Girls' Zone 11

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#11 of Girls' Zone

Ocarina has always considered herself to be the weakest of her sisters, even when being told that is a proud warrior with skills. An idea from Tenchi is about to change her life, but first she must have the permission from Sasha and Violetta to legally do this.

This story is connected to actual lore.

Azura, Gaceia, Ocarina, Sasha, Violetta and Story © Me

Melody, Tenchi ©

Sonata © Me and

Ocarina's new form was suggested by Tenchi and draws inspiration from Melody's appearance.

Length: 2,803 words. 15,185 characters.

Time used to type: 2 hours (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Girls' Zone 11: Rebirth by Death

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Who wants some scones and tea?" a voice called out from the kitchen as the workers sat around the table at the local lesbian club in Morgova. It had been a month since the day when Ocarina and Melody had gone to pick up Melody's adoptive sister Sonata from prison. During the month, they had grown closer and Sonata had even began working as a waitress at the club, much to her parents' dismay, but they had learned to not object their daughter's choices and supported her as much as they could.

As for Melody and Ocarina, they had been having a shaky time with Sonata always being around when they didn't wanted her to be. However, Melody had always been plagued by Ocarina's sudden sleep-talking, something Ocarina quickly excused herself to be due to all the stress lately with having to handle rude males attempting to enter the club.

It was one night, like the others, with Ocarina sleep-talking that Melody got a shocking surprise. Ocarina was having a nightmare of her entire family being killed and Melody tortured in front of her eyes while Ocarina herself had gotten both her arms and legs broken, helpless to defend the bunny girl. This was expressed vocally by her as she rolled in the bed and yelled, "Please... do not do this." Melody rubbed Ocarina's shoulder to try and stir her out of it, but the yelling got louder, "No, please! Do not touch me!"

Melody began to shake her, "Rina, wake up." Ocarina began to suddenly sweat as she thrashed in the bed, "No... put away the knife. Please, no! Why... why was I so weak to protect her..." Melody shook her harder, "Rina, wake up! You are having a bad nightmare." Ocarina's thrashing only grew and suddenly Ocarina shot up so fast from the bed that she accidentally bashed skulls with Melody, making her land on the bed and rubbing her forehead, "Ouch. Hey, Rina. You okay?" Ocarina sat on the bed, breathing fast and heavily, a shocked expression still plastered on her face before she finally calmed down and began to cry, covering her face in her hands, "Even in my sleep, they haunt me." Melody crawled up next to Ocarina and gave her a hug, "What you mean? Why did you say that you were weak?"

Holding onto Ocarina, Melody dried off the laquine's eyes with the duvet as Ocarina tried to keep her face covered, "It is just... look at all my sisters! They are experts in something offensive. And what am I? All I can do is swing a scythe and nothing else! I am the weakest sister of all! Even Avril has more ability to take down a foe." Melody looked at Ocarina, a bit shocked how a simple fact of strength was bringing down Ocarina. Moving to her knees, the smaller bunny nuzzled Ocarina's cheek before her arms wrapped around her neck softly instead, "You are not weak to me. You are just the right strength to give the best hugs." Ocarina sniffed and a low giggle escaped her maw before she nodded, "I still want to be able to protect you, silly. But as I am, it would require a blessing or brilliant idea to make me someone I can trust in." The words seemed like daggers into her own back to Melody. She could not stand seeing and hearing Ocarina speaking like this about herself. Something had to be done.

The next morning, Ocarina had awoken early and been sent to do some shopping, but to Melody it was a chance to get some answers. Pulling on a white shirt and white skirt over the black underwear, Melody quickly rushed for the door and grabbed onto the door handle before she noticed a hand grabbing her by the shoulder, "Where do you think you are going, little missie?" Turning around at the rather unfamiliar voice, Melody hissed before another hand softly rubbed the tips of her ears, forcing Melody to churr happily until it stopped and she was opening the eyes to stare right into the face of a light blue dragoness, but something was off with her. Was she having fur? The dragoness smiled, "Sorry for scaring you there. I saw you were leaving and I had been told to not let you out of my sight by Ocarina."

Melody moved back a little bit as the hand left her shoulder and she got a good look of the dragoness, who soon giggled, "Oh yeah, I forgot that I haven't introduced myself. Name's Azura, Azura Rosethorne. Hospital Director of Haven Hill Medical Institute, the Royal Medic of Dr'Wich, The Thornwing of the Frostclaw Tribe and adoptive aunt of Ocarina and her siblings." She stood up and even if her height was intimidating Melody a bit, she could pick up a sincerity in Azura's voice that she wasn't a bad person. Moving closer to her, Melody nodded, "So, Rina told you to keep an eye on me? And it means I cannot leave?" Azura gave her a look and thought a bit before asking, "Well, what did you plan to do exactly?"

Giving in to the large dragoness' concern, Melody spilled the beans, "It is about Rina. She feels that she is the weakest out of all her siblings and she wishes to find a way to protect me. I was planning to walk up to the castle and ask to be granted an audience with the queen." Azura gave a small giggle, "And you think that walking up to the castle alone would grant you an audience like that?" Melody stopped for a second to think about it. It was true, she would not get an audience just like that and who said that the queen wasn't busy at the moment. Sighing in defeat, she was about to return to her room when Azura suddenly spoke up, "I got no idea what you plan, but as a doctor, I know when someone has a case of Nimis Magna est Cordis."

Melody looked up at her in confusion, "Nimiss Magma is what?" Azura giggles, "It is Latin, a language from Earth. I said that you got a case of too big heart. No wonder that Ocarina told me to look after you, because she might have known that you would do something kind for her. Very well, I will walk you there and fix an audience with my adoptive sister for you." Melody happily jumped at Azura and hugged her before Azura opened the door and proceeded to take the bunny for a walk. And to Melody's big surprise, Azura took the chance to also check up on her teeth, "Good, you have taken care of them quite well."

The walk lasted for a good ten minutes before they stood in front of the castle doors. From the inside, the sound of a rocking bed could be heard and many loud roaring moans from two individuals, making Azura shake her head, "Aliud est, quod regio." Melody's head tilted as Azura smiled, "Oh, I just said that it seems like another addition to the family is being made right now, unless we interrupt them." Melody's cheeks turned red before Azura walked past the guards and headed up the stairs, hearing how inside one of the rooms, it seemed like two raunchy lovers were in the middle of finishing their fun, but it was soon that Azura had a shocker when Sasha showed up and the sound from the inside didn't stop. Sasha smirked softly while rubbing her belly, "Thought I was in the middle of sexual intercourse, sis?" Azura blushed before Sasha knocked on the door, "Hey! Phoebe! Turn that down! The guards are able to hear you!"

The room was soon silent before they made their way to the throne room so that Sasha could take a seat just as Tenchi entered with a slightly bigger wyvern following her, "Sasha, can you tell the guards to stop feeding Arashi so much? She is getting fat!" Sasha giggled and waved to Tenchi, "Okay, okay, I will tell them." Tenchi grunted and saw Azura holding Melody, her face attempting to hide the blush a bit, "Hey there auntie and hey there, Melody. What is happening here?" Sasha smiled, "I was just about to hear it myself actually. Melody asked for an audience with me. Feel free to stay if you like." Tenchi just nodded before Melody spoke up, "It is about Rina. She's been having a nightmare last night and she told me that she's been haunted by the thoughts for some time now and the nightmare only made it worse. She considers herself to be useless and weak. And I want to ask for advice."

Sasha leaned back in the throne and sighed, "I told my sister to train her well and even then Ocarina still thinks she is not enough to match the rest? I got no idea what could possibly help at this point." Tenchi's eyes soon glimmered, "May I suggest something?" Sasha looked at Tenchi, "Speak up while the silence allows it." Tenchi nodded, "Well, I know Ocarina may want this, but since she likes vampires, why not..." Sasha understood quickly what Tenchi had to say and stood up, "You cannot be serious about that. There has to be another way." Tenchi smiled, "Remember what you told me once about being a parent? A parent always wants what is best for their child and want them to be happy. Do you wanna object to having her become something she truly likes?" Sasha's only response to that was a simple grunt, "I am way more intelligent and yet I cannot win a simple argument? Fine, I permit it as long as Violetta does." Tenchi smiled before hearing a roar behind her and a sudden lightning strike hitting the castle before Tenchi quickly ran out, "I will go and ask her! Come on, Arashi, lets go!" The wyvern growled and ran out as Sasha grunted again, "Seriously, that wyvern is going to be the second death of my guards one day."

After only being away for two hours, Tenchi came back with a letter in hand. Sasha snatched it from her and read, "Dear Sasha. I was enlightened to hear from Tenchi herself that you want my opinion on the matter of allowing your daughter to become a creature of the night. As I normally would be against this, I am not going against a deed that is meant to help. I grant my permission. Signed, Vampire Queen Violetta of Q'Sta'Ei." Sasha looked up at Azura who simply smiled to her, "I know what you thinking and Ocarina had her checkup earlier this week. She was fresh and after the extraction of the sergal genetic in her, her body adjusted itself to it quickly. She is literally like a being of clay. You can form her as you wish. Sorry for the bad image."

Sasha snapped her claws before a black dragoness appeared next to her, holding a scythe while wearing the outfit of a gardener. She stopped her swing and looked at Sasha, "Ummm, why have I been brought here, miss?" Sasha looked at her, "Gaceia, we are going to perform a ritual here that requires you not taking a soul. It is to fulfill my daughter's greatest dream." The dragoness was smiling and nodded, "Okay, I will not hunt for her soul then. But just this once." With the acknowledgment done, Sasha waved the dragoness off before looking at Tenchi, Melody and Azura, "Since I cannot object to this now. Just do it."

After having walked back from the castle after thanking Sasha, Azura left Melody in front of the entrance, "There, all you got to do now is just do it and she will awaken as a new girl." Azura said before the doors flew open and Ocarina walked out, her face slightly red in anger, "Azura! I told you to keep an eye on her. Not allowing her to leave the club!" Azura rubbed her head, "I am sorry, Ocarina. She wanted to meet Sasha so badly that I wanted to be nice and let her." Ocarina seemed to calm down a bit, "I will let it slip. But if it ever would happen again..." Melody grabbed Ocarina, "Rina, please. Let her be. She wanted to help me find a way to help you and I did find a way to help you." Ocarina was confused, but sighed, "Okay, Mellie. I will not further speak in a threatening manner to her." Two fangs soon dug into Ocarina's neck as she churred when Melody began to feed on her a little.

As night fell, Ocarina stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom while brushing her teeth, making sure to get the wisdom teeth clean, the radio near her playing some anime themes, the one currently playing being her favorite, Logos Naki World. Listening to the variate style of music, she was leaning down to spit out the last of the toothpaste, opening the bathroom cabinet to get the dental floss. When she shut the cabinet, she noticed that she wasn't alone anymore as four red eyes looked at her from the dark corners in the back. Spinning around, Ocarina's fear turned to relief as it was only Melody and Sonata, "Hey you two, do not scare me like that. How did you get in here?" Sonata pointed to the open mirror that she slowly shut and secured, Ocarina smiling a bit, "Oh, you are trying to intimidate me, are you?" Melody smiled, "No, we got something better in mind."

Ocarina looked confused before the bathroom was twisted and soon she saw red writings on the walls spelling out "Become one of us!" in capital letters and under one of them was the print of someone that had been smeared down towards the floor. Ocarina's breathing began to speed up a bit before she realized she had taken her eyes off Melody and Sonata. It wasn't long before two sets of arms gently laid her down onto the floor and Ocarina lost complete control of her breathing and found her body slowly going numb from the fear until her ears twitched as the hot breaths of Sonata and Melody tickled the hair inside as a soft hiss soon came from both ends and their voices rung out together, "Become one of us!"

Ocarina's scream of pain echoed in the room, but not out in the hallway, as Melody and Sonata had sunk their fangs into much harder into Ocarina's neck and throat, right over the pentagram drawn on the floor and as they looked at each other, they both blinked and sunk the fangs all the way down, silencing the screams from the large laquine. They soon noticed the soul trying to get out before the pentagram was glowing and chains secured themselves around the soul to pull it back inside the corpse as the symbol grew over Ocarina's body, holding it down as the soul slowly laid itself back inside.

The more the symbol disappeared, the larger did Ocarina grow and not before long, Melody had to help Sonata rolling Ocarina over onto her front as two bat-like wings sprouted from her back and her once golden-light blue body with its dark blue stripes slowly darkened and had now taken a more regalia-purple coloration with scab red stripes, the blue hair was now replaced with a completely snow white color and as the last of the symbol had disappeared, Ocarina's eyes shot open, revealing the same blood red color as Melody's and Sonata's.

Sitting up, Melody and Sonata held her shoulders before asking, "Are you okay?" Ocarina just looked down at her hands, then back at her wings as she tried to flap them and finally she looked into the mirror to see her new look. A creepy smile formed on her lips as she saw her sharp fangs poking out, "Okay? I feel... wonderful." Standing up, she was soon spreading the wings until the seal placed on the door was removed and Azura walked in, witnessing the new Ocarina with wide eyes, "Whoa, what an improvement!" Ocarina looked back at Azura and turned around to face her with a wide grin that made Azura's legs shake in fear, even more as Ocarina beckoned her over with a finger, "Hey Nurse! I am ready for my second checkup!"

The End.

Girls' Zone 12

**Girls' Zone 12: Sands of Time** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved...

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Journeys of Time 7

**Journeys of Time 7: Dragon of the Fire Ruby Ring** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own...

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Journeys of Time 6

**Journeys of Time 6: The Shadow of a Temporal Quilt** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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