Mall Humiliation - Part 1

Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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Okay, so this spawned from a bit of a discussion on Discord. Basically, about being made to have a very public accident. This story is the result and there is a 100% chance of a second part. I am extremely motivated.

And yes, the Nude Hotel series is continuing.

Chess belongs to chess-the-trash (FA)

Pat belongs to me

It's amazing what a few drinks can do to you. It can ease anxiety, but profoundly affect your judgment and fine motor skills. However, the best side effect of alcohol, in my humble opinion, is its affect on your bladder. Alcohol is very good at filling up your bladder very quickly, especially when you drink plenty of water due to the dehydration. Chess was about to figure out just how quickly a few drinks could lead to wet pants, thanks to me.

"Pat, I really gotta pee," said Chess. "Please just let me us the bathroom?"

"Hmm," I said, pretending to take the request seriously. "Nah. Can't waste time running off to find a bathroom."

"B-But what if I wet myself?"

"Well, then I guess you should rethink those three shots of whiskey. Which reminds me, drink up, you don't want a hangover."

I handed the small, four-foot-tall fennec-deer hybrid a one-liter bottle of water. Of course, this was a double-edged sword; it would handle the dehydration caused by alcohol, but it would also further exacerbate Chess's need to pee. And, of course, while that amount of water may have been easy for me to handle, I dwarfed him in height by two whole feet. This was all according to plan; after all, aren't you reading this expecting this cute little femboy to leave the mall with a wet skirt and wet panties?

"Oh, here's a bookstore," I said. "Let's see if we can find something interesting in here."

"Like a bathroom?"

"Nope. As long as we're in this mall, you hold it."


Immediately after walking into the bookstore, I found the music section, in which I was sure to spend lots of time browsing through the vinyl records, and therefore lots of time to make this cute little deer-fennec even more desperate to piss. I especially wanted to see what would happen to that baggy white T-shirt. The black skirt wouldn't show much, but I just couldn't help but get hard when imagining those pink panties and that white shirt get wet. Good thing I wore the retainer as opposed to the thing, because that could have ended poorly.

"Oh, they have Meliora on vinyl," I said. "This is a great album. I really recommend you guys check it out."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Everyone who's watching."

"Th-There are people watching?!?!"

"I'm kidding! No crowds or anything."

"Oh... Jeez, you can't do that to me, man."

Little did poor Chess know, I wasn't actually kidding. I can see you guys there, you perverts. Anyway, after about 30 minutes of stroking my black fur and my light gray muzzle while browsing through the vinyl records, I finally got bored and left the bookstore, albeit with a very dry Chess. I looked over to find him pressing down on his crotch, pushing the shirt and skirt as deeply into the area of action as possible.

I twirled my finger around inside one of Chess's fennec ears, saying "Tickle tickle!"

"Ah! Stop!"

I looked down to see a tiny drop of piss by his hooves, indicating that he had involuntarily let out a tiny spurt. Sadly, it wasn't enough to show anything noteworthy on the shirt.

"Ugh... I peed a little... You devious fennec."

"You know you're half fennec, right?"

"You're not devious because you're a fennec. You're just devious."

"Okay, fair enough."

We walked through the mall, looking for another place for me to kill time to add to Chess's predicament. After about 10 minutes of aimless walking, I heard hooves clicking, which was the result of Chess bouncing around and alternating legs due to being so desperate. This gave me the devious idea to take him to what was certain to be the busiest area of the mall at this hour.

"Well, it's around dinnertime. Chess, let's go get something to eat."

"And then bathroom?"

"Still no bathroom until we leave this mall."

"Ugh... Everyone's gonna see me pee my paaaants..."

Chess and I headed to the food court - or, rather, Chess slowly bounced towards the food court, struggling to keep up with me without involuntarily emptying his bladder. No doubt it wouldn't be long before the grand finale.

Right as we got to the food court, I looked behind me to ask Chess what he wanted to eat, only to find him tightly shoving his paws into his crotch and crossing his legs.


I immediately saw a yellow stain rapidly form on his white shirt, indicating that his bladder simply couldn't take anymore and decided it was going to empty itself right then and there for a huge audience. All of a sudden, almost everyone in the food court started looking at a huge puddle forming at Chess's hooves, and as his sandy-colored fur, black skirt, and white T-shirt got drenched in urine. After a long minute of peeing, all of which included others pointing and talking, very obviously about him, Chess's bladder had finally emptied.

"Nnnngh... Why couldn't you just let me use the bathroom..."

"It's okay, Chess... Let's just skedaddle and get something at a drive-thru instead."


Chess and I moved to exit the mall, which only led to more and more furs seeing the damage. However, I was kind enough to find the least public route to my car, so only a few others saw what had happened. However, upon arriving at my car, Chess realized something that I should have realized would make a drive-thru a bit problematic.

"Uhh... Pat, remind me what kind of car you drive?"

"Nissan Skyline GT-R, model year 1989."

"Right... And what side is the steering wheel on?"

"The right-hand side."

"And who will be closest to the drive-thru operators?"

"... God damn it."

"It's fine. I can deal with it. A lot more have seen what happened anyway,"

We got in the car, but before starting the engine, I took a moment to check in on Chess.

"Hey... Are you alright?"

"I'm fine... I guess it was kinda fun, actually."

"Oh, I saw you wagging that deer tail like you were excited," I said as I playfully poked one of his small antlers.

"Oh, but don't go thinking you're immune to payback."

Mall Humiliation - Part 2

Once the clock was right in between noon and 5 PM, I had managed to get through two beers and two shots of vodka. This wasn't a typical amount of alcohol consumption; I was just having a hard time dealing with my family. My parents are divorced and...

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The Nude Hotel - Day 1

Pat, Yiska, Kyle, and Shiro had all arrived at their vacation destination. The black-and-gray fennec fox, inverted-color Absol, green-maned and red-eyed Zoroark, and albino cat, respectively, would be spending a week at a nude hotel. A whole week with...

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Intactivism and Judaism

There was nothing but silence in the third hour of the car ride. Pat, Kyle, and Yiska were heading to a hotel they would be staying at for a convention. Normally, if it's just Kyle and Yiska or Pat and Yiska in the car, they can't _stop_talking, but as...

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