Making Amends (Part 1)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 12

Merjuh, Vivato Cafe

24th of September, 1:45 PM

Leonardo wasn't built for the side alleys. Sanguine brick walls, Stygian paving stones and a lingering stench of alcohol all around just weren't for him. Despite this, they were the only paths he took. He looked hideous! Like some tramp who'd just five minutes ago crawled out of the gutter, he needed to keep himself out of sight.

Despite his rough looks, he held his head a high; a natural response to being in public.

"We're penniless, Leonardo. Hated, even." His father's voice recited. "Know it, don't show it."

"Know it. Don't show it." A young Leonardo parroted.

His family might as well as have gotten that tattooed on his forehead, but it would have to be in Latin if it were to meet his pretentious family's standards.

"Yes Leonardo, that's it. Hold your head up! Higher now! No no, too high..." His mother instructed.

Looks were everything in his family. Intelligence is useless without funding seemed to be the family's surrendering motto.

"Give up. University is for the rich and the lucky. We are neither."

Her voice continued disregarding Leonardo's optimistic dreams.

"Literature won't help us."

Those were the only things she had to say about Leonardo asking to go to university. Luckily, he'd scrounged day and night, scrubbing pans, pots and shoes to make barely enough money for a year of university. Teofil was the perfect way to procure the second and third.

Afterwards, If he could help it, he'd forge strong connections and get his past erased, his name too; becoming a successful journalist with the last name 'Donati' would be impossible.

Leonardo jostled his way past every fur in his way, the meerkat had no time to apologize and turned a deaf ear to those who complained.

The streets approaching Vivato Cafe, and unsurprisingly the entire Red River waterfront, were abandoned. Leonardo noticed this and muttered a complaint to himself. He turned the corner, fuming, and tried not to look like a serial killer as he drew close to two armed, black wolves.

Wearing shades and suits, they were easily recognisable as as Delphine's elite guard. Over those clothes they sported protective gear: a Kevlar vest, knee pads, a helmet, elbow pads and boots thicker than lead. Strapped to their belts was a gas mask, flashlight and a radio; they were prepared for everything short of a nuclear bomb. These things made the duo very threatening and, combined with the inflammatory nature all of Delphine's guards possessed, murderous. At first glance they weren't armed, but upon seeing Leonardo and his sluggish gait reached for guns.

"Hey!" One shouted. "Back off!" From under his blazer he drew a handgun, which was irrefutably designed to kill not stun.

Raising his forepaws above his head in surrender, Leonardo spoke with clarity:

"I'm Leonardo Donati. Delphine knows me, she's expecting me."

Leonardo stopped a good distance away from the barrel of their guns; he knew that these guys didn't mess around and would shoot if they felt threatened.

"Prove it."

The second shuffled about and shot an anxious glance to his co-worker, who was busy keeping his eyes trained on the meerkat like an owl stalking a field mouse.

"Zero. Delta. Zero. Tango. Mike. Lima..." The last part of the code slipped Leon's mind and a part of him tugged at him to bolt. "G-golf!" The meerkat blurted out, it was the best guess he had.

Wincing, he expected to hear the crack of a gun. He peeled one eye open a few seconds later to see the two wolves grumbling about their suspicions, but nevertheless they'd holstered their weapons. Leonardo sighed in relief and walked past them, next time he'd just call Delphine.

Delphine was sitting at a table, legs up on the wood and a comfortable chair under her rump. With a smug grin, she chuckled:

"You're quite disheveled for somefur who's meeting royalty!"

Despite her royal status, she dressed more like a chav than anything else. A crimson red hoodie was pulled over her head and light blue jeans, which were two sizes two small for her, had been squeezed over her stripy orange and black hips. Her bare paws were out, as if she were at home.

"You are a mess for somefur who is royalty." Was Leon's witty response.

A few bodyguards turned their heads, but Delphine pulled a forepaw out of her pockets and ordered them to dismiss the insulting joke.

"As witty and as snappy as ever." She gestured to the seat across from her. "Sit."

Leonardo did as instructed, although Delphine could take a joke, disobeying an order was known to rile her quickly. Not that she'd do anything particularly horrific to the meerkat. The two had been friends for years, so Leonardo was safe from her what he would call abuse, for lack of a better word; he'd have to keep that a secret from Miss. Walker.

"Of course." Leonardo replied and nestled himself into the chair.

The tigress had a slice of cheesecake handed to her as did Leonardo. Delphine, for a moment bowed her head and spoke grace aloud. However she rolled her eyes secretly to Leonardo as she did and hardly sounded like she cared.

"Want something to drink?" Delphine asked, then shot her head around to the counter. "Bears!"

Leonardo followed her eyes to the ursine owners of the cafe; two black bears (wife and husband) were huddled behind the counter with a false smile on their faces. There were guards all around them to intimidate them, it was a shock that they hadn't wet themselves out of fear. Leonardo, as a cub, had been close to shitting himself when two huge men armed to teeth strolled up his front porch with Delphine in tow. His parents had hidden from them, knowing that the princess was bad news. Sometimes, Leonardo wished he'd listened to them.

"What do you have to drink?" Delphine questioned.

"It's alright! I'm not thirsty." Leon butted in.

"Shut up!" Delphine roared to the two bears before they could say anything.

They, Leonardo and Delphine, stayed in silence for a moment until Leonardo noticed that Delphine's smirk wasn't sitting quite right on her face. Leonardo sighed, she wanted to know about Callum.

"It isn't, wasn't, as big as you're thinking." Leonardo frowned, god knows he was lying; Callum, even for a crocodile, was impressive when it came to... length and girth.

"How many inches?"

"Enough." Leonardo huffed, not in the sense that he didn't want to talk about it anymore. "I couldn't fit that much in my mouth."

"Seems you need a few lessons on giving a blowjob." Delphine winked. Leonardo seemed appalled, he visually withdrew. "Don't worry, I'm not about to tell you to go down on one of my guards... Although... Would you mind comparing?"


"Jordan!" Delphine hollered to an equine guard, who was sitting at the bar and grinning at the owners.

He'd been sipping on a glass of lemonade, the horse purposely knocked it over whilst it was half-full. It shattered at the bear's paws, making the woman squeal. They weren't even allowed to bend down and brush the shards in a dust pan or get it off of their paws. Leonardo hated this, but knew better than to voice his opinion; it was good for his family name and for himself that he was cosy with royalty.

The black stallion, Jordan, clopped over to their table and bowed.

"Yes M'lady?"

"Pull down your pants! I need a dick for Leon to compare his man friend's too."

"Delphine, no!" Leonardo gagged. "I'm not gay!"

Delphine's eyes shrunk and stopped the equine from whipping it out. Grumbling about a waste of time, the horse pulled up his trousers and buckled them.

"So you didn't want it? Or you didn't like it? Was it rape?"

The tigress, scowling, (for once) put her paws on the floor where they should be and leaned forwards across the table. Leonardo, sweating, tried to half-avoid the question.

"No, no, no, no, no... Can we talk about something else? I don't want to talk about them."

"You're clearly uncomfortable with what happened. Did something-"

"Delphine." Leonardo interrupted with a sigh. "Why don't we talk about my tutoring sessions instead?" He suggested.

"Boring." The tigress rolled her eyes, kicking her paws up on the table again. "I'm kidding!" She chirped. "Go on, talk about it, you can make anything interesting."

"Err... Well. Have I told you what his name is?"

She yawned.

"How about I ask the questions instead of you? It'll make this less drawled." The tigress suggested.

"That's okay."

The meerkat was surprisingly glad that he didn't have to do too much speaking.

"So what's his name? The one you gave a blowjob too."

"Callum. Callum Reagen. He's a errrr... computer science student."

"I've never heard of that species before."

The two burst out into laughter, so loudly that the two black wolves outside peered in.

"He's a saltwater crocodile." Leonardo continued.

"Oh my." Delphine's smirk spread again. "So he was really big then?"

The meerkat stayed silent for a moment.

"Ten inches."

"Damn! Look at you Leon, size queen."

"I'm not going to do it again! I'm hardly a size queen."

"So who's this wild dog?" Delphine changed the subject on a dime.

"Teofil Wieceslaw... I think. He's Erian, so I don't really know how to pronounce his name." Leon frowned.

Now that he thought about it, he only knew Teofil's name because of the document he'd had to sign. Furthermore, he hardly knew anything about the Erian Wild Dog. He knew his species, that he was tall, strong, into sports, a nudist, had a unique and beautiful pattern in his fur and... well that was it. Even further, he didn't know anything about Callum's personality either and he'd been between the crocodile's legs! Actually, he knew that the overgrown lizard was a pervert and a creep, so maybe he did know something.

The two most important male fursons in his life and he couldn't even name ten facts about them,

"Don't worry, no fur knows how to pronounce Erian names!" Delphine laughed.

Add that to the list of qualities of Delhpine that Leonardo couldn't stand.

"Has he got any tribal piercings? You know, like... a bone through his head? A spider glued to him? Strange tattoos with mystical qualities." She waggled her fingers mockingly. "Or did you take one look at his face and run away like you meerkats tend to do! You are rather skittish."

"No. I've spent at least three hours these past days with him and no, he doesn't have anything like that. He has no body modifications, not even something little like an ear piercing. Apparently, his tribe isn't too big on piercings..."

Leon lied, he knew nothing about Teofil's tribe; he hardly spoke about it in all honesty.

"I bet he's hiding them! I bet he has a whole box of freaky piercings under his bed. Be careful, Leon, if you fall asleep around him you'll wake up missing your scalp!"

Delphine didn't sound as if she were joking.

"I won't." Leon forced a chuckle.

"Now... Er... How would you go about like... Apologizing to somefur effectively?" Leonardo spoke again.

"So Leon, you major in Vedish and you don't even know how to apologize to somefur?" Delphine chuckled. "First of all. You don't go about it like it's an essay. Just go up to them, apologize with words they'll understand, add some physical contact, then eye contact and finally fuck them. Even if they're not your partner, Drop theirs pants, give it to them and then do the do." She grinned.

"Delphine! I'm not going to-"

"Oh! Is this about the crocodile you gave a blowjob to? Because if it's him you should bite his nob off!" Delphine laughed.

"Look, I don't hate Callum. I just don't know if I'll do it again."

"You should, everyfur sucks dick these days!"

"It was Teofil, I shouted at him then stormed off. I want to make things right."

Leon, before Delphine could give him some crappy advice, continued talking about the specific scenario. He missed out the parts about Callum whipping him, the blackmail and the whole slave thing they had going (he didn't want Callum to be killed after all), but delineated everything else until Delphine could picture the scenes.

"Okay... Teofil was clearly just trying to look after you, so apologize to him. Then sock him one! That's how the Erians apologize, right?" Delphine grinned. "What? Not funny. Fine... Fine... Just, put a lock on your window." The tigress stood up and stretched.

"Judging by how antsy you've been getting, I imagine that this conversation is over?" Delphine questioned.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's alright. You have a university to be at, things to learn and what not." She extended a striped forepaw. "Bye!"

Leonardo shook her forepaw and parroted back her goodbye. As he left, he made sure to hurry along so that the guards had no chance to stop him; the last thing he wanted was to be patted down and strip searched in plain sight.

Leonardo arrived back at the university quickly. He grabbed a post note and a pen from the common room, scribbled a note for Teofil on it and then slipped it under his door. Judging by how no fur ripped open the door to hug him, neither Jiyeon or Teofil was in.

"Leo!" A voice called to him from down the corridor.

The meerkat turned his head to see a depressed white cat and somewhat cheerful canine walking down the corridor. They both carried two baskets of washing. Clearly, the cat hadn't called to him.

"It is Leo, right?" The wolf asked.

"Leonardo. But yes." Leonardo frowned, he hated speaking to frat boys and Leonardo could tell that this wolf was a frat boy, he had that aggressive, animalistic air about him.

"Sorry." Luke apologized with a genuine tone of apology in his voice. "Teofil came asking about you. Then he said he was going out, he should be back any minute now."

Leonardo wasn't ready to talk the dog just yet.

"Thanks." He devised a quick plan and, as the wolf passed him, Leonardo stopped him. "Let me do you a favor. These need to go to your room, correct?" Leonardo took the basket from Luke's forepaws, the wolf was somewhat relieved, but confused.

"Yeah, Shaun here can show you the way." Luke smiled. "But, honestly you don't have to-"

"It's fine!" Leonardo grinned and scurried after the cat, who appeared as if he hadn't even noticed that Luke had stopped.

The walnut colored wolf felt slightly guilty that he was allowing Leonardo to do his chores, but by the time he fully regretted it the meerkat was downstairs.

Turning to Jiyeon's door, he turned the handle and went inside.

Jiyeon, who was lounging on the bed, wasn't phased by Luke suddenly entering his room. Teofil however, was and rightly so! The wolf stopped in his tracks. The door closed behind him with a clunk. Luke assumed that he would know what to do when he walked in on two furs having sex, he didn't.

"Sorry!" Luke turned half a circle and had his forepaw around the handle before he heard their laughter.

The wolf turned to see his latest friend balls deep on top of his best friend like a feral animal. The fox's shoulder was tinged slightly red, Luke assumed that either Jiyeon or Teofil was into biting. Both, perhaps.

Jiyeon put down his phone and yawned in a way that could almost be considered insulting. The Erian Wild Dog bowed his head slightly to kiss Jiyeon on the lips before slowly pulling out.

He tried to pluck the condom, which was covered in lube, off of his cock, to no surprise he couldn't even manage to pinch the tiniest amount considering that he was trying to get at the side.

"No! I'm sorry." Teofil chortled. "I should have locked door."

Jiyeon noticed the Erian Wild Dog's struggles, but waited a moment.

"Aww! But then we wouldn't have somefur to have a threesome with." The marble fox wisecracked, getting out of bed (stark naked I might add) to bounce over to Luke and throw his arms around the wolf. "I'm still loose if you want to drop your pants and have a go at me. Maybe you could get both of your knots up there." He added with a wink.

"That's alright. I need to go anyway. I only came here to... freshen up in your bathroom." Luke answered with a sigh, knowing that it sounded strange and that the fox was going to question him. Jiyeon grinned as expected.

"You have a date?" The Marble Fox's eyes glittered, he clapped his forepaws once and bounced on his paws. "Who is it?! Who is it?! Who is it!? Do I know them? They're a guy right?" Jiyeon grinded against Luke as he spoke, his sheath rubbing on Luke's inner thigh.

"No. You don't know them..." Luke immediately regretted admitting that he had a date. Jiyeon chirped with glee and started bombarding the wolf with more questions, which he ignored expertly.

"Oi! I said you can't meet somefur wearing that." Jiyeon frowned, eyeing up the wolf's clothes again. Luke looked at his own clothes, slacks and a black t-shirt; he didn't exactly look... presentable.

"Sorry, but I'm sure that they won't mind." Luke chuckled as Jiyeon brushed a hand over his chest.

"I still have some clothes of yours in my wardrobe, if you promise to take Teofil's condom off for him you can have them back." Jiyeon promised.

"I'm fine. Can do it myself." Teofil grunted in response, fumbling with just about every part of the condom except the tip. Luke, feeling pity, walked over to Teofil and whipped it off of his cock in one swift movement.

"There." Luke threw it in the nearby bin then went into to Jiyeon's wardrobe to get his clothes back. They were much fancier than what he was already wearing. The plaid shirt reeked of fox, but that wasn't such a bad scent compared to what they could have smelt like. Under that, he wore his black t-shirt, but replaced his slacks with the jeans Jiyeon had held on to.

"Looking handsome." Teofil commented, eyeing up the wolf from head to paw whilst he licked his lips; Luke felt rather unnerved by Teofil's stare, but he couldn't tell what about it frightened him though. Maybe it was because he was naked and still fully erect.

"Thanks." Luke smiled regardless and slipped into the bathroom to freshen up, he made sure to turn the lock.

"Should we get dressed?" Jiyeon asked. "Or are we going to go straight back to fucking as soon as Luke is gone?"

"Dressed. I'm finding Leonardo." Teofil responded, standing up and going straight to his own wardrobe. The fox leaned over his shoulder as he changed, pointing to things and purposefully trying to convince Teofil into wearing something tacky. "Jealous because I'm ditching you for him?" Teofil chuckled when he noticed.

"Kind of, I was looking forwards to being the first fur here to witness how good you are in bed. I really want to know how powerful those hips of yours can be."

"Tonight you find out." The Erian Wild Dog winked before slapping the marble fox on the ass and giving him a gentle shove away. "Wait for me."

"Sure, just don't keep me hanging." Jiyeon, swaying his hips and his bushy tail as he walked, climbed back into his bed and rolled about to draw attention.

"Ughh! Why can't any of you guys in the dorm just be solely interested in me?" Jiyeon complained jokingly when he turned his head to the side to see both Luke and Teofil were stunningly hunky in their attire.

"What do you mean? We are interested by you." Teofil frowned.

"He means why don't we ignore everyfur else and only focus on him." Luke explained.

"Exactly! Teofil, you're trying to bang Leonardo. Luke you've got a date. Logan's an asshole, Shaun's depressed, Corbin's too skittish, Alexander probably doesn't even know what a penis looks like, Garret and Tyson have each other as do Darren and Oli, Sebastian's not my type and the rest would rather spoon their eyeballs out than look at me." He exhaled deeply and flopped.

"You'll find somefur." Teofil tried to reassure. "Might take a while though."

"Oi!" Jiyeon laughed, tossing his pillow across the room. It flopped against the door and fell to the carpet.

"Could you hand that back to me? It's comfortable and somewhat fun to hump."

"Gross." Teofil picked up the pillow and noticed a vivid pink square underneath it.

Tiny, formal and flowing letters were written in a neat line from one side to the other. He recognized it as Leonardo's writing. But, he couldn't exactly read it. Well, most of it anyway. He read everything, able to pronounce all of it mentally, but not understand most of it.

'Sorry, Teofil.' That part was easy enough. "I apologize substantially for what I said and did, it was uninvited and rude. I also apologize for putting this in writing rather than speaking to you face to face. We'll talk later, at nine no later in my room." That didn't make much sense to him. Awkwardly, he shoved the note into Luke's forepaw. Teofil tried to ask for help, but 'explain' was one of those words he just couldn't remember:

"Can you... something this to me?" He muttered.

"Explain it? 'Course." Luke grinned and scanned the note. "Leonardo wants you to go to his room at nine... so in six and a half hours go to his room. I'd say you have some time to kill."

The wolf patted his friend on the back before slipping out of the door. He heard Teofil question how he'd known the writer, but who else could it have been considering that they'd used 'substantially?' Attempting not to dwell on the thought of what those two would get up to, Luke headed downstairs and slumped against the wall.

All of a sudden his legs felt weak. Very weak. It was the same strange sensation that occurred whenever a blow is struck below the kneecap. Only this was long lasting. He wasn't ill or dying (at least he hoped he wasn't), but without a doubt he had at least a Kaleidoscope of butterflies in his stomach.

He huffed and breathed deep, just a few more steps, one knock and a few seconds of waiting and he wouldn't be able to take this back. Well, not without a cover story. Before Luke could trick himself into making an excuse he traveled the last few steps and thumped on the door; expecting to hear that bull's gruff voice.

Nothing came, but listening closely Luke heard a low, lazy grunt; the bull was sleeping. Chuckling, Luke checked his watch: Two o'clock. Logan probably needed to wake up, so Luke went straight in.

"Jeezuz fuck!" Logan bellowed, seeing the wolf barge open the door to his room.

In a not-so-graceful and sudden move, Logan threw the covers up over himself and a magazine flew out of his forepaws; it came to land not so far from Luke's paws.

"Logan? Shit, sorry. I thought that you were asleep, I came to wake you up."

Luke looked around the bull's room. Logan's side of the room was messy, there were clothes, books and papers strewn everywhere whereas Corbin's was cleaned perfectly, save for his desk which was as messy as the floor on Logan's side of the room. The fennec was nowhere to be seen, you'd hope so considering that Logan had been fapping in plain sight.

Luke snickered, playing it as if he were oblivious to Logan's actions.

"Didn't scare you did I?" Luke made sure to stand dangerously close to the porn magazine, Logan peeked out from under his covers and gulped.

"Kinda." Logan admitted. "Corbin usually comes in quietly, so he doesn't wake me up."

"Oh yeah?" Luke leaned against the frame of Logan's bed, dragging the bull's magazine with him. "Does he make you frustrated?"

"Why would he?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

"No reason. You seem like a really frustrated person, you were really grunting in your sleep; I could hear you from the corridor. I wondered if he was the problem." The bull rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gay, Luke." Logan grumbled. "And stop being an asshole and turn around, I'm going to get changed."

"No problem. I think I might read this whilst I wait." Luke plucked the magazine from the floor and turned around.


Luke picked it up, ignoring the bull and pretended to act shocked.

"Oh my!" He flicked through it. "I can't believe it! Logan Rowe, gay?" He exaggerated his words and pulled a facial expression that immediately told Logan everything.

"How the fuck did you already know?" He threatened, pulling up his boxers and getting out of bed to pummel Luke. "Who told you!?"

"And tell everyfur that you love bunny-boy magazine? Sure!" Luke joked, forgetting that Logan was nothing like Jiyeon.

"No! Don't!" The bull choked, stretching out his forepaw to beckon Luke back. "W-wait.. How the fuck do you know that this a bunny-boy magazine? They change the title with every edition!" Logan caught on quick, Luke only burst out into more laughter.

"Because, I can tell by the title that it's #39. That and Bunny-boy magazines always use alliteration in the title. Good choice, by the way. Those rabbits on every two or so pages? Not women." Luke whistled.

"I er... I know." Was all Logan could reply.

"They might look like ladies, but they're not. So... you should probably bin it before somefur actually thinks your gay." Luke jested.

"Could you stop fucking with me?" Logan scowled. "If you know so much about this magazine, you must be gay as well."

Logan assumed he'd got the wolf trapped in corner and would get the wolf to unwillingly confess his sexuality in just a moment, he was wrong. Mostly.

"Or bisexual, or pan, or curious, but yeah, I'm gay. Top or bottom? Now that's the real question." Luke chuckled.

"Top or bottom?" Logan asked with an indecisive tone.

"Are you asking what that means, or how I like it?"

"How you like it." Logan mumbled, not exactly comfortable with asking such a question in person.

"Switch. Topping feels nice, but bottoming can be just as good with the right guy." Luke winked. "And you?"

"Top." Logan snorted, as if he'd ever consider taking it; he wasn't that gay. "Hey, wanna bet that Teofil doesn't understand-

"Luke snapped before the bull could finish:

"Really, you don't even see yourself in the place of that fem-bull on page 9? You guys do look a like."

"He's a fucking buffalo how could you get us confused!?"

Logan growled with rage, fucking speciesism. That buffalo could have been a Friesian or a cow and some fucking speciest would still claim he couldn't tell the difference.

"Good, you've offended me and I've offended you. Let's talk."

Luke forcibly sat down on the end of Logan's bed and glared at him. Admittedly, Luke had come to Logan hoping to apologize and forget about what Logan had said. But, at the mention of Teofil, he was changing his dance drastically.

"You, stop insulting Teofil, Jiyeon and everyfur else and I won't mention a single thing about your sexuality or your resemblance to other bulls. Deal?"

"You just said that I look like every other bull." Logan scowled.

"You don't, I was messing with you." Luke smirked, glad to have pushed Logan's buttons like that. "Just like you were joking about Jiyeon being a fag and Teofil not being smart. Right?"

Luke extended a forepaw, Logan frowned at him, but took the paw shake after a second.

"Right. I was joking." Logan faced the wall that Corbin's bed was against and let out a sigh. "What's it like? The sex. It's not an invite for you to do it with me by the way."

"It's good. The guys are normally tight, you can do more and better yet you'll actually come from getting head for once." Luke grinned. "Ask Jiyeon, he'll show exactly how gay sex is." He added with a wink.

"No thanks."

"What? Still Mason's bum buddy?" Luke joked, he received a sharp look from Logan.

"No I'm not."

"Yet you're at his beck and call? At the frat party-"

"I just want to fit in!" Logan barked. "Don't you? I don't want to be a loner for all of my university years and I want to go to parties, Mason's-" Luke bit again, the sound of his teeth clashing making an audible snap.

"Mason's a homophobic, racist fucking prick! He beat up Oliver-"

"For raping his brother-"

"WHAT?" Luke howled. "No-No! That never happened, Darren himself-"

"Is addicted to him. It's like Stockholm syndrome-"

"Did Mason tell you that?" Luke scoffed.


"And have you heard if from Darren?"

"No. And I won't trust what he says, because-"

"He hasn't got Stockholm syndrome. Darren's sane and they love each other."

"So why did Mason beat up Oliver, Hmm?"

"Because he's homophobic and seeing his brother with another guy made him flip out. He's violent and aggressive, dangerous even. Darren and Oliver aren't, they're innocent, harmless lovers."

Luke reminded himself of some SJW he used to speak to online.

"Fine, whatever. Look, I'm not loyal to Mason or anything. Like I said, I just want some friends I can trust. Yes, I can't trust Mason. But the others? Sawyer, Jake, Jacob? They're all cool guys!" Logan argued. "Just because you don't get on with them, doesn't mean that they're bad people."

"No. It doesn't, but they're loyal to Mason and they'd ditch you if they found out that you were gay."

The color drained from Logan's face, he'd never thought about that before. No fur knew that he was gay before, no fur but himself, so it wouldn't get out. Now Luke knew and that could come back to bite him.

"Don't tell them then!" Logan pleaded. "Please, I'll do anything!" Luke chuckled.

"Don't sweat it." He patted Logan on the back. "If you want to fit in, why don't you join Theta Kappa? It's a sporting frat, but the more feminine sports and the written elements aren't overlooked by them. You'd fit right in!" Luke smiled. "I'm joining it."

"Trying to recruit some muscle for the frat?" Logan couldn't help but flex, he grinned and showed off his pearly white teeth for a second. "Sure! Why not?"

A rumble interrupted their conversation and suddenly Logan burst out laughing. "Does this frat have free food by any chance?"

"Why the sudden change in tone?" Luke raised an eyebrow, "You were all gloomy a second ago."

"Yeah but now- Nevermind." Logan grinned. "I'm just happy now, so where can we eat?"

"Canteen." Luke responded. "Who's paying?"

"I am. My treat, for telling me about Theta Kappa. I guess I didn't listen to the Sophomores as much as I should have." He chuckled then stood up to get dressed. "I guess that the canteen won't let me go in just my underwear, huh?"

"I would. But yeah, you should get dressed. Put on something nice, something that shows off your country side and your big ass." Luke laughed when Logan gave him a concerned look. "Seriously though, even Jiyeon's isn't that thick!"

"I get, I get, I have a big ass!" Logan flicked his tail and pulled out a faded pair of jeans as well as a plaid shirt from his wardrobe.

"I was only joking when I said to look country."

"I know, but this is how I dress normally."

The bull changed into the clothes quickly and pulled on his trainers whilst the timber wolf played about on his phone. When he was ready, Logan leaned against the door frame and coughed to get his friend's attention.

"Let's go already!"

Luke bounced off of the bed at Logan's words, apologized and was then off leading the bull towards their canteen.

Neither of them had been to the canteen before, seeing as how Luke missed his tour and Logan hadn't been paying attention. What they knew, however, was that it would be getting ready for dinner, but they could drop in and buy a snack from one of the vending machines.

They walked side by side, as closely as best friends would and reached the canteen fairly quickly.

"So you wouldn't fuck Corbin?" Luke raised an eyebrow at Logan as if the bull had just confessed to not having a heart.

"No! Would you?"

"Yeah! He's small and light, you could like bounce him on your lap or hold him up against the wall! Plus, apparently his ass is super tight." Luke exaggerated. "Like, he only sleeps with furs he trusts, so I guess it's really tight." The wolf grinned, trying to imagine the velvety warmth of the fennec's tailhole. "Bet he'd squeal like a pig! Squirm like one too!" Luke added.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Logan smirked. "Pig fucker."

"What? Don't like it when your partners make noise?"

"Course I do! The rougher the better." Logan jabbed Luke with his elbow, nearly forcing the wolf to walk into an indoor bush.

The corridor were completely deserted, there weren't even any early birds who wanted to skip the queue and the crush.

When they heard a voice, both froze in their tracks.

It was coming from inside the canteen and sounded oddly like Garret's.

"Err- S-so what are you getting now?" The rabbit stammered, sounding afraid or nervous perhaps.

"Aww, bet he's paid to get an early dinner for Serena." The bull chortled as they strolled into the canteen.

"At half past two?" Luke raised an eyebrow at Logan's comment as they rounded the corner.

They saw Dean standing in front of the closed metal gates, arms crossed with a stern look on his face.

"Canteen 's closed." He told them with a gruff voice.

The hyena scratched his belly through his shirt.

"So why is Garret in there? And why are you here?" Luke questioned, folding his arms to mimic the hyena.

Luke puffed himself out, but still the hyena was taller by a good amount. Logan however, towered over Dean and easily managed to see over him. The three squared up, they'd easily beat Dean in a fight and the hyena knew that, but still, he glared them down.

"Do you really wanna fuck with Mason?" Dean tried.

"Do you really want to fuck with Tyson? You know, that seven and a half foot tall orca who's twice the size of you?" Luke chuckled.

Logan however was distracted. He gazed into the canteen to spot Mason and Garret sitting together at a table, Mason with food and Garret without anything. The rabbit was clearly ill, afraid and tired.

"Look - I don't hate you guys," Dean admitted. "You're alright, most of the time. So fuck off now and I won't tell Mason that you're giving us trouble."

"Logan!" Mason bellowed from inside the canteen, the three of them flinched. "My man!" He beckoned with a forepaw from his bench. "Get over here, let this fag buy you a meal." Logan added two and two together, knowing what was going on, he couldn't agree.

"FUCK YOU!" Logan shouted back and flipped the lion his middle finger before taking Luke by the forepaw and dragging him away from the canteen.

"WHAT?!" They heard Mason shout from behind them, which only made the two of them walk faster, giggling as they went.

"Why don't we come back when the canteen is open?"

"Fuck that! The prices are too high." Logan complained as they got back out onto campus. They slowed down to a trot and then to a normal pace. "Did you see the menu? I couldn't pronounce half of that shit on the menu."

"And that is what we get for coming to a rich furson university. You'd think they could afford to lower the prices." Luke chuckled. "Where too now then? I'm still kind of hungry."


"Logan, I'm broke. And so are you." Luke grinned. "Eh, I don't know. Our kitchen? They have given us ingredients, right?"

Logan frowned. He hadn't really even poked his head into the kitchen yet, he could keep his beers and snacks in the mini fridge, so he had no reason to go.

"Probably. Come on, I think I know how to cook pasta."

The two headed for their dorm's kitchen and after climbing three flights of stairs, they started to wonder why they didn't visit more often. There's an aroma of delicious smells in the kitchen, Luke's nose could detect plenty (some from nights ago) whereas Logan's could only focus on one: the smell of Southern Vedish food. Cheese, tomato, garlic, onions, bell peppers and wine.

A North Ivian Blue cat was bent over the counter, preparing food whilst a bat sat with his paws up on a dining table. Scratch that, they looked more like gnarly, sharp talons. In his forepaws, fortunately the bat had normal forepaws, was a pen and pad. He scribbled down notes and jottings.

"Err... Hey..." Luke said aloud, which caught the bat's attention at least. The cat ignored him, assuming that he wasn't being spoken to. "I haven't seen you around." The wolf turned to the bat.


The bat stood up as he introduced himself, leaving his pen and pad. Taking a step towards the wolf, his eyes glinted as he stared at the wolf's tight shirt.

"Mhh... What's your name?" The bat got awfully close to Luke.


Suddenly, the bat clasped his arms around the wolf's neck and hauled himself up to look into his eyes.

"Well, Luke..." He purred. "I hope we can be friends!"

With a giggle, he sprung off of Luke and turned his attentions to the much larger bull. His eyes practically lit up when he saw how big the bull was, they darted to his crotch for a second.

"Logan. Don't touch me." The bovine warned and stepped back.

"Aww, are you really so intimidated by a five foot femboy? I'm not a vampire bat if that's your problem." His visage changed to a scowl. "I'm a fruit bat, I don't drink blood at all, but I do eat meat." Sebastian winked and looked over his shoulder at Luke. "You're not scared of me, are you?"

"Not at all. Who on earth could be afraid of a five foot femboy, like you said."

"Well actually I'm just short of that so..."

Luke took a seat next to where the bat had been sitting, his eyes fell on the pad.

"Read it!" The bat encouraged. "Alex!" He chirped.

The cat nearly jumped a mile, his tail shooting between his legs and his ears flattening.

"What?" His quiet voice asked. "I was cutting peppers, please don't scare me like that again." The cat frowned as he looked over his shoulder.

"We have guests!" Sebastian announced as if the feline couldn't see.

"I know and they know where the fridge is. Plus, this isn't my home, so I'm not a host."

"Yeah but I can hear their bellies rumbling and you are a catering major, no?"

"Yes, but-"

"But nothing! Come on, cook up a storm!"

"I'm serving Southern Vedish, but if they want some they can ask."

"Sign me up." Luke grinned, turning his attentions away from the bat's pad. Sebastian didn't look too happy about that.

"And you, Logan?" Alex asked. Logan grunted in response, the cat took it as a yes.

As Alex slaved over the stove for a while longer, the remaining three sat down to chat.

"So. You're a writing major, no?" Luke questioned the bat, who sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Creative writing, W801." Sebastian corrected. The bat fiddled with the pad, flipping pages and crossing things out.

"You and Logan will get along fine then." Luke grinned.

"Oh, you're a writer?" Sebastian looked intrigued, he leaned over the table and glared up at the bull.

"Yeah. I do creative writing as a minor. Sports and exercise is my major though. See, I'm trying to weave creative writing and my knowledge of sports together to create- Nevermind." Logan blushed.

Sebastian decided to pry further later, maybe when the bull was tucked into Alex's cooking.

"And you what about you wolf hunk?" Sebastian winked.

"Just Sports development and coaching." Luke answered. "But I do dabble in sports, I'm trying to get onto the varsity team-"

"That's great hun." Sebastian interrupted. "What about you, Logan? Got any varsity plans."

"A few."

"What teams?"

"Wrestling, boxing and maybe some rugby."

"Oh. Can you get me some tickets?"

Rudely, the bat reached out and put a finger through the bull's nose ring. It wasn't painful when he gave a gentle pull on it, but annoying for the bull nevertheless.

"Cute piercing. You must be quite the hulk." He said, as if he hadn't just asked a question.

"The nose ring tells you that?" Luke laughed, not seeing the bull's sour face.

"And the sports. But the nose ring does add to the whole image." Sebastian giggled.

"Haven't seen nothing yet! Logan, take your shirt off for the guy."

"Yes please." Sebastian grinned, releasing the bull's piercing to lean back in his chair.

If it was just Sebastian, Logan wouldn't have even considered it.

With what could be described as a zest, Logan unbuttoned his shirt in record time.

The bull was unbelievable built, not as much as Tyson (who looked as if his every meal consisted of steroids), but much more than Luke. It was easy to pick out the veins of his bulging muscles underneath his short fur and it was evident that the bovine had a strict, frequent gym routine.

Sebastian whistled.

"Told you so." Luke smirked. "How long did it take to get that chiseled?"

"Years." The bull confessed. "Don't chase it though..." He added, too quiet for Luke to pick up on.

Sebastian, however, could. His ears flicked at the comment and his mind ran for a while until Alexandria called.

"Food!" His chirp was similar to Sebastian's in every way as he hurried to the table with four plates of spaghetti bolognese, meatballs, garlic bread and Mozzarella.

"Something basic to begin with, they really didn't give us a lot." Alexandria continued.

"And here I was worrying about going hungry." Luke grinned, happily accepting his plate. He waited a couple of moments, until everybody had theirs. "Any of you three religious?"

"I am." The Ivian blue said softly. "Do you mind if I say grace?"

"That's why I asked. Go ahead." Luke smiled warmly.

Logan and Sebastian refrained from eating to be polite.

Alexandria bowed his head, closed his eyes and put clasped forepaws to his head. He muttered thank yous to the Aengels, a few words of apology for not working the soup kitchen and then some more about the less fortunate. Sebastian yawned halfway through, earning him a chuckle from Logan and a sharp look from Luke; the wolf already felt somewhat guilty for not saying grace too. Alex opened his eyes and blushed.

"You didn't have to wait for me to finish."

"You could have said."/"It's what's right." Sebastian and Luke said in unison respectively.

"Thank you, for this." Logan felt obliged to say, referring to his meal.

"It is big no deal. Now eat up before it goes cold, Seb here will have any of your leftovers." The Ivian blue smiled.

"Too right I will!"

The four tucked in. Hungrier than the other two, Luke and Logan barely had time between their swallows of food where as Sebastian and Alexandria were more tame in the way that the yate. They spilled nothing, chewed quietly with their mouths shut and took pauses between swallows; homage to their upbringings. Alexandria frowned at the bull when he continually got splashes of bolognese down his front, even more when he allowed Sebastian to scoop it off of his shirt.

"I hope you weren't intending to be sexual." He chastised.

Ignoring the cat, Sebastian asked:

"So... Logan, what were you saying earlier? Something about putting creative writing and sports together."

"Uhh... Yeah. I'm thinking of kinda writing a sports manual. Kind of like a guide to how to exercise properly and what not..."

"Sounds interesting." Sebastian smiled in an unnerving way when Logan's voice trailed off.

"I need to go now." Logan said abruptly. "Thank you Alexandria, for the meal. It was delicious."

"I'll cook again and again if you give me the ingredients. The same goes for you guys as well." Alex beamed. "It's... natural for me to do stuff like this."

"Whatever you say." Luke smiled. "How about I help next time?"

"I'll help too." Logan added.

Sebastian didn't offer his help.

"No thank you. Your fur will get in the food and Logan your forepaws are too big to do the precise work. But if I need to crush biscuits I'll let you know. Or if I need to kill something. Fresh chicken is surprisingly tasty."

The bull visibly sank for a moment before standing up and nodding.

"Sure." He said coldly. "You know where my room is right? It's room seven."

"With the fennec?" Alexandria asked.

"Corbin? Yeah, he's my roommate. I think he's out now."

"Here's your keys then." Luke said.

The wolf handed Logan his keys and watched his ass as he walked off down the corridor and then the stairs.

"Same time next week?" Sebastian asked the cat.

"Tomorrow would be ideal, you don't mind being a guinea pig do you? I understand that the canteen cooks better and more expensive things than I and that nothing is better than takeout."

"Don't worry about me taking the canteen over you, I'm fairly broke." Luke chuckled.

"Scholarship?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, through recommendation and interview."

"Lucky you. It's strange how a couple of words actually gave you a chance to get in here, I hope you don't lose it." The bat stood up and stretched. "Right I have to go, it's not like my dildo ride itself."

Alexandria scoffed at Sebastian's comment as the bat walked out.

"Guess that leaves me to wash the dishes myself." The Vedish blue yawned and set about gathering their plates.

"Want help?" Luke offered.

"No. I'd be best if you left, no offense."

"Oh... errr... sure. Whatever. You should drop by room tomorrow, I want to thank you in a better way."

"Thank you. I'll see you then."

Alexandria turned his back, leaving Luke to his own devices.

Room 4, Dorm 6

A Few Minutes Earlier

"Breathe, Garret. In. Out. In. Out..."

Tyson the orca towered, in both directions, over the satin rabbit who was painfully bent over the toilet. Both forepaws grasped at porcelain, one snapped away on occasion to squeeze his stomach or Tyson's hand.

A repulsive amount of vomit had found its way to sit around his lips, fortunately it hadn't dribbled down just yet. By Tyson's count, this was the fifth round of hurling. The first was on their carpet, the rest on Garret's chin or in the toilet. At that point, the rabbit was throwing up bile and nothing else.

"Is it over yet?" Garret panted, shakily looking to the orca.

"You tell me pal."

"I think it is... Wait."

He froze up for a moment, then whipped his head to the toilet and dove his head into it. He gagged, retched and then hurled. The sounds were followed by a splatter.

"Fuck, Garret! What happened to you? You were fine this morning."

"I don't want to talk about." The rabbit refused and turned. "Can you hand me my toothbrush?"

"Sure, sure... I'll get you some mouthwash and the rest of it too."

Tyson stood, somehow maneuvering his humongous mass between the wall, sink and rabbit. Reaching into the cabinet beneath the sink, he took out a bottle of mint mouthwash, toothpaste, mint floss and an electric toothbrush. Garret had much more than that stashed away, but Tyson didn't know about it.

Dragging himself up by putting one forepaw on the toilet bowl and one on the sink, he plugged in his brush and squeezed a plentiful amount of paste onto it.

"You can go, thanks." Garret managed a half-smile, too exhausted to muster a full one.

"Not yet, Gaz." Tyson said, stepping around (and knocking the rabbit slightly) to flush the toilet. "If you faint, I need to be here."

"Sorry, Mom." The rabbit rolled his eyes and did his very best to clean his mouth, focusing especially on his tongue.

He took about three swigs of mouthwash, two flushes and another brush before he was even close to being satisfied with his dental hygiene. When he was finished, he leaned against Tyson and sighed.

"I fucked up. I fucked up really bad." He admitted.

"Tell me about it."

"Do you mind if we get in bed- nevermind that was such a gay thing."

Garret managed a chuckle, though regretted it when he heaved and a tiny bit of dribble dropped between him and the orca; Tyson didn't seem repulsed though.

"It's not that gay. Come on, I'm big for a reason."

"How much do you weigh?" Garret asked as he was led towards Tyson's bed.

"It's rude to ask some fur for their weight."

The orca set Garret down first, then clambered on top for a laugh. A tiny bit of fear set in the rabbit's eyes as a black and white giant lowered himself until his weight was pinning the rabbit. The Ellstrom boy squirmed, yet Tyson kept going until he thought something might break. Rolling off, he laughed:

"Calm it, dude. I'm not that fat!"

There was hardly enough room for the two of them on the bed.

"Yeah, but... Forget it."

That was one thing Tyson didn't pry into.

"Twenty seven stone."


"I weigh twenty seven stone. Mostly muscle and well, I'm a killer whale."

"Tyson Pavus, you are not twenty seven stone."

"You're right. I'm twenty seven point one." Tyson chuckled.

"Bullshit!" Garret gasped. "Is it like, muscle or fat?"

"I'm an orca, Garret. It's blubber, but mostly muscle to be honest."

Tyson laid himself out as if he was presenting his body.

"Really gets the ladies going." Tyson winked.

"You're gay Tyson." The rabbit grinned and nudged the orca. "And so am-"

At that moment, Garret's phone lit up, playing a jingle. 'Calamity Bells' or something like that. Frowning, the rabbit slipped out of bed and retrieved it.


The rabbit dropped his phone like it was a bomb.

"What, did'ya get an electric shock?" Tyson chuckled, sitting on the edge of his bed and looking across at the rabbit somewhat confused.


"Is it related to how you fucked up?"

"It is how I fucked up." Garret answered and slumped on the ground.



The two fell silent for a moment, Tyson wasn't the best at comforting.

A minute or two passed before the bed springs squeaked as they were freed from the massive weight. Tyson sat down next to Garret with a thud and pulled him in close.

"Look. I like you as a friend and I protect what I like, so tell me everything."

"It involves Mason are you sure you want to-"

"Mason Lyons huh? Does it involve a porn magazine too?"


"I caught him in here, taking one. He must have snuck one out in his pants or something. Fucking asshole."

Garret mumbled under his breath and tried to pull off Tyson.

"Sorry I should have done more." Tyson sulked. "But how is Serena mixed up in all this?"

"Mason showed her all the gay stuff, she didn't care at first, but he..."

Garret was beginning to tear up, he sniffled and his body shook slightly against the orca's.

"He convinced her that I should stop something-"

"Your paw fetish or being bisexual?" Tyson questioned.

"I can't hide anything from you I swear..." Garret buried his face in his knees. "Are you going to shame me or what?"

"No, but I'm always up for a paw massage so..." The orca chuckled. "Which was it?"

"The paw fetish. She threatened to break up with me if I didn't stop. Well... I had to stop watching porn and throw out these magazines, but I didn't have to stop liking them!"

"So you refused to stop watching porn?"

"Y-yes" Garret admitted. "I'm such a fucking idiot..."

The room was filled with more sobbing and sniffling, Tyson just kept on squeezing the rabbit and whispering that it was all going to be okay.

They stayed on the floor together for a good while, eventually Garret started rocking and his tears died down. Despite his eyes being red and puffy, it seemed that the storm was passing.

Knock Knock!

Garret flinched.

"What's the time?" He asked.

"2;30." Tyson responded. "Expecting some fur?"


Garret stood up and dried his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt before opening the door. It was Jake and Dean.

"Come on." One of them grunted, Garret still couldn't tell their voices apart.

Regardless of who had given the order, the hyena grabbed the scruff of Garret's shirt and dragged him out of the room.


"You're already late, so shut the fuck up and walk." Jake grunted and gave the rabbit a shove. "I don't know what you did to piss off Mason, but I pray I get to beat the shit out of you."

"Clearly that won't be happening." Tyson butted in, charging up behind the three of them in the corridor. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Taking Garret to see Mason. The lion wants him." Dean replied.

Jake raised an eye at his accomplice, Mason would have swung for the hyena if he heard himself being called 'the lion.'

"Like heck you are! Fuck off, now." Tyson growled and squared up to Dean.

Tyson was over a foot taller than the both of them and probably weighed more than the two of them put together, but for some reason neither of them backed down.

"Make us."

The orca barely raised his fist (not enough for Dean or Jake to notice) before Garrett spoke up.

"I'm going Tyson, stop intervening."

The statement was so shocking, even Dean and Jake were confused.


"I'm going to see Mason." Garret repeated. "If he wanted to beat me up, I'd have been beaten up already."

Tyson was somewhat disheartened that Garret didn't think he'd protect him.

"Fine, but you forgot something. Come on." Tyson pulled Garret back to the room, slammed the door and locked it. The two of them could hear Dean and Jake shouting on the other side.

The height difference between Dean and Tyson had been somewhat reasonable, between Garret and Tyson it was almost comedic. Tyson towered over him, so much so that Garret was literally in his shadow. They locked eyes for a moment before Tyson lifted Garret's chin and chuckled.

"Call me, or even text me anything, if Mason starts anything." The orca slipped Garret his phone then squatted to be somewhat on his height.

"I'll be over there in a minute to crack some heads." Tyson promised with a grin. He leaned forwards and kissed Garret's cheek. "I protect what I like."

Garret blushed and twisted his ankle about nervously as Tyson walked off to his desk to fetch money.

"In case you need it." Tyson smiled and forced the money into the rabbit's pocket.


Garret hardly managed a syllable before Tyson interrupted.

"We're not doing this. Take the money, use it if you want to. By the way I'd make out with you, but your breath has a hint of vomit."

"Sorry about that..." Garret giggled.

"How about we do it the next time you don't reek of vomit?" Tyson suggested.

Somewhat embarrassed, Garret turned and left the room.

"The fuck were you doing in there?" Jake grunted.

"Getting something."

The three of them were at the canteen in less than ten minutes, but Dean stayed out on the door and Jake walked off when they arrived leaving Garret on his own to approach the more than menacing lion.

He, Mason, was sitting alone at a dining table with his paws up. His tracksuit implied that he'd just finished working out, as did the heady musk that did nothing but repulse Garret as he approached.

Sawyer and Jacob were nearby, slouching on benches. Garret wasn't sure why Mason needed heavies, the lion could win a gang fight on his own and Garret hardly presented as a threat.

"Garret..." Mason purred and gestured to the seat next to him. "Where the fuck were you?"


Garret's phone buzzed in his pocket.

Mason waited until Garret sat down.

"Busy enough to forget that I'm ready to out your ass and see you end up in ten different pieces all tossed in a different garbage bag?"

Admittedly, Garret had heard better threats from five year olds. Though nothing made him doubt that the feline wasn't being serious.

"Sorry." He replied regardless.

"Sorry won't cut it next time."

"I'm having Brie En Croute..." Mason butchered the pronunciation. "So pay up."

"How much?"


Garret's forepaws lay idle for a moment as he debated between using his own money and the money Tyson had given him. Feeling a pang of unnecessary guilt, Garret handed over Tyson's gift money.


"You're lucky I'm not thirsty."

As if Garret's payment hadn't mattered, a kitchen staff member brought out the Brie En Croute on a plate and didn't even bother to tell Mason to get his dirty paws off the table.

"Grace." Garret heard the lion whisper before he tucked in.

The food looked gross, with apricots, almonds and cranberries oozing out in a cream. Mason didn't even look as if he was enjoying one.

Mason swallowed his food before he spoke,

"Want some?"

"I'll pass." Garret answered.

Rudely, the lion didn't offer any to his equine friends.

Garret's phone buzzed for the third time.

Mason's utensils clanged on the metal of the plate as he slammed them down.

"Turn off your fucking phone before I smash it and ram the pieces up your ass!" Mason bellowed.

With a flinch, Garret apologized and glanced at his phone as he turned it off.

It was Serena again.

Garret immediately started hoping that Serena had realized she was being unreasonable and was ready to pick up where they left off. Though, deep down, Garret knew his assumption was wrong.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^)^

Characters, locations and story © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Making Amends (Part 2)

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