The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing new characters.

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This chapter basically introduces two new characters to The Seeker series. I hope it is met with the same enthusiasm the previous chapters have received.

The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing New Characters

By William H. Kelso

Lydia whimpered as she tried the restraints for the hundredth time since she'd woken up in this horrible place. She had no idea where she was, all she knew was she was strapped spread eagle to a cold surface of some kind restrained with heavy chains connected to heavy leather cuffs around her ankles and wrists, and worst of all she was stark naked. She felt tears running down the sides of her face as she struggled some more. She finally thought she'd found a man who was really interested in her, but instead he'd drugged her and she'd woken up like this. He must be some sort of sadist or pervert, or both, but at least he hadn't raped her yet. She looked at the heavily beamed ceiling overhead and the brick walls that she could see. She seemed to be in the center of some sort of old warehouse or basement room, but there wasn't much light and she couldn't see much. The cool air had caused her nipples to harden, and she whimpered again.

She knew she wasn't much to look at, being pudgy with small breasts and a rather large posterior. Plus her bad childhood ache had ruined her complexion and her mousy dirty brown hair hadn't helped any. She could count the number of dates she'd had on one hand, and they'd all been failures like her. She was over forty now and still a virgin, and despite hopes had long given up on ever finding someone who might be interested in spending his life with her. Her only solace was romance novels and movies so she could at least imagine what it might be like to have a lover and to be wanted.

When the nice looking rather swarthy man had gone out of his way to be friendly to her at the bookstore she worked at part time she had been flattered, and had dared hope. He'd eventually asked her out to a nice little Italian restaurant which was very nice, and she thought he might be Italian himself, then when he'd invited her to his place for a "night cap" she'd been rather surprised, but thrilled. He was very polite and nice right up until he gave her a glass of wine, which was the last thing she remembered before waking up here. She started crying softly, all she'd wanted was to be loved as a woman. Had he tried to seduce her she would have let him willingly, but now she would most likely be tortured and/or raped, which was one Hell of a way to lose one's virginity. You'd have thought a guy as good looking as him could have found a much nicer looking victim, but maybe he wasn't picky. She struggled again, but all she succeeded in doing was making her already raw wrists and ankles worse, so she stopped.

She suddenly blinked and looked up as some rather dim lights came on, but after the near darkness they blinded her at first. She heard someone approaching and of course it was Tony. She was surprised to see he was wearing a black robe like a monk would wear and was carrying a large; very old looking, book. As he walked up to the table she was on she said,

"Tony, please, why are you doing this? You're really scaring me. If you really want me I'll let you, let you have me. Please, just not like this. Please let me go."

He responded, "Be quiet or I'll gag you. But you have no need to worry about your chastity from me, you're for someone else. Someone you'll be meeting very soon."

"Tony, please let me go. I'm a virgin, please; I've never done anything like this. I won't tell anyone, I promise. Please don't hurt me."

The man walked over and crammed a rubber ball gag in her mouth and looped the strap over her head. She squealed and fought, but it was useless. "I told you to be quiet you stupid bitch, and I know you're a virgin, that's why you're here. Did you really think I'd be sexually interested in a frumpy thing like you? No, you are for someone who puts great store in your pureness."

She just laid there as she could do nothing else, tears running from her eyes. She was terrified now, she was completely helpless and at the mercy of a madman. She couldn't even scream now, though her previous ones had done no good. She watched as he lit candles on some sort of stands at five places around the table, big fat black candles that gave off a strange odor like incense. Then he pulled a book stand over near the table and put the old book on it, lighting a couple of smaller white candles so he could read it. He puttered around for a few more minutes checking something on the floor she couldn't see, the he stepped up the book stand and let his rob drop and he was nude underneath. Oh God she thought, he IS going to rape me! She looked at his lithe body and he as very well hung his large penis limp and hanging down over his balls. It was the first time in her life she had been this close to a nude man, and under any other circumstances she would probably have been thrilled, and even now she couldn't help but stare at his maleness. She felt a sudden wetness between her legs, oh God she was actually becoming a little aroused! She whimpered and turned her head away. When he took her she hoped it wouldn't hurt very much.

He suddenly started speaking in some weird language she'd never heard before and the candles suddenly sputtered then got much brighter. How'd he do that she wondered? He kept speaking and suddenly said, in English, in a loud voice,

"Hear me Vulkrebs, patron Demon of Carnal Pleasure. Heed the call of your acolyte and attend me! I have an offering for you my Lord!"

He's nuts too she thought, then she looked around perplexed as she could feel a kind of pressure building, and suddenly there was a blast of hot air and her ears popped at the change in air pressure. There was also a large cloud of reddish smoke that blocked her vision for awhile. It cleared quickly, and when it did she realized she wasn't alone in what she now knew was a pentagram. She watched in growing horror as a huge creature unwrapped its wings from around itself, folded them, and stood up and stretched. It faced the man, who had summoned it, and said,

"Hey Tony, long time no see, what do you have for me buddy?" The thing reached out a hand with claws on the tips of the fingers and pressed it against seemingly thin air and there was a loud pop and shower of sparks. The thing shrugged apologetically, and said "Sorry Tony, just checking, old habits die hard. Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Tony stood with his head bowed, and said, "My Master I have a virgin sacrifice to offer you in order to renew my contract for another ten years in your service, if it pleases you My Lord."

The thing replied in its deep mellow voice, "Tony, no need to be so formal. Let's have a look at what you've found for me."

OMG, what IS it? She cringed in terror as the thing turned and walked over to the table, and she could hear hooves clopping on the floor. She looked up at it as it looked down at her. It was big, probably a good 500-600 pounds. It had a head that was a cross between a goat and a lizard with great curved goat's horns. Its muzzle ended in a large black rubbery wet looking nose, and it opened its mouth and ran a black forked tongue over fangs that would have done a T-Rex proud. It had dark reptilian eyes that stared at her emotionlessly. The things torso was nicely muscled and human looking, but like its face was covered in fine reddish colored scales with a scattering of wiry looking brown hair which was much thicker on its head. And it was most definitely, enormously, male. Sexually it looked more or less human, but in size it was more equine. She couldn't help but stare, and the thing; seeing where she was looking, reached down and fondled itself. With a muffled moan she turned her head away. And she could smell it too, a powerful male musk. Oh my God, I'm being sacrificed to the Devil! She closed her eyes and started to cry again, it was so Goddamned unfair.

"Well, hello my pretty", Vulkrebs said as he looked down at the woman on the altar. Her position hid nothing from him. He ran his tongue over his black rubbery lips again. She was no beauty, but she was a virgin and that was all that mattered. He could smell her pureness, and was pleased to scent her own growing arousal despite her fear. It was always much nicer when they "cooperated". She had nice wide hips though; so would do well in the breeding pits, or hopefully she would accept his offer and become one of his Pets. But he could not take her virginity; she must give it to him willingly. Leaning over her he ran his tongue across her breasts with a wet slurp, leaving a glistening trail of saliva and was pleased her nipples were already hard.

She could smell the creature, could even feel the warmth it radiated. She found herself responding to his musk, it smelled like burnt cinnamon. With horror she felt herself growing warmer and wetter. When she suddenly felt his tongue slide across her breasts she whipped her head back and found herself staring at his face from just a few inches away. His eyes looked into hers, and she realized that in a way they were strangely beautiful. He gently licked her face, and said,

"There is no need for this mean old gag anymore, is there my dear? Let us remove it, shall we?" And he hooked his claws around the strap and pulled it off of her head, the ball out of her mouth, and with obvious distaste threw it away. ‘Such a horrible thing to put in so pretty a mouth, I mean really Tony!"

She looked up at the thing in horror, "Please, please don't hurt me." She begged in a soft terrified voice. "Please." The thing reached down and gently kneaded her breasts and she closed her eyes. "Please!"

Vulkrebs just kept gently kneading the woman's breasts, and bending over he slowly and thoroughly licked them, wrapping the tip of his forked tongue around her nipples. He could smell her arousal slowly increasing and gave a hiss of pleasure as he slowly ran his tongue between her breasts, down her stomach, and between her legs. He ran his tongue over her pudenda gently tracing its outline. It was a nicely raised mound with ample pubic hair; he thought it was quite lovely. In fact he thought she was quite beautiful, to him beauty in a mortal was based solely on one thing, their purity. He slowly worked his tongue inside of her and could taste her own sexual fluids as she was already wet; they always were under his expert touch as he was a Sex Demon and had thousands of years of practice. He ran his tongue over her lips and clitoris, then inside as far as he could go, being a virgin he could only penetrate her so far with his tongue. He was a little surprised she still had her hymen intact; and it was fully formed, which meant she had never even masturbated. Most virgins had at least done that, so this meant she had never had sex, not even with herself. Very rare, but very nice, for him. While he had been exploring her with his tongue she had moaned and whimpered and he knew her body had enjoyed his attentions even if her mind hadn't. He ran his tongue back up her stomach to her breasts and fondled them again for awhile. Then he pressed his muzzle against her face and pushed against her lips with his tongue and her mouth opened to admit him, and hissing in pleasure he ran his tongue deep down her throat and she sucked eagerly at him. Yes, he had a good feeling about this one. The scent of her arousal and the taste of her sexual juices had brought him to a state of full arousal, and as he stood up his rampant penis bobbed up and down with pre dripping from its tip in copious amounts. The woman stared at it with large eyes reflecting a mixture of terror and desire.

She couldn't believe this was happening as she opened her mouth to let the creatures tongue slide down her throat. The explored the inside of her mouth with his long prehensile tongue, and then slid it deep into her throat and she found herself licking and sucking at it. He looked at her with his beautiful eyes as he "kissed" her passionately, and she responded helplessly. She had felt his wet warm tongue first on her breasts, and then down there. He had been amazingly gentle and had not hurt her, only gave her pleasure she'd never before experienced in any way. She had touched and explored herself many times, but had been scared to force anything into herself, but those self stimulations paled next to what his tongue had done. Finally he pulled his tongue from her and stood up and she gasped at the sight of his huge erection. Oh my God, she thought, he'll split me in half!

Vulkrebs sprang onto the altar and crouched over the woman who stared first at his face, then at his jutting erection which was dripping pre onto her stomach, then back at this face, her eyes wide and terrified. In a trembling voice she asked him,

"Are, are, you the Devil?" His legs were those of a goat ending in shiny black hooves, and a long lizard like tail whipped slowing back and forth behind him. He had curly dark brown hair and she could see more small scales underneath his fur. He was a beast; yet beautiful in an erotic way, and he radiated sex and maleness.

He gave a deep chuckle, "No lady, I am not He, but for the compliment I thank you." Then he leaned forward and licked her face and she moaned again.

"Please, she said, please don't hurt me" in a scared, but throaty, voice. She couldn't take her eyes off him. His only response was to lick and fondle her breasts again, and she moaned at the sensuous touch.

He leaned closer and "kissed" her again for a long time, and she kissed him back with her eyes closed, her whole body trembling. He pulled his tongue from her mouth, and softly whispered into her ear,

"I cannot take your virginity lady; you must give it to me freely. In doing so I will take your body and soul and you will be mine for eternity, but I promise you more pain and pleasure then you could ever imagine. I promise I will be as gentle as I can be seeing as what I am, it is up to you." He kissed her again for awhile as he fondled her breasts, then reared back and waited hopefully for her answer.

He was not allowed to tell her the alternative; that if she refused the offer she would be dragged down to Hell anyway and be bred in the breeding pits of Hell for the animals and beasts of hell can breed only with human virgins, male or female. That she would spend eternity pregnant, giving birth to half human half animal offspring. She stared at him for a minute, then to his surprise asked him,

"Do, do you think I'm pretty? Or do you only want me for my virginity?"

Caught off guard he stared, blinked, and then smiled and said, "Lady a demon such as I gains his power from the virgins he mates with, and they become his slaves in Hell, but as demonkind themselves. But yes, I think you are the most beautiful and desirable female I have ever seen as you are what one such as I desires more than any other." And he leaned over and kissed her again, long and slow, running his tongue deep into her mouth and throat.

As the creature kissed her again she could fell the tip of his penis rubbing against her stomach and to her own surprise she realized that yes, she did want this male as her mate, she did want to give him her virginity and take what he offered in return. And somehow she knew he told her the truth, that he did find her beautiful and desirable, the only male who had ever done so. She could smell his warm musk and the feel of his tongue inside her mouth and throat was in itself amazingly erotic and pleasurable and she had never felt this way before about any male, even the movie stars she had fantasized about. She knew it was wrong, that such desire was unnatural and perverted, but she didn't care. As he pulled away from her she looked in his emotionless eyes again, and said,

"Yes, please make me a woman; please show me what it's like to be loved." And added in a slightly pleading voice, "Please don't hurt me too much."

Vulkrebs was delighted; he had not desired a virgin mate this much in a long time. Most he was offered were empty headed hormone drenched teenagers or young girls, fun to fuck and they made adequate slaves, but rare was a partner so truly willing, so truly desperate for his services. Once in his youth long ago he would have taken her brutally; more like the beast he was, and had she been a bimbo he most likely would have taken her as a beast as well. But as he had grown older he had found that in some cases slower and gentler could be much more pleasurable. Even one such as he could be a considerate lover. But still he was not human, and knew he would cause her some pain, but it would pale in comparison to what came next. He kissed her again, and said,

"It will hurt, but I will also give you the pleasure I promised to the extent of my ability. But the pain will merge with the pleasure, and they are best if experienced together my love, I will give you agonizing ecstasy beyond your wildest dreams. Our coupling will be glorious."

He reached behind him and undid the leather cuffs on her ankles. For him to mount her from behind was more natural for him. It would be somewhat awkward like this, but he wanted to see her face as he took her, he wanted to look into her eyes as she started to change. He crouched and pulled her rump up onto the top of his legs and pressed his penis against her wet swollen sex, then with a grunt of pleasure he pushed the head of his penis against her lips and penetrated her and felt her hymen break and she gave a scream of pain, then gasped as he kept sliding into her. He used his fingers to help spread her wider to accept his huge erection, rubbing her clitoris as the same time and she bucked and arched, gasping in pain and pleasure. It took him almost a half an hour to penetrate her to the hilt as he slowly worked his way into her, then he grasped her around the waste and will hissing grunts an bleats of pleasure began to fuck her with steady powerful thrusts and she squealed and sobbed, spreading her legs as wide as she could and then grasping him around his waist as her heels drummed against his back.

The beast smiled at her as she accepted his offer, oh God what was she doing! But she did want him, God forgive her. She knew he could satisfy her every need. He kissed her again, then reached behind him and freed her ankles. He slid forward and pulled her rear and legs onto his warm furry legs, then pressing the tip of his penis against her vagina he began to penetrate her, slowly and as gently as he could. She closed her eyes and gave a brief scream as she felt her hymen tear and then gasped as he slid deeper into her. She writhed and whimpered, sometimes crying in pain as he pushed himself deeper into her. She could tell he was holding back and loved him for it, and it felt better than anything she had ever imagined, and as he had promised there was pain but the pleasure merged with the pain and largely canceled it out. She spread her legs as wide as she could and clasped him to her, and as he started to thrust into her she drubbed her heels against his back, gasping and moaning as she pulled against the wrists cuffs, she wanted to embrace him and hold him as close as she could. Almost as if he read her mind he reached over her with his long arms and instead of undoing the cuffs just snapped the chains, and with a sob she grabbed him around his shoulders and he pulled her upright so she was literally sitting in his lap and she felt him slide a little further into her and screamed in ecstasy. She held him and moaned as he moved inside of her, his huge hardness sliding in and out rubbing against every inch of her sex. She cried from the pain and pleasure, and he licked her breasts, face and shoulders and hissed softly, his huge clawed hands strong yet gentle as he pulled her down onto him again and again. He was so warm and smelled so good and she pressed her face into his furry chest and moaned.

Vulkrebs leaned forward and balanced on his hooves as he kept humping the woman and pressed his muzzle against her mouth again and she screamed and moaned around the tongue in her mouth and throat, kissing him back as he grunted and bleated his own pleasure. He had not been lying when he told her he loved her, at this time in his long life she meant more to him than anything. His own pleasure went far beyond a mere coupling, this was a mating in every since of the word and she would never be the same afterwards. He was a creature of evil; of pain and suffering, but like any other living thing he craved someone to love him even if only briefly and he could feel compassion for another. With a grunt he pulled away from their kiss long enough to break the chains still binding his lovers wrists, and then as she grasped at him he pulled her into an embrace and sat back on his hooves and gave a deep grunt as he penetrated her even deeper, and she arched her back and screamed, then pulled him close to her and he felt her head against his chest and smiled. He held her firmly around the waist as they moved together and her tears of pain and pleasure soaked into his fur as he licked her. She is so beautiful he thought, she has waited so long for one to give her pleasure and she is giving so much in return. Yes, even one such as he could love under the right conditions. He could tell she was nearing her climax by her scent and increasing desperation as she grasped and clawed at him. He was having trouble holding himself back any longer which surprised him, he so wanted to fill this female with his seed, to take part of her soul and bind her to him, and also give her part of his own soul. It was a joining like no other. He slowly picked up the speed of his thrusts and she groaned and clawed at his back and then suddenly let out a brief laugh which he found incredibly erotic, none of his mates had ever done that before! They screamed, begged, cried, but never laughed! He thrust once, then again, and then threw his head back and roared as he exploded and ejaculated deep inside of her and he kept coming until his seed was dripping from their joining and running down his fur to drip onto the altar, and his lover went wild.

She still couldn't really believe this was happening, that this terrifying yet strangely gentle creature was making love to her. It was not rape; she wanted this more than anything she'd ever wanted. She moaned again as he pulled her down on him yet again and ran his tongue over her face. She suddenly had a thought, talk about looking for love in all the wrong places; she was losing her virginity and soul to a Demon from Hell! She had been brought up to be terrified at the thought of the Devil and Hell, and her she was giving herself willingly to a Demon as his lover! Unable to stop herself she gave a brief snort of laughter at the irony of it all. And almost as if that was a signal the great beast began to increase the rate of his thrusts and she gave soft screams as she felt something she had never felt before began to happen inside of her. It went beyond mere pain and pleasure. When he suddenly threw his head back and roared and she felt his hot seed spurt deep inside of her she threw her own head back and screamed as she felt an explosion of her own, and grabbing his shoulders she rode him, milking him as much as she could until his seed was spurting from them as they came and came. She screamed again as she felt something being torn from deep inside of her, and something else taking its place, something dark and feral. With a final sobbing gasp she collapsed against his chest and he held her for awhile, both breathing heavily as they kissed. He ran his hands over her body and buried his muzzle in her hair, scenting and smelling his new mate and she hugged him and cried softly, her face still buried in his fur.

Then still holding her to him he scooted back until his legs found the edge of the table and bracing himself with his hands he lowered his hooves to the floor, keeping himself in her to the hilt the whole time while she moaned. Then leaning forward her pinned her shoulders and began to thrust into her again, fast and hard. She bucked and arched herself and looked at him in uncertainty even as she gave a soft cry of pain and pleasure. She gave a guttural moan as the change started, and he watched as her eyes changed first. Her irises and pupils narrowed; turning gold in color and became vertical as the whites faded to black with silver specks in them and he saw the fires of Hell ignite deep inside. Her new nictitating eyelids flicked across them. A fire demoness he thought, how nice! She blinked again, and now the eyes staring back at him were now as reptilian and as emotionless as his own, and to him beautiful. Then she closed her lovely new eyes and shrieked as the change continued, screaming from pain and pleasure as they moved together.

He stayed inside of her but she didn't care, as he had promised she had never before experienced such pain and pleasure, such agonizing ecstasy. So this was what making love was like, she had missed so much for so long! He moved backwards and took her with him until with a grunt he lowered his legs to the floor, then leaning forward he held her shoulders and began to thrust into her fast and hard and she squealed and arched herself for him, gasping at the pain and pleasure. She felt what he had given her began to grow inside of her, and she felt herself start to change and remembered what he had said, that he would take part of her soul and give him part of his and that she would become a Demon like him. She could feel it happening now and it terrified her. Her eyes began to burn a little and her vision became blurred for awhile, but they soon cleared and he was looking down at her with a loving smile on his muzzle. Then the real pain started and she screamed and frothed at the mouth as she felt her insides began to change, yet still she clasped him to her with her legs around his waist and soon they reached another mutual orgasm, and then another and she went almost insane from the unbearable; and still growing, pain and pleasure. She watched as red scales spread over her arms and her fingernails lengthened into razor sharp obsidian black talons and could feel the rest of her body twisting and writhing as it morphed into something entirely new. She squealed and sobbed as the internal pain increased and he leaned over and kissed her own growing muzzle and that helped so much, his love and concern deadening her agony to a more bearable level. Suddenly he flipped her over on her belly; still inside of her, so he could take her from behind and it was SO much better this way. She clutched at the surface of the altar, her new claws digging into the actual rock, and shrieked as he serviced her. Slowly her sounds became less human and more bestial; her screams and sobs fading to bellows and hissing shrieks. Roaring, she felt her tail growing and wrapped it around his waist.

She turned her head on her still lengthening neck and they kissed, but now her tongue was also forked and as long as his and it was oh so much better as she slid her tongue deep into his mouth and they wrapped their tongues around one another's. She hissed in pleasure, oh YES, much better! And best of all was she could feel him growing inside of her, his penis lengthening and thickening as he serviced her nonstop, grunting and roaring in agonizing pleasure of his own. She had no more regrets at was happening to her, no more fear. It hurt, but it hurt so good, it was strange and terrifying and marvelous. She gave one final shriek of agony as large bulges on her back split open to release bat like wings which quickly grew much larger as they flopped aimlessly at first, before neatly folding across her back. They kissed one more time as they climaxed yet again, and then with a happy grunt he dismounted from her and she lowered her tail. I have a tail she thought, and wings, and I feel so strange. But for now she was too weak and spent to do anything except rest still draped across the altar as her Master turned to address Tony. At the thought of him she hissed and growled in hatred.

Vulkrebs watched in delight as the change to his newest slave progressed. She soon grew lovely red scales over her body and it began to twist and change its shape. When it became too painful he would kiss and hold her to make it more bearable. He realized several things as the transformation from human to Demonic progressed as the part of his soul he had given her brought out the beast in her for no human can possess a soul part Demon and remain human. The first was that she was a fire Demoness, the second she was a Dragon, and the third and most surprising surprise was that she was a Seeker! He fucked her the whole time and they climaxed again and again, and she held onto him with her legs even as they changed and gave as good as she got, a most energetic and very pleasing lover, and his love for her entered a new stage. How delightful to have so demanding a mate! He felt her pain increase again as she entered the final stage of her transformation, and knowing what he had to do he flipped her over as her back spines and wings began to form, and she whipped her rapidly growing tail around his waist and turned her head; which was now entirely reptilian; so they could kiss. Oh yes, she was magnificent! They came again and again, roaring and bellowing their lust, and finally he was spent and slid from her and she collapsed across the altar, her claws still dug deeply into the black basalt of which it was made. She gave soft hisses of contentment, but at one point growled at, or about, something. A deep menacing growl what Vulkrebs recognized, a sound of pure hate.

Vulkrebs turned away from the new Demoness in a happy daze and faced the Sorcerer Tony. "Your offering is acceptable; you have another ten years until your next sacrifice is due." Turning back to her he performed the final act which would bind her to him for eternity, and using the now incandescently white hot tip of his tail he burned his brand into her flank and she just hissed a little as it would take much more than mere heat to harm her now.

Tony had been watching the intense coupling in the pentagram with a rock hard erection of his own. He had seen his Master take numerous virgins; either as mates or to drag down to Hell still virgins to serve in the breeding pits, for over 400 years. But he had never seen a mating like this one. It looked like she was enjoying being raped by a Demon hung like a horse! And when they finished he could almost swear his Master was walking a little tenderly. He just shook his head when his Master accepted his offering and gave him another ten years of life and youth. All he knew was he needed to get laid himself, BAD! He watched as his Master picked up the new Demoness who a short time before had been human, and they both disappeared from the pentagram.

Having finished his business with Tony Vulkrebs turned to back to the new Demoness and gently picked her up. She was still confused and would be for awhile and as it was near dawn; they had coupled for hours!, and they must be away before the breaking of dawn. Crouching he wrapped his wings around them and suddenly they were elsewhere. Home! He flared his nostrils as the hot winds of Hell caressed him in welcome. He laid his new mate down and watched as she scrambled to her feet and looked around in confusion and uncertainty.

She felt him pick her up and she clutched him, then he spread his wings over them and she felt a sudden sense of disorientation and a feeling something like being in a rapidly descending elevator. When he unfolded his wings the dim room was gone and there was a bright harsh light that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

He said "Welcome to Hell my love, your new home for you are one of us now. You are a very special Demoness indeed my lovely new slave."

He set her down and she stood up somewhat shakily. With a hiss she moved to him and grasped his leg, looking around in fear. She ran her tongue over her new sharp fangs and some salvia dripped from her mouth and when it hit the ground it popped and burst into flame! Well that was unexpected but interesting. There was a warm pleasant wind blowing and she felt sand brush against her scales and her other eyelids snapped closed to protect her eyes and that was interesting too, she had two sets of eyelids now! She looked at the bright harsh sky, but there was no sun, and looking around some more she realized they were standing in the center of a great ruined temple of kind in the center of a great pentagram laid into the rock in solid silver. It was surrounded by a great barren desert that stretched into the distance. Then when he told her where they were; though some part of her already knew, she closed her eyes and clung to him shaking. He was her only link to what she had been before and she needed that comfort. She still didn't know what she was for sure, and was terrified. It was all so very strange.

He could tell she was scared; the new ones always were, so Vulkrebs scratched her brow ridges and she hissed in pleasure, and leaving the ruins he started down an ancient partially buried stone road made from great slabs. She trotted at his side on all fours as that stance was more natural for her now and she kept close. He looked at her from time to time, very pleased with the new addition to his Pets. She was a dark red fading to black on her banded belly scales, and had black highlights. Her two horns, back spines, wings, and claws were shiny and black, very pretty. Her muzzle or snout resembled a beak as it was solid bone back as far as her eyes and she had slits for nostrils and her eyes were protected by bony brow ridges and slightly sunken, and her black rubbery lips opened to reveal truly impressive rows of fangs, her lovely black forked tongue licking over them. Her back spines became progressively smaller as they ran down to the tip of her sinuous barbed tail which he thought was very sexy. It slowly whipped back and forth enticingly and he felt a stir in his loins, but that would have to wait as he had other matters to attend to. He had been away much longer then he had anticipated. She looked around and every now and then ruffled her wings and looked at them in interest and he knew he would have to teach her to fly, but it would be easy as she already had the natural instinct to do so. She was fairly large, about 500 pounds, but a runt by regular Fire Dragon standards, but she was a very special Fire Dragon and her size was perfect for what her new purpose in life was. She would be a fetcher of souls whose time was up and were overdue to pay their debt, she was a "Seeker" and her function was to drag those souls down to Hell. No, she was very special and no regular Fire Dragon would dare to call her puny. He reached down and stroked her head and she hissed in delight. Yes, he was most satisfied with his new slave. But though a slave she was also his mate.

She followed her Master closely, scared of this strange new place. She tried to stand up at first, but it was awkward, so she dropped to all fours which was much better. So I'm a quadruped now, oh well. Hell? It was her home now and she understood that she belonged here, but it still scared her. But she knew as long as she was with him nothing could harm her, and she brushed against his reassuring leg as often as possible and it seemed to please him as he would stroke or scratch her head, and she hissed happily. She truly loved this great being that had been the only one who had ever found her desirable, and his rich musky scent was so very nice, so male. She knew he had damned her to Hell, but didn't care. Her old life had been a kind of Hell as well, and at least here she had someone who loved her and what could be more important? She squealed her love and rubbed against him again.

As they progressed they passed other denizens of their home. He ignored the Imps and beasts who all bowed respectfully (if they knew what was good for them) and he acknowledged greetings from lesser demons and exchanged pleasantries with those his equal, or gave polite greetings to those who were greater than he, and once when a sand demon who was a Lord passed he bowed in respect. He was quite pleased with the comments; often jealous, about his new companion. She often hid behind him when they met these others, but would venture out when the she realized they were no threat and would curiously sniff at them.

At one point something suddenly grabbed her tail and she squealed in fear and bit at the tentacle as it tried to drag her off the road. Vulkrebs stepped over and spoke a word of power and bright bolt of lightning (?) shot from his palm and exploded in the sand and with a wail whatever had her let go and disappeared. Vulkrebs fired another bolt for good measure, and said.

"Damn sand hydras don't know their place anymore. My Pet, next time you are attacked like that use your fire plume."

She hissed "Thank you Master. Um, Master, what's a fire whatchamacallit?"

"Ah Yes my Pet. My bad, I forgot you are so new. Hmm, you see that large tree over there?" She shook her head. "Just try to hock up spit at it from deep in your throat." Then he stood back.

She looked around uncertainly, then looking at the tree she tried to hock up and darted her head forward and to her amazement a stream of super heated air shot out of her mouth. As the shimmering stream of air hit the tree it burst into incandescent flame and she played the inferno over the trees trunk. With a yell the tree jumped up and ran off a ways; then rubbing some branches against its smoking trunk it yelled,

"Geeez Vulkrebs, what the Hell did I ever do to you!"

"Sorry about that, replied Vulkrebs, just a new Dragon trying out her fire plume for the first time. You really do look like a tree you know."

The tree demon replied, "Yeah, well you look like a butthead. And next time have her try it out on YOUR ass you big schmuck." Then it walked away whimpering while it rubbed its blackened trunk.

Vulkrebs just chuckled. He'd send the big baby a gift of some kind to make up for it. Then he scratched his pet on her nose. "Good aim my dear. That's one of your main defenses, so don't hesitate to use it. Not much use against demonkind, but it vaporizes just about anything else including sand hydras. Fry a few of them and the rest will leave you alone. Now we've wasted enough time."

She looked over her shoulder at the smoking tree demon. Sorry, she thought. Her Master had started walking again, so with a squeak she hurried to catch up and rubbed her head against his leg. She squealed in delight and licked his hand when he reached down and rubbed her head plate ridge.

Then another demonkind approached and things got very interesting, and Vulkrebs was quite pleased with how things developed. As the huge Fire Dragon passed overhead it saw them and banked into a spin and landed in front of them light as a feather. He smiled when he recognized the Dragon he said,

"Vulkna, it is good to see you lovely lady! Tell me, have you seen my sister lately?

Then to his surprise his new Pet sat down and looked up at the huge Dragoness in wonder, and spoke!

"Master, hiss, who is this? She looks like me!"

Many of his slaves did not have the power of speech, and he had assumed she did not either, but was very glad he had been mistaken. It was not that important as they could still understand one another perfectly, but it was a nice capability of course. He stroked her head and she squealed in delight, and told her,

"This Dragoness is Vulkna, and old friend of mine. And you are a Dragoness as well, but a very special one. Say hello to the nice lady my Pet."

She ducked her head shyly and said, "Hello Great One."

Vulkna hissed and said, "She's lovely Vulkrebs dear, where did you get her?"

He proudly said, "She is one of mine, we are just returning from the old main portal. She has only been demonkind for a short period, and is new to this place. And as I'm sure you noticed she is a Seeker as well, my first one!" And he stroked his new Pets head lovingly, and she hissed and crooned as she pressed against his hand and held it with one of hers.

Vulkna looked closer, and said "Well so she is! You're lucky my friend, even some of the Lords do not have a Seeker of their own. This is a most interesting development considering what's been happening recently."

"What do you mean?" Vulkrebs asked curiously.

"If you'd visit your sister Vulva more often than once every one hundred years you'd know, and that's all I'll say for now. I will say you'll be an uncle again soon though."

Vulkrebs laughed, "So my dear sister got herself knocked up again, it's about time. Tell me, who's the lucky Lord?"

Vulkna laughed herself, "Visit her and find out! That's all I have to say. All I can say is it will be a big surprise."

"The good kind of surprise, or the run and scream kind of surprise?" Vulkrebs half jokingly asked. Surprises in Hell, even for one of his power, were usually to be avoided like the Light of Heaven. The he suddenly noticed movement on the Dragoness's back. "By Big L I think you're got hitchhikers Vulkna!"

"As to the surprise you'll just have to find out, as to the "hitchhikers" say hello to my latest clutch of hatchlings. Children, say hello to Uncle Vulkrebs." The hatchlings all piped "Hewo Unca Vulkrebs".

"Why Vulkna! You randy old Dragoness! Congratulations, they're darling." Then to his surprise his new slave walked towards the huge Dragoness, evidently infatuated by the hatchlings. He almost called her back, but seeing that Vulkna was not upset with the strange Dragoness's approach decided not to. He felt a little concern when one of the hatching hopped down from her mother's back and approached the Seeker.

She looked with awe at the huge, beautiful, Dragoness as she talked with her Master. She hoped she would be that big someday. And what was a Seeker? It seemed she was one, but had no idea what that meant. It seemed to please her Master though, so that was OK with her. When she saw the hatchlings on the great Dragoness's back she couldn't help herself, and slowly approached for a closer look. She kept low and submissive as she knew the great Dragoness's would be defensive of her children, but when one got down and approached her curiously the great one showed no disapproval. The little Dragoness walked up to her and looked at her with its beady little reptilian eyes, and she lowered her head and sniffed it. It sniffed her back, blinked its eyes, and then licked her muzzle. She licked it back and it peeped in pleasure. Turning around it scampered back to her mother, ran up the lowered wing, and joined her siblings. "She's like Daddy"; she heard it tell the others. "Daddy, Daddy, we want to see Daddy!" They all started squeaking.

Vulkna said, "Don't worry my lovelies; we'll see Daddy again soon." This brought a response of "Yaays!" Happy hisses, and "No, see Daddy now!" But they soon settled down with happy squeals, "Daddy, Hiss, Daddy!"

Vulkrebs had been watching the whole exchange in amusement, and said "I think my Pet made a good impression with the hatchlings. I wonder if I might ask a boon of you Vulkna. As I said she is new and does not even know what she is yet, since you are both female Fire Dragons would you be willing to take her under your wing; as it were, and show her around. I would of course be willing to pay any reasonable compensation for your time, or if you're too busy; what with the new family and all, I can certainly understand."

"Why Vulkrebs, I wouldn't mind at all! Vulkna replied, she's a sweet little thing and the hatchlings like her, and frankly I'd like the company. I've been given a "leave of absence" by my Master Vulcan until the hatchlings can fare for themselves, so have plenty of time. First vacation I've had in five hundred years, but the old grouch was pleased by my new additions to his ranks. As for compensation, having her around to help watch the horde will be more than enough. They're just about run me ragged, never had a clutch this big before! When do you want me to collect her?"

Vulkrebs had been trying to count the chicks, and was surprised as the number of hatchlings. Fifteen! Ten was not unusual as Fire Dragons were slow to breed, but fifteen was NOT usual. "Well, the father must be a virile fellow. If you have the time please pick her up sometime in the next few days, I still need teach her to fly and other then that I'm going to be too busy to give her much attention. The IRS is sending a ghoul to check my books for the regular centennial audit and you know how that is!"

"Oh yes, Daddy is most virile, you have no idea!" Vulkna replied, which resulted in more squeals of "Daddy, Daddy!" from the chicks. "I'll come and get her tomorrow afternoon unless that's too soon. You're lucky about the IRS; at least you had some warning. Who'd you bribe?"

"You can pick her up at the main entrance to my domain at around 5:00 local time if that's OK? Good. As to who I bribed wouldn't you like to know! See you tomorrow then, and congrats again on the kiddies."

With a loud "See you later!" and squeals of farewell from the hatchlings, the huge Dragoness sprang into the air with ease and flapped her way over the burning sands of the desert towards a distant smoking volcano, rapidly growing smaller.

She watched as the Dragoness flew away, and turning her head she looked at her own wings again and gave them a flap or two. She felt a yearning she'd never felt before, she wanted to fly too! Oh so very badly. She looked hopefully at her Master and he smiled, and said,

"Don't worry my lovely little Dragoness, I'll teach you to fly soon. Now come, it is getting late and I'm tired. You wore me out my little sex fiend!"

She wasn't sure if that was a compliment, but he seemed pleased and that was all that mattered. She flapped her wings again and looked longingly at the bright burning sky. He scratched her head and with a happy hiss she followed him. She wondered if she should tell him she was pregnant, she didn't know how she knew, but she just did. She decided she'd wait for a few days. She was very pleased as she had always wanted children; the fact that they'd hatch from eggs didn't bother her in the least.

Eventually they reached the face of a large cliff or mountainside and she saw there were openings in the face, some at ground level, and others higher up. They approached one of the larger entrances and it was guarded by what she at first thought were other demonkind, but later found out were High Imps trusted with the honor of guarding the entrance to their masters domain. They were nude and one looked liked like a Billy Goat man of some kind, and the other was the same but female. Both held nasty looking trident shaped pole arms that glowed faintly with power and somehow she knew they were deadly even to Demons. The two guards bowed low to their Master and his companion and hastened to open the gates for his passage. He just ignored them as they entered his domain.

She looked around as they walked down gloomy tunnels, but she had no trouble seeing in the gloom. Her eyes glowed from the Hell fire burning in them, and most creatures including some demonkind looked away from that terrible burning gaze. Fire demons were an unpredictable lot, and not to be trifled with unless you were really stupid. In some of the many chambers opening off of the tunnels some of the creatures were hard at work making things of all different kinds. In some they were making jewelry or decorations, and in others what looked like furniture of some kind. Once they passed a larger room in which some of the creatures were eating; rather sloppily, and they all stood and bowed as the Master passed.

Eventually they came to a door, the only one she'd seen except for the entrance gates, and to her surprise it looked like a regular office door and had a glass pane in the upper part with two different rows of characters painted in gold. She couldn't read one, but the other said in English "Vulkrebs Enterprises, Limited". They passed through a large outer office with the biggest desk and chair she'd ever seen with a; of all things, computer on top. That was all the furniture except for a large bookcase and one other chair with a gold chain across the arms and a sign that said "Lords Only".

They passed through another room with what looked like a large bar and liquor cabinet against one wall, a large aquarium, and very little else except for some decorative statues and stuff, then went down a hall to what could only be a bedroom. It had the biggest bed she'd ever seen; it was so huge there was plenty of room under it even for her. Her Master went into another smaller room and she heard the sound of running water. She suddenly realized she wasn't thirsty in the least and wondered what she did drink, or eat? She had a feeling it wasn't water anymore. He finished up and came out of the bathroom and headed towards the bed.

She intercepted him and brushed against his legs as she circled him, hissing softly and hopefully. She nuzzled and gently licked his genitals, running her tongue over his balls and penis. "Master, please?" she asked shyly.

He laughed and said "I'm never too tired for that my love!" And oh how she loved that word!

He sat on the side of the bed with his legs spread and she licked and caressed his penis and balls until he slowly grew rock hard and rampant. She turned away from him and crouched with her tail lifted high and to one side, and he pressed his muzzle against her vent and licked her until she felt herself open for him and she squealed as his tongue slid deeply into her. He tongued her until she was moaning from need and then he mounted her with a deep grunt of pleasure. She gasped as he slid into her and wrapped her tail around his waist. He was much larger now, a good twenty inches, but she took him into her easily with a deep hissing squeal of delight. It seems he could control the size of his erection, the possibilities were endless. She moaned and hissed gutturally at the feel of his hardness inside of her, at his powerful hands clasping her in front of her hind legs as he took her like an animal. That's what I am now she realized, an animal, the shy plain woman was gone now, replaced by a female Demoness that wanted her Master's attentions as often as possible, and she roared in pleasure as he brought her to climax after climax as they mated in the manner of their kind. She whipped her head around and he pressed his muzzle to hers and they ground their fangs together as they kissed and snarled their love for one another. When he finally dismounted he sat by her on the floor and held her for awhile, and she buried her nose in his warm soft fur and cried her joy at no longer being alone. He lifted her head and looked in her eyes and they kissed much more gently and passionately for the longest time.

Finally he climbed into the bed and she wished she could join him, but it was not her place. She was perfectly satisfied as she crawled under the bed and turned to face the door. If anything unwelcome entered it would have to deal with her first and a fire dragon was a most formidable foe.

It was a long night and she didn't get much sleep. It was too new, everything that had happened and was still happening. She had a million questions and knew she had much to learn about her new existence. She examined her new body some more in interest, it was hers but still felt a little strange. Her tail seemed to have a mind of its own, but she could control if she concentrated and soon it would become natural. She was a little sad her breasts were gone, she had so loved the feel of her lovers tongue as he caressed them and her nipples, and her vagina appeared to be gone at first, but that fold and slit between her hind legs certainly felt like one, what was it called in reptiles? A cloaca, or something like that? Well at least HE had no trouble finding it! She licked herself and could taste his sexual fluids mingled with her own, it was delicious. She licked herself some more and it felt good, and suddenly the bands around her vent softened and she saw herself "bloom" for the first time as they parted to reveal the dark pink lips of her sex. She remembered how his tongue had felt inside of her, and unhesitatingly she licked and tongued herself, slowing running her tongue deeper inside of herself. Her whole body shivered at the marvelous feeling, and she gave soft hisses and moans of pleasure, it felt so good! Suddenly she gasped and squealed as a mild orgasm rocked her body and she felt a sudden wash of sexual fluid over her tongue. With a grunt she pulled her tongue out of herself and realized, I just masturbated! So THAT'S what it's like, she'd have to do that, a lot! Oddly she felt no embarrassment at being nude, it's not like she had anything you could see. In fact she liked her new "look". Sleek and mean. She ran her amazingly sensitive tongue; she could actually smell with it, over her razor sharp fangs. Eat your heart out Jaws!

She realized she wasn't alone as there were two fairly large lizards watching her from inside the box springs of her Masters bed. They were a reddish brown color and small crests on their heads. Evidently her own sexual experiment and pheromones had set them off as the male was energetically humping the female, both of them giving hisses of pleasure. After they finished they watched her for awhile with their tongues flicking in and out, and then hopped down, looked at her again, and scampered off out the door and down the hallway. What on earth? She thought. Yet another question to ask, one of about a million. She tried her best to sleep and dozed off and on, but giving up she finally decided to explore her new home. After I finish, she thought, as she ran her tongue in and out of her vagina. Oh, it felt sooo good!

The bedroom was pretty bare except for the huge bed and some end tables, so she stuck her head in the bathroom. It was; surprisingly, a pretty standard setup except for size. There was a big fancy toilet, shower stall, big sink, etc. There was a big bottle of "Mane & Tail" on the counter and a bottle of Listerine, but that was about it. She caught a whiff of something coming from a small cabinet, and opening it found a box of cleaning supplies including a carton of urinal and toilet bowl cakes. She realized the delicious smell was coming from the cakes, and curiously (can't believe I'm doing this) she nibbled at one, and then took a bite. It was divine, the flavor was crisp and sweet, and happily she devoured almost the entire box. Burp! Well now she knew at least partially what she could eat, cleaning chemicals. She sipped a bottle of chlorine, and it had a nice kick to it. She went back out into the bedroom and walking over to the bed looked at the Demon sleeping in it. He was so impressive even asleep, so male. She leaned over and rubbed her head against his chest and he gave a little grunt and smiled, but didn't wake up. This is so very strange she thought for the thousandth time, but also strangely wonderful.

Next she proceeded down the short hallway to what she called the entertainment room. She looked around, then went over to one of the very realistic marble statues and took a closer look, and the statue opened its eyes and looked back at her! With a loud Hiss of surprise she sprang back and almost fell over her tail. The statue kept looking at her, but when it didn't move or say anything she took a closer look again. It was life size statue of a man and he had a large erection and as she looked even closer she could see, and smell, the pre dribbling from the tip of his penis. It suddenly occurred to her that this was a living statue, someone frozen and unable to move when fully aroused, and he would have an erection for as long as he remained like this. Ugggh, poor bastard. So far Hell hadn't been so bad, but she realized she hadn't seen even the smallest part of it yet. She didn't really understand why she did it, but she wrapped her tongue around the man's penis and slid it up and down the shaft and almost instantly he came with a massive ejaculation, his seed spraying several feet into the air in copious amounts as she dodged out of the way. The sheer gratitude and tears of relief in his eyes made her feel good. For the other two statues she could do nothing as they were females, and their vaginas were smooth marble with no openings. Their eyes just stared at her, bloodshot and so sad looking.

She looked at some rather disturbing and bizarre paintings and photos hanging on the wall. One photo of what looked like a willow tree in a small forest clearing she kind of liked, but as she looked at it a naked man suddenly came running into the clearing and the tree grabbed him with what she now realized were tentacles instead of limbs, and then slowly swallowed the screaming struggling man until he was just a large squirming bulge in its trunk. It's some sort of a film or something, must be a screen. She lifted up the photo and looked behind it, but it was just a photo. When she laid it back down the man-eating tree was just starting to eat a naked woman. Yuck, not her thing.

The next was a painting of a rather pretty female Demoness that looked a lot like her Master except for being female. It was a waist up painting and she had truly incredible breasts. There was an engraved plaque that had "Vulva, age 600" on it. The painting looked incredibly old. Vulva? She'd heard that name; it was her Master's sister and she could see the family resemblance. The next photo was a signed photo of Bill Clinton; it showed him seated at the oval office desk with a big grin on his face and a pair of high heels just visible under the bottom of the front of the desk. It had "To Vulkrebs, great party bro! Bill." written on it. Huh, for some reason she wasn't that surprised. The next one had a photo of a rather impressive looking female goat-lizard Demoness wearing a pair of old fashioned horn rimmed glasses, and was signed "Get a Job! Love, Mom." It was dated June 12th, 1010. Geez, didn't know they had cameras back then. The next was a dour looking male demon with red skin, black horns, and a fairly human looking face and had "Remember to connive, plot, then overthrow and you'll go far! Love, Dad." There were photos of other; mainly goat-lizard, demon kind she assumed was other relatives. She wondered if she'd have to meet them, but hoped not. They made the Addams family look normal.

Next she turned her attention to the large ornate, tacky, wet bar. It was made from solid teak with a black marble top. There was a large gold leaf decorated mirror and several shelves of bottles behind it. She looked at herself in the large mirror behind the bar and liked what she saw. She turned around and opened her wings and looked over her shoulder, oh to fly! She went behind the bar and looked at the contents and was impressed. There was a really good selection of rare and premium liquors and an honest to goodness old fashioned ice chest (ice in Hell?) that was stocked with fine beers and lagers. She picked up a bottle of Fosters and it blew up in her hand, and the beer evaporated before it even hit the floor. She shook the dried suds off her face and thought, well no more booze for me! That sucked, she'd been fond of an ice cold one after work to help unwind. But her body temperature would make even metal melt, so any booze would either blow up or evaporate long before she could even get it in her mouth.

There was another part of the bar that was isolated from the rest, and she examined some of the containers in it. What the heck was a "Flaming Luggie"? And there were jugs of Ammonia, Chlorine, and other chemicals she'd never heard off, most with skulls and crossbones on them. There was also a thick green bottle with a label that said "Tears of the Damned" on it. Curious she popped the cap and took a sniff but there was no smell, nothing. She took a small glass and poured some of the stuff into it. It was oily and viscous and had no color, kind of like ouzo except for the lack of smell. She dipped the tip of her tongue in it and it tingled a little, so she took the glass and kicked it back. The stuff hit her stomach, or whatever she had now, and exploded. She'd never been high before, but somehow she knew this must be what it felt like. Whoa!

With a giggle she stumbled back out into the room. This was great! She lay down on her back and tried to catch the tip of her tail for awhile, but it won. Next she tried to dance with one of the statues and it fell over, but fortunately didn't break. With a hiss of lust she rolled it over on its back, and with grunts of pleasure rode the statues rock hard erection until she climaxed. Oh yeah, sex was GREAT! From the look in its eyes the statue had enjoyed it too. She wandered into the outer office and looked at some more photos and paintings, but they were BORING. All except one where some really goofy looking guy she thought might be one of the Three Stooges kept yelling at her until she turned it the wall, that didn't shut him up but did muffle him pretty good.

Next she went over to the desk and jumped up and perched on the huge chair, it was big even for her. She opened a drawer and something flew out and flapped around the room and took off out the door before she could catch it, ooops! She dug around in the drawer and pulled out a paperback book titled "101 Angel Jokes" but it burst into flames before she could try and read it, so she dropped it back in the drawer and shut the drawer. She tried to turn on the computer, but it was security coded so didn't have any luck. By now she was coming down from her high and feeling kind of crummy, so she went back into the other room, climbed up on top of the bar, and passed out amongst a small blaze of burning cocktail napkins.

A short time later the two lizards came scurrying into the room, stopped to look at the passed out Dragoness for a few minutes, and then continued down the hall to their home under the bed.

Vulkrebs sleepily opened his eyes as the alarm hissed. It seemed to go off earlier every day, well nothing for it. With a grunt he got up and clopped into the bathroom and took a whiz, ahhh, much better. Next he brushed his fangs and flossed, gargled and drank the mouthwash (Listerine was the best), took a quick steam shower, and he was ready to face another day in Hell, or as ready as he ever was. He walked back into the bedroom and looked around, something was missing. Where was his new pet? He looked under the bed and Huey and Louie hissed at him, but no Dragoness. Huh.

He found her in the entertainment room, passed out on the bar. One of the living statues his mother had given him for his 500Th birthday was lying on its back in the middle of the floor and the bar was a mess. Carefully he picked up the statue and set it back in its spot. Then he noticed the open bottle of Tears and knew what had happened. She wasn't drunk, she was stoned. Only one cure for that, the naughty thing. He went back to the bathroom, got a big bucket of water, came back and threw it on her head. She disappeared in a cloud of steam, let out a shriek, came running out of the cloud of steam, and tripped over the rug and landed on her snout with a loud yelp. He walked over and picked her up by the neck, and said,

"I'm shocked my pet, your first night here and you raid your master's bar and find the hard stuff. The Tears of the Damned are not for you; they're much too expensive and are only for special guests. And leave the statues alone, if you break one I'll never hear the end of it. You must learn to behave yourself." He gave her a couple solid whacks on her lovely rear with his tail, and then set her down.

Cringing she slunk over and crouched at his feet keening, he was displeased and she was devastated. And her head hurt like, well, Hell. He stared at her with a stern look on his face and she started to wail, afraid he would get rid of her or something since she'd been bad. When he finally squatted down and rubbed her head she was so relieved she moaned and squealed in pleasure. To have him mad at her was the most horrible thing she could think of.

"Come on, Vulkrebs said, I have some work to do and after they I need to teach you to fly."

With his new slave happily flapping her wings he went into the main office. At first glance everything looked fine, but then he noticed the living photo with the soul of Stalin trapped inside was turned against the wall. He flipped it back over and Stalin just looked at him, and then turned his back with a sniff. Great, he'd be moping for a week and then he'll start yelling and won't shut up for another week. He wished he didn't have to watch him, but in another 200 some odd years some other poor slob would get stuck with him. He went over to his desk, sat down, and opened the drawer to get some paper clips, and leaned back in surprise as flames came shooting out of it. He dumped the burning contents of the drawer into a wastebasket and went and left it in the hall for some lucky Imp to mess with. He had a sneaking suspicion as to who was responsible, but his new Pet looked at him so innocently he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt just this once. And his Pet bat Gerald was gone too, but he'd show up sooner or later. He ran away a lot, but always came home.

With a resigned grunt he powered up the PC and connected to the Hellnet. It was time to make a living and hopefully ruin someone else's. He'd been working on a hostile takeover of a small brimstone cookie factory, and his troops were almost in position to make their move. If he could pull it off it would eliminate his major competitor in that commodity. Dad would be so proud. Now to see about renting some tanks.

She watched as her Master banged away at the computer for awhile. He made some comments not directed at her about "Fricken spam, damn dial-up, and stuff like that." Sounded just like her old human boss. Guess some things don't change much. At least she didn't have to put up with it, being a Dragoness definitely had some advantages, not being able to type (three inch claws are Hell on keyboards) was just one. She rolled over on her back and tried to catch her tail again but it was too quick for her. About that time her Master got a call and put it on his speaker phone,

"Hi Ma, how you doing?"

"He never calls and he asks how I'm doing! Lousy, you big goof off!"

"I love you too Ma."

"I love you too dear, and your no good sister."

"How's Dad?"

"I have no idea, I haven't heard from him in over 100 years since he took that job running Lower Heck. He never calls, like father like son!"

"Sorry Ma, tell you what, how's about I come over for lunch next week, I have a new Pet I'd like you to show you."

"That would be nice dear, but I hope it's better behaved then your sisters. Hers got in the cleaning closet and ate all the urinal cakes, blew up the toilet, and then set the carpet on fire. I had to chase it out of the cave with my pitchfork."

Vulkrebs laughed, "Yeah that sounds like Sis. She never could train her Pets worth a damn. I'll come over Friday afternoon, say 1:00?"

"That's fine; I'll fix your favorite. And bring me a nice cleaning Imp would you, Rover ate the last one."

"Rover! You still have that old sand demon running around? You know that's why Dad never comes home any more, the damn thing tries to eat him too. And he tries to hump everything."

"I've had him since he was a worm, and he wouldn't be able to survive on his own. And I won't take him to the pound either. You just have to be firm with him and show no fear. Then he'll leave you alone. Plus he keeps away those nasty sand hydras."

"Well, OK Ma. Just keep him tied up when I'm there will you. See you Friday."

"That's a good boy, see you soon. Kisses."

"Bye, Ma!" Click.

When he looked at her she just pretended she hadn't heard anything, and with a weary sign he turned back to his computer. About this time she sensed some movement from the doorway to the entertainment room, and with a hiss she rolled upright and looked as saw two lizards heads looking around the corner, one on top of the other. She looked at her Master, and said,

"Master, what are those?" And pointed at the Lizards.

The demon spun his chair around and said, "Hughie, Louie! Come to daddy!" And the two lizards scampered over to him, ran up his legs, and perched on his shoulders and looked at her with their tongues flicking in and out. She flicked her own tongue back at them and they seemed impressed. Vulkrebs said,

"These two sweeties are tunnel lizards, they run around at night and eat the VC and help keep the place clean. Some consider them pests too, but almost everyone has a pair or two living under their beds. They're Hell on bugs. Normally the sleep all day, but I think they're curious about you."

"VC?" she asked.

"Vermin Cong, they rule the tunnels at night. We never can get rid of all of the damn things. The Hell rats are the worst, nasty things, but at least the lizards eat them too. Sometimes they bring down an Imp or beast and we find its bones in the morning."

E-yuck! She thought, glad we have the lizards! And I thought cockroaches were bad.

"Go say hello to the nice lady, she's daddies newest slave." The two lizards crawled headfirst down their Masters sides and scampered over to the; to them, larger version of themselves. They were pretty smart, but didn't know the difference between a lizard and a Dragon. To them if it had scales, it was a relative.

She looked down at the two lizards as they looked up at her. One rolled over and she took a chance and gently rubbed its tummy with a claw and it made delighted hissing sounds. Encouraged, the other rolled over too and she rubbed it's tummy as well. Soon both were hissing like little boilers and kicking their legs. She looked at Vulkrebs and said, "They're darling!"

"They are, aren't they? The little suck-ups. OK, leave the nice lady alone, she and daddy have work to do." With disappointed squeaks the two lizards rolled back over and ran back into the entertainment room.

"Master, she asked, kind of hesitantly. Am I really just a slave? Is that all I am to you? Property?"

Vulkrebs gave a hiss of resignation. They all asked that sooner or later, but she was smarter than most. He beckoned to her, and she came over and rested her head on his knee.

"Yes and no. You are indeed my slave and property to do with as I desire. But look here." He twisted to show her a brand on his own flank. "I too am a slave, its how things are here. I am bound to the service of Lord Beelzebub, and my sister is bound to Great Lord Ba'al. When we entered their service as their slaves we were branded, as I branded you. However we have certain, I guess you'd call them rights or privileges, the lesser slaves such as you do not. That is because we are "contract slaves". In exchange for our service we get a Lords patronage and protection. We own our own property and businesses, but pay a very large portion of our profits to our Lord. One is that a Lord cannot tell us to do something that would knowingly result in our dissipation or extreme injury; another is that a Lord will always be loyal in turn to a good slave. It works both ways. There are many ways to enter a Lord's service. Voluntarily, being legally captured and broken, contract for a certain period to pay debts, etc. It's really quite complicated. You are my slave as a result of submitting and accepting my dominance as your Master, so you may not own property or even have a true name. But you are a true demoness and so have your own powers and abilities you will use in my service, but also you will be allowed some personal freedom as well. Even though ou are but a slave you still have dominance over the Imps and beasts. You'll learn to understand after awhile."

"So I'm a slave?" She said thoughtfully. "Does that mean you'll get tired of me, and throw me away some day?" she asked in a sad little hissing voice.

"We're all slaves, he replied. But once I take a lover and mate, it's forever. I must admit I have more than one, we all do, its part of our nature. You will have other mates and lovers as well. But each one is unique and I love them all. I hope you can understand that, my lovely little Dragoness. It is the way we are. But I will never, ever, sell you or "throw you away". You have part of my soul in you and we are bound by that. This I promise on my honor."

She found she could somehow accept the fact he had other lovers, and it didn't bother her that much. She would soon come to find that for demon kind sex was a way of casually relating to one another, but finding true lovers was rare and to be cherished. They had few pleasures, but sex was one so they made the most of it. In fact to refuse and offer of casual sex with a fellow demon kind was considered kind of rude unless you just couldn't stand them. Of course Imps and beasts had no right to refuse the sexual advances of a Master or Mistress, but outright rape was fairly rare as they were trained to pleasure their owners and enjoy doing so. And deliberate mistreatment of a beast or Imp, without good reason, was greatly frowned upon. Such demonkind would be "disciplined". She sighed, and said,

"I do love you so master, as long as you love me too that's all I want. I will be a good slave; you may do with me as you wish."

"And so I will my Pet, very often!" But he winked as he said it.

With a happy squeal she rubbed against his leg and licked his fingers as he rubbed and tickled her snout.

"Well, he said, enough of this serious stuff. It's time you got to spread your wings my little chick-a-dee!" His Pet hissed happily as she followed him down the tunnels to the outside.

She watched as her Master swooped and looped above her, then with a flare and flaps of his wings he came to a gentle landing. "OK, now you try." He said. Here goes nothing! She thought. She made a short running take off and started flapping her wings, and to her amazement she took off! She was surprised as how easy it had been. Her large bat-like wings were powerfully muscled and gave her a lot of lift. She gave a happy roar as she went higher. He came flapping up next to her and praised her first effort and she swelled with pride. Now came the hard part, landing. She overestimated her speed and angle and smacked into the side of the cliff about thirty feet up and rolled and bounced back to the ground squealing and kicking. She was amazed she wasn't hurt, but was horribly embarrassed. The two guard Imps at the domain gates tried not to laugh, but a couple bleats got out anyway. One look from their Master though and they shut up. Zip, stifle, no speakee!

It took a little while longer, and while her take offs were pretty good she had to work on her landing a lot. But soon she had the basics down, and her natural instincts started to kick in as well. With a little more practice she would soon be proficient and no longer a menace to herself and anyone she happened to land on top of. She tried to land on a tree to perch once, but it turned out to be another tree demon and they ended up in a hissing, squealing, embattled ball of flailing tentacles and flapping wings until Vulkrebs came over, laughing, and sorted it all out. The two guard Imps really lost it that time, and even Vulkrebs couldn't shut them up.

As promised Vulkna arrived a couple of hours later to collect her. The hatchlings gave squeaks of pleasure to see the nice Dragon lady again and she was looking forward to getting to know them and their huge mother. But as they flapped off together she was already missing her Master. She looked at him over her shoulder as he watched them leave, and gave a soft roar of affection.

Vulkrebs watched as the two Dragons, one huge and one much smaller, disappeared into the distance. He already missed his new Pet; he'd had so little time to get to know her. But he knew she would learn much from her large chaperon, and that under Vulkna's fierce protection his new lover had nothing to fear. Few were dumb enough to mess with a 2000 pound Fire Dragoness and her young. Anyone having been mobbed by dragon hatchlings was not anxious for a repeat performance. He sighed and walked past the still snickering guards and back into his domain. It was almost time for the biggest yearly holiday in Hell, Halloween. And he had hundreds of orders for costumes and decorations to process and fill, invitations to send out, ad nauseam. Even with the help of his personally trained and very efficient (they had better be) staff of lesser demonkind and Imps there was still never enough time. He'd be so busy the next couple of weeks he wouldn't have had much time for his new Pet anyway. She was intelligent and pretty and he was looking forward to personally; very personally, training her as a pleasure slave. She already had enthusiasm, and showed great promise. And being a Seeker he would also arrange other work for her so she could perform her main function. She would be a very profitable addition to his stable of slaves.

The End, Chapter 8


The Seeker, Chapter 9

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 9 By William W. Kelso I was lying contentedly on my fireproof rug next to my Mistress's desk while she fought her way through the usual bureaucratic nonsense, pop-ups and Spam on...

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The Seeker, Chapter 7

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 7 By William W. Kelso I was lying on my back next to my Mistress's large ornate (butt ugly) desk while she checked the morning H-mail on the computer. The huge obsidian desk has...

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The Fertility Charm

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Fertility Charm By William W. Kelso It was hot, I was dirty, and I was bored as Hell. I had thought an archaeological dig would be more interesting then this BS. When I got the offer to help at a...

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