Mall Humiliation - Part 2

Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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Role reversal! Chess wants payback.

Chess belongs to chess-the-trash (FA)

Pat belongs to me

Once the clock was right in between noon and 5 PM, I had managed to get through two beers and two shots of vodka. This wasn't a typical amount of alcohol consumption; I was just having a hard time dealing with my family. My parents are divorced and always fight, and most of my other relatives are dumb rednecks. It's a fucking mess. However, maybe I should have found a different way to cope with my stress, and the reason for that would be due to a certain fennec-deer hybrid named Chess.

Chess found me intoxicated in the living room, and took notice to the fact that I was wearing the lightest-colored jeans I owned and one of my few white T-shirts. I saw him wearing his typical skirt and baggy shirt attire, this time in all black. He was using one of his antlers to carry a pink collar, while he had a bag of two one-liter water bottles in one hand and a pink leash in the other. It didn't take me long to figure out what was on his mind.

"It's payback time."

"Ugh... Another time?"

"No," said Chess, as he put the collar around my neck and attached the leash to it. "Because I am your master, and you do as I say."


"No safe word for you. I'm going to make sure that black and gray fur gets drenched in your urine. And the collar and leash are locked on so you can't take them off."


Chess pulled on the leash and dragged me to his car, putting me in the passenger seat and making me drink one whole water bottle during the very brief drive to the mall. Just that one liter of water in conjunction with all of the booze I had been drinking meant I already had a pretty major need to piss, but Chess wasn't even close to done.

"We're here," said Chess. "More water."

"Ugh... That's already two liters..."

"Yeah, that means you'll pee sooner. Drink up."

I reluctantly forced myself to chug that entire last bottle of water, after which I felt every part of my bladder ache for relief. It had become so full that you could see my bladder protruding. Chess had surely planned to make sure I would not be able to hold it for much longer than 45 minutes or so at the mall.

Chess tugged on the leash, signaling me to get out of the car. I got out of the car, after which he started to drag me towards the mall entrance.

"Pat, are you wearing that thing?"

"What? Of course I am."

"Take it off."

I dug around in my pants, removing the restoration device from my penis and placing it in my pocket. Once that was done, Chess went inside the mall, dragging me along on the leash. Immediately, an old lady took notice to the fact that I was on a leash being dragged around by someone two-thirds my height.

"Oh, you poor thing," said the old lady. "Why does your girl have you on a leash?"

"He's a dude, and it's a long story."

"Oh... I didn't realize you two were -"

"Yeah, this conversation's over," said Chess.

Chess dragged me around the mall, looking for an ideal place to kill time before I wet myself. We got to a map, where he appeared to be looking for somewhere to shop. However, after we were standing there for about 15 minutes, I became convinced he wanted me to wet there, but I was certain that he was irritated by the fact that I was so desperate for a piss and yet barely even squirming.

"You almost certainly have to pee, why aren't you squirming?"

"I'm very good at not drawing attention to myself."

"Ugh... Well, I'm gonna make you get attention."

Chess continued to pull me through the mall, presumably trying to figure out what the busiest area would be. Considering the demographics of typical mall shoppers, my best guess would be the women's bathroom, but we can't go there.

"Hmm," said Chess. "I wonder what I could get at Macy's."

"Lots of stuff for you to wear. Not so much for me."

"Maybe you should try women's clothes some time. In particular, you might start considering skirts and sweater dresses after today."

"I'd rather not."

"Suit yourself."

Chess pulled me through Macy's, looking at various articles of clothing geared towards the opposite sex, including dresses, skirts, sweater dresses, panties, stockings, and pantyhose. It took a good 45 minutes before Chess was satisfied and walked out of Macy's. The good news was that I had made it a little over an hour without wetting, which was longer than I expected to make it. However, the bad news was that my bladder was now so full that my entire abdomen was protruding, which both meant that others would start glancing towards me and that I had maybe a few minutes before some bladder emptying happened.

"Damn, boy, you can go a while. But it doesn't look like you have much more time," said Chess.

Chess dragged me to a very familiar, typically busy area - the food court. As soon as we arrived there, I got several glances due to the abdominal protrusion. Chess pretended to browse around looking for something to eat, but I knew he was just trying to kill the few minutes I had left. Sure enough, right as we hit the most crowded area of the food court, I instinctively pressed my hands down hard on my crotch, but it was too late; my bladder no longer had any expansion room and all of my muscles associated with bladder control just stopped doing their jobs. I felt a huge jet of pee torrent into my pants, taking a fraction of a second to reach my hands and not much more time to form a huge puddle at my feet. I saw onlookers stare, point, and talk to their friends, and, of course, I see all y'all at your computers masturbating, you sick fucks. Just kidding; I'm a sick fuck too. I had a throbbing erection during the entire two-minute-long accident. It was embarrassing, but so fucking hot.

"Well... Guess you got what you dragged me here for."

"I would drag you around for longer, but," said Chess, who removed the collar and leash from my neck. "I see security guards. Gotta bail before they notice."

Chess and I quickly evacuated the mall, rushing back to his car, getting there before the mall cops could catch us in our exhibitionism. We got in and Chess started to drive away.

"So," I said. "Guess we're even now?"

"Oh, you know I liked it when you did that to me. I just really wanted to see you do it."

"It was great, honestly. We should do this more."


Mall Humiliation - Part 1

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