Sloppycat (Partial Latex Corruption)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#3 of Shinyfication

You know that feeling when you have a cold, and you accidentally sniff a big wad of mucus out of your nose into your mouth? The Tongue feels like that, except it's more like an erection and an entirely separate personality."But what if I don't have a dick?"

That's what the Tongue is for.

And the boys all look, but know they can't touch And the girls want to know why they like us so much

Gwen Stefani, "Wind it Up"

A: Relax.

A: Relax. You're safe here. When was the last time you felt safe?

Q: I dunno. College?

A: Can you remember what it was like? The smell of your sheets, the starch-salty taste of bad, cheap food, the sun's light coming through the window.

Q: That usually means I'm late for class.

A: You're a college student. A studious one, who doesn't get out much. Your grades are good, but if they slip, your scholarship's gone, and that would be bad. You tell yourself that you'll have fun when you graduate-

Q: -But sometimes I wonder.

A: Sometimes you wonder. There's this cute physics major down the hall. She smiles at you in the hall sometimes-

Q: I get a funny feeling in my stomach. No time for love, Doctor Jones.

A: Your roommate thinks you should tap that. Or tap anything, really. He makes it his personal mission to get you laid. Even introduces you to a cute guy once.

Q: Great shoulders.

A: One night, he finally manages to drag you out to a party. You keep your eyes open, guard up, but he doesn't actually seem to be trying anything. In fact, he's not around at all.

Q: What's he up to?

A: What indeed. Somehow, you end up in a corner, standing awkwardly, a beer in your hand. Then physics girl comes up to you, wants to show you something in a room.

A: How does she look?

Q: She's dressed up. She's pretty normally, but with her hair and makeup did, and in that tight little skirt and those tight little pants-

Q: It's kinda hard to think straight.

Q: I know what she wants.

Q: I'm just not sure how to feel about it.

A: As she drags you along, you see your roommate giving you the thumbs-up.


A: You get into the room, and close the door, and she lets go of your hand.

A: Turns out what she wants to show you is... her.

Q: How?

A: As soon as the door closes behind you, she wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.

A: How do you react?

Q: I'm stiff, even when I put my arms around her.

Q: It's not something I've had a lot of experience with.

Q: It never came out when I was by myself.

A: You find your hands squeezing her, and she steps back. "What's wrong?"


A:"I know what you needed." She lets go, steps back, and turns around, bending over the bed.

Q:"What are you-"

A: She looks over her shoulder and grins, then slides her shorts down her hips.

A: They're a tight fit.

Q: I can feel It rising. But the doctors said never to let It out. Q: I reach for the doorknob.

A: She stops. Now when she looks at you, it's not predatory or hungry, it's... vulnerable.

Q: I look at her. Then I take my hand off the doorknob.

A: She bites her lip, keeps disrobing.

A: She's wearing a thong. Black, with a little red bow.

Q: I take a step forward.

Q: It's not like they'd know if it could spread. Not for sure. They said nothing quite like this had ever happened before.

A: The shorts hit the floor, and she steps out of them, widening her stance. This does some interesting things to her undercarriage.

Q: Sure does.

Q: Do I _want_to be here? I'm not sure. I can feel It building inside me, rising. It's almost out. Maybe the doctors just told me not to let it out so they wouldn't have to pay out more lawsuits.

Q: What does her booty look like?

A: It's big, and thick, and round, and -

Q: I bite it.

A: You...bite it?

Q: Right cheek. I sink my teeth in, seal my lips, and start pumping.


Q: Her right cheek starts to inflate. She screams, and tries to pull away.

A: Shame the music drowns her out.

A:"What are you doing to me!"

Q: I raise my head so she can see my face.

Q: My eyes are blank and black.

Q: My tongue is long and black, dropping some dark substance, matching the inside of my mouth.

A: She stares, her mouth hanging open. Then she starts shaking her head.

Q: I push the undies aside, latch on to her butthole and start pushing my goo into it.

A: Butthole? Really?

Q: Shut up. When I pull back, my tongue trails from my lips to her anus, which is now a tight little black pucker. Her other cheek has evened out, and I squeeze them both in turn.

Q: The black bubbles out of her hole, looking thick. It drips up, somehow, forming a cute little nub at her coccyx. A nascent tail.

Q: Right where the bow on the thong was, in fact.

Q: Her hole is limned in black now. I run my thumb around it, and she sucks in air past her teeth. Even more when I slick it with my tongue, my sharp teeth just barely pricking her skin.

Q: Then I stand up and flip her onto her back. Spread her legs wide, run my thumb up her... her.

A: She starts crying. Says it was just a prank by your roommate, that she wanted to get you with your pants down, then the people outside would burst in and take a picture.

A: All they wanted was for you to loosen up a little! They weren't going to hurt you!

Q: I don't care.

Q: She's so whiny. Can't I shut her up?

A: Yes. Yes you can.

Q: I kick off my shoes and socks, then I spit on the bottom of my foot.

A: Uh...

Q: I press down her throat, rubbing it up and down.

A: She can't speak anymore as the black is absorbed into her throat. It spreads upward, covering her lips. She shuts them, trying to keep it away, but there's no use.

Q: My foot is still on her chest, so I can feel her heart beating faster, her chest heaving.

A: She grabs your foot, trying to wrest it off.

Q:"Say please."

A: She glares at you. Her pretty makeup is just ruined by her crying and red eyes. It's not a good look.

Q: I disagree. I think she looks great. The second she opens her mouth, the black slides into her throat.

A: She tries to scream.

Q:"Don't you know it's rude to talk with your mouth full?" Her breasts start leaking black, and I grab her arms and force them onto her boobs. The black wraps around them.

A: Do you leave her hands free?

Q: Not all of them. Just the fingers. The rest...think opera gloves.

A: And her breasts?

Q: Bigger. Think Lara Croft's top. Including the shape. Oh, and I leave her stomach clear.

Q: The gloves fuse with her 'top', so she can't move her arms away..

A: So, the latex top kinda just sucks in her actual top, so her flat stomach is exposed. You run your toes over her toned abs.

Q: Dig my big toe into her belly button.

Q: Wait, are my toes flexible enough to pull off her thong?

A: Yeah, I think they are.

Q: Good. I do it. Is she shaved?

A: Trimmed. Into a little star.

Q: Aw, that's cute. I stamp on it.

A:...It starts to spread over her crotch.

Q: Did I say I wanted it to spread?

A: No.

Q: So it doesn't spread. It's a footprint, plain and clear. Everyone can see it. Everyone will know.

A: Know what?

Q: That she's owned. That she's mine.

A: Now what?

Q: She's hot and wet now.

A: Right. What about her ears?

Q: If she's already got a muzzle-mask, she can get a cute little pair of kitty ears. But make sure to plug her ears, like she's wearing a pair of earbuds a little too tight for her.

Q: Not something she can ever ignore.

A:...You never finished the tail.

Q: Okay. I roll her over and start pumping her.

A: What?

Q: I start pumping her booty like a bike pump. Up and down, up and down. Really lean into it. Her anus squeaks.

A: She's making noises through her mask, something between whimpers and moans. The tail slowly inflates, like you're blowing up a balloon. It feels solid when you grab it, tug on it.

Q: Is she into it?

A: She starts to push back, to grind against your cock. She's definitely moaning when you pull her tail.

Q:"Bad! Bad kitties don't get the cream!"

Q: But they might get to cream.

Q: Hint hint.

A: Oh.

A: A snap of your fingers, and something bulges from her crotch. It's like the tail, except shorter. And pointier.

A: She yowls through her mask as she comes, her juice straining the sheets black.

Q: I smile, and stroke her hair, as she pants. "Good girl. Good kitty."

A: She relaxes.

Q:"Now, I know our friends are listening at the door. Naughty, naughty. Would you be a good girl and...chastise them for me?"


Q:"Yes, what?"

A:"Yes, sir."



2016 Nequ CC By SA NC Fan stories welcome

Okay, this is a bit of a melange. I only have a vague idea where most of the elements came from, but the style may be because I discovered podcast, and I'm pretty sure I got the butt stuff from FA's Norz (norz-tf on DA and Sofurry). He likes to write skin-rippage TFs, and his last effort, "Autumn's Werewolf Cock", had a distinct focus on butt stuff.

Now, I don't like butt stuff, generally, on account of that being where poop comes from. And yet, something of the story seems to have wormed its way into my subconscious, and not only do I write butt stuff, I write a rimjob.

I think I've been corrupted.

PS: I spent so much time thinking up "tongue" puns for the title that it doesn't even look like a real word anymore. And I had to ask y'all to chose a title for me.

PPS: Butt stuff.

DEADPOOL: Negasonic Teenage Wyrven (Dragon TF)

## Spoilers for Deadpool (2016), Now Playing in theatres. Unless you're in China. Sorry. So, after yet another patented Deadpool disaster area, everyone was in need of a drink. They went to Wade's favorite bar, where he knew the bartender and also...

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Rubbutt (weird latex TF)

**Authour's Note:** I suggest you imagine this is being read by Stephen Fry. Or Christopher Lee's narration from that Willy Wonka movie. Or the narrator from the Stanley Parable. Or some strange combined version of all three. BODON, as it were....

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DFC (Dragon Corruption TF/TG)

The doors of the violated cab opened, and the two men stepped out. Actually, it was more like flopped out, covered in the enthusiastic discharge of a recently departed dragon. Why he - and it had most certainly been a he, barring some sort of exotic...

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