Date with Sickle

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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#1 of Team Valiant Side-Chapters/Spinoffs

(SPOILER WARNING! This story contains spoilers of Team Valiant: Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 10, not to mention Rule 34 Pokemon scenarios. Viewer discretion is advised!)

Following the battle with team Phobia, Luke is invited to dinner by Sickle the Grovyle. But during the date, Luke's troubled past starts to surface and nearly spoils the date for both of them. Determined to salvage it, and help Luke mend his shattered heart, Sickle takes it upon himself to bring life back into the Lucario.

Yeah this is a side-chapter that Korban and I did to fill in the blanks between the chapter of Challenge the Warmachine I recently posted and the next one, regarding the note left for Luke by Sickle.

And as of now I have contributed to the lost innocence of Pokemon :P

When Luke found the note from Sickle underneath his cabin door on the Kyogre's Rest, inviting him for a dinner at a restaurant in town, he didn't know what to think. The note had simply read, "Meet me at the following address, eight o'clock, and let's celebrate your success in making it to the finish. Dinner's on me. Sickle," leaving Luke to decide whether or not to accept the Grovyle's invitation.

After a little thought, Luke figured it would be a good idea to head on over to see what the Grovyle had planned. Reviewing the note over and over, he made his way to the address given to him, making sure to leave with a little time to spare so that he wouldn't be late -especially since he didn't really know his way around Valvatna. Still, on his way to the address he got to take in the sights along the way, admiring the rustic architecture of the town, all of the wooden buildings -some built into hillsides to help stave off the chill of the night and the long winters of the region.

And yet, there was just something about old-fashioned log homes that just seemed so appealing; classic, yet with all the modern conveniences. Were it not for the constant chill of the land, it would be a very nice place to live.

The address led him to the outside of a restaurant, called 'Northern Grill'; a restaurant and lounge, to be exact. He double-checked the address to make sure he had the right one, and looked around for Sickle, but he couldn't see the Grovyle anywhere. "I guess I got here first," he muttered as he folded the note and tucked it away into the leather bag hanging at his hip, and deigned to wait for his friend, watching passersby to see if he could spot the Grovyle among them.

As he stood there, however, he was oblivious to the pair of eyes watching him from around the corner of the building, in a shadowed spot behind him. The owner of the eyes slowly crept up towards the Lucario, not making a sound as they approached, and then lunged, putting his hands over Luke's eyes before asking in a playful tone. "Guess who?"

Luke jumped a bit from the sudden surprise, but he knew that voice, and could not help chuckling at how the Grovyle had managed to sneak up on him. "I should have known it was you," He said, pushing the claws around his eyes away and turning to face his 'assailant'. Surely as the stars above, it was Sickle, grinning back at him as they faced each other.

"Sorry; couldn't resist," he said, sharing in the ginger snickering. "I apologize if it was ill-timed after fighting Team Phobia. How're you doing after that by the way?" He looked Luke over a little, studying him. "You took a pretty big hit from Romulus."

"Still a bit singed, but I'm ok otherwise." Luke returned, blushing a bit. "What's er... what's the occasion? Your note mentioned dinner, right?" He asked.

"Of course," Sickle replied, stepping over to Luke and putting an arm around him. "Since you made it to the finals, I figured a celebration was in order. So, I remember this place," he gestured to the restaurant. "Best cuisine in town; although it may look as rustic as the rest of the buildings around here, the food quality speaks for itself. So, I thought I'd bring you here for a hot, delicious meal."

Luke blushed a bit harder, especially when he felt Sickle's arm around him. "Sickle that's... very kind of you." He said, looking down at Sickle's arm around him but not making any comment. "You didn't have to do this for me, but I appreciate the thought, so... thank you." He said, then figured he'd return the gesture and wrapped an arm around Sickle's shoulder, giving him a one-armed hug of appreciation.

Sickle chuckled. "Just because you kicked my ass in the tournament doesn't mean I don't like you," he returned. "On the contrary; that was a good win. So, why the hell not?" He led Luke into the restaurant, wearing a rather happy smile on his face as they entered the building.

The interior had the look of a tavern from ancient times, though the furniture inside was more modern, built with the handiwork of a professional carpenter but inspired by designs of the current time. Straight ahead was a bar counter with stools, the back wall behind it stocked with actual barrels of different brews, living up to the old-fashioned look of the business and all throughout the room were countless tables and chairs, spread evenly and distributed well to accommodate as many customers as possible without causing a cluttered mess. To the left appeared to be an improvised lounge area, with more luxurious seating arrangements such as couches -although that area already appeared to be full.

Luke looked around as the two of them entered the restaurant. "You... weren't kidding. This place does look a bit rustic." He said. "Maybe if I get the chance, I could help touch this place up a bit."

"Eh, the townsfolk seem to like it," Sickle replied, shrugging. "Bluegrove doesn't even have any restaurants... well not dine-in ones anyway, so I don't exactly know what makes a good looking restaurant myself." He looked over as a waitress -a young Audino- approached them. "Table for two please."

"Certainly," the Audino replied, grabbing some menus from the front desk and leading them to the nearest available seating, placing the menus on either side for them to have their own seating before letting them get settled in. "Can I interest you in anything to drink?"

"Just water for me," replied Sickle. "Can't consume liquor; even light ones."

"Understood," she returned before looking at Luke.

"I'll have water too." Luke returned, nodding to the Audino waitress.

"Coming right up; I'll give you some time with your menus then," she bade before heading to get their drinks and address other customers.

Sickle suddenly snickered. "When Howler, Blaster and I came here, Howler got three orders of the grilled fish; it tasted so good, apparently, he couldn't stop eating until his stomach was full of the stuff."

Luke laughed a bit. "That good huh?" He asked, and then nodded. "I'll give it a try then. I'm a self-taught cook at home, so I'd like to judge it for myself."

Sickle nodded, looking at the menu again and humming to himself. "The berry parfait was really good but... I think I'll try this salad they've got listed here. Anything with Sitrus berries _has_to be good."

"I might have a side of that with the fish." Luke returned, closing his menu and leaning forward. "There's... something I'd like to ask you."

Sickle looked up from the menu. "Yeah? What's on your mind?"

"As Wade and I were out on the field and Wade chose his opponent for the finals, I noticed you staring at me." He stated. "Your look was rather... suggestive, if you don't mind me saying so."

Sickle smiled at him, setting down the menu and letting out a small chuckle before he replied. "Well, at that moment was actually when I decided to leave you that note," he said, a small blush forming on his cheeks. "When I wanted to bring you out for dinner."

Luke stiffened. "Are we... on a date?" He asked, and it was when Sickle nodded in reply to him that the truth hit him like a train. "S-Sickle...are you saying that..." He trailed off a bit.

"Yeah," the grovyle replied. "When I said I liked you, I meant really liked you. To be honest, you've intrigued me since we first spoke to each other, but as the tournament progressed, I saw you in action, and of course our fight, well..." His smile returned but his blush continued to deepen. "That only grew, and then after Volcan beat Romulus... I decided to go for it, and asked you out here."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Honestly, I also picked now because, when the tournament's over, it'd be a long time before I'd get to see you again. So, that, and thinking you deserved a little relaxation and celebration for how far you made it..." he gestured around them with his hands. "Well, here we are."

At that moment, as Luke let Sickle's words sink in, the Audino waitress returned, placing their waters in front of them, before she asked them if they had decided yet, and briefly they put their talk on hold to order their meals. Sickle took the salad as he had decided on before, with Luke -forcing himself not to sound shaky as Sickle's words still filled his mind, ordered the fish and a side of the same salad. When she was gone, their talk was able to resume.

Once the waitress left, Luke cleared his throat and averted his gaze a little. "S-Sickle...I..." He paused, his expression saddening for a little bit before looking to Sickle and smiling a bit. "I'm... extremely flattered, to say the least," he admitted. "I mean... I had a feeling you were interested in me, but... I didn't know you actually... wanted me."

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves yet," the grovyle returned with a chuckle. "But yes... I really wanted to get to know you. You're such an amazing fighter and a great person."

Luke smiled a little more. "Well if it's any consolation...I think you're quite amazing yourself." Luke returned, and then he stood up and moved his seat over so he was sitting next to the Grovyle. "You're pretty sharp minded and quick on your feet, and you're an excellent leader." He praised. "And... honestly, I kind of felt interested too, but I've..." He blushed and looked down in embarrassment. "I've...never experimented like my brother has; I've only had wives..."

"Oh..." Sickle said, blushing slightly but in a more flustered manner this time. "I didn't realize you hadn't been approached by males before... I'm sorry, if this at all awkward."

"Don't be." Luke said, lifting his paw up to touch Sickle's chest. "You didn't know... and... it's never really too late to experiment." He said softly. "I' willing to try, if you are."

Sickle looked at him, smiling back. "Alright," he said. "And maybe when we're done here... I can still have that opportunity to be the 'hero who carries you away'?" He asked, reminding Luke of his last pass at him back in colosseum.

He smiled. "Sure; hell you can carry me away to wherever you desire." He said as he got closer to him. "Erm...may I?" He asked, lifting his arms a bit.

"Sure; I don't care what anyone in here thinks," he replied, scooting closer to Luke as well.

Luke then slowly slid his arms along Sickle's shoulders, still looking into his eyes as he inched closer and started stroking along his body. His blush grew so red, still processing that there was someone interested in him -a male, no less. But, in this heated moment, memories of his tragic past and the tarnished love lives he had were starting to flood back; he tried to keep them hidden in his mind, but they were forcing their way out, as if trying to ruin this moment for him.

'Dammit, please, not now,' he thought, desperately, but his quivering lip and slumped shoulders didn't escape the Grovyle's attention.

"Hey... are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm soryr. I just... it's just been so long since I've been this close to someone; who's actually interested in me." Luke whispered, his voice cracking a bit. "I've missed this feeling..."

"You haven't had anyone else? Excuse me if this question sounds a little too personal, but, how long have you been alone since your last wife?" He asked, his claw gently holding Luke's shoulder.

At that question, Luke's expression saddened even more. "I've...lost count...years at best..." Luke whispered, his paws clenching as he held Sickle's body. "The last break up I had was...very bad..." He added.

Sickle's expression soured a little, looking at Luke sympathetically. "I had no idea," he said. "I'm so sorry, Luke; I never wanted to bring back any bad memories."

By then it was too late. Luke's sadness began to grow more and more prominent, even making him lean forward and rest his forehead against Sickle's. "I-I'm sorry... it just... really hurts thinking about it." He said, trying hard to recover from it all. "I don't want to, but I can't help it; it's like my own mind doesn't want me to savour this moment!"

Sickle put both arms around Luke, hugging him gently and rubbing his head with his cheek a little, unsure of what else he could say to the Lucario. Eventually Luke started to break down and began stifling sobs. "...Damnit..." He whimpered. "It's... not fair... we were so happy... we had a home, a child...why did she go behind my back like that?" He asked. "Why'd she lie to me?!"

As Luke began to cry in Sickle's arms, the waitress returned, seeing the shaking Lucario and eyeing him with concern. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's just... feeling a little under the weather," replied Sickle, lying to save face for the Lucario. "Is it too late to ask for our meals to go?"

"Not at all; I'll tell the chefs to package them for you. They were just about ready."

"Thank you," Sickle replied, turning back to Luke and holding him a little tighter, rubbing his back and gently shushing him.

Luke continued sobbing for a while longer before he brought himself under control, slowly pulling his head back and looking Sickle in the eyes. "I'm... I'm so sorry... I ended up ruining our dinner together," he whimpered, sniffling and rubbing his eyes on his arm.

"It's fine," Sickle assured, caressing Luke's cheek with his claw. "There's always next time." He gently held Luke in his arms again. "I know that some scars take longer to heal than others. For now, we ought to just go back to the ship; I think someone needs a massage and a good night's sleep." He smiled gently at Luke, still rubbing his back in a comforting manner.

Luke closed his eyes and leaned a bit on Sicke's chest, finding some comfort in it as the Grovyle caressed him like he had known Luke for most of his life. Luke then subconsciously started to nuzzle into his chest, displaying just how lonely and desperate he really was...

The waitress returned with their meals in hand, carried in paper bags, and so it was time for them to go. Sickle gently helped Luke get to his feet, leading him over to the front and leaving him just for a moment to pay their bill and collect their meals from the waitress. Sickle apologized for not staying, before he bid her goodnight and rejoined Luke by the front door. "Ready?" He asked.

Luke nodded softly, looking over to Sickle through tear stained eyes. "Yea..." He said. "Uhm... thank you, Sickle, for being so kind to me," He added sheepishly.

"No need to thank me," he returned, leaving the restaurant with him. "Maybe tonight didn't go quite as I planned it, but we can still salvage it." He said, nodding in assurance to him. "Now, if you don't mind?" He asked as he passed Luke their food, before he walked a little behind Luke. And then, very suddenly, Luke's legs were swept out from under him as the Grovyle hoisted him up, supporting his shoulder with one hand and legs with his other, and looking down at him with a sly grin.

"W-whoa!" Luke yelped as he was lifted off his feet, looking back up at Sickle and blushing heavily once more. "Oh... right," he said as he remembered what they discussed earlier. "Uhm...I guess it'd be too cliché to say 'my hero...'?" He asked, placing a paw on Sickle's cheek.

"Not in the slightest," he returned, before he proceeded to carry Luke down the street, heading back to the Kyogre's Rest with the Lucario cradled in his arms.

Luke started to smile a bit, then he suddenly leaned up and kissed Sickle's cheek unexpectedly, and then blushed as he waited to see his reaction as they headed back to the ship. Sickle did not seem to mind it, and actually returned it with a light peck to Luke's cheek, returning his affection.


The streets were mostly empty on their way back to the ship, the only one to see them being a late-shift dock worker who, upon seeing the Grovyle walking up the pier with a Lucario cradled in his arms -a male one at that, stared in confusion, to which Sickle said with the cocky grin of his. "What, are you jealous?" In an 'I don't care what you think' tone of voice and simply carried on, proceeding to the gangplank.

"He wasn't... that weirded out, was he?" Luke asked, looking back to the worker for a moment, then back to Sickle.

"Some people think same-sex couples are 'weird' or 'unnatural'," Sickle replied. "Personally I think they're just narrow-minded."

"I don't see anything wrong with it; my brother Mikhail is homosexual and he lives happily with his boyfriend back in Azure." Luke said. "Ironically enough, his boyfriend is a Sceptile."

"Really?" Sickle asked as they reached the top of the gangplank, and then chuckled. "That is really ironic."

They arrived at Sickle's cabin. The Grovyle had to reluctantly set Luke down so that he could retrieve his card key from the pocket of the back on his hip, inserting it into the lock and sliding it, unlocking the door and proceeding to open it, stepping inside first and switching on the light as he held the door open for Luke.

"Thank you." Luke returned, smiling to Sickle as he stepped inside his cabin, taking in the new environment. The room had been tailored for a grass-type, likely post Sickle's assignment to it; it even had a skylight to feed in light during the day for him to absorb, and a couple of plants that gave the room a fresh scent. Luke sniffed the air and smiled, feeling more relaxed while in Sickle's suite. "It's very nice in here..." Luke commented.

"Yeah; it's a nice home away from home for a little ship cabin," replied Sickle, nodding as he shut the curtains of the window to give them more privacy. "I'll admit, sleeping in a room with _metal_walls was kind of a switch for me. I actually live in a giant tree stump back in Bluegrove."

"You do huh?" Luke asked, intrigued by that bit of news. "I imagine it's pretty spacious for someone so... active." Luke commented, turning to face the Grovyle.

"It took a while to weatherproof it... but hey it's home," he said, facing Luke as well. "What's your house like, back in Azure? I've honestly never been out there; I know where it is but never seen the town itself."

"Well I live underground actually." Luke said. "My best friend built it for me years ago, back when," He paused and trailed off, his ears flattening as he remembered back to that terrible night once again.

Sickle clenched his eyes shut, putting one of his claws against his head. "Wrong question again?" He asked.

"N-no no!" Luke said, walking to Sickle and placing his paws on his shoulders. "It's alright; you're not at fault for anything. It's just... I'm letting the past get to me again, when..." he blushed as he gazed into Sickle's eyes. "When I should be enjoying the here and now, with you; if anything, I feel bad for being unable to let go."

Sickle lowered his claw again, meeting Luke's gaze and giving him a small smile. "Okay... but I'll still try to pick my words a bit more carefully now," he promised, bringing up his arms and placing them onto Luke's shoulders was well, their noses almost touching by this point...

Luke blushed a little harder, practically feeling their snouts touching as they stared at each other. Luke began to feel warm in his chest, making him fidget a bit and gently squeezed the Grovyle's shoulders. "Alright..." He whispered softly.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, silence stretching out until Sickle voiced his next flirtatious question. "Anyone ever tell you that you have magnificent eyes?" He asked.

Luke's heart began beating rapidly after he asked that question. "Y-your eyes...are just as magnificent, Sickle..." He whispered softly. "'re magnificent..."

Their gazes continued to remain locked for a while, but overtime Sickle's expression softened. "So... this is really happening," he said. "Me and you, be it tonight only or for the future."

Luke's expression grew softer as well, his nose gently pressing against Sickle's snout. "I'd... like it to happen," he whispered, bringing his arms tighter around Sickle. "I've never been in a gay relationship before... but my heart tells me that I want this..." He said softly. "...That I need it; to feel loved again." He looked pleadingly at Sickle. "And the one I think can give that to me is sitting right before me.

"Then let me do my part to help make you happy again," the Grovyle returned softly, before he finally went for it, sliding his arms down Luke's body to around his back, and pulling him closer, where he planted a kiss right onto Luke's lips, shutting his eyes as he brought the Lucario closer to him, holding him tightly in his arms.

Luke stiffened and his eyes shot wide open when he felt Sickle's lips against his own, his heart now beating a mile a minute. His expression saddened a bit once more as his mind processed what was happening...and how badly he longed for this...the warmth of Sickle's embrace, the gentleness of Sickle's kiss. He clenched his eyes shut and whimpered, kissing Sickle right back, shuddering as he did.

Sickle was tender and loving in the kiss, pressing into it gently as he felt Luke returning it. He slid one hand up to rest on the back of Luke's head beneath his dreadlocks, while his other rested along Luke's waist, pulling the two of them together with their bodies touching. Luke was already getting into it, kissing Sickle deeper and deeper, is paws sliding along the Grovyle's cheeks, shoulders and sides. He began to tear up during the kiss, pressing as close as he could, his mind only focused on the male in his arms, expressing their feelings for one another.

During their kiss, Sickle felt the cold drip of Luke's tears, instinctively pulling back and looking down at the droplets on his chest, before raising his gaze to look into Luke's eyes. "Luke? You're crying..." He pointed out, and his expression turned to one of guilt. "Was I... was this too much?"

He shook his head. "No ...I'm happy..." He sniffled. "I've... wanted to feel this warmth again for so long, and here you are, giving it to me...the warmth I've longed for many years..." He whimpered. "Sickle...I." He hesitated, feeling the words he wanted to say get caught in his throat. He tried again, but they never came out no matter how much he wanted to say it. Was it because he wasn't sure it was how he felt about Sickle? There was no question he cared about him, maybe in his own way loved him, but did he love him like that?

"Luke," the grovyle began, putting his claws onto Luke's cheeks and meeting his gaze again. "Whatever the future holds for both of us, just focus on tonight. This evening, I will be whatever you need me to... your friend, or your lover. I'm here for you."

Then Luke chuckled a little despite his tears. "Only one night together and already you mean more to me than I originally thought..."

Sickle smiled. "I guess... I just have a gift for making others happy."

Luke leaned close and whispered to Sickle. "I want to savour this.. .you and I," he said. "I want to stay with you tonight, if you want me to as well."

Sickle nodded to him, and then glanced over at his bed briefly before looking back at Luke. "I promised you a massage; I definitely think you could use one," he said.

"I'd appreciate it." Luke returned, wiping his eyes and smiling more back at Sickle.

With that the Grovyle led him over to his bed, grabbing his pillow from the head of the mattress and bunching it up a little before he instructed Luke to lie down, putting it under his stomach to help support him and keep him comfortable, as well as help keep his chest-spike from poking through the bedsheets. When Luke was in a comfortable position, Sickle climbed onto the bed, crawling around to his side and placing his claws upon Luke's shoulder blades, beginning to massage them with the heels of his claws.

Luke moaned in pleasure as Sickle got to work on his back, flexing his shoulders a bit as the Grovyle applied pressure. "Oohh... that feels good."

"Just tell me where you've got some sore spots, and I'll work 'em all out," offered Sickle, applying just the right amount of pressure, as if trained to do this kind of work, finding all of the most likely places where muscles might knot and using his palms to work them loose.

"M-my lower's a bit sore." Luke moaned softly and rolled his head a little, smiling as he felt all his aches melt away. "You're really good at this, almost like a trained professional..."

"Well not quite... but you're not far off," the Grovyle began, relocating his hands to Luke's lower back. "See... before I started volunteering at Kima's orphanage, this is what I was hoping to do on the side when not on missions; always liked working with my hands ever since I was a Treecko. Had an easier time doing massages then too, since my fingers were less..." He lifted up one claw and flexed the digits of his hand. "...Sharp. Now they're more meant for climbing than massaging, but I found a way to make it work."

"Well I'd say you still got it," Luke said, turning his head back and smiling up at Sickle happily. "Consider me your first customer since then."

Sickle chuckled. "Alright; first visit's complimentary then," he joked, winking down at Luke. "Especially for a very handsome Lucario."

Luke could not stifle a light laugh at Sickle's pick-up line. "Quite the business you have here, run by such a good-looking Grovyle," he jokingly flirted back at Sickle. "Do you come with the massage package?"

Sickle chuckled as he began one long, pressured rub up Luke's back with his palm heels. "Well, seems my flirting is 'rubbing' off on you," he said, before he scrunched his face up slightly but didn't lose his smile as he snorted with laugher. "Okay, bad. That was bad and I know it. Flirting I can do, puns I cannot."

Luke laughed a bit, pushing himself up on his paws more and looking back at Sickle. "I thought it was funny."

Sickle chuckled back. "Well that makes one of us," he returned.

"Hey, at least you tried." Luke said, arching his back a little more and nuzzling Sickle lightly.

Sickle chuckled at him. "Yeah," he replied. "Now," he made an upwards motion with his hands. "Roll over onto your back; it's a little easier for what I'm going to do next." He bade as he scooted towards Luke's feet, rubbing his claws together.

"Alright," he returned, rolling over onto his back as instructed, still keeping his gaze on Sickle as he shifted positions with the pillow under his back now. "I'm ready."

With that Sickle reached down and grasped one of Luke's feet, lifting it up and resting it on his thigh to keep it elevated, before he began to use his thumbs to massage the pawed underpads, controlling how he applied pressure so as not to poke Luke with his tree-climbing claws, and began to rub them, forcing his toes apart as he pushed deep into the muscles. As he worked, Luke became aware of aches he didn't even know he had, which flared up now and just as quickly began to ebb away with Sickle's handiwork. Had Luke had these aches for so long that he had grown accustomed to them, and simply ignored them? Either way, now the Grovyle was massaging them away with his touch, working those muscles loose and ebbing the aches away.

Luke moaned as he felt those aches melt away, flexing his feet and curling his paws back against his chest. "Damn... I didn't even know I had aches there." He said softly.

"With all that running, jumping and kicking about you do it's a wonder you can even stand on these feet without them hurting," Sickle commented, finishing with the first foot and moving on to the second.

"I guess I just got used to it over time." Luke returned, sighing in content as Sickle got to work on his other foot, feeling the aches melt away there as well. "I already feel like a new Pokémon..."

Sickle chuckled. "I'm doing a good job then," he said as he moved his claws from Luke's feet and began to massage his leg the same way, starting at the ankle and working his way up the calf.

"No; you're doing a phenomenal job Sickle... in fact you've done more for me than I could ever ask of you tonight," Luke complimented. "You... really are amazing."

The Grovyle chuckled at him, continuing to work his leg. "You keep that up and I'm going to be the one blushing," he remarked.

Luke then sat up and chuckled. "Maybe that's the idea... handsome," He whispered.

The Grovyle couldn't hold back his laugh this time, and then lifted his hands up to Luke's shoulders as he moved in closer to him, their noses almost touching once again. "I thought that was _my_line," he said in jest.

"It can be both our lines," Luke whispered, rubbing his snout romantically along Sickle's.

"Fair enough," Sickle replied, leaning into Luke's rubbing before he slid his head forward and flickered out his long tongue, caressing a tender spot on Luke's neck with it as he slid it along above the rim of the scarf wrapped loosely around Luke's neck, before he slid one of his hands over to it, before pausing. "Is it okay to take this off?" He asked, making sure he had permission first as he had a feeling that the scarf had some value to Luke.

"Yea, sure." Luke returned, giving Sickle a nod. "You're probably wondering why I wear it in the first place."

"Well, partly," Sickle replied as he slowly removed the scarf from Luke's neck, setting it aside. "It's just looks like it's pretty worn, so I just thought maybe it was a gift you didn't like parting with."

"It's actually a symbol of my one vow," Luke returned. "Of course, it didn't start out that way at first. It used to be a way of identifying who was on my team long before I started Team Valiant." Luke then closes his eyes, his paw rubbing Sickle's chest. "Nowadays... I wear it to ensure I never break my vow."

Sickle nodded in understanding, casting a glance at the black armband around his the bicep of his right arm -one of a pair that he wore, bearing his team's logo on it, the green, crossed kama blades. "I think I can understand that," he returned. "The kama on our team emblem is normally a tool for harvest, but in the right hands, it can be a weapon, and this symbol stands for our motto." He looked back at Luke. "'From humble beginnings and simple lives, a hero that may make a difference can rise'." He chuckled. "If you can believe it, Howler wrote that."

"He must have remarkable penmanship, for one without opposable thumbs," Luke commented. "As for our emblem... there's really no meaning behind it. We do have a sort of motto though, but we rarely ever say it." Luke returned. "As for my vow," he grew a little more serious. "I wear this scarf to remind me that everyone deserves a second chance, and that no matter what, I mustn't take a life and to this day, I've maintained that vow ever since." He stated.

"Nearly all rescue teams take _that_vow," Sickle stated. "To kill only as a final resort; to defend your own life or that of another. But it looks like you take it even further than that." He smiled. "I can respect that dedication. I've yet to take a life either; I always find another way."

"In that regard we have something in common..." Luke returned, nuzzling his snout warmly. "You know... I have to admit... spending this time with you here." He blushed. "It feels...right."

Sickle smiled, leaning in and kissing Luke's neck on that same tender spot he had licked before. "I feel the same," he said as he pressed into that spot, kissing it sensually.

Luke closed his eyes and let out a moan, leaning his head to the side as Sickle played with his neck. "S-Sickle." He whispered, his paw riding from Sickle's chest to his cheek.

Sickle continued to pleasure that spot with his kisses, moving himself closer to Luke until he began to lay him back down. As soon as Luke was on his back, Sickle drew back his head, staring down at him briefly before he dove in and went right back to kissing him, bringing his hands up behind Luke's back and holding him as their lips were pressed together once more. Luke moaned even louder when he felt Sickle pin him back down to the bed and kiss him once again. Once more Luke began to tear up, shedding more tears of joy, his paws exploring Sickle's body and pulling his lovely lizard even closer to him.

Their kissing soon turned to straight-up making out with one another, becoming vigorous in their caresses and pressing their bodies together, even rolling about on the bed a little in a manner of play-wrestling, but only ever breaking contact to breathe. Otherwise, they remained locked together, limbs wrapping around each other so that they could not be pulled apart. The Grovyle purred in his throat as he kissed Luke, loving every moment of being this close to him, and pleased in that he was making the Lucario feel happy again.

Luke began panting heavily through his nose as their make out session grew more intense, his paws clinging tightly to Sickle, as if letting go of him would mean losing him for good. All too soon, though, the Grovyle broke the kiss, but did not stop expressing his affection to the Lucario, moving to kiss his neck instead as he slid himself down Luke's body, leaving a trail of little pecks all the way down to his chest, where the Grovyle bit onto the spike, going for the root where he knew a sensitive spot was located.

Luke let out a sharp gasp as Sickle bit on his chest spike, arching his back and... surprisingly turning him on, as Sickle felt something poking his thigh below. Without even looking, the Grovyle let out a snicker as he lifted his head from the spike. "Just as I thought," he said, rubbing the spike a little with his paw before he pinned Luke back under him resumed lowering himself down Luke's body, kissing his belly several times as he descended.

"Y-yea, it's surprisingly tender around the root," Luke whispered back down at Sickle as he descended down his body. "You're... really good at this."

"Being trained as a masseur I'm taught all the tender spots," he returned, his face getting ever closer to Luke's intimate areas. "Even some specific only to certain Pokemon. Like the roots of your spikes."

Luke lifted his head up to look down at Sickle, seeing him get close to his crotch. "In that case, I know who to come back to for more massages..."

"Ah, but that's only one of my talents," the grovyle said cockily as he found himself staring down at Luke's malehood, already beginning to emerge from his canine sheath and licked his lips at the sight of it. "When we fought, I promised you a fight you'd never forget," he said as he lowered himself down, laying down on his belly before running that reptilian tongue along the sensitive underside of Luke's cock. "Now I'm going to reiterate that, and promise you a night you will never forget." He finished this with a tender kiss to the side of the stiffening member, arousing Luke further.

"Ahh~!" Luke suddenly gasped as he felt the Grovyle lick along his tongue, making him shudder and squirm in pleasure. "S-Sickle!" He whimpered, his shaft erecting all the way to full mast after only a few slow licks.

With that, the Grovyle poised his head over Luke's member, but didn't start right away. He slid his arms under Luke's thighs, lifting his legs up so that they were enclosed around Sickle's elongated neck, and crossing his legs over his back as he slid closer. The Grovyle then opened his mouth, that long reptilian tongue, in a display of muscle control, wrapping around the sensitive length as he lowered himself down to it, enveloping it in the wet muscle all the way to the root before he closed his mouth around Luke's cock and began to suck.

Once more, Luke started groaning and panting passionately, squirming and arching his back as Sickle sucked him off. Luke's eyes rolled back in their sockets as he felt the pleasure build up in his crotch. "This... S-so good!" Luke whimpered out, at this point barely able to form coherent sentences.

Sickle rumbled in his throat again, the vibrations transferring to his tongue and giving Luke a vibrator sensation around his member, while the Grovyle continued to suck, slipping his arms around to the front of Luke's bushy thighs and holding onto to him tightly to keep him steady while the grovyle worked him. His shaft twitched in Sickle's mouth, then began to dribble pre into his mouth the more he sucked on his canine shaft, indicating he was getting closer to his release.

"S-sickle...! I...can't...hold it!" He hollered.

Sickle was quite surprised to find Luke was already so close; a testament to just how pent up and needy the Lucario was, he felt. He decided to double his efforts, sucking him harder and tightening his coiled tongue around Luke's shaft, sending his nerves into overload as he brought him to his peak. The Lucario's shaft twitched harder before he finally let out a howl of ecstasy and climaxed heavily into Sickle's mouth, filling him with all of his pent up load.

Sickle kept his mouth locked around Luke's shaft as the Lucario's seed filled it, coating both his mouth and that of Luke's member with the fluids, before he slowly lifted himself off, unravelling his tongue and leaving the Lucario's length a sticky wet mess. What remained in his mouth, however, he tilted his head back and swallowed, staring up at Luke from between his legs.

"Someone really needed that," he said. "You were very pent up. I'm skilled, but I'm never made another male blow his load that fast before."

Luke panted, taking a few moments to collect himself as the euphoria left his body. "I've.. .been rather inactive sexually since my last wife." Luke said, looking down at Sickle; a longing gaze present in his eyes as their eyes met.

Finally, Sickle sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his claw and licking off the fluids remaining on top of it, grinning at Luke. "You do taste pretty good though," he said.

"I-I do?" He asked, a bit stunned to hear that. "I've... never had anything like that said to me before"

Sickle chuckled as he crawled up to make eye contact with Luke again. "And you're still easily flustered," he remarked, leaning down and kissing his neck again.

Luke moaned again, tilting his head to the side as Sickle kissed along his neck, his paws lifting up and exploring the Grovyle's body as he played with his sensitive neck once more. "Oh Sickle~" he whispered happily. "You're so amazing. I want to take this further..."

Sickle pulled back his head to look at Luke in the eye. "You mentioned before you'd never been with a male before me," he said. "It can hurt the first time... you sure you're ready?"

"I'll endure it," Luke whispered, looking him square in the eyes. "Please Sickle...fill me with your love." He pleaded.

Sickle stared at him for a short moment as if assessing him, before the Grovyle looked down towards his crotch. Luke felt Sickle's claw around his member again, giving him another shudder of pleasure as he ran his hand around Luke's cock, lifting as much of the fluid left behind as he could, and using it to lubricate his own reptilian member, making sure to coat as much as possible before he began to reposition himself, placing his claws at Luke's sides and bringing their hips together, forcing Luke's legs apart until he felt something prodding at his rear entrance.

Sickle made eye contact with him again. "I'll try to be gentle," he promised. "Now... take a deep breath and try to relax. Hold onto me for support if you need to." He instructed the Lucario, getting him ready for his first penetration.

Luke nodded, leaning up and wrapping his arms around Sickle's neck, pressing his forehead to the Grovyle's and staring into his yellow eyes, giving him a small nod to give Sickle the ok. "...Do it." He whispered. "Please..."

"Okay," Sickle returned, and shut his eyes as he slowly began to push forward, his hands trailing down to Luke's backside to hold him, lifting and spreading him a little more as the tip of the Grovyle's cock pushed into his pucker, beginning to enter him; of course he felt the sharp pain of the stretching as more of Sickle's length entered him, but he was going slowly, doing his best to keep the pain at a tolerable level as Luke adjusted to the intrusion.

Luke's eyes clenched tightly shut, his teeth gritting together as he felt Sickle's shaft push into his rear. He let out a pained grunt, clinging hard to Sickle, but doing nothing to stop the Grovyle as he continued to push in slowly. He growled as he endured the pain.

"Just breathe; you're doing great," Sickle whispered comfortingly as he opened his eyes and looked down at Luke. He leaned down and gently kissed that tender spot of his neck again, trying to ease his pain while more of the Grovyle's length invaded his depths.

"I-I'm ok..." Luke whispered back, opening his eyes to gaze back into Sickle's eyes before his neck was kissed once more. His paws explored Sickle's back again and he even kiss along his neck in return. "...Such a magnificent male," Luke whispered.

Then, as Sickle was almost rooted into Luke's passage, he touched a spot that sent a wave of pleasure through Luke; he would never have even known such a thing was there were it not for what was happening at that moment. As soon as Sickle heard Luke moan in response, he smiled down at him. "There it is," he said, softly.

"T-there what is?" Luke asked after recovering from the pleasured wave that passed through him.

"The pleasure center that allows males to really enjoy themselves," replied Sickle. "It's a small area, but for most it's usually in the same place. Once they get used to each other, intercourse like this can become pleasurable instead of painful."

"It sure... feels pleasurable," Luke whispered, and then smiled almost drunkenly. "Now I see why Mikhail loves this kind of thing."

Sickle smiled at him, touching the tips of their snouts together once more. "It's only the beginning," he said. "You ready for what comes next?"

Luke nodded. "I am..." Luke replied. "Claim me, Sickle..."

With that, Sickle went in for another kiss, bringing his lips to those of Luke's again as he pushed the rest of his body forward, his knees pressing against Luke's backside and supporting him as he was partly lifted off the bed, while Sickle's hands guided Luke's legs to wrap around the Grovyle's body, to better support himself.

When Sickle was able to bring his hands back to Luke's hips and hold him there for support, he began to slowly pull his member back, stopping just before the tip before he pushed back in again, faster this time, and struck that pleasure spot in Luke's passage with the first thrust. He slowly exhaled through his nostrils in the process, loving the tightness of the Lucario's virgin rear...

Luke kissed Sickle back with an unrelenting passion, his tongue almost forcing its way past the Grovyle's lips and sliding along with his long, reptilian tongue. He clenched hard around Sickle's shaft as he thrust harder into him in a vain attempt to try and keep it in there, finding great pleasure from being taken from the rear. He pulled back from the kiss and panted.

"I guess..." He began. "...that I was really homosexual all along...huh...?"

"There's a thing called... bisexual," the Grovyle returned between thrusts and gasps. "You can like both genders. Even I can admire a female... but I just love the passion of males." He said as he continued to gently thrust into Luke, kissing his neck again. "Ah... you're so tight."

Luke panted harder from the kiss to his neck, dragging his paws down Sickle's back. "It feels really nice actually..."

Sickle could think of no other words to form, his entire focus on pleasuring his Lucario lover as he rested his head against Luke's shoulder, thrusting into him harder this time, striking that pleasurable spot with just a bit of roughness, feeling great pleasure himself. "Ah...!" He gasped, loving every moment of this.

Luke seemed to be sharing the same kind of feelings, as he tightened his hold on Sickle and clenched tighter around his shaft, kissing harder along Sickle's neck until he was practically biting him passionately, leaving light teeth marks along Sickle's long neck. Sickle was needing to breath faster as time progressed, eventually inhaling through his nostrils was no longer enough, and he began to pant through his mouth, exhaling every time he thrust his length into Luke again, his cock throbbing with pleasure as he started to feel the pressure building within.

Luke released Sickle's neck and panted heavily from his mouth as well, letting out a moan with each thrust dealt to him, also bringing him closer and closer to his second climax. He held Sickle around his waist tightly with his legs, and his paws gripped the Grovyle around his back, clutching onto him tightly.


"Sweet Palkia you feel amazing!" Sickle exclaimed, already leaking some precum from his tip as his climax drew closer, his thrusts now almost rapid; were the bed not bolted to the wall it would be shaking violently from their exchange of passion; even now it was still squeaking in protest beneath them as the Grovyle's thrusts became more vigorous.

"H-Harder! Faster!!" Luke begged his Grovyle love. "Make me really feel your love!" He added, leaning in and taking another bite along his neck.

Sickle could hold back no longer; after three strong, hard thrusts, Luke felt the Grovyle climax, his seed spilling into the Lucario's passage and filling him as Sickle threw back his head and screamed in ecstasy. "YES!" Was the only word he could coherently form his entire body tensing with pleasure.

Luke also hollered out passionately as he felt his rear fill up with Sickle's seed, his own shaft releasing his second climax all over Sickle's chest. Luke hollered his name passionately as they climaxed together, shuddering in the Grovyle's arms heavily.

Drunk with passion, Sickle dove in and kissed Luke again, hard and happily, as they basked together in their combined pleasure, his hands reaching up to hold Luke's face in his claws while they rode out the wave of ecstasy filling their bodies. Luke dove back in as well without thinking, making out just as happily with Sickle, his paws sliding up and down his back a bit before resting at his sides, panting heavily through his nose. When finally the pleasure began to subside enough they could think clearly again, they pulled apart slowly, Sickle staring down into Luke's eyes with a loving gaze.

"For your first time, Luke... that was fantastic. You were very brave, and very passionate."

"You were very passionate as well..." Luke whispered back, his gaze locked entirely into Sickle's. "...Let's do that again someday."

Sickle grinned at him. "Sure, and next time you can do me instead; see what it's like taking a male yourself."

He blushed happily. "I'd like that very much," he returned, losing all of his earlier shyness and hesitation in the heat of the moment reaching up and touching Sickle's cheek warmly. "Sickle... you have my sincerest gratitude...if there's anything I can do for you in the future, tell me...I'll drop whatever I'm doing and bolt straight on over to you."

Sickle chuckled, beaming at Luke. "I appreciate that. But never forget your own responsibilities too," he pointed out. "I'll happily spend time with you anytime you want, but we're still captains of Rescue Teams."

"I comes first." Luke agreed.

"Just the same, if business ever brings you near Bluegrove, drop by my place," he said. "I can introduce you to some of that Bluegrove Honey I told you about before. Maybe..." He grinned, trailing over himself with a finger. "Pour a little over me while you take a taste." He suggested, a mischievous grin on his face.

Luke chuckled. "You dirty lizard," He replied, grinning back at him just as mischievously. "I can't wait to try that."

Sickle leaned down and kissed him again, even as he pulled his length out of Luke's passage as his reptilian member returned to its sheath between his legs as the arousal and adrenaline began to fade away. With that, he laid down next to Luke, putting an arm around him before breaking the kiss again and peering into his eyes.

"Whatever the future holds for us -whether this is a one-time thing, or the start of something else," he stated as he rested his head on top of Luke's. "I'll never forget this night I spent with you."

"Nor will I, Sickle," he returned, stroking the Grovyle's cheek lightly as they lay together. "You've made one very lonely Lucario very happy tonight."

With that, Sickle reached down for the blanket, pulling it over the two of them before he wrapped his arms around Luke, once more placing his head on top of his lover's, chin resting between Luke's tall ears, and holding him gently as they lay together in the warm darkness of the room -compliments of Sickle spitting a bullet seed at the light switch to shut it off. They bid goodnight to each other, and simply lay there, wrapped in one another's limbs and basking in their shared warmth as they drifted off to sleep.

Luke wasn't sure if there was a future for him and Sickle... something in his mind told him that he loved the Grovyle, but wasn't quite in love with him. Based on what the Grovyle had said, he was fully prepared for that possibility. But whatever was to occur, in that moment of the night, Luke wanted nothing more than to stay there with the Pokémon who had reignited the love in his heart...

Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 10: The Fearsome Team Phobia

The time had come... The Semi-Final battle between Team Valiant and Team Phobia was about to begin. This was the battle that would determine whether or not they advanced to the tournament finals to gain the honour of battling Team Warmachine in the...

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Sneak Preview: New Os-Nadarra story (Improved version)

Avolon. The island city of the northern regions, surrounded on all sides by the Sea of the Raven, named for the ruling family -the Lo'Ravens. It was a city of foggy weather, of brilliant inventions like floating airships that carried themselves...

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 9: To be the Greatest...

Morning arrived, and so too did the semi-finals of Team Warmachine's competition. The single division would have its match first, giving the teams more time to prepare; the final contestants, battling for the honour of taking on one of Team...

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