Beelining 'Challenge the Warmachine'

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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Due to the story arc being close to its conclusion and the fact that it takes me less time to edit avatar?user=329809&character=0&clevel=2 Korban and I's collaboration than it does to write an entire chapter of Beyond the League, I've decided I'm going to focus on the last two chapters of Challenge the Warmachine so that I can finish this arc and leave my attention wholly on other projects. So, be on the lookout; the last two chapters are coming soon :)

Date with Sickle

When Luke found the note from Sickle underneath his cabin door on the Kyogre's Rest, inviting him for a dinner at a restaurant in town, he didn't know what to think. The note had simply read, _"Meet me at the following address, eight o'clock, and let's...

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 10: The Fearsome Team Phobia

The time had come... The Semi-Final battle between Team Valiant and Team Phobia was about to begin. This was the battle that would determine whether or not they advanced to the tournament finals to gain the honour of battling Team Warmachine in the...

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Sneak Preview: New Os-Nadarra story (Improved version)

Avolon. The island city of the northern regions, surrounded on all sides by the Sea of the Raven, named for the ruling family -the Lo'Ravens. It was a city of foggy weather, of brilliant inventions like floating airships that carried themselves...

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