
Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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My part of an art trade with IssiTop over on FA. A mining crew arrives to survey a planet for minerals, the natives have other plans.

The crew touched down in a grassy field. Atmospheric conditions were mild, the bright blue sky was clear and cloudless, and the big gray mining shuttle had come to a flawless landing.

"Alright men," Captain Dante said as his steely eyes went down the computer readout of the planet's atmosphere. "We're making contact with the natives."

Crewman Issi took a step in the direction of the environment suit racks, but the ship's navigator put his hand on Issi's shoulder.

"We're not going to need the enviro-suits this time, Issi." He said. "The atmosphere is breathable so those bulky things would just slow us down."

Issi looked back at him. Troy was in his early thirties but with his shaggy blonde hair and big green eyes, he didn't look a day over twenty. Issi looked back at the bulky suits hanging in military rows and back to Troy.

"You sure?"

Troy smiled. "You've been given nanite-based inoculation against xeno-pathogens like the rest of us. Nothing to worry about."

The door behind them slid open and Jordan, the ship's mechanic, walked out. Jordan was 27, only two years older than Issi, but his demeanor was entirely professional. He strolled up to the captain in his gray, form fitting jumpsuit, identical to the rest of the crews' save for a number of dark oil-stains from his work in the engine hub.

Jordan looked at the view of the planet, the green grass and the slate blue outlines of skyscrapers in the distance. "Captain, are we going planetside?"

Dante nodded and said, "Indeed we are. There isn't much we know about the inhabitants; but considering nobody is shooting at us, we should be able to work out a contract with them. We start mining on their planet, and they get a cut of the profit."

"I hope their women are hot. I haven't had any action since we left the station." Troy said, he smiled at his own joke and Jordan rolled his eyes.

The skeleton crew of four men made their way to the landing bay. The lights brightened as a soft-sounding automated voice told everyone to stay clear of the loading ramp. The sirens blared, leaving Issi with ringing ears as the loading ramp dropped open with a loud metallic groan follow by a dull hiss.

Issi looked at Dante, the lights in the loading bay made his pale hair shimmer like snow on a winter morning. That was the thing with Dante, he had a pigment disorder that left him with white hair save for a streak of deep red that hung down over his pale ash-colored eyes. Issi hadn't known the captain for long, and he felt more than a little intimidated by him.

"After you, captain." Troy said as he broke the silence. Issi could tell in his gut that the other men were as uneasy as he was. It never really got easier, even it was your second time on an alien planet or your forty-second time.

Not far from their landing area was a forested area with a neat path cut through it leading east towards the cityscape. The trail was lined on both sides with thick rows of tall cobalt-blue flowers, they had the general shape of irises but the petals were glistening with a layer of transparent nectar. Dante approached one of the flowers and ran his finger along the length of one of the petals, the nectar adhered to his finger like honey, and it smelt vaguely floral but also slightly rubbery, like car tires. He licked the translucent pink-tinted nectar off and savored the taste while the other three men watched, half expecting him to keel over.

"That's pretty good." Dante said, savoring the taste. "I think we might be able to sell this in jars if they let us."

Jordan looked up from his tablet. "What's it taste like?" He said.

"It's kind of citrusy, but very sweet." Dante said, wiping his hand on his jumpsuit.

"It's hard to describe, I could taste some orange in there, maybe vanilla..."

Just then, a winged lizard swooped down from a tree and perched on one of the flowers. It stuck its head down in the flower and started lapping the nectar up with its tongue. Troy snapped pictures of it with his field camera. The thing had a body like a bat's, with similarly shaped wings and a pair of flexible back legs for grasping onto branches. Curiously, it had bright pink skin instead of scales; and its skin was very shiny and smooth. Jordan and Troy watched the lizard drink greedily from the flower; its beady eyes swiveled around it like a chameleon's. It turned its eyes on the four men, but showed no signs of fear.

"It looks like it's made of rubber." Jordan said. "Reminds me of the toy lizards I used to scare my sister with."

Dante looked back at Issi; the young crewman was swaying back and forth like grass in a breeze, he had a vacant expression and his blue eyes were glazed over.


The crewman did not respond. Dante rushed up to him, and Jordan reached for the first aid kit in his bag. Dante grasped Issi by the shoulders and shook him.

"Issi! Snap out of it!" Dante yelled, and Issi shook his head and coughed. The crewman looked around with a confused expression, like a lost dog.

"Issi, are you okay?" Dante said, his voice shaking with restrained panic. Issi stepped back and leaned against a tree trunk as he regained his composure.

"I guess so..." Issi said groggily. "It's the flowers, they're making me dizzy." Dante looked around at the flowers. Not just the tall iris-like flowers, but the trees were bearing flowers of the same color and leaking the same nectar, the tree trunks were covered in sprawling vines bearing even more cobalt blue flowers. Every plant and hanging fruit had the same color, the same texture.

"This is pretty surreal." Jordan muttered.

"Are you lost?" said someone in a soft, unthreatening tone.

The men turned to face the direction of the unfamiliar voice, a pair of short, blue humanoids stepping out in front of them. Their appearance made Jordan blush; they were physically quite effeminate, they even both had a pair of petite breasts that roughly matched up to a human A cup, but their genders were made obvious by the skin-tight black latex suits they wore. The suits covered their arms and legs but the neckline flowed into an open v-shape leaving much of their chest and torso expose. The male creature and the men knew it was a male from the rather large bulge in his suit, raised his arm in a sort of greeting and the men waved back, except for Issi.

"We mean you no harm." The creature said as his antennas twitched a bit. Issi couldn't help but stare at the creature's face. His eyes were big and soulful, his lips were soft and pouty and... almost kissable, and the antennae atop his hairless head were like those of an ant, slender and delicate looking. And those hips looked so feminine and soft... they reminded Issi of a girl he once dated.

"I think he's taken a liking to you, Zevon." said the other blue humanoid; she was physically similar to her male companion, with feminine build, a soft nose-less face, and no hair; except without his sizable bulge. Troy couldn't take his eyes off her. The way she stood, her voice, the way her tight rubber suit left no part of her curvy body to the imagination.

Dante stepped towards the aliens. "I am Captain Dante Stern representing Starfall Mining Conglomerate." He said as Issi and Troy continued to gaze vacantly at the aliens. "We have detected a large amount of Trilithium on this planet, and it would be beneficial to both our races if we could extract it." Issi stepped toward Zevon with a look of longing; Troy stared at the alien woman like a dog watching a steak cook. The aliens could sense the pheromones working on the men, save for the captain, but they weren't quite sure if they would go all the way.

"Please." Dante said. "If you could show us where the Trilithium is, we'd be very grateful." The alien woman nodded. She bowed at the men and said. "It would be an honor to guide you on our great planet."

"Not the only thing that's great." Troy muttered.

"I am Xelia. This is my friend Zevon. "She said as she put an arm around Zevon's ample hips.

"The Trilithium you seek is in a cavern not far from here." Zevon said. "It's close to our capital city, so we've been there many times."

Dante balked. "The capital city is in the middle of this wilderness?"

Xelia laughed.

"Of course! We Nymphites are proud of our beautiful planet. "

"And besides..." Zevon chimed in, almost as if he were finishing her sentence. "Nothing out here bothers us."

Jordan looked around, there were pink butterfly-like animals fluttering about.

"No predators?"

"The nectar sustains everything in this forest, it is quite orderly." Xelia said with more than a little pride.

"Keeps the creatures in line." Zevon added.

"Lovely..." Issi droned. His eyes were locked onto Zevon's perfectly huggable, wide girlish hips, the Nymphite femboi had an allure to him that was hard for him to articulate.

As the captain and the Nymphites shook hands, Dante felt uneasy. Issi was acting unusual and the whole place felt 'off', everything was too clean, too neat, and too shiny.

The Nymphites led them to a rock face the color of old jade near the edge of the blue forest. When they got close, they could see thin veins of sparkling cyan crystal snaking up and down the rock. Xelia went in front, leading the group through the twisting cavern paths.

The interior of the cave was lit with a thick blanket of luminescent teal moss, the glow reflecting off clear stalactites that lined the ceiling. The Nymphite guides' shiny royal-blue skin looked translucent in the light. The human crew took in the sights as Zevon fetched a pair of clear containers full of nectar from a storage chest hidden behind a waist-high rock formation.

He handed one of them to Dante with a kind of flourish similar to a man sharing a bottle of fine wine.

"You must be thirsty. It is our custom to treat guests to our prized nectar." He said, beaming with pride.

"Please, enjoy it as a token of our new friendship."

Dante twisted the top of the container off and smelt of it, and sure enough it was the same nectar that the blue flowers produced. Issi reached for the jar and Dante handed it off to him, then Issi immediately downed a mouthful of the fresh-smelling liquid. The taste was overwhelming, it was sweeter than any drink he'd ever had, and it had a pleasing tang to it like fresh orange juice. The second he swallowed the stuff, Issi knew he needed more of it. He took another mouthful and the Nymphites gave each other a sly grin.

"Now, now... share some with your comrades." Zevon said, and Issi obeyed instantly. He passed the jar to Troy, who drank just as greedily as Issi. Troy handed the jar to Jordan, who took only a small sip.

The men continued to drink; and the more nectar they drank, the more they wanted. In no time, the whole crew except for the captain had drained the contents of the first jar, then the second jar of nectar. When they had finished, a haze fell over them. They felt intoxicated, and horny; so horny that they had forgotten their training and professional etiquette. Issi stared dumbly at the Nymphites as he fondled himself through his jumpsuit pockets. Troy was leaning on Jordan like he was drunk.

Jordan looked at the captain, expecting him to do something, but Dante could only watch his crewmen embarrass themselves in front of their hosts.

"What is this?" He shouted at the men, but they heeded him not. Dante turned to Xelia and Zevon, his expression silently demanding an answer.

"Dear me..." Zevon smirked. "The poor dears must have gotten themselves addicted."

"Addicted?" Dante sputtered. This was the thing that would get his employment contract terminated, he knew it.

"The nectar is quite addictive to our planet's sub species."

"What do you mean sub species?"

Zevon waved Issi over and the young crewman walked up and knelt in front of the Nymphite man.

"Strip." And Issi tore off his clothing with reckless enthusiasm; jumpsuit, his briefs, everything until he was stark naked in front of Zevon. Zevon took the man by the neck and pulled him into a kiss. His blue lips met Issi's and the young man's lean, clean-shaven body quivered with excitement. Zevon caressed and squeezed the human's buttocks as he forced his tongue inside the human's mouth, they savored each other's bodies as Troy and Jordan watched. Where the blue alien touched him, Issi's skin tingled.

Zevon broke away from Issi and the human moaned in longing. Zevon took Issi's head by his light-colored hair and pushed him back down into a kneeling position. He pulled down on his latex suit, letting his fully erect 8-inch cock hang free. The rubber-skinned organ glistened in the soft light of the caves; the crew didn't notice before, but the aliens unmistakably had rubber skin. Issi knew what he was supposed to do and took the Nymphite's latex-coated member in his mouth down to the hilt. As he sucked, Issi was pumping away on his own four inches with his free hand. His nerves pulsed with ecstasy, not because of the pleasure he himself felt but rather that he was pleasuring Zevon; the Nymphite's eyes fluttered as he did his duty to his new master. His arms strained as he worked his own loins, Issi's body yearned for release but he knew release would not come until his master willed it.

Dante stared slack-jawed at the enthralled crewman as he took steps back towards the entryway. He looked over at Troy and Jordan, they were just staring dimly at the aliens, no expression on their faces but an animal lust, longing to dominated like their compatriot before them.

"Have you lost your minds?!" The captain yelled, almost in tears. "Do something!"

They didn't do anything. They didn't even acknowledge that Dante was there, only continuing to sit on the knees looking at the aliens with the neediness of addicts. Issi moaned as a trickle of pre ran out of Zevon's cock and down his throat. Zevon grunted and pulled the human's mouth off his member just in time to shoot a load of shiny, pink-colored spunk all over his face and chest.

Issi's eyes rolled back as he moaned and rubbed the pink substance over his chest and down his waist. The stuff felt so good on his skin, so tingly and cool. As he helped the stuff spread, it took on a shiny, rubbery consistency like liquid latex. The rubber soaked his body, going into his pores and merging with his body; He fell on his back and panted like a dog as the stuff spread down his legs and up his arms, reshaping the crewman into a wide-hipped femboi. And as it merged with his body, it changed his mind; imprinting new ideas on his vulnerable psyche. Zevon was his master, he lived to serve his master, service is bliss, and bliss is being.

With a soft hiss and a dry creaking noise, the pink latex sealed the few remaining exposed parts of Issi's body; drying instantly into a soft, flexible pink latex skin. Troy couldn't help himself anymore, Issi's new body was just so irresistible shiny, so feminine and curvy. He especially couldn't look away from his ass, it was so big and shapely, if it was on a woman he would have banged her. He stripped down and approached Issi from behind, giving his curvy butt a firm squeeze. The rubberslave gasped and bit his lower lip.

"Aw, he wants to join the fun." Zevon cooed. "Go ahead and show him how much fun you're having."

And the thrall backed himself into Troy and rubbed his butt against his former crewmate, his rubberized tongue hanging out as Troy unzipped his fly and pumped into the former human's rear. Pink latex was already streaming down Troy's shaft and spreading over his body in long, flowing tendrils.

Dante turned to Jordan, his only remaining companion in the trap the aliens had sprung. "Jordan, please." The captain pleaded. "You have to fight it. Don't give in, no matter what."

Jordan just lazily turned his head and gazed at the panicked man. His eyes were completely placid and uncomprehending. "I'm sorry sir..." He muttered. "But I don't know what you're talking about."

Dante's heart sank. It couldn't have been the nectar alone that turned his crew; it hadn't been in their systems long enough. The captain leaned against the cool stone wall and sank to the floor, the sheer hopelessness of his situation dawning more and more on him. There was something in the air, it had to be.

"What did you do to my men?" Dante shouted as he grabbed Jordan by the arm and pulled him to his feet, Jordan was stood but his posture was limp like a marionette. Xelia laughed.

"It's not our fault. Your race just reacted to the pheromones in our air. Unless you held your breath the whole time, it was going to happen."

Dante looked at Troy as he mounted Issi like a dog, and shuddered. He was almost completely coated in the pink latex, shimmering in the cavelight as his angular physique gave way to soft, squeaky femboi curves. It even coated his hair, turning it from sandy blonde to a shiny peach color. Jordan watched as the former navigator pumped into Issi harder and faster as the two moaned in rapturous pleasure. Beneath the transformative haze blanketing his mind, he knew what was going on; the two were no longer fully human, and soon his turn would come. He and the captain would be turned into the aliens' slaves, and yet he couldn't work up the willpower to resist. In a way, Jordan wanted it.

"Bring the captain to me, sweetie. He needs to unwind." Xelia said as she beckoned Jordan over. Without any conscious thought, Jordan grabbed the slender Captain by the arms. Dante tried to wrest himself free of his grip, but Troy and Issi came over and helped drag him over to the alien woman.

"Please do not fight them." Issi whispered into Dante's ear. "It just feels so good. You can't deprive yourself of this." Dante tried again to break free, but the thralls held fast. Xelia caressed his chin, he could feel her breath on his face, warm yet it left a tingling chill that pierced to his core.

"What's wrong captain?" She teased. "Don't you want to play with me?"

"I'd rather die." He said with gritted teeth.

Xelia just smiled at the human's insolence.

"I think you'll change your mind before too long." The former crewmen stared at her like dogs, waiting with bated breath for their next command. She thoughtfully brushed her chin, pondering just the right way to break the captain's will; what could she use to break him in...

"Alright boys," She said to the thralls. "Skin the sausage." And the former crewmen groped and reached at the zip for his jumpsuit. Dante thrashed around and kicked at the mob, cursing Xelia and her species when they finally got him down on the ground. Troy and Jordan took opposite sides of his collar and with a loud RIP; Dante's gray jumpsuit came apart in shreds.

Zevon took the shreds of composite nano-fiber and playfully bound Dante's arms behind his back in a firm double-knot. The two pulled him up to his knees; Xelia ran her hand through his white hair as she admired his slender build.

" So cute... why did you hide under all those clothes?"

Dante opened his mouth to speak, but with remarkable flexibility Xelia lifted her leg and placed her latex-clad foot over his mouth.

" Ah-ahh. You weren't given permission to speak." She said teasingly.

Dante struggled against his bindings, but all he could manage was a feeble wiggle. Xelia took her foot off his face and stepped closer.

"Your first order is to please your mistress."

"Mistress, what-"Dante was silenced by Xelia grabbing a fistful of his silvery-white hair and shoving his head into her petite breast, his mouth found her nipple and a droplet of pinkish milk leaked out onto his tongue.

"Drink, slave." And Dante suckled like a calf, his face flushed with shame. The taste was overwhelming; smooth and sweet, with a hint of rubber."Spit it out" He told himself "It can't change you if you spit it out."

He twisted his head to the side and spat, but the latex simply thickened and flowed out of his mouth and slithered down his chin. Xelia took him by the neck.

"Now that was silly, if you try to rub it off, all it does is spread." She stuck her finger in the latex trailing down his neck and smeared it further down onto his chest. She pulled back and the trail of glistening rubber spread out in all directions, tickling Dante's pale skin as it traveled. Dante thrashed from side to side and groaned as the tickling grew into a deep prickling sensation as the rubber worked itself down into his pores and invaded the lower layers of his skin.

It didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable, it felt so wrong. Xelia grabbed him again and put him right back to drinking like a calf from her teat. As he drank, a little voice spoke to him from the back of his mind.

"Doesn't it feel good?"

"Just give in, why don't you just give in."

Service is bliss, bliss is being, being is service..."

He tried to shut it out, but it kept on nagging at him persistently. The milk turned to pink liquid latex as it flowed down his throat, and he could feel it snaking through his insides. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Jordan on his hands and knees as Zevon plowed him. The sight of Jordan with his mouth hanging open, eyes rolled back, groaning in beatific delight as the pink latex consumed him body and mind gave him all the more resolve to fight whatever force had tainted them.

With renewed strength, Dante pulled away from Xelia's breast and struggled against his bindings, he heard the fabric strain. He pulled at the cloth harder and harder, if he could just break free...

"Why do you fight mistress?" The voice bored into his mind like a drill. The more he struggled the louder it got. The harder to shut out, the more the words echoed in his head.

"It feels good."

"Feels good. Tastes good. Serve your mistress."

And to Dante's great shame, it did feel good, Xelia's body warmth against him. The refreshing tingle of the latex, how sensitive and soft and shiny his skin was becoming now that the pink rubber had already claimed his head and shoulders, and his white hair tinted pink. It was going down his arms. "No." He told himself. "It's a trick. Do not listen. It can change your body but it can't change your mind."

Xelia pulled him off of her. He squirmed against his restraints a little as she looked him over. Something about her gaze made the voice in his head repeat the word "mistress" over and over, the word ceased to mean anything in Dante's mind; becoming a noise, an unconscious force pulling on his instincts.

He glared at her. She smiled at him. "Slaves," She called over. "Give me a little help with this one. He's a little stubborn."

Issi and Jordan paced over. Dante couldn't bear to look them in the eye. The way they carried themselves was different, their posture was slouched, unfit to stand up straight like their masters did. They kneeled before Xelia and wait for her command.

"To mark your total submission to your mistress, you will pleasure your former crew." Dante could feel the rubber under his bindings now. Xelia pushed him towards Issi.

"I always did think you were beautiful, sir." Issi said to Dante, and Dante didn't know if it was really him or not. Did the transformation alter their mind or replace it?

"I'm so sorry, Issi." Dante muttered. "Go ahead, captain." Xelia said. "Suck your crewman's dick."

Dante gritted his teeth and looked away. Xelia scoffed. "Issi, the captain wants to do this the hard way. Help him out a bit." Issi nodded and grabbed Dante by the shoulders and pushed him down.

"Issi don't..."

"Why not?" Issi said. "It feels just so wonderful. I feel so tingly and smooth."

Dante opened his mouth to speak, but the words caught in his throat. It was hopeless to reason with Issi, the whole situation felt hopeless, it was hopeless. Chances of escape were nil, chances of rescue were even less. Dante silently cursed the universe and everything in it as he went down on Issis' semi-rigid member. As he sucked, Dante steeled himself for the moment when his mind would be wiped out. It had to be a mind wipe; nobody would let themselves be persuaded to submit themselves to such degradation. But it did feel good...

The pinkness was going down his legs now; it was going down his legs and going up inside him. His body shivered as the rubber stimulated him from inside. Every nerve in his body buzzed, Dante thought back to his days in the academy, forcing himself to remember more names, more places, and more events to keep from losing himself as he unconsciously began to suck and lick Issi's cock more and more voraciously, more passionately. His gag reflex oblitered, Dante deep-throated his crewman's shaft as the voice in his drilled ideas into him,

"Service is bliss, bliss is being, being is service."

"I am a slave, I give my body, my mind, and my soul to my mistress."

"I love my mistress. Say it. Say you love her. You love serving her."

The more he tried to shut it out, the more it seeped in. Soon, Dante found himself being sprayed with Issi's pinkish seed, catching it on the belly as Issi rubbed it in. It was going down his feet, he was almost completely covered. Dante fell on his back gasping for air, panting heavily. It was inside him, spreading up to his brain. The voices became deafening, a force of compulsion he was unable to resist any more than a drop of water could resist the stream.

It was over. It was over but he could not let it be over, he could not let it win.

"Don't let it take you."

"Fight it."

But he couldn't. As the rubber dried and sealed onto him, he felt almost magnetically attracted to the lady alien. He tried to stand, to run, to scream, to fight or do anything; but all he could manage was to kneel before her. He groaned as the rubber shrunk his manhood and pushed his hips out bigger and curvier. He was a femboi... no he was a femboi rubber slave... No, no. Why couldn't he think straight?

Xelia triumphantly put a hand on his head. She ran her finger along the now-reddish pink streak in his hair.

"I win." She said.

Dante looked up at her. He saw her differently now, she looked so loving and strong and soft. How could he not have seen it before? He came to this planet to tap it for resources and leave, and now he would live as a permanent resident in the paradise he had stumbled upon. He bowed his head down.

"I love you, my mistress." He said.

"I know you do, my pet."

It was a bright, warm day at Xelia and Zevon's home in the capital city. Xelia lounged in a cylindrical basin full of water as Dante washed her glossy skin. He massaged and kneaded her delicate muscles with loving attention. He was naked, savoring the sun on his back. Everyone was outside save for Jordan, who was cleaning the house. Troy was tending to the flowers and Issi was being used as a footrest for Zevon, who lounged in an organic plant-latex chair as he read from a glowing tablet that projected a Nymphite article describing the seasons' newest tasks to keep slaves busy and happy.

It had been a month and none of the former men once regretted it. In a way, they were living in a utopia; the entire planet lived in harmony, sustained and controlled. Xelia's antennae perked up, she and Zevon looked up at the pink sky and saw the gunmetal silhouette of a landing shuttle fly into the forest.

"Take care of this one, would you dear?" Xelia said to Zevon. Zevon nodded and rose to his feet. "Come, slaves." He said, and Dante and Issi followed him, eager to welcome their soon to be brethren.

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