Couples Discount

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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A commission for Rosetintedsunglasses on DA. She and her boyfriend get a package in the mail, with surreal and sexy results.

Matt had a feeling it would be trouble when Ruby came in waving a brown postal package. "It came!" She giggled, rushing up to him like a kid who just saw presents under the Christmas tree. While it was nice to see her happy, he knew his girlfriend's predilections ran a bit... eccentric. "What came?"

"You know how you've been saying we need to make things more 'interesting' in the bedroom?" She said, waggling the package in front of him, "Well I ordered this online, Trans Co's website said it would make our love life 'surreally exciting.' She chuckles derisively at the memory of that hacky sales pitch. "Whatever that's supposed to mean."

"That's cool I guess." Matt lied as he took the package from her, looking it over. He wasn't sure what he expected, but it was a perfectly unremarkable cardboard postal box. He dug out his pocket knife and cut into the clear packing tape holding one end shut and dumped the contents out. With a dry thump, three little jars fell out onto their plaid bedspread. One was gray, one was a dusty tan, and the third was a deep, royal violet. He took the gray jar, studying it in his hands, wondering exactly what nonsense it was about.

The label read simply. "Drink Me"in block letters on the front of the plain white label, with a bunch of tiny legal-ese printed on the back. He let out a little self-deprecating chuckle, knowing no more about the product and feeling a bit silly for it. "I don't know..." He said, popping the lid off. He ran the open jar under his nose, picking up the pungent stench of artificially flavored lubricant, and not the good brands. "This is so ridiculous." Ruby took the tan jar and gave it a once over. The label was the same as the one Matt took, white with black lettering. "What's yours say?" She said. "It says Drink Me." Matt tilted the jar side to side, watching the stuff inside flow around. It had a consistency like flat soda; syrupy, thin, and very chemical looking. "What does yours say?"

"It says Smell Me," she said, not yet having opened it. "This is kind of like that bit from Alice in Wonderland." "If this shrinks me, you're taking me to the hospital." Matt says, laughing. "Other than that, I'm ready if you are." He looked at her, she looked at him. Both smiled awkwardly at each other, waiting for the other to use their jar first, like a Mexican standoff with sex aids they bought online. "Bottoms up, I guess." Matt said, shooting an awkward half-smile at his girlfriend. Her mismatched color eyes looking at him like a kid about to ride a rollercoaster, how could he say no? He tipped the jar up and swallowed the gray fluid as she popped the top off her jar.

The taste was almost offensively bland, it wasn't cloyingly sweet or bitter or even particularly unpleasant, just nothing, with a slightly viscous texture like liquid antacid. He gagged a bit as he swallowed the last few drops, looking back at Ruby, who was breathing the musky, somewhat leathery scent in from her jar. Matt didn't really see it, but little streaks of tan were showing up in Ruby's deep brown, shoulder length hair. As for himself, he was definitely feeling something, but a churning stomach wasn't exactly what he was hoping for. He was about to reach for the purple jaw when he heard Ruby yell.

"Holy shit Matt! Your hair!" Her hand was over her mouth, pointing. He ran a hand through his short black hair, it felt a little longer, a little more bristly. Then he looked in the mirror and saw stripes in it, bright white stripes running through his dark hair in a distinctive, flowing pattern. "Those look like zebra stripes!" Ruby said, and Matt couldn't help but agree.

"What's going on?" Matt said, and almost like an answer, he felt hair growing on his neck and chest. Not hair like he was used to, but a more solid, velvety coating spreading out under his hoodie. It was a warm tingling sort of feeling, warm and very itchy. He pulled his hoodie off, throwing it onto the floor and revealing a coat of short, soft fur over his chest and upper arms. It felt like velvet, and consisted of a bright white with jet black stripes like a zebra.

"Matt! I'm so sorry they said it was safe and..." Ruby said, being cut off with a loud braying noise that came involuntarily from her throat.

"You sound like a donkey..." He said

"You look like a zebra..." She said

Matt tried to say something else, but when he opened his mouth, he felt his jaw ache. It was a sensation like biting into tinfoil but felt down from tooth to jawbone, radiating back up in jagged waves as his face and mouth pushed out, out into the start of an equine muzzle. His hearing popped and faded out... then back in as his now-pointed ears migrated to the top of his head amid the cacophony of popping bones and joints as the changes spread down his neck, down his back. He felt a sneeze coming on, he tried to stifle it with no success, and his head was spinning ...what was even going on?

And Matt sneezed, his eyeglasses clattered to the floor as his nose flattened against his new snout, now covered complete in the soft, velvety, smooth black and white striped fur from the waist up. As Mat felt of his new face, Ruby experienced the start of her own changes. The button on her jean shorts popped off as her hips filled out into ponderous curves. The denim creaked and the seams popped as her legs bulked up, curvier and more muscular as her toenails blackened and spread, forcing her toes together in a pair of hooves.

As her hooves finished growing in, her legs urged her to stand on the balls of her feet. She stood and leaned against the bed post as her center of gravity shifted. In mere seconds, standing on her hooves alone went from being agonizing to second nature, something she just did as her leg joints popped into the proper places for such locomotion. Another outward surge and a long tail with a scruffy deep brown tuft erupted from the base of her spine inch-by-inch as her shorts fell to the floor in a heap of shreds.

She turned around, her hoofs clicking on the floor. She had a tail now, a donkey's tail. "Matt! I have a tail now, you have to HAWWW ..." And again her speech was interrupted by a loud, braying that sprang from her throat. Matt, meanwhile, was quite preoccupied with a pulsing heat in chest. It started small, but quickly picked up in intensity as a pair of mounds pushed out from under his now stark black nipples. Cup size by cup size, they grew until they were a pair of heaving Double Ds. Matt couldn't help but knead and fondle his new, perky assets as his hair straightened out and stood up into a striped Mohawk-like mane running from the very base of his neck to the top of his head. And Ruby watched as Matt's striped fur spread down, down his waist as his hips filled out, straining against his jeans. The pressure went from uncomfortable to unendurable quickly as he fumbled with the clasp and zipper.

He succeeded in getting his jeans down, but his expanding butt and hips put a killer stain on his boxer briefs. The elastic band creaked and snapped as the seat ripped away in a shower of white cotton, letting his luxuriously striped tail hang free, wagging side to side in an instinctual move that felt right in a part of his mind that he didn't really know. Matt looked back at Ruby, she looked back at him as the rich brown fur flowed up her chest, down her arms. Matt felt himself approach her, something about the changes made him excited, needy.

He pushed into a kiss, and as Ruby returned it her own face pulled out into a blunted snout with little clicks and pops of the joints. Their tongues met again, dancing around each other as they felt each other's growing lust like a drug. Matt pulled away from the kiss first, looking at Ruby's now-quite donkey-ish face. It was an odd look, but it suited her. Especially as her curves filled in, her dark-nippled breasts flowed outwards into a bigger, perkier pair, even bigger than Matt's own pair. She leaned down and put her flexible lips around one of Matt's nipples, licking and sucking as the zebra moaned and stroked Ruby's shaggy mane.

Then, he felt it. It began as a sharp, sudden tingle between his legs as Ruby licked and kissed his chest. Then, it grew more and more intense as he felt his organ pull inward, inverting itself into his body as the heat and the tingle spread up, up into his abdomen. With a peculiar wet schluuck, he felt his new, sensitive and very real womanhood assert itself.

"Ruby! My... It's gone!"

Ruby just laughed and dipped her black-nailed fingers into Matt's wet folds. "It sure is." The zebra let out a low, breathy moan as he... she felt her girlfriend's fingers tickle and tease her new sex. Matt's glossy new hooves clicked on the floor as she leaned into her girlfriend's touch. It felt wrong, it probably was wrong... but it felt so good. She felt so much closer to Ruby.

"We have one jar unopened," Ruby whispered as Matt's ear flicked. "You wanna?"

"Oh yes." Matt moaned, feeling Ruby's gentle lover's touch on her wide hips. "I'm so glad for this. It's... it feels fantastic."

"You look gorgeous in stripes, honey." Ruby smiled.

"And you got a great ass." Matt said, laughing at her own joke.

Ruby smiled at the zebra as she walked over to retrieve the purple jar from the bed. The label read simply 'OPEN ME' as the donkey girl checked it out. It was quite a bit bigger than the other two jars, roughly the size of a quart jug. With some difficulty, she pried it open, then waited. And she waited. Matt shrugged and snorted, her dark nostrils flared. "Think it's a dud?"

"I dunno." Ruby said. "Smells kind of fishy, kinda like octopus."

And no sooner than when Matt came over to smell of it did the shiny purple goo inside the jar spring into action. With blinding speed, a pair of tentacles sprung from the slippery, smooth substance and bound themselves around the lovers' arms. Inch by inch, foot by foot the tentacles wrapped the two tightly, lifting them in the air with Olympian strength. Ruby opened her mouth to say something, but the donkey girl was silence by the purple gunk sending another tentacle into her mouth and down her throat. Another tentacle quickly lashed itself around Matt's snout, holding it firmly shut.

As the two struggled and made muffled attempts at speaking, another pair of long, shiny, thick tentacles rose from the jar and drifted towards their dripping sexes. The first tentacle teased Ruby's deep chocolate brown folds, stroking up and down their lips before spearing into her, causing a sunburst of feeling to flash through her body. She moaned and twitched as it pumped and writhed inside her. The second one wasted no time pushing into the zebra's quivering slit. They were held in the air like marionettes as the tentacles fucked them, thrusting in and out, tickling their inner walls.

Matt moaned, and wiggled against her bindings while Ruby grinded herself against the tentacle deep inside her. She could feel the tentacles pumping... something into her little by little, and whatever it was, it was driving her crazy. She felt need like she never did before, and she knew Ruby was feeling the same way. She could tell it from the donkey girl's face. Matt's tentacle pumped another load into her and her train of thought was promptly lost in a rush of feeling.

The tentacles held them in the air so effortlessly, it was like being in zero gravity. Ruby could feel the tentacle deep in her throat, but it was malleable enough that breathing wasn't a problem. The both of them could feel their climax coming, and coming fast. The tentacles, however, were still going quite strong. Ruby could feel hers tickle the threshold of her cervix, and Matt was kicking against hers lost in a sea of sensual delight. The tentacles pumped in and out, filling the couple oh-so perfectly.

Both Ruby and Matt felt themselves lose track of time, how long had they been up there? Minutes? Hours? It felt like such a short time and it also felt like they had been fucked for hours on end. Finally, they could restrain themselves no longer. The couple came at the same time, moaning and staining the glossy purple tentacles with hot, musky sex. And as if a switch had been flipped, the tentacles relaxed their grip on the donkey and zebra, lowering them gently to the floor.

The purple tendrils slid out of them and pulled back into the jar like snakes returning to the den. Mat felt of her sore wrists as she lay on the floor panting and dizzy with pleasure. She looked over to Ruby, and the donkey girl smiled back at her.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know," Ruby huffed, her sandy brown mane in a sweaty mess, "but it was awesome!" Matt crawled over, putting her striped arms around Ruby. Ruby nuzzled her snout into Matt's heavy chest, kissing her lover softly. "How was it?" Matt kissed her on the forehead, smiling and tired but satisfied. "It was weird, very weird, but it felt good." The zebra pushed into a deep kiss, with her donkey lover returning it with a happy sigh. Sure, Matt had questions, like whether or not the zebra thing was permanent or not, but they could wait. She looked at Ruby, and the expression of pure bliss on her face, and she knew Ruby's questions could wait as well.

"Even the tentacles?" Ruby said, stroking Matt's bristly two-tone mane.

"Yes, even the tentacles were good." Matt held Ruby a little tighter as the two traded kisses. "I didn't expect them, but it was fun."

"That's good, usually you're not one for surprises." Ruby said with a tired grin. "You know... if we tell our friends about Trans Co's products, our next purchase is half off!"

Matt chuckled. "Sounds like a deal, then." And as the zebra and donkey cuddled in the warmth of their afterglow, they made mental lists of who among their friends would enjoy such an experience. It was such a good deal, after all.

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