The Seeker, Chapter 9

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 9

By William W. Kelso

I was lying contentedly on my fireproof rug next to my Mistress's desk while she fought her way through the usual bureaucratic nonsense, pop-ups and Spam on the computer. You think you have red tape up topside, but believe me you have NO idea. It takes fifteen forms, ten endorsements, and about four weeks just to get a box of paperclips. And even then they usually screw it up, last time we got a box of hand grenades. They taste great, and are great for clearing up the sinuses. I had fun with them too. I took the powder out of one and threw it in the Imp's mess hall, but got trampled in the stampede. They didn't think it was very funny; Imps have no sense of humor. After I rigged my third trip wire booby trap my Mistress finally had to take them away from me in order to prevent a riot. Office supplies are very jealously guarded in Hell; wars have been fought over them. The great printer cartridge war of 2004 had lasted two years and devastated most of Lower Heck, and then it turned out they were the wrong size anyway. My Mistress made a buck by selling the remaining hand grenades to the winning side so she came out ahead. But being a Dragon I don't have to worry about that technical stuff, much to my eternal thanks. On the other hand it gives me plenty of time to get myself in trouble at which I excel. Trouble just finds me, it's not MY fault. I'm its best friend.

I was sleeping as I've learned to ignore most of the irritated hisses and rather inventive curses my Mistress uses while on the hellnet. It was the first day in almost a week she'd managed to get me out from under her bed. Last time the huge Fire Dragoness Vulkna; who is my mate and lover, had come to visit she'd brought the kiddies. I got locked in the Office Supplies closet with them for several hours and it had taken me this long to get over the trauma. Finally Vulva got tired of my cowardice so she grabbed me and dragged me by the tail; screaming the whole way, into her office to prove the rotten little monsters weren't waiting to ambush me again. After she finally got me to let go of her leg; by kicking me off, I'd finally calmed down. She was in a kind of rotten mood for some reason, so I was keeping as low a profile as a 700 pound Dragon could. Actually I'm pretty good at it.

Then I heard a sound I dreaded. "Ding, ding, ding." as my Mistress pounded on the keyboard. "HIIIIISSSS!! It's frozen again! She screeched. How the Hell can it freeze so often! This IS Hell, nothing freezes here! HIIIISSS!"

My only comment, which I kept to myself, was "It IS Hell, that's why." I knew when to keep my snout shut, most of the time. When I don't I usually get smacked.

"HIIISSS! That is IT! I'm going down to tech-mat shop and have a little talk with the staff!! HIIIISSSSS! Pet, YOU stay here and answer the phone!"

I was alarmed now, "Mistress, are you sure? You know what usually happens when you leave me alone. Hiiss. And I can't answer the phone, it melts." My incredibly high body temperature can be a real hindrance sometimes, but at least I don't have to answer the phone. She'd ordered a fireproof one about a year ago, but no sign of it yet. (Actually it did come, but I hid it. I'll do anything to get out of public relations.)

"YES! And TRY to be good for a change; I am NOT in a good mood today!"

Worried, I walked over to her and rubbed my head against her leg, and hissed softly. "My Mistress, what is wrong? Can I help?" When my Mistress is upset I'M upset. If she wanted me to rip someone's face off I was the Dragon for the job. I've done it too.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "My Pet, you help by just being here. No, it's my Mom again. That rat fink brother of mine is going over for lunch with some new Pet of his, and she wants me to come too."

I gave a hiss of alarm. "Your mother! Do I have to go? You know what happened last time I was there." And I shuddered.

She'd taken me to her Mom's once to show me off as a Seeker is a pretty impressive slave, and it went downhill from there. I got bored while they were gossiping, so I went exploring and found her cleaning supplies and ate all the urinal cakes, then tried to piss in her toilet and it blew up (I really should have known better as that always happens, but I really had to go), set her favorite carpet on fire, and when she finally chased me out of the cave with her pitchfork I got in a fight with a giant sand worm that tried to eat me. It turns out the thing was her pet! I mean WHO keeps a thirty foot living garbage disposal in a hidden pit in their front yard?? I still have teeth marks.

"I don't think she likes me very much." I said.

"Really? Gee, I wonder why." My Mistress said sarcastically, but I deserved it. "And YES, you do have to come. You're my familiar and where I go YOU go. And don't even THINK about trying to hide."

Except to the tech-mat shop, I thought. "OK Mistress, I'll really try to be good this time. I think your Mom is a nice lady, and her sulphur cookies are to dissipate for. And if you need me to bite anybody at the tech-mat shop let me know. I haven't attacked anybody in a week." Which for me was a record. I can only eat brimstone, chemicals, and metal, but I do like to bite whenever possible, I guess it's a demon thing. Just because I can't eat it doesn't mean I can't have fun tearing it into little pieces.

"That's because you've been hiding under the bed for a week! But yes, I'll call you to attack any survivors." And with that she got up and left in a growing rage and left terror in her wake.

Go get'em Mistress! I thought. Better them then me. I actually felt sorry for the tech-mat guys. When my Mistress is PO'd Hell trembles, she is a force of nature, literally. But most of all I was glad she wasn't mad at ME for a change.

As soon as she left I hopped up on her chair; which I'm not supposed to do, and pretended to be in charge. I pressed a key on the computer and it started working again, I'm a genius I thought! I poked around and finally managed to order fifty cases of Tidy Bowl urinal cakes, oh boy oh boy! They are my all time favorite snack treat. I was so busy I never heard the visitor come in. That is until he spoke up.

"Sure and Begorrah, Top of the Morning! I have a message for the lassie Mistress Vulva!" A high pitched voice said.

What the! I looked up and didn't see anybody. "Who's there?" I hissed.

"Sure and Begorrah, Top of the Moring! I have a MESSAGE for the lassie Mistress Vulva!" the voice said again, louder this time.

I looked around again and still didn't see anybody. What the Hell? I thought, and jumping down I walked around the desk and didn't see anybody. Unbeknownst to me the unseen visitor had also walked around the desk looking for me and we missed each other. Typical.

I hopped back up in the chair again. Must be losing it, I thought. I looked at a pop-up on the screen, and with an angry hiss I tried to close it. "NO, I said, My Mistress does NOT want a life time subscription to Depraved magazine, she already HAS one!" She got it for doing a full length fold-out centerfold a few years before she got me. Normally we demon kind go nude, we have NO hang-ups about that kind of thing, but in the centerfold she's actually wearing lingerie. Now to a demon THAT is sexy! To turn us on you put ON clothes, go figure. We are pretty fucked up though, goes with the job. I have a copy I keep hidden under her mattress. About this time a very loud voice said,


"ALL RIGHT, THAT DOES IT! I roared, show yourself now, or face my wrath!" And I raked a short fire plume across the wall; that always impresses the peasants.

A short little demon jumped up on the desk and I was so startled I almost fell out of chair. He was a lizard demon, but the smallest I'd ever seen, he weighed maybe fifty pounds. I blinked in disbelief; he was dressed in a Leprechaun outfit! As I watched with my mouth open he set down a small portable CD player and pressed the Play button. Then while the tune "Irish Washer Women" played he danced a river dance jig and sang,

"You are cordially invited, one and all, to attend Lord Ba'al's Halloween Costume Party and Orgy this coming All Hallows Eve! Come as your favorite human or other historical figure. Attendance and participation is mandatory, if you don't have a partner one or more will be provided, and non-attendees will wish they'd never been born! Have a nice day!" And somehow he made it all rhyme. Then he stopped and turned off the player, and said in a business like voice,

"OK buddy, how many can we expect?"

I was still staring in shock, but then I started to snigger. It was the funniest thing I'd seen since I'd been raped and dragged down to Hell as a slave. "Who the Hell did you piss off? I asked. That costume is the funniest thing I've ever seen; your Lord must really hate you!" And I cracked up.

"Hey, he said, I don't like it, but orders is orders. And if you don't stop laughing I'm going to beat the living crap out of you boyo! I'll give you the back o'me hand and the toe o'me boot!"

I tried to look serious, but just couldn't help it. "You and what army?" I said and fell off the chair I was laughing so hard. Me and my BIIIG mouth.

The fake Leprechaun leaped over the desk, grabbed me by the tail, and despite my heroic resistance beat the living crap out of me. He swung me against the wall and floor by my tail, and every time I got loose and tried to get away he'd catch me and do it again. I was too rattled to even call for help in my Mistress's mind. Finally I managed to make it to the Office Supplies Closet, anything to get away from the little lunatic! I weigh about 700 pounds and was about ten times his size but I was helpless, so it really didn't do much for my self esteem which was already pretty fragile. I'd really like to know where he works out.

I crawled inside the closet, but he dragged me out and beat me against the floor again, but finally I managed to get inside and shut the door. I leaned against the door and braced it as it shook from his blows. He finally said,

"Do you think I'm funny now?"

"NO SIR!" I yelled.

"Good, he replied, now how many will be attending?"

"TWO SIR!" I yelled.

"OK, thank you. And by the way, that harness is GAY!" And he left, thank Big L!

About an hour later a High Imp who was delivering a package heard my screams and let me out of the Office Supplies Closet, and I knocked him down as I ran out covered in shreds of plastic garbage bags, colored ink toner, and melted Styrofoam popcorn with the shrunken heads and other dead things close behind. I managed to drive them back into the closet and shut the door. Then I grabbed his hooves and started kissing them, "Oh thank you thank you thank you kind sir!" and my slobber set his fur on fire. He dragged me; bleating and squealing, until he could shake himself loose and disappeared down the tunnel screaming. At least he learned never to let someone who's screaming out of a closet. I looked at the stupid man-eating plant and said "Thanks a lot!" but it just giggled.

After I stopped freaking out, and had made sure the homicidal Leprechaun wasn't hiding somewhere, I took the package and put it on the desk. I was tempted to open it but restrained myself. It was addressed to my Mistress, and she doesn't like it when someone else opens her mail. I'd found that out the hard way. One parcel I opened without permission had a framed photo of Janet Reno, and it scared me so bad when I took it out I had nightmares for a week. My Mistress actually hung it on the wall, but it mysteriously disappeared a few days later. Burp.

I jumped back up in her chair, keeping an eye out for any more pissed off little people or demons. About this time I heard a loud noise coming down the tunnel. "Vroom, vroom! Pop pop pop!" As I watched a small herd of Imps and beast came running by the door bellowing and bleating in fear. I heard a Demon Overseer yell,

"HEY! Watch we're you're going you moron! B-a-aaaaa!"

Oh please, I thought, what now? And put my head on the desk. Between pissed off Leprechauns, cleaning supplies, and homicidal dead things I was too sore and tired to even try and hide. It was so unfair.

I looked up as the sounds got louder, and then a WWII R71 BMW motorcycle with Waffen-SS plates came roaring into the office, spun around in a circle with a loud "SCREEEECCHH" of the brakes, hit the desk which didn't budge, and the rider flew over the desk, hit me in the chest, and we both flipped over backwards out of the chair. "What the fuck! HIIIISSSSS!" I roared.

I lay there; stunned, on top of the driver until I felt him squirming. I got up and picked him up by a jackboot. It was a big red lizard wearing a leather overcoat, goggles, and German helmet. I snarled,

"Who the HELL are you!" He just smiled at me and ran his forked tongue over his fangs, and said "Hello meine kleine eidechse! How haf you been? Hmmm?"

I dropped him on his head and he gave an indignant hiss. "Nicht sehr nett, meine Fruend!" he said.

"I'm not your friend you crazy kraut! You blew me up, electrocuted me, ran over me with a tank, and then parked it on top of me! Friends do NOT do that to each other!" On second thought, they do in Hell. One of our favorite games is "Ambush your buddy." We play rough.

And he's lucky I know what "eidechse" means now too, I used to think he was insulting me. That's just who I needed to show up right now, SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Carl Bruckmann, late of the "Adolf Hitler" Division, formerly Hitler's pool man, and now a Sadist Demon. He likes to hurt things. He's a demon I had to fetch once from topside, he likes to sneak out of Hell and do unpleasant things to people. When I went topside to bring him back he blew me up several times, electrocuted me, and parked a tank on top me. He thought it was funny; I wasn't amused in the least.

He stood up, brushed himself off and gave the Nazi salute, "Heil Hitler!"

To which I replied "Heil Myself!"

"Das ist not funny!" he retorted.

Yes it was, I thought. "Carl?"


"Sprechen zie Deutsche?" I asked.

"Ja, naturlich." He replied.

Hah, he fell for it! "Then droppen zie dead!" I said.

"Oh ha, ha. He said, jolly joker."

Not my fault he has no sense of humor, I thought. "Carl, what in the name of Ba'als six balls are you doing here? And you look different too."

"Ach, he said. Can't I visit my old friend and fellow demon?"

"NO!" I replied.

"Oh, come now meine kleine eidechse, we had such fun playing Blitzkrieg, did we not, Ja? He said.

"YOU did, I didn't!" He got the panzer division and I got to be France, it had sucked big time.

He took off his overcoat and helmet and put them on the desk. He still had his Waffen-SS uniform on, but otherwise had totally changed. Last time I'd seen him he had looked human, except when he smiled. Now he looked like a great big red lizard complete with long scaly tail. Of course some demons can shape change, but not me. He lifted up his clawed hands and adjusted the Knights Cross at his throat. His forked tongue licked out a couple of times, and he said.

"It ist meine Leige Lord Dracul (you got it, he works for Dracula). He has locked me into my demon form so I cannot sneak out again. He is a big meanie, he never lets me haben zie fun no more. It is most unfair."

Tell me about, I thought. "Well Carl, you got to admit having a giant red lizard running around up top torturing people and blowing stuff up might attract unwanted attention. You know how the big guys feel about that kind of publicity."

"Ja, Ja, you are right of course. But now he has me running errands and delivering messages. It ist so degrading! Oh, by the way. Ich vergesse fast! I have for you a package. Sign here, bitte." He took a rather large box out of the motorcycle's sidecar and gave it to me, and I signed the receipt. "Danke!" He said.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"I know nothing, I see nothing!" he replied.

"Oh, ha, ha!" I replied. Maybe he does have a sense of humor after all. "Well, it was fun. Guess you'd better go. I'm sure you have other messages to deliver, souls to torture, small countries to invade, things to blow up, have fun!"

"Ach, nein! That is my last delivery; I save it for last so I would have some time to visit with meine friend. You got anything to drink in this dump?"

And when I looked up from the box I had been shaking trying to guess what was inside (which wasn't very smart as one time I'd shaken a package full of nitro glycerin and blown myself through the wall) and I saw his tail disappearing into the entertainment room. Oh crude.

"Carl, what are you doing, stay out of there! That room is for guests only!" I yelled.

"I am a guest!" He yelled back, and then said, "Mein Fuhrer! Ist, das zie?" in delighted surprise. Where haf you been, das boys really miss you! Fat boy Herman was just asking about you the other day."

"You are NOT a guest; you're a pain in the ass! And quit talking to Adolf!" I said.

Oh great, I thought, he's found the photo of Hitler with his soul trapped inside. It used to be in the front office, but my Mistress moved him to the entertainment room when he wouldn't shut up and because I wouldn't leave him alone. He gets moved from Demon to Demon for safe keeping. Last time he got loose he tried to take over Valhalla. Now he and Bruckmann were having a lively conversation in German.

"Carl! Get away from him; he's not supposed to have visitors!" I hissed.

"Better do as he says Carl, he is eine big rat fink." Hitler said.

"I heard that!" I snapped back. "How'd you like to spend the next five years turned to the wall?" That shut him up.

Then I realized Carl had disappeared again. He's good at that. "CARL, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" I bellowed. He had better not be in my Mistress's bedroom going through her things! He stood up from behind the bar with a big fang filled smile, and said,

"Wunderbar! You have a little of everything, even Schnapps and Vodka!" And he took a big hit off a bottle of Smirnoff.

"Carl, the bar is off limits to the help. Are you crazy! Wait, don't answer that. Get away from there before Mistress Vulva shows up! HIISS!"

"Ach, come now! He said. Just one little drink won't hurt. I found the Flaming Luggies, why don't you join me in a toast to your rather impressive Mistress, Ja?"

"Well, OK, if you put it that way." I said uncertaintly.

About half an hour later I definitely had a buzz on from a combination of several Flaming Luggies and a jug of chlorine I'd been taking hits off of. I definitely don't know my limit. Carl was getting pretty plastered too having finished off the Smirnoff and started on a bottle of peppermint schnapps. He was getting really morbid too, and suddenly started sniveling.

"Carl, whaz, what's wrong buddy?" I asked.

"Oh, ach. It is nuttink." He replied in a sad hiss.

"Ah, come on, you can tell me. We're kameraden! Mum's the word!" I said.

He sniveled, and said "It is this little lizard demoness I know. She doesn't even know I exist, she says I am not, how do you say, um, handsome? She says she only likes males with crests! She is so sweet, her scales so lovely the way they reflect the flames light. She works in vivisection and what she can do with a scalpel. Ach, wunderbar! She even makes them enjoy it. I love her so much!" Then he put his snout on the bar and started crying.

Well, what could I do? I mean, I had to try and cheer the poor guy up, after all he was in love and what better reason? I actually felt sorry for the poor schmuck. It's hard enough to be a demon, but to be in love too? A gallon of chlorine and another bottle of Vodka later we were both ripped big time. Carl thought he was back in Berlin in 1939 and I had NO idea who, or where, I was. He thought I was someone named Heinrich. Even Hitler got in on the act.

I had turned on the sound system and found an old CD of Beer Hall and Polka music which is kind of popular down here. Hey, it IS Hell you know, we have really lousy taste in music. My Mistress's favorite group is the Chipmunks. Carl disappeared again and I was about to go look for him when he came back in the room with a big smile on his snout.

"Lookit what I finded! He said proudly.

It was a Lederhosen outfit made from fireproof cloth, in my size. "Where in hic, Hell, did you, hic, find that??" I asked in amazement.

"It was in the package I delivured, delivered." He replied. "It even has the hat!"

Well this was too good to pass up, so I put on the Lederhosen outfit and it fit perfectly. It was made out of colored asbestos and had the fancy colorful shorts, shirt, and hat with feather and a band to hold it on my head.

Carl looked at me, blinked, and said,"Wunderbar! You remind me of Dusseldorf!"

Then we proceeded to get royally pissed big time, or more pissed as we already pretty numb.

The man and Imp-eating (and sometimes demon eating) tree demon looked in to see what we were up to, then wisely left the premises and went for a walk before we blew him up or something. He may look like a weed, but his IQ's higher than mine. Come to think of it, so is a rock's.

When Mistress Vulva returned a little while later she stopped in surprise when she saw the still running motorcycle in the middle of the room and could hardly see from the exhaust fumes. "What the fuck!" she said. "PET, where the HELL are you?"

She heard a loud ruckus coming from the entertainment room, and walking to the door stared in complete and utter shock. The speakers were blaring "Ach du Lieber Augustin" at full volume, and her Pet in Lederhosen and a big lizard in a Nazi uniform were doing a burlesque dance on the top of the bar and Hitler was directing while they sang "Springtime for Hitler and Germany" in loud off-key hissing voices.

What the FUCK! "PET!!! HIIIISSSSS!" she screeched as loud as she could and glasses shattered.

The picture of Hitler said "Scheiss!" and he dived under his desk.

Her Pet and the Nazi lizard saw her, saluted, said "Heil Vulva!" then lost their balance and fell off the bar onto the shelves of liquor which exploded with a loud "Whommpppfff!" and the fire alarm went off. The lizard, his uniform smoking, crawled out from behind the bar and said; "Kamerad! Schiesst nicht!, I vas only obeying orders! and passed out. Of her pet the only sign was a waving tail. Well, at least the little nimrod is fireproof she thought.

A few minutes later when the fire brigade arrived she stood aside and said, "He's all yours boys and girls." The firefighters, with big grins on their muzzles, moved past her with the high pressure water hose. This ought to sober the little twerp up fast, she thought. Then she stood to one side and watched the fun.

I was trying to climb over the bar when the first blast of high pressure cold water hit me and knocked me back down and I bit my tongue. "AAIIIIEEEEE!" I squealed, and tried to get back up again, only to go flying as the stream of water hit me again. "AAAGGHHH GLACK SPLUTTER!" I coughed as the water hit me in the face and knocked me head over

tail. "OWWOOOOOO!" I howled. Every time I tried to climb over the bar, stood up, or tried to crawl around the sides I got hit with the water again, so finally I just hid behind the bar with the freezing water running off it in torrents. I was soaking wet, freezing, had a hangover, and was stone cold sober and miserable as I held my poor abused tongue. I also knew I was in deep doo-doo. And what the HELL was I wearing? "OWOOOOO!" I wailed.

"Ohhhh Pet, come her please." I heard my Mistress say in that really, really scary soft voice.

"NO, you'll spray me again." I hissed.

Vulva called the hose crew over and whispered to them, and they smiled evilly.

I knew something was going on, but couldn't hear what she was saying. I heard furtive sneaking sounds, then they stuck the hose around one end of the bar and washed me out of the other end with a blast of water and I floated over and washed up at my Mistress's hooves. I looked up and said,

"Oh crap!"

And she said, "Oh crap indeed, my very naughty Pet!" with a horrible smile on her muzzle.

She grabbed me by the tail and dragged me over towards the Office Supplies Closet.

"NOOOOO!" I shrieked, my claws digging grooves in the floor. "MIISSTTRREESS, PLEEAASSE, NOT THAT! AAIIIEEEEE!"

One of the Imps held the door open and she swung me around by my tail (Lady is strong) and let me go. I hit the back wall of the closet and landed upside down in a pile of plastic bags full of styrofoam peanuts and the shelves collapsed dumping everything on top of me. Then she slammed the door shut and I was left alone in the dark with the dead things. "AAUUUGGGGGHHHH!" I shrieked.

She listened for awhile as her pet pleaded "Mistress, PLEASE, I can hear them coming for me! Have mercy! Save me!"

"Oh Peeet", she said.

He shut up a little, and answered hopefully "Yes My Mistress?"

"Pet, I'm on the phone calling Equa right now." Then she grinned, and walked back into the entertainment room to survey the damage.

"AAAAAHHHHHH! NO NO NO, PUHLLEEAAASSEE! HIISSS! ANYTHING BUT THAT! AAAHH! GET OFF OF ME! MIISSTTRREESS! I'LL BE GOOD, I SWEAR! AAIIIIIIEEE!!" I screamed in utter terror as the attacks started. Soon I was battling for my life against demonic cleaning supplies and Vulva's shrunken heads collection, and losing.

Well, she thought as she looked at the chaos in the room. The speakers were playing "When we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer!" with lots of "Om-pah-pah's". She went to the bar and hopped up and sat down on the edge. She found the beer cooler had somehow survived and offered the firefighters a cold one, they deserved it. Then she popped the cap off of one using her fangs and took a long cold drink. Fosters! The howls in the other room were getting even louder. Too bad, she thought, and started on another beer. Looking up she realized the Nazi lizard was gone, and she couldn't hear the motorcycle running anymore.

"Where'd the Nazi lizard go?" she asked a firefighter.

"Mistress, he got on his motorcycle and left a few minutes ago. We tried to stop him, but he had a Luger."

She looked over and realized the photo of Hitler was gone too. Oh great, just fucking great she thought, and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels. Time to get good and drunk. "Hiisss."

She woke up a few hours later and realized someone was doing a very good job of humping her. She looked up and realized she was draped over the edge of the bar, and looking over her shoulder saw the intent face of a goat-lizard demon as he fucked her. Have to remember him she thought, he's doing a good job. There were a couple of other male demons and Imps lying around passed out on the bar or next to it. Guess I must have worn them out she thought with some pride. A few others were busy as well, and one Imp was squealing really loudly as two demons screwed her at the same time, but she shut up and started making sucking sounds when another stuck his dick in her mouth. Looks like the whole firefighting effort had turned into a drunken orgy, a pretty good one from the evidence. That was fairly common around here. The demon finished with her, but before she could get up another took his place. Oh yes, she thought, nothing like a good gang bang, so she settled down to enjoy it. She waited politely until he finished, then she picked the three best hung males in the room, two demons and an Imp Ram. The ram lay down on the floor and she straddled him and he guided his nice large cock into her, one of the demons mounted her from behind in the ass, and she squatted down and took the other demons cock in her mouth. Mmmm, it was wonderful! She had them rotate until all three had been in all three positions. It was the best possible cure for a hangover. Numerous couplings and orgasms later she was about the only one still standing, so the party was over. The demon kind and Imps helped one another out of the room, some being dragged by their legs, and soon she was alone.

She looked around and grimaced. She had to give her Pet credit, when he went on a bender he did a very thorough job of it. The room looked like Berlin in 1945. Well, she thought, at least I don't have to clean it up. She made more than enough renting him out for his sexual services that paying to have the damage repaired was no big problem. This happened about once a month, so she was more or less "used" to it. Then remembering her pet, she thought, Uh-oh! How long has he been in the closet? She looked at the clock on the wall which had somehow survived destruction and realized it had been almost ten hours since she chucked him into the closet of terror. That was a record. A little worried about the rotten little miscreant she went into the other room to check on him.

She went over to the Office Supplies closet door and listened. Total silence. "Pet?" she called softly, and tried their mind link. Nothing, just darkness. Getting a little worried, she hissed in a louder voice, "PET, are you still in there? HIISS!" If he'd gotten out no telling where he might be, the rotten little sneak. Then she heard a soft mewling sound, and something scratched on the door. She opened the door and stinking black smoke came pouring out, and then something covered in melted and burning gunk knocked her down and ran shrieking out of the room and down the hallway leaving a trail of melted plastic and burning Styrofoam peanuts. "What the FUCK!" she yelled as she landed on her butt. "PET!"

I fought valiantly for longer than I can remember, beating back attack after attack, but finally they overwhelmed my defenses and I just lay there with my wings wrapped around my head and let them have their way with me. I didn't care anymore, I had been abandoned and forgotten and left to suffer a hideous demise at the hands of the cleaning supplies and dead things. My only solace was they weren't reinforced by the kiddies. Then I would have had no chance at all.

Finally I heard my mean old Mistress calling my name, which I couldn't remember anyway at this point. I tried to answer, but my muzzle was glued shut by melted plastic and the closet was full of burning debris from my epic battle. Then the door opened and I saw the light of freedom and with a screeching screaming shriek I made a break for it, ran someone over, and kept on going.

Vulva got up and looked in the flaming closet; there was nothing left that was recognizable anymore, and then the fire alarm went off again. She doubted the fire brigade was in any shape to respond, so just slammed the door. "HIISSS! &$#@%&!! PET!" She

screamed, "GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE, NOW!!" But there was no reply. He is SO in trouble she thought, this was getting ridiculous! So she set out in pursuit of the paranoid little creep.

I ran screaming and hissing down the tunnel and found out something very interesting, if you're on fire everything gets out of your way. What they thought about the Lederhosen I have no idea. Finally I came to one of the baths and streaking past the startled attendants I ran into one of the grottos and did a belly flop into one of the boiling mud baths, and landed right on top of two pig demonkind doing the nasty and broke that up. Then I sunk out of sight with only my nostrils and eyes showing and thought; she'll never find me here!

Vulva tracked down her fugitive pet down by the simple method of following the sounds of screams and a trail of melted and/or burning plastic garbage bags and Styrofoam peanuts. She trotted into the bath, and asked the attendants,

"Where is the little shit? Hisss!" They all pointed, and then left to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. As she entered the grotto two very upset pig demonkind came running past covered in mud. The boar was trying to soothe the sow,

"Piggles, snort, It wasn't my fault, sqweee, I don't even know the, snort, guy!" he said in a pleading voice, his rock hard erection jutting out in front of him. Getting interrupted half way there is really hard on one of us male demons.

"Sniff, sqwee, I don't care Pudgy! It's over; I'm not in the, snort, mood anymore!" The sow replied.

The boar said, "Oh, come on sweetness, snort! You don't know what it's like, don't leave me like, sqweeeee, this!" And he trotted after the object of his lust, begging and pleading.

Vulva entered the dim cave full of bubbling pools of sulphur, mud, and water. Remembering what happened last time she stayed well away from the edges of the pools. If he's playing U-Boat commander again I'm going to depth charge his scaly little butt! "Oh Peeet, she called, where ARE you? Hiiss. Somewhere I am looking for you." She stopped and looked and listened, nothing. "PET, if you know what's good for you you'll come out right NOW!" she said in her loud "I am royally pissed off" voice.

I rose slowly out of the bubbling mud pool behind her. Enemy sighted, prepare to attack! I thought. "BANZAI, you die Joe!" I roared as I attacked. I landed on her back and she went face first into the pool of boiling sulphur. "Take that, you Imperialist American running dog!" I yelled as I dove back into the mud. At this point I still wasn't very rational yet or I would have known to quit while I was ahead. But even when I'm "normal" I don't have much common sense.

She went face first into the boiling sulphur with a surprised shriek of rage that was cut off when the sulphur filled her wide open mouth. "Glag, gurk, glork!" she said as she surfaced. That it IT, I have HAD it! She thought. She climbed out of the pool and dodged two fleeing attendants. She crouched next to the mud pool and waited, he had to come up sometime! And THERE! With a shriek she pounced. Banzai MY ass, will you!

I stuck the top of my head up for a look, and then squealed in terror as a huge yellow monster jumped on top of me. "EEEEEEEEIIIIEEEE!" then went under again as it landed on top of me. Desperately I fought the horrible thing, battling for my life with first me, then it, on top. "MIISSTTRREESS!" I screamed in my mind, "A big ugly yellow monster's got me!"

"I AM the big ugly yellow monster!" she hissed back, "And your scaly little ASS is MINE!"

"MERCY!" I screamed. Well at that point the fight went out of me and my only thought was escape, but when she's this mad that's impossible. I'm bigger then she is now, but she's much stronger because she's a Demi-Demoness. She proceeded to mop up the grotto with my scaly ass, first throwing me in one pool then another and doing her best to drown me, and then she bounced me off the walls for awhile while I squealed and pleaded piteously to no avail. In between grunts of effort she said,


Finally I wore her out; its one advantage of being almost indestructible. Breathing heavily she let go of my tail and I slid into the pool of boiling water without leaving a ripple. It felt good to my sore and aching body. This is nice, I thought, I think I'll stay here forever. But no such luck, she fished me out a few minutes later and left me lying on my back like some scaly beached whale. One thing the thrashing did was knock some sense back into me so I no longer believed I was a fugitive from a POW camp. After she caught her breath she grabbed my tail again and dragged me back down the tunnels to Home Sweet Home and a no doubt horrible fate, she can be very inventive when it comes to punishment.

As Vulva left the bath she got polite applause from the attendants and other demon kind and Imps that had been drawn by the screams and heavy thuds of the battle (though it was pretty much one sided). Good entertainment is hard to find down here, so they were an appreciative audience, plus most of them felt he'd had it coming. Vulva just snorted and dragged her limp fugitive from justice down the tunnel, passing a couple of comatose firefighters on the way. She got more applause along the way.

I was awake, but playing dead because sometimes if you do that they stop hurting you. I was hurt by all the approval as my seemingly dead and battered carcass was dragged down the tunnels; I didn't think I was THAT unpopular! There was no sympathy at all, it's so unfair. And where was Carl, surely he was partly to blame too. He's the one that got me drunk after all, lousy sausage-sucker. I'll get him for this! She dragged me into the office and left me on my rug, then sat down in her chair. I kept playing KIA. She got out my leash and snapped it onto the collar of my GAY harness, wrapped it around her wrist, and sat back down. I just lay there on my back with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. The she picked up the phone and punched in a number, and said,

"Hello, Equa? This is Vulva, are you still interested in playing with my pet?" She wasn't really calling the vore demoness, but of course I didn't know that. She knew I was faking it and thought she was being clever, but it backfired.

Equa is a huge Horse demoness, she's a vore demoness and eats stuff with her pussy. Yeah, I know, gross to the max. I saw her stuff a human slave into it once and she's been after me ever since. I'm depraved, but even I have limits. So when I heard that name I freaked out again. What my Mistress had not remembered, was; number one: I'm terrified of Equa, number two: when I'm scared I'm very strong and don't listen well, and number three: her chair has coasters on it.

I have no idea what the demonkind and Imps thought as I dragged my Mistress down the hallway; still wearing Lederhosen; in her chair while she held on to it and my leash and screamed death threats and insults at me, but I was in freak out mode again. Finally I took a corner at warp speed and she had to let go of the leash or slam into the wall, and she went careening into one of the Imps mess halls, hit a table, and flew down the length of it right in the middle of dinner before landing on the floor in a pile of kicking squealing demonkind and Imps. When she stood up covered in stew and chunks of bread every demon and Imp took one look and fled screaming and bleating in terror.

Fortunately I was long gone by then. Of course my Mistress believes in swift punishment and the longer she has to wait to dish it out the madder she gets, so my reprieve only delayed the inevitable. Then something happened which you could consider to be either; No. 1: poetic justice, No. 2: a lucky coincidence, No. 3: sheer bad luck, or No. 4: All of the above. I'll leave it up to you. Personally I thought it sucked, I mean, why me? I'm not THAT rotten!

I ran for a long time until I was in an area I'd never seen before, but I wasn't ready to stop yet, and running around a corner I ran into someone who knocked me flying they were so big. I landed in a dazed heap, and then felt someone pull on the leash. Shaking my head I got to my feet and figured Vulva had caught up with me as no matter how far and fast I usually run she's always there waiting for me at the end. With a resigned hiss I looked up, and froze. I ran my gaze up a pair of heavily muscled equine legs ending in hooves, past a human looking vagina & wide hips, a huge torso with firm lovely breasts, and a horse's head that was looking down at me with a big smile on it.

"Well Hi there sweetie, snort, you finally came to visit me!" Equa said in delight.

"AAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!" I screamed as I tried to run, but she kept hold of the leash and dragged me behind her. She said,

"We need to find someplace nice and quiet sweetie, don't be shy!"

I'm not shy, I thought, I'm freakin terrified! "NO, NO, NO! LEMME GO!"

I mean its one thing to be eaten by a mouth, that's what it's for, but NOT a vagina! She dragged me down the tunnel with sparks flying from my claws as I dug them into the stone floor, but it did me no good. I pleaded and begged the few demons or Imps we passed to help me, but they were just glad it was me and not them. I tried flying, but just looked like a big ugly Oktoberfest parade float as I flapped around in a circle without going anywhere.

"MIISSTTRREESS! I screamed in my mind, Please heeeellppp mee!" But she had me blocked, must still be mad at me and wasn't in the mood for any groveling. We finally turned down a side tunnel to a "private" room and I desperately held onto the side of the door until Equa pried my claws loose with a giggle.

"NOOO, WAAAAH! I don't wanna! Lemme go!" I screamed.

"Come on, she said, it won't be THAT bad!"

Then she rolled a huge stone plug into the door and we were alone. She seemed pleased by the development, but I sure as Hell wasn't. First I nearly gave myself a hernia trying to move the stone plug, then I climbed the wall and thought I was safe while I was hanging from the ceiling, but I forgot about that stupid leash. She yanked on it and I fell into her waiting arms.

First she ripped that stupid costume off of me (thank you!), and then she held me against her magnificent breasts. Normally my type of fire demon is not much of a breast lover as our females don't have any, but hers were exceptional. Then she pressed her muzzle against my snout and ran her long forked tongue into my mouth and down my throat, and unable to help myself I "kissed" her back, our tongues entwined. Curse my horniness! Being what I am I HAD to respond! Soon I was hissing contentedly as I licked and nibbled her breasts and nipples and we kissed some more. This ain't so bad I thought; nice boobs!

She lowered her muzzle to my vent and started to lick me and got the expected results, and as my penis slid out she licked me until the whole length was wet and shiny with her saliva and by then I was moaning and gasping as she was very good, very, VERY good. Then she licked my crotch bands as the outline of my testicles became visible as they swelled to get ready for what I do best. She went back to lipping and tonguing my penis and gave a snort of surprised pleasure when my nether tongue came out for a taste, and she wrapped her tongue around and it OH boy! By this time I think I'd honestly forgotten what she was as when I go into rut I become almost 100% demonic, and the remaining human part is just along for a very enjoyable ride, either that or it hides in terror. The demon part doesn't care what it does.

Finally with a deep neigh of lust she gently put me down and turned away and dropped onto all fours, and raising her tail looked at me over her shoulder. She was much larger then I was, but I'm exceptionally well endowed for a dragon my size (thanks to Vulva, all her personally created Pets are very large, and very horny all the time, and very popular with the ladies, thank you Mistress!). Like I said she was very large and a horse demoness to boot, but my twenty-four inch erection would do any stallion proud plus my nether tongue or "penis extension" can add about another ten inches and it's prehensile. I've yet to find a female, regardless of size, I couldn't pleasure to her heart's content; or whatever she had as lots of demonkind don't have hearts (physically or metaphorically).

I pressed my muzzle to her wet dripping sex and eagerly licked and lapped at it and she started squealing as I ran my tongue deep inside of her, I do so like to eat out! With a final long drawn out lick I reared up and mounted her with a snarling roar, grasped her behind her legs with my front legs, and started lunging and thrusting into her. She took every inch easily, but was fairly tight and nice and slick. I growled and grunted as I serviced her, nipping at her back while she snorted and neighed in pleasure. I thrust into her powerfully, then froze and extended my nether tongue and did some exploring. She gasped and looked over her shoulder, and moaned,

"Oh, oh! What IS that sweetie, what are, oh!, you doing? SNORT! Um, ohhh!"

I didn't answer, I just hissed and started thrusting again, my scales slapping against her rump. She wanted me? Well she GOT her wish, and I GAVE her what she wanted! I am very, VERY good at what I do best. I snarled and hissed in lust and pleasure as I took her brutally in the manner of our kind, and from her own sounds knew she was enjoying it as much as I was.

I dragged it on and on, slowing down and speeding up, and both our shrieks and grunts became louder as the intensity increased. I looked down and watched as I slid in and out of her, my scales glistening from our sexual juices and her rump drenched in it. She wrapped her tail around my waist to help hold us together as she bucked and heaved under my thrusts. Now when she looked at me over her shoulder she was a snarling snorting female demoness and as much of an animal as I was. It was a brutal bestial coupling, the best kind as far as I'm concerned. Finally I picked up the pace until we were both screaming and bellowing and then I brought us both to a truly monumental mutual orgasm and our roars set off a seismograph in Iceland and all the dogs in Keflavik started barking. Then with a tired; but quite happy, hiss I dismounted from my huge equine partner.

She lay down and rolled over on her side and I snuggled next to those magnificent breasts and started licking them lazily. She licked my snout, and said,

"Mmmm, sweetie that was VERY nice, I must say I'm impressed. For a little fellow you surely know how to um, use your equipment. Snort! And that THING you do with your other tongue! I hope you're not through? Nicker, Hmmm?"

She don't know me very well, do she? I thought. I'm usually good for at least a half dozen times; sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on how well I'm motivated. And right now I was really motivated!

Next we did something I don't get very often. Because I'm so large, and four legged for all practical purposes even though I can use my front legs as arms, I don't get much oral sex.

I give it a lot; my Mistress loves it, but usually I'm not on the receiving end. I'm kind of indifferent about it, but when I do get it I don't complain, I'm not stupid. She rolled me over on my back and as I looked up at her questioningly she turned around and straddled me and, oh MY, what a view! I gave a long moaning gasp as she started swallowing my cock, and talk about deep throat! She took in every inch without even gagging! With my long neck I had no problem returning the favor and soon had my tongue deep inside of her and she grunted and moaned around her full mouth. Man, I had had NO idea of what I had been missing! Horse sex rules! When she came, about the same time I did, I roared into her as hot fluids gushed over my face. And she sucked me until I thought I'd pass out! My semen is red hot, literally, but being a Demi-Demoness she could handle my body temperature, but I was still impressed, pleasurably so. She fell over next to me with a deep grunt of pleasure and we both laid there for awhile coming down from our incredible sexual high. You know, I thought, I could get used to horses. Horsy style rocks! Hi Ho Silver Away!

About this time Vulva contacted me via our mind link, "PET, Where are you my little jelly bean? Your Mistress is looking for her naughty little Pet! Oh YES she is!"

"I'm not telling." I replied. "You'll have to find me, but in the meantime I'm having fun, so leave me alone. Hissss." Normally I wouldn't dare talk to my Mistress, but I was getting laid and didn't care. I figured as long as I was in trouble I might as well get the most out of it before I paid the price.

"PET, you are SO in trouble! What are you doing, and who's that there with you? I can see someone!"

Tell me something I don't know, I thought. "I'm fucking Equa, so go away."

"PET, NO! Don't let her..."

But I cut her off and ignored her; I had better things to do then get chewed out and pounded into a pulp by my Mistress. Stupid, silly, DUMB me.

After a few minutes Equa pulled me into her embrace again and I explored her lovely breasts again while she gave soft snorts and whickers of pleasure. Her nipples were huge and I loved to wrap the split end of my tongue around them and she loved it too. While I did that I softened the tip of my barbed tail and began stroking her mound and lips and she shivered in delight. Demons have the ability to use the barbed tips of their tails as deadly weapons or for foreplay; it's a demonkind thing. I can disembowel an enemy, tail fuck a female, open beer bottles, chew on it, it's very versatile. And what the females can do with their tails, I just shivered as I thought about that. They can fondle your balls while you're, well you get the idea. Finally she nudged me with her muzzle and I looked at her, and she said,

"Mmmm, I don't know about you sweetie but I'm hungry for more. You um, up for it? Hee Hee, snort!"

I looked at my aching erection, oh you bet I am, I thought. Normally I'm good for quite a few orgasms during one mating, but she was wearing me out fast, so I figured this was the last one for now. Boy was I wrong, again. I seem to be wrong a LOT.

She laid back and threw her legs open and I dived on top of her with a squeal of guttural lust. I thrust into her lovely wet embrace and started enthusiastically humping her again, hissing and bellowing while she snorted and neighed. After what seemed forever I finally thrust one final time and exploded, and she whinnied and wrapped her legs around me in a powerful grasp. I lay on top of her spent and happy. I tried to pull out of her, but her legs kept me pinned and my still hard cock stayed buried in her to the hilt which was fine with me, it felt sooo good.

"Mmm, I muttured, I'm through my lovely horsy, but give me a few minutes and I'll probably be good to go again. Mmmm."

She said in a deep guttural voice, "Sorry sweetie, but I just can't wait any longer; I want to eat you now, snort!"

"Mmmm, that's nice", Then what she'd said finally sank in, and I said "Say WHAT!?!"

She gave a deep moan, and said, "Mmmm, you're a little big, but you'll fit, don't worry sweetie. Snort!" Then she leaned forward and pinned my arms and wings against my sides with her huge, strong, hands.

"Equa! What are you doing, let me go!" I struggled and squirmed, but to no avail. My struggles made me thrust into her again, so at first I just started humping her again. Then all of a sudden I felt something warm and wet start sucking against my belly bands! I kept grunting in pleasure as I thrust, but I was starting to feel really bad about this.

"Equa, knock it off, this isn't funny!" I said as I frantically kicked and bucked as I kept fucking her. I couldn't stop, it felt so good as the wetness sucked at me eagerly. I came with a roar even as I kept thrusting as hard as I could, I can't stop I realized in amazed horror. I don't WANT to stop.

NOW I remembered she was a vore demoness, and I also remembered what she used to eat her victims! Oh Crappity, crap, crap, crap! How the HELL had I forgotten that! As it turns out vore demonkind have the power over their mates to make them forget what their last sexual act with them will be. I felt the warm wet feeling start to slide up my sides.


"Not so loud! Vulva replied. Still having fun my very bad little Pet?"

"NO! I said, Mistress, please help me! She's eating me, with her, you know."

"My, my Pet, I thought you were having fun fucking her, you told me to go away. Maybe I should let nature take its course and find and rape a new Pet? What do you think? Hisss."

"Mistress, this ISN'T natural! And you don't mean it do you? Do you really want to get rid of me?" I asked in a quivering voice. If my Mistress didn't want me anymore I might as well let Equa have me as I couldn't go on existing otherwise. I really do love my Mistress, with my whole twisted soul. She must have felt my devastation because she said,

"Of course not pet, but maybe I should just leave you a little longer to teach you a lesson? Hisss. What do you think?"

All of a sudden the powerful suction of Equa's nether lips suddenly pulled me upright and sucked in my wildly kicking legs and tail, and her legs let me go, but she kept my arms pinned with her hands. The whole time I kept thrusting as hard as I could, grunting in pleasure. With a snarl I tried biting her, but I think she enjoyed it. I looked down in horror, and something else (anticipation?) at the dark red wet lips wrapped around my waist. I had another orgasm, and hey suddenly heaved and I slid in another inch. Sluuuurp!

"EQUA! I screamed, KNOCK it OFF, this ISN'T funny anymore!" but she just moaned and said,

"Mmmm, UH UH, OHHHHH!" with her head thrown back, and her lips sucked me in another inch. Sluck!

"MISSTTRREESS! I don't think waiting is a good idea, and I've learned my lesson, I really have. Honest. If you don't save me soon all you're going to find is a fat happy horse demoness!" SLUURP! Oh shit! I gave a short shriek as another massive orgasm rocked me, oh it felt so incredible!

Equa suddenly gave a deep moan, and with a powerful shove forced my arms and wings down inside her vagina. Her lips looked soft and smooth; and they were, but they were incredibly powerful. I'm strong, and was panicking, but even I couldn't pull them out. SLUUURP, GURGLE! With a deep moan Equa lay back and spread her legs even further. SLUUUCCCKKK! And I was sucked in almost up to my shoulders! I felt the powerful ripples of her sex against my body and aching erection and exploded again. "UHHH URRGGGHHH!" I squealed.

I struggled and whimpered helplessly as the unbelievable feeling made me come and come again, I had never experienced anything like this. Maybe it was the horror of realizing I was being devoured alive, but whatever it was I couldn't resist. What if I used my fire plume? But my chest was too constricted to try that, I'd waited too long. Whether or not it would have had any effect I'd never find out. I gave a moan as her lips suddenly closed over my shoulders and around my neck and I came again, and then I felt my legs and tail slide through a tight opening into a larger one that felt wet and soft. Oh shit, that must be her womb or whatever vore demoness have! SLUUURRRPPP! My neck was long, but I was sliding in faster now and looked around desperately, but there was nothing I could do. SLLLUUURRRRPPP! GUUURRGGLLLLE! "ARGH, UH, UH, HIIISSSSS! I grunted as I came yet again."

"MMIISSTTRREESS! If you don't come get soon there won't be anything left!" I shrieked in her mind as Equa's pussy lips eagerly sucked at my head. "Equa, please don't do this!" I pleaded as my cum soaked head started sinking into her. I could still see down the tunnel of her vagina as the tip of my snout was still free, but the rock plug over the door didn't move. SLLUURRPPP!! GURRGGGLLLEEE! And I slid all the way inside and her lips closed over my snout with a wet smack. "NOOOO!" SLURP! "UGGGGHHHHH!" I gave a muffled gasp as I came yet again.

"Mistress, I said in my mind, I love you." I couldn't believe she hadn't come to save me, but if she didn't love me anymore I didn't care what happened anymore. If it meant being digested alive by a huge horse demoness, then so be it. I couldn't die, I would just cease to exist, but I didn't care anymore.

Equa gave deep grunts of pleasure as her lover disappeared into her, then neighed as a massive orgasm shook her. It was always the last one that was the best! She had felt him coming numerous times, they always did, and their own sexual fluids helped lubricate them to make it easier for her to swallow. She looked down at her stomach as it started to bulge outwards as he slid into her womb. "Mmm".

I finally slid all the way into her womb, or stomach, or whatever it was. Just before my head slid inside I felt Equa come and a torrent of hot sexual juices washed over me and I came again with a painful moan. I couldn't help but swallow some, ummm, it was good. I was curled up in a fetal position and pushed at the lining and it was soft and spongy and wet. And as I pushed I felt fluids flowing over my body, seeping from the lining of whatever I was in. Digestive fluids! I whimpered and started struggling frantically, pushing and kicking but it was like rubber coated soft steel. Slowly it tightened around me until I could hardly move and only whimper in terror. I didn't want to end like this!

Equa gave a grunt of pleasure as her lover started struggling, and she could see the ripples and bulges in her stomach. If he went on much longer like that she'd come again. She hoped he would, he had been a very energetic and pleasing lover.

I kicked and clawed and bit, but it didn't do any good. Suddenly I felt the organ around me heave and knew she'd come again, and more fluids oozed in until I couldn't keep my head above it anymore as it completely filled the sac. It started to tingle, and as it poured down my throat I felt myself start to lose consciousness, which would be a blessing. "Mistress, I, love, you, so, very, much." Were my last thoughts before oblivion claimed me.

Her gut had stopped churning and was quiet and peaceful now and Equa ran her hands lovingly over the large bulge in her stomach. His struggles had made her come several more times, he was so very energetic. Oh yes, he had been special! She thought. She looked up as the rock plug rolled away from the entrance to the room. Umm, too late she thought as she gently rubbed her distended gut.

Vulva strode into the room, several large beefy demons at her back. She stopped when she saw Equa's bulging gut and no sign of her Pet. She had heard his last thoughts as his mind faded and was very scared now. She really would miss him, a LOT! She knew that if he perished part of her would as well, and she would miss his love and outright adoration despite his other short comings. She also knew she loved him too, very much so. She looked at Equa and bellowed,

"EQUA, DAMN YOU! If you don't give him back I swear I will cut you open and the consequences be damned!" She gestured and one of the demons handed her a very nasty looking cutlass.

Equa looked at her and gave a grunt of pleasure as she stroked her massive stomach. "Why Vulva dear, whatever made you think I could eat a demon? He's just having a nice rest. I always let my demon lovers go, it's just the beasts and Imps that aren't so lucky. I mean, a girl has to eat you know."

Vulva, who didn't hang around much with vore demonkind (Uggh!) looked at her suspiciously, and said,

"What the hell do you mean?" she hissed, still testing the blade of the cutlass.

Equa replied, "You'll see, any minute now, just be patient."

Vulva looked at the demons, and said, "OK troops, hold her down, this will be messy! HIISSS!"

Suddenly Equa gave a deep equine squeal, and said, "Ohhh, uhhhh, this is always the hard part! They go in easy, but hate to come back out! Ohhh, urrrggghhh!! Neeeiiigghhhh!"

Vulva watched, her mouth open, as Equas vagina began to dilate and stretch. For the first time she also noticed the end of the leash hanging out of it. The demons all stared mesmerized too, but one did say "Ewwwwww! B-a-aaa!" It was gross and yet strangely erotic as well, and all the male demons soon had boners and she felt herself get wetter than usual.

With a hiss Vulva bent over and grabbed the end of the leash and started to pull. "Come on Pet, fight!" she called in her mind.

It was so nice and warm and quiet and I was having lovely dreams, then someone started choking me and my nice warm world started to heave and writhe. Noo, I thought, I want to stay here! But I felt myself start to be forced down a tight wet slick passage. I had no idea what was happening but I didn't like it, and tried to hold onto the sides. I felt my head and then my shoulders being forced through a tight opening. Noooo!

Equa moaned, "Uhh, uhhh, he's fighting it! Pull Vulva! If we don't get him out now we won't be able to for a long time, he's already started to change! If he slides back in he'll have to stay for the full thirty days!"

Vulva said, "What the HELL are you talking about!"

Equa moaned as she pushed at her stomach and her vaginal muscles strained. "If we don't get him out now he'll be reborn as a vore demon in a month! PULL Vulva!"

"WHAT!" Vulva shrieked as she pulled on the leash desperately. One of the demons joined her and added his strength, and the others said "Ewwwww!" The extra demon did the trick, and as Vuvla watched what looked like a bubble began to pop out of Equa's straining vagina, and then it burst with a wet sound and fluid came pouring out. "Ewwwwww!" Vulva and all the demons said at the same time.

"UHHHH, Equa gasped. My water broke, he's coming!" And she was too, as the demon slid out of her she shrieked as she orgasmed the whole time.

Vulva watched in mixed relief, fascination, and was totally grossed out as her Pet slid from Equa's vagina. Once his head and neck slid out the rest followed quickly. To her amazement he gave a squeal and tried to stick his head back up Equa's rapidly shrinking vagina. Equa said,

"No sweetie, sorry, your Mistress wants you back. You would have made a lovely male vore demon though."

I blinked as I saw light and struggled some more. NO, I don't want to go! But with a sudden fast push I slid out onto a hard wet surface. With a mewling squeal I tried to go back to the peaceful warm place, but couldn't. With an exhausted grunt I laid down with my eyes closed. Where was I, who was I? I coughed up some thick fluid, and raised my head and looked around blearily.

Vulva knelt down next to her Pet, but hesitated to touch him because of the thick mucus like goop he was covered in. Yeeck, she thought. "Pet? She called gently in her mind, Are you OK, can you hear me? Please say something my little jelly bean."

I heard someone talking in my mind. "Don't call me that", I thought. Then I suddenly remembered, I raised my head and looked at the beautiful demoness crouched next to me. She smelled familiar. "Mistress? I croaked, have I been bad again? Where are we?"

Vulva grabbed her Pet's head and hugged him, mucus and all. "Yes you have, but it's all right now."

"Mistress, do you really want to get rid of me?" I asked in a terrified voice, I seemed to remember something like that. There was something else too, a warm wet safe place? I couldn't remember much of anything though.

She hugged him harder and said "Oh no my Pet, never, your Mistress couldn't live without her brave little dragon to protect her. Not for a minute." And she was horrified to realize she was crying! And she also now recognized the strange emotion she'd felt as she and her loyal demons rushed to his aid, absolute terror that she' be left alone again for the rest of eternity.

With a wail I started crying, My Mistress did still love me, and still wanted me! I wailed and wailed and held her, so very, very happy.

Equa and the other demons kind of shuffled nervously, such a display of affection was not usual for their kind. Equa alone probably came closest to understanding it. She had started to make the little dragon one of her "children". The only way her kind of demonkind could reproduce was to take another demon into their body and give "birth" to them in a new form. She herself had been a goat-lizard many hundreds of years ago before her own Master had changed her. The other demons would never mention it though, they had all been in Vulva's service for centuries, some over a thousand years, and she was a good Mistress. They were completely loyal and satisfied with their lot, and would never betray her in any way. Not ever. Loyalty in Hell is rarely given, but once it has it is forever.

Finally with a final choking sob I had cried myself out for now, and in a worried voice I asked my Mistress, "Mistress, you won't give me to Equa, will you?" There was a moment of silence, then roars, bleats, neighs, and hisses of hilarity filled the room and one demon fell down he was laughing so hard.

"What? What'd I say?" I asked in an aggrieved voice.

Vulva just hugged her Pet again, and said "Don't worry my Pet, I'll tell you all about it later." And then she had to stop as tears of laugher ran down her face. Oh, my lovely little dragon she thought, how could I live without you?

She started wiping the gunk off her Pets head as it was getting dirt in it now and was getting really nasty, and then she noticed something on the back of his head and neck. Hair! Thick bristly black hair! She looked at Equa and said,

"Equa, what the HELL is this! HISSS!"

Equa just sat up and took a closer look, and smiled. "It's his mane, Vulva dear."

"WHAT! Shrieked Vulva, HIS WHAT?"

Main what, who? I thought in confusion. And who was the nice horsy? I flared my nostrils and nickered.

"Don't worry, said Equa, he was only in me for about an hour, so that's probably all the changes. I think it makes him look nicer, very handsome and dashing.

Vulva just grumbled, then said "Come on Pet, it's time for us to go home." She gave Equa a final dirty look as she led her Pet away, but Equa just smiled and waved. Vulva tried to picture her Pet as a vore demon and shuddered.

I was a little wobbly, but could walk OK. I rubbed my head against my Mistresses side in devotion as we walked out the door, and then something snorted and neighed. Before I realize it I threw up my own head and said "Neeiigghhh!" Then my Mistress and I looked at each other in shock, did I do that? I thought, and gave a loud snort. Did I do THAT too? I shook my head, nah, I just imaged it. I pressed my head against Vulva's leg again and crooned, and she reached down and scratched my HAIR?!?

Vulva couldn't help chuckling as she led her very confused, and shaky, Pet through the tunnels towards home. Well, she thought, at least he doesn't have hooves. And the mane was kind of cute, needed combing though. But first things first, they were both really nasty, so bath time. She would deal with Equa later; the vore demoness had scared the crap out of her and done who knows what to her Pets already somewhat fragile mind. She knew his antics were one of his ways of coping with what had happened to him, and with what he was now and had to do. He had been a gentle funny man and even with a soul part demon he wasn't really cut out for this life. He was still gentle and funny, at least for a demon. Some of her other Pets were like that. But they were what they were now and had to adapt one way or another. Frankly she liked him just like he was, and hoped he never changed. He had a strange way of endearing himself to almost anyone, or anything, he met. Maybe it was his loyalty and open honest desire to please? Even Great Lord Ba'al liked him, and that WAS strange.

As they neared her private quarters she gave her escort orders to go back to their own duties. Plus she made a mental note to reward them all the next day. She was harsh, but fair. Loyal service was rewarded generously. They found a bath that was still open, Hell never really shuts down as it's a 24/7 operation. Her Pet was so tired he was staggering now, so with the help of an attendant they lowered him into the boiling sulphur pool and she joined him. He moaned with pleasure as she rubbed him off with the clean sulphur, then it was the boiling mud pool, and he fell asleep in the boiling water pool. She washed him while he snored with soft hisses and looked at his "mane". It ran from the top back of his head down to the bottom of his neck and the shiny black hair was thick and bristly, but also silky smooth. She decided she liked it; it did make him look more handsome and dashing. Maybe she wouldn't destroy Equa after all. Fortunately that seemed to be the extent of his changes. She didn't know what she'd have done if she had to keep him in a stall! Though she had to admit being able to saddle and ride him might have been interesting. Then he gave a definitely equine nicker. Well, she thought, all the visible changes!

She finished cleaning him up; and boy was he filthy, then she started to wake him up, but hesitated. He'd been through so much. Finally; with a deep grunt, she picked him up and carried him back to her quarters. He rested his head over her shoulders and made little happy sounds. He was larger than she was but she was very strong, but he did seem heavier than usual. Probably just her imagination as she was dog tired too. Having a knock down drag out fight with the tech-mat staff, getting drunk, getting humped about twenty times, beating the snot out of her Pet, chasing after him all over half of Hell, and then having to pull him out of a vore demoness had left her exhausted too. And more than a little grossed out.

She entered her office, and the only ones who saw her other then the living photos and paintings was a small lizard that took one look, and then scampered under her desk. Tunnel lizard, she thought. Good, we need some. There was no sign of the man-eating tree demon, its pot was empty. It was probably out hunting. She laid her still soundly sleeping Pet on his rug and realized that yes, he was bigger now, and the rug was almost too small. She started to get into bed and then hesitated and looked him. Finally she lay down next to her Pet and put her arm protectively around him and he gave a soft happy squeal in his sleep as he smelled her. What would I do without you my little jelly bean?, Hisss, she thought. Be very, very lonely she knew. She gently licked his face and snout until she fell asleep too.

End Chapter 9


The Seeker, Chapter 10

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 10 By William W. Kelso I lay next to Mistress Vulva's desk and dozed contentedly. She had ordered me to stay and watch the office while she attended some sort of "Higher Ups Only"...

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The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing new characters.

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This chapter basically introduces two new characters to The Seeker series. I hope it is met with the same enthusiasm the previous chapters have received. The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing New Characters ...

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The Seeker, Chapter 7

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 7 By William W. Kelso I was lying on my back next to my Mistress's large ornate (butt ugly) desk while she checked the morning H-mail on the computer. The huge obsidian desk has...

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