Helping the Mailbitch relax

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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Talon have been interested in the cute wolfdog Wendy that delivers his and his wife's mail every day. He cannot avoid looking over her at every chance he gets. One day, he notices riding by their home on a bike to deliver the last mail for the day and offer to help her relax after a long day at work.

This story is not connected to actual lore.

Sapphire © Me and Turbomcgogo on FA

Talon ©

Wendy and Story © Me

Length: 3,218 words. 17,259 characters.

Time used to type: 2 hours and 15 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Helping the Mailbitch relax

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The city of Detroit, Michigan, the metropolis at the United States-Canada border, a city known as the world's automotive center with its past history that only grew to carry with it many other titles and nicknames. However, we are not here to enjoy the history, we are here to tell the story about a certain suburbia's favorite mailwoman or as some others, including herself, called her openly when referring to her, the mailbitch.

Near the peaceful waterside of Fords Cove, at Liberty Street to be exactly, the female gray wolfdog put yet another bunch of letters into the mailbox of a regular suburban home, giving the little red metal flag on it a gentle tug so it stood up and then moved onto the nice house where a vixen stood in a housecoat with a cup of coffee in her right hand as the wolfdog reached into her bag and held out a letter to her with a warm smile, "Here you are, miss Galen." The vixen took the letter in her left hand and gave it a good look, "Oh, another letter from my son. Tell me, dear. Have you ever thought about settling down with a handsome young fellow?" The wolfdog smiled, "Not really, miss Galen. I have always had a problem to find a guy that could stand me waking up early to deliver the mail." The vixen flashed her a smile, "Do not sell yourself short, dear. I am sure if you would ever go out to a nightclub, you would have the need of a stick to keep them away from you."

The wolfdog giggled, "Nah, I wouldn't need that. But thanks for the compliment." The vixen winked, "No worry, dear. If I wasn't married, I would grab you one of these days and..." The wolfdog quickly waved to the vixen as she blushed, "Please, do not put that on my mind, miss Galen." The vixen giggled a little, "Sorry, dear. It must be horrid to think of an old furball like me seducing you like this." The wolfdog smiled while still blushing, "Not at all, I... just want to have my mind on my job and not elsewhere." The vixen waved it off, "Dear, you need to get yourself a good lay." The wolfdog quickly bid the vixen her farewell and headed for the next house down the street.

At the very end of the road, and also the last house there was, sat a male werewolf-gargoyle and watched as the wolfdog was working, his eyes obscured by the sunglasses he wore so that he could watch her working, even as his wife walked out with a glass of lemonade for him and one for herself, sitting down next to him before smiling, "What you looking at, Talon?" Talon took the glass and drank some of the lemonade before chuckling, "Oh, just checking out the mailbitch, Sapphy. Her body is not like that of a normal wolf girl." Sapphire, or Sapphy as Talon called her, looked at the wolfdog and then playfully pouted, "Awww, I am not good enough for you since I got no chance of giving you kids? Is that what you are saying?" Talon looked over at his wife before laughing, "Of course not, Sapphy. No one can replace you and you know that." Sapphire turned her head away, "You are not meaning it. I can see your eyes through those sunglasses, you are finding her more suitable for your pups."

Talon knew that Sapphire was just teasing him, but he had no time to respond as soon the wolfdog's voice called out, "Hello there, mister and miss Stormclaw. Letter for you." Sapphire got up and took the letter from the girl before deciding to give Talon a small 'punishment' for looking at another girl than her by leaning in to steal a quick kiss from her before heading back, "Thank you, Wendy. Keep doing an outstanding job like this and I am sure that your boss will give you a raise or even promotion." Wendy blushed at the kiss and quickly turned to walk off, a blush on her face before she could hear a yelp behind her and turned around to see Talon playfully growling at Sapphire before pouncing her and carrying her inside, seeing the door closing behind them before the sound of heavy lovemaking could be heard. Wendy just stood there and listened before her ears drooped a bit and she headed back to the postal office.

When Wendy had gotten out of range, Talon and Sapphire had began to formulate a plan between each other and before lunch time, an order had been placed in their name for some clothes, one thing on the list being a two-piece bikini that would be a little too big for Sapphire, but perfect for Wendy, something that Sapphire had managed to coax out of Wendy during one of the tea times they had. All that was to be done now was to simply wait for the anticipated day to come.

Two days after the order had been placed, Sapphire had received the news that it was waiting delivery at their postal office. Lucky for them, this was one of the hotter days of the year, enough to make Sapphire sweat a bit while Talon seemed to not even be bothered by it. And Sapphire had gotten their outdoor pool filled up with water the day before and when she had taken a leap into the water to relax, she could hear Talon call out, "Sapphy, she is coming now. She is using one of those strange one-seated wagon things." Sapphire giggled to herself, "They are called bicycles, Talon."

Talon took a seat in one of the front-yard seats, following Wendy with his eyes as she was delivering the mail. He noticed that she seemed to really be in pain, probably due to having to transport all the letters and packages for the day in a wagon behind the bike she was riding. And the closer she came, the more pained her facial expression seemed to become and once she arrived to their house, it was clear that she needed help and Talon stood up, "Hi there, mailbitch. A lot of work today?" Wendy nodded and got off the bike before grabbing the package and began to lift it before she realized that her back had put a limit to its generosity and she was leaning over the package and listened to the footsteps getting closer and how Talon's strong hands lifted up both her and the package, "This will not do. Tell you what. I will ask my wife to give you a back massage. She can do miracles like you wouldn't believe."

Wendy was about to object, but it was too late when Talon called out, "Hey Sapphy! Mailbitch has a sore back and our package has come." The sound of water being disturbed could be heard outside and soon the sliding glass door was pushed aside before Sapphire walked inside wearing a one-piece swimsuit under a red bathrobe, her hair falling like a drape before she reached back to push it all together before looking at Wendy, "Oh, you got a sore back? Well, I can give you a massage, but first I wanna open this package." Sapphire grabbed the package and with an ambidextrous coordination, she had it opened and soon pulled out the skirts, shirts and even a jacket or two for the later season. It was soon that she pulled out the two-piece bikini and looked at the size before she nodded, "This should be your size. Take this and change into it and then meet me in the living room for your massage." Wendy blushed at the bikini, but took it and with Talon's help got to the bathroom and changed into the bikini after Talon had left to get a glass of lemonade from the fridge.

After coming out from the bathroom, Wendy blushed from how it seemed to her now that they planned it all, because the black bikini fit her perfectly. Walking into the living room, she saw the massage table and without an objection now, she got onto it and laid face-down with her muzzle pushing through the top piece. She could hear the footsteps of Sapphire approaching and soon a second set that sounded like Talon's. Suddenly Sapphire's voice spoke up, "How is the bikini, Wendy?" Wendy knew it, they had planned this, minus her ambitious back giving in to the pressure of her daily work. Opening her maw, she spoke up, "It is feeling wonderful and the fact you had the sizes perfectly matching my body, I can swear that you both have been planning this." Talon laughed a bit, "Yeah, we wanted to invite you to relax with us in the pool since it is a very hot day and also because... well, we find you really attractive."

Had she just heard them right? Did they just call her attractive? She was about to ask for a confirmation and lifted her head to look at them, it was then that she noticed how Talon stood in a pair of swimming trunks that hid nothing from the curious eyes of whoever watched him, but it was the fact that Sapphire, who now wore a two-piece bikini herself, sported the same silhouette on the front and that is all she got to see before her connection to this world was severed for a moment when she felt how Sapphire had began to apply firm pressure on her shoulders, working the tense tissue into submission with her thumbs before the palms of her hands came in to apply the same firm pressure to work her hands slowly out towards the sides, Wendy laying her head down into the hole in the table to not strain her muscles further.

Talon could see how Wendy's tail began to give a slow wag from side to side, a sure sign that she was enjoying it and how couldn't she when Sapphire suddenly began to heat up her hands a bit and making them a bit rougher to work the muscles along the sides of her spine in a circular motion. Wendy could only lay there and receive what had to be the greatest relief of her entire life, even more than the toys at home could give her. She could even feel when Sapphire moved up to her head and grabbed the arms, giving them a soft pull and massaging along them. It was clear to Wendy now what Talon had meant with 'do miracles like you wouldn't believe', because suddenly she felt what had to be warm rocks holding onto her arms while simultaneously striking her muscles gently to apply the heat straight to the muscles.

Talon moved to sit down just at the perfect height so he could see Wendy's face and smile, "Aren't you happy that I brought you in here now, mailbitch?" Wendy's murring only got louder as she replied, "Ohhh, yes. She is amazing at this." Talon nodded, "She is a skilled alchemist and can even change her body." Wendy was going to ask what he meant when she suddenly gasped out when the heated stones turned into warm water instead that penetrated her skin without any pain or lacerations at all. Feeling the water moving inside of her back and helping to relax her body, Wendy's tail began to wag faster as she whimpered like a little puppy again from how good it felt to her.

The water treatment had to stop however when Sapphire reached Wendy's lower back and turned her hands back to normal, but kept them warm as she massaged into the glutes of the canine girl and for the first time ever to Wendy, she gave up a soft moan and panted, "Ohhhh, right there. A bit more." Talon began to chuckle and Sapphire seemed to enjoy it too as she moved the hands around the outsides of Wendy's legs, depriving her of the rubbing of her buttocks, instead focusing on her legs. Sapphire smiled a bit as Wendy's body had been a work of art so far and those thighs of hers only made it better as she worked the fingers deeply into them, making Wendy squeal from the pressure and slowly worked her way downwards to the feet, the soft paws looking a bit sore from all the walking and it was really the next-to-last goal as she gently put pressure along the paw-pads and rub them in a circular pattern, making Wendy give off another moan of satisfaction from the work that Sapphire was putting into it.

However, once the feet had been worked on, Sapphire seemed to stop the massage for the moment until Wendy felt Talon's powerful hands grabbing her buttocks, making Wendy's cheeks turn slightly red as he was rubbing that bikini-clad posterior of hers, not even seeming to mind it and from what it felt like, he was rather skilled at this and whenever Talon seemed to let go of her butt, she felt him grabbing it in a new way and really working on helping her relax, something that clearly was approved by Wendy as her tail wagged a bit faster.

It had been at the point she expected it the least that she felt how Talon had very gently moved her bikini down her legs and was now rubbing the insides of her thighs, all the way up to her private parts, a finger slowly pushing inside of her vagina with a yelp from her and Talon's voice attempting to soothe her, "Relax. I know what I am doing." Talon kept on fingering her pussy as Wendy laid there and even while helping to pleasure her, Talon also rubbed her buttocks, each movement bringing her equal pleasure and relief while Sapphire had secretly snuck out to continue her swim in the pool.

Talon gave her five minutes of this pleasure before moving his hands off her butt and Wendy heard the sound of swimwear being discarded onto the floor and soon Wendy was lifted up over Talon's shoulder before they entered his and Sapphire's bedroom and it wasn't long after they had entered when Talon laid down the canine girl and slowly peeled off her bikini when they stopped for a second to admire each others' nudity. She had not guessed how handsome he would be when stripped of all his clothes, but there he stood, an image of Adonis to her eyes, as she was a close image of Aphrodite to him, the only one to him that really was the complete Aphrodite would be Sapphire. After what felt like an eternity, Wendy had enough and got up from the bed and walked over to the window before lifting her tail up, "I am saving my maidenhood for the right one, but feel free to use my ass as you please."

Given his past experience with plugging Sapphire's butthole every day, this was something that Talon wasn't a stranger to. Moving closer to her, he was using one hand to hold onto her side while the other was aiming his erection towards her puckered butthole. Given that Wendy had seen his full size, she knew she wanted it. No, she NEEDED it. When his dick found its target, she felt regret she had not known about this day, or she would have trained her tight butt to take that big shaft. The time for regret was however over when a pop told them both that her anal ring had surrendered and inch by inch she could feel him sink deeper into her and soon enough those powerful hands held onto her thighs sides and he was beginning to thrust himself deeply into her, causing his knot to hit the entrance to her butt repeatedly.

Wendy closed her eyes and moaned, not knowing that down below the window was Sapphire, who looked at the show while stroking off in the pool, finding their little exhibition to be hot. And she wondered to herself if she could get Wendy next week. She reached down into her bikini bottom and shoved three fingers up her butthole, moaning with them, "Ohhh, fuck. How can I blame my sister for enjoying this?" Answer was, right now she couldn't.

Upstairs, Talon had moved up his hands from the sides to grab a hold of Wendy's generous bust. He did notice when ordering the bikini with Sapphire that his wife was two cup sizes smaller than the mailbitch was. Rolling them around in the palms of his hands, Talon was moving his hips faster, forcing a louder moan out of Wendy, who at the time used only one hand to support herself against the side of the window as the other one had snuck down to finger her pussy with, as her butt tightened up around Talon's erection.

Knowing very well that he had been excited from the earlier massage that Sapphire had given Wendy, Talon fought nothing back as Wendy had probably little time left before her boss would call and ask where she was. With his hands on her breasts, he pulled her back a little harder until Wendy felt how his knot was about to pop inside, but instead it was only knocking on her ring until she moaned out when she struck her g-spot at the same time as his dick began to throb and the insides of her tight posterior was getting coated in his warm seed, allowing them both to ride on their wave of pleasure as Wendy squirted onto the floor and soon had to be held in place as Talon pulled out of her butt and a last defiant string of seed landed on her butt, making Wendy sigh.

About five minutes later, Wendy and Talon had met Sapphire in the hallway after they had put on their clothes again and Wendy had packed down her new bikini. Talon shared a kiss with Sapphire in front of Wendy before hugging her, "Thanks for this, Sapphy." Sapphire softly hugged the stud back, "All for my love, Talon." They both shared another kiss before looking at Wendy, "Glad you could join us, Wendy." Wendy murred, "Happy I could help and thanks for the good time. I am sorry though, but I must head back to work now." Sapphire giggled, "You are always welcome back here whenever you like, Wendy." Wendy stopped outside the door and with a mischievous grin on her face, she replied, "Oh, I will be back for more." And with that, like a good book being read, the door closed behind Wendy as she walked back with a warm smile on her face, something that a certain vixen by the name of Helen Galen, noticed when she saw the happy canine ride by on the bike and a warm smile soon formed on her maw, "Good on you, Wendy."

The End.

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