Not on the seats!

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Not On The Seats!

Red Carpet Cinema, Vilingham

12th of July 2016, 4:40 PM

"I told you that we'd be early." I found myself complaining the moment I slumped into my seat.

Crossing my arms, I pouted at the fox who took his seat next to mine.

"Better than coming in late and finding that all the best seats are taken." Dakota shrugged nonchalantly.

"We're sitting at the back of the bloody theatre these are not the best seats in the house!"

It hardly seemed as if I was truly annoyed, but just to make sure that he knew I turned to the earthy colored fox and lovingly kissed the side of his muzzle.

"Mallory..." He chuckled and put his arm around me to pull me closer, so that he could kiss the top of my head in return.

It seemed that no matter what I managed to do, Dakota and I would always be dating.

He was the same fox from when we were just teenagers, emotionally and personality wise that is. Physically, Dakota had slimmed out whilst building up enough muscle to have a well defined, but not one of those bread loaf, six pack and muscles that he could flex should he ever need to make them big enough to get me going. The fox stood at around five foot eight, a large improvement from the five foot boy I knew just eight years ago. The way his hips rolled out into his legs almost gave him a feminine figure, though he was anything but feminine.

The mess of black hair on his head covered his eyebrows and at a time his eyes were concealed too, fortunately a little bit of begging had gotten that changed. Dakota was hardly poorly groomed, but no amount of straightening, combing or gelling seemed to get his hair to take shape.

Only when I gazed at his juniper colored eyes did I notice he was summing me up too. Giggling, I leaned forwards to kiss his black nose; then I lowered my mouth a little more and pressed my lips against the deceptive line of his mouth.

"It fascinates me how you have almost no lips." I commented.

"It fascinates me how you have almost no lips too." The fox chuckled.

"I've got more than you do."

"Yes, but... nevermind. Though it is interesting how black your nose is."

Reaching out, Dakota gently pushed a finger against my button nose.

"Hey!" I frowned. "All of the felines I know have a black nose and yours is black too."


His chest and belly were as flat and trim as you'd expect for any male who worked out more than he ate. I couldn't see the white of his chest or the fluff around his sheath (seeing as how he wore black, denim jeans), but I knew it well enough to picture how he plumped out into a thick endowment and a heavy set of balls... Swallowing a rock in my throat, I promised myself not to get a boner at the movie theatre.

Either Dakota planned on making that hard for me or taking me in was turning him on, the fox unbuttoned the top of his plaid shirt and exposed a bit of collar bone. Worse yet, the conspicuous bulge of his jeans seemed to throb.

"You're not... hard are you?" I whispered with a tone of flusteredness and embarrassment; I wouldn't be able to stand the ignominy should some fur look our way and spot the fox's swelling.

"Well, let's just say a cutie in short shorts and a jumper hanging from his shoulders isn't helping."

"It's more of a sweatshirt..." Giggling, I wriggled down my shorts far enough to hide a bit of my legs, but not so far that my underwear became exposed.

We sat in silence in our fold down seats as the trailers rolled, for once they weren't too boring so I managed to at least remain focused for a good fifteen minutes. The slightest noise caught my attention. Turning my head, I watched as Dakota sat back down and handed me a bucket of popcorn.

"Is salted alright?" He questioned.

"Of course."

So that I didn't eat it all before the movie began, I put it down at my side.

"What else did you get?"

"Nothing more. But there are drinks in the bag if you're thirsty." Dakota gestured to the drawstring bag we'd brought with us.

"The only thing I'm thirsty for is you."

Resembling a predator, a feral cheetah perhaps, stalking its prey, I leaned over the seat (clambering almost) to lick up the fox's neck and softly bite his chin.

"Wrong time cutie pie, we're at a movie theatre. I'd love to strip off those shorts and eat you out, but some fur would find us; that and I don't want to go to jail.

I faked a smile.

"Yeah that's fine."

So a blowjob in a movie theatre was wrong, but jerking off customers after he gave them massages wasn't?

I tried not to be bitter and slumped in my chair as more and more people began to filter in. Eventually, there were about one hundred people in the theatre filling up from the front back.

An orca sat on the other side of the room from us, able to see everything we did even with the lights down. Now I really couldn't get away with going down on Dakota.

The movie started after what felt like an hour, I kicked off my pumps and picked up my bucket of popcorn. Dakota snatched a handful of it the moment he saw it, which promptly earned him a scowl and a mean look. Then again, he had bought it.

I'd seen better movies to be honest, we were only an hour into the three hour run time when I started to become jaded. There was some straight nonsense romance that came out of nowhere, a jealous ex boyfriend, a few pointless cameos, something to do with a dead parent and then some superhero things. Whether this was a romance or a superhero movie I couldn't tell. However, it was definitely close to the more adult range of the age rating consider all the sexual innuendos that were less than hidden. For a while I thought the producers didn't have the balls to go all out and have a sex scene, I was quickly corrected.

Blushing, I glanced over to Dakota to see that the fox was already finding delight in it. Though he wasn't tenting,all the other signs were present: a sly grin, a finger rolling in his messy hair, eyes slightly squinted and one leg up. The popcorn bucket was nestled on his lap, so at least no one would see that he was getting off on this.

"Jinx, do you mind sharing some popcorn?" Dakota requested as if he wasn't watching what was more or less softcore porn.

"Errr.... Sure." I tipped out about half of what I had left into his bucket.

The sex scene became a sex montage, but after three minutes it came to end. Back to the shooting and bad jokes which were preferable, but not by much, to the sex.

The movie took a break from the violence to spend a little bit of time on character development. Three of the main characters retired to a ranch for the minute, main male lead along with the main female lead and the jealous, ex-boyfriend who for the minute was the somewhat useless sidekick. Pasts were explored, inside jokes were cracked, even a few eggs when one of them started cooking. I'd never been a fan of explosions filling up the big screen, but after thirty minutes of that bullshit I was begging for it to come back. Hell! I was down for the sex coming back.

My wishes were granted not a moment later.

The next thing I knew the two male characters were in bed together, with all the moaning, grunting and gasping you would expect from a blown up gay sex scene. Though it was only showing the lead male gifting love bites all over the ex boyfriend's neck, I knew for sure what was going on below. And boy did It turn me on.

"D-dakota can I have some popcorn?" I asked, seeing as how I'd devoured mine.

The fox chuckled, his eyes glancing over my bulging crotch.

"Sure baby. Enjoy it." The fox leaned back so that I could reach over and plunge my forepaw into the bucket.

I did so and scooped up a generous portion before my forepaw closed around something hard.

The colour drained from my face as I froze, through the way it pulsed and the veins I could feel snaking along it I knew what it was. Though I gave it a stroke or two to be sure. Knot, tapered tip, thumping with a pulse, wet towards one end, sheath... I couldn't have been wrong. My stroking stopped and I slowly withdrew my forepaw from the bucket.

Leaning over to me, Dakota whispered:

"Keep going kitty. You said you wanted me and now we've got perfect jerk off material."

"W-what about the orca?" I stammered.

"He's got his otter lover bouncing on his lap. They won't mind. Now go nice and slow, I don't want to come just yet." Dakota leaned over further. "I'm saving some for your ass."

Licking my lips and considering my options, I came to a decision quickly and took a hold of Dakota's cock. Looking over, I peered into the bucket to see what I was doing.

"Keep facing forwards, Jinx." Dakota ordered. "I want you to watch the movie and get just as hard as I am."

Blushing, I obeyed and tried to work the fox's cock blind.

I could somewhat feel my way around his member. Believe me when I say I'd had it in both of my holes more than enough times to picture all of it.

Moving my forepaw up and down his length, I took my time spreading pre. In just a few minutes, his dark red, veiny cock shined with his own coat of pre. Though I imagined I was going to have to polish it my tongue soon.

I worked my forepaw close to his tip and took a tighter grip with my thumb, slowly jacking off just the tip in what was similar to a pinch. Dakota grunted, then moaned as I stopped to circulate my thumb around.

"How's that?" I asked, darting my finger across his piss slit.

"Fuckin' heaven." The fox grunted to me, then grabbed my forepaw to force me to start jerking off all his length.

Giggling, I happily obliged and twisted my forepaw about on his aching member. The popcorn was getting in the way somewhat, as was the bucket itself, but this discreet, kinky way of giving a handjob was definitely turning me on. Looking down at myself, I saw that I'd begun to tent so badly I was pitching in my shorts.

'Crap' I thought; If I needed to stand up anyfur looking in this direction would see my erection. Worse yet, I was sure that I was leaking all the pre I could.

Dakota was the same, his cock standing tall at nine inches with the knot it looked like a hammer and there was no way some fur would miss that even in the dark.

The fox's knot pulsed as I gave it a squeeze, causing pre to squirt up onto the popcorn. Dakota took a handful of it and popped it into his mouth.

"Saltier than before." He chuckled.

"Gross!" I laughed, then quickly quietened down when the people three rows in front of us glared back at us.

Thank goodness they didn't see anything they shouldn't have.

I continued jerking off Dakota, moving my forepaw in a pattern up and down his length as fast as I could. Normally I'd use two forepaws, but the position made that awkward and all the more obvious. The idea of being found out aroused me slightly, yet the consequences didn't. Unless our discoverer was up for a gay threesome, then maybe the consequences wouldn't be so bad.

"Seems like we're not the only furs getting it off." Dakota whispered, gesturing the otter and orca who were now being all the more obvious.

The poor otter was being bounced on his lover's lap, wet slaps echoing around. I saw the woman in front of them chastise them, before getting up and mouthing that she was going to get somefur. All the orca did was chuckle and hurry up, desperate to come in his mustelid.

"Maybe we should stop... They might see us." I suggested.

"We can stop this forepawjob. But we're sure as hell not stopping the sex." Dakota growled, taking away my forepaw.

I was guided to the floor between his legs and the popcorn bucket was moved. A hoodie was draped over my head and the fox's lap. I soon felt the bag as well as the bucket piled on top. I was left face to sack with his musky, lubed up canine cock. It was... sensational.

The scent drove me wild, it was everything I wanted in a man. Sweaty with a small hint of piss and a very prominent scent of his leaking pre and possibly the remains of the last orgasm. His balls smelt strongly of that too, but the closer I got towards his taint the more potent and heady the smells became. I knew for a fact that it was going to taste like candy in my mouth...

Whorish-ly, I lifted myself to slide out of my short shorts and booty shorts style underwear exposing my own cathood. It was nowhere near as impressive as my boyfriend's, I was a mere five inches; apparently the barbs were there to make up for girth and the length I might lack. According to the few furs I'd topped, they definitely did. I'd had the joy of experiencing barbs once and I immediately felt sorry for my mother, her mother before her and her before mother her. Knots however...

I dragged my tongue across Dakota's knot first, it was always better close to the sheath. The musk, the taste and the heat that is. My face felt as if it was burning up slightly in the presence of Dakota's dick, though it could have been because I was hidden under three things. I felt a bead or two of sweat roll down my forehead. That bruise purple knot tasted of salty, delicious pre more than anything else. I could pick up my own pre on him, from when we'd frotted just this morning and I wouldn't be surprised if I could taste my ass too considering the amount of times we'd been tied.

A paw grinding against my cock told me to get on with it.

Happily, I pulled Dakota's cock closer to me and wrapped my lips around the tip. I took it slowly, bobbing down on just the tip for the moment as I prepared myself. Without a doubt I could swallow all seven inches, then take his two inch knot on top, but no more than that. Then again, I'd swallowed some huge cocks in my time.

I shook those thoughts out of my head, I probably shouldn't have been thinking about other men when I was going down on my boyfriend.

Wrapping a forepaw around his knot for support, I took him a little further and soon got the usual warning:

"Watch the teeth."

I was extra careful with Dakota's cock, opening my mouth as much as I could to avoid so much as touching him with my sharp, feline teeth. It had only happened once or twice when we were younger, now I guess that I'm a bit of an expert cocksucker so... well you get the idea.

It soon became clear that Dakota had no intentions of jerking me off, he wasn't even going to put that paw back!

Taking it upon myself, I used my spare forepaw to stroke myself. My paw pads provided a cushion almost for my member and the fluff between them tickled me in a most pleasurable way. Just a few seconds caused me to leak a thick blob of pre cum, I was way too sensitive. Every time I caught myself in just the right way, I gasp and exhaled warm breath across Dakota's prick in a sharp blast. He shuddered each time and rewarded me with a short fountain of pre cum that got trapped in my face furs or trickled down into my throat.

I payed much less attention to my own cock than I did to Dakota's, I had no rhythm just arbitrary strokes up and down my length. Normally I'd roll a finger around my barbs, squeeze myself, apple polish my own cock or explore the dark cavern that is my sheath, but the dirtiness of sucking my boyfriend off and jerking off whilst in such a public place distracted me.

From across the room I heard the manager shouting at that other couple.

"What do you think you're doing?" The manager, definitely male, hissed loudly for all to hear.

Mumbles erupted a few rows in front of us, seats moaned as furs turned around and a few gasps escaped as furs noticed what had been happening.

"Screwing my husband." One of the perpetrators spoke back. "Lucky for you I just finished."

"Hah." I heard the otter laugh weakly. "He sure did." It sounded as if the otter was out of it, I would be too if Dakota just fucked me in plain sight.

I froze, the manager was only a few steps away... If he looked our way he'd surely see me.

"You're a black cat under two covers. Keep sucking." Dakota growled, shoving my face into his balls.

On instinct I inhaled deep, then gasped as my senses were overwhelmed by the manly scent. It was stronger, more masculine and so much more pleasurable to my senses than what I'd smelt on Dakota before. I took more sniffs, like a dog exploring a room, just to be sure that this was indeed his cock. With each inhale, I forgot more and more about the scene next to us.

"Leave- now! Oh my god, did you get it on our seats?! Not on the seats! Give me a phone number, an addresses and names now you're being billed for this!" The manager nearly shouted.

I took all of Dakota's cock down to his knot in one go and started sucking as best as I could.

"01234 567 890" The orca chuckled. "Go fuck yourself lane, Mr. And Mr. Fuck off."

With that, the behemoth of a man rose out of his seat, pulled up his husband's trousers and shoved the manager out of the way as he left. If I'd been paying attention, I would have heard the manager chasing down the orca and his husband. However, I was busy deep throating my own boyfriend.

Snaking my tongue about on the underbelly of his cock, I added a second forepaw on top of that first one and squeezed. To the same rhythm of my bobbing, I jerked off his knot and revelled in the grunts he made as he shuffled about to try and last just that extra bit longer.

The man was putty in my forepaws now as I milked his cock for his lovely seed.

My lips forming a seal just before the knot, my tongue exploring him and my entire mouth providing a warm, silky feeling.I made sure to come at his cock from all the angles I could, twisting my head around his cock to do so.

With one last groan, Dakota pulled out and jerked off to finish.

Not looking where he was shooting, a jet of it caught my shoulder and the seat in front of us. Gasping, he shoved his dick forwards and knotted my awaiting maw as he spurted the rest of his sticky jizz in a way that avoided my taste buds entirely and flooded straight down into my gut. I felt three ropes of the stuff cloy to my throat, gradually sliding down to join the rest.

When he was spent, the fox pulled out; knotting my mouth was nothing like knotting my ass after all. I cleaned off his cock with my tongue then moved out of the way as he pulled up his trousers and underwear.

I looked down and was about to do the same when I noticed that I was rock hard still. Talk about cock lust, I'd completely forgotten about myself!

As we sat back down to enjoy the rest of the movie (which had moved away from sex thank goodness), I whined and rubbed my forepaw on Dakota's crotch.

"I didn't finish." I complained.

"Don't you like orgasm denial?" Dakota chuckled.

"I like creampies more..." I purred into the fox's throat who sighed and gave me a small push.

"When we get back, okay?" He promised. "I'm just going to the toilet."

Dakota rose out off his seat and set off down the aisle, disappearing out the door. Not ten seconds later I followed.

Moving over the carpet as fast as I could, I exited the screen room and managed to catch a glimpse of the fox's tail disappearing into the toilet door. I followed and stepped inside, closing the door quietly.

Seeing that no fur else was in there except for Dakota who was at the far end of the room , emptying his bladder into the urinal. I searched the immediate area and found a mop. Fortunately for me, the door opened out into the corridor and had one of those square bar handles. Better yet, it was close enough to the wall. I propped the mop through the handle and against the wall, then tested and found that it was impossible to open the door. Grinning, I turned to my boyfriend.

Sneaking up on the fox, I waited until as long as I could then jumped up to scare him.


Dakota didn't make a sound, but seeing as how he hopped into the air for a brief second I'd startled him. Yet he played it off quite well:

"Hi, Jinx! Need the toilet too?" He asked with a small blush.

I'll admit that perhaps I was much more blunt than usual.

"All I need and want is your cock in my ass and my seed painting that urinal. Got it?" I winked as I lowered my jeans for the second time in the past hour. "That and I know how much you to love to grope this ass. Want to play with it first?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Perfect." I let a sly smile spread across my face.

Dakota grabbed my asscheeks through my undies like he'd never seen them before. They were squishy, plump and alien on my thin, supple body.

My hips were the only thing that matched, seeing as how they rounded out like some sort of disc.

"So fucking sexy..." Dakota rumbled as a finger scraped up my taint and between my ass crack.

When the fox had felt all of my ass, he tugged down my underwear and licked his chops as my bubbly ass bounced.

"Mind if I..." The fox swatted my left cheek, it bounced a little for him. "Fuck that's hot." I heard him growl.

My ass smarted just from the one hit and if it was getting pounded I really didn't want him spanking me any more. I took the easy way out.

Jiggling my ass a bit, it bounced way more than it would have with just him slapping it.

"Do you know what I love about your ass?" Dakota grunted. "No matter how much it shakes it stays in the same place."

A hard grope stopped me shaking it anymore.

"How about we get to the good stuff? The type that ends with your ass dripping all the seed I can make?"

"Hurry up and fuck me!" I replied, leaning against the wall and stretching back for him."

"Without further adieu..." Dakota chuckled.

The fox quickly went to the lube dispenser, slotted in a pound and came back with two packets. He squeezed one out onto his fingers and wasted no time getting three digits in me.

"Fuck!" I squealed as he penetrated as far as my prostate in just one push.

Those fingers wriggled about in me, not focusing on pleasuring but rather spreading the lubricant. It was thick and a small bit dribbled down my taint to slowly trickle down a leg. How I wanted that to be jizz...

The fox pulled out his fingers quickly, then spent the second packet and what remained on his digits lubing up his cock. He must have been desperate, we usually spent five minutes preparing not five seconds! Then again we were in public and who could resist my ass?

I felt him press the tip of his cock against my entrance, then grunt as he pushed in slightly. I, on the other paw, gasped and wriggled back to make sure he was in as deep as he could go. His knot was yet to swell up, so we were careful. After all, knot fucking was... painful to say the least. Though

I'm sure Dakota could get me worked up enough for some rough, dirty sex.

We didn't have time for slow, passionate sex, just a quick, hard, rough fuck. Within seconds he was fucking me as hard as he could.

His teeth sunk into my shoulder and his forepaws grasped at my hips as he pumped his cock into me. A growl escaping his lips, he made sure that he could hear the smack of his balls against my taint and a pleasured gasp leave me with each buck of his hips.

"Tell me you love this shit, fucktoy!"

"I love this!" I howled, pushing back and doing my best to not collapse into the urinal.

"You're going to come in this urinal like mad, got me?!"


"Yes, what?!"

His teeth sunk into my shoulder more and his grasp tightened.

"Yes, sir!" I moaned and could no longer resist as his knot began to pound my tailhole, probably leaving bruises.

Reaching down I took my barbed cock in one forepaw and jerked off in a way that meant Dakota's knot would slam against me (and his cock against my prostate) when my forepaw reached the base of my cock. It was insanely pleasurable. In no time my tongue lolled from my lips, my eyes rolled back and whatever thoughts I had about not being so dirty left my head...

All I wanted was to finish.

"Get ready for this knot, bitch!" Dakota snarled to me as he forced his knot forwards.

At the same time, he yanked back on my hips. The first half inch of his knot went inside with ease, I cried out and arched my back to help as much as I could. I wanted this so badly. His knot battering down my entrance, the fox moved me instead of his hips. I was pulled and pushed backwards and forwards, even shook slightly. When this failed, Dakota combined it with his hips to mash against my tailhole and...


His knot slipped in with a lewd sound and a noise of pain as I finished. My cock tensed and my jerking stopped, replaced by gasping and squeezes on my member. My manhood spasmed as I squirted a thick load of cum onto the white of the porcelain, the streaks standing out heavily against their backdrop.

Dakota finished too, caking my insides with his second load for the day. I felt it cloying to my walls, a feeling and scent that would last for quite a while. The fox pulled out, causing me to crumble against the wall and moan as his jizz dribbled out and down my leg.

As it dripped into my underwear, Dakota pulled up his pants and trousers before doing the same to mine. A cum stain spread, visible through my shorts as more cum leaked from me.

"Enjoy." He whispered into my ear. "Come on, the movie should be almost finished."

The fox lead me to my seat by my forepaw, there were a few people waiting outside the bathroom who looked on in confusion as to why the door couldn't be opened. Fortunately the public urinal flushed itself, washing away most of the evidence. Giggling, I couldn't believe we'd gotten away with such dirty things!

Or so I thought.

We got back into the room to see a group of staff around our seats, pointing to our own and those in front of us. The house lights were on and the movie had finished.

"No the orca and otter were sitting on the other side. Some fur else must have been getting it off here too." Some fur spoke.

"Disgusting." A manager spat.

They held up the drawstring bag we'd brought with us. Fortunately nothing important was in there.

"Let's go..." Dakota chuckled to me, grabbing my forepaw and running with me to the car before we were spotted and identified.

We slammed the doors and drove as fast as we could, laughing like cubs.

I'll admit that I gave him road head on the way back, only for him to paint my backside with cum when we arrived back home. Within the month we were back in that movie theatre repeating the process.

That time, we made sure all the cum got in my mouth and not on the seats.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes

Characters, locations and story © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Not on the seats! (WARNING: Watersports)

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