Weredogs of Chicago (Multiple TFs and TGs, gangbang)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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He's the hairy-chested gent who once banged some guy named Brent.

Achievement unlocked Stonewalling: Actually wrote about gay dudes having sex for once.

Once upon a time, a powerful nature spirit of the sort so convenient in transformation stories was taking a thousand-year nap underground.

For some reason, a city of stone and steel being built above it's non-corporeal head didn't wake it up, but two gentlemen entering a wooded Chicago park late one evening for some private time did.

It wasn't even like they were the first. Maybe this was the equivalent of one not realizing that the alarm's gone off and Mom has called you for your Wheaties about three times, until she stomps upstairs and yanks the curtains open.

Any road, the nature spirit glared upward (without eyes), sighed (without a mouth), and directed a pulse of energy towards our due that would change their lustful rancor to something more soothing, something more...natural.

Something, as you may already have surmised from the title, that went "Woof".

"Uh," said the bear, "hang on a second."

The twink looked up at him, with his mouth full. "Hmm?"

The older man grabbed "Cody's" head and pushed it back. The kid detached from his cock with...reluctance, and grinned up at him. "Problem?"

Riley leaned off the tree. "When did you put the headband on?"

"What headband?"

"The dog ears."

Cody reached up, and confirmed that he did, in fact, have dog ears, which twiched. In fact, he couldn't find his regular ears, and - he snapped his fingers to test - the new equipment seemed to be functional.

"I didn't."

"Funny." The bear reached forward, and tugged at them, and Cody whimpered.

"Stop! Your nails hurt!"

"My..." Riley held his nails up, and squinted. Well, the light in the woods wasn't good, for obvious reasons, and the full moon didn't quite penetrate so far down, so he had to resort to touch. They _did _seem sharper than they should.

It was rather warm. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, panting.



"Your dick."

It had, at some point, gone red, and the shape had changed. Now it had a tapered tip, and a bulb near the base.

"What the-what did you do!?"

"I didn't do anything! I just-eurgh!"

"What's wrong?"


Cody clutched at his stomach, his face grimacing with pain. Any hope that it was perhaps a bad Chipotle burrito were abruptly shattered when his stomach ballooned out. He stared down at it in amazement.

"How...wait, that looks familiar." He traced a finger up the line of hair up the center. No, wait, it was thicker. That wasn't regular hair. And it was spreading.

"C'mon, kid, get up. Must be hallucinating." Riley reached down for the younger man, and stopped.

Even in the dim light, he could see that the hair was gone from his arm.

And for that matter, the arm itself was a lot slimmer than it should've been. He was very proud of his gun collection, Riley was.

Wait a second.

His gut was gone.

Completely flat, just like his teenage days or, or...

A twink.

By contrast, Cody was staring in horror at his own brand-new muscled arms. Riley could smell his sweat and fear and...everything.

"What...what is this?" Cody asked.

"We're getting out. Now."

Riley hauled the kid to his feet with some difficulty, and they stumbled toward the path.

Or at least they tried to, until Cody fell down.

"C'mon, kid, what's...what's...huh?"

Cody had fallen over, and his pants had slipped, since he had already had them open in the first place. Oddly enough, there was a tail sticking out of the twink's rear. A fluffy tail with a ball on the end, like a poodle. And below that, thighs chock-full of muscle. And below that, two paws that scrabbled at the ground-

"What are you doing?" Cody said, as the bear pulled his pants farther off. Well, less and less of a bear every second.

Riley eyes glowed in the night. "Isn't it obvious?"


"Not sure...I could stop myself. Not sure you want me to." he leaned in. "I can smell you, boy. And you can smell me. We're not normal anymore."

Cody was silent for a second, before one muscled hand found his cock. Parts of his body were still bare, but there was puffy fur in the oddest places. His hair gathered itself up into a sort of ball on the top of his head as he thrust his hips upward.

And the wolf twink he dwarfed was happy to oblige.

His own tail came out as grey fur spread up his arms, and he started to wag.

The terrier had some kind of fancy, dog-show name. Max just called him 'Lucky'.

When they went jogging, the little guy would always try to pace his master, as if only the leash kept him from disappearing. When they didn't have the leash, he would dart off, investigating smells, turning over leaf piles, introducing himself to children and other dogs.

When he got home late from work - Max, not the dog - his wife had dinner ready, and pointedly stared at Lucky. Max winced; he already felt guilty about missing their evening jog, so as soon as possible, he switched to his clothes, grabbed a flashlight, and headed to the park with a very happy dog in the backseat. He liked to listen to Rush.

The dog, not Max.

He was five minutes into an episode of Serial and about five hundred metres down the path when Lucky stiffened at the end of the lead. Max pulled the headphones out of his ears. "What is it, boy?"

Lucky wasn't growling. He was just...staring. At the woods. Then suddenly, he took off, pulling the leash right out of Max's hand.

Aw, crap.

Max followed him up the hillside, past the trees, and to a clearing, with a something moving on the other side of it.

"Lucky," he said, turning on his his flashlight, "what are you d-"

Instead of a dog, he got two dogs. Two human-shaped dogs, or maybe dog-shaped humans. They were both clearly male, and clearly...occupied. In more than one sense of the word.

They stared at each other for a second or two.

Then the "occupier" raised a paw, and pointed.

Lucky was licking something, and seemed completely oblivious to the distress he had caused his master. He didn't even stop wagging as Max picked up the lead.

"Look, I don't really care about what you're doing here," he said, staring into the dark woods. He headed for the path, and pulled on the line a little harder than he needed to. Lucky complained about being disturbed from his snack. Jeez, Cameron would kill him it if was some kind of poison.

"I don't think that's going to work out," one of the gay guys in fursuits said. Max didn't look back to see which.

"Why not?"

"Because he's already changing."


Lucky was shaking, and trembling, and panting, and, most importantly, growing.

"What did you do to him?

One of them said something, but Max had already picked up Lucky and was running for the path. He was already the size of a small child (the dog, not Max), then a larger child, then an adolescent, and then he said "Master?" and licked Max's face.

Max missed his next step, and went tumbling down. Lucky spilled out of his arms, and went rolling across the ground, toward the path.

Max just lay there for a second, trying to catch his breath. A shadow fell over his face, and he looked up.

First was a massive penis. Then wide hips, narrow waist, a nice rack and seriously this was his dog.


That was a woman's voice. Or maybe a young woman.

Max didn't even realize he was backing away until his back hit the tree.



And suddenly his arms were full of curves and fur and delightful softness, wriggling happily and licking at his face. By the time he got her to calm down, his face was already less human, and he wasn't sure if Lucky was smelling so strongly because of just her, or because he was getting better at smelling.

Or both.

"I think...I think we need to go home."

Lucky gazed up at him with, well, puppy-dog eyes. "But what about our friends?"


Max looked left. Penis.

Max looked right. Penis.

Max looked down. Lucky, and on his own chest, boobs. Small boobs, but boobs nonetheless.

"Seriously? I just want to fix this. Look, I'll call 91-no, Lucky, give that back! Bad girl! Bad gi-whoa!"

"Looks like she doesn't want to leave," the little guy snarked.

"Shut up, you," Max growled. Lucky had pulled down his shorts, and his toes were curling in his Sauconies. Which didn't seem to quite fit right. He kicked them off, and stared at his new paws.

Sleek. Black and brown. He felt his ears; triangular. Doberman.

"Hold on, just hold on!" He pushed Lucky away from his crotch, and just sat there for a second.

This was insane. He was changing into some kind of dog, and it was apparently contagious. He couldn't go home, not really, because he might infect his wife. And besides, what would he tell her? "Hi, honey, I went for a walk and now me and Lucky are shemales. Can I sniff your butt?"

On top of that, there was the really, really strong desire to have sex. It was almost as bad as that dry spell in college, though he hadn't considered sucking cocks.

Not while he was sober, at least.

And if he was mostly-female, it wouldn't even be gay, right?

He'd always preferred boobs on women, but having a pair of his own wasn't so bad. More convenient too. He could play with them any time he wanted. Like holding one up and running his tongue around the areola while pinching the other nipple.

Mmm. He'd had his nipples played with before, but it didn't feel nearly as good. Not even half as good. They'd have to use decimal points to compare how good it felt.

And if that was just his chest, what about that wetness behind his balls?

"Lucky," he said, in a voice that pitched higher and higher with every word. "You've been a bad girl."

The dog's face fell. Well, her everything fell. Max had never seen someone act out a full-body sadface emoji before.

"You'll have to be punished."

Lucky looked up, and her head tilted. Then she just lit up, her tail a blur.

"Cody?" Riley said.

The big poodle looked up.

"Her mouth."

Cody thought about it for a second, and then shrugged. He didn't like women, but he hadn't been a dog when the night started either. Besides, she still had a dick, so it didn't really count, did it?

She went ah, little drops of drool falling off her tongue.

Wait, did Master-

Lucky looked over her shoulder, and Max nodded. Yay! And she immediately gobbled the poodle up like his dick was covered in peanut butter.

Which was probably the only thing, in her mind, that would make it better.

Of course, this left her other end unoccupied, and Max stared at it for a moment.

Waste not.

He lined up on Lucky and went in for the kill, beads of liquid dripping down his cock the second he penetrated. He stood there for a moment. Savored it. Wondered what she was going to tell his wife.

Slim-but-strong hands grasped his own hips, and he found her tail wagging, brushing against Riley's gut. Also, she had a tail now. That was new.

"Urrgh!" she grunted, as the male made his first assault upon her fortress-

Oh. So that's what it feels like.

-and her breasts swelled even larger.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and a woman's voice yelled "Freeze! CPD!"

"Not again," Cody whispered.

"What are you people doing?"

"...Mating?" said Lucky.

"Just...stay where you are."

There was a brief burst of radio static, as if someone had pressed the button and then released it, and then the policewoman said "What...what's that smell?"

Riley squinted into the light. Wait, if she was holding the flashlight in one hand and the radio in the other-

His knees were already bent, and he had quietly slipped out of Max, so all he had to do was lunge.

As he bore her to the ground, he reached for her belt buckle. With his smaller frame, she might've been a match for him, but he pinned her arms and shut her yapping with a wet, sloppy, doggy kiss.

The gunbelt fell to the ground as the rest of the pack arrived. She looked at the dogginess surrounding her, and said "Don't-"

She had a half-second to wonder why the wolf-man was touching her top like that before he ripped it open, and she gasped in-embarrassment? That was embarrassment, right? The heat creeping up from low in her belly?

The poodle followed up by opening up her undershirt, just ripping it in half with main strength, and she writhed as his claws pricked her skin.

Yep. Embarrassment. And fear. Nothing else.

The other pervs in costumes were there, and they helped the wolf roll her onto her front, where her bra was stained green from the grass. Was it a little...tighter?

She had just enough time to notice the fur on her arms before they were yanked out from under her, and tied behind her back with - okay, her own handcuffs? Really? She would have to fill out so much red tape when she reported-

She was going to be raped.

She was going to be raped and she was worrying about paperwork, what was wrong with her?

Someone - some*ones* - bodily picked her up and pulled her pants down her hips and off. Someone reached around her and drew a finger up the front of her panties, exposing her-

Why was she so wet?

Maybe...maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she just kinda went with it. Pretended to like it. Maybe they wouldn't hurt her. They wouldn't spank her, or tug on her tail, or wring a growl or a whimper from her muzzle-

Wait, what?

The cock entered her, and her mouth dropped open.

Oh, that definitely wasn't human, but it felt different. In other circumstances, she'd say it was almost, almost good, it was trying a new ice cream flavor you turned out to like. Butter Pecan vs Vanilla.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her head and pulled her forward, so the person underneath was supporting her full weight. The one in front of her smelt...rich. What was it-

Someone jammed a cock into her mouth.

Oh, it was penis. That smell had been penis.

She hadn't been sure about the situation from the start. It wasn't like they were hurting anyone, but it was still public exposure, and until she hit the light, she had thought it was just some perverts, but then she didn't know what to think.

The dog underneath her began thrusting.

Maybe she should've called for backup before confronting them.

She moaned around the dick in her mouth. Speaking of which, was her mouth getting longer?

Maybe she shouldn't've let herself be distracted by the smell.

Someone behind her pulled down the rear of her panties and drove in, her tail springing out like a plant growing on fast forward. The fur spread up her spine, her back, to meet the brown and black spreading down from her arms.

Maybe now she wouldn't be getting pounded by cocks, nothing but cocks, inhuman cocks, everywhere. Someone was lying underneath her with great boobs, someone was behind her.

The second dick entered her mouth. How-

Her ears finished moving to the top of her head and flopped over.

It felt, it felt like she wasn't quite worthy, like she didn't quite fit, and then her breasts and flat white-girl rear swelled, like someone hit fast forward on the squats she had never gotten around to. Meanwhile, her mouth, her tongue was discovering new dimensions of cocks she had never considered, especially since her tongue seemed to be longer and they weren't exactly human cocks anymore. The two even smelled different, one manly in a skinny teenage boy way (with a cock), the other feminine (but also with a musky cock).

All in all, things hadn't turned out too bad for her.

Her tongue found a cunt at the end of one of the cocks, and she lapped at it greedily, but mostly, her world was cocks.

And yet, it wasn't enough. She wanted more. More cocks. Bigger cocks. Pierced cocks, uncut cocks. Maybe they'd let her hands free so she could fill them with cocks. Maybe she could do something with her fe-

Her sensible cop shoes couldn't handle the pressure any more, and burst open, revealing her claws punching through her socks.

-Something with her paws. Maybe...maybe she could arrange some sort of pulley system-

Maybe her new pack could detain some other late-night parkgoers for questioning.

The Airedale terrier wagged her short tail, as the cock in her cunt filled her with hot, thick cream.

Extensive questioning.

About the nature of human individuality, identity, and sexuality and how it can be influenced by outside events such as being turned into some kind of super-sexy, hypernymphomaniac anthropomorphic dog.

And also cocks.


"Weredogs of Chicago"

2016 Nequ Creative Commons By-Sa-NC Fan Stories welcome.

There's a scene in one of the Dresden Files books where the title character is asked his opinion on gay dudes having hookups in the park. ("Eh.")

One morning I woke up thinking about it.

And here we are.

I tried to write this more in the style of Abe E Seedy, especially the ending there, which is kinda based on his Room Service short. Even considered asking him to collaborate before I remembered that Google Docs is, like, too mainstream for me, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on FA who writes directly into BBcode .txt files.

Sloppycat (Partial Latex Corruption)

And the boys all look, but know they can't touch And the girls want to know why they like us so much **Gwen Stefani, "Wind it Up"** * * * **A:** Relax. **A:** _Relax._ You're safe here. When was the last time you felt safe? **Q:** I dunno....

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DEADPOOL: Negasonic Teenage Wyrven (Dragon TF)

## Spoilers for Deadpool (2016), Now Playing in theatres. Unless you're in China. Sorry. So, after yet another patented Deadpool disaster area, everyone was in need of a drink. They went to Wade's favorite bar, where he knew the bartender and also...

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Rubbutt (weird latex TF)

**Authour's Note:** I suggest you imagine this is being read by Stephen Fry. Or Christopher Lee's narration from that Willy Wonka movie. Or the narrator from the Stanley Parable. Or some strange combined version of all three. BODON, as it were....

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