The Nude Hotel - Day 1

Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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The gang heads to a nude hotel for a week! Fun

Introducing Shiro the albino cat

Pat, Yiska, Kyle, and Shiro had all arrived at their vacation destination. The black-and-gray fennec fox, inverted-color Absol, green-maned and red-eyed Zoroark, and albino cat, respectively, would be spending a week at a nude hotel. A whole week with no clothes on. The four of them were all nervous, seeing as they would be nude in a pretty public place, but at the same time they all really wanted to go.

"Okay," said Pat. "Let's do this."

"To be honest, I'm expecting this to be as much of a sausage-fest as this group," said Shiro.

"Oh, I'm sure you won't be the only lady," said Kyle.

"Not that you or Pat care," said Yiska.

The four of them walked up to the front desk to check in, which was done in an instant seeing as they got there pretty early.

"Okay," said the front desk clerk. "You'll just undress in the changing room up there, then head to your rooms."

They took their keys and then went into the changing room, where the four of them undressed.

"Seriously?", asked Kyle. "You fucking put that thing on, Pat?"

"Did you think I was gonna miss a whole week?"

"You're really gonna stand out, though," said Shiro.

"And Kyle isn't?"

"Okay, can everyone shut up?", asked Yiska.

The four exited the changing room and immediately ran into a male gray wolf.

"Oh," he said. "Hey, I take it you're all new here?"

Pat, Shiro, Kyle, and Yiska all nodded.

"I can tell," said the wolf. "You're all pretty nervous."

"Oh, I just can't believe Pat kept that fucking thing on," said Kyle.

"That HyperRestore DA?"

"You knew what it was called?", asked Pat.

"We get a couple of restorers here every year. First time I've seen that specific device, though."

The gray wolf took a quick glance at Kyle, noticing his complete lack of testicles or a scrotum.

"Also not the first time I've seen that," he said. "Cancer survivor?"


"We should get to our rooms," said Shiro.

"What are your room numbers?", asked the wolf.

"214 and 215," said Yiska.

"Just take that elevator and go right. They're right there," said the wolf.

"Thanks," said Pat, Shiro, Yiska, and Kyle.

The four of them got on the elevator to get to the second floor, and, upon getting there, went right, immediately running into rooms 214 and 215. Pat and Kyle were to share 214, while Yiska and Shiro would be sharing 215. As Pat opened the door to 214 and Yiska opened the door to 215, they noticed something that would possibly be problematic.

"... One bed?", asked Pat and Yiska in unison.

"Huh," said Shiro. "I guess they just kind of assume that it will be mostly couples here."

"Great," said Kyle.

The four entered their rooms, tossing their clothes in conveniently-placed bins for them to keep there during their stay. Upon tossing his clothes in the bin, Kyle's phone started going off.

"I think someone's calling you," said Pat.

"Oh, no, that's not a call. That's a reminder to get my testosterone."

"Right... No testicles."

As Kyle started to get the area ready for injection, Pat turned on the TV to see what kind of channels they had.

"Porn... Porn... Porn... Porn... Porn... Oh, here's the non-porn channels."

"Why am I not surprised it was already in the porn channels?"

"This is a nude hotel."

Pat set the channel to truTV, which was playing a re-run of Adam Ruins Everything - specifically, the sex episode, right at the beginning. This episode began with a scathing criticism of circumcision, something which immediately displeased Kyle.

"Nope. Not doing this. Pat, change the channel."

"Just focus on not fucking up your hormone injection."

Kyle finished getting his dose of testosterone, then immediately grabbed the TV remote and changed the channel to a baseball game.

"That's better."

"That's boring."

Kyle got into bed next to Pat, saying, "We're gonna have to get real comfortable, so let's get an early start."

"I wonder how Shiro and Yiska are doing..."

In room 215, Yiska tied up and threw away a condom, while Shiro browsed TV channels.

"Huh," said Shiro. "They have truTV."

Shiro set the TV to that channel, getting right in the middle of the circumcision segment on Adam Ruins Everything.

"Shit," said Yiska. "It's Pat's favorite episode and Kyle's least favorite TV show ever because of this episode."

"Why did you even have them share rooms?"

"I grouped everyone by sexuality. Pat's bisexual, Kyle's gay, so they'll be the least uncomfortable sharing a bed."

"But they absolutely hate each other."

"I mediated. They're on better terms now... In fact, I got Kyle to admit that Pat had a point."

"Well, let's just hope they're okay together."

Back in room 214, Pat stood in front of the mirror and started to inflate his foreskin remnant slightly more, while Kyle just kind of facepalmed at the whole thing.

"Why do you need to do that?"

"Look, Kyle, I'm glad that you like your penis, but I'm gonna at least try to have a penis I like."

"... Do you even know how to just let it go?"

"If you've never had a problem with your circumcision status, then I don't expect you to understand."

Someone started knocking on the door, and Pat immediately opened the door to see Yiska

"Hey Pat," said Yiska. "You two getting along alright?"

"Oh, things are great. Kyle's just failing to understand why I inflate my foreskin remnant."

"Kyle, what did I say about telling Pat what to do about his dick?"

"Don't do it?"

"That's right. Anyway, I figured we should all head down to the dining hall. Lunch just started."

The four of them went down to the dining hall to grab some lunch. Upon getting there, they found a diverse sea of nudity. All body types were on display there. They grabbed their meals and then sat down at an open table.

"Huh," said Shiro. "Surprisingly quite a few women here."

"I figured it wasn't gonna be as much of a sausage-fest as you thought," said Kyle.

"Not that any of you would have had a problem with it, right?", asked Pat.

"... Who is Pat talking to?", asked Shiro.

"Oh, that's his weird thing. He breaks the fourth wall," said Yiska.

"I'm just amazed I haven't been cat called yet."

A male lion sat down at their table, in between Shiro and Pat.

"Well," said the lion. "Most of us here are so desensitized to nudity that it just doesn't happen."

"So this is just like another Sunday to you guys?", asked Shiro.

"Yes," said the lion. "Forgive me for not properly introducing myself. You can call me Leo."

"Do you just go table to table making friends?", asked Pat.

"I'm always up for a conversation," said Leo. "Say, what's going on downstairs?"

"Oh, that would be me saying I should own my body, not someone who made an entirely uninformed decision 21 years ago."

"Leo, it would be a good idea not to engage with him further on this subject," said Yiska. "Just let him be."

"Fair enough," said Leo.

"See, Kyle? Leo here listens to me when I tell him not to argue with Pat about his foreskin restoration."

"Okay... Snarky comments unnecessary. I get it."

"I see these two have a history."

"You don't know the least of it," said Shiro.

"Pat just seems extreme about it," said Kyle.

"Extreme is a relative term, Kyle," said Leo. "Maybe it's just because it makes you uncomfortable?"

"I guess."

"Kyle, a lot of things here will make you uncomfortable at first. Pat was probably uncomfortable when he first saw you naked."

"This is true. It was weird seeing a guy without testicles, but I never shamed you for it. In fact, over time it got less weird."

"Leo," said Yiska. "I think you're mediating better than I ever did."

"I mean, I guess I don't really understand," said Kyle.

"But is that his problem?", asked Leo.

"... Well, no," said Kyle.

Kyle got up, put his plate with the dirty dishes, then headed back to the room.

"Don't worry about him," said Pat. "He just needs time to think."

"So, you two are friends?"

"More like frenemies."

"You should go talk to him," said Yiska.

"Yeah, I should."

Pat got up and headed back to the room to talk to Kyle.

"I personally don't get why Kyle takes this so personally," said Shiro.

"He doesn't really have a reason to," said Leo.

"I try my best on this matter," said Yiska.

Pat arrived back at room 214 to find Kyle lying on the bed watching baseball.

"Kyle, can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Listen, Kyle, I know you don't really understand why I put myself through these foreskin restoration regimens."

"I don't. Why?"

"I've said a bunch. It's because I want control over my own body. But, at this point, I don't expect you to understand. I just want you to know that I never intended for you to take it personally."

"I don't even get why I take it personally..."

Pat got in bed next to Kyle, then proceeded to say, "Well, I mean, maybe it's just because it's so out of the ordinary."

"I guess... But I mean, I should know a thing or two about looking out of the ordinary."

"I mean, you only just recently found out. Maybe you just need some time to get used to it. This week should be a good opportunity for that."

"I guess..."

The remainder of the day was pretty uneventful, with the four of them hanging out in their rooms watching TV. The clock seemed to hit 10:00 PM in no time at all, and right when the hour hand hit 10, there was rapid knocking on the door to room 214.

Pat answered the door to find Yiska and Shiro, the former of whom said, "Wanna go to the community room?"

"What's going on there?"

"Probably an orgy," said Shiro. "Sex is allowed there after 10 PM."

"In!", said Kyle.

The group headed back down to the first floor to immediately find a large room, which housed several tables, chairs, and couches, all of which were being used for hanky panky.

"You can probably take that off now, Pat," said Yiska.

"Oh, right."

Pat removed his foreskin restoration device, placing it in his bag with the rest of his related gear.

"Yiska," said Shiro. "Why don't we try to find two other guys who wanna do a gangbang?"

"I'm down."

Yiska and Shiro ran off to find two other guys for a gangbang, leaving just Pat and Kyle alone.

"Hmm.... Kyle, gay train?"

"Gay train."

Pat and Kyle ran off to find more members for their gay train, and soon the whole group would be in for one unforgettable night.

Intactivism and Judaism

There was nothing but silence in the third hour of the car ride. Pat, Kyle, and Yiska were heading to a hotel they would be staying at for a convention. Normally, if it's just Kyle and Yiska or Pat and Yiska in the car, they can't _stop_talking, but as...

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"Grow a Pair"

Kyle wasn't substantially different from other Zoroarks; from a cursory appearance, the only differences one would see would be that he had a green and black mane rather than a red and black one, and also had red eyes and a red ponytail holder....

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I've always liked the Saturdays during the time I was back home for college. I always desired a certain degree of freedom that would come with being alone, and every Saturday, I got that. On that day, my parents would go over to friends' houses and not...

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