Domesticated (Catgirl Housewife TF TG)

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Based on an RP. A guy breaks into a haunted house on a dare, ends up staying much longer.

His friends talked him into it. The deal was that he take pictures of the inside of the house and they would pay him 200 bucks, another 100 if he found out anything interesting. The house itself was big, three stories tall with red brick siding and slanted black roof. In the front yard, a willow tree swayed in the gentle breeze. There was a metal fence around the property with a gate hanging open just wide enough for Mac to fit himself through.

"They're practically inviting people to break in," He muttered to himself as he squeezed between the gap in the gate. It was a bit tight, but not by much, someone smaller than him could probably slide right through without touching the edges. Now that he was beyond the fence, Mac pulled out his smartphone and switched on its flashlight. The soft white beam revealed a rustic and inviting interior. He had found himself in a hallway of sorts, with floral wallpaper and wine red carpeting.. In front of him were rows of six doors on either side. All the same color. The closest one on the right had a pink scarf wrapped around the knob.

"That's cute, I wonder what that's there for," Mac said regarding the pink scarf. Before doing anything else he pulled up his phone's camera app and snapped a picture of it. He considered texting it to my friends to prove I'd gotten inside, but decided to wait until he had something more news-worthy to show.

"Now, which should I go through...?" He asked himself as I stepped towards each of the doors to examine them more closely. The pink scarf door was tempting, but he wanted to see what his options were first. One of the doors was laying slightly ajar. From what little he could see, it was a bedroom of sorts. The smell of perfume wafted from the entrance. Mac carefully made his way towards the open door, endeavoring to be quiet. The perfumed smell grew stronger as he approached and he couldn't help but smile at the gentle fragrance. The scent took his mind places: fields of tulips, a noblewoman's bedroom, his first date with his husband.... Mac coughed and shook his head at that last part, wondering why he even thought that.

Finally, he reached the door and edged around it to peek inside. Inside, the floral smell of the perfume is even more powerful, sticking in the back of his throat as he looked around. A queen sized bed with thick velvet sheets was against the wall on the west side. Laying on top of the bed was a folded pair of gray nylon stockings, like they were set out for someone. On the wall above the bed was a framed photograph of an eagle in flight.

He stealthily entered the room, approaching the stockings and taking a deep breath of the flowery scent. "Wow...really smells nice." He mumbled, the scent was worming into his brain. So strong was the scent that it burned itself into his mind, he would remember it vividly for quite some time. "Definitely a little strange..." Mac muttered before taking another step inside the room, using his camera once again to take a picture of the nylons on the bed and also the photo of the eagle. As he snapped photos, small streaks of ginger color flowed through his naturally curly brown hair.

Heedless of the new coloring spreading through his hair, he picked up the nylons, grinning to himself. "I bet my friends would be even more impressed if I came back with a little souvenir from one of the girls who live here," Mac whispered impishly to himself. The ginger color spread like fire as he pocketed the nylon stockings. Ginger tabby-pattern fur spread over his ears as they grew out into flexible, pointed kitty ears. Mac's new cat ears twitched slightly, completely unnoticed by him.

"This is going awesome! I wonder what else I can find..." He wondered to himself as he stepped outside of the bedroom. "Hmm... Maybe I'll check that door from before?" Mac mused to himself as he approached the door with the pink scarf tied around its handle. On a whim, he decided to take the scarf as well. Beyond the scarf door lied what appeared to be a woman's bedroom. Mac saw with some jealousy a queen size bed with mauve-colored sheets and a black oak wood wardrobe in the corner. On a nightstand beside the bed was a fat hardcover book titled 'The Feline Guide to a Good Marriage." Mac raised an eyebrow upon seeing the rather oddly titled book. His curiosity won out quickly and so he cracked it open to what it was about.

As Mac read, several passages caught his eye.

_"Like a cat; a good wife is graceful, affectionate, and loyal."

"Cats are famous for being clean. Practicing good hygiene above and beyond your usual effort will give you confidence and make you that much more irresistible to your spouse ."_

As he read, a lithe tail pushed itself out of the base of his spine inch after inch, quickly taking on a ginger colored coat of fur, the same tabby pattern as his ears.

"Weird... Is this something sort of etiquette guide for newly weds?" Mac found himself wondering. Unconsciously, he began to fuss around with his short hair, trying to make it look more presentable. His hand brushed against his cat ears, but once again he didn't even notice what was wrong with them. As Mac groomed himself, his hair grew out longer, softer, and shinier. He looked up from the book and saw, hanging on the knob of the closet door, a shiny black satin dress with long sleeves and a turtleneck collar. Mac blushed when he saw the heart-shaped keyhole in the chest, he walked over to it and felt the smooth, silky fabric between his fingers. "Mm... must've been made for a sexy little beast," he muttered to himself. As he looked at it, he felt a curious sort of feeling in him. He felt compelled to put it on.

The temptation to put the dress on was simply too much. Mac caved in and began to strip off his hoodie and shirt, leaving them neatly folded in the wardrobe. Without thinking, he left his phone with them as well, the purpose of his visit here having slipped from his mind. With an awkward half-smile, he slipped the slinky black dress on over his head, marveling at how well it seemed to fit his body. His chest felt tingly and hot. He ran his hands over his sensitive, tingling nipples as a pair of soft mounds sprouted and filled out with a quiet noise not unlike a balloon being filled with liquid.

He let out a gasp at the feeling, almost moaning at the sensation. In moments, the mounds blossomed into pair of big, perky breasts kept neatly in place by the dress. The heart-shaped keyhole gave Mac a nice view of his new cleavage.

Mac hear a voice in his head, his voice, say: "I really should dress more elegantly." And so he took off his faded jeans, his socks and sneakers, listening to what he assumed was his consciousness. He fetched a pair of black lace panties from the wardrobe and changed into them, throwing his boxers on the floor. Sitting down on the bed, Mac pulled the gray nylon thigh-highs on. He let out a happy purr as he rubbed his legs together, satisfied by the cool, soft feeling of the stockings gliding over each other. Mac frowned for a moment, confusion entering his mind as he looked at the outfit he was wearing. Was that right?

And almost like an answer, a wave of pleasurable warmth rippled through his body. He could feel himself changing. Masculine angles became soft, womanly curves as his hips pushed out into the beginnings of an hourglass figure. Mac felt more than a bit aroused at the sight, the feeling of his changing body even if he still had his bulging package straining against the soft fabric of the panties. His waist thinned out as his hips took on soft, ample childbearing curves. For some reason, Mac's body just felt so much more 'right' than it had a moment ago. He grinned and spread his arms wide, doing an elegant twirl on the tip of one of his stocking feet, his tail trailing behind him in a circle.

And then, he felt an odd tingling sensation between his legs. His manhood felt smaller in his panties, prompting a light moan as he reached his hand down, beginning to worry once more. Mac's upon a soft, feminine cleft in the place of his manhood.

"Ah... Nnn... Mmm~!" Mac moaned to himself, his senses overpowered by the heat between his legs. His blush grew even deeper and his ears and tail shot up straight as arrows. Mac felt his legs growing wobbly and weak and soon he was forced to get down on all fours, bent low with ass high in the air and tail waving back and forth eagerly. The heat grew more intense and more pleasurable, spreading deep inside his body. Mac could feel his insides beginning to shift and change as his manhood was replaced by a wet, eager, very fertile womanhood.

"So good...! I-it feels so good I can't take it!" Mac cried out to nobody in particular as he reached his hands beneath his dress' skirt and pulled down his panties, desperate to find some sort of release. Mac carefully inserted a finger into his new slit, flinching at how cold it felt compared to the raging heat radiating out from inside his womanhood.

"Ah! Mmm... Mmm... Mmmeeeoooow!" As Mac began to experience sweet release, he couldn't help himself from beginning to mewl and meow in pleasure.

The voice returned, speaking over his own hazy thoughts. "You are a housewife. You have been married for two happy years. Your husband will come home this evening."

"I... I'm a housewife..." Mac mewled. "Married for two happy years... He's coming home this evening... I want to surprise him."

As the voice continued, Mac could feel himself slipping deeper and deeper into his new identity, his new life.

"You know his favorite foods because you cook for him." "You are going to completely forget your old life when he kisses you."

He ... she looked down and saw a shiny gold wedding band on her finger.

"I... I want to kiss him..." she whimpered, imagining the sexy man that was her husband and getting aroused at the mere thought of the fun they'd have later. "I'll cook him some salmon for dinner, too... he's such a lovely man."

Then, Maxine's tabby ears perked up as she heard the front door open. She rushed to meet him, eager to please her husband, her lover. From the front door approached a tall neko man. His tail and ears were the the same as his hair, deep chocolate brown with tabby stripes. He leaned down and nuzzled his wife's cheek with his nose, pulling her into a tight embraced.

"How are you, honey?"

Maxine hugged back, resting her head on his chest. "I.. I missed you a lot... Had a good day at work?"

"It was a good day, but I couldn't stop thinking of my little catgirl." He said, kissing Maxine on the neck.

"I... I thought I'd try and surprise you with dinner, but I lost track of time..." she muttered, her last sliver of actual control trying to prevent a kiss on the lips for her own sake.

The cat man pushed into a deep, warm kiss on the lips. "No problem, I like watching you cook."

Her true mind pushed into the recesses of the brain, Maxine lose complete control... forced to have to experience every little sensation of the horny she-cat I'd become. She kissed the man... her lovely husband, back and trailed a hand down to his groin. "T.. tonight?"

"Absolutely..." Tom, as Maxine knew well the name of her husband, growled naughtily.

"Mmh..." she purred, kissing him again. "I love it when you growl like that."

Tom laughed. "Do I wear protection tonight, or do you want to try for kittens?"

"K.. Kittens..."Maxine stuttered, looking into his eyes lovingly.

Tom picked his needy wife up in his strong arms and laid her on the bed. She rolled over on her back, caressing her slender, curvy form. "Tom... Please don't leave the house so often. I'll need all the help I can get with the kits." She reached her hand up and press it against his shirt, giggling softly. "Ah... this reminds me of that night we met..."

"You were insatiable that night." Tom said with a nostalgic smile.

"That heat's what helped me find you." Maxine purred, looking in his eyes lustfully. "Love at first glance."

"And lots of stamina~" He said, rubbing his hands up and down Maxine's long, stocking-clad legs.

He breathed the catgirl's scent in. "If you want a litter, I do." He said with a purr, his tail rubbing against her thigh, "You would make a wonderful mom."

Maxine's tail flicked as he mounted her. "I want you to take me, right now," she whispered to him.

Tom nodded and lifted one of her legs, licking Maxine's nylon-clad sole. Maxine squirmed and moaned, whispering his name over and over as they sank beneath the covers.

After what felt like hours, the two lovers lay in bed sweating and purring, enjoying the afterglow of their litter's conception. He rubbed her stocking feet, massaging them carefully and thoroughly. "Was it good for you?" He whispered into her ear.

"It was perfect, Tommy." She felt full, a kind of contentment that she had only felt before during their honeymoon.

"And you're still as wonderful as when we married." He said, his ears folded back. "What are you going to do if it's all girls?"

"Just girls? Well we'll make it work." Maxine said, holding him tight.

"If so, then I know they'll turn out just like their mommy." He said, rubbing her belly.

"Oh you..."

"We'll have nine months to think of names, too." Tom whispered into Maxine's ear, their tails coiled around each other.

The couple felt each other's warmth as the sun set over their happy home. "I love you." Tom whispered into her ear as they cuddled beneath the sheets.

"I love you too." Maxine said. This was a good life, she thought to herself. A loving husband, a beautiful house, and a litter on the way. What more could a catgirl ask for?

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