from both those used holes.Natascha sighed happily, her messy pussy winking again as thick seed drooled from both her holes. Hot white seed dripped down her smooth sac and down the inside of her thighs.

Akeroh took a moment to recover after pulling free. His shafts softened slowly, cum beading on his tips, as he rubbed warmly over the mare's rump. Her sides were still rising and falling quickly, the horse trying to recover her breath. "Mnf, a little help?" she asked.

She pressed her neck and wrists up against the unlocked stock for emphasis, only able to move the heavy wood a bit. Akeroh smiled, stepping around slowly, but not before giving a sharp spank to the mare's ass. Those cheeks jiggled perfectly, and Akeroh couldn't help but admire the handprint he left on that cheek. "Ow!" The mare huffed, her cheeks red.

The dragon smiled, padding in front of her to heft the stock. He made sure to press his slick package against Natascha's face as he did, and the horse lapped eagerly along his half-hard shafts. Akeroh panted softly, "Well, if it'd make you feel any better, I let you tan my ass after you get out."

Natascha answered with a light mumble, her soft, wide tongue slurping eagerly along the dragon's cocks. Natascha made no move to escape the stocks that Akeroh had lifted. He had to pull his hips back before the mare grumbled and stood up.

Natascha was still panting softly as she tossed her mane back. She stretched, licking her lips as she recovered from her bent position, giving Akeroh quite the show as she pressed her chest forward. She kept her chest pressed forward, showing off her heavy rack and erect nipples and a slight twist of her hips let her heavy, half-hard horsecock swing above her hefty sac. Cum still dripped from that flat tip, stringing off between her tip and thighs as she softened. Seed still dripped down the inside of her thighs as the drake's potent orgasm was more than enough to overfill her. Akeroh licked his lips, relaxing back against the rails of the short porch as he waited for Natascha to recover. "So, besides pounding me, what else is on the schedule?" She asked.

Akeroh chuckled, taking his time to look over the hoss before replying. "Seconds later. But for now, it's just the fun stuff. Getting measurements of a goodly sample of the staff, checking to see how they are--though with the way the fam looks, I wouldn't expect them to have any grievances--and of course, a couple of examples to send me back bow-legged."

Natascha licked her lips, padding up the few steps to reach around the corner of the livery's entrance, drawing out a pair of soft hand towels. "Catch." She said, tossing one at the dragon.

Akeroh reached up to catch the towel before it caught him in the face. He took a moment to clean himself off; it was a much less daunting task than the mare's own. Akeroh tossed his back after she'd finished, leaving the pair to head towards the dormitories.

Akeroh took the lead this time, keeping his tail lifted to let Natascha watch his rump. "So, most of the hosses should be there to let you measure. It's been a pretty slow day, in terms of clients."

Akeroh licked his lips, reaching back to rub his ass while Natascha padded along behind him. "I'm certainly looking forward to it. From the rumors I've heard, your breeding studs are some of the biggest around."

Natascha chuckled, reaching down to grip the base of her hefty, half-hard horsedick. "You couldn't tell?" She asked.

Akeroh smirked, looking back to drink in the view of Natascha's hung package. "Mn, I was certainly hoping. You're hung like a hoss, but I'll say I didn't get a great view as I would have liked while I was pounding that lovely backside of yours."

"Oh, I'll be sure you get a good look at it later. I think I might be the biggest hoss in today; I think that Armstrong's out on vacation."

"You just want to punish my ass one way or another, don't you?"

Natascha smirked. "It's a good ass! I have the perfect thing in mind for it, though, you poor fool. Though, can you blame me for trying to improve it with a horse cock?"

Akeroh chuckled, watching over the mare's overly-generous shaft as a few strokes brought the thick member closer to a full erection. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he admired the thick, spotted horsedick. "Improve or ruin?" Akeroh asked.

Natascha stuck her tongue out at the drake. Akeroh chuckled, shaking his head as they reached the dorms. The building looked similar to the old western style of most of the farm, though a quick peek through the window made the modern construction and amenities perfectly clear under the veneer.

The door swung open with little fuss to allow the pair into the main lounge room. A small kitchen to the side was occupied by a somewhat small fox in a chef's hat and nothing else. The vulpine was just finishing his task, settling the last few dishes on a drying rack.

Natascha licked her lips, stepping up quietly behind the fox. She suddenly hugged him, pressing herself up against his back. Her package ground against the fox's lifted tail to press against his back. The small creature's head fit nicely right between the mare's breasts as she lifted him a few inches off the floor. The chef let out a startled yelp, his hat falling off his suddenly erect ears as the mare got the drop on him. "Felix! It's great to see you." She purred, warmly nibbling on the fox's ear with her warm lips.

Felix visibly shivered, reaching back to grab at the horse's sides in an awkward backwards hug. "N-Natascha, gods, you scared me." He panted.

"Oh, I couldn't have scared you that badly. Your dick certainly doesn't seem to mind." She said.

Felix huffed, his cheeks red as the mare reached around in front of him to fondle along the fox's stiff vulpine cock, her fingers wrapping slowly around his knot before she gave a few lazy strokes along the four-foot, five-inch tall fox's large cock. "Akeroh, this is Felix, our lovely little fluffer. Don't be fooled by his size, though; he packs more than enough and he is very, very good at punching above his weight."

Akeroh chuckled, nothing the blush on the fox's cheeks as he realized there was someone else in the room. Natascha turned him around, her strong arms keeping him suspended above the ground. Felix waved at the dragon while Natascha continued feeling over his bright red cock. "Oh, that's just your fox fetish talking, Nat." he replied back, humbly, huffing softly as the mare gave another warm squeeze to his rather large cock, showing off the fact that he certainly had enough to "Punch above his weight", as she had claimed.

"Well, you haven't lived until you've felt this energetic guy's knot popping in and out of your sloppy slit." Natascha cooed, teasing the fox, before looking between the two males. "Well, you know. The stallions enjoy his cock up their rumps almost as much."

Akeroh laughed, shaking his head. He couldn't deny it, though--Felix had an awesome canine cock on him. It looked rather large on his diminutive frame, but that wasn't anything that Akeroh would mind. "Mn, it looks like you're quite well off in the running for size in the stables here. You'd top out pretty competitively with the hosses I've seen."

Felix blushed, squirming a bit as Natascha pulled him a bit closer, grinding against the small of the fox's back. "Yeah, he's actually up there. Last time, on the official measure, it was Armstrong, myself, and one or two of the other hosses, then big Felix here. With that knot, though, he beats out everyone but Armstrong in girth." Natascha mused.

"T-thanks, guys. I, I mean, even if I'm not in the running, you're welcome to steal me aside, uh, if you really wanted, Akeroh. You're the auditor, uhm, right?" Felix stuttered, his cheeks burning red as Natascha gushed about his dick.

Akeroh nodded, licking his lips as he looked over the fox that Natascha was molesting. "Yep. How do you like working here?" He asked.

Felix blushed slightly, glancing between the dragon and the mare. "W-well, it's great. I mean, right now I have a, uhm, gorgeous mare squeezing her boobs around my head while she uh, works my c-cock, and I get to practice cooking too, and uhm, I have a whole stable of hot horses to play with. I get plenty of sleep, too, at least when I'm not staying up late telling them, ah, 'bedtime stories'...With my cock. T-they like those ones the most." He managed, his excitement showing through his nerves.

Akeroh chuckled, nodding. "Good job, then. Always nice to go to bed exhausted from a good day's work. It seems like yours is the best kind of work, too."

Felix nodded with a huff, gasping as Natascha's fingers worked slowly up along the underside of his stiff cock. A large bead of precum formed slowly on the male's tip, the fox huffing softly as he pressed back against the hoss's warm bust. "Mnf, v-very much so. I, ah, just finished up some tiramisu, if you two would like a bite." He offered.

Akeroh nodded, taking a few moments to admire Felix's throbbing canine cock. That droplet of pre drooled off his tip as the drake watched, stringing from the male's tip to the mare's fingers. Akeroh nodded, thinking for just a moment. "Sure...As long as you wouldn't mind fucking me while I eat. I could use a warm-up before the hosses." He grinned.

Natascha teased another moan out of the fluffer before relenting. "Mn, you and I have very different definitions of 'warm up'. I suppose that knot will make the rest of the horses feel rather trivial."

Felix blushed up to the tips of his ears, brushing himself off as Natascha released him. Akeroh couldn't help but watch as the motion made that fat dog cock bounce between the smaller male's legs. He had to be at least a foot; it was enough that his package looked almost too large to fit on his small frame. "I'll just, ah..." Felix started, gesturing over to the fridge.

"Go ahead, honey. Keep that tail lifted so we can watch your yummy ass." Natascha said, waving him over to the fridge.

Felix blushed a bit deeper, his tail lifting as he turned and quickly moved over to the fridge. His tight rump cheeks wagged with his steps, his fluffy tail kept high above his cute rump as he grabbed a pair of mason jars full of the light dessert. He plucked a set of spoons out from one of the drawers, clutching them in his mouth as he balanced the jars and scurried back over. His erection hadn't subsided at all, especially as Akeroh caught the fox continually glancing at him. Akeroh was sure to pose a bit, lifting his tail to drape the tip over his shoulder and turn his muzzle to warmly suck on the very tip of that limb while he pressed his hips out, showing off his erect lengths.

Felix blushed heavily as he scurried to the table to set the treats down, sticking the spoons in each before turning back to the two, his eyes locked on the dragon's pair of drooling dicks. He chewed his lip, managing to flick his eyes between the two of them before returning to eye fucking the drake. "So, uhm, how do you want to do this?" He asked.

Akeroh chuckled, licking his lips as he stepped over to the smaller male, taking the time to lean forward and press his lips against the fox's own. He reached down to wrap one of his hands around Felix's ample endowment, his other gently holding onto the fox's hips. Felix gasped softly, his ears reddening before he managed to control himself enough to return the kiss. He reached forward to gently grab the dragon's hips in return, his shaft throbbing warmly in Akeroh's hand. The thick cock was hot between the dragon's fingers, the core of the cock as stiff as a rock as those fingers fondled in, stroking along the various thick veins and that stiff, engorged fox knot. Akeroh's hand stroked more intently than the mare had, trying to milk more of the male's slick precum to coat his paw and the fox's throbbing dick. Akeroh had been worried that they'd have to halt the fun and find some lube until he found that the first few strokes along Felix's heavy dick were more than enough to coat the male all the way back to his knot.

Akeroh pulled back from the kiss after a few more moments of heavy petting. Felix blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as the dragon pulled back, leaving him panting. "So, um, how do you want to do this then?" He managed, his eyes still obviously locked onto the dragon.

"I'm thinking that you grab my tail and bend me right over the table with that fat dick of yours, stud." Akeroh growled, reveling in the fox's shyness.

Felix nodded, swallowing as he gingerly reached down to hold onto the middle of the dragon's offered tail. When the drake refused to turn around with the shy grab alone, the fox gave a soft pulled on that limb. The dragon spun himself around with an exaggerated moan, arching his back to press his rump back towards the fox that was shyly holding his tail.

Natascha let a chuckle escape her lips as she enjoyed Felix's blushy reaction to the suddenly ass-up dragon. Akeroh swayed his hips, wagging his ass as he kept himself bent over the table. "C'mon hon, get that big fox dick in my ass already!"

Felix took a deep breath, nodding as he squirmed in place, hopping from foot to foot a couple times as he tried to draw up his courage. He finally reached forward with his other hand to grip the dragon's hips with his free hand as he lined himself up, searching for the dragon's entrance with his drippy tip.

Akeroh propped himself up on his elbows as he felt the fox's warm tip grind and work between his cheeks, hotdogging him shyly as he worked his ass back against the large, beefy member. Felix really was large and that fact was only further reinforced as that cock dragged between his cheeks, spreading slick, hot pre between the dragon's firm rump cheeks as he felt every inch of that beefy cock seem to endlessly grind up along his ass, reversing as soon as he felt the hot, beefy knot of that cock kiss his tight vent.

Akeroh settled in to enjoy the fox, spooning a large mouthful of the chilled, thick mousse into his muzzle as he pressed his ass back against the fox's attentions. "Mn, this is actually really goo-Oh gods!" Akeroh suddenly moaned.

Felix glanced up at the dragon as his spoon clattered against the table. The size of his tip had been enough to force the dragon to drop to his palms on the table. Felix's slick cock throbbed in the dragon's tight ass, the head spreading that small vent wide around the beefy, hot dick. For a moment, Akeroh was worried he had bitten off more than he could chew.

However, a few seconds later and another inch of throbbing fox dick had allowed him to adjust enough to allow some sort of comfort, but this little guy was huge. "Are, um, you ok?" Felix asked.

"Shut up and get more of that cock in me." Akeroh replied.

Akeroh barely managed to grab the edges of the table before Felix forced more of his thick cock in. Akeroh groaned eagerly, his hole slowly yielding to the hoss-hung fox. Felix was glad the dragon couldn't see his blush; he could feel his cheeks burning as he watched his cock sink between the dragon's taut rump cheeks. His hand pushed gently up on the drake's tailbase, shyly pinning it against Akeroh's back. That gave him a better angle to keep feeding inch after inch of his fat cock into Akeroh's wonderfully tight rump.

Natascha couldn't help herself as she watched the two males fuck in front of her. She reached down to pick up the dragon's discarded spoon, taking it on herself to step forward and press her stiffening cock against the dragon's cheek while she began to feed the dragon the rest of the treat.

Akeroh grunted as his muzzle was invaded with the boozy coffee mousse, accompanied by the less-than-subtle threat of the horsecock pressing against his cheek. Natascha playfully ground herself against the dragon's face while Felix pushed into him--at least the large fox was overproductive, the smaller male's throbbing canine cock leaking and spurting plenty of precum to lube the way in the dragon's ass. "Oh, do you know how cute little Felix always makes this so good?"

"Natascha, don't tell him-" Felix started.

Akeroh's response was muted by another spoonful of the gooey dessert. "Well, I'll just say that our resident chef really pours himself into it, with pulses from that huge, overproductive cock..." She grinned.

"Natascha...I wouldn't do it if all of you didn't keep requesting it..." Felix explained, blushing furiously.

"What? I doubt this drake minds. Besides, we all love to watch you milk that fat dick into the bowl." She teased.

Felix blushed deeply, compensating for his embarrassment by starting up a rhythm. His cock pressed almost all the way into the dragon, mashing his knot against that poor, stretched vent on each thrust, the dragon's rump eagerly clenching around the fox's thick prick. Akeroh was left moaning, clinging to the edges of the table with his mouth full of sweet, spunky tiramisu. "Um, Akeroh, can I spank you some?" Felix asked hesitantly.

Akeroh gulped down the bite and opened his muzzle to reply, but Natascha was faster on the draw. She shoved another large spoonful of the dessert into his mouth, grinning mischievously as she answered for him. "Yes, go ahead. Give him some nice handprints, hmm?"

Akeroh would have been sour that the mare had taken her revenge...if he hadn't been about to answer the same way.

Akeroh managed an eager moan as the first loud smack rang out through the kitchen. A nice, sharp stinging sensation started on his left cheek and if he had been able to turn his head back enough, he would have caught Felix's giddy grin. "Ohmygod, your ass jiggles so perfectly with my dick in there!" He exclaimed.

Akeroh certainly didn't mind the small male losing some of his timidness, especially as more of those sharp blows graced his undertail. He hissed through his teeth, unable to keep himself from tensing up from the large cock reaming him and the stinging smacks under his tail. "Rrgh, you were right... Ah, he is big." He managed, panting out just in time for the mare to shove another spoon of the dessert into his muzzle.

"You know, a spoon probably isn't the best way." Natascha mused.

Akeroh glanced up to catch the mare's mischevious smirk. He gulped, both in order to swallow the mouthful of tiramisu and in anticipation of whatever the hoss was planning.

Another sharp smack jiggled his rump cheeks as he gasped. His eyes scrunched shut as Felix's cock forced another eager moan of pleasure out of him as that leaky canine tip ground powerfully all along the right spots in the dragon's tight tunnel. His rump clenched tightly around that beefy cock, leaving the dragon to squirm and moan out eagerly. This fox was huge and even though the size queen dragon was 'used' to it, Felix was giving the dragon's talented ass a run for hits money.

Akeroh's eyes opened slowly as another stinging smack graced his reddening cheeks. "Gods, keep that up, Felix, and your hand is gonna hurt tomorrow-Oh. Oh wow." Akeroh said.

He had been intrapped quite suddenly by Natascha's huge hosscock, the flared tip dripping with sticky precum and her shaft drizzled with the dragon's dessert. Thick mousse drooled down the sides of the horse's huge cock, leaving the dragon to simply admire the messy dick--before a particularly hard hump from the fox behind him pushed his face forward to mash against the mare's drooling tip. "Nice and eager, are we? Open wide, Akeroh." Natascha crooned.

The dragon was stuck between tow rather stiff places. It wasn't that he minded, of course, but not mentioning that particular feeling was part of the play. He'd been eyeing the mare's fat, dripping cock the whole day and he would have jumped at any opportunity to get a taste of the horse's knee-knocking shaft. Of course, the fat fox cock pounding his rump effectively stopped him from jumping, though that motion would have been entirely unnecessary as Natascha wrapped her fingers around one of the dragon's horns. Her other hand held onto her relatively clean base, stroking slowly as she aimed her heavy shaft.

It took a couple of tries to navigate that tip to the dragon's parting lips--partially because the mare's prick was large enough that the low grip was awkward and because Natascha was more than eager to smear her hot precum over the dragon's face. However, when that tip finally lined up, the horse gave no quarter. With a wink to the fox, the pair slid into the dragon at the same time.

Akeroh gasped as he was filled to the brim. Fat cock throbbed deep in him from both sides. Sticky mousse strung from his lips; most of the sweet drizzle covering the mare's cock failed to reach his mouth and throat. Thick, white dessert dripped off his lips and chin, the dragon barely managing a grunt before his throat swelled out with the mare's cock, the sound cutting off as her medial ring pushed past his lips. "He really is quite good, taking us both like this without a warm-up." Natascha commented.

Felix grinned, bucking harder into the dragon. His sac smacked audibly against the dragon's own orbs on each thrust, precum leaking from the dragon's tight ass stringing between the two sets of heavy balls. He was working harder now, the fox panting as he forced his knot forward on each push, working his knot forward on each push, fucking his knot against the dragon's slowly loosening tailvent. That girthy swell pressed powerfully into the dragon, that knot alone leaving the dragon with a white-knuckled grip on the sides of the table.

That grip didn't even take into account the huge horse shaft bulging out his throat. Natascha didn't give up on her first thrust until the fingers wrapped around the very base of her cock met the dragon's lips. Her heavy balls in their smooth sac pressed against the dragon's chin, letting the mare pause for a moment, just long enough to reach under the dragon's chin and fondle along the bulge she made all the way down past the dragon's collarbone.

Akeroh gulped eagerly along that shaft, barely managing to spread his legs a little bit more to relieve some of the tension around the fox's thick cock. That relief only lasted a moment as the male thrust forward again, using the slight change in position to force his knot into the dragon, right up to the ever-important halfway point. He pressed forward with a growl, his fingers digging into the dragon's sore cheeks. "Oh, fuck...I'm so close to knotting him!" Felix moaned out.

Natascha grinned, rubbing along the dragon's bulging throat. She took her time enjoying her rest in his throat before mercifully pulling back. Akeroh gasped as the huge hosscock pulled out of his throat, that thick flare tugging at the clenching entrance. She felt him pant over that cock before tugging on his horn. That, thankfully, gave him a bit of warning before she thrust into his throat again. She whinnied eagerly as she pushed into the dragon's gulping throat. "Why don't you? I won't, mnf, last too long in his throat." Natascha moaned out.

Felix nodded quickly, thrusting again and again into the dragon's rump. His knot strained against the dragon's vent on each eager thrust and the small fox reveled in the sight of his entire length disappearing and reappearing between the dragon's tight cheeks.

With a soft whine, he pressed forward one final time. His cock twitched in the dragon's tight tunnel with his impending orgasm and he watched greedily as the dragon's vent stretched slowly over the thickest point of his vulpine swell. That tight hole tensed and worked around the knot, the vent pushing out slightly as it slowly relaxed enough to accept the male's knot.

With a sudden gasp from the fox, and as much as he could, the dragon, that knot finally popped into the dragon's ass. Felix moaned loudly as his tail wagged quickly as his hips finally met the dragon's cheeks. The smaller male's furry pouch rested against the dragon's own, tightening slightly as his huge cock pulsed in the knotted dragon, pouring shot after shot of pent-up seed into the dragon. Thick, hot shots of seed poured into the dragon's rump with each throb of Felix's tied shaft. Akeroh moaned out eagerly and huffed as much as he could around the thick horse shaft bucking in his throat.

They were suddenly interrupted by another hoss walking around the corner. His half-hard cock swung between his legs, the black stallion smirking as he was greeted by the smutty scene. "Oh, hey. Good afternoon." He rumbled.

"O-oh, hey, Alzka. There's some, ah, gods, tiramisu in the, ah, fridge." Felix panted out, his cock still pumping seed into the dragon as he managed to talk as he came.

"Hey, thanks. I hope you poured yourself into it half as much as you seem to be with him." He teased.

Felix blushed deeply, panting through his nostrils as he throbbed in the dragon. Natascha didn't let up as the stallion walked over to the fridge to grab his own jar. She reached down to wrap her other hand around the dragon's horn, using both of those spires to drive her thrusts deep into Akeroh's throat. Her heavy balls smacked against his chin with each thrust and it was apparent that the mare was close after all her teasing. Felix's climax had finished off, but that knot was still tightly holding the fox balls-deep in the dragon. Felix entertained himself by groping over the dragon's ass and tail as he waited for his cock to soften enough to free him, obviously enjoying the show in front of him.

Saliva and precum drooled off the mare's fat dick each time she pulled back from Akeroh's mouth. She'd begun to pant, and it was obvious that she was rapidly climbing to her peak. Alzka chuckled, walking over to watch as he ate. "So, this is the inspector?" He asked, reaching down to idly rub his quickly stiffening cock.

"Ha, oh, ha, yeah. He's a ton of, mnf, fun so far. Oh, gods, gods, I'm gonna, gonna!" She cried out.

Alzka grinned, quickly reaching down under the mare to jam a set of fingers into her wet slit. She gasped, spreading her legs slightly as that motion finally tipped her over the edge. Her heavy, smooth sac tightened against the dragon's chin and her slit clenched powerful around the other horse's fingers. Her cock pulsed, pouring a massive shot of cum right down the dragon's throat. The throb was even visible in the bulge of the dragon's throat. Her huge shaft pulsed powerfully, pouring overproductive gushes of seed into the dragon's muzzle and throat.

Natascha shuddered, the feeling of her whole length pulsing in the dragon's tight throat sending tingles up her spine. She managed to pull back with trembling knees sliding her shaft back quickly to pump a full shot into the dragon's mouth.

Akeroh gulped, panting through his nose as the mare flooded his muzzle. Seed was already drooling from the corners of his mouth before Natascha pulled back again. She reached her left hand back to grab her shaft in order to keep it aimed somewhat steady as she finished off her orgasm over the drake's face. Thick shots of hot cum splashed over the dragon's muzzle, painting his scales and dripping off his maw. He opened his muzzle after the first heavy splash of cum spurted over his face, letting the mare soak his head and neck in hot horse cum, catching quite a bit of the hot seed in his muzzle.

Akeroh managed a hot, shuddering moan as he took that load. His ass clenched feebly over Felix's fat cock, somewhat reflexively as the dragon was rather caught up in the horse's orgasm, though it was rather difficult to ignore the thick vulpine dick inside him. That vulpine cock throbbed against all the right places in the dragon and the spit roasted male couldn't attempt to hold himself back any longer.

Akeroh gave a gasping moan as his entire body tensed up. Hot mare seed splashed over his face as he went off. His twin shafts finally released the pressure that had been building in him since the fox had begun his work, spurting huge shots of sticky seed over the underside of the table and the floor. The pressure in his clenching rump milked every drop out of the dragon as he shuddered and panted, managing to barely nuzzle at Natascha's flared tip through his orgasm. Felix whined, gripping the dragon's stuffed ass tightly as his tunnel clenched down over his big knot.

Finally, the three were left panting as they enjoyed their afterglow. Natascha groaned warmly, squeezing along her length to milk out the last few drops of cum onto the dragon's face and tongue. Akeroh lapped warmly at a few drips running off Natascha's flat cockhead, at least once he'd started to recover his breath. Felix squirmed again, gently tugging his hips back to test the dragon's hole. "Mnf, I'm gonna try to pull out now, if that's OK."

Akeroh nodded, reaching back to hold one of his cheeks to the side, making sure to give the fox a good view as he did his best to relax around that huge knot. "Go ahead, honey."

Felix nodded, biting his lip as he gently tugged back, testing a few times. He drew a slow breath, before gingerly starting to pull his hips back all the way. He shared a hot gasp with the dragon as that tight rump finally relinquished its hold on his knot. His cock slid free, the bright red rocket streaked and glistening with cum, leaving the fox's seed to drip down the dragon's thighs.

Felix panted softly, blushing as he admired the dragon's backside. "Um, Akeroh..." He began, gulping nervously, "Can I please smack your ass again? I-I kinda want to see a bruise on it."

Akeroh chuckled, unable to keep a blush from his cum-streaked cheeks. "Well, go ahead cutie. How can I say no when you ask so nicely?"

Natascha chuckled, licking her lips as she grabbed a towel from the counter to clean up. "While you're getting your ass destroyed, I'll gather up the rest of the stallions for measurement. Alzka, why don't you take a moment to help indulge out the chef in his big fetish and make sure this poor drake can't sit comfortable for a week or two?" He said, her voice dripping with a sweetness that only said, "I told you I'd get you back for earlier, drake."

Alzka chuckled, nodding as he set down his half-finished food on the table. Akeroh propped himself up on his forearms, glancing back as he lifted his tail to show off the already red cheeks to the interested fox. "You poor fool. It's usually me, so thanks for sparing me the cane for a couple days, but Felix absolutely loves this." The stallion said.

"Hey! It's not bad, it's fun...And I mean, look at this perfect rump! It just needs a few pawprints." Felix countered.

"Well, quit fucking around back there, honey. You've only got until the rest of the stallions get here before I have to get back to-Fuck!" Akeroh started.

His sentence was interrupted by a yelp that echoed with the sound of both the fox's and stallion's hands slamming against his asscheeks with a loud clap. Akeroh let out a gasping moan as the pair dug their fingers into those sore cheeks with hands that were already stinging almost as bad as Akeroh's ass. It suddenly occurred to the dragon that he may have bitten off more than he was expecting.

Felix purred loudly, almost hypnotized by the way his fingers made white marks in the dragon's red cheeks, releasing his hold to watch them turn back into his handprint. Akeroh panted, his tail still flagged high and his hands kneading together as he tried not to clench his teeth or give in so quickly. Alzka grinned, groping handfuls of the dragon's pinkening ass before giving another stinging blow across the dragon's rump. "Mnf, Felix could spank me for hours, and I never really got why he liked it so much until watching your ass, cutie."

Felix licked his lips, smacking the dragon's ass again. He let out an overly-aroused huff through his nose as he watched the dragon's sore ass jiggle, his cock already rock hard again. "Oh, I didn't keep you there that long..." Felix protested with a blush.

"Three hours. You smacked my ass for two hours, then switched to the cane for another! I couldn't sit for three days at all, and you complained about your hands hurting for a week. I thought you'd broken my hips at the end of it."

Felix blushed brightly, squirming a bit. His embarrassment didn't stop him from smacking the dragon's ass again, however. Several of the handprints were very visible under the drake's lifted tail and a few were even starting to shadow with the darker red that hinted at bruising. "But it looks and feels so nice!" Felix protested.

Alzka gave another sharp smack, teasing a groan out from the dragon. His palm kneaded warmly into that sore cheek as he licked his lips, moving to smack his cock across that rump a few times as he admired the way the handprints were starting to disappear into a mass of pinkening scales and flesh. He backed off to let Felix take over, nodding. "I guess I can see what you mean." Alzka admitted.

Felix nodded quickly, biting his lip as he gave another sharp smack over the dragon's ass. Akeroh groaned warmly, the noise goading a deeper blush onto the fox's face as he rubbed his palm. "See, look at how nice it looks when I..." He started, moving to press his shaft back into the dragon's cum soaked hole.

Felix sunk about half his cock into the dragon's rump, loosened from earlier and lubed quite effectively with copious amounts of fox cum. Akeroh gasped and Alzka chuckled, admiring the way that the red marks on the drake's ass glowed nearly as brightly as Felix's red cock. The dragon groaned again as the fox began to drum short, sharp smacks over both the dragon's cheeks.

Akeroh's tailtip quivered in the air, leaving the dragon to squirm on the table as the fox wound up his arm again. "Felix? You've got that big dick back in him already?" Natascha's voice filtered into the room.

"Oh, what did you expect? He was wild after the first spank." Akeroh called back, "If you're about there already, you're welcome to cum in me again, honey."

Felix blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing softly as his thick cock throbbed in the dragon's ass. "Well, I mean, it wouldn't take too long...." He managed.

Akeroh chuckled, squirming a bit as the fox began to hump into him again. "Alright. Here, I'll stand up and you can fuck me while I line up the stallions?" Akeroh offered.

Felix blushed, squirming on his feet as he groped into the dragon's red ass. Akeroh hissed softly as those fingers dug in. He shifted, slowly bringing himself up to a standing position. The fox hugged around the dragon's chest, securing himself inside the dragon before they waddled their way out to the main room rather awkwardly.

Natascha chuckled as the pair worked their way out of the kitchen. Most of the rest of the hosses were lounging in the main room by now, though there were a couple that are taking care of the few customers that had come in on this slow day. "I think that we are missing a few of the midsize staff, not to mention Armstrong. You ought to be glad you missed him, though. He's hung like...A baseball bat?" She pondered.

"A sledgehammer, more like." one of the other stallions commented.

Akeroh chuckled, though the noise was interrupted by a gasp as Felix gave another eager thrust into him as soon as he managed to gain a foothold on the back of one of the dragon's knees. "Though, it looks like he wouldn't really mind trying to take Armstrong that much. Hell, he managed Felix's barbarism just fine."

Felix blushed and Akeroh giggled, before turning his attention to all the stallions. There were about fifteen assembled, including Natascha, Alzka, and Felix. They were all naked, of course, and most were sprawled out over the various chairs while they waited for the inspector.

It was obvious that most of them had more than a little draft hoss in their blood--both in build and endowment. Every stud was very high in their class in terms of attractiveness as well; they obviously kept themselves healthy, even with a brilliant cook like Felix on staff.

Akeroh panted a bit taking a few moments to admire the half-hard horse cocks flopped over thighs and stomachs. A few of the males were even idly working and teasing along their shafts. Felix was still humping into him and that red rocket pistoning into him was quite the distraction, however. He didn't have the height himself to attempt to force his thick knot in again, a fact Akeroh was acutely thankful for. "Hup-hup, then. If you all wouldn't mind, mnf, lining up so I can get a good measure..."

The hosses stretched out as they lazily moved from their lounging to line up in the center of the common room. They massaged themselves, reaching over every once in a while to grope each other openly. "Aw, poor guy. He let Felix at his ass." One mentioned as he stepped up, spending the time to swing a quick smack to one of the drake's cheeks, "Red as a cherry."

Akeroh yelped with the strike. Felix let out a soft moan as the horse's hand snuck between the fox and dragon's hips--the small fox was still clinging to Akeroh's back, his fat vulpine dick deep inside Akeroh's tanned rump. Felix's short thrusts worked his knot back against the dragon's clenching entrance until Felix suddenly gasped and ground his hips in as hard as he could.

He began to cum yet again into the dragon's abused butt, leaving Akeroh to clench around the thick shaft. Felix hugged himself close to the dragon's back as his shaft poured shot after shot of seed into the dragon's butt, leaving Felix gasping and moaning as his claws bit down into the drake's chest scales.

Akeroh let out a soft pant as Felix rode out his climax. That shaft throbbed a few more times in his rump before the fox relaxed back. His cock tugged a few times at the dragon's hole before the cum-slick knot slipped out of his well-used rump. Akeroh panted, turning back to admire the bright red shaft, streaked with cum, left pulsing in front of the fox.

Akeroh's hand moved back to rub over his sore, bruised butt as the fox finally finished with his ass. "Ah, good warm up?" Natascha asked while a cocky grin spread across her muzzle, "You look about ready for the main course."

The Payment

The docks were full of victims. Tilia looked down from her perch on the roof of one of the uncommonly high two-story buildings overlooking the docks. Large numbers of people milled around on the docks, most native to Randia, but many part of the...

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[COMM] Boastful Dragon Buddies

The final rays of the sun's light turned the puffy clouds that hovered over Bayerth bright pink. The sunset was the herald of many things in the town, from the banal lighting of torches and lanterns on the fronts of the buildings along the cobblestone...

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Kobold in the Shower

"Alright, Sekis. Make yourself comfortable, I still need to take a shower." Akeroh rumbled. "Wet dragon is yesyes." Sekis replied, a grin splitting the violet kobold's muzzle. Akeroh chuckled, the feral drake shaking his head slowly from side to side...

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