Tsume's Relaxing Bath

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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Tsume gets home from work after a long week, and decides to make use of some new bath salts she bought a while back. Unknown to the Earth Phoenix, however, the salts are more than they seem...

Story inspired by tierafoxglove's Relaxing Bath comic. Made with permission from the artist themselves.

Tsume stepped through the door to her apartment with a long, tired sight as she wiped the rainwater from her eyes, shivering slightly from the cold dampness soaking her feathers. 'What a day for a thunderstorm to hit,' she thought. While attending to the gardens at Callahan Estates in uptown Unity Falls, Tsume had been caught in a torrential downpour while she was weeding the garden, and her employer who was away on vacation had failed to return her call, so Tsume had been left to continue her work as she could not get permission to leave her shift early on account of the rain. As if to add to an already somewhat stressful week; besides her job keeping her busy she had been called to her parent's house for an 'annual family get together', which was simply an excuse to bring her back to the house as she was literally the only one of her family who did not live at the mansion.

Of course, as always happened, her elder sister Penelope had managed to embarrass her, by asking if she and Volcan were dating 'yet'; Tsume had no romantic interest in her fire phoenix friend -just because Penelope thought he was a keeper didn't mean Tsume did too, but what was really bothersome is that whenever Penelope brought it up, her grandmother would step in by saying that their bloodline should not be corrupted by other species, which was offensive both to Tsume and to Volcan as it embarrassed her and insulted him -fortunately he hadn't been there to endure it.

Her father had not helped by once again, for the millionth time, invited her to move back in to the mansion. Gods could he just not let her go already?! After escaping that little 'get together' though, something even crazier would take place; the following day after she received a call from Brent telling her that there had been I.T.O.U.E activity in the area again, and they responded to an abduction in progress that Brent had intercepted in his armour. So, after being shot at by half a dozen guns and nearly decapitated by an I.T.O.U.E Borg Soldier, the bad guys had unfortunately escaped before they could apprehend them, souring the victory. At least they had saved the child they were after... For the rest of that week it had been scorching hot, only for the sudden downpour that had left Tsume in her current situation -drenched cold, and muddy. Normally she might just use her earth powers to manipulate any dirt off of her, but this time it was mixed with water, and it was harder for her to control something not part of her element, even if it was only half of it. Dirt, rock, plants; yes, mud, the very effort was taxing. "Going to need a shower tonight," she thought aloud as she wiped her talons on the door mat inside, and shut the door behind her. Tsume stepped into her living room, and was heading for the bathroom when something caught her eye; a box on the table in her living room. Something she had picked up while out shopping the other day. Her eyes zeroed in on the label, reading 'Stress relief bath tablets'; apparently guaranteed to take away all of your stress and strain with just one tablet. Sounded like it was exaggerating to her; they were just bath salts after all. But, just the same... "Why not? Incense works for Vinge; might as well give this a try," she said with a shrug as she walked over to the box, picking it up and carrying it with her into the bathroom. Rose petal scented, they were, according to the box; that had been what had drawn Tsume's attention initially. Although she couldn't help but wonder why it was in a store that only served adults; there had even been a sign out front that said 'no minors'. But why? It's not like it had been a smokehouse or a porno store. Whatever, she decided, and shut the bathroom door behind her, flicking on the light and setting the box on the vanity before she started to undress, removing her dirty gardener's work clothes and tossing them into the laundry hamper before moving on to her undergarments, starting with her bra. Her breasts lay limp against her chest as she dropped it into the hamper as well, and finally took off her panties, which was quick to join her other clothes. Now as nude as the day she hatched from her egg, she pulled back the curtain to her bathtub/shower, reached down to the faucet and turned on the water. As the tub filled up, she retrieved one of the tablets from the box, tearing off its wrapper and dropping it under the running water as the tub began to fill, and she was immediately greeted with the smell of morning dew on the rose gardens at her place of work. She breathed in deeply, enjoying the smell, already feeling a little calmer. 'Maybe there is something to this stuff after all,' she thought, and stepped into the bathtub, feeling the hot water soaking her talons as she lowered herself down into the water as the tub continued to fill with water, the smell of roses becoming stronger she settled in, letting the water run until it was up to her chest, where she used her foot to shut off the faucet. She sighed blissfully as she sank into the water, curling her legs back and lounging against the back of the tub, feeling it soak through her feathers and bring warmth to the muscles beneath her tough, earth elemental skin. It was relaxing, just like she hoped; hardly enough to make up for all the stress she had endured that week, but it gave her some relief at least. In her half-dozing state, she was unaware of what was stirring beneath the waters of her bath. The tablet she had dropped in earlier was moving, as though it were alive. As time passes, it began to morph, changing shape as little appendages began to sprout from it, growing from the surface of the little round table to lengths that should have been possible for an object of that size! Even while all this was happening, Tsume remained oblivious to the activity by her ankles, her focus almost entirely on the wonderful smell of roses and on the soothing bath. She stirred slightly when she felt a touch at her foot, thinking maybe she had just bumped into the tablet, but she did feel what almost felt like a hand grabbing around her leg. Her brown eyes shot open, and she was already prepared to kick at whoever had snuck into her bathroom and was trying to assault her, but when her eyes opened, she saw no one standing over her. She froze, still feeling the touching around her leg, and looked down to see something was moving beneath the surface. She opened her legs to star between them, and that's when she saw it. A wriggling mass of long appendages, waving about like a king cobra about to strike out at prey, forming between her legs beneath the faucet of her bath, from right where she had dropped that tablet! "Holy shit!" She screamed, already trying to lift herself out of the bath, but she felt a tug at her leg, and saw the tentacle that had already coiled itself halfway around her calf, and was almost immediately joined by a second one, going for her other leg, as the other ones moved towards her in an arcing fashion, seemingly not in hurry even after her startled reaction, reaching out for her. She defiantly slapped aside the tendril that was aiming for her midriff, grasping the metal bar built into the wall of the bathtub and began to lift herself out, thinking maybe if she could get on her feet she might be able to slip out of the grasp of the tentacles, but the ones coiled around her legs tugged her down again, while another wrapped around her arm; despite their slimy and seemingly boneless anatomy, the tentacles were strong, and though she was quite athletic she could not break free of them. She struggled even as more of them reached out, flinging water everywhere with her thrashing. She slapped at another that was trying to wrap around her middle, but her free arm was quickly seized by another tentacle, and her arms, preventing her from stopping the next ones; two tentacles, overlapping each other, wrapped around her belly, forming several loops over her abdomen, while two more still wrapped around her thighs, leaving her legs completely entrapped by these strange tentacles. She stopped struggling for the moment, once she realized she was trapped, and began to try and assess the situation, her brown eyes darting side to side, studying the tentacles; they didn't seem intent on hurting her, but they were quite insistent with whatever they were doing. "Okay, what the fuck?" She wondered aloud. She looked down as she felt two more lengths creeping along her back, and saw them form a single loop beneath her breasts before one of them reappeared under her arm and then it vanished below her left breast against, only to reappear between both of them as it wrapped around her tit, squeezing it gently. She blushed as she suddenly realized what these tentacles were doing, and swallowed nervously as the second that had crept up her back suddenly wrapped around her neck, forming a single loop but not trying to strangle her. And then, the lengths of the tentacles began to move again, slithering, writhing and undulating all over her body, penetrating through her skin and working the muscles underneath. She could not help but moan at the massage, feeling kinks in her muscles that even professional masseurs would have trouble removing whenever she went to see them. Her left hand let go of the bar on the wall, and she ceased all resistance, deciding to just let the unusual tentacles do as they wanted. More of them continued to envelop her body, the one around her breast forming a second loop around her other while two more pressed their tips against them, as if looking for something to rub. She was a bird, and didn't actually have nipples -her species didn't breastfeed like mammals did, so they had no reason to grow them. That did not mean her breasts were not still sensitive though; the massaging lengths of tentacles sent little shocks of pleasure through her body, and she could not suppress the blush forming beneath the feathers on her face. No living humanoid could touch her in the ways this thing could. Whatever it was, she was enjoying it. When she felt the tentacles trying to part her legs, she welcomed it, letting them spread her open. More tentacles wound around her upper arms and curled beneath her back to support her -only now did she realize they had lifted her out of the tub and halfway up to the ceiling putting her laying flat out with her legs open, and more tentacles creeping towards her nether regions. She felt one of them massaging the lips of her vagina, its smooth texture stimulating her labia and clit with its insistent stroking. She moaned in arousal as it touched her, wiggling her hips against it to try and encourage it further. She doubted these things had any sort of sentience -they behaved as if under some sort of programming, securing their 'victim' and then pleasuring them in ways even a sex pro might not know how to do. Just the same, she was silently begging for it to take her, the teasing and stroking all across her lithe figure leaving her burning with desire. She squealed in delight when she felt the tentacle push itself into her, parting her lips and going deep, sending a jolt of pleasure right through her entire form. She rocked her hips against it as it began to writhe about within her, touching everywhere within her all the way to her natural dead-end, filling her with its length. She arched her back as it pulled out and thrust in again, pushing her breasts into the tentacles already caressing them. "Oh yes! More!" She screamed, desperate for the tentacles to pleasure her further. Between the massages of the tentacles enveloping her body, and the writhing tentacles in her pussy, her body was ablaze with sexual bliss. She could not have believed this kind of pleasure was possible without experiencing it herself. The tendril around her neck undulated and squeezed her neck muscles, the ones on her breasts touching every sensitive nerve within them, and her legs and arms beginning to feel like jelly as all tension was forced from them. She rocked her hips as the tentacle inside her continued its pleasuring, and barely noticed the one aiming for her second hole. By the time she felt it, it had already slid into her pucker and thrust into her rectum, making her tense as she felt herself anally penetrated by the tentacles, but it was quickly forgotten as the pleasure caused by the massaging and penetration overwhelmed all other senses. She arched her back again and lays slack in the grasp of the tentacles, moaning loudly as both of her holes were filled by them The tentacles increased their pace, filling Tsume with their lengths and writhing all about her body, as if in a hurry to finish their work. Each thrust rocked her body, bouncing her breasts in the grasp of the tentacles that continued to squeeze and massage them; her talons and fingers curled as she felt herself being drawn ever closer to climax. She wanted it so much; she thrust her hips back and forth, trying to bring herself to end. The tentacles had reached their fastest tempo yet, writhing deep within her and letting her feel their soft flesh touching her everywhere. Finally, the moment she waited for had come; she was brought to her peak, and let out the longest, loudest moan perhaps she ever had, her female juices gushing over the tentacle deep inside of her pussy, her face flushing with arousal as she blushed a tomato red beneath her green feathers. It was one of the best climaxes she'd ever felt in her life, and had left her ragged and deeply satisfied. She felt the tentacles beginning to recede. She looked down, and saw that they were retracting from her body, and in the process they seemed to be becoming smaller. Through half-lidded eyes, she followed the tentacles back to their origin; to the little tablet they had grown from, noting how it seemed to be getting smaller It appeared that the tablets could only be used once, and then like any other bath salt, they would dissolve. Before they melted away completely, the tentacles had placed Tsume back into the bath water, and before her very eyes, they melted to become part of the water, and with it all of Tsume's stress and worries had seemingly melted away with them. "Wow," she said between breathes as she leaned back in the bathtub, head against the wall. "I don't know who created those things, but that was the best forty dollars I ever spent." She looked past the wall separating her bath from the vanity where the box of salts lay. She grinned as she suddenly had an idea, already feeling mischievous gears turning in her mind.. "I wonder if I could slip these into the baths of one of the other gals?" She wondered aloud, and let out a mischievous snicker at the possibilities...

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