Happy Hatchday

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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#12 of Stories for others

A shorty story done up for a sweet dragon fella over on FA.

The tanuki and polar bear belong to me

Marto belongs to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dedragonlord2

Happy Hatchday

The sun had been set for a few hours now, Kiros drove along the snowy hills periodically looking over to see how his passenger was doing. He smiled he ne noticed that the purple and yellow dragon had finally curled up and rested their head on his bushy tail. "hehe I told ya you should have laid down hours ago silly pup." He muttered as the military base slowly came into view. The guard tower lights weren't pointed towards them. "So far so good." He said before turning the large truck off the beaten path and into the snowy landscape.

"Come on where is it..." The large tanuki gritted his teeth as the vehicle would shift and spin slightly before they'd come up on a small hangar looking building next to the wall they had been driving along. "Hey pup it's time to get up." He said as he put on the breaks easing them to a stop.

"Mmm papa bear..." the dragon muttered softly while squeezing the tanuki's tail tight to him, all the while rumbling softly.

"Hehe no I'm not your papa bear." Kiros chuckled and slowly reached over to hoist Marto into his arms. "I'm sorry bout the cold." he said in advance as he popped the door open and slid out, the bitter cold snapped the dragon awake .

"Ah! why is it so cold where papa bear works..." he hugged tight to the tanuki's big belly using the fur as a slight bit of cover for his form.

"I don't know why the snow forms where it does. He just works here." KIros walked up to the wall, he looked back and forth to make sure they weren't being sought out before tapping the wall and making a door spring into existence. "I think after this we are criminals of some sort." He said with a chuckle as he walked in with the door vanishing behind him.

"So where does papa bear sleep?" Marto asked while starting to peek about the snow covered training grounds,

"That one, the small building that looks like it was built to house a small plane." He pointed out the small rounded building only to yelp when the dragon bolted from his belly towards the building.

Marto bolted up to the door and slid it open before stepping inside, the place had been fitted with insulation and plenty of things to make it more of a home. At the back of the large living area he spotted the big polar bear sprawled out onto his bed. "Papa bear!"

Kiros had just got to the door in time to see Marto pounce the big sleeping bear only to chuckle when Rider reached back to grip and squeeze the little fella tight to his back and rump.

"Hehe now how in the world did you get here?" The polar bear smirked and slowly rolled onto his side before pulling the dragon off his backside. He squeezed Marto tight to his big belly and chest giving soft kissed to his pup's snout.

"Papa T brought me here." He said with a soft chuckle before looking back to the big tanuki. "Because someone left before an important date." He said being slightly coy about it as he hugged tight to that soft and doughy gut.

Kiros smiled as the big polar bear looked to him, the tanuki snapped his fingers and made lots of birthday decorations spring into existence filling the living room with lights before a large table would pop in with a cake on it.

"Oh..." Rider rubbed over the back of his head before getting up and out of his bed and carried his pup back into his living room. "I'm sorry sweetie." he kissed the dragon's cheek "Though I guess you are here now." He rumbled softly "Happy birthday." He said before taking a seat and settling his pup on his lap.

Marto blushes and wiggles into place before the tanuki would clap his paws together making candles appear on the cake lit and ready to go. He shifted slightly as the two started to sing happy birthday to him ending with him blowing out the candles.

Kiros scoots in beside Rider and snuggles up with the bear and dragon before starting to cut slices for each of them to munch on. "I think maybe the pup should see what his papa bear does first hand."

Rider blinked at that and shook his head "Nah he can't stay here, he's not training to be a soldier." He let out a soft yip when he felt the tanuki pinch his rear.

"Aww but I'd like to spend more time with you." Marto said with soft whine while slowly wiggling and lightly grinding his tush over Rider's sheath teasing that length inside.

Kiros grinned and leaned up to kiss the big bear's lips, he slipped his other paw down to hoist the dragon up and almost as if on cue Marto shifted his legs and tail into that emerging tip. "Mmm gotta send the boy to his room in his papa." He teased before hugging tight to Rider doing his best to keep the bear from pulling the dragon free.

Marto wiggles and shifts about setting what was left of his cake down before starting to squirm and wiggle down and into the polar bear's musky length a deep red blush across his muzzle as he hear's the big polar bear moan.

Rider grunts and squeezes Kiros tight smooshing their bellies together and sandwiching the dragon's upper half between them, he rumbled and shuddered as he felt his pup slipping down and inside only to tense up hard when he felt his his balls swell as his pup dropped inside. "You two are so naughty." He shuddered.

Kiros smiles and sweeps his tail across the table making all the birthday stuff disappear. "I hope you had a lovely hatchday gift." Kiros said as he rubbed over the dragon filled balls. "I'll make sure to keep the big teddy bear busy he doesn't try to shoot ya out too soon." He kept his grip on rider before walking the big bear to bed to lay down with him. "We love ya sweetie." they both say as they snuggle up together.

"And I love you both so much." Marto said with a soft blush as he laid down in the warm sloshy mess that was his home away from home. He closed his eyes and eventually nodded off.

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