The SVA Stud Fair

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A shorty story showing off a new setting that I intend to work into a few more stories.

The SVA Stud Fair

It was about noon when Jeff finally pulled up to the new fair grounds he had heard about, the tall solid metal walls hid all that was inside. He parked his car and make his way up to the big door's ticket booth. He could feel a slight blush crossing his muzzle when he spotted the hefty lion inside. "I- I'd like a ticket to get in." He rubbed a paw over the back of his head as the lion stood up.

"Oh you wanna get inside hm? Let me see your ID to make sure you are old enough pup." The lion flicked his tail lightly his eyes glued to Jeff's movements.

"Um yeah here." Pulled out his wallet and slipped his ID across the small counter top to the lion. He waited and watched as the large feline looked it over and made a few comparisons between the two.

"I'm sorry to say it but fake ID's don't let you get in to see the fair." The lion said with a wide smile. "You thought I wouldn't notice?"

"Huh!? what is wrong with it?" He blinked a bit in confusion. The lion waved him a little closer, he leaned in slightly only to yip when the lion leaned in and kisses his lips, the feline's strong arms wrap tightly around his form hoisting him off the ground slightly.

"Oh nothing, but I think they missed the part about you being a good kisser an all that." He said with a soft purr before setting the husky down.

Jeff was floored at the sudden kiss, his muzzle feeling red hot to the touch. "I um... I see." he held out his paw for the ID card only to yip in surprise when the lion leaned out over the small open window pinning his arm in place under that big soft belly.

"How about you stay and play with me little pup?" He said with a smile his muzzle lightly pressed to Jeff's neck as he spoke.

He shuddered and squirmed lightly only to shudder when he felt the lion's tongue rub up over his neck. "I- I'd like to see a bit more of the fair before I make a decision." He blushed a deep red.

The lion chuckled and nodded before slowly pulling back to take a seat on his chair "Hehe it's not like I can keep visitors here with me anyway. I have a job after all." He smiled and slipped the ID back to the husky. "See you around little fella." He said with a purr as he pushed a button to retract the gate.

Jeff blushed and made his way through the large metal door and started to look about the large fairgrounds. He spotted a few rides and more than a few game stalls. He had just about settled on a ride to go try when a large husky strolled up the main path, more than a foot taller than he was, he eyed up the big canine's well muscled arms and legs along with that big white furred belly.

"Ya know a picture would last longer pup."

Jeff blinked a bit before looking down when he realized he had been staring at the taller husky. He kept his eyes to the ground before spotting the other canine's feet in front of his own. He looked up just in time to see those two strong arms wrap tight around him, squeezing him to that soft furred belly.

"I didn't say you had to look away." He said with a playful chuckle before sticking his tongue out at the little fella. "My name is Russ, it's nice to meet ya pup."

"J-jeff... it's um my name." he gulped softly and slowly wrapped his arms around the larger male's belly. "It's nice to meet you too Russ." He let out a soft groan when he was squeezed tight, only to yelp when he was released.

"Hehe Well Jeff I hope that we can play together." Russ pointed down to the one articale of clothing he had on, a blue speedo with the black bold print of the word 'Prize' across it.

Jeff blinked a bit in confusion "Huh... is the prize in there?" He rubbed over the back of his head before Russ would chuckle and wrap an arm around him.

"Nah they don't really hand out the normal kind of prizes here at the stud fair." He pulled Jeff along to the first stand he found, it was a ring toss game, the fox running it looked as big if not bigger than Russ.

"Can I interest either of you in a game or two?" The fox said with a smile before pointing at the prize wall, instead of stuffed animals or other toys the whole wall was filled with various tickets each with a name and a time on it ranging from 30 minutes to an hour.

"Um so I just need to get a ring on a peg to win some time with a prize?" Jeff asked looking at the target, a circular board with pegs all over it.

Russ chuckled "Sort of each game is different, with this one if you get a peg on the outter ring of the target you can pick from the 30 minutes tickets, and if you get the peg in the center you can get an hour one. Always check to make sure they got the prize ya want though." The husky pointed out an empty prize hook with the label Russ on it. "Though I bet the fox here would love your money for trying."

The fox chuckles "Yeah I wouldn't mind the cash though if you honestly won and I didn't have the ticket you wanted I'd refund your money. I'm not that bad." He lets out a soft yelp when Russ grabbed up a ring and slips it onto the bulge of his cock inside his speedo.

"I got it on a peg, what do I win?" Russ asked with a playful smirk only to jump lightly when the fox groped his tush.

Jeff watched on blushing slightly as the two groped and played with one another before Russ pulled back. "Can I join in?" He asked while rubbing over the back of his neck.

The fox chuckled "I'd say yes but Russ is still a prize for the day, it would be unfair to others if we took up too much more of his time." He waved the big canine off before leaning over to give Jeff a gentle hug. "You little huskies are so cute." He said with a gentle squeeze.

He blushed softly and gently hugged the fox back "Is everyone here into hugging and nuzzling?" He asked politely.

"Well most if not all the staff are and the prizes most certainly are. Do you not like that much?" The fox asked before pulling back from Jeff.

"Oh uh no it's not that I just didn't know if I should expect it a lot here or not." he rubbed over the back of his head again. "Any chance you know of where a ticket for Russ might be?"

The fox tilted his head as he thought on the question "I can't say for sure but I think I saw one over at the dunk tank."

Jeff blinked lightly "Oh? and how much is a game at the dunk tank?" He asked before pulling out his wallet to check his funds for the day.

"Well it's usually about ten dollars per game, though if you opt to be the person up on the seat in the dunk tank and the next few guests miss you can win a ticket for free."

The husky blinked a bit at the option "Which way to the dunk tank?" He asked politely a light blush over his muzzle as he looked up to the large fox.

"Just head down the main strip here and you'll spot it I'm sure." He sighed lightly and rubbed the back of his head "Though maybe I'll see you about for a game here?"

"Um maybe. What's your name? I'm Jeff." He said with a polite smile.

"I'm Terry, it was nice to meet you Jeff." He leaned over the counter of his game to give the husky another gentle hug.

Jeff blushed and gently hugged back before slipping his paws down to give the fox's rump a playful squeeze those doughy cheeks squished pleasantly in his paws before he tore away and dashed from Terry.

"Oh you evil little husky!" Terry called out in a playful tone.

Jeff made his way down the fair's mid way looking over the few and rides a light blush across his face when he'd spot a prize or two snuggling or hugging whoever had won them. When he stepped up to the large blue dunk tank a small fennec fox was seated on a stool just in front of the dunk tank.

"Oh hello there, Did you stop by for a game?" The little fennec fox said with a smile.

"Um yeah I am, I heard you could win tickets for free here if you just survive a round as the person up on the seat?" He looked over the little fellow curiously.

"Yep hehe only got a few more of them though." He pointed to a small ladder up to the seat over the dark blue liquid. "Just go ahead and take a seat and if the next fellow up doesn't win, you do."

Jeff rubbed the back of his head "Is there a spot to leave my phone and such?" He asked while looking into the dark blue mass.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that, it's more like jello rather than water your stuff will be fine." The fox said with a smile.

The husky climbed up and moved to take a seat out on the board held up by the mechanism attached to the large target.

The fennec smiled and started to call attention to the game "Take a shot to win a prize, dunk the husky!" He kept it up until a cat walked up,the black furred feline smiled and paid for a round.

"Please miss." Jeff thought to himself as the first ball whizzed past the target and smacked the wall behind it. "Come on just two more." He curled his toes and got ready for the sudden plunge when the second ball ended up hitting just under the target. "Jus-" he didn't get to finish the thought as the third ball smacked the target, a loud ding ringing out before the seat slid out from under him and plunged him deep into the goo.

"Now go ahead and claim your prize." The fennec fox said while guiding the cat to the wall of tickets.

Jeff grumbled lightly as he watched through the gooey mess only to yelp when he felt the mass move and start to rub over him. "What the f-" he was silenced by a gooey tendril while more reached out from the mass to pry his clothes off, soon leaving him naked as the blueberry scented goo covered all but his head which was in a bubble of goo.

"Hehe hello there." A face the shape of a tiger's made itself out of the walls forming the bubble around the husky's head. "I uh... who are you?" He asked while trying to squirm free only to have the gooey creature double up on it's efforts to keep him held in place.

"I'm Jake the little fennec fox outside made me, his name is Trevor." The gooey tiger let out a soft purr making his entire form ripple and vibarte over the husky's form before starting to shift and grind teasing the husky's sheath and rump.

"Ohhh... what are you gonna do to me?" He asked while shifting about slightly only to moan when a gooey tendril pushed up and into his rump.

"I'm just supposed to tease and please anybody that falls inside so even the losers of this game get to have some fun." He started to rub the tendril in and out while lightly rubbing and squeezing the husky's sheath and slowly eases that length free from it.

Jeff moaned and started to shift his hips trying to thrust into the goo's grip. "this is... is kinda a first for me." He panted only to blush a deep red as the tiger's face got closer and kissed his lips while he kept up his motions thrusting and panting before bucking hard and starting to cum into the gooey mass. "That... that was lovely." He panted before letting out a soft yelp as he felt the goo start to pump and eases its way up and into him, his belly swelling. "I don't wanna churn you up!" he clenched hard to try and stop it.

"Hehe don't worry I'm pouring a bit of inert goo up and into you, I don't have any control or influence over it so it won't hurt me to feed you with it." Jake said with a soft chuckle as he started to massage Jeff's big belly.

"Mmm... okay." he blushed and relaxed in the goo's grip "So... how long are you gonna keep me?" He asked before letting out a loud yawn.

"How about until after your nap? I'll let you out after that. If anyone else drops in I'll take care of them in there own little section of me." Jake said with a purr.

The husky nodded and closed his eyes as the soft mass cradled him and kept him comfy as he nodded off to sleep.

Jeff slowly opened his eyes some time later before tilting his head about the dark blue that had surrounded him slowly lifted him up, he blushed lightly when he was lifted up and out of the mass of goo the tiger forming up and out of the pool like mass of himself. "Where are my things?" he yipped and covered himself as he was set on the ground.

Jake slowly pulled the husky's clothes up and through his form before leaning down to help the husky into his shorts and shirt only to chuckle when the shorts refuse to to slip up over the husky's now fattened backside. "Hehe whoops, must have fed you a bit too much."

Jeff yelped and kept himself covered "How are you going to fix this!?" He asked only to blush as the tiger slipped it's paw down and broke off a piece of itself to slowly form into a dark blue set of shorts.

"I'll keep you covered til ya get home and then I'll find a way to get the little part of me back." Jake purred and leaned in to kiss the husky's lips. He then handed the husky his shorts. "Go ahead and carry them out."

Trevor chuckled and waved to Jeff. "Hehe hope you had fun, I know Jake did." He smiled "though most of the prizes are done for the day." The fox pointed over to the various stalls nearby with nearly no tickets at all.

"How long was I out!?" Jeff searched his shorts to find his phone to flick open he face pawed when he spotted the time "You let me sleep for two hours?" he asked while looking between the two.

"Hey pup, did you finally win a ticket for me?"

Jeff quirked a brow and turned in time to be hoisted up into the arms of Russ, the hefty canine carrying him about with no trouble at all. "I- I um... no... I tried though..."

Russ chuckled and gave a gentle squeeze sinking the smaller canine to his big belly. "I would have been pretty impressed if you had, the last ticket that was floating out and about for me was turned in about an hour ago."

Jeff sighed softly and rested his head against Russ's sturdy pecs and listened to the brute's heartbeat. "So I guess I don't get any time today with you hm?"

Russ chuckled and licked over the smaller husky's face. "Well you didn't win any time but..." he grinned and squeezed Jeft tight to his big belly.

He groaned softly and gripped that soft gut as he was held tight. "But what?" He looked up his face still wet with slobber

Russ slipped a paw down and give the little husky a tight squeeze on the rump. "Your butt, a restaurant of my choice then maybe your place afterwards." He smiled and leaned in to nibble on the little husky's neck.

Jeff yipped and jumped lightly before letting out a soft moan as his neck was nibbled over. "Is... is that allowed?" He blushed as he was then pulled up to lay over Russ' shoulder his new found pudgy gut squished lightly to the big canine.

"They can't really cause trouble for me doing stuff on my time off." He gave the little canine's butt a playful swat before walking off headed towards the main doors of the fair.

Jeff blushed as he was carried about he waved politely to the fennec fox and gooey tiger. He held onto Russ as they passed by Terry.

"Hey Adrian, could you pop the door open for us?" Russ asked with a playful chuckle "I could pay you with a little bit of husky."

Jeff looked back in time to see the lion reaching up to grab at his rump "Hehe he does look like he'd be fun. But I wouldn't wanna steal one canine from another." He pressed a button to slide the doors open. "You two have fun now."

Jeff blushed and held tight to Russ. "Mmm where are we going?" He asked with a soft happy rumble coming from him.

"We are going out for a bit of fun tonight. I'll bring you back to your car tonight or tomorrow depending on how things roll out tonight." Russ chuckled as he walked off from the fairgrounds.

Jeff didn't mind at all, he closed his eyes and let himself be carried off into the night by the hefty muscle gut, glad he hadn't ignored his buddy's suggestion to visit the fair.

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