Journeys of Time 7

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#7 of Journeys of Time

When finally arriving back home, Solan is to be introduced to the realm she will now live in. Janch grabs her mother and daughter to tell them that it is time now to reveal the truth and Sasha realizes what it means as Tenchi is soon presented with a ring that has a ruby encrusted into it. All she is told is that it will reveal someone that waited for a long time for this day to finally happen. Can this give Tenchi the greatest desire of her life?

This story is connected to actual lore.

Alexander, Gaceia, Hildegaard, Janch the Bladetail, Lyra, Sasha, Solan the Lunarfreezer, Varani the Second Icewing, Yang, Yin and Story © Me

Kichiro the Magmawing (c) Me and

Peridot © Me and SedrinTheStar on FA

Tenchi © (Co-author/Editor)

Length: 1,589 words. 8,612 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Journeys of Time 7: Dragon of the Fire Ruby Ring

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The journey over the sea and onto the shores of the giant continent had been a blast for Solan as she saw the forests spreading as far as her eyes could see and then open fields where a few other races of inhabitants were getting their crops ready for the upcoming season change. Having to land at times to allow her to take in the surrounding, it was also important for them to teach her everything she needed to know, which did help when a stonescaled wyvern came running by, hunting a strange being with ivy wrapped around its body. Solan found it kind of cute, not understanding that the creature was actually a meal for the giant wyvern.

As they took to the air, it was obvious that Solan was enjoying the wind blowing in her face, something that made Alexander ask, "If you are a Shadowfrost, then why haven't you gotten yourself a wyvern?" Solan seemed to lower her head at the question and the male was about to apologize when she replied, "Because none of the eggs were reacting to me." Alexander could understand the feeling she had, the feeling of rejection. Calmly he lifted his head to look back at her, "I am sure that you just looked in the wrong place."

Feeling a bit better, they could soon see the main building appearing in front of their eyes and Solan's eyes widened at the beautiful scenery as the wyverns slowly dove down and Alexander followed them until they touched the ground and everyone got off their transportation, giving the male enough time to turn back to normal before he was pinned down to the ground by two dragonesses that hugged him, "Daddy!" Alexander laughed and kissed his two daughters on the forehead, "Hey there, kids. Can you please get off your old man? He is getting a bit flat here." Both Yang and Yin got off him before he murred as a maw touched his and he pulled the shark girl closely and then chuckled, "Missed you too, Lyra." The shark girl smiled, "Welcome back home, partner. Missed you."

Solan giggled before she heard Tenchi whistling loudly, "Everyone, come here and meet an actual Shadowfrost member! The lost branch of our tribe." Solan realized she might be busy for a while as she soon had every single member of the tribe around her, all wanting a good look of her. But in the midst of everything, she noticed Janch pulling Hildegaard and Varani with her. Janch's voice became a whisper as she was mentioning something to the other two, their eyes growing wide as saucers when they realized what day it was. Janch waved Sasha in and whispered to her too, Sasha nodding before they left Solan and grabbed Tenchi and Peridot, pulling them both along into the main building.

"What are you doing?" Tenchi questioned them as they finally reached a private room and entered before locking the door. When the door was secured and locked, Janch turned to face Tenchi, who seemed rather annoyed, "Well?" Janch took a seat before sighing, "Tenchi, it has now been officially half a year since you became the prime of the tribe and like every prime before you, it is time for you to meet someone very important. In your case, it is more important than even your own prime coronation."

Tenchi was looking confused before lifting a hand, "Okay, time out. Does it involve any sacrifice?" Janch thinks, "Best answer would be not at this moment as it was made many decades ago." It was then that Hildegaard brought forth a box and put down in front of Tenchi, "As the former prime, it is my duty to now hand this over." Tenchi saw as Hildegaard opened the box to reveal a golden ring inside, a ruby with a fire inside itself was encrusted into the ring. Tenchi looked at it and Hildegaard smiled, "Put it on your left hand." Tenchi was a bit confused and picked the ring up, noticing it was a little thin, "How am I supposed to get this on? It looks so small I cannot even fit a thread through it." Hildegaard sighed, "Just put it on already."

Tenchi did what she was told, noticing the ring adjusting itself to her ring finger on the cybernetic arm, the fire within the ruby soon flaming up before a flame burst out of the gem and onto the floor to reveal a spirit floating in front of her. From what Tenchi could see, it was a male and adding to it, his scales were red like hers, his hair same color as hers, but with ice-blue tips and his eyes were the most reddish-orange color she had ever seen. He was wearing a black cloth vest and a pair of brown cloth pants to cover up his toned body. It was then she heard the ring clicking into place and the spirit looked them over.

Everyone bowed to him, excluding Tenchi who stood in shock from seeing him coming straight out of the ring. The male looked over at Hildegaard and bowed, "Greetings, Hildegaard the Ghostwing. It has been a while since I saw you." Hildegaard nodded, "Yes, apologies for having you wait for so long, but we finally got a new prime." The male turned to face Tenchi and then noticed right behind her a face he had not expected to ever see again, "Oh my. It is you. How did it go?" Sasha leaned forward and grabbed Tenchi by the shoulders, "The result is here, honorable prime male." Tenchi looked shocked still and Sasha spoke up, "Tenchi, remember what you once told me? You have a mother, but you never had someone genetically to be your father and you took Sedrin as your adoptive father."

Tenchi was nodding at the question before Sasha smiled and bowed to the male who spread his big wings, something that made Tenchi's heart nearly stop as he spoke, "Tenchi, was it? I am happy to finally meet you. I am Kichiro Frostclaw, the very first male of the Frostclaw Tribe. And I am your father." Tenchi's heart was beating in joy, but her mind was blocking the emotions, "T-This has to be a joke. A bad joke. I already had to go through a lot of information about my past and everything. So why add more? This has to be a joke." Peridot pinched Tenchi's right arm, making the red dragoness softly whimper before Kichiro leaned in to look into Tenchi's eyes with his own ones, "Well? Aren't you happy to see me?"

Tenchi knew it was true now. He was really her father and he was standing right there. But the mess was not over as soon they had been transported to what seemed to be the wyvern graveyard, Sasha's magic having teleported them there and right in front of a grave, "Let me explain. When you were being made, I was told by Lòeón to get the genetics from the prime male himself. So I had to disturb the grave. Now, it is time for the day to come. Tenchi, speak with your heart when we perform this ritual." Suddenly Gaceia joined them, bowing without a word to Sasha before they lifted a hand over the grave, Gaceia uttering the first words, "Born by frost of the air." Sasha followed her, "Dead by the fire of age." Tenchi lifted her hand to theirs, "Reborn by the love of a child." Gaceia, Sasha and Tenchi seemed to connect by mind as a powerful glow began to form over the grave, their voices ringing out in unison, "RISE, KICHIRO!"

Kichiro's spirit was drawn back into the grave and soon the dirt erupted as Kichiro sat up and took a deep breath before growling, "I am reborn. OW!" Kichiro felt a slap across his cheek as Tenchi growled, "How dare you not be there for me when I was growing up?" Before the male could ask what she meant, Tenchi had already begun to summarize her life for him. Once she was done, Kichiro felt his hair falling over his face, "I... I am sorry that I was not there." Tenchi sat down and just hugged him tightly, wrapping her wings around him as she cried, "I... I am still thankful that I can finally hold you, f... father." Kichiro softly smiled and chuckled, "I will need... a few days before I finally can have it sink in." Sasha smiled and soon saw as Tenchi stood up with Kichiro in a tight hug and Gaceia quickly left and Sasha turned away before Kichiro looked at her, "What is it?" Sasha threw him a set of the same clothes he wore as a spirit and Tenchi finally understood and moved back, shielding her eyes with the wings, "D-Dad! Put some clothes on!" Kichiro began to laugh before slipping the clothes on and Tenchi thought to herself with a smile, "Thank you, mom. This is the best gift ever." She spared no time with pulling both Sasha and Kichiro in closely, hugging them as the sun was slowly setting over the horizon.

The End.

Journeys of Time 8

**Journeys of Time 8: The Test of Loyalty and Respect** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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Journeys of Time 6

**Journeys of Time 6: The Shadow of a Temporal Quilt** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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Journeys of Time 5

**Journeys of Time 5: Forged by Glacial Scars** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is...

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