The Seeker, Chapter 7

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 7

By William W. Kelso

I was lying on my back next to my Mistress's large ornate (butt ugly) desk while she checked the morning H-mail on the computer. The huge obsidian desk has runes carved

all over it that give me a headache just looking at, I swear they move around and are never the same. Creepy. The computer was working better than normal which wasn't saying much, but at least we had DSL now; dial-up had been a real pain. But since it was being cooperative she was in a pretty good mood so far and was tossing me the occasional brimstone cookie which I batted out of the air with my tail and into my mouth with happy snaps, being careful not to bite my tongue. So far I'd managed not to do that for about a week which was a record.

Finally I got tired of that, and crawling around to the front of the desk I laid on my stomach and stuck my head and long neck under the desk and started licking her legs. She gave a happy hiss, and as I had been hoping let me slowly work my way higher until my muzzle was between her spread legs and I was happily tonguing her vagina, my tongue probing deep inside as I ate my Mistress. HEY! I'm a fire Demon and it's what I do best; other than get in trouble, so if you're a prude go spin on it! It's none of your business anyway. If my Mistress wants me to pleasure her then who am I to argue, I mean I'm NOT stupid you know. Besides this was just the preliminary to the best part; and I was really looking forward to that bit, oh indeed my goodness yes.

Like I said, I'm a fire Demon, a Fire Dragon and a Seeker to be exact. One of the few, the proud, the permanently baffled. My Mistress is the powerful Sex Demoness Vulva, Patroness of Carnal Pleasure and all around hottie. She raped me and took my body and soul and as a result I became a demon myself, but a lesser one sworn to her service for eternity, which is fine by me. She also saved my life first and gave me the only love I'd ever known. Say anything bad about her and I will rip your face off. All her virgin victims; or the ones sacrificed to her (including yours truly), end up that way. Each of us took on our own unique form, some better than others, and some pretty horrible. Believe you me, I'm a 700 pound red dragon whose main job is to drag damned souls down to Hell, and I lucked out big time. We're kind of unusual in that most demon kind are born that way, but we were created. Some call us bastard demons, but not where we can hear them as we're touchy about that. Since Vulva is a Sex Demoness it rubs off on all her creations, and we are a randy bunch of little sex fiends. We literally can't get enough and add whole new meaning to the term "Horny as Hell". But to be truthful most demon kind are sex addicts, there's just not a whole lot to do during our spare time. Our pleasures are few, but boy do we make the most of them. Now I'm busy, so go away!

I was really getting into pleasuring my Mistress (I take my duties seriously), and was lapping away so intently that I didn't hear the visitor enter her office until she let out a loud shriek of surprised happiness and scared the crap out of me. "HIIIISSSS, BEEZIE!!"

WHAM! "OW!" I hissed as my head hit the underside of the desk, and then "AAIIIEEHISS!" as I bit my tongue. With a roar I scooted out from under the desk and proceeded to run around it in a circle squealing and holding my tongue. "YIPE, HISS, YIPE! YIPE!" That is until my loving Mistress stuck her leg out and tripped me and I bit my tongue again in a different spot. "OWWWOOOOOOOO!" I shrieked, and spun around on my side in a circle kicking wildly. "Mistress! I yelled via our mind link, that wasn't very nice, I think I bit my tongue off!"

"Be quiet Pet, she replied, and come and greet our esteemed guest."

"Oh, I'll greet him all right!" I replied, and whimpered as I held my poor chewed up tongue. It was long overdue for me to attack a visitor and she knew it.

"Pet, BEHAVE!" she hissed in my mind. "It's my old friend Lord Beelzebub!

Ulp! I thought. "Big guy? Talks like a Limey git?" I asked. "Likes to play in the mud?"

"Yup, she said, Hiss, very same one."

"Mistress, please don't let me him eat me or anything! I didn't mean to call him names the other day, honest! I just thought he was some butthead, not a great Demon Lord! I mean, he DID spoil our fun!"

"Your fun maybe, Hiss! I was NOT amused!" She replied. "PET, where are you going! HISSS!"

"To hide in the Office Supplies closet, he won't dare come in there after me!" I said as I slunk across the floor.

"Pet, you know what happens every time you go in there, you wreck the place! NOW COME HERE AND BE POLITE!"

"That's because the dead things always gang up on me, but it beats being eaten or skinned alive!" Hiss! I replied.

‘PET, HERE, NOW!" She hissed in that really scary "Don't push it" tone of hiss. I knew it was time to be a good little demon and loyal doggie dragon.

"Yes, oh great and Supreme Lustful One, your humble well hung slave and great admirer hears and obeys!" I said. So I sat down next to her and tried to look innocent and nonchalant. My sore and abused tongue was still hanging out of the corner of my mouth though so I probably just looked retarded; especially in the GAY harness she makes me wear just to be mean. It's so unfair.

Lord Beelzebub had been watching my usual antics with amusement, but thankfully hadn't been able to hear our telepathic exchange which only took a few seconds. Since I'm her familiar my Mistress and I can communicate in our minds. It's great, but has its drawbacks too as it makes it harder for me to get away with anything, but not for lack of trying.

"Pet, say hello to our guest like a good little slave, hmmm? Hissss!" she said.

"Hewo Lod Beezibubble, wecome tu ur umble abode, Oww." Ever try to talk with your tongue half bit off?

"Um, yes, quite. Thank you, I think." Lord Beelzebub replied with a somewhat unsure look on his face.

"PET!" Mistress Vulva hissed, and gave me a kick.

I just looked at her and shrugged, "Hay Mistwuss, U twy tak wit ur tong bid off!"

She contacted me in mind, "I can't understand a word you're saying, but it's NOT funny! So for now just SHUT UP, we'll have a little talk about this later, my annoying little Pet!"

"Mistress, you try talking with your tongue bit halfway off! It really hurts!" I replied in her mind. Then I started whimpering until she kicked me again. "OW! Whiiiiiine."

Doing her best to ignore my pleas for sympathy, Vulva turned back to her guest.

"Pet, go fix some refreshments, and this time DON'T fuck it up, OR ELSE!" She hissed.

"Yes Mistress, I hear and obey." I replied. Still whining and sniveling, even though it didn't do any good, I headed for the wet bar.

Vulva addressed her guest as soon as her Pet was safely out of the room, "Beezie old friend, my Lord, I completely forgot about your appointment, my bad! Actually it's my little Pets bad, he set the calendar on fire yesterday, he says by accident."

Yeah, I remember that. I had just eaten a brimstone cookie and it made me sneeze, it's not my fault the calendar was in the way. My saliva bursts into flame whenever it hits anything. Whomp! Then Vulva locked me in the Office Supplies closet for an hour, and they almost got me that time! She claims there's nothing in there, HAH! Then how do you explain the bite marks?

The lawyer in the lawyer's bookcase was scratching at the glass again, but I just ignored him as always. Vulva always keeps one around; never know when one will come in handy.I guess she keeps him on a restrainer. I said "Hi" to Tyrone, the man and Imp-eating plant my Mistress keeps around for vermin control. He can't talk, so just waved his branch tentacles at me. He used to be a virgin too, but now he looks like a reptilian weeping willow tree. Like I said, some aren't as "lucky" as I am. He tried to eat me once, but we're bros know. All of us Vulva's "Pets" stick together, having others that know what you've gone through as a support group is one way to keep from going insane. We watch out for one another, mess with one of us and you get the whole pack; Vulva included, chewing on your butt or whatever.

I gave the door marked "Office Supplies" a wide berth, growling as I passed. My Mistress says there's nothing to be scared of in there, but I know better. I'd like to lock her in there in the dark and see show SHE likes it sometime! I also skirted the large aquarium against one wall. The little fishes all looked innocent and pretty, but I knew better. I'd stuck a finger in their once and was lucky I still had it. Do it once, shame on you, do it twice and you're a dumbass.

The "wet bar" was a new addition as the Mistress had decided she wanted to be able to offer her guests refreshments, at least the ones that counted, the ones that didn't sometimes became the refreshments. The bar looked like it came out of a New Orleans whore house, and maybe it did. It had "Billy the Kid wuz here" carved on top, and there were bullet holes in it. There was even a really horrible painting of a naked lady on the wall behind it, but she wasn't my type, no lovely scales. When it comes to style or taste my Mistress doesn't have a clue, to her loud and tacky is best, but for her it works. Her quarters have a certain revolting charm that I like.

The bar was well stocked, and there were all sorts of things to choose from. It had everything from Napoleon Brandy to Flaming Luggies (my favorite sulphur based drink). We even have some Type-O Bloody Maries for when Dracula flaps by for a visit. Also all sorts of nice munchies which I tend to mooch off of on a fairly regular basis despite repeated warnings from my Mistress as to the dire consequences if I get caught. Ain't got caught yet though as I'm pretty sneaky for a 700 pound Dragon. Speaking of which I popped a nice fresh urinal cake into my mouth, my favorite all time snack! Yum! Industrial cleaning chemicals are my all time favorites. I can get drunk on chlorine. Luckily since I'd finally learned to control my body heat now not everything I touch bursts into flame, much to the relief of the greatly overworked; but very professional, local fire fighting crew. It also helps keep them from spraying me with a fire hose every time they see me. Because of this my Mistress sometime trusts me with mundane tasks, she'll never learn.

Hmm, I thought, now what would Lord Beelzebub like? Didn't have a clue and certainly didn't want to serve him something he might be allergic too (or maybe I did, come to think of it), so I contacted my Mistress to ask her,

"Oh Mistress, your loyal bar keep and part time butler needs to know what his high and mightiness would like for tea and crumpets. Hmmm?"

"Exactly." She said.

"Exactly what?" I replied.

"Exactly what you said, tea and crumpets would be nice. He does tend to be something of a teetotaler." She hissed in my mind. "Get some of that nice sulphur green tea out of the samovar."

I whimpered, "Mistress, Do I HAVE to use the samovar, it hates me! You know what happened last time! And what the Hell is a crumpet anyway?"

"YES! And it was your fault, not the samovar's, it's NOT alive so it can't hate you! HISSSS! And brimstone cookies will do nicely for crumpets, Hissss. Now bring the refreshments and quit goofing off!" She hissed irately.

"Yes, Mistress, I hear and reluctantly obey." I replied. And it does SO hate me! I looked at the samovar sitting innocently on the bar and growled at it.

I approached it cautiously, it was a really old one and my Mistress was quite proud of it. It was solid silver and very ornate. I thought it was tacky, but kept my big mouth shut. She had told me to heat it using my fire plume set on "low", which is easier said than done. The first time I tried it blew up in my face and shot across the room and knocked out the man-eating plant. When the plant woke up it saw me running around squealing all covered in molten sulphur tea plus I'd bitten my tongue. For some reason the stupid plant thought I did it on purpose so it attacked me, and we pretty much wrecked the place until our Mistress; attracted by the roars and hisses of mortal combat, came in and moped up the floor with both of us. I was sore for a week and the plant stayed in its pot and sulked with its tentacles all curled up. It finally forgave me when I gave it a plate of brimstone cookies. So I wasn't looking forward to trying the samovar again. The second the plant saw what I was up to it jumped out of its pot and locked itself in the Office Supplies closet. Coward!

Well, a Dragon's got to do what a Dragon's got to do, even if he isn't particularly thrilled by the idea. Chin up, chest out, and all that sort of rot. I put the tea in the samovar and very carefully, with the lowest plume setting I could manage, heated it up with my eyes closed. To my surprise it worked perfectly! No big boom, no flaming projectiles ricocheting around the room, no enraged plants trying to eat me, only perfect hot sulphur tea. I was so proud of myself. I filled a teapot, then lifting the samovar up I dumped the rest of the tea down my throat. Hey, I made it, so I get some too! So there!

Next I got a silver platter, two cups & saucers, plate of brimstone cookies and urinal cakes nicely arranged according to color (nice touch I thought). And the piece de resistance, a small flame proof rag over my arm. If my Mistress wants a butler she GETS a butler! I may be accident prone, but I do my best to please. I gave the old "Ex-lax in the drink" idea some serious consideration, but figured old "Beezie" probably wasn't the forgiving type, so restrained myself. Besides I'd probably accidently give it to my Mistress anyway.

I made a grand entrance and said, "Sir and Madam, tea is served" in my best hoity toity English butler voice. But they had just gotten up and were headed towards Vulva's private quarters and I knew what THAT meant!

"Mistress! I got the goodies and I didn't even blow up anything!" I whined.

"That's nice Pet.", she hissed in her "I'm about to get laid, so don't bother me, voice", and added "We don't want to be disturbed slave, GET it?"

"Got it." I replied.

"Good!" she said, "Now be good and behave yourself, you can have a cookie if you want, but just one. And NO interruptions NO matter what! HISSS!"

"Jawohl! Herr Commandant." I hissed.

I watched as they headed towards the bedroom. Lord Beelzebub was fairly human looking, which really didn't say a lot. He looked pretty human to us, but any human who saw him would say the exact opposite. He had reddish skin, a fairly human body but his legs ended in shiny black hooves, he has large bat like wings, two black bull like horns, a short blunt muzzle and the usual reptilian eyes all demon kind have, and a long monkey like tail with the usual barb on the end. That barb can be razor sharp or velvety smooth, we can all do that. Makes for some interesting foreplay and is also a very deadly weapon all in one, we're quite versatile. He was pretty big too, at least 600 pounds. And his best features, at least from my Mistress's point of view, were his two penises and impressive balls. Both were human looking in all ways except size, dude was hung. Hmmphh! Bet mine was longer and thicker then both of his put together.

I sat down at the desk on Vulva's chair; which I'm not supposed to do, and mopped and sulked. I was in a really rotten mood. When the squeals and roars started I took the teapot and holding it over my head drank it all, then I drank the tea in the cups and ate the cups and saucers too. And just one cookie? I don't think so! I upended the tray and ate all the cookies and urinal cakes in one big bite, my mouth so full I could hardly close it. The sounds of lust got louder and I whimpered, I wanted to be servicing my Mistress, and now I had a rock hard boner and I was horny, it was SO unfair!

And of course about this time we got another visitor. Never fails, nothing all day, then the Mistress gets laid, I'm horny, and then an unexpected visitor shows up and I usually have to attack them. Which usually pisses off the Mistress and she beats the crap out of me and it's wasn't even my fault! I take my guard Dragon duties seriously; it's not my fault if everything that comes through the door is creepy looking, but I've slowly been learning better.

I heard whatever it was coming down the hall. Shuffle, tap, shuffle, tap. A few passing Imps and Beasts were looking over their shoulders with somewhat amused looks on their muzzles. Since they weren't running and screaming I took that as a good sign. I even decided not to hide behind the desk which is my normal tactic with unwanted visitors. If you think it's hard to hide a 700 pound Dragon you haven't seen the desk. So I just sat and chewed the cookies I'd stuffed my snout with and waited.

And as I watched the shuffling and tapping got nearer and nearer, and then a pirate hobbled into the room. Holy crap, I thought, it's Long John Silver! I stared at him in amazement. He had a peg leg, a crutch, one of those long fancy coats with all the buttons, a tricorne hat, a sash with flintlock pistols stuck in it, a hip boot, and an over the shoulder sling with a big nasty looking cutlass in the scabbard. AND a parrot on his shoulder! Plus he had a long black beard and was pretty dirty looking. "ArrrrrR!'' said the pirate, "Rawwkk!" said the parrot. You have GOT to be kidding, I thought.

I couldn't help it; I cracked up and started choking on the cookies, spewing little pieces all over the place and all over the pirate. "Ack, gag, hack, sputter!"

"Arrrrgggghhh!" said the pirate, "Rawwkk!" said the parrot, and I fell out of the chair I was laughing so hard, and started choking on the cookies. "Hiss, hiss, ack, accwwkk!" One cookie went down my throat and got stuck, so I started staggering around making choking sounds clawing at my throat. The pirate came over and thumped me on the back and I spit the cookie across the room and it hit the framed photo of Hitler, and Hitler yelled and said "Das was die Holle!"

"Arrr, Matey, be ye OK?" the pirate asked. And the parrot added "Rawwk, what a maroon! Rawwwk!"

I sat back down in the chair, my mouth still full of partially chewed cookies, and said "Wha de fud du u want?" Patooey, hack, hack! They both answered me.

"Arrrrr!" said the pirate, "How rude! Rawwk!" said the parrot.

I couldn't help it, "Arrrr are you today? Polly wanna cracker?" I asked. They both looked at me and blinked.

The pirate said, "Arrr, that be so old it be lame!" And the Parrot said, "Fuck the cracker, Polly wanna Quaalude! Rawwwwk!"

"OK, I said, enough of this. What the Hell do you want?"

"Arrrr, we be here to see Mistress Vulva, if it be any of ye business whelp! Arrrr!" And the parrot added, "Rawwwk! What he said!"

"Where the heck did you get that nasty thing anyway? HISS!" I asked in an increasingly pissed off tone of hiss.

"From a pirate ship, where the Hell else do you think dim bulb!" said the Parrot. "Arrrrr, I be not nasty." said the pirate in a hurt tone of voice.

About this time some very loud screams of pleasure echoed down the hall, yep, my Mistress just came, know that sound anywhere. Sounds like old Beezie's getting his rocks off too, lucky jerk. The pirate and parrot, hearing the sounds, started towards the door to my Mistress's private chambers.

"HEY! I hissed, NO way dudes!" and chucked the teapot at them, the pirate ducked but I creamed the parrot. There was a loud "thunk" a louder "RAWWK!" And the parrot went flying across the room, stuck to the teapot, and bounced off the wall and said some very vulgar things. I was impressed; it came up with some very creative descriptions of my lineage. But now duty called.

"NO INTERUPTIONS, THE MISTRESS IS BUSY AND IS NOT TO BE DISTURBED!" I hissed and growled as I positioned myself in front of the door, my tail whipping back and forth and my barb hard and razor sharp, flaming drool dripping from my fangs. I had my orders, and I take my orders VERY seriously.

The parrot was flying around the room now and swooping and diving at my head, and the pirate had drawn his cutlass. Bring it ON! I thought, and giving a loud roar I attacked the pirate. "Rawwwk! Holy shit!" said the parrot. To my surprise the pirate was a lot more nimble then I thought, and he held me off with blows of his very sharp cutlass.

"Arrrrr, take that beastie!" He said as he took a swipe at my head.

I ducked and raised an arm and the cutlass actually cut me! That shouldn't have happened as bullets bounce of me, heck so do artillery shells. I backed off and reassessed the situation, there was more to this guy then there appeared. If his sword could cut me he must be a demon too, or had obtained the weapon from one. He couldn't kill me, but getting sliced into sushi would really suck. I had hoped for some backup from the plant, but as usual he'd shut himself in the Office Supplies closet again. Coward!

"Mistress!" I yelled in my mind, "We have a situation! We're under attack from pirates!" But her mind was closed to me. Crap.

The parrot was getting really annoying, so the next time it dive bombed my head I snapped it out of the air. CHOMP! And started chewing on it. The pirate had a horrified look on his face,

"Arrrrgggghhhh! Mistress, I be saving ye!" And he attacked me extremely enthusiastically, swinging that damn cutlass so fast I could hardly see it, and drove me back through the door right into my Mistress and Lord Beelzebub who had finally come to see what all the screaming and squawking was about. We went down in a big pile of yelling, hissing, waving tails, flapping wings, and kicking legs.

"What the fuck!" my Mistress said, and Lord Beelzebub said "I say, Steady on! Bad show!"

I didn't say anything as my mouth was full of pissed off parrot. Then the little fuck bit my tongue, which was still sore from the other times I'd bitten it today. "AAIIEEEE!" I squealed and tried to spit the parrot out, but it held on with my tongue in its beak. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I said running around screaming with the parrot still hanging onto to my tongue and the pirate in hot pursuit waving his cutlass all over the place, and then we all heard this loud and terrible voice.

"FREEZE!" Vulva hissed in that "I'm really pissed off" voice that scares the heck out of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it. So we did.

I slid to a halt, the pirate tripped over me, and we ended up in a big pile with him sitting on top and his clothes started to smolder from my body heat. His pants caught on fire and he jumped up and ran around yelling "Arrrr!, Me poop deck be on fire!" while I just sat there and watched with my mouth open, my tongue hanging out with the parrot swinging back and forth on the end of it watching too. I also took the opportunity to pull his cutlass out of my butt.

Mistress Vulva and Lord Beelzebub just watched this newest development with their mouths open too. The pirate finally found the aquarium and sat down in it. Big mistake. He jumped back up with a bloodcurdling scream and ran out the door and disappeared down the tunnel with several different kinds of voracious aquatic creatures hanging on to his posterior for dear life. I sucked my tongue; and the parrot, back up into my mouth and started chewing again. Mmmmm, feathery. Crunch, squawk! Crunch.

After the pirate's screams had faded Vulva turned to face me. "PET, what in the name of Big L was that all about?"

"Uh don no" I replied.

"PET, what do you have in your mouth?" She hissed.

"Nuttin" I replied, chomp, rawwwk, chomp. "Hisss."

"Spit it out, NOW!" she hissed back at me.

"Patooie!" splat! "There!" I said, "You can't have it, it's mine, I caught it!"

I've never seen my Mistress's eyes get that big before, she had an absolutely horrified expression on her face and actually staggered and crouched into a kind of bow (she can't get on her knees, her legs don't bend like that), and Lord Beelzebub did too.

"Great Lord Quetzalcoatl! Please forgive us; we did not know you were coming! HISS! We beg your pardon great one! Pet, for Big L's sake, let the Lord go!"

I looked down at the parrot, who I had pinned under my front foot. "Great Lord? Oh my, I think I just erred. Big time. This is another fine mess I've gotten us into. I slowly lifted up my foot and backed away, towards the door. Maybe if I timed it just right I could catch up with the pirate.

"FREEZE SCALY!" The parrot said, in a much deeper voice then I would have thought possible. Then it ruffled its feathers, and started to transform. It got bigger and bigger, grew arms and a long tail, and turned into a rather large feathered Dragoness, a very pissed off looking large feathered Dragoness.

Oh crap, I thought, and made a dive for the desk. I got about two feet before her tail whipped out and grabbed me by my stupid Gay harness. Busted.

"And where, hiss, do you think you're going" the Dragoness hissed in my face as I dangled in front of her kicking my legs.

"Anywhere but here." I answered truthfully, but all it got me was a shaking that rattled my brains.

"I think NOT!" she hissed. The she addressed Vulva, "I do not think I have ever been so rudely treated in my existence! Hiss! He tried to EAT me! Really, where DO you get your help nowadays? Hiisss!"

From two insane sexual sadists, at least that's where she got me. I thought, and at least her help doesn't look like a refugee from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride at Disney World.

"If it pleases the Great Lord, he is one of mine. He was sacrificed to me by the Beautre sisters about nine years ago. He's fairly new and somewhat overzealous in his duties Great Lord. Please show mercy. I had told him no visitors while Lord Beelzebub and I, um, discussed a little matter."

The Dragoness gave an amused hiss, "Ah, Vulva my randy little Demoness, always so tactful! I have no doubts as to what you and Lord Beelzebub were "discussing". Hiss, hiss, hiss! The Beautre sisters you say, I thought Vulkrebs got them a few years ago? Anyway, no matter."

I couldn't help it, so I hissed in amusement too. "Hiss, hiss, hiss!" She do know you Mistress, I thought. But it got me shaken again, so I stifled myself.

"YOU will be quiet!" the Dragoness hissed in my face. Yes Ma'am, I thought.

"This was a most grievous assault on my person, even if he was technically obeying orders. Hiss. I had come to arrange for his services. Is it true he knocked up Vulkna, yourself, and several other fire Dragoness's?"

"Yes Great Lord, he is, um, quite virile. His services are in great demand." Vulva said.

You bet, I thought as I swung back and forth, I AM good at what I do! When I was human I couldn't get any no matter how hard I tried, but now that I'm a demon Dragon I can't beat them off with a stick, not that I want to anyway. All except for Equa that is, but a stick wouldn't work with her, would take at least a howitzer.

"Hmmm, Hissss." The Dragoness mulled. "Very well Vulva, you give him to me now for as long as I want; but not more than ten hours, and I will forgo filing an assault complaint. It has been long since I have been bred, and I desire to lay a clutch. If he is as good as I hear hopefully he will manage to impregnate me. Hisss."

"He's yours, take him. Hiss." Vulva said in obvious relief.

"Mistress!" I said in her mind, "She's not my type!"

"Don't worry Pet, you won't set her on fire, she's a Great Lord. Hiss. Now just do your best to make your Mistress proud."

"It's not HER I'm worried about!" I yelped back. "I really don't want to do this Mistress! Please!"

"Next time maybe this will make you think twice about attacking visitors, let it be a lesson to you! Hisss!"

"OK, next time I'll put up a sign saying "This way to Mistress Vulva's X-Rated Bedroom Exhibit!, Admission Free, no children allowed!" I snapped back.

"Pet, how MEAN! We have NO choice; I cannot refuse such a request, and considering the circumstances we are getting off lightly! Hiss, just be glad your reputation preceded you!"

"WE? I hissed, what do you mean "WE"? You don't have to hump her!"

Of course Qwetzl, Pretzerzl; whatever her name is, hadn't been aware of our telepathic exchange. Only the Mistress can hear me since I'm her familiar.

"Good, said the Great Lord, I knew you would see reason. If you would please send something after my own familiar I would be most appreciative. The poor thing is probably scared out of his whits. Just have him wait for me here. Now, do you have suitable quarters where our little friend can service me?"

If your familiar ended up in the breeding pits I can guarantee he got more than his whit's scared out of him, I thought evilly. Hell, the overseers probably put him to work!

"Why yes, Hiss, Great Lord. When you go out the door take a left and use any chamber you like." Vulva said.

"Thanks a lot!" I said in her mind.

"Enjoy yourself my little jelly bean." Vulva thought back.

"Will NOT! I replied, and don't call me that! Hissss!"

Great Lord Quetzalcoatl dropped me; on my head to do the least damage, grabbed my tail and dragged me out the door while my claws left grooves in the stone floor. I managed to hold onto the door frame for few seconds and made one desperate last appeal for mercy.

"Mistress!!! I squealed, this isn't very romantic!" but she and Lord Beelzebub were already heading back towards her private quarters. Geez, talk about insatiable!

"Shall we pick up where we left off dear lady?" asked Lord Beelzebub.

"Oh yes, let's!" Vulva said happily.

Normally you'd think the sight of a large feathered Dragoness dragging a squealing howling fire Dragon down a tunnel would get some notice, but not in Hell. At most we got some amused glances from other demon kind, though the Imps and Beasts did their best just to pretend they didn't see anything. As Sgt. Schultz would say "I know nothing, I see nothing!" Pretty good rule to go by down here.

As she dragged me down the tunnel I finally shut up and just put my head on my crossed front legs and tried to enjoy the ride. I also swung my head over and gave her a good sniff or two. Her feathers made me sneeze a couple of times, but overall she smelled kind of nice, and I felt my interest start to kindle. Like I've said, I'm a horny little demon, and if a female Dragoness who's about three times my size wants to get laid then who am I to argue? I do try to please, and besides I had my orders from my Mistress so I would do my best to enjoy myself.

Eventually she found a room she liked, kicked out the residents, and dragged me inside. There was no door, but demon kind doesn't worry much about modesty. She looked me over and said,

"You are not much to look at, you are small and weak looking. It has been long since I have mated, so you had best pleasure me to the best of your abilities little one. Hiss. If I am left wanting I will not be, hiss, pleased little fire Dragon! I must warn you, I often devour my sexual partners, but of course most are not fellow demon kind, but I can always try. Hisss!"

Well, that's encouraging, I thought. So she thinks I'm too little, huh? She don't know me very well, do she?

I started to "court" her in the way of our kind. She was long and lithe, and covered in amazing multi-colored feather/scales and really was quite beautiful. I gently nibbled at her neck and rubbed my snout against hers, giving low hisses as I ran my tongue over her snout and rubbery lips, and at the same time ran my front claws through her feather/scales and groomed her neck, my tail busily caressing her side.

I am very serious about my love making, ever since Vulva and then Vulkna (my dragoness lover) had taught me sex could be just as much about pleasure as pain (and is best as a combination) I had become a true believer. And I was always as gentle as possible, at least by our standards. You may think it doesn't make sense for a demon to be concerned about being gentle with a sexual partner, but I was the victim of sexual torture and almost dead when I was sacrificed to Vulva, and when she raped me I didn't see it that way and was probably the most willing sacrificial partner she's ever had. That might explain why I love her so much, and she loves me in her own way.

To me the very thought of violent non-consenting sex is abhorrent to the extreme. I once savaged another demon who was forcing himself on an Imp, even though that is very common as Imps or beasts have no right to "refuse" the sexual advances of a master or mistress. I don't care if the others think I'm a little weird, I've experienced it and won't inflict the same horror on another, so there.

After several minutes of "foreplay" the object of my interest finally; grudgingly, opened her mouth and let my tongue explore it. Demon kind with hard scaly or bony muzzles can't really "kiss" per say, but we make up for it with tongue play. I twined my own tongue around hers and we took turns pulling our tongues into one mouth then the other, then separated them and ran them over one another's fangs and mouths, and down our throats. By now we were both becoming seriously aroused and our scents were changing to reflect our growing lust. We hissed and snarled softly as we kept grooming and "kissing". I began to work my way down her neck, gently nipping and nibbling at the base of her spines and grooming her strange feather/scales with my claws, and she did the same for me and her rough rasping tongue against my spines and scales made me give muffled squeals of pleasure, and from her own louder squeals and grunts she was enjoying my attentions as well. Finally I reached her hindquarters and rubbed my head and claws against the base of her tail as I wrapped my own tail around hers. I was trying to entice her to raise her tail for me, and by now I REALLY wanted her too as I was rock hard and aroused, and in a Dragon that goes way beyond anything a human can understand. It's a need that's closer to being elemental than anything else I can think of. I gave a deep grunting moan to let her know my own need, and with a grunt of her own she slowly rolled over on her side and raised her hind leg exposing her vent to me. I gave a loud hiss of delight, so she wanted me to work for the privilege of mounting her by making her "bloom" with oral stimulation. Hey, I'm a Dragon too, so it's NOT gross!

I started gently, just barely running the tip of my forked tongue over her loin scales and vent and then gave long slow licks to her tightly closed vent. She had propped herself up on her arms and was watching me intently while I pleasured her. And slowly; the longest time it had taken me so far to cause a female Dragon to "bloom" for me, her vent softened and opened to reveal her cloaca. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I thought as I went to work with a vengeance.

First I just traced the outline, teasing her with the tips of my tongue. She gave some soft squeals of pleasure, and I started to slowly run my tongue inside of her, just a little at first but steadily deeper and deeper as I explored her depths and immensely enjoyed her rich musky taste. As I gently worked on her forcing my tongue deeper and deeper she opened more and more and "bloomed" for me, hissing and squealing her lust. By this time part my snout was inside of her as well as she was very deep as are most Dragoness's, much to the delight of we males. Finally the sounds of her own need and her sweet taste had driven me just about crazy with lust, and with a guttural snarl I positioned myself, and with a bellowing roar mounted her.

She gave a deep bellow of her own, and clasped me to her with her hind legs in an embrace that would have killed a lesser being. I dug my claws into the stone floor on each side of her tail and grasped her stomach scales with my front claws and lunged and thrust into her hissing and screeching in pleasure and she threw her head back and forth giving guttural hisses of her own. It was incredibly intense and marvelous and I extended my nether tongue and penetrated her even deeper and she roared in ecstasy. For a Dragon my size I'm exceptionally well endowed, my erection is a good twenty-four inches long, probably thanks to Vulva, almost all her Pets are well equipped. Plus I have the unusual feature of a "nether" tongue or penis that I can extend from inside my main phallus for up to another ten inches. It makes for some VERY intense feelings in both myself and my partners. It's not that rare with male demon kind, but it is for fire Dragons. My mates are more than glad to find out about it though, but I always save it as a surprise.

She screeched and clawed at my head and neck, "What are you doing to me, what IS that! HISSSS, AAA-UGGGHHH! HISSSS!" I just ignored her, at this point we couldn't have stopped even we'd wanted to.

She had wanted me to service her, so I did, very thoroughly and to give us each the most pleasure possible. Its' one thing I have a true talent for. I dragged it out to almost an hour, and by the time I finally could hold back no longer she was squealing and roaring, begging me to let her come, clawing desperately at the ground. I threw back my head and gave a bellowing roar as I exploded deep inside of her, and as always the males ejaculation triggers the females own release and she screamed and howled in agonizing ecstasy.

With a moan I collapsed across her belly, still inside of her. She darted her head down and gently licked and nibbled at my head and snout, hissing in delight as she stroked me with her claws.

"Yes, I see why you come so highly recommended small one. Yessss, hissss."

With a deeper guttural hiss she grasped me with her hind legs. I raised my head with a happy hiss. Again? Oh yes!" And I started thrusting into her wet liquid embrace again. Oh Yesssss!!!

The second mating took much longer and became almost violent in the way of our kind. She clawed at me and I bit and clawed at her belly scales leaving gauges in them, but they would quickly heal. She bit at me as well, driven to a frenzy by my thrusts and what my nether tongue was doing to her. She would grab my bony neck shield and bite hard, growling and grunting and I managed to grab her by the neck and hold her. When we climaxed again she almost threw me off of her from her bucking and writhing.

Anyone or anything that heard our roars and screeches knew better then to poke their snouts or whatever into our mating den to see what was going on. We would have torn them to shreds in a second then went back to mating without even realizing we'd done it. More than one pair of mating Dragons have come down from their lust to find the bloody remains of a trespasser dripping from the walls. Oh yes, we are very passionate and will allow NO interruptions.

This time I was pretty beat, but as I moved to dismount she suddenly grabbed me with her hind legs again and ground against me.

"Again?!?" I asked somewhat incredulously.

"Oh yes, my little stud, we have ten hours remember? Hisss."

Oh Jeez, I thought. Three times wasn't unusual; so close together was, but being what I am I began to thrust again as we both screeched in mutual agonizing ecstasy. The third time I did pass out as I came, screeching and roaring. Oh, it was magnificent. And she wasn't through with me yet.

She suddenly flipped us over and straddled me, and somehow I stayed hard while she rode me to orgasm after orgasm until all I could do was lie there and mewl helplessly, but somehow I performed each time until my our fluids were leaking from her and running down my thighs. Her weight had me pinned and I was totally helpless.

When she started again at one point I grasped one of her huge hands in mine and licking it begging in a soft voice, "Please, no more, you're starting to hurt me, I'm sorry, I can't again, Please. I want to you're so beautiful, but I just can't." I asked with molten tears leaking from my eyes. I had finally met my match.

She looked at me and with a hiss got up and I was already limp when I slid from her, and I rolled over and held myself even after I had slid back inside. She lay next to me and licked and nibbled at me, it was nice but I couldn't do anything. "I'm sorry I chewed you up Great Lord." I managed to mumble.

"I must admit little one, I am impressed. You pleasured me ten times. Many a larger Dragon then you has screamed for mercy before I was finished but you lasted longer than any other has. Hiss." She gently nuzzled my snout and I "kissed" her back. "And that thing you did with your nether tongue, oh my, that was so incredibly delicious! Tell me, little one, would you like to mate with me again?"

"Oh yes, please. You are very special. Hiss." I managed to gasp before I realized what I was saying. But part of me was already looking forward to it.

She was very pleased, few asked for a repeat of her very demanding standards, but this little fellow was quite, um, enthusiastic even for a Dragon. And she knew he had done his job, as with all of her kind she knew the instant she was pregnant. It has been so long, she thought, as she ran her hand over her belly.

"Hmmm, my sweet, perhaps once a month? That would be nice, wouldn't it?" she asked.

"Mmmm, I said, perfect my lovely Dragon lady, that will give me time to recover." And she laughed.

Mistress Vulva looked up, then stood up and bowed deeply as Great Lord Quetzalcoatl entered the office dragging her Pet by the tail, and then dumped him on the floor. "Great Lord, she hissed, I trust he was, um, adequate."

"Oh yes, the Great Lord replied. More than adequate. I am glad to announce I am pregnant; he certainly lived up to his reputation. In fact I wish to make regular appointments to further partake of his, um, talents."

While they worked out the details the pirate walked over to me and gave me a nudge with his pegleg. "Arrrrr Matey, Ye be lucky, usually she scarf's her partners down, ye must have shagged her good and proper! Arrrrr!"

"Goway" I moaned, and he laughed.

His Mistress took her parrot form again, and they left the office singing "All for Me Grog!"

"Well, it's about time you got done! Vulva said, she said ten hours; it's been more like twelve! We have things to do Pet! Hisss!" He just ignored her as he got to his feet and she noticed he was staggering and seemed to be almost drunk. "Oh Pet, you didn't a hold of a jug of chlorine again, did you? I've told those stupid Overseers not to let you into the cleaning supplies! HISS!" He just looked at her with a blurry eyed stupefied look, and said,

"Ten times! Hic. Bam! Pow! To the moon Alice! Waay down upon the Suwannee River, far, far, away, that's where the Dragons play! I'm gonna go die now, bye." He hissed in a dazed sounding voice and lurched out of the room while she watched with her mouth open.

I staggered and weaved past her and down the hall to the bedroom and with a moan collapsed onto my fireproof rug and curled up with the tip of my tail in my mouth and fell instantly into an exhausted sleep, totally oblivious.

"Pet! What the HELL did that mean? Get back in here NOW, we have work to do!" Vulva hissed, "Don't make me come back there! Hiss!" When she didn't get a reply, either verbally or in her head she got mad, and with an irritated snort got up. Good for nothing lazy beast! If he was raiding her urinal cake stash again he'd be one sorry lizard!

She entered the bedroom, and to her surprise he was curled up on that ratty old rug he loved, sound asleep and as usual sucking on his tail. Her anger turned to concern, he looked pale (which scared her a little bit) and exhausted. Usually when he came back from servicing a female he had a prance in his step and was proud of himself; but this time he looked as near death as his kind could. She gently pulled his tail out of his mouth and he muttered something about feathers and started hissing as he snored. She stroked his eye ridges and snout and he made quiet little happy noises and kicked his hind leg feebly. "Oh my Pet, she said in a soft hissing voice, whatever would I do without you my little jelly bean?"

Vulva went back to her office and went back to work. It was inventory time and for some reason several cases of urinal cakes were missing, and she had an idea as to who was responsible, but she hadn't managed to catch him yet. Sometime later she looked up as a large red Dragoness entered the office with her young perched on her back.

"Vulkna dear, so nice to see you!" Drat, she'd forgotten about the Dragoness's appointment, and her Pet was certainly in no condition to service another female, probably not for another week at least from his condition. "Oh, I'm so sorry, but he's, um, indisposed right now. I should have contacted you, but it was one of those last second unexpected developments." She heard a dragging scratching sound and looked down as one of the hatchlings dragged a large cutlass out from under the desk. She reached down and picked it up, "Thank you dearie, we were looking for that earlier." She threw the delighted chick a brimstone cookie, and then had to give one to all fourteen of his siblings in order to avoid a riot.

"Oh, that's too bad. The kiddies were so looking forward to seeing Daddy again, and I'm so horny. That will just make next time even better though, she added with a hiss of anticipation. Say Vulva, did you hear about Klash and Reptor? You would not believe what they they've been up to!"

Vulva, who loved Hell gossip, put her elbows on the table and put her muzzle in her hands, and said, "Do tell!" They talked for awhile, and after a bit Vulkna got tired of trying to keep an eye on all the hatchlings, so said,

"Excuse me for a minute, I need to settle the kiddies down for a nap or they'll get cranky. Zaggat! Quit bothering Mr. Hitler, and Ruprecht you put that fish back in the aquarium right this instant! Vulna, you leave that alone, you don't know where it's been! She herded them into the next room, and came back a few minutes later. "Now where were we, oh yes!"

I woke up groggily. Where was I, who am I? Oh yeah, right, Damned forever, Hell, I'm a demon, so much for that dream. I rolled over with a moan, oh man that Dragoness sure fucked the Hell out of me, what a lady! I'd be walking funny for a week at least. Then I caught a scent, Vulkna! This was her day, oh crap! I'd better keep a low profile. Then I caught more scents, the kids! Oh double crap. Last time the little shits where here they stuck my tail in the automatic pencil sharpener. Everyone laughed except me. I was in no condition to defend myself right now, and they'd find me sooner or later, they always did. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

One problem with Hell is no doors, so hiding is hard. It's a status symbol thing, plus the higher ups figure their slaves shouldn't have anything to hide anyway. They don't trust us, gee, I wonder why? But there was one room with a door in my Mistress's quarters, the Office Supplies closet. Why it had one I have no idea, but it did. Usually I won't go near the place as there are dead things in there with the so-called office and cleaning supplies, Vulva's shrunken heads collection was one example. They bite. But the thought of having fifteen flying cuisinarts chewing on my butt made be decide to take my chances with the dead things. So I snuck into the next room, tiptoed (I can do it, but it's hard) over to the Office Supplies, opened the door and quietly slipped inside. Safe! The door shut and I knew I was locked in, but figured I could hold out until Vulkna and the brats were gone. Eventually Vulva would hear me begging and let me out.

Ah, safety of a sort, I thought as I settled back in a corner as far from the deadly cleaning supplies and dead things as I could get. I closed my eyes and started to drop off to sleep again, and then heard a skittering sound. I looked up and found fifteen pairs of beady little eyes with the fires of Hell glowing in them looking down at me from the shelves. "Hiiissss, Hewo Daddy!" hissed fifteen little voices.

"AUUUGGGHHHH! MISTRESS! HEEEELLLLPP! HISSSS! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S UNHOLY, SAVE ME! THEY'VE GOT ME! MISSSTTTRRREESSSS!" I screamed and begged piteously. Between the dead things and the kiddies I didn't have a chance in, well, Hell.

Vulva and Vulkna stopped and listened to the sudden bedlam coming from the next room. Horrible bloodcurdling screams, hisses, shrieks, the sound of things breaking, and scratching sounds like something trying to claw its way through a wall or door.

"Vulkna dear, asked Vulva, where did you put the hatchlings?"

"Oh, I put them in some nice cozy boxes in the Office Supplies Closet. It was the only place they couldn't get out of and was nice and dark. What do you think it going on?" Vulkna asked as the horrible sounds grew in volume.

"Hmm, Vulva chuckled. I think Daddy found the kiddies, or they found Daddy. It seems he's somehow ended up in the Closet too, and is having fun with his family."

Vulkna cocked her head towards the ongoing sounds, "Doesn't sound like fun to me very much. You know what they did to him last time I was here. They can get somewhat overly enthusiastic you know. Maybe we'd better check on things?"

Vulva replied, "Oh, they're just having fun. Let's give them some time to bond." And they both started to laugh in great hissing snorts.

"MIIISSSSTTTRREESSS!" I screamed as I clawed desperately at the door. "PLEASE HELP ME! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE LIKE! Behave yourselves! STOP that Radford! NO! Don't you DARE let those shrunken heads out of their box! "AAAAUUUGGGHHH! GET AWAY FROM ME! NO, NOT THERE! I'M GONNA DIE! LEMME OUT! MIIISSTTRREESS SAVE ME, PLEEAASSSEE!"



The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing new characters.

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This chapter basically introduces two new characters to The Seeker series. I hope it is met with the same enthusiasm the previous chapters have received. The Seeker, Chapter 8, Introducing New Characters ...

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The Fertility Charm

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Fertility Charm By William W. Kelso It was hot, I was dirty, and I was bored as Hell. I had thought an archaeological dig would be more interesting then this BS. When I got the offer to help at a...

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The Bog

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Bog By William W. Kelso I decided to get an early start as possible as it was quite a long drive to my destination from Dublin. The narrow country roads would slow me down considerably as well....

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