
Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Commission for EveryUserIsTaken. Two friends visit an alchemy shop and try out its wares, getting to know each other a bit more in the process.

The store was blanketed in a haze of incense as they walked in. Grace buried her nose in the sleeve of her hoodie as the scent of patchouli and sandalwood hit her. Sam followed her in, the smell hanging down into her throat so she could taste the smell. The shelves were lined with curious things: flasks, spell books, wands, dried roots and other ingredients in labeled jars. They half expected a cartoon witch to greet them instead of the mousey looking clerk at the front desk.

"Can I help ya'll find anything?" She said to the pair, adjusting her thin-framed glasses.

"We're looking for something for our friend." Sam spoke up, trying to pull her stare away from a rather lewdly-proportioned fertility idol on the clearance shelf.

"Oh? Anything you're looking for in particular?" The clerk carried herself like she was middle aged, but she didn't look a minute older than 28. Her face was bright and soft under her glasses, her smile bright as the stars.

"Our friend is into occult-type stuff, we're trying to get her something for her birthday." Grace spoke up.

"Well aren't you two wonderful friends?" The clerk grinned at the two. "Spells and potions are over there by the crafts."

The two girls thanked the clerk and made their way over. The potions aisle was lined with bottles of many different shapes and colors, with measuring utensils, decanters, mixers, and all sorts of instruments neither of the girls had seen before.

Sam followed close behind Grace, scanning her eyes up and down the aisle. She spied a flask with a stylized horse on the label tied around its little cork stopper. She felt herself drawn to the bottle; she didn't believe any of this stuff, so it wouldn't hurt to take a little smell, just a little...

Sam popped the cork off and ran the bottle under her nostrils, breathing in slowly, silently. The amber colored liquid inside the flask smelt grassy, rich, and there was just a slight sweaty muskiness that reminded her of jogging on a summer day. Sam took a deeper breath of it, picking up a rich earthiness to the mix. It smelt like a ranch, a wide-open sunny ranch with lush green grass.

"Sam, you alright?" Grace said, snapping her out of the daydream. Sam coughed and shook her head, still woozy from the potion. "Yeah Grace... just fine."

Grace looked at her unconvinced and turned back to browse the aisle and Sam took the potion with her, maybe she could use it as a display piece or ask the clerk what it was for on checkout.

Sam brushed a hand through her hair, it felt a little longer, but she chalked it up to her imagination, not having seen the rich black color spreading up from her roots. Sam looked down and saw another bottle; this one had a little bunny on the label. She looked at Grace...

"Grace likes rabbits." She said to herself. She took it and showed it off to Grace.

"You should smell this."

Grace looked at the bottle, and then she looked at Samantha. It could have been the light, the store was a little dark after all, but Sam's hair looked darker brown than usual. She took the open bottle from her friend and smelt of it. Sam watched her reaction intently.

"What's it smell like?" She said to Grace.

"It smells like..." Grace breathed it in slowly. "It smells a bit like Easter."

"Easter?" Sam said.

"Yeah, it's like, very fresh and new smelling. Kind of like flowers and cut grass." Grace smiled; her front teeth looked bigger to Sam.


"Oh nothing, I was wondering if we could buy something for ourselves while we're here."

Grace looked down at the bottle, the liquid inside was a quite agreeable dusty purple color.

"Sure." Grace checked the label. "Is this, like... incense or something?"

"I think so." Sam said.

"I'm going to look over the potions some more." Grace said, making her way into an aisle on the left. Sam nodded and looked down at the flask she was carrying.

"What is this, exactly?" She muttered. Was she supposed to drink it? It couldn't hurt to try.

She looked up, scanned her eyes around the store to see if anyone was watching, then she took a small, tentative sip of the amber potion. It tasted odd, oily and bitter, but not offensively so. She didn't really know what she expected, but she felt a little let down. One step forward and Samantha stumbled to the sand-colored tile floor and the bottle shattered with a piercing crunch.

The spilt amber colored potion smelt even stronger now that its contents were lying in a puddle on the floor. The musky, earthy stench was overpowering, Sam almost feel nauseous as she clambered to her feet. No problem, she thought to herself. She'd just leave the scene of the crime and catch up with Grace. She stood up and took two steps before noticing that her shoes had become quite uncomfortably tight. Samantha slipped one of them off and saw a black, shiny hoof.

A black, shiny, very equine looking hoof where her toes had ought to be. She took her other shoe off and saw that the other foot had a matching one.

A pair of hooves. She had a pair of hooves and that wasn't all, she could see fine, chocolate-colored hairs traveling up from the hooves to her legs.

Sam cursed under her breath and took off in an attempt at running, only to stumble forward, catching herself before she fell back to the floor. Her feet would not cooperate with her usual style of walking, she tried again, placing her weight on the hooves instead of the rest of the foot, and found that to be quite more successful. She did a short lap back and forth, her hooves click-clacking against the store's ceramic tile floor. Sam begrudged herself for it, but it was almost fun.

Then she felt the pain in her lower back. It was a persisting throbbing, something back there felt swollen. Sam reached back and adjusted her skirt and panties to relieve some of the discomfort, only to feel a long, swishy tail flop out over her skirt. A tail? She looked back and sure enough, there was a black horse tail hanging out over her skirt. A nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she made the appendage flick back and forth. She did it again to familiarize herself with it. She had a tail, a literal pony tail.

Samantha felt hot all over, unbearable itching warmth that spread over her body and sank deep down into her loins. She couldn't help but scratch herself, and the more she scratched the less relief it brought her. He scratching turned into probing and feeling herself. The dark brown hair was up to her waist and her head buzzed with the itching, aching heat. She fingered herself under her skirt, to do it in a public place made her blush even if nobody was looking but she needed release.

Her hips ached as they pushed out further, taking on a curvier and more muscular shape. Her legs were so big and strong now; they almost looked out of place compared to her skinny upper body. It was up her waist now, it was up her waist and she could feel herself leaking through her fingers. She cursed to herself and wished Grace was here, yes Grace would help her out...

She looked at her hands, her brown-furred, four fingered hands...

That wasn't right. She had one, two, three... four fingers with thick black nails and she was so horny. She dug into her folds with both hands, mumbling to herself.

"God... what is happening?"

And almost as an answer; Sam's skirt tore open, falling to the floor in a heap of denim. She let out a squeak of embarrassment as she bent forward, covering her crotch with her hands. She could practically feel the elastic in her panties straining to stay on, it was up to her chest now, her breasts felt swollen and the feeling kept getting worse, her nipples felt hot and sensitive. She probed at herself through her panties, a cloud of mind-numbing musk hanging over her.

The more she fondled herself, the less good it did. She wanted... needed someone to bend her over and ride her like a show pony. She was already turning into a horse girl or whatever...

"Oh my god Sam, what are you doing?!"

Samantha looked up at saw Grace staring slack-jawed at her changing friend; her front teeth were now quite visibly bigger.

"Help me Grace.... I'm changing and..." Samantha stuttered in-between moans. "I need you... help..."

Grace took a step forward.

"What happened?" She said, unable to take her eyes off her friend's changing body.

"The potion... "

Grace gave Samantha a shocked look; it was obvious to Sam what it meant.

"The potion with the animals on the tag?"

Sam nodded.

Grace's eyes widened. "Oh fuck."


"Sam, I spilled some of mine on my clothes. I tripped or something..."

Grace lifted the front of her hoodie, revealing a plush layer of white growing up her belly.

"What are we going to do?"

Sam whinnied and pulled at her undergarments. "Help me?"

Grace's ears twitched, they were now a good three inches longer and pointed.

"I can't do this out in the open!"

Sam pointed behind her at the restrooms. Just a few steps away, nobody would see them.

"Are you sure?"

Samantha nodded as the fur traveled up her neck.

Luckily for the girls, the womens' restroom was empty and had plenty of stalls. The two rushed into one and locked the door behind them. Grace turned to her friend, who kneaded at her expanding bust through her stretched out T-shirt. The smell was intoxicating, Grace felt herself drawn closer to her needy companion.

She ran her hand up and down Samantha's quivering nethers, the front of her panties soaked and bearing a pronounced camel toe. Sam quivered under her touch, moaning like it was her first time.


Grace nodded and took her friend's underwear and pulled them down, baring her friend's dark brown slit to the cool air. Her friend stepped out of the pair of panties and Grace looked at them. The elastic was worn out, they were useless. Grace put them over her nose and took in a deep breath of her friend's new scent.

Grace looked back at Sam, both girls' eyes clouded with desire. "Let's do this." She whispered.

She embraced Sam tightly with one arm, probing her sex with the other. Samantha shuddered and bit her lip, letting out a quiet moan as her friend worked her way deeper. Grace let out a grunt as her skinny jeans felt tight, stuffy. She reached back and pulled down at the waist, feeling a surge of pleasure as a puffy little cotton tail sprouted out of the base of her spine. Grace gave the thing a little wiggle as she moved her hips side-to-side to peel herself out of her jeans as Sam grinded against her other hand.

"Samantha..." Grace moaned. "Please help me out of these. I feel like I'm burning up." And Sam obligingly hooked her fingers around the pants and yanked them down, causing the skinny jeans to rip apart in a shower of mock-denim and blue thread. Grace fell backwards onto her curvy rump, completely covered from the waist down in soft white fur.

Sam pulled off her friend's shoes and socks, revealing a pair of big bunny feet, powerful and muscular yet velvety soft. She nuzzled into Grace's feetpaws as she grinded her crotch against her friend's.

Grace moaned as Samantha nuzzled and kissed her feet, her ears now a fully formed pair of bunny ears. Her hearing popped and rang as they took a place higher up on her head, taking in new sounds.

Grace unzipped her hoodie and let it fall open; Sam instinctively grabbed her shirt and ripped it open, baring her dear friend's ample breasts, the white fur was up to her neck. She gazed pleadingly at her friend, and Sam shucked her of the hoodie and ruined shirt. The more they undressed, the more their minds were clouded in an animalistic haze. They cared about nothing but each other in that moment as they rubbed against each other in a tangle of furry limbs.

Grace's beanie hat fell off, pushed out of the way by her ears as Sam began licking greedily at her folds with her long tongue. Grace chirred and bucked her hips against Sam as she licked, and Sam's face grew outwards as she probed deeper into her friend's slit with her tongue. Sam's teeth ached as they pulled into their new position inside her long mouth. It hurt as her bones reshaped, but it was a pleasant sort of hurt, only serving to drive her deeper into her lust.

Grace pulled her away and Sam let out a disappointed huff. Sam looked back at the mirror and saw a chocolate brown pony girl staring back at her. The sight was different, but deep down inside, Sam knew she wanted it.

"Finish me...." Grace moaned. "Make me your little bunny."

Sam whinnied and pushed into a deep kiss, easing her tongue past Grace's teeth. Their tongues danced and coiled around each other as they felt of each other's fur. Grace ran her hands through Samantha's long, glossy mane, moaning her name over and over as Sam rubbed up and down her silky back.

Grace's mouth ached as they kissed, her little bunny muzzle growing out. Her whiskers followed shortly, sprouting from her upper lip with the sound of guitar strings being plucked. She felt her lapine body filling out into a set of irresistibly huggable curves. Her chest heaved as her bust pushed out into an ample pair of D cups. The joints of her legs groaned and popped as they sculpted themselves into a pair of muscular limbs that would inspire envy in Olympic runners. Grace grabbed Sam's shirt and dug her claws in, shredding the flimsy cotton with one mighty pull as the pony girl's breasts hung free.

Sam broke off the kiss and kneaded her chest with one hand. Grace stared at her hungrily.

"Want me?" Samantha teased.

"I need you." Grace said.

Sam leaned back against the wall as Grace hooked her leg around, pushing herself against her. The couple embraced as they rubbed and grinded their womanhoods together, harder and faster. They pulled each other into a deep kiss, tongues dancing. In that moment, they had achieved a special kind of closeness. Like birds imprinting on their flock mates, Grace and Samantha's minds linked together. They understood each other, completed each other. It was a deep, unspoken and intrinsic bond that they could feel tying them together. Grace heard it in Samantha, and Samantha smelt it in Grace.

Grace moaned and chirred as she felt her climax upon her; Sam rubbed and massaged her breasts as Grace gripped the pony girl tightly.

"I love you." Grace whispered.

"I love you too."

Grace leaned in and nipped at Samantha's neck, it was too much for her. With a loud whinny, the pony girl came and Grace followed immediately after. The two fell to the floor and embraced each other; their bodies sore and aching, their minds enveloped in a warm numbing glow.

"You're such a cute little bunny girl."

"You're my little pony."

They kissed and enjoyed each other's touch as they lay in a pile of their ruined clothing. Grace nuzzled into Samantha's neck, nipping gently at the pony girl's ears. They knew now what they would get their friend.

"Are you thinking what I am?" Samantha said with a grin.

"She would make such a fine vixen."

"She totally would."

Samantha snorted as she looked down at their clothing. What wasn't torn was made filthy by their act of bonding.

"What are we going to do, then?" Samantha said. "Like, when we have to check out."

Grace gave her friend a light kiss on the snout. "We'll think of something." The bunny girl lay on top of her friend, exhausted and panting. "We'll think of something after I rest for a bit. You wore me out."

Samantha giggled and hugged Grace tighter. "You weren't so bad yourself." They gave each other a knowing, naughty look.

"Next time Sam; I want to be on top."

"And tie me up with your hoodie." Samantha giggled.

"God, you're so dirty." The two kissed and drank in the feel of each other's bodies. Grace looked into Samantha's eyes and Samantha looked back into hers.

"You're such a pretty pony." Grace whispered as she nuzzled into Samantha's chest.

"And you've made a cute bunny girl." Samantha said to her lover.

The two lay in each other's arms, plotting new positions, and new things to do with their bodies. They hadn't planned it, probably wouldn't have; but they knew they would come to love their new forms, their new identities. And once they figured out what potion to get their friend, things could only get more fun from there.


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