Frat House Fun (By W.I.P)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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#2 of Trades

This is written by WIP and is his half a trade that we started about a month ago. If you enjoy this story, go make sure to favorite the original instead of this one:

As WIP puts it, this is about a small theater major buck who goes to a frat party where he crosses paths with a charming dingo jock. What happens? Heh... read and see, peeps :-)

Frat House Fun


Cyrus Kobe checked his reflection for a final time in the dorm room's mirror. A wisp of a buck stared back. Ten out of ten if you didn't mind the quirky way his antlers angled out more than back, and experience had taught that few furs did. Handlebars were how they were commonly referred to and how Kobe had come to think of them.

"What do you think, Steve? Fuckable?"

The lump of blankets stirred and Kobe's tragically straight badger roommate made a noise somewhere between a snore and a snort.

"You have no idea what you're missing out on," Kobe smiled, checking how his coyness came off in the mirror. He tucked the front of his tank top into his tight red pants, showing off the goods. Tonight was about more than just getting laid.

"Don't wait up, Steve," Kobe said with a laugh before spinning on his heel and snatching up a soft flannel shirt off the desk chair by the door. His hand hesitated on the knob and he sighed.

His conscience wasn't going to let him enjoy the night if he didn't take care of the mess Steve had left on his half of the room. It was his own fault really. Kobe had volunteered to handle the cleaning, in a vain and ultimately futile attempt to get Steve to act out one of Kobe's adolescent fantasies of getting a roommate to use him like a fuck toy.

Kobe couldn't help but grimace at how poorly that plan had gone. One thing did not lead to another as he'd imagined. So here he was, picking up sweaty socks and throwing away takeout cartons for a badge who not only wasn't interested in a tight piece of white-tail ass, but also thought the buck was a little strange.

Still inwardly shaking his head, Kobe bounded down the stairs of the freshfur dormitory. He wrapped a set of earbuds over his antlers. He had the soundtrack to the play the theater department was doing as their Fall performance. Getting a part in it was a long shot, but Kobe still thought he might have a chance if he could get his mind off his relationship woes long enough to give a decent audition. .

The up tempo violin music spurred him on, making record time as he hummed along with the wordless tunes. He tugged the flannel shirt closed. It might have been unseasonably warm enough for most furs but Kobe was small and with a bodyfat ratio he swore could dip into the negative if he skipped more than a couple meals, the slightest chill cut right through him.

Between the songs and messing with his shirt he didn't notice the wolf with his nose buried in a script book walking slowly down the sidewalk in front of him.

The collision sent Kobe, the wolf and the script to the pavement.

"Oh my God! Mr Fillmore! I am so sorry."

The wolf, Kobe's bemused theater 101 instructor climbed back to his feet and dusted himself off while Kobe scrambled to pick up the script. "Good evening, Cyrus," he said.

"E-evening, Mr Fillmore," Kobe looked down as spoke. It wasn't that the wolf intimidated him so much as seeing a fur he'd spent half his first semester imagining naked from the back row now up close and personal threw him off. He stood awkwardly as the wolf took back his work.

"Do try to keep your spatial awareness sharp, Cyrus. You did tell me you wanted to act professionally. It wouldn't do for you to be constantly colliding with your costars."

The buck mumbled an apology, staring at the ground until the sounds of his teacher's footsteps faded into the distance. "Maybe you would like to take me back to your office and teach me a lesson," he whispered with a sighed. "Should have tried saying that."

He looked up now. The run-in had shaken him up and he need to get his bearings. Across a wide swath of lawn was the Southern Annex, where most of his classes were. That meant the frat house throwing the party was... "There," he said to himself and crossed the street for the final leg of his journey. Kobe was only a few blocks away.


"Bet you'd love to get me in detention," he muttered, still dwelling on the things he could have said and done to get the mature wolf's attention as the sounds of the party grew louder. The sides of the street were choked with cars, some of them loaded with luggage. This was the big send off party before the mid semester break, where many furs would be driving or flying to spend the long weekend with family. Not Kobe, though. He was here on a scholarship and his discretionary funds were exceedingly limited. Thankfully that never stopped him from being able to flirt his way to a free meal and a night of carnal entertainment. But tonight Kobe was a buck on a mission. He was hoping for a relationship that might last longer than the length of an orgasm.

The big house loomed in front of him. The festivities were in full swing. Kobe stepped over a gazelle, passed out on the walkway with a pair of panties strung from his horns. Kobe smirked.

He pushed his way through the crowd packing the porch, drawn like a moth to the heat of indoors. As he stepped through the threshold a large hand dropped on his shoulder. He was spun around to face a lion glaring down at him.

Kobe's slight frame seemed to melt under the gaze.

"ID," the lion demanded.

"Y-yeah." The buck's hands dug into the tight pockets of his pants. The intoxicating pull of authority. "If you wanted my name, you could have just asked." Kobe fluttered his eyes as he passed over his college ID card.

"Just keeping out the townies. Fuckers are always drinking our beer."

Kobe accepted his card back, disappointed at his failed flirting. But never one to give up too quickly, he gave it another shot. "H-how's your night going?"

The lion rolled his eyes. "It'd be better if I wasn't stuck watching the door all night," under his breath he swore, "fucking Wren and his rock-scissors-paper."

"Sooo, my name's Kobe. But I guess you know that..."

The lion gave him a familiar look, the one Kobe often got when he made the mistake of hitting on a straight fur. But as his mouth opened, that expression changed. "I'm Keith. How would you like to do me a favor? Go to the kitchen and bring me a beer."

"Oh. Sure." Kobe knew he was being used. Obviously Keith wasn't interested. And furs call me a cock-tease, he thought bitterly, looking at the lions broad smile. The lion made a shooing motion and turned his attention to a wolf staggering in from the porch, waving the ID card of a zebra.

Kobe's shoulders slumped and he went in search of the kitchen.

It was warm, thankfully, and Kobe shed his flannel. His small pale blue tank top left a tantalizing gap between its hem and his low riding pants. He tossed the flannel onto a coat rack rather than tying around his waist. That would have covered his best assets. Without checking to see he wasn't being watched, he hooked his fingers into his waistband and tugged the strings of his bright red thong higher on his hips, just enough to catch any wandering eyes.

Kobe skirted the edge of the the living room, eyeing the dancing furs, trying to pick out the ones he might have a chance with. His attention lapsed for the second time that night and his chest collided with an elbow. A drink splattered to the floor.

"Sorry!" Kobe squeaked out. His eyes trailing from the spilled cup, over the wet hiking boots, up the khaki pants, pausing at the obviously generous package. Kobe salivated involuntarily. Want, his brain screamed.

"You spilled my drink," a gravely voice rumbled from on high.

Kobe jerked his head up, staring into the eyes of a musclebound dingo. "I- I- I am so sorry. Here, let me get that." He looked around frantically, spotting a crumpled napkin on a table. He snatched it up and dropped to his knees, almost instinctively.

The buck felt an electric tingle run up his arm the moment he rubbed the napkin on the dingo's boot. Again Kobe's eyes traced a path upward, lingering a second more than was necessary on the dingo's crotch. "I was just on my way to the kitchen. I can get you another beer." His hand felt wet and he glanced to see the napkin wasn't enough for the puddle on the floor.

"It was a coke."

Giggles from the surrounding furs snapped Kobe out of his trance. He could feel his face getting warm, and sprung back up. He didn't trust himself to speak. With a nod he hurried away from the scene.

Dang it, Kobe, he admonished himself, if you were any more desperate you would have offered to blow him right there. He shook his head. That was no way to start a relationship, and as horny as he was feeling, that really was what he was hoping to find.

The kitchen was almost as crowded as the living room. A group of furs thronged around the center island. Kobe craned his head but was too short to see what had them cheering. He huffed and told himself it didn't matter. He had drinks to get.

Pushing his way to the sink, he ran his wet hand under the water, it was already sticky from the soda he'd tried to clean up. Another round of cheers went up and he had to know what was going on. Kobe hoisted himself onto the counter, standing up to see over the other furs. What he saw nearly made him fall.

A raptor, totally naked and totally aroused, was being held down on the formica surface, cackling hysterically. A cheetah and a hare were taking turns doing body shots off the scaly's flat stomach. Judging from how wet and how hard the raptor was, this must have been going on for some time.

The hare raised a shotglass to the crowd, then in one swift motion tipped it onto the raptor and brought his head down to suck it right up. The hare staggered back, slurred something and collapsed into the arms of the nearest fur.

"For the win!" the cheetah announced and poured another glass. "Make sure he doesn't go anywhere," he pointed at the blackedout hare. "One more shot and he owes me a blowjob."

"Hey!" The raptor lifted his head indignantly. "You said I would get to give you head, Brad."

"Fine, fine. Everyone can suck my dick," Brad laughed.

Kobe jumped down from the counter. His pants were so tight there would be no hiding his obvious interest in finding out how serious the cheetah's offer was.

Sideling to the fridge he found it half empty, but in the far back he was able to reach one of the remaining bottles of beer. And the top shelf was packed with sodas, nearly untouched. He set the drinks on the counter and stood on his toes to reach into one of the cabinets. With a little straining he was able to get a cup to put the soda in. It was a long shot but maybe if he went the extra mile, the dingo might take an interest.

Kobe relied on all the grace and agility he'd honed from the dance lessons he'd taken in high school to get the soda out of the kitchen without spilling a drop. Any hope of impressing the dingo was dashed when he saw the big canine chatting up a wolfess and a male otter in equal measure. Kobe's heart sank at every casual touch the dingo gave his prey. Brushing the wolfess's hair from her eyes and saying something that literally made her swoon. Tensing his arm and inviting the otter to squeeze his massive biceps, leaving the poor guy blushing. Whatever the dingo was into, Kobe was sure he didn't have a use for a skinny lovesick buck.

Kobe came up behind the dingo, planning to wait for him to finish speaking but the otter caught his eye first. "That him?"

The dingo turned around a wickedly charming smile curled at his lips.

"Here's your soda." Kobe had to fight back his instinct to say sir. The fur exudes the kind of confidence that made Kobe want to obey.

"Thanks," he said easily.

"It's Kobe. My name," he managed.

"Wren Horsa," the dingo held out his hand. Kobe shivered as he took it.

How long was too long to shake a fur's hand? Whatever the culturally agreed upon length was, Kobe exceeded it. "Ummm... I guess you know my name now," he said quietly and forced himself to let go. "Just call me if you need anything else..."

Wren smirked, sending the buck's heart fluttering. "I'll do that."

Kobe nodded and slowly walked away, praying he wouldn't hear the inevitable snickers Wren's friends were so obviously holding back. Just call me if you need anything else? What the hell is wrong with me, he wanted to scream.

His return to Keith didn't fare much better. The lion, while physically as close to perfect as Wren had been, was even less likely to be interested in Kobe's advances. He presently had his tongue down the throat of an obviously female jackal. Kobe coughed to get the lion's attention.

"What? Can't you see I'm in the middle-" he turned, "oh. Cody."


"Right. Thanks for the beer." He snatched it and without a goodbye, went back at with the jackal.

Kobe tried not to let it get him down. The house was full of frat furs and the night was young.


Wren Horsa wasn't the president of the fraternity. Technically he wasn't even supposed to be in one until his second year. But it was an unspoken fact that he'd become the driving social force and the one looked to for leadership among his circle. Like a tribal Alpha, as his history professor would have said.

It was Wren's idea to throw a party the day before most furs would be heading home for the long weekend. Part of the dingo liked the idea of the numerous impending family dinners where the furs here tonight would be awkwardly nursing their hangovers. It played to his offbeat sense of humour.

Of course there were always the more lascivious opportunities that came with throwing a party. Namely the two furs he was seconds away from talking into a threeway. That was, until Kobe stumbled his way into Wren's notice. That little twink had definitely caught Wren's attention.

He deftly brushed off the two furs he'd been chatting. They were ripe for the picking and he could always get back to them if his instincts about Kobe were off. Although, his instincts rarely were.

He watched the buck prance up to Keith, and hand him a beer. The lion was an ass and Wren didn't feel the least bit guilty tricking him into watching the door tonight. Even if it was supposed to Wren's turn.

He drifted toward the door. The jackal Keith was kissing looked familiar. "Keith, who was that buck?" He didn't think twice about interrupting.

"Dude. Busy."

Recognition struck. "Jessica, right?"

The jackal's eyes went wide. Keith groaned. "You fucked her, didn't you?"

The two furs had an ongoing contest to see witch could get the most action. Wren was winning handily, but losing interest in the meaningless procession of no-strings-attached sex. He barely bothered to keep score. "The buck that was just talking to you," Wren pressed.

Keith sighed and turned his back on the jackal. "I dunno. Cody, or something. He's gay. You gonna start fucking the males now?"

"Start?" Wren laughed. He loved the squeamishness some of the self-professed alpha males displayed once talk of sex drifted a hairsbreadth outside of their comfort zones. "Yes. I plan on haveing sex with him tonight. It'd help if I knew something more than just his name. Which is Kobe, not Cody by the way."

Keith was flustered. "Oh. Yeah. That's cool. You know we're always buds. It doesn't matter if you're-"

"That's touching, Keith, but can we fast forward through the heartfelt 'I still accept you' speech. I want to have him sucking up to me. Not you." Wren was never one to need the approval of others, which ironically had many seeking his approval.

"Um, he's helpful," Keith offered. "I don't think I've seen him around before, but he had his ID card." The lion shrugged, wishing he could say more.

"A for effort." He glanced at Jessica a motioned Keith closer. "If you want to seal the deal, tell her you like ska music."

Keith smiled, perilously close to curling his whiskers and rubbing his hands together mincingly. "You're awesome, Wren. And I just want you to know-"

"Yeah, yeah. My proclivities don't matter to a progressive fur like yourself. Now cue the orchestral soundtrack," he waved over his shoulder and headed off in search of his quarry.


It didn't take long. Wren was pleasantly surprised to see Kobe possessed more of an exhibitionest side than the dingo could have hoped. The little deer was bent over, grinding his taut ass on the leg of a swaying bear. Neither of them moved in time with the generic club music thudding from the stereo.

If it had been earlier, Wren might have felt compelled to step in and lay claim to the flirtatious buck. But the party was actually starting to wind down. Many furs had an early day tomorrow, and the ones that remained were looking more than a little drunk. The bear might not have even been aware of Kobe's rhythmic call for sex. Wren could wait for desperation to set in. It would be more fitting if Kobe had to beg for the big dingo cock.


Finding the bear unreceptive, Kobe turned his attention to an alpaca.

"Hi," Kobe shouted to be heard over the tower speakers.

"What?" shouted back the alpaca.

"I said, hi. I'm Kobe."

The alpaca's marinated brain struggled to grasp the buck's words. "Oh. My name's Fransio. You up for a quick fuck?"

Now it was Kobe's turn to look puzzled. "Kinda forward, no?"

The alpaca shrugged and gave a lopsided smile. "I've gotta catch the airport shuttle at five. If I want to get any sleep, we're going to need to skip some of the formalities."

Kobe frowned. This wasn't the instant connection he hoped he could have made. "Where you headed?"

"Out of state," he said quickly. "We doing this or what?"

Kobe might hate himself in the morning, but needs were needs. "Ye-"

"Franz," an excited squirrel slid between the two furs, his bushy tail flicking excitedly catching Kobe in the face. Kobe sputtered, picking squirrel hair from his mouth.

"Dude," the squirrel gave no notice to Kobe, "there is this wasted raptor in the kitchen. He's trying to set some kind of record for how many cocks he can take at once."

Fransio enthusiastically ran off like Kobe wasn't even there. The buck sighed, he brushed a hand over his antlers. Maybe some fur had pinned a sign to them saying he was a bad lay or something.

Scanning the room again for any fur that might be willing, he picked out the hard to miss orange fur of Wren. Kobe sighed again, wistfully rather than exasperated. The dingo was sitting on a couch, surrounded by his frat brothers. So near, yet so unattainable.

Luckless Kobe tried dancing seductively for a few minutes but there didn't seem to be any furs left who showed an interest. Frankly, it was embarrassing for the buck whose sexual appeal had inadvertently started a fist fight one time in film theory class when, right before the students told to were pair up for a project, Kobe intentionally dropped his pencil. He bent at the waist, leaving no doubt he wore nothing under his short cutoffs. But tonight he couldn't seem to give it away.

Kobe took a seat on a couch, watching the crowd begin to thin. A finger poked him on the back, startling him.

"Heeey there, shmexy," cooed a fox, sprawled out next to him.

Kobe greeted him, eyeing the fox's lithe frame. He wasn't much bigger than the buck, maybe a little less emaciated looking, but not exactly the type Kobe would normally go for. Kobe liked a lover who could take complete control, not one who looked like he'd need help carrying his text books. But beggars can't be choosers.

"What's your name, foxy?"

The fox lifted the hand holding the beer bottle, using it to scratch his temple. "Ssseth." The grin made it known he was rather proud of remembering that trivial bit of information.

"A-are you seeing anyone?" Kobe almost hesitated to ask.

"I'm looking right at you," the fox pointed with his bottle. Kobe's hand shot out to keep it from spilling.

"That's very clever," he faked a chuckle. "Do you... maybe want to go out sometime?" This stumped the fox worse than the name question.

"I will tell you... if you tell me what you think of my piercing."

Kobe glanced at the big vulpine ears. "You're not pierced."

Seth waggled his eyebrows. "Not up there it seems. Guesssh you betta start double checking."

Kobe moaned. Pent up desire was driving him wild. The other furs didn't matter, in fact, he kind of hoped he might be giving them a show as his hands slid under Seth's shirt. His fingers traced circles around the indentation of the fox's navel. "Hmmm," there was definite definition under there, maybe this could work. "Nothing yet. I better check your nipples."

In the interest of being through, even if the perk nubs were studded with metal, Kobe would have to perform a full body check for any other piercings that might turn up. His fingers found the hard little peaks. He brought his face close, listening for the deep reverberations about to resonate from Seth's chest.


...Nothing. A second pinch. Still nothing. Was he doing something wrong? He tilted his head up, careful not to poke the fox with his antlers. A wet droplet of drool dripped down onto the buck's nose. He sprang back, gagging and wiping at his soiled sniffer.

"Son of a biscuit! You're asleep?"

The only answer was a moist snore.

Kobe huffed and lifted his tank top. "Look at this," he shook Seth. "You are missing out on a golden opportunity to cum all over this." He desperately motioned at his chest but Seth was dead to the world. The half empty bottle of beer clattered to the floor. Kobe snatched it up before too much had spilled.

He took one more look at the sleeping fox, getting a depressingly vivid flash of all that could have been, up to and including a mating ceremony in a big church. When Kobe's domestic fantasies made their appearance, it was always a sign he should call it a night.

"Maybe Steve wants to play some video games," he mumbled. Then maybe he could propose a series of escalating bets that would end with Kobe giving the badger the most mind blowing sexual experience of his life, causing Steve to realize he wasn't as straight as he'd thought and that Kobe was his soulmate and the two would-

Kobe groaned. "I'm so pathetic."


Wren was able to keep up his side of the conversation with senseless non sequiturs that his friends buzzed minds invariably considered profound. The entire time he kept his main focus on that alluring buck and his almost obscene dancing. His cock twitched with every grind and every twist. He would be experiencing that first hand. That decision came surprisingly fast, and he knew how he'd make it happen. Now it was all about timing.

"Wren?" Tom, a porcupine who was accepted to the frat around the same time Wren was, interrupted the dingo's thoughts. "You gotta tell me. Would it be worth it? Would I get more sex?"

Wren had no clue what he'd been talking about, and it was likely by tomorrow Tom wouldn't remember either.

"Well, my prickly friend, it's like I've always said. You don't piss into the wind."

Tom blinked. "That... That's right." His eyes lit up. "It's all so clear. I've been putting off get my quills clipped because of how long the whole process is, but that's the entire reason I'm not getting any! I am the wind."

Whatever you say, buddy. Wren's peripheral vision was honed to razor sharpness thanks to quarterbacking well enough in high school to get a free ride through college. The buck struck out again. Everytime he'd been rebuffed or outright ignored, the little fur would try to steal a look at Wren.

Wren watched him sit down next to Seth. Kobe must have been getting desperate. Seth was unlike any of the other furs the buck had been throwing himself at all night. For the briefest of moments Wren felt his possessive streak stir. The fox was a slut, just like Wren always enjoyed, if any other fur was going to get into Kobe's pants tonight, it'd be Seth.

Wren nodded absently when asked - maybe by Tom - if he agreed with something or other. His eyes narrowed, watching the fox's eyes start to close as the buck, Wren's buck, leaned in and began to grope him under his shirt. The fox didn't respond. His jaw drooped open and Wren smiled. Kobe was not smiling when he learned Seth had fallen asleep. The buck was gesticulating wildly for a moment before his shoulders slumped.

Wren's smile grew wider. He stood up, wishing his friends luck in whatever their problems were, and walked to the front door.

The porch was clear and Keith was sitting on a table, bored or drunk, Wren couldn't tell. The lion seemed to perk up at his approach. "'Sup?"

"Nothing yet," Wren could barely keep his tail from wagging.

"You score with that deer?"

"And deprive myself of the dance of seduction? I want Kobe to come crawling to me."

Keith laughed unconvincingly. "Cool, bro. Sounds... fun."

"Yeah. I need you to help me out with something." Wren left it at that because he liked seeing Keith off his game. They were both on the football team and Keith always had a big mouth in the locker room. Being at a loss for words was rare.

"I- I'd love to help, but you know I've got more than enough pussy. Don't think I need to start tapping twinks."

"Nervous you might like it?"

Keith almost choked trying to laugh it off.

"Relax, dude. Just fuckin' with ya. Just do me a favor and go along with what I say. Maybe I'll even hook you up with Cindy."

Keith brightened. He'd been after that wolfess all semester. "You got it. But what do you need me-"

"Shh," Wren hissed. Like clockwork, Kobe came around the corner, shuffling with his head down.

Without bothering to look up the buck pulled his flannel shirt off the coat rack and nearly walked into Wren as he struggled to put it on.

"Careful," Wren admonished, putting his hand on Kobe's antler to keep in from clipping him.

Kobe's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh!"

"We just keep running into each other."

Kobe was speechless.

"You aren't leaving already, are you?" Wren asked.

"I thought the party was over," Kobe managed. "Everyone else is drunk or..." he trailed off.

Perfect. "Or uninterested," Wren finished for him. "Well don't you worry my little friend. No one leaves a Wren party with blue balls. Ain't that right, Keith?"

"That's right."

Wren smiled down on the buck. He might have overestimated the difficulty in landing Kobe. Keith was obviously the kind of fur the buck was drawn to, his presence was supposed to overwhelm Kobe if there were any doubts, but the way Kobe stared starstruck at the dingo, he might not have even noticed the lion was in the room.

Wren reached out and took hold of one of Kobe's antlers. The buck's half-on flannel slid to the floor. "That's right. Just come with us and we'll play a game."

Kobe let himself be guided as complacently as if Wren used a collar and leash.


A sharp whistle turned heads to see the big dingo standing on a coffee table. He pointed at the stereo system, prompting one of his frat brothers to turn it off. Wren did a quick count. There were about a dozen furs left standing, and handful of others who were out cold.

"Listen up. Before the beer runs out or the cops show up to put the final nail in this shindig's coffin, I'm going to do you furs a favor." The remnant began to crowd closer. "We are going to play a game. In this game there are no losers-"

"What game?" interrupted a nerdy vixen.

Wren looked her over for a moment. She was pretty in an unconventional way with her big glasses and severe hair bun. It was a little surprising some fur hadn't picked her up. "A modern day classic," he smiled. "Seven Minutes in Heaven."

There were a few nervous oohs. These might not have been the furs most likely to have been involved in any makeout games growing up.

Keith laughed. "What are we, tweens?"

Wren spun on the table to look down at the lion. "Are you really complaining? I don't know how you managed it, but it hasn't escaped my notice that Jessica isn't on that cock right now."

"Dude," he pleaded quietly, "she started talking about cuffs and whips..."

"If this game is too intense for you, you don't have to play," Wren quirked his eyebrow.

Keith's pride kicked in and he looked at the watching crowd. "You heard the dingo, furs. Pop a breath mint and let's get it on!"

Keith's enthusiasm helped to work up the small crowd, but Wren's attention was solely focused on the reaction of one fur. Kobe. The buck tried to look excited, but his eyes were cast down. He was nervous.

Wren jumped off the table. "Who wants to fetch me a pen and some paper?"

The buck's head snapped up. "I'll do it." Strange how attention seeking seemed to give the little fur courage.

"Good boy. There should be some in that desk over there." He licked his lips as the buck scrambled to comply. Kobe's peeking red thong screaming notice me with each quick step.


Kobe watched Wren lead the room like they were all his cultists. And why wouldn't they be, Kobe wondered. The dingo was a model of physical perfection and he acted like he knew it.

The way Wren was going to play the game was to draw a name from one of the two emptied chip bowls - one for males, one for females - and send the first fur into a small room, more of a storage closet really, where the frat kept a few sleeping bags and some camping gear stored. Once locked away, a second fur would be selected to go into the dark room and the door would be locked behind them. The two furs would have seven minutes to... become acquainted.

"Danielle," Wren oozed out the name. The vixen who'd asked a question stepped forward. Her red fur was the only thing hiding how red those pinched features were getting. "That's right, sweetheart. Just step over here. Not afraid of the dark are you?" Wren joked.

Danielle chuckled nervously.

"Do you have a gender preference?" Wren asked quietly.

"Um, whatever bowl you put your name in."

Again Wren's calm manners put the vixen at ease. "That's the spirit. Go get comfortable. You're fellow angle will be in in the blink of an eye. The dingo winked and Kobe knew the vixen had to be getting wet. Hell, even lacking the right anatomy, Kobe thought he too might be getting wet from all the charm that dripped off that hunk of a dingo.

"I've got this one," Keith declared. His march to the door ended at Wren's outstretched arm.

"Rules are rules, my friend."

The lion growled and backed down while Wren pulled a folded scrap of paper from the male bowl. "Luthor."

Kobe let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Should he speak up now, in case Wren pairs him with a female? It would be so awkward if he found out Wren didn't know he was gay. What if Wren didn't like gay furs, Kobe worried. Maybe the fur that was feeling the dingo's massive arms was an artist, or pre-med? A hundred terrifying and unlikely scenarios ran behind Kobe's eyes.

Contrary to the seven minutes he'd spent fretting when Wren's timer went off and the door was opened, the two furs really did look like they spent their seven minutes in Heaven rather than the hell Kobe had put himself through. The vixen walked arm and arm with a portly wombat. They kept walking, dopey smiles on each their glowing faces. Thank you! Danielle mouthed over her shoulder.

Not wasting a second, Wren pulled a name from the male bowl. A wolf jumped up, far more enthusiastic now that all had witnessed the results.

The kitchen door swung open. Kobe was surprised to see the cheetah, Brad, who'd been doing enough shots to have his liver reclassified as a distillery. "The fuck I miss?" he asked in a happy daze.

Kobe hurried to clear a few crushed cans and empty bottles from the couch, timidly offering the seat to Brad.

"Thanks, dude." The cheetah flopped down, his eyes instantly snapped shut. Kobe sighed, but this was close to becoming a norm. All the teasing he'd done, and the one time he needed a fur, none were giving him the time of day. Poetic justice or cruel irony, it all hurt the same.

Kobe wasn't in the right frame of mind anymore. He stood, ready to make a quiet exit. Not three steps back a hand grabbed his antler. He let out a startled cry as his head was yanked to face Keith.

"Where are you going?"

"I- I don't think I feel up to this today. I was just going-"

"Sit your ass down."

"What?" Kobe searched the lion's face for a smile, anything to suggest he was joking. "Why?"

"A friend of mine wants you here."

Kobe could smell the alcohol on his breath. It scared him. "Let go of my antlers," he tried to hide the fear in his voice but Keith's grin told the buck his acting needed work.

"Or what?"

"Nothing..." he slipped into a new role. "Please just let me leave." Kobe let the fear play into his act. His eyes teared up. "W-why would you want to beat me up?"

Now Keith looked confused. "Dude. What? I'm not going to hurt you. I was just going to take your clothes. If you're ok walking home naked, past the bars that are just about closing down for the night, that's your choice."

The thought of freezing to death, or getting groped by horny locals didn't seem all that much better than when he thought Keith was going to rough him up. Kobe was still weighing his options when a harsh voice intruded.

"Keith! What the fuck are you doing?"

Kobe tried to turn his head, but the lion's grip was like steel.

"He was gonna bolt."

"Why the fuck is he crying? I swear to God, if you hit him-"

Kobe wiped at his eyes with a finger. Shit. He was crying. He'd only aimed for misty and too-adorable-to-punch. Definitely needed to work on his acting.

A hand grabbed Kobe's other antler and he had visions of what a wishbone had to go through after a turkey dinner had been eaten.

"Let go," rumbled the other fur. "And to think I was going to give you that wolfess's number."

Keith let go. "That one you were hitting on earlier? Dude!"

"Don't dude me. I'm kinda pissed."

"Aw, don't be like that. The buck's fine." He patted Kobe's shoulder causing him to flinch. "Tell Wren we're cool."

Wren? Kobe jerked his head, freeing it from the furs hand. He had to crane his head up. Sure enough, it was that walk sex-god of a dingo. He wasn't looking at Kobe. "Go to the other side of the room."

"Alright," Keith put his hands up. "You're still gonna give me those digits, though, right?"


"Givin' ya space, bro."

Kobe watched the lion back away.

"You ok?"

He looked back at Wren. Kobe's mouth opened but no sounds came out.

The dingo's eyes seemed to bore into his soul. "Here, sit down." He guided Kobe back to the couch and sat next to him. "Can I get you a drink? You look a little tense."

Kobe shook his head. "I don't drink."

Wren put his arm around Kobe and the buck instinctively leaned into him. "Don't let Keith get to you. His heart's in the right place. His head's up his ass, but he means well." Kobe laughed. The dingo's aura managed to calm the buck. Six minutes later Wren checked the timer on his phone. "Do me a favor and don't leave just yet. I'm going to teach Keith a lesson."


Wren watched the two furs, still stealing kisses as they left the room. "Am I a fucking matchmaker, or what?" he said to himself. He swished the bowl of names he held, pulling out a slip of paper and pretending to read it. The truth is, he hadn't actually been drawing names at all. Wren trusted his instincts more than chance and had been pairing furs manually. The plan was to get Kobe excited, but Keith might have screwed that up.

And now he must pay.

"Keith," Wren announced with a smile.

The lion eagerly jogged to the door. He whispered, "we're cool, right?"

"Totally," Wren patted his back. "You like them tall, right?"

The lion salivated, nodding as Wren closed the door. He put down the bowl and put a finger to his lips. He shook the cheetah crashing on the couch. "Brad. Wake up, Brad."

"Wha-?" he asked groggily.

"You still looking for that hare that owes you a blowjob? He's in there, waiting for you."

The cheetah smiled and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Fuckin' A!"

The living room buzzed with bearly contained laughter. Wren held up his phone, showing the timer ticking away. Seven seconds in and there was muffled shouting. The door swung open. "You suck, Wren!"

Laughter erupted, and try as he might, Keith couldn't help but join in. Brad appeared behind him. "Was it good for you?"

Kobe was also giggling at the scene until Wren looked right at him. "Kobe. Your turn."

The buck swallowed nervously and shuffled to the dingo.

Wren tilted Kobe's head up with a finger under his chin. "Male or female?" Kobe opened his mouth only for Wren to adjust his fingers and pinch it shut. "Don't tell me. I think I know what you're into."

Kobe shivered. He moaned through his closed mouth. The dingo pushed him into the darkness. "Do not turn on the light," he growled and shut the door, leaving Kobe in a disorientating void.


The room was pitch black. There were no windows and the air reeked of arousal. He tried to make himself comfortable on the mat of sleeping bags spread over the floor. A growled warning before he was shoved in kept him from searching for the light switch.

"Just last seven minutes. Then you can go back to the dorms and wallow in self pity all night," he told himself. He still couldn't contain a shiver at the thought of some drunk frat fur getting picked and deciding tonight would be the night to experiment. The thought of a fur like Keith drunkenly hammering his ass without lube was almost too much to take.

The door swung open, blinding Kobe with the sudden blast of light. By the time he blinked it was shut again.

"H-hello?" the buck called into the dark.

The was no response. The sleeping bags rustled and a floorboard creeked. Kobe braced himself but nothing happened. There was a sound of breathing but it was almost lost in the thudding of Kobe's heart. The unknown fur lowered to the floor, the presence palpable, gravitational.

Kobe's survival instincts kicked in. Maybe if he took the initiative, he could control how far and how fast they went. It was a longshot, but it was that or start screaming.

The buck launched himself forward, hands outstretched. The other fur's body heat was searing. The fur was male, Kobe sighed in relief. After the joke Wren played on the lion, part of him was worried he'd be locked in with a female. What was he supposed to do then? Play a few rounds of twenty questions and offer to braid her hair?

Kobe brought his face in, the other fur's warm breath guiding his lips. He made contact with the side of a muzzle. Canine. He only remembered one male canine playing...


"The one and only," the dingo's gravelly voice reverberated.

"Thank God," Kobe muttered louder than he'd intended.

"You're welcome."

That confidence! Kobe leaned in again, wild with desire to taste those lips.

A hand caught him by the antle. An impressive feat in the dark. "Not so fast, my eager buck," Wren said with a laugh. "We don't all give it away so easily."

Kobe frowned. "But the game was your idea." Silence. "Don't you want to..."

The dingo's hand slid up the wall. A snapping sound and the tiny room flooded with light.

Kobe's eyes were stung again. He rubbed them. "I thought you said not to turn on the light."

"I told you not to turn on the light. And you listened. Good boy."

Kobe could have fained indignation. He could have let his pride be wounded. But they would have both known it wasn't true. "Thank you." His eyes had readjusted to the light but he still didn't look up.

"You want me." Wren said it as a fact, not a question. Still Kobe nodded. "And yet you flirted with every fur at the party but me."

"The way you were with that wolfess earlier, I wasn't even sure you'd want me breathing the same air as you."

"Hey," Wren growled and Kobe finally looked up, fear in his eyes. "I don't like being called an asshole."

"I didn't-"

"You implied it." He sighed. "Maybe you're too judgemental for me."

"Me? Judgemental? I am into some really weird things. I don't even feel comfortable judging furs for liking that band that everyone knows sucks."

"All the same... I don't think this is going anywhere." He started to rise.

Kobe was losing his chance. "You can't! I mean you can. You make the rules, but please, can't we stay the full seven minutes? Please?"

Wren remained impassive. "I don't know. You insulted me."

How had Kobe gotten himself into this mess? "No. I-if anything I was insulting myself. I don't think I'm good enough for you."

Wren cocked an eyebrow. "Now I have bad taste?"

For fucks sake. Kobe struggled with his desire to fling himself at the dingo, kissing him until these games stopped. But no doubt that would have been wrong in Wren's eyes too. "Tell me what to do."

This got a smile out of the dingo. "I think some apologies are in order."

Done. "I'm so sorry." Wren's eyebrows went up again, urging the buck on. Kobe knelt back and clasped his hands together. "As you can tell, I can't do anything right today. I really wanted to get to know you, but I was intimidated. You seem so, so perfect. Not to mention I introduced myself by spilling your drink."

Wren laughed. "Good point." He leaned back against the wall, stretching his legs out straight. "You got soda all over my favorite boots," he wiggled them.

"Sorry," Kobe apologizes again. "C-can we start making out now?"

"So impatient. I forgive you... but you should probably apologize to my boots."

Kobe's poker face was remarkably poor for a theater major. He gleefully bent forward on his hands and knees. His eyes flitting between Wren's face and his hiking boots. "S-sorry." He leaned down, the scent of rubber tingled his nose as he planted a kiss on Wren's toe.

Wren made a noise halfway between a moan and a growl. Kobe looked up for approval. "Keep going," the dingo said.

Kobe wasted no time in tugging off Wren's boots and socks. He dragged a wet tongue along the warm paw pads.

"Greedy little slut," Wren said with a smile.

Kobe couldn't agree more. He craved this, needed it. By the third lick he was regretting wearing tight pants. He leaned back to ask if Wren would mind if he shed his clothes. The dingo was ahead of him, unfastening his own pants. Kobe's jaw dropped. Wren was hung like a feral horse. His stiffening bulge was still growing, pushing a tent into his black boxers.

"Like what you see?" asked Wren. Kobe nodded. "Show me you deserve it. Strip."

Kobe jumped up. His mind was overloaded as Wren pulled off his shirt showing off a set of abs you could grate cheese on. Kobe winced as he struggled to get his own shirt off. The buck could usually get it in one fluid move that never failed to impress furs who thought his wide spread antlers would make it awkward, but one of his tank top straps snagged a nub leaving Kobe yanking on it.

Wren laughed and finished getting out of his clothes. When Kobe was free of his shirt, and regained his balance after pulling down his pants, he dropped back to his knees and kissed a trail from the dingo's ankle to his inner thigh. Rather than devour the main course right away, Kobe circled around it, taking in Wren's chiseled physique by continuing his oral pilgrimage over the solid stomach. He couldn't help but moan.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"So much. I always loved big furs like you." He darted his tongue over Wren's nipple. "I think it's the muscles. Makes me feel safe."

"It's funny," Wren said with a sigh as he locked his fingers behind his head, giving Kobe a chance to worship his flexed arms. "When I was younger, I used to stuff furs like you into lockers."

Kobe stopped, his lips still mid-kiss on the dingo's bicep. "But you don't do that anymore, heh, right?" he tittered nervously.

"Hell no. Not since I hit puberty and found out what you twinks were for." He put his arms down, grabbing the buck's hips.

Kobe shivered, his dick pressing into Wren's stomach. He licked the dingo's nose. "Use me," he breathed.

Wren's mouth slammed into his, a seal so tight it sucked the air out of Kobe's lungs. Wren's hands slid higher, rubbing Kobe's boney shoulder blades before moving to his antlers. Kobe wasn't given long to react as he was pulled down.

Kobe loved it when they used his antlers like this. His hungry mouth strained to reach Wren's cock, but the dingo guided his head so teasingly slowly into the heat given off by the dingo's cock. His tongue stretched... finally, contact. Kobe's senses were flooded with the taste and smell of that sweet nectar.

Wren eased his hold, letting Kobe take as much of him as he could. And the buck could take a lot. With no gag reflex to speak of, and plenty of experience with big furs, Kobe let Wren's girth stretch his throat, sliding down the shaft and back up. The small buck kept it up until Wren was coated in spit and throbbing.

Wren lifted Kobe off, reining him in.

"Wren," he whined.

"I've been watching you wiggling that tight ass, dancing like a striper out there. I'm going to fuck you."

That was all well and good as far as Kobe was concerned, but time was almost up. "W-we have to be at seven minutes by now. If you let me hurry, I might be able to suck you off before the timer goes off."

Wren reached into his pile of clothes and showed Kobe his phone, the time already at the twelve minute mark. "I make the rules."

"Oh," Kobe moaned dreamily.

"Damn right. Now turn around so I can get you ready."

Kobe spun, settling on his knees between Wren's spread legs. The dingo straightened. Kobe flicked his small tail up, the white underside like landing lights for a red rocket. Wren got to his knees and wrapped an arm around Kobe. His free hand kneaded away and Kobe began rocking back and forth. Wren sucked his finger and invaded Kobe. Kobe reared up and Wren tightened his grip, hugging the buck close and cooing soothing words.

Wren's middle finger slid out slowly, turning Kobe into a quivering blob of jelly. "I'm going to knot you," Wren promised in a low whisper. "Make you my bitch. You want that?"

Yes. More than anything Kobe wanted the dingo to have his way with him. Use him hard. But through the fog of lust two synapses clicked and he remembered why he came to the party.

"W-wait," he moaned, but his body refused to stop rocking against Wren's lap.

The dingo was not accustomed to having the brakes put on. Especially once he had his prey naked and dripping like a faucet, but he did stop. "What's wrong?"

Kobe had trouble forming the words. "Date me. I'm lonely. It's why I came to the party."

"Date you?"

Kobe tried to turn his head but his antlers poked against Wren's chest. "Please. Just give me a chance. I'm really fun, and, and helpful. I don't want this to be all there is." Kobe could feel the dingo's hot breath on the back of his neck.

"You... came to a frat party, looking for a relationship?"

Kobe nodded. "I tried the bars. None of the furs ever let me stay the night, much less agree to a second date."

Wren was quiet for a moment. "Get up."

Kobe's heart sank. His eyes welled up, feeling the red hot needles of rejection jabbing. He stood on shaky legs staring at the floor. He yelped as the dingo swept him off his feet. "If you're going to spend the night, my bed is much more comfortable."


Kobe buried his face in Wren's chest as the tall dingo effortlessly carried him through the now sleeping house. "Kind of smooth, getting me hot and hard before asking for a date. It's not like I can say know at this point," Wren laughed, taking stairs three at a time to get to his room.

"I did take part in an improv workshop before I started college," Kobe spoke into the dingo's pecs.

"You're like a comedian, or something?" Wren shifted the buck in his arms as he opened a door.

"Actor. At least that's what I'm studying for."

Wren paused in the open doorway. "Bullshit," he said with a smirk. "You could barely talk to me. Actors are confident, aren't they?" He set Kobe down on his bed, turning to get a bottle of lube from his dresser.

"That's because I was being myself. It's different when I'm in character. Then I don't have to be confident. My character can be that for me."

Wren could understand. It might have been an alien situation for the fur with an abundance of self esteem like himself, but his sexual kinks had him drawn to partners willing to let him use them. Not always, but often times those partners weren't comfortable in their own fur. Roleplay was their release.

"If we're dating, you need to be yourself with me. No masks, leather or otherwise. I'm not that kinky."

Kobe laughed. "Sounds good. Then in the interest of being myself, I'm telling you, fuck me. Knot me. Now."

"And in the interest of being myself, when we're fucking, you don't demand. You beg."

The buck's dick twitched. "Oh God, Wren. Pleeease take me!"

"Better," the dingo growled. He knelt on the bed, leaning over Kobe. With a snarl he slapped his hand across Kobe's ass, splattering lube and eliciting an excited squeal. His hand rubbed furiously, fingers stretching the buck's hole while probing for his sweet spot.

Kobe's fists griped the sheets, his entire body moved with the big dingo's dominating hand. He'd taken cocks smaller than one of those long thick fingers. He moaned at sensations.

Wren found what he was looking for. He wasted no time lifting the buck's hips angling them for optimum pleasure. Kobe lifted his head, getting one last look at the monster Wren was about to drive into him.

"Oh God," Kobe whispered.

Despite himself, Wren didn't want to break the small fur. Kobe looked so thin, fragile in a way that made Wren want to protect him. He moved slow and deliberately. Kobe moaned, pleading at the edge of coherence for more. Wren bent forward, looking down as Kobe's face moved from expressions of burning agony into an electric ecstasy as his small body contorted itself to allow Wren deeper and deeper. Every thrust pulled out a little less and drove a little further.

Wren dipped low, kissing Kobe's neck as the buck's back arched. Kobe's legs wrapped around the dingo, his hands clawed for purchase, raking Wren's back. Wren knew he was ready, and with a final jarring shove, Kobe's already stretched hole was pushed to the limits by Wren's knot.

Kobe wailed. It would have been loud enough to wake the house if every other fur there that night had drunk themselves into various states of oblivion. Kobe's mouth hung slack as Wren's knot engorged. That open mouth was an invitation the dingo would not pass up.

Their mouths locked. Wren's spasmodic thrusts hit a crescendo and the dam burst.

For Kobe it was life changing experience. The dingo's knot felt like the big fur's fist was inside of him. Kobe rode the waves of pain, moaning at the crests. From deep within came the heat of Wren's seed. Kobe couldn't hold back any longer. He shrieked, reaching for his own cock only to be beaten to it by the quick and alert dingo.

"Uh ah," Wren tutted. "I'm in control here." He wrapped his hand around the buck's cock. It was a nice size for a fur of Kobe's height and he made a mental note to bring that up if Kobe ever needed a confidence boost.

Kobe's hips danced, trying to hump Wren's fist. The movement drove the dingo wild "Fuuuck! Keep doing that." He started pumping the slick buck cock while the last of his jizz flooded deep.

Kobe shot his load, coating Wren's stomach. His moaning quieted and with the last of his strength he threw his arms around Wren's neck, pulling him down for the intimate cuddling that always accompanied a good knotting.


Kobe woke, warm and full. He didn't know where he was right away, but it felt safe. Then the big arms he was wrapped in began to shift and it all came back. He turned his head, careful not to whack Wren with an antler. His lover blinked, the two were content to lay there spooning, for the entire vacation if certain biological needs could be held off.

"Last night," Wren broke the silence, "us dating... that wasn't just pillow talk? I did agree to it right?"

Monogamy might not be something either of them were well acquainted with, but Kobe loved a challenge. "Bingo, dingo," he said with a kiss.

Wren groaned. "I'm hungry. Wanna grab some breakfast at the diner?"

"I can make you something. I think I saw some stuff that wasn't beer in the kitchen last night."

"You don't have to cook for me, you know."

"Oh I know," Kobe said with more cheer than a fur should have right to after just waking up. "I want to. And I haven't been in a real kitchen since I moved into the dorms a few months ago."

Wren shrugged lazily. "I could get used to this." He leaned in, enveloping the smaller fur. Their lips locked, Kobe opened his mouth to let the dingo's tongue claim him. Too soon Wren broke the kiss. "Pancakes. Lots of 'em." He playfully swatted Kobe's ass.

"Hey!" he yelped. "It's still a little tender after last night."

"Sorry, babe," Wren smiled watching the naked buck roll out of bed and sashay out the door.

"It shouldn't take me more than twenty minutes," Kobe called out. "If you're late, I'm putting my clothes back on."


Kobe was a natural in the kitchen. He found an apron that looked like it had never been used and gathered the things needed for Wren's breakfast. It became abundantly clear that the house was occupied by a frat mainly comprised of jocks. In searching for a box of pancake mix Kobe came across six brands of protein powder, an alphabet worth of vitamin supplements and almost no food that didn't include the words instant or minute. If things went well with Wren, Kobe was determined to stake his claim on this room and remind the dingo of what real food was.

Kobe started to sing as he stirred the batter in a big bowl. Behind him came a thud from under the kitchen table and some hissed cursing. Kobe nearly dropped the bowl as a scaly hand grabbed the edge of the table.

"Fuck, it's too early." It took a moment for Kobe to recognize the raptor from last night. The scaly scratched at dried jizz coating his face and feathers. "Who are you?"

Kobe had backed into the corner, under the assumption the frat house would have cleared out for the long holiday weekend, or the furs left would be too hammered to be awake before noon.

"Kobe. I- I was just making Wren breakfast."

"I'll have some too. And some coffee."

"Ok." Kobe didn't mind. If he got on Wren's friends good side it could only help. "Pancakes alright?"

The raptor nodded and sank into a kitchen chair so he could rest his head on the table. Kobe scurried about, keeping his back to the wall so the nudity might go unnoticed, even if the equally naked raptor was obviously not obsessed with modesty.

"I'm Leon," the raptor said. "You were at the party right? You don't happen to know what these tally marks are for, do you?" Leon held up his arm to show about a dozen lines drawn in black marker. "There's some on my legs and gods know where else. I'm a little afraid to think what I might have been counting."

Kobe shook his head and stood sideways to pour the batter into the pan. The bacon he'd found in the freezer sizzled in the next pan, slowly filling the frat house with its heavenly scent. And like responding to a siren's call a groggy lion lumbered into the kitchen. It was Keith.

Keith groaned and pointed at the filling coffee pot. Kobe found some mugs and slid two cups of liquid life in front of the two frat brothers. He turned to get back to the pancakes before they burned, getting a whistle.

"Nice ass," Leon commented.

"He and Wren hooked up last night," said Keith.

Leon sipped his coffee. "Looks like Wren's type."

"So I'm the only fur that didn't know Wren is gay?"

"He's not gay. It's more like pansexual. Dude fucks whatever catches his fancy. And look at that ass. You can not tell me that does nothing for you, even if you are straight."

"Well... I guess I could see how- Wait! I'm not checking him out."

Kobe took the pan off the burner. "I can hear you guys, you know?"

"Good," said Leon. "Help me prove my point and kiss Keith."

"Who's kissing whom?" Their heads turned to see Wren, damp from a quick shower and still naked, padding into the kitchen. Kobe nearly dropped a pancake at the sight.

"Kobe's gonna kiss Keith," Leon said matter-of-factly.

Before Kobe could voice his stringent denial, Wren surprised him with a gentle laugh. "Cool. As long as I can watch."

"Not going to happen," Keith scoffed. "But I am flattered."

Kobe rolled his eyes and balanced three plates of pancakes as he walked to the table. The raptor and lion dug in. Wren just sat there looking at Kobe. "What?" Kobe asked after a time.

"I'm waiting for you to get your plate."

"Aww," Kobe gushed. "You're sweet, but I'm not hungry."

Wren drummed his fingers on the table. "Eat something."

Kobe shook his head.

Wren sighed. "I've seen you naked. You can do with a breakfast. Come here."

Leon snickered as Kobe slowly stood, looking like a fawn on his way to the principle's office. He came to a stop next to the seated dingo. "You're not going to... spank me in front of..."

Wren watched Kobe blush. It seemed like the buck was offering a suggestion more than voicing any actual concern. He added that to the ever growing list of things he wanted to try, but this was something slightly more altruistic. "On your knees," he commanded.

Kobe dropped to the floor, a dopey grin splitting his face.

Wren tried not to smile, but the affection he felt for the buck was growing by the minute. "If you insist on not eating voluntarily, you force me to use my boyfriend-privilege. Close your eyes and open your mouth for a hot, sticky reminder of who's top around here."

Kobe quivered and opened wide. Much to his mixed annoyance and amusement, Wren didn't stuff a cock in there, he place a square of pancake, dripping with maple syrup. "Nice to see I'm dating a fur with a sense of humor," he laughed.

Wren ruffled the tuff of hair between his antlers. "Nice to see I'm dating a fur who can take a joke as well as he does a dick."

This was everything he wanted in a relationship and it had only just begun.


Two months later.

The clash of steel on steel echoed in the otherwise silent cavernous room. The buck spun, his red cape fluttering like wings. His sword slashed twice, each blow deflected by the wolf's.

The wolf howled in rage and tore at the crest sewn to the front of his blue tunic. "Damn you to hell, Lucricious. Damn. You. To hell!" The wolf's long blade cut a wide arc.

The buck dropped to the floor. Had he hesitated for even a fraction of a second, he would be missing at least an antler. He rolled right just in time to miss the wolf bringing his blade down to finish it. The buck's sword clattered out of his grip. He pushed up, only making it to one knee before the point of the wolf's blade pressed to his throat.

"If you strike at me, Anton," said the buck in a voice steadier than the wolf's steel, "you do not only damn me, but our entire kingdom."

"Fool! You are already dead!"

"I know," the buck said evenly as the wolf lifted his sword for a final blow. Suddenly the bucks hand flew from beneath his cape. A blur, to fast for a fur's eyes to fully take in the dagger that plunged into the wolf's chest.

The wolf dropped his sword as he clutched at the hilt of the dagger pointing from his heart. He staggered back two, three, steps and collapsed.

The buck pitched forward, bracing himself on his arm. A doe ran toward him, kneeling at his side and cradling the buck's head. "My love," she sobbed, "thou art slayin."

"Verily," the buck coughed. "Verily my queen. My mate. My Gwyndelyn. Even now the poison does its deed. My one wish... is that you take my faun, whilst still in womb, take the fawn away from this land. Never speak of my lineage lest my progeny fall into the curse of the Nobility." The buck coughed out the last of his life, his body went limp and the light faded to black.

A whooshing noise of the falling curtain was drowned out by a roar of applause and wild cheering more associated with a football game than an amature production of an old play.

The doe shook the buck. "Kobe? Kobe, you ok?"

Kobe opened one eye. "No. I think you gave me cooties."

The doe sighed and stood, letting Kobe hit the floor.

"Careful with that buck," chided Mr Fillmore. "That's my star pupil." He helped Kobe up. "Not that you all didn't do a spectacular job," he added.

"I'm fine too," grumbled the wolf pulling the prop dagger from his padded tunic.

The cast lined up as the curtain rose. The bright house lights made it hard for Kobe to make out the audience but the growing rawkus applause made him sure his frat brothers had stayed for the entire play.


Three curtain calls later Kobe and his fellow acting majors were on their way back to the dressing rooms.

Mr Fillmore cleared his throat, and caught the furs attention. "I didn't want to say anything before you went on, Lord knows even I was nervous enough to puke, but there was a talent scout in the audience who has been know to snatch up raw talent for work with some of the major studios."

While the furs began to spontaneously celebrate, Kobe slipped away. He along with the other principal players had private dressing rooms. If he'd been told the talent scout was on his way backstage with a multimillion dollar contract made out for Kobe, he would still only be the second fur Kobe was most excited to see.

He slipped through the door, closing it and keeping the room in total darkness. He reached out for the the light switch only to brush against a warm hand.

"This sure seems familiar, doesn't it?"

"Wren!" Kobe flung himself at the space he guessed the dingo to be standing. His spacial awareness had really improved lately.

Wren flicked on the light. Kobe was clinging to the the dingo. He legs wrapped around Wren's solid midsection.

"You were great," Wren said.

"Do you mean it?" Kobe's voice was high and excited. Wren's opinion meant more to him than any other fur's.

"Of course, babe." His hands cupped around Kobe's ass, supporting the hanging buck. "Scared the shit out of me whenever you started swinging those swords around."

Kobe snickered into Wren's neck, peppering him with kisses. "Let me change and grab my coat. We can go home and I'll show show you how well I've gotten handling long hard sticks."

Wren hummed in anticipation and watched his boyfriend start to strip. Aside from a codpiece that left nothing to the imagination, Wren wondered if there was anything under the form hugging tights. "Wait. I got you something."

Kobe's eyes lit up as Wren picked up a bag he'd set next to the door. "Don't make a big deal out of it. It's not that I don't find your skimpy way of dressing endearing, but I'd hate for your skinny ass to catch a cold."

Kobe pulled his gift from the bag, sqeeing in shear delight. "You bought me a team coat!"

Wren rubbed a hand across the back of his head. "It's the one they gave me when I joined the team. I never wear it, but you might-"

Before he could finish Kobe was wrapped around him again, this time bundled in a coat three or four sizes too big. Horsa 14, emblazoned across the back. "I love it." He tilted his head back to look up at the dingo's brilliant eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, Kobe."

The two kissed, pheromones began flooding the room. "We should hurry home," Kobe gasped.

"Agreed," panted Wren. "Leave the tights on. I want to unwrap my own present at home."

Story, Locations, Characters other than Wren Horsa & Cyrus Kobe © avatar?user=370561&character=0&clevel=2 Wip

Wren Horsa & Cyrus Kobe © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Stranded (Part 2) [Trade]

# Stranded ## ??? ## ???, ??? * * * Head thumping. Body throbbing. Lungs feeling as if they'd been torched. Those were the least of his problems: he couldn't stop coughing up water. It was as if lungs, stomach and everything else that the water...

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Front-Row Seats (LukasKawika) [TRADE] [WARNING: Watersports]

# Front-Row Seats * * * For a cat like Jinx, news of a music festival featuring three of his favorite bands coming to the next city over from where he lived meant a few weeks beforehand of saving money and clearing his plans for the few nights it was...

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Stranded (Part 1) [Trade]

# Stranded ## Kystratr Village, Western Veden Isles ## 15th of August, 5:43 AM * * * Jaded. Jet-lagged. Dog-tired. Doing everything he could to avoid his taxi driver's eye, the fox gazed down at a black phone screen. Having run out of battery an...

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