The Payment

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#7 of Smut

This is the story I had written as a submission for HEAT. However, due to the fact that I was stretched for time before the deadline and a large number of plot-level problems with the story, I decided to shelve it. I played around with the idea of a deep edit, but considering the deadline and the fact that it would need to go through a significant rewrite to be reasonably publishable, I decided against it.

On the plus side, it does read more like the first chapter of a longer book. If I didn't have three other huge series planned, I'd probably give it a go to extend it out, but it's not quite on the schedule. However, it might happen at some point in the future. There's certainly potential there.

Also, as an aside, I think I did the lesbian stuff okay. However, I don't know how those parts work! I'm like, super gay--but I think it turned out alright but I have literally no yardstick.

The docks were full of victims. Tilia looked down from her perch on the roof of one of the uncommonly high two-story buildings overlooking the docks. Large numbers of people milled around on the docks, most native to Randia, but many part of the entourage that accompanied the tremendous trade ship from across the sea. The large boat, flying the red and blue colors of Nitiul, dwarfed all the other ships in the harbor. Fishing boats swarmed around it like ants and the huge craft took up an entire pier to itself. The gold trim around the flag told Tilia everything she needed to know. Royalty, wealth, and guards.

Her hide lay behind her, used the past night. A simple bedroll, tucked up under the eaves of the almost inaccessible rooftop, shared space with a few candles, most burned down to small stumps that could barely hold a flame. A small purse, yesterday's takings, sat at the foot of the bedroll. The copper inside had been counted repeatedly over the course of the night in the vain hope that it would somehow multiply through the sheer force of Tilia's will. A small sheaf of parchment laid on the bedroll, the paper reverently rolled to fit into a bark cover--the love poems inside were far too private to expose to the elements.

Tilia's ears flicked as they took in the hubbub from the streets below her. One of those vulpine ears was missing a chunk from the tip, a very old wound that had long since turned into one of the many facets of Tilia's identity. She raised her hand to itch at the scar, the touch a reminder of the true face of the island. She'd lost it to a hungry dog early in her adolescence and her memory of the frothing, snarling fangs had always served to center her view of the people around her.

The fox stretched a few more times, enjoying the warmth of the morning's sun. There was work for her to do, however. She checked a few concealed tools on her body, practicing a few quick motions with her wrist, before readying herself to clamber down. She took a moment to kiss the back of her fist, raising it to the sun. "Elicia, for you." She said.

Tilia nimbly swung herself down over the edge of the building, disappearing into the crowds filtering through the streets below.


The streets were packed to the brim today. Fishmongers hollered over the din of the crowd, adding their own sharp voices to the dull rumble of civilization. The rush of waves was still audible as they crashed into the shoreline, making ships creak as they bobbed on the water. Carts struggled against the flow of the crowd, jockeying for position as they swam against the river of creatures, trying to deliver their wares upstream. Shouts sounded every so often over the general rumble of the streets, whether from someone wronged or jostled too hard or from people advertising their wares and services to disinterested people.

Tilia weaved through the crowd expertly. There were very few that could manage the grace that such a skill really required and few more with the finesse to pick out other people doing the same. Of course, she spotted a handful of others moving in a similar manner through the crowd; when their eyes met, they acknowledged each other and continued dancing through the crowd, careful to keep as wide a berth from each other as they could.

Tilia took her time working her way through the throng of people. She noted more than a few with their purses on full display, as well as a great many more than usual flashing coin at vendors in amounts that any locals would keep hidden. To Tilia, however, so many easy targets put her on edge rather than eliciting excitement. Her eyes flicked around the crowd a little more quickly and she ducked to the side after a few more moments to pointedly examine a display of apples.

She picked up one of the blood-red fruits, carefully examining it as she watched out of the corner of her eye. A pair of wolves, dressed in the silver and black of the port's authority, swung out of one of the alleyways. They quickly pushed their way through the crowd, making their own path through the people. It was obvious that they didn't care who they had to shove aside. After a few moments of this behavior, the newcomers on the street wizened up and gave Randia's finest a wide berth.

Tilia tossed a pair of copper to the dormouse working the fruit stand. He glared at her; she bit into the apple and disappeared back into the crowd.

Tilia made careful note of several more guards traveling through their own islands in the streets. There were plenty of easy targets, but she knew that getting greedy would generate far too much attention to let her at the real juicy targets, though she couldn't resist a small purse that had been set aside on a barrel outside of a tavern by a distracted, drunken dockworker.

She had no sooner tucked the purse into one of her various hidden pockets before her attention was drawn up to a circle of gaudily dressed women. They traveled with a grace that was shockingly similar to the thief's own. Kindred spirits, Tilia supposed, as she passed by the cooing, bowing group.

There were six girls there, all obviously selected for their beauty by their patron. Even if they had not been actively swaying their hips and showing off their forms with their colorful clothing, they would have still caught more than a few of the men on the street leering at them. However, with a few well-placed winks and blown kisses, accompanied by facial expressions that were calculated to make the creatures staring at them blush, were more than enough to draw in the sort of prey that the brothels desired. One of them had noticed Tilia's eye, however, and a warm smile was enough to draw the vixen over.

"Well, hello there, rose." The whore greeted her.

"Good morning, Madam." The thief responded in kind.

"It looks as if you have not had a very good sleep in many moons. What might be the matter? Stress with life, nothing to tire you out, awake all night in a lonely, cold bed?"

"I appreciate the attention, but I don't think you want my kind in your establishment." Tilia teased.

The lady giggled, the lizard smiling wide as she reached down to gently run her fingers over the back of Tilia's left hand. "I don't find you betrothed, and our services are very discreet, even if I read your finger incorrectly."

Tilia's smirked, nodding as she leaned in to whisper against the side of the lizard's head. "Your beautiful harem is not the mark I desire. You have met Westwood, far along the eastern cliffs?"

The lizard nodded slowly, whispering herself, "I have seen those that dance along the ridge. The guards are out in force this morning, but only because the royals walk to see the sights our town does not keep hidden. Their personal guard is just as distracted as the rest of the entourage. Large rewards are there for those with the skill and courage to take them."

Tilia nodded quickly, glancing carefully back and forth to make sure their conversation was unseen. "Thank you. I will spread the word of those fine women at your home whenever I can."

The lizard nodded, a small smile decorating her painted lips. She drew back, giving a very slight bow. "Before you go, then, a kiss."

Tilia blushed under her fur, blinking a few times. Well, the lizard was more than easy on the eyes, she certainly wouldn't mind. She began to lean forward but stopped herself as the lady drew a small card from the folds of her dress, carefully laying her lips to the thin calling card. Tilia drew back, her blush deepening slightly as she realized her impertinent mistake. She bowed as the lizard handed her the card, marked with her lipstick over the handwritten slip of paper, taking it reverently.

It disappeared into Tilia's clothes faster than even the experienced lizard could see. The deft motion caused her smile to widen a touch more. "Good hunting." She said, quietly.

"Good hunting." Tilia replied.

Tilia left the group to their work, returning to her own hunt. She filtered down towards the docks, following the lizard's advice, until she began to see the signposts that most others would miss. There were street vendors that couldn't wipe the grin from their faces as they found themselves surprisingly rich with foreign coin, as well as wide-eyed creatures staring around at the hustle and bustle of the streets and the strange buildings and sights of the port town. However, even with all the juicy targets around her, she knew better than to jump at every small purse that walked her way.

It didn't take long for her to start spotting nicer clothing and fine jewelry decorating the exotic creatures walking through the town. The lady had not lied, however, and Tilia quickly began to spot some very obviously upper-class people walking through the streets. They were often flanked by guards, and even some of the town's own guards accompanied the private security that the rich had brought along.

Tilia began her hunt. She spotted one target that looked promising, starting to weave her way through the crowd to keep herself a bit closer. The boar wore the marks of a merchant proudly, from the expensive rings and the thin gold chain around his chubby neck to the way he waved and fast-talked the street vendors. He was flanked by two distracted guards, but they were of secondary importance to Tilia's eyes.

The merchant had a massive velvet purse, with fine golden needlework tracing over it. The fabric alone would be worth more than she could steal off of most people in a rather productive day. Tilia had to keep herself from drooling as she watched the large purse sway, hanging off the boar's belt by only a thin strip of leather.

Tilia kept herself level-headed, however. The two guards flanking him were big, mean-looking thugs. Both of them stood at least a few inches over most of the people around them and muscles filled out their loose jerkins. Inkwork covered a decent portion of their skin, the pair of scowling rhinoceros showing off their lack of fur with sprawling tattoos from their neck down to their wrists. The both wore thick scars, some cutting over the tattoos and others worked into the design, and one had the tip of their horn chipped off, describing the sort of life that they had suffered. The scowls they wore and the maces dangling from the right side of their belts showed just how eager they were to take that life out on whoever got too close.

Worse yet, they didn't seem to be distracted by anything that the town had to offer.

Tilia was patient, however. She kept herself close enough that she would be able to react but far enough that her observation didn't stand out among the people in the street. The boar waved and talked, snippets of their loud conversation filtering out above the noise of the street every so often, before finally, the merchant made a show of accepting the vendor's deal, jamming his hand into his purse to draw out a glittering gold coin to exchange it for another gaudy ring.

The boar turned and stepped away, pointing down the street further up into the city. Both guard's eyes followed his finger, and Tilia seized her chance.

A short, sharp knife flicked out of her sleeves as she stepped quickly beside the boar. The blade nimbly severed the leather strap holding his purse to his belt, and the heavy, jingling velvet dropped into her palm. She barely paused her movement as she cut the strap, simply leaning forward to start her sprint back into the crowd. "Thief! Tidul, Ryit! Thief!" The boar cried out, his hands groping at empty air as he tried to grab her.

Tilia spared a glance over her shoulder, eyes widening as the rhinoceros leaped after her. While Tilia picked her way through the crowd, the guards simply plowed through it. Yelps of displeasure and insolent yelps tracked the guards progress behind her as they shoved and pushed their way along. If they had been any less strong Tilia would have had no problems getting away but the brothers were large enough that the crowd seemed to barely slow them; especially as those maces came out and the crowd started to get themselves out of the way of the rampaging guards.

Tilia pounded the cobblestones, working her way along the streets, back uphill. She knew this town, and the rhinos did not, but the bulky thugs didn't care. They closed the distance quickly. She had made it three blocks down but she could hear their labored panting right behind her. She felt a hand brush the tip of her tail, but forced herself forward, still staying a step or two ahead of the guards. "Drop the purse and we ain't gonna kill ya!" One managed between pants.

Tilia clutched the heavy purse to her chest like it was a holy relic, her feet carrying her just outside of the thug's grasp, sprinting towards the part of town where the buildings were closer, the alleyways tighter, and the people poorer. There were many more escape routes there, and a crowd that didn't take as kindly to shoving guards. She was almost there but the rhinoceros were hot on her heels.

There, the alley she was looking for. She leaned hard to the left, keeping her speed up as she made it into the alley, narrowly dodging one of the rhinos. He'd leaped into a tackle just before he saw her turn, his arms wrapping around air before the rest of him plowed into a stand just outside the alley with a string of loud curses.

The other guard, however, managed to make the turn, stumbling as he swung into the alley. Tilia was already laughing, nearly to the end of the alley. Her path was blocked by a ten-foot wall, the masonry connecting the buildings on either side. "We got you now, just-" The guard yelled.

Tilia forced her tired muscles into a well-practiced display of acrobatics. She leaped up, using her speed to bounce off the alley walls on either side before grasping the top of the tall wall. She was hauling herself over when an exotic curse sounded from the alley below, muffled by the sound of her chiming laughter but a sharp pain in her shoulder intercepted her concentration. She slipped slightly as the rock the guard had thrown glanced off her shoulder blade, sending her tumbling over the wall.

Tilia hit the ground on the other side on her back, knocking the wind out of her. The purse was still clutched tightly to her chest, heavy with coin, and a string of swears sounded out over the wall. Her elation energized her as she pushed herself up, chancing a glance into the purse to glimpse the glittering gold inside. Her breath caught in her throat, trying to keep tears from her eyes.

She'd finally done it.


"What the hell do you mean, 'It's not enough'?" Tilia roared.

Rut chuckled, the slimy wolf leaning back in his chair. His sadistic smirk changed for a moment as he shifted a huge wad of blackleaf from one side of his muzzle to the other. Even over the table, she could smell his breath, carrying the thick, bitter scent of the stimulant. He turned his muzzle to spit black saliva into a pot beside his desk before turning back to the vixen. "Price has gone up. Not much, but enough."

Tilia growled, showing her teeth. "We had a deal! One hundred and sixty for the debt. You liar!"

Rut waved his hand. "You slight me. I may be a 'disgusting pig', as so many on the island are so fond of calling me, but I am a businessman first and foremost. You had no contract, I gave you no guarantee. But, I like to think of myself as fair."

Tilia had to bite her tongue, almost hard enough to bleed, to keep herself from jumping on that statement. Rut's grin widened as he watched her struggle with her rage, his black-stained tongue coming out to wipe his lips. "So, then, I offer you a deal. One hundred and eighty, just a little bit more, and the slave is yours."

Tilia narrowed her eyes. "What is there to keep you from raising the price again when I walk in here with twenty more?"

"Because you only have two days for this deal before she is sold."

"What?" Tilia asked, her blood running cold.

"One of the nobles that came on the trade ship has her eye on her, after her performance today. It seemed he rather enjoyed her, and has offered me a significant amount of money for her life debt."

Tilia blinked slowly. "We...We had a deal!"

Rut nodded slowly. He barely cloaked his enjoyment, his eyes watching the fox squirm the same way a sated cat would play with a rat. "That is why, because I am such a kind, magnanimous man, I am giving you two days to make this new price. It is a significant loss with the amount of coin he offered me for my whore, but he leaves the island in three days and I will have no choice but to take that deal."

Tilia hissed through her teeth, taking several long moments to imagine tortures and pain visited on the wolf. The guards flanking the door seemed to know what she was thinking, and a set of pointedly cracked knuckles behind her told her that she was not the first to have these thoughts and that the guards were quite experienced with dealing with that particular line of thinking.

Finally, Tilia sighed slowly, staring daggers at Rut. Rut kept up his smirk, audibly chomping through the sappy wad of leaves in his jaws as he waited. "If you no longer want her, I am more than happy to sell her to the noble today."

Tilia couldn't help a low growl from escaping her lips. One of the guards stepped forward behind her, a hand on his club reminding her exactly where she was. Rut couldn't keep his amused smirk from widening more, relaxing back in his large chair. Tilia squirmed in her seat, smoldering as she tried to think of another way out but the obvious. She was trapped, just the same as Elicia.

Rut was content to watch. Usually, he would have thrown out anyone that took this long to answer him, but the fox was putting on such a good show. So, he waited patiently, noisily gnawing on the fibrous leaves filling his cheek.

Tilia growled again, narrowing her eyes at the wolf. "Fine. I need some kind of guarantee that you are not going to raise her price yet again when I come in with the money." She said.

Rut grinned. "You are not in a place to make demands. But you have my word."

"For all the good it is."

Rut couldn't help himself from laughing at the reflexive insult. His gut jiggled with his mirth as he chortled, calming down after a few moments to lean over the table, balancing himself on his elbows. "You must be glad that I am so sporting today. But the opinion of a lowly thief, even one as good as you are," He said, gesturing to the purse on the table, "Will not harm me in the least. But at least you are entertaining, unlike that stuck-up noble. You both want one of my best girls. I just want money, and given the fact that this offer is still on the table for you, apparently I also want a show."

Tilia bit her tongue, her fists clenched tightly enough that her claws bit into her palms, almost enough to make them bleed.

Rut licked his lips again with his black-stained tongue, shifting back into his chair. "But my patience is wearing thin. You have two days to make this price. Now get out."

Tilia hissed through her teeth, shooting up from the chair to grab her purse off the desk. She turned to leave, waiting for the guards to let her through the doorway. "You know, you would make me a pretty penny working in my shops. You look damn good walking away."

Tilia snapped her head back to snarl at the leering wolf. "Disgusting..."

"Want to make it twenty-five more?" Rut replied before the vixen finished her insult.

Tilia snapped her muzzle shut, growling as she pushed her way out of the office.


Tilia followed an automatic path back to her rooftop hideaway. She did take extra care working her way through the streets. The guards would be looking for her, as much as they ever looked for thieves, but she had not made it this far being careless. She was still smoldering as she clambered up onto the roof, carefully tucking her coin away behind a few loose bricks. Only a few more gold, she thought, looking at her stash. Months of work were held in the purse there, and she was so close, but it felt like she was back to square one.

But more work would have to wait until later; there was too much risk for her on the streets until the guards had changed and the people on the street had become careless again. For now, though, she grabbed a pair of silver and the newest sheet of parchment from the sheaf. Her eyes flicked over the careful script, the poem a result of almost a week's worth of candlelit work. She gently tucked the parchment away into a belt pouch, making sure not to crease it, before she headed out again.

This time, unlike the morning, she knew exactly where she was going. She headed up in the town, working her way between the tightly packed buildings and through the tight streets until she reached a somewhat nondescript house.

It looked much like an inn, though there was no sign hanging above the door. There were still marks, for those that knew what they were looking for. A pot of wildflowers stood on the porch, the blues and white flowers topped with three blood-red roses, and there was an x carefully carved into the doorframe, next to the latch. It was called 'The Three Rose Inn' and she had become almost as familiar with the building as the residents were over the course of the past year.

Tilia pushed the creaky door open, stepping out of the streets into the warmth of the brothel. An older, almost matronly otter waved to her from behind the bar, tending to a crackling fire that hissed each time fat from the pig roasting on a spit dripped into the flames. Tilia took a slow breath as the door shut behind her, the scent of the dinge of the street replaced by the comforting scent of perfume and cooking food. The otter straightened up, wiping her hands on her apron as she came around the counter, quickly waddling over to greet the vixen with a tight hug. "Tilia! It's so good to see you."

Tilia smiled, pulling her hips back a bit to make sure that the otter didn't accidentally press against the pouch that held her paper. "Thank you, mama Jasti. It's great to see you too."

Jasti smiled, her chubby, dimpled face glowing in a manner that was all too rare in the town. It didn't last long, however. "You're here to see Elicia, then?" She asked.

Tilia nodded. "Of course, mama."

Jasti's smile quickly turned crestfallen, and she nodded slightly. "You've heard the news, then?"

Tilia winced. "From Rut's vile mouth itself."

Jasti sighed and nodded, moving back behind the bar to start assembling a pair of plates, slicing hot meat and fresh bread onto them. "So you know about the noble that's to buy her?"

Tilia sighed, stepping over to lean heavily on the counter. "I do. Rut offered me two days and twenty more gold on the payment."

Jasti paused and nodded solemnly. "I'm so sorry. That is a very tall order. The girls have gotten a little bit of coin together, what they would spare, but it's only about one and a half. They didn't think that he offered you a different deal, though, we had only heard that the noble was to take her."

Tilia nodded slowly, closing her eyes. "Thank you. I don't know what to say, but I guess you know Rut much better than I do."

Jasti nodded. "He's not hard to figure out, he just has us all in chains."

Tilia sighed, rubbing her temples. "I'll figure it out. I always do."

Jasti nodded slowly, biting her lip as she finished the meals. "You are clever, honey. I'm sure you'll do it."

The sad look on her face was much more truthful than her words. Tilia nodded, thankful that she hadn't said the truth that they both knew, to confirm the way that the vixen was feeling. Jasti reached down, gathering a pair of glasses as she drew up a large bottle of dark red wine. "What's the occasion?" Tilia asked.

Jasti managed to force a smile back onto her face, looking up kindly at the vixen. "The occasion is that two of my girls need this more than anyone else. Rut says that you're supposed to pay for your food and your time with Elicia, but I am not about to make you start now. She hasn't eaten since breakfast because of...Well, the noble bought quite a bit of time."

Tilia nodded, trying not to wince. She waited for Jasti to uncork the bottle, handing it to her with a smile. It took Tilia a moment, but she replied with a small smile herself. "Thank you." She said, surprised by the authentic appreciation in her voice.

Jasti's smile widened all the way to her ears until her face was glowing again. She waved her hand at the vixen as Tilia picked up the plates. "Go on, she needs her food. I'll be sure nobody disturbs you."

Tilia smirked and nodded, nimbly dodging a slap to her tail as the otter sent her off. Tilia quickly took to the stairs, carefully balancing the meal as she walked up towards the rooms. It was obvious that there were at least one or two other clients in the inn this afternoon, given the noises filtering through the heavy doors. Tilia continually checked the pouch holding the paper as she walked, almost afraid that it would suddenly disappear.

Finally, she reached her destination. She didn't know why she hesitated as she raised her fist to the door. She rested her knuckles on the heavy wood for a few moments. Her heart pounded in her chest; perhaps she was simply afraid that she would open the door and find her love disappeared, having slipped between her fingers forever.

Tilia took a long, slow breath and tapped the door with her knuckles. She almost spilled the wine when the door pulled back, nearly jumping out of her skin. Thankfully, Tilia had already settled as Elicia's muzzle poked through the crack of the door. "Hello? I thought that I told Mama to-Tilia!"

Tilia couldn't respond for a moment as the door swung open to reveal Elicia. After all her fears and the news of the noble, the view of the gorgeous husky was almost too much. Elicia's face wore a similar expression of elated relief, her heterochromatic blue and gold eyes locking back with the vixen's deep green. They both stood, in shock, for a few beats of their thudding hearts, before Tilia gave a deep bow and flourish--quite a feat with the food and drink in hand. "Good day, my arctic love."

Elicia chuckled. It was a noise that rang out like a chorus of wind chimes in Tilia's ears. The small noise enough to make her heart melt, especially as it was followed by the husky's practiced voice. "Good day, my dashing rouge. Let's get you inside, out of the rain."

Tilia's smile reached from ear to ear as she stepped in after Elicia. She couldn't keep her eyes off the husky as she moved. Elicia was in a stunning, flowing green dress, the garment tailored to hug her hips and show her off. It did not take much to show off Elicia's natural beauty, but the tailored dress certainly didn't hurt. Tilia surprised herself; the thief actually had to slyly wipe a tear from her eye as Elicia stepped into the room, her form highlighted by the glass doorway that opened out onto the balcony. Elicia turned slowly to see Tilia staring at her, the light pouring in from the window behind her gave her an otherworldly glow. "Tilia, are you alright?"

Tilia swallowed, nodding. "Yes, yes. It just seems that I have had something very valuable stolen by a very talented thief."

Elicia gasped, rushing over to lay a hand on her shoulder, nuzzling her gently. "Oh goddess, what did they get? Are you alright?"

Tilia grinned slyly, letting Elicia see the expression before she whispered. "Barely. It seems a goddess, herself, swiped my heart."

Elicia blushed to the tips of her ears, giving the vixen a playful smack to the shoulder. "Vile outlaw, you worry me."

Tilia grinned, nuzzling the husky before she pulled away to settle the wine and food on the bedside table. "Well, then allow me to swipe something from the goddess that so took me."

Elicia stepped forward after Tilia, settling her hands on the vixen's shoulders to slowly massage them as she organized the plates. "Oh, and what would you be aiming to take?"

Tilia didn't reply, simply swinging herself around to press her lips against Elicia's own. The husky gasped, especially as the thief swept her off her feet, holding her up as she kissed her deeply. After a moment of surprise, Elicia pressed back into the warm kiss, reaching up to hold Tilia as they embraced.

The pair shared in the deep kiss for several long heartbeats. Finally, Elicia straightened up slightly, but only enough to lay a hand on Tilia's collarbone to push her back, carefully driving her back onto the bed. Tilia didn't fight the motion at all, only turning her muzzle to really lock lips as she was pushed back onto the wide mattress. Elicia pressed her down, shifting from being held to warmly straddling the thief, separating from the kiss as she rubbed slowly along Tilia's collarbone and out to her shoulders, her hands slowly drifting back to fondle along the vixen's chest as she settled herself over her thief's legs. "I suppose a heart for a heart is a fair trade. It is strange to see such fairness from a thief in a town so lacking of the former."

Tilia reached up, her hands slowly tracing along Elicia's sides and hips. She bit her lip, giving a soft moan as the husky's hand shifted to her still-clothed breasts. Even the touches to her shoulders and front sent tingles of pleasure through her; as Elicia's talented fingers traced over her chest, Tilia couldn't help herself from biting her lower lip while taking a short gasp or three through her nose. "I could never dream of slighting such a beautiful goddess as yourself."

Elicia chuckled, nodding as she slowly massaged and worked over the thief's front, from those breasts down her toned belly and sides. "Give my condolences to all the ugly gods and goddesses you prey on, then." She teased.

Tilia grinned, her hands tracing slowly down the husky's sides to gently fondle along her hips. Elicia's fluffy tail wagged slowly behind her, the warm fur brushing against Tilia's exploring fingers. Elicia stroked down along Tilia's belly to her belt, slowly running her fingers over the metal and leather there before dipping down just a few inches to tease a little bit lower. They returned in short order to start to unbuckle the thief's belt. Tilia let out a soft huff of pleasure as that belt loosened, her hands gently tracing around to grab along Elicia's rump.

Elicia smiled, pressing her hips back into those exploring fingers while her fingers traced up from that belt under the hem of Tilia's shirt. The thief rumbled softly as Elicia's soft fingers traced over her naked belly. Elicia slowly pushed that shirt up, revealing the fox's toned stomach and the underside of her firm breasts before her hand slowly stroked up the cleft between those breasts, pushing the thief's shirt almost all the way off. "Haa...Jasti told me you were hungry, but I didn't think she meant..."

Elicia cut her off as she pressed her lips against Tilia's own. Tilia's hands returned the favor, reaching up to slowly draw the husky's dress down off her shoulders, letting the cloth fall to her waist. Elicia's hands stroked back down to Tilia's bust as they kissed, her thumbs slowly running over the vixen's pert nipples, while Tilia's own hands took the time to fondle warmly along her lover's heavier, softer tits. Tilia's view of Elicia's chest was blocked, though Tilia didn't mind staring into Elicia's eyes as they closed, heralding a small moan of pleasure against the thief's lips.

The pair separated again from the kiss, their hands still warmly fondling and massaging over each other's chests. Tilia took a moment to pull back, carefully wiggling out of her shirt underneath the husky, throwing a few short grinds of her hips up as she did. Elicia chuckled, giving another delicious gasp as Tilia's hands returned to her breasts. "I am hungry, though, as well. I ended up missing lunch, sadly."

Tilia nodded, moving one hand from Elicia's breasts to reach over, stacking a slide of the roast on top of the bread, bringing it back up to the husky's lips. Elicia chuckled softly, staring Tilia in the eyes as she leaned in, her hands still fondling along the vixen's front, to munch on the offering. A few bites were all it took before Elicia leaned in, wrapping her lips around Tilia's fingertips.

Tilia blushed as Elicia slowly suckled on her fingers, her tongue working warmly along them. She couldn't help but shiver as the husky's thumbs worked over her nipples while she bobbed her head slowly along the thief's fingers. Elicia's eyes closed as she teased along that hand, a low rumble of pleasure sounding from her as she made sure her actions made Tilia quiver below her. "A-ah, some, some wine, then?" Tilia asked.

Elicia nodded, letting those fingers slip from her lips with a soft moan that made Tilia's face burn red. "That would be lovely. You pour, and I'll rid you of the rest of this useless cloth?"

Tilia nodded slightly, squirming a bit. The pair shifted to allow Tilia to roll over and carefully pour the wine into the pair of glasses, taking her time to let the husky gently slide her pants off. Her hands took the time to fondle over the clothing between slow pulls, letting the husky enjoy revealing the vixen, bit by bit. "You carry fewer lockpicks now." She observed, her fingers tracing along that cloth.

Tilia nodded slightly, giving a soft gasp as her pants slid back, leaving her butt completely revealed for the husky's groping fingers. "I break them less than I used to."

Elicia nodded, though her fingers still traced warmly along the fox's rump, groping and massaging into the thief's ass. As she did, however, she took a moment to lean down over the thief, pressing her crotch gently against Tilia's rump, in order to lay a kiss on the bruise on her lover's shoulderblade. "Now, who dared to injure my thief?"

As soft as Elicia's lips were the touch to the new injury made Tilia wince. "A guard, this morning. For the haul I took, I would gladly have taken much worse. I can almost settle your debt."

Elicia nodded, biting her lip as she took a moment, resting her muzzle against the back of the vixen's neck. She sighed slowly, embracing her from behind. "You have not heard the news, then?"

Tilia nodded. "The noble. Yes, though Rut, for once in his damned life, has honored his word and given me a chance. I have two days to gather an extra handful of gold now, and buy you out from under the noble."

Elicia nodded. "Oh, I had no idea there was still a chance... How much?"

Tilia bit her lip. "Twenty more. Well, only about sixteen, all told."

Elicia nodded slowly, pulling back. Her face wore a deep frown. It was obvious that she knew how much of a challenge that was; Elicia intimately knew the value of even a single piece of gold. However, she didn't let her mood come down at all, especially as Tilia had her shift up to let the vixen roll over.

A smile was back on Elicia's lips as Tilia met her eyes again. Tilia handed Elicia a glass of wine, reaching down to her belt before her pants slipped away entirely. Elicia took the cup, taking a slow sip, though she couldn't help herself from sliding a hand down to warmly rub along the vixen's exposed crotch, her fingers teasing gently over that interesting v on her hips, resting her fingertips along the other female's wet slit.

Tilia gasped with the touch, blushing softly as she wiggled to softly grind against those teasing fingers. The touch distracted her for a moment, but soon she managed to draw up a sheet of carefully rolled parchment from a pouch, before letting her pants slide off all the way. "Before we get started, though, I wrote you a little poem." Tilia offered, trying to keep nervousness out of her voice.

Elicia smiled wide, taking a sip of her wine as she nodded, gently fondling over Tilia's slit, shifting to let her spread her legs out slightly. "You know how much I love them, Tilia. Read it to me?" She asked.

Tilia nodded, raising the paper up to the light as she began.

Though, the tides of fate keep us apart,

The wine finished, they settled their glasses aside. Taken over by their eagerness, as well as their desire to put their dread off for another time, Tilia quickly moved to slide the rest of Elicia's dress off of her hips, unable to keep herself from licking her lips as the husky stretched up in front of her, showing off her hourglass form to the vixen's lecherous, greedy eyes.

Tilia's hands followed quickly, her fingers tracing all along the form of her lover. Her fingers traced from those firm, strong thighs to the titillating cut between. Her fingers traced along that wet slit, teasing a delicious shiver out from the husky straddling her until they traced up that front to take handfuls of the husky's pert, ample breasts.

The force of our love will bind us together.

Tilia gasped as Elicia's fingers pushed into her. The sudden draw of breath nearly separated their lips but the moment that Tilia adjusted to the pleasure, she pressed right back in. Their lips played together, tongues pressing against each other before the husky playfully bit the vixen's lower lip, her talented fingers pistoning into the vixen's slick slit. Her thumb worked Tilia's button, carefully massaging her inside and out, as Tilia's own hands could do nothing more than hold tightly onto her lover's hips as her hips arched up into the powerful attentions.

Even as the world tugs us away,

Tilia glanced up from between Elicia's legs. The husky had a pillow clutched tightly to her chest, and she was doing her best not to scar the floor with the claws on her toes. Tilia, however, seemed dedicated to her mission to make those claws clench hard enough to scratch the wood. Her muzzle went right back down, her fingers playing and teasing along the inside of her lover's thighs as her tongue came back out, working hard against the outer lips of the canine's slit.

Elicia let out a choked moan of pleasure as Tilia's tongue worked all the way up along her slit to press against her clit. Her legs tensed and she arched her hips to press her snatch harder against the vixen's snout, leaving the vixen to press her hot tongue as far inside as she could.

There is no force in the cosmos that can keep me from you.

They both panted. Tilia pressed herself up against Elicia's side, her own thighs wet with her honey, her muzzle damp with the husky's own fluid. The vixen's hand warmly massaged and groped over one of the husky's breasts, spending a bit of time admiring the way the soft, warm flesh dented underneath her teasing fingers and how Elicia shivered when her palm just barely brushed across the tip of that nipple. Elicia panted, turning to the side to gently lick Tilia's ear, that tongue causing the fox to groan softly in pleasure as it teased over her scar. "Ready for the main course, love?" Elicia asked.

The gods above will yield to our love,

Tilia cried out, gasping eagerly as her fingers dug into Elicia's hips. Another full-body grind pressed their breasts together, the pair working their slits against each other's thighs. It was Elicia's turn to interrupt the kiss with a moan of her own on the next push. The lovers worked hard against each other, their words transformed into messy kisses between pants and moans of pleasure. The thought of mercy didn't cross either of their minds.

Lest the world faces our strength.

Elicia was left panting, her leg flexing in Tilia's grip. Tilia arched back, her fingers holding that leg up tightly as she ground yet again, pressing her slit directly against Elicia's own hot cut. Each time their clits crossed paths the pair let out eager moans in unison, their bodies trembling with exertion and arousal as they gave themselves fully to each other.

"Elicia, I'm going to, gods above, Elicia!"

The world itself does not understand the beauty that walks it,

Their cries of pleasure filtered out into the hallway as they pressed against each other. Their bodies quivered and spasmed, wracked with pleasure as their declarations of love and pleasure were lost in reflexive vocalizations. They gripped at each other, trying to hold as much of the other as they could as they came, the pair gasping and crying out as pleasure overwhelmed them, together.

The goddess that stole a lowly thief.

Tilia nuzzled slowly into the back of Elicia's neck. Her arm draped lazily over the husky's side, her front pressed tightly up against her lover's form. Elicia cuddled back against the warm vixen, their bodies sinking into the creased covers of the bed, her careful housekeeping a collateral victim of their throes of pleasure. "Tilia, I'm scared."

Tilia gently kissed the back of Elicia's neck, both to comfort the husky and to help the thief hold back the lump in her throat. "I am, too. I'll get the gold, my love, and you will be free."

Tilia nodded, reaching back to rest a hand on Tilia's hip, trying to pull her even closer. "What happens if you can't?"

Tilia closed her eyes, taking a long breath against the back of Elicia's neck, pulling in her scent. "I will chase you to the ends of the earth until we are together."

Though the gods may see fit to pull us apart

We shall teach them the strength of our love.

Over time, over oceans, over very life itself,

I will triumph, and I will forever be yours.

[COMM] Boastful Dragon Buddies

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