The Spray (Latex TF/Herm/Lizard/Rat/Goo/Eggs/Fdm)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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After several incidents, the manufacturer issued a general recall for Spray Seal Black. None of the cans that had already been sold were returned.

WARNING : This story depicts abuse of magical rubber spray sealants. If you have any magical rubber spray sealants, do not use them to seal a mascot costume to someone's head and then stuff then in a locker.

In fact, that's a pretty bad idea in general.

EXPLANATION : This version of the story has scenes presented in reverse order, kind of like the color scenes in the movie Memento.

If you want to read the story in conventional order, Ctrl+F for a five-letter S word that describes the beginning of something. It's also the name for a button commonly found on game controllers, or in the bottom-left corner of your computer screen, assuming you're not one of those filthy Mac peasants, or Linux nerds.

...Said the guy writing smut for furries.

Reggie stood in the hallway outside the locker room, the doors just behind him, and the exit a few dozen tantalizing feet away. He had an black egg sealed to the head of his cock, and someone had shoved a spray can up his rear and pulled his pants off.

All in all, he wasn't exactly ready for Fashion Week.

The someone in question was currently pacing behind him, her claws clicking on the tile.

"Let's make a bet," the lizard-woman said. "You make it to the end of this hall, and we let you go. You don't, and you get changed just like me, except you get to be more...submissive. Completely. Isn't that fun?"

She walked in front of Reggie, who couldn't help himself. He checked out the line of sweat dripping down her abs, one of the few places on her not covered by green latex. She didn't seem concerned in the slightest that he could see her vagina.

He was trying not to get a boner, but it was awfully hard. Especially when he could see the "stripes" in her "scales" that just exposed the olive skin underneath.

Catalina was still wearing her usual studded black leather wristbands and black band shirt, though it was strained by the two extra cup sizes she had gained out of nowhere.

Along with the lizard head and tail.

"If you make it out," she said, from behind his right ear, "any changes will be reversed, and you can go do whatever. We won't stop you. If not..."

She slapped his rear with her tail, and said "Go!"

He set off, gingerly, and nothing happened. Good, there wasn't some kind of tr-

The can triggered, and the next thing Reggie knew he was on the ground, his cock spurting into the egg, feeling like it was on fire. He twitched a little at the shuddering Heat coursing through him, then gritted his teeth and struggled to his feet.

At which point Cat ran the tip of her tail lightly down his spine, and a collapsed again. He looked down at the egg, and it already has a ridiculous amount of cum inside, and was somewhere between a grapefruit and basketball.

He was going to get through this. He was going to get through this, and go for help.

He got to his hands and knees.

And when he got help, they'd get that suit off Catalina, and she'd be so grateful that she'd...she'd-

Just the thought made him erupt again, and he decided it was better to crawl.

"Took you long enough," Cat said.

Crawling didn't stop the cumming, though. It didn't stop drops of the seal leaking out, rolling down his taint, his balls, his dick, only to roll down the underside of the inflated egg.

"You know, that egg is the only thing protecting you, really. If it wasn't there, you would've sprayed all over yourself by now. But nooo, Duncan said we had to give you a sporting chance."

"Why are you doing this?

"Because it's fun. And more importantly-" Cat grabbed Reggie's head and forced him to look at her. "You messed with my boyfriend. You could've killed him."

Reggie's mouth fell open.


Reggie growled "What does he have that I don't have?"

"Currently, boobs. On the other hand, you've got him beat in the tongue department."


Reggie's tongue suddenly swelled, falling out of his mouth and nearly hitting the floor. If he crossed his eyes and tilted his head, he could see that it was black at the tip.

He was turning into a freak, like them.

Another orgasm. They were getting longer. He kept crawling. Somehow.

"Just think of what you could do with that baby."

Another one. The egg-balloon was basketball sized now. But he was halfway there!

Cat slapped the can with her tail, sending him onto the ground, his cock spurting and spurting. Where was it all coming from?

Well, his dick, obvs, but besides that.

When he got out of this and got his hands on Duncan-

"Problem?" Cat knelt in front of him, and put a claw on the egg, which was now the size of a yoga ball, sloshing and sloshing. He could see the dark goo through the translucent skin, and shivered. Fear? Anticipation? He wasn't sure.

"Are you sure you don't want to give up? Not have to worry about the team, or your grades, or college, or anything about how you're going to serve?"


She sighed, and moved her hand away. "I don't think you'll be crawling much farther. Not unless you want the balloon to pop."

Wait, if he couldn't-then how could he-

His brow creased, his jaw clenched.

Figure it out.

He rolled onto his back. Head down, inch toward daylight. Hands holding the balloon-

"I just want to make absolutely sure." Cat had pulled a pair of scissors out of thin air, and they were just pricking the surface of the egg. "You don't want to become some kind of kinky latex drone? Letting him see through your eyes, always knowing he could take over at any moment, changing your entire body? I've only tried it for about ten minutes now, but I think this rubber thing's got legs."

"I seh nuh!"

"Too bad," Cat said, and popped the balloon.


The Spray

2016 Nequ Creative Commons By-SA-NC


Once, Duncan saw a video of someone trying to reach through a taut rubber sheet. He saw the impression their fingers made, the resistance. It was kinda creepy.

The biggest difference between that and what was happening was the fact that he could see Catalina. See her face, her gritted teeth, as she stretched her hand toward him.

Where were those scissors?!

And then, he realized something was wrong.

For one thing, Catalina didn't have claws.

But there they were.

Her hand punched through, and he didn't have time to think. He grabbed it, and pulled, and the rest of her followed.

Of course, she didn't come out unaltered. She felt more...scaly under his hand, and there was muscle definition in her arms that hadn't been there before. Her clawed toes scraped at the wall, and soon that was free, rather thicker around the thighs with muscle. Her skirt had fallen off, but her shirt was still intact, albeit much more...stretched.

The head came out narrow, oval shaped, hairless, with spines running down her back. The last to leave was the long, sinuous tail.

They overbalanced, and she landed on top of him when they hit the floor. Both of them just lay there for a while, in each other's arms. Breathing heavily.

"You know," Duncan said, "these interspecies relationships never work out."

The laugh sounded strange, coming from Cat's toothy maw. Not bad strange, just...different.

She sat up, and Dunc got a better look at her. Not all of her was covered in iridescent green; there was a sort of cutout over her most of her upper chest, leading down to her abs, and then her-

Cat grabbed his hand, and pulled it to her body. It still felt like skin. She was still ticklish around the belly button, still squirmed. Had her abs been this good be-

"Lower, big guy," she whispered.


He looked at the egg instead.

It was solidified, and kinda crystal-y, and it was like, it was like-

"It's like someone pulled an Army Man out of a bowl of Jello," Cat said.

Duncan's lips curled into a smile. His ears twitched. "Mom was so mad."

"It's not our fault if she wasn't paying attention."

"All right, Duncan, time for-what the-"

Both of the latex creatures looked up.

Reggie was standing by the door there with his jaw hanging.


Cat pointed. "You!"


"This is a bad idea," Duncan said.

"No, seriously, it's a great idea." Cat slid her panties off.

Dunc kept looking. This wasn't the first time he'd seen her take off her underwear. Though recent information was casting those into a new light.

"This way we get more settlement money because we get more media attention. And if that doesn't work, we could always become internet celebrities, making that Youtube *presidentes muertos *. What could go wrong?"

Duncan pointed to his boobs.

"And a very nice pair they are." She pulled up the back of her skirt with one hand, and sprayed with the other. "Ggghk!"

"How does it feel?"


Dunc rolled his eyes. He knew, he _knew_that she should step in, that he should intervene, that he should keep his best friend slash potential girlfriend from easing a big black egg into her, into her-

"I didn't know you were into anal."

"I wasn't. But we want complete saturation. And if something goes wrong, bigger settlement!"


"Nothing's happening, except I feel like I had Taco Bell for breakfast and then held it in all day-"


"So. Let's try the front door."

A few minutes later, Catalina was sitting on a bench with a latex egg in her vagina and anus, and a frown on her face.


"Nope. Maybe I have to eat o-"

Once, when he was sick, lil' Duncaroo had needed to hop out of the bed and run to the toilet so he could puke into it. He had seen his face in the mirror, on the way, and it had that exact wide-eyed, jerky look that Cat had now.

She made a wet kind of noise, her cheeks bulging. Her hand came up to cover her mouth, and black wetness leaked out of her nose.

And then she puked something on her knees, on the floor, that looked a lot like...

...The spray seal.

"This-hurrghgh-was a bad-blrgrk-choice!"

"Yeah, ya think?"

Duncan watched helplessly as the stuff kept spewing from her nose and mouth. Even the tears leaking from her reddened eyes were black. He grabbed Cat around the waist, pulled her away-

And couldn't.

Something black was stretching from under her skirt, anchoring her to the floor. Duncan stared for a second, before pulling it up.

It was an emergency.

Most of the area around her...girl parts was covered in the blackish-brown substance, but more of it was spewing out of the front door and the back, and it wasn't stopping-

"I knew you'd get me wet, but this is ridiculous."


She grinned at him, weakly. The stuff was still slick around her mouth. Were her lips a little plumper? Her teeth a little sharper?

"To be fair, this was mostly my fault." She looked down. "Am I turning egg?"

"Y-you're not turning into anything! We're getting you out of here!"

"No," she said, as the black surged up her back, "You're not."

And a sudden surge threw Duncan to the floor. He was stunned for a second, then looked up at Catalina.

"I'm...I'm not sure I'm gonna come out the same person. Underneath."


The black wrapped around her left arm, up to the elbow, yanked. It did the same with her right. The liquid seemed to be kind of forming...flaps?

"Huh. This could be, like, a Prometheus situation."

The black pulled her down, almost to her knees. And she kept resisting.

"So, in case I don't see ya-"


She looked up at him, still smiling, somehow, even as one of the tendrils reached for her face. "I am, and forever shall be, your fr-"

And then it latched onto her, pulled her head down, and the flaps of the egg folded up around her.

The worst part, actually, was how he could still see her. A giant egg, at an angle, with transparent sides. Like those scenes in movies with people in cryotanks.

It did kind of look like an Alien egg.

Duncan's brows furrowed.

Where did those scissors go?



"Look, I can come back if you need a little alone time."

"No, it's fine." Duncan shoved his dick back into containment - barely - and placed his hands on the bench. "Go ahead."

She straddled his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Hold still. In fact, hold me still."

He put his hands on her waist, felt the black band t-shirt she had been wearing earlier. A lifetime ago, before someone glued a mascot head onto his head.

She raised her arms, so his lower fingers touched her cool skin. She leaned in and grasped his mascot head. Her smell was overpowering, this close. The cotton of her shirt and plaid skirt, sweat, detergent, her studded leather wristbands, the metal of the three piercings in her left ear-

She pulled the head right off.

"Huh. Would you look at that. The glue must've gone soft why are you looking at me like that?"

Cat bit her lip. "I should look in the mirror."

He did. It showed him a rather...curvy black woman. She was mostly naked, except for the shiny black rat head, and the darkness over her boobs, ending at her belly button. Of course, there was darkness curling up from between her thighs, cupping her balls, her cock, in what looked kind of like those push-pop things that animals had. It was saying "hi!" even as he watched. More so when Cat wrapped her arms around him, cupped his boobs, and put her chest on his shoulder.

"Nice," she said, as the studs on her wristbands poked into his chest, made him breathe faster and faster. His tail curled around her legs. "I wish I had a pair this nice. But they could be bigger."

Dunc's tits obligingly swelled.

Both of them stared.

"Did you just-?"

"I think I just-"

"How did you-"

"I didn't-"

"What else-oohhh!"

Duncan crumpled to his knees.

"I didn't think it'd be that bad!"

"What did you do?"

"Sorry! I tried not to think of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, and-and then I thought of breakfast!"

"What...did you have...for breakfast?!"

Catalina cringed. "Eggs and avocados? So I thought of eggs the size of avocados..."

Duncan blinked. "I don't have any of the plumbing for that."

"Well." Cat licked her lips. "Life finds a way."

And then the contractions hit.


"Is that...did you gain weight?"


"Back here. Your-"

Cat reached behind him, ran a hand over the cheeks of his-


"What? It's not like I haven't felt it before."

That's right, she had. During their many tickle fights. She always got so grabby, and he didn't mind, but he always kept his hands in senior-prom-chaperone-approved locations.

She looked disappointed afterwards, sometimes.

"Are you wearing padding? Under your shorts?" She slipped a hand under his waistband, and grasped his round globes firmly. "Okay, don't panic, but I'm pretty sure you've got a girl's badonkadonk."

"How do you know what that feels like?"

There was a brief, bemused silence.

"Right, sorry."

"What, didya think I was doing some experimentation? Getting my Ramona Flowers on?"


"Don't worry."

Duncan could tell by the shift in her grip that she was leaning in close. "I'd never do that, " she whispered, "unless you were there to watch."

And with one final squeeze, she let go, returning to her spot on the bench.

"Unless I was recording, of course. Smile."


He felt her wrap an arm around his neck, heard the tchsh of a smartphone's camera.

"A selfie? Really?"

"C'mon, Evans, don't you want something to show our grandkids?"

"I don't know why you always tease me," Duncan grumbled.

She took her hand off his shoulder, and stopped talking for a whole five seconds. And then, in a quiet little voice completely unlike her usual one, she said "I...I always thought of them more like promises."

The bench shook as she sat down.



And then Duncan's mouth said "You smell good."

There was a faint sound, like she was brushing her hair back behind her ear. "...Thanks?"

"No, I mean...You always smell good."

There was a brief, awkward silence.

Oh. I mean, um, you've never seen me three hours after I eat at Del Taco. Scissors."


"Let me see if I can find some scissors in a classroom or something." The bench moved as she got up.


"BRB." The sound of her sneakers on tile, the doors opening.

Duncan dropped his cartoonishly large head into his hands.

Well, it was out there. He bit the bullet, and threw his hat into the ring. At least he knew that she probably felt the same way.

The spray dripped down his back, sliding between his butt cheeks, over his-

Duncan shifted uncomfortably. He really had gotten bigger back there. What kind of rubber sealant did that?

Something about his coccyx felt strange. And also his cock. The black stuff had reached it too, and he pulled his pants open - yeah, that bulge was bigger too.

He didn't so much let his dick out for some air as it bolted for the door the second it saw daylight.

The ol' boy clearly wasn't human anymore, and it clearly wasn't his anymore. Plus there was the fact that it was covered in slickness, kind of a tip-off. Could he smell rubber? Or was that the spray?

Now, what were the odds that spray sealant just happened to drip down his body into the shape of a cock?

He ran two fingers up and down it, and sat up a little straighter as tiny bolts of lightning jumped up his spine.

It even felt symmetrical. What else had it done?

He pulled open his shirt.

It was like the stuff was dripping in a sort of U-shape, down from his shoulders. It coated the inside of his upper thighs, his dick, his narrowed waist. And then there were his boobs.

He had boobs now.

He had heard the expression 'more than a handful is a waste', though he had never gotten to try it out before. It felt...nice.

He reached down with his other hand.

What he got was basically the same sort of delicious thrill that ran through him on the bridge of "Defying Gravity".


He opened one eye.

Catalina was standing there, scissors in hand.

"Room for one more?"


Someone knocked on the outside of the locker.

"Dunc? You in there?" a girl's voice called.


"Reggie again?"


"Your combination is still your birthday backward, right?"

"Yeah! Now get me out!"

A few seconds later, the door popped open, and Duncan popped out, into the arms of his friend Catalina. Her lips were quirked in her signature half-smile, her modest chest was covered in a black band shirt, and a stereotypical plaid punk skirt covered her hips. The sneakers and studded wristbands only completed the tall girl's look.

Of course, Duncan couldn't see any of this, on account of how his face was covered by a foam mascot head.

The rest of him was covered in one of those t-shirts that's only funny to sixteen year old boys, and some beach shorts he had dug out of the strata in his room that morning. Plus, you know, brown skin, slightly darker than Cat's olive. His hair wasn't nearly as cool, unfortunately.

Cat straightened her pal up. "Didn't we change from this rat mascot, like, five years ago?"

"We did? Why?"

"It was offensive, I think."

"To who?"

"I dunno. People with cheese and peanut butter? But I want to see those big brown eyes of yours-"

Duncan blushed inside the helmet.

"-So it's coming off."

There was the sound of someone manhandling a foam mascot head.

"I said, it's coming-"

"Reggie used some kinda spray seal. Smells like rubber."

Catalina's eyes narrowed. "So he used some kind of chemical on you, then put you in a confined space with it, then put both you and the head in a confined space. I think I need to have a word with him. If he doesn't leave you alone, I'll never go out with him."

"Didn't you tell me you'd never date him in a million years?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't need to know that."

Dunc snorted. "Wait, how'd you find me?"

"Find my iPhone. I saw Reggie come out looking smug, and I didn't see you come out, so I checked to see if you were still around. How'd the head fit in that tiny little locker?"

"It's a lot squishier than it looks. Can we sit down for a second?"

"Bench is to your left."


Duncan should have known better.

Being bullied was like sharks; keep moving or you're dead. Out course, they could still bully you if you were in motion, but then they had to ambush you on the move, or lie in wait at a watering hole, and this metaphor sure derailed quickly.

Point is, you didn't stand in front of your open locker looking at the cat video your best friend sent you. Especially when you were in the same locker room as one of your bullies, and it was the end of last period, and they had access to a mascot head that was meant to look like a cartoonish rat, and a can of rubber spray sealant.

That last part is important. It'll be on the test.

When he felt something plop down on his head, sealing him in sharp-smelling darkness, his first response was to quietly lock the phone and slip it into his pocket. His second was to turn around, to get away from his locker, only to find strong hands grabbing his shoulders.

"Come on, man-"

"I'm sorry," said the voice of Reggie, all fake concern. "Don't you want to go in the locker?"


"Don't you have any team spirit?"

"I said no!"

"Too bad."

Someone knocked on the outside of the locker.

"Dunc? You in there?" a girl's voice called.


"Reggie again?"


"Your combination is still your birthday backward, right?"

"Yeah! Now get me out!"

A few seconds later, the door popped open, and Duncan popped out, into the arms of his friend Catalina. Her lips were quirked in her signature half-smile, her modest chest was covered in a black band shirt, and a stereotypical plaid punk skirt covered her hips. The sneakers and studded wristbands only completed the tall girl's look.

Of course, Duncan couldn't see any of this, on account of how his face was covered by a foam mascot head.

The rest of him was covered in one of those t-shirts that's only funny to sixteen year old boys, and some beach shorts he had dug out of the strata in his room that morning. Plus, you know, brown skin, slightly darker than Cat's olive. His hair wasn't nearly as cool, unfortunately.

Cat straightened her pal up. "Didn't we change from this rat mascot, like, five years ago?"

"We did? Why?"

"It was offensive, I think."

"To who?"

"I dunno. People with cheese and peanut butter? But I want to see those big brown eyes of yours-"

Duncan blushed inside the helmet.

"-So it's coming off."

There was the sound of someone manhandling a foam mascot head.

"I said, it's coming-"

"Reggie used some kinda spray seal. Smells like rubber."

Catalina's eyes narrowed. "So he used some kind of chemical on you, then put you in a confined space with it, then put both you and the head in a confined space. I think I need to have a word with him. If he doesn't leave you alone, I'll never go out with him."

"Didn't you tell me you'd never date him in a million years?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't need to know that."

Dunc snorted. "Wait, how'd you find me?"

"Find my iPhone. I saw Reggie come out looking smug, and I didn't see you come out, so I checked to see if you were still around. How'd the head fit in that tiny little locker?"

"It's a lot squishier than it looks. Can we sit down for a second?"

"Bench is to your left."

"Is that...did you gain weight?"


"Back here. Your-"

Cat reached behind him, ran a hand over the cheeks of his-


"What? It's not like I haven't felt it before."

That's right, she had. During their many tickle fights. She always got so grabby, and he didn't mind, but he always kept his hands in senior-prom-chaperone-approved locations.

She looked disappointed afterwards, sometimes.

"Are you wearing padding? Under your shorts?" She slipped a hand under his waistband, and grasped his round globes firmly. "Okay, don't panic, but I'm pretty sure you've got a girl's badonkadonk."

"How do you know what that feels like?"

There was a brief, bemused silence.

"Right, sorry."

"What, didya think I was doing some experimentation? Getting my Ramona Flowers on?"


"Don't worry."

Duncan could tell by the shift in her grip that she was leaning in close. "I'd never do that, " she whispered, "unless you were there to watch."

And with one final squeeze, she let go, returning to her spot on the bench.

"Unless I was recording, of course. Smile."


He felt her wrap an arm around his neck, heard the tchsh of a smartphone's camera.

"A selfie? Really?"

"C'mon, Evans, don't you want something to show our grandkids?"

"I don't know why you always tease me," Duncan grumbled.

She took her hand off his shoulder, and stopped talking for a whole five seconds. And then, in a quiet little voice completely unlike her usual one, she said "I...I always thought of them more like promises."

The bench shook as she sat down.



And then Duncan's mouth said "You smell good."

There was a faint sound, like she was brushing her hair back behind her ear. "...Thanks?"

"No, I mean...You always smell good."

There was a brief, awkward silence.

Oh. I mean, um, you've never seen me three hours after I eat at Del Taco. Scissors."


"Let me see if I can find some scissors in a classroom or something." The bench moved as she got up.


"BRB." The sound of her sneakers on tile, the doors opening.

Duncan dropped his cartoonishly large head into his hands.

Well, it was out there. He bit the bullet, and threw his hat into the ring. At least he knew that she probably felt the same way.

The spray dripped down his back, sliding between his butt cheeks, over his-

Duncan shifted uncomfortably. He really had gotten bigger back there. What kind of rubber sealant did that?

Something about his coccyx felt strange. And also his cock. The black stuff had reached it too, and he pulled his pants open - yeah, that bulge was bigger too.

He didn't so much let his dick out for some air as it bolted for the door the second it saw daylight.

The ol' boy clearly wasn't human anymore, and it clearly wasn't his anymore. Plus there was the fact that it was covered in slickness, kind of a tip-off. Could he smell rubber? Or was that the spray?

Now, what were the odds that spray sealant just happened to drip down his body into the shape of a cock?

He ran two fingers up and down it, and sat up a little straighter as tiny bolts of lightning jumped up his spine.

It even felt symmetrical. What else had it done?

He pulled open his shirt.

It was like the stuff was dripping in a sort of U-shape, down from his shoulders. It coated the inside of his upper thighs, his dick, his narrowed waist. And then there were his boobs.

He had boobs now.

He had heard the expression 'more than a handful is a waste', though he had never gotten to try it out before. It felt...nice.

He reached down with his other hand.

What he got was basically the same sort of delicious thrill that ran through him on the bridge of "Defying Gravity".


He opened one eye.

Catalina was standing there, scissors in hand.

"Room for one more?"


"Look, I can come back if you need a little alone time."

"No, it's fine." Duncan shoved his dick back into containment - barely - and placed his hands on the bench. "Go ahead."

She straddled his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Hold still. In fact, hold me still."

He put his hands on her waist, felt the black band t-shirt she had been wearing earlier. A lifetime ago, before someone glued a mascot head onto his head.

She raised her arms, so his lower fingers touched her cool skin. She leaned in and grasped his mascot head. Her smell was overpowering, this close. The cotton of her shirt and plaid skirt, sweat, detergent, her studded leather wristbands, the metal of the three piercings in her left ear-

She pulled the head right off.

"Huh. Would you look at that. The glue must've gone soft why are you looking at me like that?"

Cat bit her lip. "I should look in the mirror."

He did. It showed him a rather...curvy black woman. She was mostly naked, except for the shiny black rat head, and the darkness over her boobs, ending at her belly button. Of course, there was darkness curling up from between her thighs, cupping her balls, her cock, in what looked kind of like those push-pop things that animals had. It was saying "hi!" even as he watched. More so when Cat wrapped her arms around him, cupped his boobs, and put her chest on his shoulder.

"Nice," she said, as the studs on her wristbands poked into his chest, made him breathe faster and faster. His tail curled around her legs. "I wish I had a pair this nice. But they could be bigger."

Dunc's tits obligingly swelled.

Both of them stared.

"Did you just-?"

"I think I just-"

"How did you-"

"I didn't-"

"What else-oohhh!"

Duncan crumpled to his knees.

"I didn't think it'd be that bad!"

"What did you do?"

"Sorry! I tried not to think of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, and-and then I thought of breakfast!"

"What...did you have...for breakfast?!"

Catalina cringed. "Eggs and avocados? So I thought of eggs the size of avocados..."

Duncan blinked. "I don't have any of the plumbing for that."

"Well." Cat licked her lips. "Life finds a way."

And then the contractions hit.

"This is a bad idea," Duncan said.

"No, seriously, it's a great idea." Cat slid her panties off.

Dunc kept looking. This wasn't the first time he'd seen her take off her underwear. Though recent information was casting those into a new light.

"This way we get more settlement money because we get more media attention. And if that doesn't work, we could always become internet celebrities, making that Youtube *presidentes muertos *. What could go wrong?"

Duncan pointed to his boobs.

"And a very nice pair they are." She pulled up the back of her skirt with one hand, and sprayed with the other. "Ggghk!"

"How does it feel?"


Dunc rolled his eyes. He knew, he _knew_that she should step in, that he should intervene, that he should keep his best friend slash potential girlfriend from easing a big black egg into her, into her-

"I didn't know you were into anal."

"I wasn't. But we want complete saturation. And if something goes wrong, bigger settlement!"


"Nothing's happening, except I feel like I had Taco Bell for breakfast and then held it in all day-"


"So. Let's try the front door."

A few minutes later, Catalina was sitting on a bench with a latex egg in her vagina and anus, and a frown on her face.


"Nope. Maybe I have to eat o-"

Once, when he was sick, lil' Duncaroo had needed to hop out of the bed and run to the toilet so he could puke into it. He had seen his face in the mirror, on the way, and it had that exact wide-eyed, jerky look that Cat had now.

She made a wet kind of noise, her cheeks bulging. Her hand came up to cover her mouth, and black wetness leaked out of her nose.

And then she puked something on her knees, on the floor, that looked a lot like...

...The spray seal.

"This-hurrghgh-was a bad-blrgrk-choice!"

"Yeah, ya think?"

Duncan watched helplessly as the stuff kept spewing from her nose and mouth. Even the tears leaking from her reddened eyes were black. He grabbed Cat around the waist, pulled her away-

And couldn't.

Something black was stretching from under her skirt, anchoring her to the floor. Duncan stared for a second, before pulling it up.

It was an emergency.

Most of the area around her...girl parts was covered in the blackish-brown substance, but more of it was spewing out of the front door and the back, and it wasn't stopping-

"I knew you'd get me wet, but this is ridiculous."


She grinned at him, weakly. The stuff was still slick around her mouth. Were her lips a little plumper? Her teeth a little sharper?

"To be fair, this was mostly my fault." She looked down. "Am I turning egg?"

"Y-you're not turning into anything! We're getting you out of here!"

"No," she said, as the black surged up her back, "You're not."

And a sudden surge threw Duncan to the floor. He was stunned for a second, then looked up at Catalina.

"I'm...I'm not sure I'm gonna come out the same person. Underneath."


The black wrapped around her left arm, up to the elbow, yanked. It did the same with her right. The liquid seemed to be kind of forming...flaps?

"Huh. This could be, like, a Prometheus situation."

The black pulled her down, almost to her knees. And she kept resisting.

"So, in case I don't see ya-"


She looked up at him, still smiling, somehow, even as one of the tendrils reached for her face. "I am, and forever shall be, your fr-"

And then it latched onto her, pulled her head down, and the flaps of the egg folded up around her.

The worst part, actually, was how he could still see her. A giant egg, at an angle, with transparent sides. Like those scenes in movies with people in cryotanks.

It did kind of look like an Alien egg.

Duncan's brows furrowed.

Where did those scissors go?

Reggie stood in the hallway outside the locker room, the doors just behind him, and the exit a few dozen tantalizing feet away. He had an black egg sealed to the head of his cock, and someone had shoved a spray can up his rear and pulled his pants off.

All in all, he wasn't exactly ready for Fashion Week.

The someone in question was currently pacing behind him, her claws clicking on the tile.

"Let's make a bet," the lizard-woman said. "You make it to the end of this hall, and we let you go. You don't, and you get changed just like me, except you get to be more...submissive. Completely. Isn't that fun?"

She walked in front of Reggie, who couldn't help himself. He checked out the line of sweat dripping down her abs, one of the few places on her not covered by green latex. She didn't seem concerned in the slightest that he could see her vagina.

He was trying not to get a boner, but it was awfully hard. Especially when he could see the "stripes" in her "scales" that just exposed the olive skin underneath.

Catalina was still wearing her usual studded black leather wristbands and black band shirt, though it was strained by the two extra cup sizes she had gained out of nowhere.

Along with the lizard head and tail.

"If you make it out," she said, from behind his right ear, "any changes will be reversed, and you can go do whatever. We won't stop you. If not..."

She slapped his rear with her tail, and said "Go!"

He set off, gingerly, and nothing happened. Good, there wasn't some kind of tr-

The can triggered, and the next thing Reggie knew he was on the ground, his cock spurting into the egg, feeling like it was on fire. He twitched a little at the shuddering Heat coursing through him, then gritted his teeth and struggled to his feet.

At which point Cat ran the tip of her tail lightly down his spine, and a collapsed again. He looked down at the egg, and it already has a ridiculous amount of cum inside, and was somewhere between a grapefruit and basketball.

He was going to get through this. He was going to get through this, and go for help.

He got to his hands and knees.

And when he got help, they'd get that suit off Catalina, and she'd be so grateful that she'd...she'd-

Just the thought made him erupt again, and he decided it was better to crawl.

"Took you long enough," Cat said.

Crawling didn't stop the cumming, though. It didn't stop drops of the seal leaking out, rolling down his taint, his balls, his dick, only to roll down the underside of the inflated egg.

"You know, that egg is the only thing protecting you, really. If it wasn't there, you would've sprayed all over yourself by now. But nooo, Duncan said we had to give you a sporting chance."

"Why are you doing this?

"Because it's fun. And more importantly-" Cat grabbed Reggie's head and forced him to look at her. "You messed with my boyfriend. You could've killed him."

Reggie's mouth fell open.


Reggie growled "What does he have that I don't have?"

"Currently, boobs. On the other hand, you've got him beat in the tongue department."


Reggie's tongue suddenly swelled, falling out of his mouth and nearly hitting the floor. If he crossed his eyes and tilted his head, he could see that it was black at the tip.

He was turning into a freak, like them.

Another orgasm. They were getting longer. He kept crawling. Somehow.

"Just think of what you could do with that baby."

Another one. The egg-balloon was basketball sized now. But he was halfway there!

Cat slapped the can with her tail, sending him onto the ground, his cock spurting and spurting. Where was it all coming from?

Well, his dick, obvs, but besides that.

When he got out of this and got his hands on Duncan-

"Problem?" Cat knelt in front of him, and put a claw on the egg, which was now the size of a yoga ball, sloshing and sloshing. He could see the dark goo through the translucent skin, and shivered. Fear? Anticipation? He wasn't sure.

"Are you sure you don't want to give up? Not have to worry about the team, or your grades, or college, or anything about how you're going to serve?"


She sighed, and moved her hand away. "I don't think you'll be crawling much farther. Not unless you want the balloon to pop."

Wait, if he couldn't-then how could he-

His brow creased, his jaw clenched.

Figure it out.

He rolled onto his back. Head down, inch toward daylight. Hands holding the balloon-

"I just want to make absolutely sure." Cat had pulled a pair of scissors out of thin air, and they were just pricking the surface of the egg. "You don't want to become some kind of kinky latex drone? Letting him see through your eyes, always knowing he could take over at any moment, changing your entire body? I've only tried it for about ten minutes now, but I think this rubber thing's got legs."

"I seh nuh!"

"Too bad," Cat said, and popped the balloon.

ENDF The Spray 2016 Nequ Creative Commons By-SA-NC


Once, Duncan saw a video of someone trying to reach through a taut rubber sheet. He saw the impression their fingers made, the resistance. It was kinda creepy.

The biggest difference between that and what was happening was the fact that he could see Catalina. See her face, her gritted teeth, as she stretched her hand toward him.

Where were those scissors?!

And then, he realized something was wrong.

For one thing, Catalina didn't have claws.

But there they were.

Her hand punched through, and he didn't have time to think. He grabbed it, and pulled, and the rest of her followed.

Of course, she didn't come out unaltered. She felt more...scaly under his hand, and there was muscle definition in her arms that hadn't been there before. Her clawed toes scraped at the wall, and soon that was free, rather thicker around the thighs with muscle. Her skirt had fallen off, but her shirt was still intact, albeit much more...stretched.

The head came out narrow, oval shaped, hairless, with spines running down her back. The last to leave was the long, sinuous tail.

They overbalanced, and she landed on top of him when they hit the floor. Both of them just lay there for a while, in each other's arms. Breathing heavily.

"You know," Duncan said, "these interspecies relationships never work out."

The laugh sounded strange, coming from Cat's toothy maw. Not bad strange, just...different.

She sat up, and Dunc got a better look at her. Not all of her was covered in iridescent green; there was a sort of cutout over her most of her upper chest, leading down to her abs, and then her-

Cat grabbed his hand, and pulled it to her body. It still felt like skin. She was still ticklish around the belly button, still squirmed. Had her abs been this good be-

"Lower, big guy," she whispered.


He looked at the egg instead.

It was solidified, and kinda crystal-y, and it was like, it was like-

"It's like someone pulled an Army Man out of a bowl of Jello," Cat said.

Duncan's lips curled into a smile. His ears twitched. "Mom was so mad."

"It's not our fault if she wasn't paying attention."

"All right, Duncan, time for-what the-"

Both of the latex creatures looked up.

Reggie was standing by the door there with his jaw hanging.


Cat pointed. "You!"

Reggie stood in the hallway outside the locker room, the doors just behind him, and the exit a few dozen tantalizing feet away. He had an black egg sealed to the head of his cock, and someone had shoved a spray can up his rear and pulled his pants off.

All in all, he wasn't exactly ready for Fashion Week.

The someone in question was currently pacing behind him, her claws clicking on the tile.

"Let's make a bet," the lizard-woman said. "You make it to the end of this hall, and we let you go. You don't, and you get changed just like me, except you get to be more...submissive. Completely. Isn't that fun?"

She walked in front of Reggie, who couldn't help himself. He checked out the line of sweat dripping down her abs, one of the few places on her not covered by green latex. She didn't seem concerned in the slightest that he could see her vagina.

He was trying not to get a boner, but it was awfully hard. Especially when he could see the "stripes" in her "scales" that just exposed the olive skin underneath.

Catalina was still wearing her usual studded black leather wristbands and black band shirt, though it was strained by the two extra cup sizes she had gained out of nowhere.

Along with the lizard head and tail.

"If you make it out," she said, from behind his right ear, "any changes will be reversed, and you can go do whatever. We won't stop you. If not..."

She slapped his rear with her tail, and said "Go!"

He set off, gingerly, and nothing happened. Good, there wasn't some kind of tr-

The can triggered, and the next thing Reggie knew he was on the ground, his cock spurting into the egg, feeling like it was on fire. He twitched a little at the shuddering Heat coursing through him, then gritted his teeth and struggled to his feet.

At which point Cat ran the tip of her tail lightly down his spine, and a collapsed again. He looked down at the egg, and it already has a ridiculous amount of cum inside, and was somewhere between a grapefruit and basketball.

He was going to get through this. He was going to get through this, and go for help.

He got to his hands and knees.

And when he got help, they'd get that suit off Catalina, and she'd be so grateful that she'd...she'd-

Just the thought made him erupt again, and he decided it was better to crawl.

"Took you long enough," Cat said.

Crawling didn't stop the cumming, though. It didn't stop drops of the seal leaking out, rolling down his taint, his balls, his dick, only to roll down the underside of the inflated egg.

"You know, that egg is the only thing protecting you, really. If it wasn't there, you would've sprayed all over yourself by now. But nooo, Duncan said we had to give you a sporting chance."

"Why are you doing this?

"Because it's fun. And more importantly-" Cat grabbed Reggie's head and forced him to look at her. "You messed with my boyfriend. You could've killed him."

Reggie's mouth fell open.


Reggie growled "What does he have that I don't have?"

"Currently, boobs. On the other hand, you've got him beat in the tongue department."


Reggie's tongue suddenly swelled, falling out of his mouth and nearly hitting the floor. If he crossed his eyes and tilted his head, he could see that it was black at the tip.

He was turning into a freak, like them.

Another orgasm. They were getting longer. He kept crawling. Somehow.

"Just think of what you could do with that baby."

Another one. The egg-balloon was basketball sized now. But he was halfway there!

Cat slapped the can with her tail, sending him onto the ground, his cock spurting and spurting. Where was it all coming from?

Well, his dick, obvs, but besides that.

When he got out of this and got his hands on Duncan-

"Problem?" Cat knelt in front of him, and put a claw on the egg, which was now the size of a yoga ball, sloshing and sloshing. He could see the dark goo through the translucent skin, and shivered. Fear? Anticipation? He wasn't sure.

"Are you sure you don't want to give up? Not have to worry about the team, or your grades, or college, or anything about how you're going to serve?"


She sighed, and moved her hand away. "I don't think you'll be crawling much farther. Not unless you want the balloon to pop."

Wait, if he couldn't-then how could he-

His brow creased, his jaw clenched.

Figure it out.

He rolled onto his back. Head down, inch toward daylight. Hands holding the balloon-

"I just want to make absolutely sure." Cat had pulled a pair of scissors out of thin air, and they were just pricking the surface of the egg. "You don't want to become some kind of kinky latex drone? Letting him see through your eyes, always knowing he could take over at any moment, changing your entire body? I've only tried it for about ten minutes now, but I think this rubber thing's got legs."

"I seh nuh!"

"Too bad," Cat said, and popped the balloon.


The Spray

2016 Nequ Creative Commons By-SA-NC

The original plan was for Duncan to get more assertive and dominant, while Cat became more submissive.

Then I actually began to write it, and she was having none of that.

I read a lot of threads on Reddit about dudes who missed hints from women. I drew on those and some of my own experiences for this story.

I think my favorite example is the socially impaired guy who didn't realize he had been dating a girl until a friend asked him what they were doing for their 6 month anniversary.

Catalina looks like a teenage version of Laura Matsuda from Street Fighter. Duncan looks like, I dunno, a skinny black kid in shorts. I don't know what Reggie looks like, but I'll bet he has a smartwatch.

Sloppycat (Partial Latex Corruption)

And the boys all look, but know they can't touch And the girls want to know why they like us so much **Gwen Stefani, "Wind it Up"** * * * **A:** Relax. **A:** _Relax._ You're safe here. When was the last time you felt safe? **Q:** I dunno....

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DEADPOOL: Negasonic Teenage Wyrven (Dragon TF)

## Spoilers for Deadpool (2016), Now Playing in theatres. Unless you're in China. Sorry. So, after yet another patented Deadpool disaster area, everyone was in need of a drink. They went to Wade's favorite bar, where he knew the bartender and also...

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