[COMM] Boastful Dragon Buddies

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#9 of Smut

Here I have another commission for [REDACTED]. It's a fun little slutty romp kinda in the same vein as a couple of the other commissions I've done. So, this stuff is a little weirder than most of my writing, about two dragon lovers that bet that they can easily take each other's orgasms. Not spoiling anything, but both of them cum /buckets/!

The final rays of the sun's light turned the puffy clouds that hovered over Bayerth bright pink. The sunset was the herald of many things in the town, from the banal lighting of torches and lanterns on the fronts of the buildings along the cobblestone streets to the herds of adventurers and travelers that found their way off the roads overlooked by the keep to spend coin at the taverns, there was always a surprising amount of movement in the town surrounding the keep after the sun began to track the last of its arc to set behind the distant mountains.

Syrreth was one of the figures moving through the street. He traveled quickly over the cobblestone pathways, a lump in his throat and his black-scaled fingers wrapped around a cluster of expertly cut and trimmed wildflowers. Lilies were a rarity this early in the spring, and the freckled amber flowers contrasted against the dragon's black scales. The vibrant colors were dulled somewhat by the darkening daylight, but the fragrant blossoms still caught the light from the newly lit torches and lanterns along the streets.

The dragon walked a strange pathway through the town, ducking through alleys and cutting through shortcuts towards his goal. He spent little time on the main streets, moving far more quickly than anyone trying to work their way through the winding, wider roads. Wood and stone buildings advertised their services with painted pictographic signs swinging in the gentle breeze above their doorways. Houses packed themselves between stores and taverns with no thought towards any sort of official zoning. Alleyways connected many of the larger, winding streets as they worked their way through the town built around the hill, the streets mainly constructed between the older buildings and the wiles of the hill's grades, turning the small town into a maze-like conglomeration of short single and double floor buildings, all topped by the imposing walls of the keep topping the hill.

The modest town poured down the grade of the hill, connecting in several places to the large trading roads that ran around the base of the hill and off in three directions in the forest below. The major connection, however, split off a single wide path that ran directly up the hill to the gates of the keep, perhaps the only straight road in the town. This kept the town an excellent place for traders to pass through, and its location in the ruin-filled forest made it a hotspot for adventurers that were looking to earn their coin with a bit of exploration and swordplay, and for artifact traders like Syrreth.

It had been a good day. The sun had been warm and the day had been beautiful. The shop had also been rather slow, giving Syrreth plenty of time to daydream about his upcoming night. He hopped a short fence to the back yard of one of the most secluded homes on the block. There were only a few candles that could be seen in the quiet house, and Syrreth glanced quickly around to make sure that no one had seen him come in. With a lump in his throat, he snuck up to the back door, his fingers clenched around the bundle of flowers, to quietly knock on the back door.

It took a few seconds for no one to answer. Syrreth bit his lip as he hesitated. He'd knocked quietly, but maybe he hadn't heard it? Maybe he should knock again, no, that might be rude. He squirmed, slowly raising his fist again towards the door.

Suddenly, the door cracked open. Syrreth almost yelped, yanking his hand back to hide it behind his back, peering into the darkness shown by the crack. He put on his best smile and raised the bouquet, hoping, with a pounding heart, that the person opening the door was who he thought he was.

The door swung open a bit more, revealing a scaly dragon muzzle. Kyloth's arm reached out to wrap around Syrreth's shoulders, tugging him right into the quiet house, while he pressed his lips right against the tense dragon's own. Syrreth let out a gasp of surprise, but he was already pressing back into the kiss as the door swung shut behind them. "Well, hello there, honey." Kyloth rumbled into the kiss.

"Fancy seeing you here." Syrreth replied.

They both paused for a moment, letting their greetings trail off as they made out. Warm lips pressed against each other, the dragons panting softly into the embrace. Warm breathed teased their cheeks as they gently held each other, Kyloth letting Syrreth tip back in his red-scaled arms while the black dragon reached up to rest his arms on the other male's shoulders, holding the bouquet behind Kyloth's back. Eventually, Kyloth let his tongue tip slide out against the other dragon's lips. Syrreth blushed softly, letting his tongue slip out along the other male's as well.

The dragons rested like this for a while, those warm, slick tongues slowly exploring each other's maws. They played and mingled between their mouths, their prehensile tongues winding slowly around each other, hugging there as the pair warmly pressed their chests together, the dragons holding each other close.

Syrreth let out a soft huff into the kiss when Kyloth pushed his hips forward - the red drake's bulge covered only by a tight pair of silken panties. The black dragon blushed slightly, gasping softly as he felt the red's huge bulge grind against his own, though his rapidly growing bulge was still constrained under another, thicker layer of fabric. With the pair's size, however, the dragons were very easily able to frot against one another as they kissed.

Eventually, however, Kyloth slowly drew his tongue back. Syrreth kept his own pressed against the red drake's for as long as he could while they drew their muzzles apart, leaving their tongues mingling in the air before the kiss separated fully, leaving Syrreth to reach up to wipe his muzzle with his wrist, swiping off a string of saliva. He couldn't resist lowering his hands, however, reaching forward to softly rub and grope along the red dragon's naked front, teasing his fingertips over the male's tight waistband. He snuck a glance down, his cheeks reddening even further as his eyes locked onto the dragon's huge bulge.

He drank in the view that those thin silk panties did nothing to hide. The dragon's 19-inch cock was straining against that soft fabric already, and the outline of his cock was very well defined in that bulge. Syrreth's eyes drank in the view of that hybrid cock, the thick shaft's various ridges defined through the underwear and the dragon's flat, horse-like tip was already pressing his flare into that constrictive fabric.

Kyloth licked his lips as he watched the black dragon. The big male was less than subtle in his gaze, the dragon's eyes very pointedly locked onto Kyloth's bulge. The red gave a soft grunt and flexed his hips forward a bit, working his cock out harder into those straining panties. Syrreth actually shivered, blushing slightly more as the other dragon showed off. Kyloth grinned, leaning in to peck the other male's cheek as his thumbs came down to hook into the black dragon's belt. Kyloth couldn't help but let the rest of his fingers rub warmly over Syrreth's bulge, teasing a hot huff out of the black-scaled male as he gave a few tugs on that belt. "Kyloth..." Syrreth managed to pant out, "I take it you had a long day?" He managed, blushing as he drew back his hand to offer the bouquet to the other dragon.

Kyloth chuckled and released one hand from the other drake's belt to reach up to take the string-wrapped flowers. "I'm jut happy to see you, Sy. Where did you manage to find these this early? They're beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you are." Syrreth instantly replied, before blushing furiously as he realized he'd said his thought out loud, "I mean, that's... I actually found an interested adventurer, he found them out near a spring in the foothills to the north."

Kyloth chuckled, giving a warm grope to the other dragon's hidden bulge with the compliment as he took a deep sniff of the fragrant flowers, smiling as he looked over the spotted, large petals. "They must have cost you a pretty bit of coin, though. You didn't have to do that for me." He said.

Syrreth rubbed his neck a bit, smiling as he watched the red drake nestle the flowers in a ceramic vase on the table. "Well, they are your favorite flowers. I couldn't pass up the chance." He said, biting his lip as the red dragon pointedly bent over as he did so, showing off his barely-clad rump to the black dragon.

"Thank you, Sy. I love them, and it's a treat to see them this early in the year. But..."


"But we both know that I enjoy looking at you more."

Syrreth couldn't reply past the blush that spread out across his cheeks. He squirmed in place as Kyloth stood back up to pad back over to him, the red drake's hip's swinging to show off his bulge. "Let's get those pants off you." He growled warmly, reaching forward as he arrived, to give a grope under the black dragon's tail, squeezing and rubbing a bit as he pressed his bulge right up against Syrreth's.

Syrreth bit his lip to choke down a gasp, nodding gently as he nuzzled in against the other dragon's neck. His hand slowly rubbed along Kyloth's sides, feeling over the muscular dragon there before the red took a step back, giving Syrreth room. Syrreth glanced up at the waiting dragon before taking a breath, reaching down to fiddle with his belt. Kyloth licked his lips, reaching up to rest his wrists on Syrreth's shoulders, watching him intently.

Syrreth huffed softly, slowly working his belt. He unclipped it, holding it with both hands as he felt his pants loosen, the dragon nosing against one of Kyloth's biceps as he let go--letting his pants fall around his ankles, revealing his own bulge, similarly wrapped in a tight pair of blue silk panties. Kyloth gave an appreciative rumble, leaning forward to press his lips against the Syrreth's again.

Syrreth blushed softly, pressing his own warmly back against the red drake's. His hand drifted up to rub slowly over Kyloth's belly. The red drake sighed happily, gently starting to step forward, moving the other dragon towards the bedroom. Syrreth knew what was happening and followed along in the embrace, turning just a bit to walk beside the red male, the pair still kissing, Syrreth's hand rubbing warmly over the black drake's belly as they walked along.

Kyloth swung the door open, hugging the other dragon close as they stepped into the room to bodily fall into his large bed. Syrreth snuggled close as Kyloth dragged him onto the bed, the pair's bellies pressing warmly against each other as they continued the kiss. Both drakes shifted to rub over the other's sides, though Kyloth's grip was slightly stronger, making sure to pull the black dragon tightly against his front, the pair's tightly-wrapped bulges grinding warmly against each other.

Thy both shivered softly as they snuggled in, the pair relaxing against each other--as much as they could, of course, as electric tingles of pleasure ran through them while their stuffed panties ground against each other. The pair of well-endowed dragons sighed happily at the same time as they pressed close together, each enjoying the other's warmth. Kyloth rumbles softly, hugging the other dragon close before rolling to the side, pressing Syrreth underneath him as he straddled the drake. "Mnf... Well, how was your day?" Syrreth asked, reaching up to warmly rub along the red dragon's sides.

Ryloth gave him a moment before answering, letting Syrreth blush as he couldn't tear his eyes from the view of their tightly wrapped bulges grinding against each other, the male's big, coddled balls pressing against each other. Those heavy, full nuts were barely separated by the two layers of smooth, tight fabric. "Mnh, busy. You know how it goes... Suitors, treatises, trying to mediate all the merchant's problems with one another."

The other dragon nodded quickly, unable to reply as he gasped, pressing his face into Ryloth's neck. The red male had found the perfect angle and with another slow pull back of his hips and a grind forward he repeated the motion. The black drake shivered out, his barely hidden cock straining against his panties as the red dragon's bulge ground back against his own. The red drake's half-hoss, half-dragon dick stretched and strained at his silk panties and Syrreth's own wrapped dragon shaft. The pair's conversation was lost as they worked against each other, opting instead to steady themselves by grabbing the other's sides.

Shivered gasps and soft moans sounded from the pair as they worked against each other. Their bodies moved with practiced motion, lithely pressing and arching to work their still-constrained penises against each other, the silk panties letting them move freely against each other. The heat of their penises was not blocked in the least by the thin fabric, and the soft underwear did nothing to prevent the dragon's from feeling every ridge and texture on the other's penis.

Ryloth gave another slow grind, a shuddering gasp escaping his muzzle before he pulled his head back to nuzzle Syrreth's muzzle up. Syrreth moved up, looking up towards the red drake curiously before Ryloth quickly moved to press his lips against the black dragon's. A hint of a blush tinted Syrreth's cheeks, leaving the dragon shivering just a bit as another grind from the red dragon teased another moan from the pair.

Ryloth seized the chance to deepen the kiss as Syrreth's lips parted when their warm penises pressed against each other. Precum was already starting to darken spots of both the dragon's tight underwear, and their big cocks throbbed eagerly against each other, held tightly by their panties. Syrreth moaned into the red dragon's muzzle as he felt a sudden throb spurt a rather large shot of precum into his panties, the sticky, hot fluid welling through the tightly-stretched fabric, forming a large, warm spot on those panties as the slick fluid dripped down to his waistband.

The red dragon was in the same boat. His tongue caressed his lover's as he ground forward one more time, shivering in pleasure as his cock throbbed eagerly. His own shot of precum accompanied a throb through the length of his beefy cock, the dragon huffing as his warm pre dripped down from the tip of his bulge down onto Syrreth's shaft. "R-Ryloth...I'm gonna..." Syrreth said.

Ryloth nodded a bit, replying as he turned his head to the side to lock jaws with the dragon in reply. His hips worked in long, eager grinds, working the whole length of his bulge against Syrreth's own coddled penis, their ridges and tips playing as they both drooled and shot precum messily into their panties.

Syrreth hadn't lied. It didn't take long at all, leaving the black dragon whining in pleasure into the kiss before he finally peaked when Ryloth's slightly softer tip ran over Syrreth's silk-wrapped ridges. Syrreth's entire body shivered before he tensed, the dragon bucking his hips up as he started to pour thick, hot cum into his panties. He panted heavily into the kiss as his penis pulsed, pouring shot after shot of cum into his soft, coddling underwear.

That seed shot through the semi-permeable fabric, most of the dragon's hot, slick orgasm messily dripping back along his shaft before soaking into those silken panties, filling his tight bulge with sticky, heated cum. However, plenty of his seed spurted from his tip in the stretched fabric, more than enough sperm to force itself back through the fabric. Thick, sticky seed splashed back over his belly as he squirmed under the red drake, soft noises of pleasure mumbled into the red dragon's deep and eager kiss.

Ryloth couldn't hold himself back either. The feeling of his lover tensing up under him and that big dragon penis throbbing underneath his own flatter tip. He could feel the other dragon's cumvein flexing as his load rushed through it against his tip, leaving the red dragon unable to hold back as cum soaked through to his panties as well. He shuddered, giving one more grind, then another, willing his penis to finally cum, as shiver-inducing shocks of pleasure traveled up his spine.

It only took another grind before the dragon hit his peak. He gasped into the kiss as his thick penis pulsed through the panties against the other dragon's, leaving the pair shivering and gasping in pleasure while Ryloth's big penis swelled with each eager shot. Hot, thick semen splashed out of his flared tip, the flatter tip keeping a little less tension on the panties, leaving more of his hot, sticky seed to drip back into his underwear with each shot. More seed spurted through that tight pair of underwear, spurting over Syrreth's own messy belly.

Ryloth's big balls rested against Syrreth's own sac, pulled up slightly as the drake had his orgasm. Thy panted against each other, moaning softly as Ryloth rode out his peak, their penises throbbing eagerly against each other as they both climaxed. Hot, sticky sperm dripped between them, their tips left drooling against each other, slowly forcing the last bit of their orgasms out through those completely soaked panties.

Ryloth moaned softly, pulling back slowly from the kiss and the frot to sit up, straddling Syrreth's legs. He reached down, groping his completely soaked pair of panties to show off the dark bulge of his big cock to the black dragon. Syrreth blushed, his own dripping bulge throbbing as he looked over the hot dragon atop him, moving his hips just a little bit to enjoy the feeling of the cum-soaked fabric running over his penis. "Oh, wow..." He managed.

"Mhm..." Ryloth replied, leaning down to give one more grind of their soaked bulges together before rolling to his side to snuggle up beside the black dragon.

Syrreth reached over a bit, adjusting himself to warmly rub over Ryloth's belly. His fingers fondled over the warm, soft scales there, his finger pads teasing lightly over that warm tummy. Ryloth huffed softly, wiggling just a bit as he got comfortable on the bed, his own hand reaching over to fondle over Syrreth' stickier belly. They both sighed happily, enjoying the afterglow and their completely cum-soaked underwear while they fondled over each other's bellies.

Warm palm strokes and gentle finger presses were more than enough to keep the pair erect in their warm, wet underwear. They relaxed, squirming every so often when one of them gave a particularly lovely stroke over a stomach, spending their time recovering their breath after their intense orgasms. Syrreth wiggled a bit, rumbling softly as cum dripped down the inside of his legs--though the panties were quite absorptive, the pair put out more than enough cum from their big balls to completely soak their hips. Even the sheets underneath them were soaked with their hot seed. "Mnh, Syrreth. I had an idea." Ryloth said.

"Oh? What sort?"

"Well, looking at it now, I'll bet that I could hold your entire orgasm in my belly." He challenged.

Syrreth giggled, glancing down at his incredibly soaked belly and panties. "Yeah right. Though I'm sure I could take your load, too. My balls are a little bigger anyway." He replied.

Ryloth chuckled, groping warmly over the black drake's belly. "You know, I'm sure I could hold more than you. I'll even bet on it."

Syrreth raised an eyebrow. "I'm still sure I could hold more semen than you. I'll bet on it, too. How about..." He started.

"The one that leaks has to walk through the whole keep in nothing but their panties." Kyloth instantly shot back.

"Oooh..." Syrreth replied with a lilt.

Kyloth licked his lips, reaching down to rub over the other dragon's waistband, fondling softly over his lower belly. "So what do you say?"

Syrreth squirmed just a bit, but he pressed his belly right up into that hand. "I say that you're going to be leaking all over the place after my first shot of cum into your rump."

The red drake grinned wide, tail flicking back and forth. "You're on, Sy. I can't wait to see you drooling semen with a belly out like this..." He said, waving his hand a foot above the dragon's soft belly.

"Yeah, right. My lips will be shut while that belly is pressing against your back and your spurting my cum from your lips." He challenged back.

The teasing lasted late into the night as the pair of cocky dragons began to find themselves quickly looking forward to the next evening.


Another knock rang out on the door, just as it had the night before. Syrreth waited on the back porch, glancing nervously over his shoulder as he waited for the other dragon to let him in. He adjusted his waistband, tugging his panties up a bit over his rump. He could feel the heat in his belly from his preparations earlier in the day, and the stray thought that he might have been overly cocky crossed his mind, but the black dragon was still more than confident that he would win the day. Ryloth was big, as was his prodigious load, but Syrreth knew that he was very good at taking cum.

The door creaked open to reveal Ryloth's peeking muzzle. The red dragon gestured him in quickly, looking out the door before closing it behind the other drake. He rumbled, hugging Syrreth from behind as soon as the door shut. The other dragon pressed back warmly, murring as he hugged back behind himself, feeling Ryloth's bulge, only held by panties, press up against his similarly clad rump. "Mn, excited about this, Ryloth?" He asked.

"Oh, you bet. I can wait to play with your belly and tell you all about where you'll be going in the keep in those cute panties of yours."

Syrreth grinned, pressing his butt back against that throbbing penis. "Mnh, just think about what all your suitors will think when you're strutting around the keep with just that bulge..." He challenged back.

"Mn, anything before we start?" Ryloth asked.

"I'm too excited about swelling you out, honey. To the bed!" Syrreth replied.

The pair quickly padded along to the bedroom, their hungry eyes lasciviously tracing over each other. Both of them were full erect before they stepped in. Ryloth headed directly for the bed, but Syrreth tugged him back by the wrist, his other hand wrapped around to grope over the red drake's rump, pressing his lips right against Ryloth's own.

The dragons sighed happily, spending a bit of time working their warm lips against each other. Their hands traced slowly along each other, fondling slowly over hips, rumps, and bulges, the pair certainly making sure to spend some time teasing over the other's soon-to-be swollen bellies. It didn't take long until they reached for each other's waistbands at the same time, hooking their fingers under those tight bands to slowly start to work them down.

Ryloth huffed softly into the kiss, his fingertips sliding along Syrreth's hips while he slid those underwear down slowly. He pressed forward, shivering a bit as he pressed his bulge right up against the black dragon's, enjoying the feel of his soft underwear slowly peeling down over his bulge. Syrreth huffed softly, turning his head as he kissed to press forward, gently working his throbbing penis against the other's just before those soft panties slid off.

The pair gasped, pulling back from their kiss to spend some more time watching as their penises leaped free from their constraining undergarments. Syrreth shivered a bit, gasping softly as his large, draconic cock pressed against Ryloth's own newly-nude penis. Ryloth reached down to warmly fondle along Syrreth's cock, his fingers tracing down the length of that shaft. His fingertips fondled warmly over the dragon's pointed, arrowhead tip, squeezing gently as they stroked down his shaft. He played his grip gently over the dragon's various ridges down the length of the black drake's throbbing shaft, until he reached his fingers out to warmly wrap around Syrreth's pronounced knot, the thick swell pressing and throbbing against his palm as he gripped it.

Syrreth panted, grinding slowly into Ryloth's grip as his own fingers moved to fondle along the red drake's big penis. That heavy, half-horse shaft throbbed gently as he felt over it. His fingers traced slowly over the dragon's flared tip, working gently over the rim of the flat tip, a pair of fingers gently working over the slight swells on the dragon's tip to collect a bit of the clear pre that was already leaking from the male's pronounced cum slit.

He played there for a moment before slowly working his way down, his fingertips working softly over the male's shaft. He fondled over the drake's huge shaft, finding those draconic influences; besides the size, there were several more ridges along the length of that slightly curved penis, as well as an overly pronounced medial ridge that got the best parts of both genes. His fingers fondled down over several more ridges before he found the other dragon's slight swell at his base, his pseudo knot engorged near the base of his big penis.

Ryloth let out a soft huff as his cock throbbed warmly in the other dragon's hand, the male warmly fondling over Syrreth's bulge, turning his hips to warmly press his cock against the underside of the black drake's own penis. The pair let out a soft huff as they started to frot as they had the previous night, though now there was nothing but the hot flesh of the other male's cock to grind against.

The productive pair quickly drooled enough precum from their tips to lube the way, leaving the pair of penises slick with precum. Their ridges popped against each other, slickly sliding past each other as they ground. Those motions left the two panting, gasping a bit between their hip gyrations. Almost together they released each other's panties to reach out and grab the other's hips to steady themselves.

The dragons huffed and panted, the males leaning forward to press their lips together. Their panties still clung to their hips, covering their rumps though their erections were certainly on full display. The dragons pressed forward, trapping their cocks between their bellies to steady those huge members as they ground against each other. Ryloth gave a happy growl of pleasure into the short kiss, arching his hips forward a bit to mash his heavy balls against the other dragon's own set. Syrreth gave a soft moan, squirming just a bit as he worked his smooth sac against the red dragon's. "Mn, well then. Shall we get you down on the bed?" Ryloth grinned.

"Well, if you want to feel my swollen belly resting on your back as I pump you full of semen..." Syrreth said.

Ryloth chuckled, giving the other dragon's rump a light smack before pulling back slowly. His cock throbbed eagerly against his front, the dragon more than aroused from the frotting. His large shaft pulsed softly in front of him, the pair hesitantly drawing apart. They were obviously eager to start on the main event, but it obviously took them a bit of willpower to pull apart from their eager frottage.

Ryloth grabbed his thick penis at the base, rumbling as he slowly pushed Syrreth back onto the bed. He slid up as the other dragon fell onto his back on the bed, nimbly hefting his legs up to let the other dragon slide his shoulders under the black dragon's ankles. He sighed happily, his large penis sliding up the other dragon's front as he spent a bit of time frotting as he situated himself.

Syrreth shivered, bracing himself on the bed as the other drake's large cock slid up along his front. His shaft throbbed warmly against Ryloth's half-horsecock, the two dragons gasping in time as their ridges slid against each other. Ryloth licked his lips, his hands warmly wrapping around the black dragon's legs, hefting Syrreth's hips off the bed just slightly. He humped forward slowly, spending a few long, easy thrusts grinding the entire length of his huge penis along the dragon's front until his balls bumped Syrreth's barely covered ass. He pressed in, working his large, full sac balls against the dragon's hindquarters, Syrreth's own warm sac pressing against Ryloth's hips. "Mnf, we better get these off..." Ryloth said.

Syrreth nodded, the dragon raising his hands from where they had been clenching the sheets to grip the waist of his panties. The underwear was heroically clinging to his hips, continually threatening to slip off as the dragon's huge package had been pressing down on the front of the waistband for the past few minutes and Syrreth had nearly lost them again as his tail pushed down when he had hit the bed. "Ready, Ry?" He asked.

"Mn, don't want to waste any time, do you?" Ryloth replied.

Syrreth nodded, licking his lips as he played with his waistband, watching the other dragon's huge penis retreat. Ryloth reached around a leg to hold onto his huge shaft, steadying it as he posed just in front of the dragon's entrance. He pushed down just a bit to slide his flat flare right under Syrreth's balls, gently playing that drippy cocktip against the black dragon's loose, hot stones. Syrreth let out a soft pant of pleasure, his own pointed tip generously drooling thick precum over his lower chest as he admired the dragon ready to ream him. "Mmm, alright then..." He said.

Ryloth grinned as Syrreth's panties slowly slid down to his thighs, revealing his tight tailvent. The red chuckled, licking his lips as he suddenly saw why the black dragon had wanted him ready to mount; a small trickle of white, hot semen drooled slowly out of the dragon's uncovered tail hole. "Mn, naughty dragon. Confident enough in your holding abilities that you took another load, too?" Ryloth teased.

Syrreth blushed a bit, blinking. "Too? You mean..."

Ryloth grinned cheekily, the dragon pushing forward to mash his flat, swollen cocktip against the black dragon's tight tailhole. Syrreth gasped, his toes clenching as he arched back, trying to press himself against the other drake's hot, drooling tip, glancing up at the red with a blush on his cheeks. "Yes. I know I could take every drop of your load, so I also pulled a more..." Ryloth began, reaching down to warmly grope Syrreth's beefy penis, "Modest suitor aside to give you a bit of a handicap."

Syrreth grinned, gasping again as he pressed eagerly back against that tip, turning his legs to pull the red dragon just a bit closer. Yielding, the red drake gave a huff and pressed forward just a bit, the motion teasing a gasp out of both of the dragons as his swollen tip popped into the supine dragon's ass. Ryloth panted softly, his penis flexing warmly as he rested, letting Syrreth's tight vent squeeze and slowly adjust to the large tip that had just entered him. "Ooh...Mnf, I guess we both ended up leveling the playing field. All the more semen to leak from you." Syrreth teased, managed an insolent grin.

Ryloth chuckled, a hand slipping down to give the black dragon's rump a light smack. Syrreth huffed and wagged his hips a bit back and forth, teasing the broad tip that was spreading out the first inch of his tight tunnel. Ryloth replied with a soft pant and a step forward, starting to smoothly slide his hips forward.

The motion teased an eager groan from the prone black dragon. He tensed up slightly as that tremendous penis slid inch after inch into his tight tunnel. His slick tunnel clenched down around the intruding member, but that thick cock pushed forward just slowly enough to let the black dragon's body just barely adjust to the intrusion.

Syrreth was able to very easily tell just how much of the other dragon's penis was in him. Every two inches or so there was a swell that he was very accustomed to, the drake's thick ridges taking just a bit more force to push into his tight, hot rump. He counted three, then four, of those ridges pushing in before he held his breath, trying to relax for the big one. Ryloth groaned out eagerly, leaning in to plant a hand beside the other male on the bed as he tried to angle himself a bit better.

The red's penis swelled out just a bit as his medial ridge threatened the black dragon's backside. He slowed himself down just a bit, feeling the black dragon's body tense up in anticipation. That swell slowly worked itself into the dragon's butt, his penis throbbing warmly as he worked his large medial ring against Syrreth's tight entrance. "C-come on, put it in me, Ry, please!" Syrreth stammered.

Ryloth growled eagerly, panting softly as he ground forward, bucking back and forth just a hair to press his swell against the other dragon's tailvent. They both gasped and moaned as he worked himself in preparation until suddenly he pulled back a half inch...and thrust forward two.

Syrreth cried out in pleasure as the other dragon finally pushed in. That ring slammed past his entrance, the dragon's rump clenching down around that thick ridge, leaving the black dragon to grab the sheets tightly in his fingers. The feeling of that ridge, almost like a knot, sliding past his prostate was enough to make his huge penis throb and spurt a thick shot or three of hot precum over his front. His rump clenched down, but after that thick middle ring, it did nothing to prevent the rest of the red dragon's inches from sinking into him. A few more ridges let Syrreth track the progress of the rest of that massive penis inside of him, however, at this point, it was much easier to simply watch the bulge in his belly than try to keep count of those ridges through the pleasure. "G-Gods above..." Syrreth said.

"Mmngh, did you forget about that ring? It certainly didn't forget about your tight little ass." Ryloth said.

Syrreth huffed, blushing brightly as Ryloth reached down, holding nearly at his hilt as his fingers started to work warmly over the black dragon's bulged belly. Syrreth gasped out, shivering gently as his cock bounced against the red dragon's wrists, though Ryloth's hands were more focused on massaging and gently stroking over that bulge than they were in touching the black dragon's needy penis. "Oooh, that feels good..." Syrreth said.

Ryloth gave another slow splay of his fingers over that throbbing bulge, carefully rubbing the black dragon's warm tummy. He fondled over the male's warm belly, gently massaging and groping over the male's gut, tracing out the bulge his penis made in the other male's front. "What feels good? The belly rubs, or the feeling of my big penis so deep inside of you?" Ryloth asked.

Syrreth let out a hot huff, squirming just a bit; the motion having the opposite of his desired effect, teasing another moan and a bit more blush out of the black dragon as the motion shifted the huge half-dragon penis inside of him. "Mmnf, both..." Syrreth admitted.

"Mn. Now just imagine how good it will feel when your belly is all swollen out with my hot semen." Ryloth said.

Syrreth just managed to let out a hot, shivering pant, his eyes closing as he squirmed just a bit. Ryloth paused to drink in the sight of the other dragon's embarrassment, his warm fingers splaying and rubbing all along the black dragon's belly one more time before he pushed down just a bit in order to start to rock his hips back an inch or two before slowly pressing back to his thick hilt. Syrreth shivered again, arching his back just a bit to press back against that hump. His penis quivered, the pointed, draconic tip drooling thick, slick strands of precum over his chest. "Mn, just think about how big it's going to be when every drop of semen from your orgasm is going to get held nicely in it..." Syrreth panted.

Ryloth chuckled and gave another quick thrust into his lover. "Mn, cocky. I can't wait to kiss you while I pump you full of seed and taste my cum on your lips."

"Well, get serious back there, then, I can't wait until I'm pressing my belly against your back while watching my semen drip off your lips." Syrreth managed to tease, panting through his sentence.

"With pleasure." Ryloth said.

He didn't waste any more time. One hand stayed behind to massage and grope the black dragon's soft belly and his throbbing, drooling penis while the other moved back to hold on to one of the male's thighs. Syrreth squirmed just a bit to try to get a bit more comfortable, but his body tensed up as he gasped when Ryloth pulled all the way back to that medial ring.

His fingers followed the motion, tickling over the black dragon's belly as it traced back to show off the retreating bulge in his belly. Syrreth gasped a bit, blushing as he watched those fingers and the bulge draw back just before the red dragon thrust back forward. The smaller ridges slid easily into his rump, both dragons moaning out together as he hilted himself in that clenching butt again.

Ryloth panted out, the dragon starting up a fast rhythm. His thick cock thrust quickly into the dragon's tight rump, those knots massaging and working the dragon's tight vent. Syrreth's tunnel clenched down eagerly around that shaft, working it with the soft, hot flesh inside as the black dragon's productive, pre-spurting penis pounded into his tight rump. The tunnel was well lubed already, of course, from the load he'd taken just before he'd come over, leaving Ryloth to eagerly pound into that tight tunnel.

Ryloth kept his humps short enough to keep his medial ring inside of the other male, at least for the first stage. That fat ring teased eager gasps and spurts of precum from both of the drakes as it pressed right over Syrreth's prostate. Ryloth panted softly, slowly feeling his motions get faster and less controlled as arousal began to take over. Syrreth squirmed, feeling Ryloth's thrusts carefully tug at his sphincter with that thick ridge, carefully working it. As he felt the red drake's motions become less and less controlled, he prepared himself for what was about to come. He shifted, gasping a bit as the motion caused that huge penis to hit a few especially sensitive spots inside of him, in order to force his body to relax a little bit more. "Ready for it, honey?" Ryloth panted as the black dragon finished adjusting.

"Y-yeah. Go ahead...I want this." Syrreth replied.

Ryloth nodded slowly, taking a breath before he leaned in. His fingers wrapped around Syrreth's thick shafts, his fingers unable to reach all the way around, as his lips pressed against the other males. They both let out a soft sigh of pleasure, right before Ryloth pulled back.

His cock slid smoothly most of the way out. Of course, there wasn't enough room for his hips to move back to completely free that cock, even if he had wanted to, but it was more than enough to pop most of the dragon's ridges out and free that cum-slick medial ring from the black dragon's tight vent. Syrreth whined happily into the kiss, pressing his muzzle forward eagerly, as his ankles locked behind to the red dragon to tug him back towards him.

Ryloth acquiesced. It wasn't hard to talk him into slamming that huge dick into the cute dragon, especially considering that Syrreth had just done it without opening his mouth. He panted softly through his nose, starting to push forward and rear back, shivering softly each time his ring pressed into the other dragon's rump.

Syrreth was in a similar state. His tunnel clenched down eagerly around that thick, throbbing cock, his own penis pulsing softly in the red dragon's hand. He arched up slowly between the thrusts, pressing his heavy penis into Ryloth's palm. That shaft throbbed softly, drooling thick, hot precum over his belly as his tunnel squeezed and worked down on the large cock bulging his front out.

They both panted heavily into the kiss as they enjoyed the slow gyrations before Ryloth made to speed up. His hips worked faster and faster until he was forced to break the kiss with a heavy pant. Syrreth panted back, groaning out eagerly in pleasure as his tongue lolled out of his mouth, leaving the dragon tugging warmly with his legs in time with the big red drake. "Gods, I've missed that big penis of yours..." Syrreth moaned.

Ryloth chuckled, bucking forward again. "It's only been what, three days?"

Syrreth nodded quickly, moaning eagerly as that cock touched deep inside of him. He managed to reach a hand up, squirming as he fondled under his heavy cock base to gently grope and rub over the bulge in his gut as it moved. "Yeah, I guess. That still feels like way too, mng, long..."

Ryloth grinned, pushing eagerly into the other dragon. He was speeding up now, gripping the other male's hips to steady himself as he thrust in, again and again, popping his ring quickly in past the other dragon's own. His balls clapped lewdly against the black dragon's rump, that heavy sac's weight hinting at the huge load he had stored up since the last day. "Ha, and if I remember, you had some trouble holding my load then."

Syrreth grinned insolently, his tail wrapping slowly around the other dragon's leg, tugging slightly on each thrust to try to work even more of that hilted cock into his tight rump. He'd finally adjusted to the dragon's huge penis, though his tunnel was still more than tight around that huge cock. His fingers played over the bulge throbbing in his belly while his own shaft flexed warmly against the other dragon's palm. "But I certainly held it all..." He trailed off.

"But I milked myself dry that morning." Ryloth grinned.

Syrreth gasped, blushing brightly as the other drake admitted his previous handicap. The black dragon squirmed a bit - he had a few more tricks up his sleeve for the turnaround, but if he was even more productive than he had been...

Syrreth didn't get much time to contemplate the finer strategies of the bet as the red dragon sped up yet again. The pair panted, caught up in the motion. Syrreth could help but tug and goad the other dragon on in time with his rapidly speeding thrusts as Ryloth couldn't help but give in to his instincts.

He thrust and pumped hard and fast into the other dragon. The motion turned into a panting blur, only timed by the sound of Ryloth's large sac smacking the black dragon's tailbase, had either of them cared enough to count. However, banal thoughts like that were lost in the minutes of eager humping and moaning that accompanied the faster humps.

"Oh gods above, Syrreth, I'm gonna cum!"

"D-Do it!"

Both dragons cried out in pleasure simultaneously as Ryloth suddenly hit his peak. Syrreth struggled to hold his own peak back, especially as that cock pushed to the hilt and the first blast of heated semen poured into him. He was instantly surprised by the first shot--he could feel the over-productive shot as it poured out into him, even against the fingers he had fondling the bulge in his gut.

Ryloth couldn't do much but press his hips hard against the other drake. He kept himself pushed as far into the other dragon as he could, his balls resting against the other male's tailbase as his huge penis started to empty a massive load of virile semen into the other male. His large balls pressed against Syrreth's tailbase, pulling up slightly with each hot pump of thick seed into the male's gut.

Syrreth squirmed, gasping as his cock quivered and strained against Ryloth's palm. He closed his eyes, his hand groping his belly as shot after shot of seed poured into him. His belly quickly began to swell out under his palm as the dragon poured seed into him. With no way for even a drop of that cum to escape through his rump, as completely filled with that thick shaft as it was, he couldn't do anything but take the incredibly productive dragon's load.

Ryloth groaned out, panting hotly as he started to recover his thoughts, only for them to be dashed again each time his huge penis poured out another huge shot of seed. His hands drifted from the other male's leg and cock to warmly grope and rub over that swelling belly. His fingers fondled and massaged over that expanse, teasing a bit of a blush to even his cheeks as he felt each shot of semen pour into the dragon. "Ooh, is that all you have?" Syrreth managed.

"Not even a little." Ryloth said.

Syrreth whined softly, panting and moaning out as he took shot after shot of cum. That big cock pulsed inside of him, and he could feel his swollen gut starting to tighten. He squirmed a bit, gasping as he pulled the other dragon closer reflexively with his legs. Ryloth groaned eagerly, gently groping over Syrreth's swollen belly, the bulge his cock made long lost in the swell his cum made in the other dragon.

Syrreth was full. He could feel it, but he could also feel the other dragon's orgasm starting to taper off. His gut was swollen out in front of him, not massively, but enough that his erection strained and pushed against his big belly. However, he was at his limit, and Ryloth wasn't quite finished yet.

With a few grunts and moans from the dragon behind him, Syrreth gasped as his tight rump milked the last few shots out of the other dragon. Ryloth couldn't keep a grin from his face as he pushed forward, and his final shot forced its way into the black dragon...The male below him suddenly blushing as almost that entire final shot splashed from his mouth.

Thick, hot seed forced itself up, coating the black dragon's mouth as the pressure from the final shot forced that seed up, filling his mouth and splashing over his face, and the sheets underneath him. Syrreth's eyes widened quickly and Ryloth found a victorious grin spreading over his face. Thick seed dripped over the dragon's muzzle, the black dragon doing his best to swallow as much of that as he could back down, panting heavily through his snout as he couldn't help but leak. There was simply no more room for the seed inside of him.

Ryloth licked his lips, panting as he kept himself held inside of Syrreth's rump as his orgasm finished, letting his huge penis throb deep inside the other male, feeling hot seed press and slosh against his tip. "Mn, looks like I won." He teased.

Syrreth panted hotly, groaning softly as he gulped a few more times, though seed still dripped out of his muzzle. "Oh, it's my turn next, we'll see if you end up leaking more than me." Syrreth challenged.

Ryloth grinned, licking his lips as he warmly reached down to grope and massage over the black dragon's warm, full belly. Syrreth let out a little whimper of pleasure as those hands rubbed and worked over his straining gut, his toes splaying out a bit as he tried to relax some. "Are you sure you're going to be able to hump me with this, Sy?"

Syrreth panted, nodding quickly. "Ah, the only thing stopping me now is that big penis of yours inside of me. This belly is gonna grind all over your back." Syrreth panted out.

Ryloth licked his lips, a blush starting up on his cheek as he nodded. He took a deep breath, slowly starting to pull back, giving a few gentle humps back into the other male as he worked his thick cock out. They both shivered, though Ryloth's shaft was quite oversensitive after that powerful orgasm, and Syrreth's tight rump wasn't letting up on the massage. Syrreth panted hotly, squirming a bit as that medial ring slowly pulled from his vent, leaving the dragon to attempt to hold as much of that seed inside him as he could.

Syrreth succeeded - the extra space in his belly freed up from Ryloth's huge penis was enough to let him keep the rest of that load. He panted softly, squirming on the bed with an eager moan as the rest of that large penis slid free, with only a large dribble of cum drooling out down his tailbase and thigh.

Ryloth rumbled warmly as he took the time to admire the other male, his cum-streaked cock rubbing against the male's naked tail while Syrreth's thick penis pressed against that full belly. He leaned in to warmly nuzzle the swell, nosing that penis out of the way with his snout to kiss warmly over the male's warm belly. Syrreth huffed softly, blushing gently as he pressed his swollen tummy against those lips, reaching up to rub over it. "Wow..." He said, admiring the red dragon's handiwork.

"I was a bit pent up. Now imagine a day or two without milking swelling you out." Ryloth said.

Syrreth blushed, panting softly as he squirmed on the bed. He shifted a bit, slowly moving to stand up, though he took some extra time to grind himself against Ryloth's spent penis. The red dragon stepped back to let the other male stand, giving a throat murr as he admired the male's belly.

Syrreth wasn't massively swollen, but the hints of abs that usually showed under his scales were long buried in his belly. His gut was rounded out in front of him, enough that his throbbing erection pressed warmly up against the soft swell of his gut. He took a moment to pose for the red dragon, reaching up to wipe a bit of cum from his muzzle off with his wrist.

Ryloth licked his lips as he admired the other drake, reaching over to warmly rub and massage that belly. His fingers fondled warmly over the other dragon's distended stomach, the dragon shivering softly as he felt all that hot seed sloshing against his fingers in that warm belly. Syrreth licked his lips, pressing his belly against the red dragon's palms, showing off his capacity as the slight pushes against his belly forced a bit of tasty seed to well up in his throat. Swallowing it down he said, "Well, Ry, I guess it's your turn now."

Ryloth nodded, murring warmly as he reached down to stroke along the other dragon's beefy penis, running his fingers along that shaft while he worked his palm against the male's dripping tip. Syrreth gave a warm purr, grinding into the red dragon's attentions, as he reached around to grope and rub over Ryloth's barely-clothed butt.

The red dragon rumbled softly, pressing his rump back into those gropes as he finally let go of Syrreth's cock, moving back to roll onto the bed. Syrreth hesitantly let go of the red dragon's ass to let him readjust, and as soon as the red dragon was up on his knees Syrreth's hands closed in again. The black drake spent quite a bit of time fondling over the red dragon's rump, kneading and playing his fingers over the male's butt, palming over the cheeks as he teased over the panties still covering that cleft.

Those underwear were heroically straining to try to keep the other male the littlest bit decent, even in the face of the dragon's huge horse penis swaying between his legs. The dragon's large sac was still held up a bit by the tense waistband that was just barely pulled down under his package, leaving the dragon to wag his hips slightly back and forth while Syrreth molested over his expansive butt. Ryloth kept his tail high, leaving that thick tailbase to frame his ass, the top of his waistband barely clinging to his butt just under the line of his muscular tailbase. "Come on, Sy..." Ryloth squirmed, blushing softly as he goaded the other dragon on.

"What was that? What do you want me to do?" Syrreth teased, murring warmly as he nipped at the underside of the red drake's tail.

Ryloth groaned, pressing his hips back to press his butt harder into those attentions. "Come on... Don't make me beg, Sy." He said.

Syrreth grinned, the dragon leaning down to nose right under that tailbase. His teeth grabbed the soft, silken waistband of the red dragon's panties, his fingers kneading warmly into the exposed dragon's cheeks as he pulled down with a growl to slowly reveal the whole of the presenting dragon's rump. Syrreth licked his lips as those panties finally came all the way off, leaving the red dragon with his front bent down and his rump wiggling, the male panting softly against the sheets. Syrreth spotted the telltale signs of his earlier escapade, the same sort that had left him just a little bit too full. "Mn, so I see you thought I would need a bit of a handicap, too?"

"Mn, well, it only seemed fair. I mean, I still don't think you're gonna make me leak." Ryloth answered with a grin.

Syrreth growled warmly, stepping forward to slide his huge penis up along the other dragon's cleft, working his entire ridged, draconic length along that rump and tailbase until his heavy balls in their loose sac bumped against the other male's own sac. They both let out a hot huff as Syrreth pressed forward, bucking only a few inches to bump those warm, smooth balls against Ryloth's hanging pair. He took the time to really show off how much larger his big balls were, while he showed off his slightly shorter length against the red dragon's rump and tail.

Ryloth let out a hot huff, reaching back to gently fondle over that pair of rubbing sacs. Their smooth sacs played together, warm and full against the red drake's fingers. Syrreth took his time, bucking slowly against Ryloth's ass only a few inches at a time as he let the red dragon have his fun exploring his sensitive, warm sac. "Mmn, feels nice... Getting to know them before they swell you out?"

"Mnh, you don't have the-Oh!" Ryloth moaned.

The red dragon's cheeks deepened in a bright blush as Syrreth leaned forward, pressing that bulging, full belly up against the dragon's tail, forcing the limb against the red male's back. Syrreth growled eagerly as he watched the red dragon's reaction to the feeling, leaning forward a bit to press his swollen tummy out over the male's back. His cock throbbed warmly, pinned on one side against that ample red dragon ass and on the other by the soft, squishy belly of the full dragon.

Ryloth's fingers slipped from that sac as he arched himself back, blushing a bit as he tried to keep his body from betraying just how much he enjoyed that swollen belly pressing against his back. He went back onto all fours, bending down just a bit to press his hindquarters back up against the other dragon, his tight tailvent clenching softly as the male ground his knot against that hole. Syrreth angled himself down, pressing himself harder against the dragon to really show off just how much of the other male's semen he was holding, before slowly pulling back.

They both let out a soft gasp as he withdrew to leave his leaking, pointed cocktip against the other dragon's tight hole. Ryloth bit his lip as the dragon gently poked and prodded, pressing his tip gently against that warm hole, leaving the other dragon panting as he gently pressed back against that warm tip. Syrreth spent plenty of time teasing that tight tailvent, watching the other drake pant and huff underneath him as his tip drooled slick, warm precum over that butt. That over-productive penis dripped plenty of slickening pre to lube the way into the other dragon, enough to even drip down the male's cleft to run down the inside of his thigh. "A quick preview of what it'll feel like after I've filled you way past the brim..." Syrreth growled.

Ryloth huffed, panting softly as he gently pressed back against the other male's teasing tip. "I can take you, Sy." He answered, between pants.

Syrreth grinned softly, still content to tease the other dragon. One hand gripped the red-scaled male's hip, the other stroking slowly along the underside of the male's lifted tail until he had it well pinned against his back. Syrreth took a slow breath, his cock flexing a bit as he teased the very tip against that well-lubed hole. Finally, he pressed his hips ever so slightly forward, letting the very tip of his large penis slip into the male's rump.

They both choked back soft gasps of pleasure as Syrreth finally penetrated. That tight sphincter squeezed eagerly around the black dragon's thick penis, the head throbbing softly inside of the red dragon's lovely rump. Syrreth panted softly,stepping forward to prepare himself, savoring a few seconds of just his tip throbbing inside of the other male's tight butt. He bit his lip softly, his hand gently stroking down to the front of Ryloth's thigh, his other gently rubbing long the tail pressed to the red dragon's back. His own tail flicked behind him as he gave another rumble of pleasure and slowly rocked his hips forward again.

Several more inches of that big penis sunk into the other male. Ryloth groaned out in pleasure, his face turning red as he felt two things: Syrreth's first ridge pressing against and popping inside of his tight tailvent and the tip of Syrreth's inflated belly slowly resting against his tailbase. Ryloth let out a suppressed gasp of pleasure, able to wag his hips slowly from side to side to tease the other dragon. The motion was just enough to force that ridge to slip from his vent before pressing back in on the other side of the swing, leaving the pair gasping softly.

It was not long before Syrreth tugged needily on Ryloth's thigh. His tail flicked behind him as he bit his lip, pulling smoothly with his hand to draw Ryloth's hips back while his own pushed forward, the dragon plunging inch after inch into the dragon. He was too eager to continue teasing inches in as he had done, instead smoothly sliding in the rest of his throbbing cock. The pair shared gasps each time one of those ridges slipped past Ryloth's tight entrance, leaving the pair panting and moaning eagerly as Syrreth's large penis worked in.

Ryloth let out a huff, pressing his hips back slowly as the other dragon worked that large penis smoothly in, his warm belly pressing slowly over the red drake's back, pinning his tail down. Both dragons gave a soft, synchronized moan as Syrreth bumped the swell of his knot warmly against the red dragon's entrance, leaving himself almost fully hilted into the other dragon. Ryloth squirmed just a bit underneath him, arching his back slightly to feel the other male's semen-filled belly pressing warmly down against his back. He'd never admit it out loud, but he was hoping that the black dragon would still be able to hump him with his gut like that.

Syrreth, however, bent forward a bit to reach around the other dragon. Ryloth's cock was stiff and hanging between his legs, but Syrreth's exploring fingers were searching for something else. They traced slowly down his chest and over his soft, still-tight belly until they found the bulge his thick cock made in the other male's belly.

Ryloth gave out a moan, squirming as his rump clenches down warmly around the other dragon's thick cock. His tight tunnel eagerly massaged along the draconic length embedded so deep inside of him, leaving him panting and squirming as he pressed his bulged belly into Syrreth's fondling hands. Syrreth's fingers eagerly massaged along the dragon's front, his warm fingers tracing over the outline of his cock in the dragon.

With a soft grunt, he ground his hips forward, pushing his balls up against the red drake's own sac. Those warm stones rolled against each other with the motion, leaving the black dragon to lean down just a bit more, smooshing his sloshing belly down against Ryloth's back. The red dragon let out a soft moan, partially because of the feeling of those heavy balls and big tummy working back against him, but mostly because of the feeling of the first generous shot of precum Syrreth released.

Ryloth huffed hotly, biting his lip as he felt that fist gout of hot, slick pre pump into his belly. Warmth flooded through him; just that one pre-orgasm shot was almost more than the suitor had cum into him with his whole orgasm. He shivered softly, though he couldn't help himself from working his hips back against the other dragon, pressing himself eagerly against the black drake's crotch. "A-are you cheating?" He managed to gasp.

Syrreth giggled, shaking his head. "Mnf, not at all. I just haven't cum since last night... You know how productive I am if I don't milk myself in the morning...and the afternoons."

Ryloth grumbled something, turning his head down to prevent the bright blush on his cheeks from being entirely too visible. He knew, of course, that the black dragon's big balls (currently rolling warmly against his own as their warm, smooth sacs rested together) were immensely productive, but he'd gambled on the black dragon being unable to help himself from masturbation. Hell, he couldn't actually remember a time when he'd seen the black dragon's full load. "Ah, gods, Ryloth...I haven't been this pent up in years." Syrreth rumbled through clenched teeth.

Ryloth gasped as the statement accompanied another huge shot of precum into his belly, the slick fluid enough to press the black dragon's cock bulge out against his own fingers. Ryloth whined softly, panting as he clenched down slightly, flexing his abs to try to minimize the visible effect that the precum had on him. "You mean, oh... You mean that you've never actually gone a day without masturbating in that long?" Ryloth asked, panting hotly.

"No. I just love milking my penis, Ryloth. I'm on a pretty strict three-milkings-a-day regimen, but I don't mind missing a day to, ah! To give you a very nice filling." Syrreth admitted, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Ryloth couldn't do much but gasp softly and try to hide his blush. He arched his back a bit, replying with a grind of his hips against the other dragon's crotch. Even that small movement was enough to move the black dragon's bulge inside of him, leaving him with electric tingles running up his spine. His own shaft throbbed eagerly between his legs, the tip pressed warmly against the silk sheets of the bed. His cock was already well into the process of soaking those smooth sheets, however, especially as Syrreth pressed his front down again to playfully bite one of Ryloth's horns.

Ryloth let out a quiet, eager moan as the other drake's swollen belly really pressed down over his back. His tail was easily pinned against his spine as that large, soft belly pressed in against his back, and he could feel the warmth of his seed sloshing around inside of it. The dragon did his best to keep himself from any embarrassingly needy noises, but even the small amount that escaped his lips were more than enough to let Syrreth know that the other dragon was very interested in the feeling of his swollen belly.

With that, Syrreth gently tugged back on Ryloth's horn with a soft growl, his hands drifting slowly from the bulge his large penis made in the red dragon's front in order to grab softly onto the mounted male's sides. He kept himself hilted in the other male, at least for now, as he gently started to work his front from side to side. Ryloth hissed softly through his teeth as the other male worked his swollen belly over his back, the red dragon pressing himself a bit too eagerly back against that sloshing belly. They both let out moans in unison as they played like this for a moment, leaving Ryloth blushing furiously and Syrreth grinning with newfound bravado.

Syrreth warmly patted the red dragon's sides, licking his lips as he gently pulled his hips back an inch, rotating them up to keep his belly in full contact with the red drake's back. "Ready, honey?" Syrreth asked.

Ryloth hesitated, gasping softly as he felt more weight come down on his back. He turned to glance up at the black dragon, his eyes catching the impish smile on Syrreth's face, an expression that only made him blush more. "Good." Syrreth answered for him.

Ryloth opened his muzzle to protest, but the only thing that came out of it was a lolling tongue and a hot moan. Syrreth had already pulled back as far as his hips would go, using his hinds to pull his hips up and back without moving his belly from the red drake's back. Of course, it wasn't the best for length, but he still managed to get about half his penis and the ridges that adorned it, out of the red dragon's tight butt. He paused for only a few of their fast heartbeats at the very tip of his extension, spending the time to let another heavy gush of pre spurt from his tip into the gut of the red dragon, before he pressed himself right back in.

His hips landed against Ryloth's tailbase with a lewd smack. His heavy balls pressed right back up against the other dragon's as he hilted again, sliding his knit right into the other male's butt as he shivered against the red male's back, letting out a hot gasp and another thick shot of precum. Ryloth shuddered, pressing himself back and up, trying not to obviously work himself back against the other male's crotch or up against his swollen belly, but his needs were quite apparent to the dragon atop him, especially as that shot of precum poured into him.

Ryloth wasn't going to admit it, but he was already starting to feel his belly swelling out a bit with the black dragon's precum alone. Of course, there was the suitor's load inside of him already, but he'd really forgotten how productive the pent-up black dragon could really be. It certainly didn't help that he'd gotten quite used to being the one swelling the black dragon out recently, rather than being on this side of the equation.

However, as much as he was enjoying it, that was something he'd have to change soon. His cock gave him away, the dragon-inspired hosscock pulsing and drooling against the silken sheets. His tip dragged against the smooth sheets with each motion from the red dragon above him, giving him more than enough stimulation to continue leaking from his penis like a broken faucet.

Ryloth panted softly above him, still working his belly down almost dominantly as he didn't attempt to pause this time, even in the middle of a thick shot of pre. He tugged his hips back, starting to work his hips in long, smooth motions into the other male's rump. His belly sloshed against the red dragon's back with each thrust, really driving in the amount of seed that was swelling him out. Even with that reminder of just how full the black dragon was, the load inside of him didn't seem to be slowing him down at all! The large belly against the dragon's back didn't even seem like a hindrance to the black dragon, leaving Syrreth's motions seeming as natural with that swollen belly as they would be without.

Ryloth couldn't even start to say how much this aroused him, so he could only really answer with a hot moan. Syrreth panted eagerly, grinning wide as he thrust into the other male eagerly, starting up a rather fast rhythm into the drake below him.

His hips worked quickly, arching back and slamming down to press his smooth stones back against Ryloth's own balls with each thrust, his set of heavy balls warmly rolling against the other male's testicles as that thick cock embedded itself all the way into the dragon. On every thrust, another shot of thick, hot precum shot into the red dragon, enough that each shot of slick fluid would have been visible from the outside, even through the bulge that Syrreth's cock made in his belly.

The red drake was quickly reduced to a gasping, whimpering mess of pleasure. He squirmed underneath Syrreth, pressing himself eagerly back against the other male. His hips forced back to sink that thick cock deeper into him and press more of the black dragon's smooth balls against his own sac. He made sure to press his tail up against Syrreth's sloshing, swollen belly as well, shivering slightly as he took in the feel of his swollen gut pressing down against his back and tail.

Syrreth huffed as he felt the eagerness of his lover underneath him. He squirmed slightly in place to give himself just a little bit more length on each thrust before he really started to go at it. He leaned down to growl softly as he bit the red dragon's horn, tugging lightly on it as he started to slam himself eagerly into the other drake.

Ryloth let out a hot, eager moan as the other dragon's rhythm sped up. That belly smooshed and pressed against the other male's back, working hard against it as Syrreth thrust hard and fast into the other dragon's rump. His huge penis throbbed eagerly while his ridges popped in and out of the tight butt of the dragon below him, precum splashing out into Ryloth's already swelling belly as the red dragon's penis flexed and spurted his own precum in needy, eager shots over the bed below him.

Ryloth gasped, panting out in pleasure as those ridges and that big cock pistoned eagerly into him. His belly was already starting to swell out with just the precum his lover was pumping into him; his abs were lost as his belly softened underneath him. Hot precum sloshed in his belly as he managed to reach up, working his fingers into his soft, hot tummy as he fondled and worked through his inflating front to work his fingers against the bulge that Syrreth's large penis made in him. His face was bright red as his fingers played over the other male's flat tip, the red dragon giving a light gasp as he felt another shot of hot, thick precum splash against his fingers through his belly.

Syrreth panted, pausing for a moment at his hilt as he ground against the black dragon's butt. He gave a soft whine of pleasure as he pumped another shot of precum into that belly, the male licking his chops as he reached down to his belly to grope into the red dragon's warm tummy. "Mn, I'm just about to cum in you, Ryloth..."

Ryloth panted and nodded, biting his tongue to keep his gasps and moans from escaping his lips. He couldn't say anything past those noises if he wanted to; there was simply too much pleasure shooting up his spine for him to even attempt to vocalize any meaningful words. He panted through clenched teeth, letting his body do the talking as he bucked himself back, forcing every inch of that penis into his tight butt while he arched his back up against Syrreth's swollen belly.

Syrreth gasped, the dragon tensing up as he thrust into that rump once, twice, before finally slamming himself all the way in. His grip tightened on the red dragon as he ground his crotch against that ass while his penis started to pour hot, thick semen into the dragon underneath him.

Seed splashed against the fingers groping over the red dragon's swollen belly, hard enough to push against those rubbing digits. Ryloth's belly pushed out, softening and filling quickly as that huge penis poured massive shots of hot semen into the red dragon's gut. The male's tummy softened quickly, each shot of cum swelling out the drake's gut excessively.

Ryloth moaned out. He could already taste the other male's semen in his muzzle after only the second shot. The feel of those huge, hot stones pulling up slightly against his own sac showed off to the red drake just how much more cum he had to go. Ryloth couldn't do much more but grind back and tense up, taking shot after shot of hot cum deep inside.

The red dragon shuddered, clenching down around that cock reflexively; a motion that only helped Syrreth pour out more and more hot cum deep into the other dragon. Syrreth panted hotly, licking his lips as he bent down over the other male, pointedly working his belly into the red male's back, his tail flicking as his keen eyes noticed a small amount of white drooling out the corner of the red dragon's mouth.

"Remember our bet..." He mumbled between panted words, leaning down to lick that warm seed off the red dragon's cheek.

Ryloth whined softly, giving another choked gasp as another huge shot pumped into him with a grunt and a tense from the black dragon above him. He couldn't hold himself back any longer, especially as Syrreth's fingers splayed across his swelling belly. That hand warmly massaged over his squishy belly, leaving the red dragon shivering and panting before he suddenly moaned out.

The stimulation was simply too much for him. His cock pulsed between his legs, the tip grinding against the soft silk sheets before Ryloth began to cum again. His penis flexed, pouring a tremendous load in long, thick shots over the bed as Syrreth's orgasm just kept going.

Ryloth whimpered softly as he felt himself filling up. More thick cum drooled into his mouth, and he barely managed to swallow it back down as the other dragon's horse penis pulsed and poured into him. His gut swelled down, enough to press against his orgasming cock, before he finally hit his limit.

Ryloth tried in vain to hold that load inside of him. He swallowed as hard as he could but that thick semen couldn't be stopped. Another shot finally tipped him to overflowing, and he tried his best to gulp as thick, hot seed poured up his throat, filling his muzzle. His cheeks swelled out as he managed to hold back the rest of that shot, only a small amount of seed dripping from his clenched lips as he found himself with a huge mouthful of cum.

Syrreth managed a slight giggle before the noise was lost in another deep moan. His belly pressed warmly down on the red drake's back, leaving Syrreth to grind himself slowly forward over the other dragon while he pumped more and more seed into him. He wasn't sure if it was just him being pent up or the slight fertility potion he'd slipped himself earlier, but he could feel the dragon below him popping his lid. Ryloth's seed splashed over the sheets and the pair's legs, and Syrreth managed a hot gasp as he leaned down, emptying another shot of hot semen into the red drake.

His lips met Ryloth's cheek as that shot swelled out his cheeks again, making the red dragon blush as hot seed splashed out of his mouth. Syrreth growled hotly and Ryloth's cheek turned red as he lost more of the other male's hot cum. Syrreth panted softly, finally feeling his orgasm tapering down; he gave one more hot gasp as he ground his hips forward and gave one last flex of his big penis in the overstuffed dragon, shooting one more large shot of hot semen into the red drake.

Ryloth gasped again before the entirety of that last shot poured from his muzzle. He gasped for air as he bent down a bit, trying not to sputter too loudly as he simply couldn't swallow any more of that thick semen. Syrreth gave him a few moments to move, giving one more light grind into the red dragon to push just a little more semen from his stuffed belly before slowly drawing his large penis back slowly, leaving the last quarter inside the red dragon until he was sure that the cocky male wouldn't leak too much from that side.

Ryloth groaned softly, reaching up to gently rub over his swollen, sloshing belly as the black dragon gave him some space inside to keep it from being entirely taut. He huffed and panted while he gulped and licked over the inside of his mouth, taking in the last of that slick semen. With a squirm and a huff, he looked over the mess he'd made of the bed.

Seed had soaked the soft, silken sheets that his penis was still grinding against. There was the obvious mess that his large cock had left, and the even more damning puddle that had forced its way out of his throat. He squirmed, moaning softly as the other drake shifted his penis just a bit more inside of him. They both gave a soft gasp as Syrreth finally drew back all the way, his heavy penis throbbing as he let it slide down against the other dragon's warm balls, Ryloth giving a soft blush as a small trickle of hot seed dripped from his tailvent.

Syrreth took a moment to rest like this, shifting forward slightly to press his penis up along those balls and against the red dragon's spent cock. Ryloth squirmed just a bit, but he did gasp as Syrreth took a hand up from the bed to gently grope and rub over his swollen belly, the black drake's own swollen stomach pressing warmly over Ryloth's own back.

Ryloth couldn't help but let out a little mewl of pleasure as Syrreth's fingers splayed and gently rubbed his sensitive, swollen belly. Syrreth grinned from ear to ear behind the other dragon as he fondled along that swollen gut, gently working his fingers over the red drake's sensitive belly scales. Ryloth shivered softly and tried not to press too eagerly into the soft massage, though he couldn't stop himself from letting out a soft moan of pleasure as Syrreth's fingers massaged over his warm tummy.

"Mn, come here, honey." Syrreth rumbled, slowly rolling to the side.

Ryloth let out a small whine as the other drake pulled away from him, glancing over to see the black dragon on his side, beckoning him in. He huffed softly, squirming a bit as he shifted on the bed, groaning gently as the huge load inside him shifted. He settled himself on his side, moving to snuggle up, face to face with the black dragon.

Syrreth wasted no time, his hands already out to grope and rub over Ryloth's front. The red dragon squirmed, huffing insolently as his shaft throbbed and began to stiffen up again, pressing warmly against the other drake's warm penis. Ryloth shifted before he reached down, fondling those warm penises softly as they pressed together, trying to distract himself from the shiver-inducing pleasure that Syrreth's fingers roaming over his belly teased out of him.

"Well, it looks like you lost." Syrreth said.

Ryloth blushed and huffed, squirming a bit against the black dragon. "Well, you leaked, too!"

Syrreth chuckled a bit, gently pressing himself forward to trap the pair's frotting penises between their sloshing, sensitive bellies. The pair of dragons shared a soft moan while they gently ground against each other. Syrreth's hands moved to slowly fondle along the sides of the other dragon's belly. His fingers gently stroked along that sensitive gut, pressing in every so often to see how far he could go before that stuffed belly grew taut against his fingers yet again. Ryloth let out a little whine as a particularly playful press forced him to swallow down a bit more hot seed.

Syrreth rumbled warmly, lifting himself up on an elbow to glance over the other dragon, pointedly looking at his cum on the sheets. "I only leaked a mouthful. It looks like you might have lost half my load."

Ryloth huffed softly, pressing forward to warmly grind his penis against the black dragon's soft gut. "Give me more credit than that, Sy. I only lost one or two...Well, maybe a couple mouthfuls."

Syrreth nodded, grinning as he leaned forward to gently tap his nose against the other dragon's snout. "Well, that's still quite a bit more semen than me."

Ryloth huffed and squirmed slightly, trying to keep a little blush off his cheeks. He busied himself by grind forward, slowly bucking between the two soft bellies, his thick cock reaching almost all the way up to his chest. A soft fondle along Syrreth's cock brought that more draconic cock up as well, their penises pressing and slipping warmly against each other, lubricated by hot semen and the over-productive dragon's precum.

Ryloth gave a light gasp as he ground forward one more time, warmly pressing his big balls to Syrreth's own sac. With the feeling of those smooth stones pressing against each other, the pair of dragons spurted almost synchronized shots of precum, the slick, clear fluid dripping down over their semen-filled stomachs to lubricate their warm shafts against their sensitive guts.

With their shafts firmly trapped between those full bellies, Ryloth reached away from his groping of those cocks to gently stroke and pet along the sides of Syrreth's belly, the same way that the black dragon was fondling over his sensitive bellyscales. Ryloth managed a soft, blushing pant as those fingertips played along his swollen belly, giving another slow grind up against Syrreth's cock.

The pair shivered softly, gently fondling and humping against each other. Syrreth couldn't keep the blush off his cheeks as he felt the other dragon's large sac roll against his own with each motion, those smooth, hot balls gently working against one another. His fingers brushed softly along Ryloth's belly, leaving the red drake gasping quietly as well before he straightened up slightly. "Come here, Sy..." He said.

Syrreth purred softly, stretching forward to meet the red dragon halfway. Their lips met warmly, the pair of dragons happily making out as their full bellies pressed against each other's throbbing cocks. Their hands didn't stop stroking, though they moved closer to each other sides rather than their bellies, leaving their shafts to stroke over their sensitive, stretched bellyscales.

Syrreth was the first to open his muzzle, letting his warm tongue slide into Ryloth's muzzle. Ryloth panted softly, closing his eyes as he turned his muzzle, his own warm, prehensile tongue slipping along the black dragon's muscle, the pair deepening the kiss as they pressed even more closely together.

The pair's shafts throbbed eagerly, the taste of their cum on each other's lips as they started to arch their backs and actively grind against one another. Balls slid against balls, while their drooling penises throbbed softly against each other and spread more precum over their swollen bellies. The dragons panted softly into the kiss, the pair slowly gyrating into the embrace.

Syrreth ground a little harder and faster than the other male, having had a bit more time to adjust to the large load of seed inside of him. Ryloth, however, simply tried to pull the other dragon a bit closer with the hands rubbing over Syrreth's sides, groaning quietly as the motions put more pressure on his over-full stomach. Syrreth squirmed a bit, his foot adjusting to give him a better angle as he gave another long, slow grind against the other dragon's belly.

Ryloth blushed, squirming as the other male ground hard against his stuffed gut, leaving the dragon to gasp and squirm as it forced a small mouthful of cum out into the kiss. Syrreth giggled into the kiss, not breaking it as the felt the hot semen press up out of the other dragon.

Ryloth blushed as they mingled with the seed, shivering softly as he slowly ground and bucked against the other dragon. The two males squirmed, panting and huffing into the kiss as they began to grind against each other with newfound arousal. Finally, Ryloth pulled back to break that kiss, the male bucking slowly against the other dragon.

Syrreth moaned softly, licking a bit of semen off his lips as he pulled back, still slowly grinding back and forth to drag his large penis over Ryloth's belly. The red dragon squirmed, biting his lip as that large draconic shaft throbbed against his sensitive belly, the feeling of that warm shaft throbbing and drooling over his stuffed tummy more than enough to send small shivers of pleasure up his spine.

Ryloth's horse penis flexed against the other dragon's belly. The large shaft pressed in against that soft belly, leaving the red dragon to pant slightly as each throb drew up shot after shot of precum to drool over the other male's swollen tummy. He shifted on the bed to angle himself to press his balls against the other dragon's own, focusing on the feel of his hot, smooth stones pressing and rolling against the other dragon's potent orbs.

Syrreth panted softly, shivering gently as he ground forward again. The feel of his stiff cock throbbing against the red drake's belly, his own belly being massaged by that fat, semi-draconic faux horse penis, and the other drake's loose sac laying hotly against his was nearly too much. He panted and groaned out in pleasure, biting his lip as he slowly ground forward a few more times, glancing up at the other male.

Ryloth couldn't miss that needy glance, but he was in the same place. The feeling of that big dragon penis rubbing over his sensitive, almost aching belly combined with the feeling of his stones resting and rubbing against the other dragon's balls was too much for him. As he met Syrreth's needy glance, Ryloth gasped and tensed up.

A small whine pushed itself out of Ryloth's throat as he arched up one last time, mashing his loose balls warmly against Syrreth's smooth orbs, his penis pressing eagerly into the black dragon's soft belly. His body shivered as he started to cum again, spurting a hot, thick load between the two of them.

Syrreth couldn't hold himself back either, especially as he felt another orgasm grip his lover. He stifled a growl as he ground back forward, meeting that peak head on, as he started to spurt his own load. The pair panted and moaned out in pleasure, the males fighting their tension by reflexively rocking back and forth against each other while they rode out their orgasms. Shivers and pants racked their bodies while they came, the dragons clutching each other tightly as they spent their peaks eagerly over one another.

The dragons managed to barely ride out their orgasms, quickly turned into panting messes as their cum-filled bellies dripped with semen. Each motion from the embracing dragons caused them both to shiver as they rested in their afterglow, their oversensitive, post-orgasm penises still grinding against their bellies. Slick with hot semen, the two dragons couldn't do much more than shudder and squirm as they tried to keep their reflexive motions from teasing their afterglow too much.

Syrreth shifted just a bit, teasing a shiver out from the pair with the motion as their penises warmly dragged over their cum soaked bellies, leaving Ryloth with a blush and a grin. "Mnnf, well, I suppose I'm quite full and sated now." Syrreth rumbled.

Ryloth nodded, reaching down to gently stroke over the side of the other drake's belly, his fingers teasing over the male's warm side. "Well, I suppose there's nothing left to do but cuddle..." Ryloth suggested.

A mischievous grin spread across Syrreth's face, the black dragon leaning forward to smooch the other dragon's nose. "Mn, cuddle and pick out the underwear that you're wearing through the keep tomorrow. I'm partial to that tight purple silk thing you wore last week."

Ryloth gasped, his face turning a bright red as he glanced over to the dresser.

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[Comm] Boulder Valley Ranch

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