On The Seats

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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On The Seats

Red Carpet Cinema, Vilingham

16th of July 2016, 1:18PM

"Is it such a good idea to becoming back already?" I questioned, it was what I suppose could be called an oxymoron considering that I was fur who'd insisted on watching another film.

"Yes, they've stopped looking now. It said so in the papers. Now hush." Dakota said under his breath as we approached the counter.

Behind it was the manager who'd discovered our bags and Dakota's cum stain on the seat the last time we'd visited. That was an... eventful day for them and for us. An orca and an otter caused a much more public ruckus in the same room of us, they'd found cum stains on one of their seats and the culprit's bag, not only that but apparently a suspicious amount of uneaten, slippery cucumbers turned up in the bins. It was no wonder they'd stopped showing the film responsible.

"Hello!" They, a dhole with ginger bangs covering their fiery red eyes, greeted.

"Hi, could we get two adult tickets for 'Wild Dogs: 2' as well as two large salted popcorns and... What do you want to drink, Jinx?" My fox turned to me.

I stared into the slim, red fox's juniper colored eyes for a moment, before I stammered out my answer as I nervously glanced at the manager:

"Errr- a b-bottle of water...I guess."

It was nerveracking being so close to some fur who'd, in the newspapers, had promised to find us and have us arrested. The police were already hunting down the orca and otter, plus with the DNA Dakota had left splattered on the seat it wouldn't be long until they traced it to him.

"And a large coke for me then, please."

"That's two adult tickets to 'Wild Dogs: 2', two large salted popcorns, a bottle of water and a large cock?" The Dhole parroted as they punched in the respective codes.


As the dhole charged and Dakota coughed up the money, I let my eyes wander. Pretty much everything was the same as it was the last time we came, which funnily enough was the last time I came in a different way. However, one thing stood out: a wolf dressed in a Hi-Vis jacket, several in fact. If I had to hazard a guess, this was the furson who'd be patrolling the cinema room.

Dakota and I headed for our room. When we were out of earshot, I hissed:

"They've got guards! We shouldn't do anything, I swear we'll get caught."

"I didn't say we'd do anything. And those 'guards'? They're workers for goodness sake, Jinx. I looked into things, they've been installing CCTV in the bathrooms after a disturbance was caused by two unidentified fursons."

"That means us! Some fur could I.D us..."

"You mean the furs who have all been payed to forget? And don't worry, I had 'Slav do it in person so there's not much of a paper trail."

"What did 'Slav want for it?"

"Your ass." Dakota chuckled.

"Dakota I'm not some bargaining chip that you can pass around..."

We entered screen 9 and headed up to the back, as usual. This time the bag Dakota carried had a few... things in it, or so I'd been told; the fox hadn't let me see what he'd packed or if he'd packed anything at all.

"... I'm a living, breathing furson." I concluded my little rant as we sat in our seats.

"I was joking." Dakota burst out into laughter, causing those at the front to glare at us. "Dragoslav wanted money and his job secured. Not that I was even going to consider firing the hunk, he's good for... plenty of things." A sly grin spread over my fox's face.

"Weren't you the fur saying we needed to solidify our relationship and keep it closed from now on?" I raised my eyebrow and gave Dakota a disapproving look.

"Yeah yeah yeah... I'll try my hardest."

Something told me he was lying.

We'd gotten in later than usual, so the movie was already beginning to start. Settling back in our seats, we set down our food and drink as the movie ramped up.

"Talk about an explosive start!" I giggled, leaning over in my seat.

"It's the title screen and it's an action film, what do you expect?"

The fox looked directly at the screen, as if mesmerized by the exploding cars, intense chase scene and bullets that seemed to be missing the protagonist as if he had some sort of shield around him. I considered making a joke about that, but left it where it was; I knew that Dakota hated it when I spoke too much during a movie.

Things continued for a good hour, the three wild dog amigos were introduced completely now and a sense of bromance had been established like any good, slightly suggestive, R rated action movie.

The plot was... convoluted to say the least, these three Erian Wild Dogs were long lost brothers or something convenient like that and were setting out to kill their father who wasn't their father or some bullshit like that who was being held hostage by their real father for pretending to be the three dog's father or some boring thing like that... It was no wonder I drifted off to sleep.

And when I awoke, boy did I regret falling asleep.

For one my trousers were down, all the way to my ankles with my underwear in close pursuit at my knees. As hard as wood, my cathood stood dripping and proud in the open air for anyfur with good night vision to see. We were the only furs on the row, but just a hint of musk or a less than silent gasp would draw the attention of those in front of us... I suppose that's why I'd been gagged with Dakota's underwear, what else could reek so strongly of his musk?

It was... one of hell of a treat. The scent of piss, the sweat sticking to the fabric, a tinge of drying cum and the scent of lube mixed together to form an appetizing stench that assaulted my nose. No wonder I was so hard, nothing turned me on more than the smell of a man, the taste of one coming close second.

Chuckling at the fox's joke, I tugged at the underwear on my face only to find that it was stuck there. How I couldn't tell, but I was going to get in some big trouble if some fur saw me... I could barely see, the dark orange jockstrap obstructed most of my view and what little I could see was hidden by darkness. Hopefully, the other cinema goers would also be somewhat unable to see.

Feeling a little bit of panic, I bent over to pull up my underwear so that at least it wouldn't look like I was jerking off. Just as I did, powerful vibrations rumbled up inside of me causing me to make a muffled gasp into the jock and snap backwards. They slowed, becoming less and less intense until they ended, leaving behind a vivid memory of the feeling. I recognized it as the vibrations of a buttplug a certain fox loved to use.

"Jinx, keep that underwear down, that jockstrap on your head and your cock out otherwise I'll make sure you're down on the ground screaming for mercy as this..." The fox gave a waggle of the buttplug's remote. "Gets cranked up higher than ever before and your prostate gets the massage of its life."

Dakota stopped speaking, gave my arm a tight squeeze then snapped the vibrations back up to about halfway. Again, my body jerked in response and I arched my back as a shiver trickled down my spine. In the bottom of my vision I saw globs of pre leaking out of my pissslit, wetting my member and making it shine in the low light.

"Take off your shirt." Dakota ordered.

I knew I had no choice, my black and white polo shirt was on the ground next to my jeans in no time leaving me shivering slightly both because of anticipation and nerves.

It didn't take a genius to know that Dakota was eyeing me up, those vulpine eyes scanning my body, taking in my curves, bumps and whatever other sexy features he could find. I felt almost like a possession, being ogled by an emptor who was trying to figure out whether or not the money, in this case the risk, was worth it.

It was.

Dakota flicked up the vibrator again and again, taking me out of the normal headspace I was in and plunging me into a submissive one. But I was hardly allowed to get deep into either of them. When the vibrations started and I jumped into the submissive headspace, I could only grind my hips on my seat and work up enough heat for my tongue to roll out of my mouth. Then those pleasurable vibrations would stop all too soon. Next, I'd go back to a place where I wasn't being sexually teased and tortured at the same time, the movie was somewhat interesting after all. But that was never allowed to last long, especially when we got closer and closer to the good parts.

This continued for longer than I could count, that could have been minutes or even up to an hour as my brain was too fried to count more than one. Finally, Dakota pocketed the toy and grinned to me.

Leaning over he whispered,

"Gooood kitten. You've done well not blowing your load and I can tell you want too. But you're going to finish forepaws free."

I watched in both horror and dirty pleasure as Dakota tugged down the front of his trousers, revealing that impressively sized cock I'd gotten to know over the past few years. How the fursons in front of us couldn't smell the heady musk that spread into the air I couldn't tell...

"I lubed you up and stretched out your sweet little hole whilst you slept. You're all set to go." Dakota winked.

I couldn't exactly speak, but my eyes seemed to ask the questions for me.

"Don't worry... The furson in front of us jerking it, you missed one hell of a sex scene." The fox winked.

So the fox had gotten himself worked up and now he needed to relieve himself through me... perfect

Helpless, Dakota lifted me up onto his cock and whispered in my ear:

"A whore like you doesn't need a lubed cock."

The plug was ripped from my tailhole, causing me to wince and brace myself for the impending pain or pleasure; with Dakota it was difficult to tell which it would end up being.

Answer: Pleasure

If I hadn't been gagged, the whole cinema (and by that i mean all of the cinema, not just the room) would have heard my gasps as I felt his tapered tip sink into my hole. Sex was something I always found to be a bit of a wildcard, I never knew if it was going to be good, somewhere in the middle or bad until the guy was balls deep in me. With Dakota however, I knew the moment he lined up his cock. No points for guessing that this was going to be one of those good fucks.

His tip slipped inside of me followed by the rest of his thick member in a matter of seconds, I found that thick knot pushing at my entrance before too long. I was somewhat afraid of being knotted so soon, I definitely hadn't had my mind fucked out of me hard enough for me to completely ignore the pain of it. Wincing, I bit down on my lip and braced myself as Dakota tugged me down on him. His knot, which was getting thicker and thicker by the second, pushed against my whole like a cat squeezing under a door. Without a doubt I could feel the endowment gradually going further inside, it was merciless and cruel in a sense.

My tongue lolled out into the underwear, my eyes rolled back and I feel limp for just a second as his knot popped inside of me. Groaning, I felt myself squirt warm pre up into the air only for it to come splattering down onto my crotch. I knew that the fox's pre was being pumped into my insides, not that it was going to make any difference to how rough Dakota was going to be with me.

"This is going to be rough." He warned as if I didn't know already. "Knot fucking, biting, my cock deep inside your ass... Don't scream though."

I swallowed my fears and leaned back against my boyfriend' smooth, lean chest.

"Put your arms around my neck for a little support, let me do the work. Close your eyes too"

Doing as I was told, I lifted my arms up, closed my eyes and felt around until I had them grasped around the fox's neck. It was exhilarating to not be able to see and admittedly I was ready to open them up again at the slightest hint of something gone wrong. However, there was something hot about having my senses taken away as well as what little control I had of the situation. Undoubtedly, my temporary blindness had something to do with the way my cock started throbbing.

Then again, the fucking was probably the most significant factor.

It started up again a few moments after Dakota dug a forepaw into one side of my chest and the other into my hip to force the knot out of my ass. I opened my mouth to give a scream, but found myself unable to make much of a sound. I managed to whimper when I felt sharp teeth dig into my shoulder, then yelp as the knot was ripped from my ass. My cock felt as if it was thumping from the inside as I rode the fox's cock, though it was more like me being impaled on the member, taken off, impaled again, taken off, impaled again and so on... The feeling was incredible, thanks to the fact that my prostate was getting all the attention it could ask for.

My little pleasure nut felt swollen and my ass felt more than full, all because I was being screwed. Worst of all, I'd completely forgotten about all the furs in front of us. To me, Dakota and I were floating in a black space with nothing but each other, the clothes we wore and the underwear pulled tight over my face.

At first, he fucked me slowly to make sure that my tailhole could take such rough treatment. Considering that I wasn't too much of a trembling, crying mess, Dakota assumed I could and started going faster. He forced his cock up after drawing out to the tip, then rammed it home. He was met with little resistant, my insides were already worked into a tunnel, the perfect little cocksleeve for him. It was wet, warm, loose, but no so lose that he couldn't feel when my body jerked and clenched down on him.

Though I couldn't see Dakota, I imagined his face all scrunched up as he lost himself to the fuck. Already he was turning into this feral beast that only cared about breeding its mate, its bitch. The biting became harder, his grip on me too. Better yet the unforgiving way he pounded my asshole was going to make me come. Hard.

It got to a point where he couldn't make a tie, my walls too destroyed to lock him in. His knot simply went in, then came out. This was perfect for him, he could go deep. I jerked my body forwards as I felt his balls come up to slap my taint.

"A-are they..." I heard a whisper coming from in front of us.

Dakota and I seemed to tip forwards, I soon felt the wood of the chair in front of us press against my abdomen. All that meant to me was my alpha could fuck me harder, his cock could go deeper and his balls could slap against me more. What I wanted now was for him to finish in me, marking in me and claiming me as his bitch for as long as his cum was inside of me.

"Oh my god they are!" Some fur gasped.

Murmurs exploded in front of us, they were blocked out by a ferocious, guttural rumbling escaping my boyfriend.

"HARDER!" I screamed at him, there was no way the gag could stop that.

It caught the attention of plenty of furs who joined the complaining.

"Gerald, I want to leave."

"Let me finish my popcorn!"

"Not again!"

"I'm leaving, screw this! I'm supposed to be avoiding sex!"

"This is kinda hot..."

"This is a movie theatre, get a room!"

Dakota and I ignored them.

My cock pulsed violently, then dribbled jizz out onto the floor. I felt it leave me, yet it felt nothing like an orgasm. There was no explosion of pleasure as the cum rushed out of my tip, just a warmth and a ripple of an unexplainable, unprecedented feeling of relief; it felt a little like peeing. I only knew that I'd finished because of the smell wafting up to me. I'd reached my peak of bitch-hood, now I was only going to find pleasure in the orgasm of the stud muffin claiming me.

It came soon.

Dakota thrusted into me as hard as he could, causing me to clench down on him and give him the extra push he needed to finish. Fox jizz exploded into my deepest caverns, cloying to my insides and leaving a scent that I'd never want to wash out. Despite his orgasm, Dakota kept fucking me to empty his balls completely and push his seed deeper into me. I felt it hit a wall, causing it slush back and come rushing out from the sides of my ass. Each thrust of Dakota's hips squished more out, it found it's way onto my ass cheeks, my perineum and my inner thighs as it dribbled.

Now came the part I hated.

Dakota pulled out of me, causing cum to come rushing out. A felt a sludge of it gush out of me, some of it falling to the floor and rest running down my body causing me to shiver. The fox made sure to keep me bent over until most of it was out.

We came back to reality, a reality in which people were beginning to reach the point where they knew they should go get a manager. Where as I was stunned and afraid, Dakota burst into action. Pulling up his trousers, he laughed and gave me a slap on the ass to galvanize me into doing the same. Though I was a little grumpy about ruining my undies, I pulled them up and before I could ask what to do found myself being forced into running.

"Hope you enjoyed the movie!" Dakota shouted back to whoever was watching as we burst out of the cinema doors into the foyer.

"YOU TWO!" A fur I recognized as a manager roared.

The next thing I processed was me and Dakota running out of the doors towards the car, with staff in hot pursuit. Fortunately we were faster than them and our car much faster.

Dakota raced off, driving straight out of the compound and into Vilingham city centre.

"Fuck your ass was good..." The fox chuckled when we were clear.

My adrenaline spikes only just going down and the thrill sex having not worn off, I answered with little eloquence.


Dakota kept talking to me as we drived, though I don't remember what he was saying I remember that I blushed and giggled at each sentence.

"How about you give me road head?" Dakota asked.

"W-wha? But we just fucked!"

"Come on babe, just suck me off a bit. It'll be fun. Plus I'm horny."

Though It wasn't an order, I got the feeling I wasn't allowed to say no.

Unbuckling my belt, I got on all fours on the seat and leaned over the gear stick to get at Dakota's crotch. We were on the motorway, so no fur was going to see me going down on his cock.

Opening up his flys, I reached into the crack of his underwear to pull out his sheath and balls. Instantly, I nuzzled into the space where his balls met his sheath with my nose to inhale that rich masculine scent. If I could have one wish, I think it would be to have candles scented like Dakota's balls. The stench of cum had overridden the usual mixture of dried jizz, pre, piss and whatever else had found its way to Dakota's fuzzy sacks. I took a deep breathe, then moved on to getting my boyfriend to full mast as I knew I was going to get another dose of the stink soon, it was probably going to be smeared across my muzzle.

I dipped my tongue into the musky, unexplored depths of Dakota's sheath; a trick i'd never employed. I should have done it sooner, considering that my fox gasped and shoved a forepaw against my head to make lick out his sheath for longer. It tasted wonderful, a salty concoction of pre, piss, sweat and cum that had dribbled down under the furry sheath. In no time I had his entire cock resting on my face.

Looking up at him with my best puppy eyes from behind his member, I asked:

"Can I swallow it up now?"

"Of fucking course." Dakota grunted, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road and not on me sucking his cock.

Without hesitation, I cupped a forepaw under his balls and rolled them in my palm. If I squeezed, I was sure that I'd be able to feel his nuts working overtime to pump out more cum for the hungry kitty. Playing with his balls had become my little trademark almost, it was something I loved to do and did every time I got my mouth close to the fox's balls... Though this time, Dakota had other ideas.

"Stop playing with those and get on with it. I swear to God I'm desperate for this."

Giggling, but somewhat disappointed, I gave his sack a lick before rising up to lap up the pre dribbling down his length. My coarse tongue on the side of his still sensitive member caused him to shiver.

"I don't even care if I don't last long just make me come with your mouth."

"And my fingers?"

"Just do it, please." There was a hint of desperation in his tone, clearly the excitement of doing something so dirty had gotten to him and I'm talking about road head.

Obliging, I slipped a finger into his sheath and wriggled it around causing him to groan aloud.

"Fuck, Jinx!" He roared, swerving the car slightly.

With glee, I added a second finger and prised apart his sheath slightly so that I could slip all of my tongue inside.

"Ohwa God!" I heard Dakota cry out.

I kept licking down in the depths of his sheath, touching an incredibly sensitive part of his cock. No fur had ever been down there before, I could tell. Dakota never panted over a blowjob unless I'd edged him or something, so hearing him breathing heavily above me was a little surprise.

I'd teased for long enough, I decided. Leaving a finger to rub at his cock inside his sheath that was starting to roll back as his knot popped out, I started running my tongue up his cock again. I shined the pink flesh of his cock on one side, snaking my tongue around to reach the other side too. In a few minutes it glistened with both pre and spittle, perfect.

Admittedly, the fox musk was getting to me too and without another thought about it I took all of his cock in my mouth, from tip to knot. Sucking on it, I felt his cock throb and pulse in my mouth as he worked to pump out some cum for me to swallow.

Dakota tugged at my trousers, pulling them down to my thighs followed closely by my underwear. A finger pressed against my entrance, slipping inside with ease.

"Such a loose cunt..." He had the audacity to chuckle, I made sure to suck just that extra bit harder to get him to gasp like I'd been a dozen of minutes ago.

It became a little bit of a competition, Dakota trying to get me to cry out by stroking a finger over my prostate and me trying to get him to finish by sucking him off. No surprises as to who won.

The fox started bucking his hips into my maw as he got closer and closer to his orgasm, my tongue helped him too. I licked under his sheath, circling it around the base of his knot and only occasionally flicking the flesh which had turned a bruise purple.

Taking him down to his sheath, I waited for him to cum just from fucking my mouth, though I was more like my throat. As I felt his cock tense, spasm and then heard his gasp of relief I pulled off to catch the load on my face.

Sticky, cloying warmth spread over me, catching my face furs, hair and a little bit up my nose. I sneezed and accidentally got a squirt in my mouth. I fell backwards, knocking against the door as Dakota burst into laughter.

"Keep your mouth on it next time!" He laughed as cum dripped from my face onto the seat.

I joined him in laughter as I got back into my seat. At least we had something to talk about on the drive home.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes! ^)^

Characters, locations and story © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Not on the seats!

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