House of the RubberMaids

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Written for Silver-Fly's 2016 contest. A group of friends break into a mansion, end up finding steady work instead of riches.

Glosstein Manor sat empty for years. Nobody knew where the owners went or why they left, but it was well understood by the people around it that the place was abnormal. Year after year, the house never seemed to deteriorate, the paint never peeled or faded, the windows never stained. It remained immaculately clean and orderly, as if frozen in time.

As always, there were rumors. Local legend was that the place was haunted, and that any intrusion would be punished by the spirit that ruled the manor's lifeless halls. And over the years, there have been reports of people disappearing around the place cropped up; some said it was the work of the spirits haunting the place, while those more skeptical held that the rumors of ghosts came from said vanishings. But there also were people interested in looting the place of valuables. Kari and her friends were among them.

Kari, a lithe, boyish-looking fennec of 23 years, had opened their way with a quick blow to the front gate's padlock using a nearby rock. Kari took the lead as they headed up to the mansion. The grass on the front lawn was evenly trimmed and a healthy green. They climbed up to the front door, the heavy brass knob shimmering in the velvety moonlight.

Behind her, Stan shifted on his feet, nervously looking out behind with his floppy terrier ears folded back. "Okay but what if the house is haunted for real? I don't think this is a very good idea," he said. The fennec just rolled her amber-colored eyes as she picked the lock.

A few steps away from the door stood Luca, a spotted hyena of short height and lanky build, flicking his tail back and forth as he watched Stan, silently daring him to run away.

The front door's lock released with a sharp, definitive click as Kari pushed it open with a self-satisfied flourish.

"We're in, gang." Kari flicked on her flashlight and scanned the beam across the entryway. Beyond the threshold was a hardwood floor divided by a stretch of soft wine-colored carpet. Kari swept the yellow light back over, checking for traps. She took a slow, cautious step inside.

"Come on, and don't step directly on the carpet." Kari said, taking a flashlight out of her denim jacket. "They always put traps under the carpet."

Luca followed Kari in, with Stan bringing up the rear, his whiskers twitching at the smell of the place. It wasn't at all what he expected an old haunted house to smell like. It wasn't dusty or moldy, but rather sterile. Like a hospital waiting room. The black dog felt that something was wrong as he followed the group, hands in the pockets of his navy blue hoodie. The interior was in a surreal state of upkeep, there were no cobwebs or dust, every single thing was so meticulously neat that it gave the impression of being a computer simulation of a house.

Stan ran one of his thin fingers along the edge of a picture frame and checked it, not one speck of dust. "No way is this place abandoned."

"Tell me about it." Kari said.

Kari turned her light in the direction of a pair of long, forking hallways to the side. "This should be easy enough." Her phone vibrated in her pocket and the fennec let out a sigh as she checked it. "Damn."

"What?" Luca said, hands in the pockets of his faded jeans.

"Our ride is going to be here late, they're checking the traffic on the road coming through here."

Stan's blue eyes twitched.

"Oh no..."

"Look, Stan, its okay." Kari said, brushing his waist with her bushy tail. "It just means we have some more time to find loot. You are such a pussy sometimes."

Stan blushed. "You dragged me to a haunted house!"

"You're such a pussy; your mother is a cat."

She started off down one fork in the hallway, turned and said to her two accomplices, "You two take the other side. Stay on this floor and call me if you see anything or things start to go wrong." Stan and Luca nodded, and the fennec disappeared down the hall, the glow of her flashlight trailing off into darkness.

Stan shot Luca a concerned look. "Just stay close," the hyena said, putting his arm around Stan as they went to search the other part of the hallway.

Kari had taken a random door and found herself in a prim, cozy little guest room. It was just as clean as the rest of the place but it didn't have that persistent antiseptic smell. Rather, it smelt rubbery, like new tires. The fennec dug through a dresser on the left side of the room, finding nothing of particular value. Then, she turned and saw a pair of glossy white tights with black Cuban-style heels, lying out on the bed perfectly folded as if ready to be worn.

She picked the tights up, feeling the fabric between the black pads on her fingertips.

"Rubber?" She flicked her tail as she looked at them. She had come here for more valuable stuff, but a pair of latex tights would fetch a good enough price to take. Plus, she had always been curious about that sort of thing. Rubber clothing, being bent over a pool table by a busty dominatrix, She fantasized about such things but never quite got the chance to scratch that particular itch. 'Surely it wouldn't hurt to try them on,' she whispered to herself as she pulled her cargo shorts down. Kari blushed and slid them up her legs. They were snug in the best sort of way, flattering her figure without being constricting; and the way the latex squeaked as she pulled them over her sandy-colored fur made her wonder if she had discovered a new kink.

She turned her head and saw a frilly black, knee-length dress with poufy shoulders, made of the same rubbery material as the tights. Her ears twitched as she realized it was a maid's dress. A latex maid's dress. She stood up and took it off the hanger, wondering if she had stumbled across fetish gear. Kari blushed as she looked it over; a small voice in the back of her head told her she would look absolutely sexy in it. She listened to it, pulling her shirt off and throwing it on the floor; with no further thought she put it on and straightened the skirt out.

"Oh, my god, I look ridiculous..." she laughed to herself.

She went over to a dressing mirror in the corner of the room and posed in front of it; trying the stereotypical bowed-forward submissive post.

"Care for more tea, vicar?" Kari said in a very bad English accent. She laughed at herself and then struck a more sultry pose as she put her lips out in a sexy pout.

"It's time for your bath, maîtriser ." she said in her most bimbo-ish French accent. She couldn't help it, she was holding her stomach, laughing until she was out of breath. She got up to check the next room down when she saw her regular clothes in a heap on the floor, and the sight bothered her on a unconscious level. Those clothes just lying there on the nice clean carpet... It made her stomach clench up. She sighed and picked up her clothes, folding them up and placing them in the dresser drawer.

"So untidy..." she muttered under her breath. They'd give her away if left lying there, she could come back for them when it was time to clear out.

She swished her fluffy tail as she went out into the hall, feather duster in hand.

The fennec stopped. "Feather duster? Where did I get this?" She looked at the thing, unable to remember picking it up... or even seeing it before for that matter.

She stopped at a framed print of a vintage circus poster and decided to give it a good dusting; Kari figured she might as well use it. When the picture frame was good and clean, she stuffed the feather duster in the pocket of her apron and continued her prowl. The next room she entered, a few doors down, was more like it; big double bed, a make-up stand with a mirror and best of all, jewelry box lying unattended on an antique desk.

A couple broken pins later, she picked the lock on the box and tipped it open, raking the assorted gold, silver, and gem-encrusted accessories into a canvas bag. She had just emptied it when she felt someone else in the room; it was that kind of prickle at the back of the mind one felt when they feel like they're being watched. Kari spun around on her toes, scanning the room.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to put those back." Kari's ears twitched at the voice and she turned to look where it came from.

Standing between her and the door was an eight-foot tall giraffe woman wearing exactly the same kind of maid uniform Kari had put on, except of course much bigger to accommodate the giraffe's huge breasts, at least a pair of DD cups. She was as muscular as she was curvy, arms worthy of a titan and long, toned legs rippling under her stockings.

"Ma'am, just go back to work. I don't want any trouble." The fennec said, putting on her best 'hardened criminal face'.

"Neither do I, but here you are," the giraffe said. What was especially peculiar was that the giraffe didn't have fur, just rubber hide the same white color as her stockings, with black spots.

"Why are you here so late? Don't you lock up for the night?"

"And what are _you_doing here on a night like this?"

The fennec took a step back.


The giraffe held her arms out, as if to embrace the fennec. "It's such a beautiful night. The stars are out, it's quiet..."

The fennec looked out the window; it really was a pretty night.

The giraffe stepped forward and Kari stepped back, her back hunched.

"It's nights like these when a girl like you..." And before she could even realize, the giraffe maid grabbed her by the throat, holding her in a steel grip.

"...should be on your knees." And the giraffe squeezed Kari's neck, forcing her to kneel as she gasped for air.

"Please..." Kari gasped. "Let me go..."

"Somebody ruined the lock on our door and tracked dirt all over our floor." The giraffe's face wasn't angry, but rather vaguely amused. "That's your fault isn't it?" The giraffe let go of Kari's neck as she leaned over her.

"Let me ask you a question," the maid said. Kari [rubbed her sore neck as she looked up, saying nothing. "Do you believe in second chances? That even the naughtiest girl can learn to behave?"


The giraffe continued. "I'm Miss Seven. I'm the head maid of this house."

"Nice to meet you?" Kari scooted back, her tail between her legs.

"I'm going to make you an offer. You work for us, and I'll forgive this little incident. If you try to run away now, I am going to have a lot of fun with what happens next."

Kari turned and bolted for the door, only to be stopped by Seven grabbing the collar of her dress and none-too -gently pushing her back down on her knees.

"That expression you're wearing. You're not much of a robber, are you?"

"I guess not..." Kari said, trying not to look her in the eye.

"I know how you feel." Seven said.

"You do?"

"You're bored. You have too much free time and not enough direction in your life," the giraffe said. "Deep down, you just want love. You just want someone to reach out and give you guidance." And as if a switch was flipped, Miss Seven's expression became a portrait of demented glee.

"Or is that just your excuse for being a thieving little criminal?"

Kari wanted to run, but her legs would not cooperate. She felt something crawling up them; something cool and slippery. The way the big giraffe woman swayed her hips and swished her tail as she lectured her was hard to ignore; her movements were so rhythmic, so inviting....

"And yet, I can feel that inside you is a glimmer of a good girl; a seed of something that can set you on a happy, constructive path.

"Good girl?" Kari felt it going up her back, coating her light brown fur under slick, shiny dark gray.

Miss Seven knelt over her, scratching her ear. "I think you do this because you're unhappy."

"Unhappy..." It was going down Kari's arms. The more it spread, the harder it was to focus. What was being told to her kept on sounding more and more true, and the ear scritches were pleasantly mind-numbing enough to keep her listening. Maybe she just wanted a chance to be a good girl...

"A fresh start, something to keep you busy, a sense of purpose..." Kari sat and listened, it was on neck. It was on her neck and it was holding her in place, she could turn her head, her ears, but nothing else.

"Because you will never be happy as you are."


"You're going to keep on stealing until it ruins you. You need to know when to quit."

"But this is..."

The giraffe put a finger over her mouth. "Think it over."

She took a step back and watched Kari. Kari's thoughts echoed with the same words, distorting all other thoughts, like a stone making ripples in a lake.

Good girl




"Make me a maid." Kari said.

The giraffe's ears perked up. "Could you say that again?"

"I want to be a maid."

Miss Seven turned her neck to the side. "Are you sure, dear?"

Kari nodded.

"Good." Seven stood over her and began stroking her hair, slowly, rhythmically.

"Clear your mind and relax."

Kari closed her eyes. It was going up over her head. She thought empty A clear blue sky.... Pure water... It was trickling down into her ears, flowing into her... reaching into her core. Relax and listen, relaxing and listening.

"Don't think. Just let it in."

Kari's inhibitions were just a whisper... A candle blowing out in the night sky... such a beautiful night... she opened her eyes and looked at the head maid, the fennec's eyes were serene and empty. She was covered and converted to her core; still herself, but tidier, neater. "You're going to be a good maid." Kari kneeled before the giraffe, admiring her powerfully muscled body. "I'm a maid..."

Miss Seven knelt and embraced her newest charge, clasping a collar around her neck. "Good girl." Kari pawed at the collar; it was made of rich red leather with the number 13 stamped on it.

"Come, number 13. Let's find you something to do." The giraffe looped her fingers around the fennec's collar and lead her down the halls; number 13, now that was an interesting name, neat and unpretentious. Her sleek tail wagged under her dress as the elder maid lead her along; she was going to be a very good girl.

Meanwhile, Stan and Luca were no luckier. They found hunting trophies, a gallery room, and storage closets, but nothing that was valuable or unique enough to bring back. "Let's just get Kari and get out of here," Stan whispered as he held his scruffy tail between the legs of his jeans. "This place gives me the creeps." Luca snorted and turned to the dog, grabbing his shoulders.

"Stan, ghosts do not exist. If it doesn't exist, it can't hurt you. We'll be fine." Stan looked in the Hyena's yellow eyes and nodded.

"You're right." Stan gave his friend a little smile.

"Just stay close to me, we're going to be okay. Say it with me Stan."

"We're going to be okay." The terrier mumbled.

"Mean it this time, Stan." Luca tightened his grip on the dog's slouched shoulders, his chewed claws digging into his hoodie.

"We're going to be okay. "

"Now..." The hyena said. "There is one room we haven't checked. Let's do a quick scan, then go back outside to wait on Kari."

Stan nodded. "Okay."

The door echoed as they opened it. Before the two stood rows upon rows of bookshelves full of thick hardcover books of every subject. Luca took a book off the shelf and looked over the title.

"Transmogrification of Living Matter: An Applied Theory."

He flipped through the book, finding mainly dry academic descriptions and formulas on the pages. He was about to put it back on the shelf when he and Stan heard movement behind them, soft and fast. Stan yelped and ducked behind the hyena, holding him close.

"There's someone here, Luca."

Luca perked his ears up, listening for the sound again. They heard someone or something giggles; it was almost childlike, playful and innocent.

Stan looked around with his blue eyes, ready to run at the first sight of anything. "Don't move..." Luka whispered to his terrier friend. "It's dark in here and if we stay still, they won't see us."

Luca turned and then he saw it, a tall dark shape in the distance. Stan yelped and ducked behind him as he watched it. It was curvy; wearing what looked to be a stereotypical maid outfit and was apparently doing ... something to the far wall. It was too far away for him to tell exactly what.

Then it turned its head all the way around to face them. It locked its blue eyes on the two. Its face was like that of the wolf women Luca knew, but different, smoother... For several long, tense seconds they stared at each other. The figure's body turned around to line up with her head and walked towards them.

Luca backed away, he turned to check if Stan was freaking out, only to see the dog running out the door.

"Stan!" Luca shouted as he ran after him. "We said we wouldn't separate!" He was almost to the door when the thing grabbed him by the shirt collar. He surged forward and heard his shirt tear as he stumbled to the floor, striking the floor with all the force on his big nose.

He lay there for a second, his round, black nose pulsing and sore. He felt soft hands on him, turning him over. He found himself facing the figure from before; it was remarkable how much friendlier she looked up-close. She was a gentle-faced wolf girl, a good bit taller than him, with sleek, shiny dark gray skin in place of her fur.

"That was quite a spill, young man," she said. "I'm sorry."

Luca snorted, holding a hand over his nose.

"You must be the new staff." The wolf girl said as she helped him to his feet.

The hyena groaned, rubbing his sore nose.

"No, I'm... I'm not here for any job..." The hyena pulled his hand back and looked down at it, blood.

"Oh I'm sorry," the wolf maid cooed. "Let me help you with that," And she dug into her apron and produced a clean white handkerchief and handed it to Luca with a bow of her head. Luca took it and held it over his nose, smiling back at her.

"Thank you... As I was saying... "

"You're here for the maid position, I know," the wolf interrupted.

"I'm not..." Luka's protest was cut short when the wolf maid pulled his pants down in a quick, effortless motion.

"Please put on your uniform , dear!" she said as she yanked his red flannel shirt off in a shower of buttons, then slipped a shiny black maid dress over the hyena's head and eased him into it. The dress was a snug, warm fit, and the maid adjusted it on Luka's body to make it fit even better. The hyena blushed at the attention and the tight hug of the rubber dress. He shoved her and she swayed backwards like a willow.

"Lady, what the hell is your problem?!" He growled

"Oh but I do." All new employees must have their uniforms on before they begin work." She said with a smile as she advanced on him.

Stan rose from his hiding place. His ears tilted as he listened, and after several minutes of tense silence he made his way through the mansion. 'Just find Kari' that was all he could think about. 'Just find Kari and get out and never do this again.' His tail between his legs, he was shaking. Luca was either captured or dead and it was his fault for running. He leaned against the wall, eyes closed. He had run and left his friend to that thing. What kind of dog was he?

Then he saw her. At the far end of the shadowy hall was the outline of a familiar looking fennec girl. She was facing away from him but for a moment he knew it was Kari oh please let it be her.

He ran to her, heart pounding in his chest like a drum, footsteps echoing in the halls. He came to her and said her name, her big ears pricked up, but she kept on scrubbing the carpet.


She stood up. It was her, it had to be. Stan made a silent prayer and watched as she turned around. It was Kari, the face was alike, just alike, same gauge piercings in the ears and everything. But her body... her fur was darker and so much smoother. She gazed at him emptily.

"I'm sorry... I think you've confused me for someone else," she said and Stan looked at her with his icy blue eyes. She was

"Kari, snap out of it." He cried. "Snap out of it... It's me... don't you remember me?"

The fennec maid blinked and looked him over.

"Oh, you're Stan."

The black dog took in a sharp breath and grabbed her shoulders, the short sleeves of the maid dress squeaking under his touch. "Yes... It's me," he said. "We're getting out of here. Luca's stuck but the cops can rescue him."

The fennec shrugged, the little fox terrier's face was a portrait of hysteria. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave now. I've still got to finish the carpet up and dust."

Stan shook her like a parent trying to wake a child. "No, you're not a maid. We were here looking for valuables, try to remember."

The thing that was Kari just looked up at him, what the dog was saying felt true... but only vaguely. It was like he was bringing up an old memory.

"I work here. I'm a good girl." She said and Stan felt his stomach knot up.

"You don't work here!" He cried. "You're not a maid! Snap out of it! You are Kari, we're friends and we are leaving!"

"I'm not like that anymore, Stan."

Those words cut him deep. "What?" Stan said.

"I've been given a second chance to be a good girl. I'm doing honest, hard work now."

He punched the wall, the impact echoing around them as he grit his teeth.

"Damn it..." Stan hissed as he dug his claws into the floral wallpaper. "What did they do to you?"

"They fixed me. I'm a good girl now, not a thief."

Stan staggered back. She was dead. His friend was dead and standing before him was her reanimated corpse. She wasn't Kari, not anymore. He left her to her work, what good would a living shell do? He slouched towards the exit; at least he felt it was the right direction. He felt like he was dreaming. This couldn't be real, his friends were gone. No, they were worse than gone. They were something else and he was alone.

He ran into the wolf girl again. She smiled at him, he was happy to see her in a way. He could do it now; he was going to fight back, for Kari.

"What's wrong , dear?" she said and Stan bared his chipped teeth at her, his ears folded back.

"What do you think?" He sneered. "You know what you did to them."

"They did it to themselves, dear." She said. "They came here, didn't they?"

"Doesn't give you the right..." Stan growled.

"They were trespassing, that is a crime. At least now they're not lawbreakers, and they'll be much happier with honest work."

He did it without thinking, he yelled the meanest name he could think of at her and swung his claws at her neck, thinking only of her jugular spilling red.

She leaned back and his hand hit her chest and sank in with a wet slapping sound. He cursed at her and pulled back, only for the rubber of her body to stretch and snap back with his hand firmly sunk in up to the wrist. It was hot and sticky like tar, he pulled again and she took his other hand.

"Calm down, honey." she said, and her friendly warm way of speaking was another twist of the knife.

"How can you even call me that?" Stan growled. "You killed them!"

A sharp breath in preceded the wolf's next statement. "Killed them?"

She tightened his grip on his wrist, fire in her eyes.

"How can you say that? Your friends are alive! They're alive and I'm going to prove it."

The Kari maid and a hyena girl walked up behind him.

"Discipline room." The wolf girl said and they nodded and pulled him out of her with a wet schlock.

His hand was so caked in black rubber that he couldn't feel his fur under it as his friends, what used to be his best friends marched him like a prisoner down the hall. They brought him to a gray steel door very much out of place against the floral wallpaper. Inside, they sat him down gently in a folding chair. It was spreading up his elbow, the sensation wasn't unpleasant but it was strange... thick and wet and it made him tingle. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Stan..." the hyena girl said, "Don't be scared, it'll be over soon and you'll be happy."

He pulled at the latex with his other hand, only succeeding in stretching it out and spreading it.

"We're doing honest work now. It's hard to explain to you now but I feel like I belong here."

He looked around her. The door... they left the door unlocked. He worked out a plan in his head as he tried his best to look helpless.

"We're closer, Kari and me..." she said, and Stan noticed something about her face... it was Luca. They turned him into a stepford maid. Stan watched the door as she spoke, waiting... waiting for the right moment.

"We know how each other feel, it's like we're never alone. I feel her happiness and she feels mine.


"And all we want is for you to share this feeling."


"Wouldn't that be nice, Stan? We'd be together, work together..."

Three. Stan leapt to his feet and ran for the door, weaving around the hyena girl. He could feel them grabbing at him as he tore open the door, their voices at his back as he bolted through the hall. As he ran, it spread faster and wider. Up his arms and over his shoulders, he looked down to find that it had fashioned a pair of gloves over his hands like the ones used to wash dishes. He didn't look back, he didn't dare. It may have been a superstition, but Stan felt like looking back when you're being chased only jinxed you. The rubber was crawling down his chest, down his waist as he came within view of the front door. The dog let out a cry of relief, he was so close. And then a short, sharp flash in his groin sent him to the floor with a thump.

He growled and panted as he reached down his crotch. He could feel a stabbing heat reaching up into his gut. He reached his hands down and... it was gone.

His manhood was gone. His fingers ran over a soft, puffy mound.

"No..." He whispered. He felt the place some more and his fingers found their way into his slit.

"Oh god no..."

He looked at himself, it was going down his legs and a pair of puffy, white-laced sleeves spread over his shoulders. His chest felt sensitive, tingly. He tried to crawl to his feet but another spasm of feeling brought him right down again as his hips pushed outwards into a set of curves that he would have loved to see on a lady dog. He felt a sneeze coming on, his nose itched and he felt it going up his chest.

He sneezed, loudly, and the force caused the skirt of his new dress to billow outwards, then fall down to knee-length. A maid dress, like the others wore... His thoughts were interrupted by a hot tenderness in his chest as the low-cut top of his uniform filled out with a pair of growing breasts. The sound was like balloons filling up with fluid as they grew out large and perky.

He blushed crimson under his dark fur as he fumbled to his feet. He could feel it going down his legs and up his neck; some part of it was forcing the image, the idea of him as a woman into his psyche. He shut it out, he...she had to shut it out. He felt hands on his arms, rubber against rubber. He was being pulled up and held face-to-face with the Hyena that was once Luca.

"Why did you have to run?"

"Undo this..." Stan said his voice already lighter, more feminine. "Change me back."

"I'm not allowed to do that, Stan."

"I don't care." The terrier snarled, struggling under her grip. his movements were reduced to soft, impotent squirming in the maid's powerful hands. Stan's dress wasn't finished with him; it sprouted lace in the back, long white lace. The hyena maid took these straps and pulled them tighter; tighter until her... his waist was a perfect hourglass shape. The stream of slippery dark gray had flowed down his legs, shaping a pair of black-and-white striped stockings over his feet. He picked his foot up and wiggled his toes, they were quite a cute pair... so snug and comfy on her legs and they were so shiny and...

"No. Focus!" he hissed to himself.

It was going up his face, it was going over his eyes and the world was turning black.


Stan could feel it in his muscles and nerves as his body was covered. He... she could feel her lips filling out rounder, softer... more kissable. He... she cursed herself for thinking that.

Her captive stood in front of a dressing mirror. Stan's pupils narrowed when she saw herself.

She had been completely changed into a rubberized maid. Nothing remained of her old appearance but her blue eyes. She felt her legs go limp, the hyena girl holding her up. "You did this to me..." Stan sobbed.

"You did this to yourself."

"Change me back... please..."

The hyena just smiled at her and rubbed her bum, rubber squeaking against rubber.

"Okay, I'll make everything normal." The hyena said.

"Please... I'll do whatever it takes." Stan said, blinking back tears.

"Just give me a kiss, puppy dog. Then everything will be normal."

Stan whined; her ears folded back against her head. "Kiss?"


She took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and pushed into a kiss with her former friend. Stan's lips met 14's. After a few tranquil moments, she pulled back.

"You're so good to me, 14." Stella said, purring.

"I'm only as good as you are to me." The hyena smiled warmly at her lover. The dog girl nuzzled into her bosom, everything was right with the world. She had a stable job as live-in maid, a beautiful body, and a pair of wonderful girlfriends to share it with. 14 kissed her again on the cheek and guided her along.

"It'll be another two hours before the Mistress gets home. What do you say you, me, and 13 spend some quality time in the master bedroom? On those soft, soft sheets?"

"I would just love that." 15 said as the two maids walked off, tails in the air. They were good girls.

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