Sick Day (Cow TF)

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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It's been a while.

Kate called in sick that morning. Nothing big; headache and congestion, but it was just enough for the manager to insist she stay home. She lied in bed on her back, covers up to her waist, TV on and set to morning news. A very proper looking young lady was reading off a story about a flu going around: Children should stay at home, get vaccinated as soon as possible, wash your hands; and so on.

She took a drink from the ceramic mug of hot cocoa she kept on the stand next to her bed. The little brown analog clock on the desk read the same time as last night, the batteries had run down and she couldn't be bothered to change them out.

Cheery yellow sunlight flowed in from the window and over Kate. It wasn't too hot that morning, just enough to be uncomfortable with both the sunlight and the covers on her. She'd probably have to either get up and close the blinds or... Her train of thought was stopped by a sneeze, just big enough to get her head hurting again. She groaned and wiped her nose with a crumpled, no longer white tissue. She wadded it up and dropped it into the wire wastebasket as she reached with her other hand for the tissue box only to find it empty.

"Crap..." Kate mumbled. She dragged herself out of bed and went to fetch the unopened box in her closet, but as she passed the mirror on her dresser; something stopped her. She could see in her reflection a dark-colored spot on her nose. Her first instinct told her it was chocolate but when she rubbed the spot with her thumb, it didn't go anywhere. It didn't even feel like anything was on there. For some reason, the dark blotch of skin made her feel uneasy, sick to her stomach.

At that moment, she felt bloated, not her stomach but a little farther down. Her t-shirt felt tighter. At first Kate thought she'd gained weight but in a few short seconds, the bloated feeling kept getting worse and her shirt had gotten uncomfortably tight. She pulled it off to find her lower stomach looking swollen like an allergic reaction, a large pink circle of flesh pushed its way out, coming close to folding downwards. "The fu..." Kate was sure she was hallucinating now. She was so sure she didn't pay any attention to the black spot on her nose spreading out, with the nose itself pulling itself into a bigger shape with it. She felt a sneeze coming on, she scrunched up in anticipation.

She sneezed hard, so hard her mouth was forced forward, flattening her big, black nose against her growing snout. The pink mound had gotten bigger, heavier. Her jeans felt tight around her waist so she didn't quite notice the white and black hairs sprouting on her chest. She unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down with some difficulty as he legs, especially the thighs, had bulked up quite a bit. They weren't fat; rather they felt firm, muscular. Her torso felt hard as well, but it wasn't as toned yet.

The spotted fur was making its way down her knees and around the fledgling udder; it was already so thick Kate couldn't see her skin under it. "Oh mmm-"Kate clasped her hand over her mouth. What almost came out wasn't her voice. It was the lowing of a cow. Her hips lurched forward as she almost fell on her face. She wasn't used to her body being this... chunky. Her arms had taken on an almost Olympian shape in just a few short moments. Her neck had grown thicker and a little longer too. Then, she felt a jolt to her growing udder. Kate was at a loss for a way to describe or contextualize the sensation. It was like she had to pee, but not.

Whatever the sensation was or meant, she couldn't really do anything about it herself. Her backside had filled out into a big, shapely posterior and a long swishy cow tail had finished pushing out from the base of her spine. Kate let out a surprised moo, what was happening was odd, but not entirely unpleasant to her. Her fingernails had grown thicker and darker, almost jet black. Her toes felt cramped and stiff like they were melding together. Her ears pushed themselves into long, loose things that flopped down below her short hair.

She took a shaky step forward on her new hooves only to stumble and fall backwards on her ample rear. She heard a knock on the door. "Kate? Kate, are you there?" A soft voice called from the entrance to the flat. It was Sharon, Kate's room-mate. Kate looked down at her hand, her big hand with one...two...three... thick black-nailed fingers and a thumb. Her fur had finished growing in; it was white with black stripes like a dairy cow... A cow.

Sharon knocked again, slightly more urgently. Kate turned her bovine head and said. "Don't... Just wait a mmmm..." She stopped herself. She'd have to be careful not to say anything with an m in it.

"I'm busy right now!" Kate heard the door swing open, then Sharon's high-heeled shoes on the carpet. Kate fumbled around, trying to get herself good and hidden, only for Sharon to find her. There was a torturous minute of silence. Sharon stared at her with mouth agape. "Kate?"

Kate looked down and let out a humiliated moo. Sharon brushed a hand through her sandy-colored hair. "What the hell happened to you?" Kate shrugged and said. "I caught something. I called in sick to work." Sharon grimaced as she turned her gaze down at the curvy cow woman's udder. "Uh huh..."

Kate grunted as she pulled herself to her hooves. "Sharon. Can you do me a favor?" Sharon didn't say anything but she nodded yes. "I need you to milk me." Sharon's eyes widened. "What?"

"Didn't you used to live on a farmmm?" Sharon coughed and said. "Yes, when I was little." Kate gave her a pitiful look.

Sharon sighed and strolled off toward the kitchen "Fine. I haven't done this in a long time, though." Sharon said, digging through the cupboards for a suitable container. This being a flat in a modestly large city, there wasn't anything like a milk pail. Sharon did, however, find a large popcorn bowl that would have to suffice. Sharon carried the plastic tub into Kate's room and set it down in front of her. Sharon took her friend by the hand, trying not to act too surprised at how hard her grip was now and helped position her over the bucket.

Kate was now on all fours with her udder pointed square at the popcorn tub. Sharon took a deep breath and grabbed the udder and went to work on it. It was slow, tremendously awkward going at first with Sharon barely accomplishing anything with her slow, flinching strokes. Eventually they worked into a steady pace, with Kate mooing in pleasure as the bucket filled with creamy milk. Grab and squeeze and repeat, Sharon kept her mind focused on how much she would wash her hands after this. When the bucket was full, Kate fell on her side panting in relief. Her udder even looked like it shrank a bit.

Sharon looked down at the milk and the cow girl, trying to keep her composure for a while longer. "So..." Sharon said, repressing an urge to gag. "What do you want to do with your... milk?" Kate looked at the bucket.

"Put it in the fridge. I wanna try it later." Sharon shuddered with ever step as she took the sloshing, now quite heavy tub to the small refrigerator. She shoved it in none too gently next to a bottle of soda and a half-eaten box of takeout and slammed the door. Kate approached her from behind and hugged her tightly, but gently. "Thanks, hon."

"You're milking yourself next time." Sharon said only half-jokingly. They broke their embrace and faced each other. "How are you... y'know..." Kate laughed and shook her tail. "I'll figure something out." Kate's long ears perked up when she saw a black spot on Sharon's nose.

"Say," Kate said impishly. "Why don't you hang out for a little bit longer?"

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